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História da formação de professores de educação física em regime especial na Universidade Estadual do Piauí: 1998 - 2006 / History of teacher education in special regime at the State University of Piauí: 1998-2006Sousa, José Carlos de 09 November 2018 (has links)
A presente tese se propôs a fazer um estudo histórico de como historiograficamente ocorreu a formação dos professores no contexto da Universidade Estadual do Piauí nas cidades de Parnaíba, Picos e Floriano, a partir do período da expansão e interiorização de cursos de graduação em Licenciatura Plena em Educação Física na modalidade Regime Especial, no período de 1998 a 2006, para atender a professores Leigos, aprovados em processo vestibular atendendo à legislação do plano decenal normatizada através da LDB 9394/96 e lei do Fundef (9424/96). Com o objetivo de conhecer a história da formação de professores de Educação Física na modalidade Regime Especial pela Uespi, investiga-se o processo de expansão e interiorização, caracteriza-se o perfil dos docentes egressos e analisa-se a perspectiva histórica dessa formação. A Uespi possibilitou aos piauienses a ampliação de conhecimentos científicos acadêmicos, favorecendo, assim, à democratização e valorização do ensino e dos profissionais da educação no Piauí. Metodologicamente, esta tese constituiu-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, por meio da estratégia de produção de dados e aplicação de questionário a 56 sujeitos, entrevista semiestruturada de profundidade com 27 sujeitos e análise através da técnica de Análise de Conteúdo (BARDIN, 2016). Os sujeitos se formaram em Educação Física no Regime Especial graduação oferecida pela Universidade Estadual do Piauí no período de férias em serviço de 1998 a 2006. Na conclusão dessa pesquisa, pretendeu-se mostrar que o regime especial, enquanto modalidade formativa, estruturada como curso superior, em nível de graduação, na modalidade Licenciatura Plena, não se constituiu como opção mais adequada para proporcionar uma boa formação aos professores de Educação Física em exercício na escola pública do Piauí, respectivamentes nas cidades de Parnaíba, Picos e Floriano, tendo visto que o modelo formativo proposto e desenvolvido pela Uespi apresentava muitos limites no que se refere aos aspectos estruturais e poucas possibilidades referente à formação a partir da imposição da lei, assim como levando em conta o tempo para a realização da formação, o espaço e as experiências vivenciadas pelos docentes nas diferentes cidades que adotamos para se analisar a formação docente em cursos desta natureza. Ressalta-se que a contribuição deste trabalho pode ter seus limites, entretanto a explicitação das intervenções externas das políticas de formação de professores e seus desdobramentos na prática dos alunos-professores busca evidenciar não só submissão aos apelos do neoliberalismo, presente naquele momento político que vivia o Brasil, especialmente o Piauí, mas também conhecer a relevância naquele momento histórico da presença da Universidade Estadual do Piauí no processo de formação de professores de Educação Física em Regime Especial. / The present thesis has proposed to make a historical study of how historiographically occurred the formation of teachers in the context of the State University of Piauí in the cities of Parnaíba, Picos and Floriano, from the period of expansion and make internally the undergraduate courses in full degree in Physical Education in the Special Regime modality, from 1998 to 2006, to attend lay teachers, approved in the entrance exam process in compliance with the legislation of the decennial plan normalized through LDB 9394/96 and Fundef\'s law (9424/96). With the objective of knowing the history of Physical Education teachers training in the Special Regime modality by Uespi, it investigates the process of expansion and internalization, characterize the profile of the egressed teachers and analyze in historical perspective of this formation. Uespi enabled people from Piauí to expand academic scientific knowledge, thus favoring the democratization and enhancement of education and education professionals in Piauí. Methodologically, this thesis was constituted in a qualitative research which goes through the strategy of data production application of questionnaire to 56 subjects and semi-structured interview of depth with 27 subjects and analysis through the technique of Content Analysis (Bardin, 2016). They graduated in Physical Education in the Special Regime undergraduate offered by the State University of Piauí in the period of vacation in in-service training from 1998 to 2006. In conclusion for this research, it was intended to show that the special regime as a formative modality, structured as a college course, at the graduation level, was not a more adequate option to provide a good training to Physical Education teachers in the public school of Piauí, respectively in the cities of Parnaíba, Picos and Floriano, the training model proposed and developed by Uespi, presented few limits regarding the structural aspects and many possibilities related to the formation from the imposition of the law, as well as according the time for the realization of the training, the space and the experiences lived by the teachers in the different cities that we chose to analyze the teacher training in courses of this nature. It should be emphasized that the contribution of this work can have its limits, however, the explicit external interventions of teacher education policies and their development process in the studentteacher practice, searches not only to submit to the appeals of neoliberalism, present at that political moment who lived in Brazil, especially in Piauí, but also to know the relevance in that historical moment of the presence of the State University of Piauí in the process of training Physical Education Teachers in Special Regime.
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Domovy se zvláštním režimem pro osoby s autismem / Home with special regime for people with autismHavránková, Martina January 2014 (has links)
Anotation This thesis deals with autism spectrum disorders and social residential services, special homes. In the theoretical part, the basic information is about social services in Czech Republic. Another chapter is devoted to autism and its forms. The following chapter is devoted to workers in direct care and burnout syndrom, which are at risk. In the theoretical part I further develop the theme of problem behavior and subsequent restrictive measures that are working with people affected by autism sometimes unavoidable. In the practical part describes the day to day running of The Home Libčice, which is designed for stay of persons with autism associated with problem behavior. There is investigated the possible influence of stay in this facility for troubled client behavior. Key words: Aggressiveness Autism Burnout syndrom Homes with special regime Restriction
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Regimes especiais de ICMS: natureza jurídica e limites / ICMS special regimes: legal nature and limitsMiguel, Carolina Romanini 06 May 2013 (has links)
O trabalho tem por objetivo analisar em que medida o Poder Executivo está autorizado pela Constituição Federal e pela lei estadual paulista a conferir a contribuintes do Imposto sobre Operações relativas à Circulação de Mercadorias e sobre Prestação de Serviços de Transporte Interestadual e Intermunicipal e de Comunicação (ICMS) tratamentos tributários diferenciados, mediante a expedição de norma individual e abstrata que modifique a sua regra-matriz de incidência ou a forma de cumprimento de obrigações instrumentais. Cumpre-nos examinar a legitimidade da concessão de regime especial diante dos princípios da legalidade, igualdade e devido processo legal. Esta análise pressupõe o exercício da função administrativa discricionária quando da identificação dos casos especiais nos quais o contribuinte encontra dificuldades para cumprir com suas obrigações tributárias sem prejuízo de sua atividade econômica. A preocupação é como compatibilizar a possibilidade de modificação do tratamento tributário aplicável a este contribuinte com (i) a regra-matriz de incidência do ICMS delineada no texto constitucional e veiculada pelo Poder Legislativo estadual e (ii) a manutenção da neutralidade do Estado e das condições de livre concorrência. Buscaremos examinar em quais condições normativas poderia o Poder Executivo Estadual conceder regimes especiais consensuais de tributação pelo ICMS. / The work aims to analyze to which extent the Executive Branch is authorized by the Federal Constitution and by the São Paulo State law to grant to taxpayers of the State Value Added Tax (ICMS) special tax treatments upon the issuance of an individual and abstract rule that modifies the general legal provision on the levy of this tax or that modifies how to comply with the instrumental obligations. We shall examine the lawfulness of the concession of the special tax regime in view of principles of legality, equality and due process of law. This analysis assumes the exercise of discretionary administrative function when identifying the special cases in which the taxpayer finds it difficult to meet their tax obligations without jeopardizing its economic activity. The concern is how to reconcile the possibility of modifying the tax treatment applicable to that taxpayer with (i) the general legal provision on the ICMS levy outlined in the Constitution and enacted by the state Legislative Branch and (ii) maintaining the neutrality of the state and the free competition conditions. We will seek to examine in which normative conditions the State Executive Branch could grant consensual special ICMS tax regimes.
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Branduolinės energetikos objektų statybos teisinio reguliavimo ypatumai / The peculiarities of the new nuclear power plant construction legal regulationBurokas, Mantas 22 January 2009 (has links)
Branduolinės energetikos objektas – statybos teisinis reguliavimas – branduolinės saugos principai – specialusis teisinis reguliavimas
Branduolinės energetikos objektų statybos teisinis reguliavimas yra unikalus, išsiskiriantis iš kitų statinių statybos padidintu dėmesiu branduolinės saugos priemonių įgyvendinimui. Šio objekto statybos teisinio reguliavimo srities svarba tampa vis aktualesne dabartinių branduolinės energetikos objektų statybos procesų aktyvėjimo kontekste. Nežiūrint į tai, jog Lietuva priklauso branduolinę energetiką vystančių šalių grupei, siekiančiai plėsti branduolinės energetikos pajėgumus, dabartinis branduolinės energetikos objektų statybos teisinis reguliavimas nėra tinkamai paruoštas įgyvendinti nuoseklią bei nepertraukiamą branduolinės energetikos objekto statybą.
Branduolinės energetikos objektų statybos teisinio reguliavimo ypatumai bei skirtumai, lyginant su kitų objektų statybos teisiniu reguliavimu, yra akivaizdūs viso statybos proceso teisinio reguliavimo metu. Lietuvai tapus tarptautinės bendrijos nare, tarptautiniai teisės aktai tapo privaloma nacionalinės teisės sistemos dalimi.
Branduolinės energetikos objektų statybos procesas yra glaudžiai susijęs su kitomis teisinio reguliavimo sritimis, tokiomis kaip teritorijų planavimu, žemės teisiniais santykiais, nuosavybės teisiniu reguliavimu ir kitomis, tačiau svarbiausias šio teisinio reguliavimo bruožas yra branduolinės saugos priemonių įgyvendinimas. Šis, objekto saugumo, tikslas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Nuclear Facility – Legal Regulation of Construction – Nuclear Safety Principles – Special Regime of Legal Regulation
Legal regulation of the construction of nuclear facilities is unique of its nature, varying from the construction of the other buildings in enhanced attention for the implementation of nuclear safety measures. The legal regulation of the construction of such an facility becomes more actual in the context of the construction of new nuclear facilities which, in nowadays, becomes more active despite the fact that Lithuania belongs to the group of countries enrolled in nuclear energy, having the goal to increase the capacity of nuclear energy, the present legal regulation of the construction of nuclear facilities is not arranged enough for the consistent and continuous implementation of the construction of new nuclear facilities.
The peculiarities and differences of the legal regulation of the new nuclear facilities, in comparison of the legal regulation of other constructions, are obvious in the overall process of construction legal regulation. When Lithuania became a member of the international community, international legal acts became a part of national legal regulation.
The construction process of nuclear facilities is closely related to other spheres of legal regulation, especially with territory planning, land law, regulation of the ownership right and others, however the most important feature of legal regulation is the implementation of nuclear safety... [to full text]
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Regimes especiais de ICMS: natureza jurídica e limites / ICMS special regimes: legal nature and limitsCarolina Romanini Miguel 06 May 2013 (has links)
O trabalho tem por objetivo analisar em que medida o Poder Executivo está autorizado pela Constituição Federal e pela lei estadual paulista a conferir a contribuintes do Imposto sobre Operações relativas à Circulação de Mercadorias e sobre Prestação de Serviços de Transporte Interestadual e Intermunicipal e de Comunicação (ICMS) tratamentos tributários diferenciados, mediante a expedição de norma individual e abstrata que modifique a sua regra-matriz de incidência ou a forma de cumprimento de obrigações instrumentais. Cumpre-nos examinar a legitimidade da concessão de regime especial diante dos princípios da legalidade, igualdade e devido processo legal. Esta análise pressupõe o exercício da função administrativa discricionária quando da identificação dos casos especiais nos quais o contribuinte encontra dificuldades para cumprir com suas obrigações tributárias sem prejuízo de sua atividade econômica. A preocupação é como compatibilizar a possibilidade de modificação do tratamento tributário aplicável a este contribuinte com (i) a regra-matriz de incidência do ICMS delineada no texto constitucional e veiculada pelo Poder Legislativo estadual e (ii) a manutenção da neutralidade do Estado e das condições de livre concorrência. Buscaremos examinar em quais condições normativas poderia o Poder Executivo Estadual conceder regimes especiais consensuais de tributação pelo ICMS. / The work aims to analyze to which extent the Executive Branch is authorized by the Federal Constitution and by the São Paulo State law to grant to taxpayers of the State Value Added Tax (ICMS) special tax treatments upon the issuance of an individual and abstract rule that modifies the general legal provision on the levy of this tax or that modifies how to comply with the instrumental obligations. We shall examine the lawfulness of the concession of the special tax regime in view of principles of legality, equality and due process of law. This analysis assumes the exercise of discretionary administrative function when identifying the special cases in which the taxpayer finds it difficult to meet their tax obligations without jeopardizing its economic activity. The concern is how to reconcile the possibility of modifying the tax treatment applicable to that taxpayer with (i) the general legal provision on the ICMS levy outlined in the Constitution and enacted by the state Legislative Branch and (ii) maintaining the neutrality of the state and the free competition conditions. We will seek to examine in which normative conditions the State Executive Branch could grant consensual special ICMS tax regimes.
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Podíl logopeda na komplexní péči o osoby se syndromem demence / Participation of the speech therapist on comprehensive care of people with the syndrome of dementiaZábranská, Nicola January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation deals with issues of the dementia syndrome and the speech therapy as a part of its therapy. It describes basic types of dementia, risk factors affecting its formation, diagnostics including the most famous diagnostic tests, the general treatment of dementia, and institutions, where the care for people with dementia could be realized. Subsequently it namely focuses on the speech intervention for this group of people. As a part of this dissertation a workbook with the plan for the treatment of impaired communication abilities in dementia was created. Tests were carried out with four individuals with dementia caused by Alzheimer's disease. The results, even evaluated just subjectively, show that this plan might be appropriate as a cornerstone of speech intervention for people with dementia, which in our country is not very broadly spread in our country. Keywords: dementia, cognitive abilities, speech therapy, Alzheimer's disease, communication, homes with special regime
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Financování vybraných sociálních služeb pro seniory / Funding of selected social services for seniorsVardanová, Magda January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis Funding of selected social services for seniors deals with the system of funding of the social services for the elderly - retirement homes and homes with a special regime in the Czech Republic. It is focused on the analysis of costs and earnings for these services and possible measurement of efficiency during providing of services. For the area in the nonprofit sector there are specific features of financing, which enables providing of social services. Attention is also paid to proposals for changes in the current system of financing. Sources of data analysis are internal data of regions of Ostrava and Zlin, internal data providers gathered for benchmarking and report on the performance of individual service providers.
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Etika a moc v sociálně zdravotních službách / Ethics and Power in Social Health ServicesHradcová, Dana January 2015 (has links)
The following text is an ethnographical study of relations in which care is shaped. On the example of care homes with special regime I describe how power is made and how different ideals are enacted in care of people with dementia. Through the analysis of daily activities' micro practice, I introduce two possible ways (modes of ordering) of care for frail elderly with cognitive impairment. The first of the modes is based on an enactment of ideals introduced into the practice by the Social Services Act and related system of quality standards: autonomy, individualisation, activation, and inclusion. It relies on standardisation of procedures, detailed specification of actions and management by objectives. The second mode of ordering, which could be located in the stories from care homes, is founded on an inevitable human dependency and vulnerability, and on general human need of giving and receiving care. In it, relationships and care improvisation here and now play the key role. My ethnographic fieldwork has shown that in everyday practice these two ways of doing good care co-exist - they complement each other, overlap and sometimes clash. People in care homes, striving for the better and the best care, either keep together, or hold apart these different and non-coherent ways of care. In discourse of...
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Etika a moc v sociálně zdravotních službách / Ethics and Power in Social Health ServicesHradcová, Dana January 2015 (has links)
The following text is an ethnographical study of relations in which care is shaped. On the example of care homes with special regime I describe how power is made and how different ideals are enacted in care of people with dementia. Through the analysis of daily activities' micro practice, I introduce two possible ways (modes of ordering) of care for frail elderly with cognitive impairment. The first of the modes is based on an enactment of ideals introduced into the practice by the Social Services Act and related system of quality standards: autonomy, individualisation, activation, and inclusion. It relies on standardisation of procedures, detailed specification of actions and management by objectives. The second mode of ordering, which could be located in the stories from care homes, is founded on an inevitable human dependency and vulnerability, and on general human need of giving and receiving care. In it, relationships and care improvisation here and now play the key role. My ethnographic fieldwork has shown that in everyday practice these two ways of doing good care co-exist - they complement each other, overlap and sometimes clash. People in care homes, striving for the better and the best care, either keep together, or hold apart these different and non-coherent ways of care. In discourse of...
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Problematika institucionální péče o seniory s Alzheimerovou chorobou / The issue of institutional care for the elderly with Alzheimer's diseaseJírová, Monika January 2013 (has links)
Thesis entitled "The issue of institutional care for the elderly with Alzheimer's disease" includes information about different types of dementia, charts the current situation in the Czech Republic and in the world, characterized fundamental questions of social policy and presents some methods of non-pharmacological treatment. The research analyzes the conditions of life of seniors with Alzheimer's disease who live in different types of institutions. It also focuses on family members. For compact view on the topic contribute opinions of experts from relevant institutions. Aim of this study is to describe and compare the system of care in individual and institutional facilities using statistical information to point to the timeliness issue.
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