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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito da microestrutura e propriedades físicas das partículas precursoras na obtenção de mulita in situ / Particles microstructure and physical properties effects on the obtainment of \"in situ\" mullite

Cardoso, Pedro Henrique Lopes 15 March 2019 (has links)
Matérias-primas cerâmicas são tecnologicamente muito importantes, pois são aplicadas desde a indústria de base, como isolamento térmico dos fornos siderúrgicos feito pelas cerâmicas refratárias, por exemplo; até a produção de materiais para a construção civil, componentes eletrônicos, entre outros. Devido a essa ampla aplicação, muitos estudos se desenvolveram com o intuito de conhecer as propriedades desses materiais, bem como suas interações com o processamento. Tais propriedades são determinantes para as aplicações e também para as rotas de produção que podem ser empregadas. A principal técnica de processamento cerâmico para consolidação das peças e ganho de propriedades mecânicas é a sinterização. Este processo sofre grande influência das propriedades físicas das partículas que compõem as matérias-primas. O presente estudo se propõe a investigar e monitorar, através de modificações estruturais controladas, quais as características das partículas que mais afetam esta etapa do processamento. Para tal estudo escolheu-se o sistema Al2O3-SiO2 em proporção estequiométrica (3:2) para obtenção de Mulita. Dentre as matérias-primas componentes do sistema, a sílica (SiO2) é a que mais sofre modificações estruturais em uma faixa de temperatura relativamente baixa; logo, foi selecionada para ter suas propriedades modificadas mediante tratamentos térmicos variados, de 700°C, 900°C e 1100°C. As modificações causadas nas propriedades físicas e seus efeitos foram monitorados. Avaliou-se a influência causada na obtenção de mulita estequiométrica, as alterações nas propriedades mecânicas dos corpos de prova sinterizados em temperaturas diferentes (1100°C, 1300°C e 1500°C) durante 3 horas, e a estabilidade dimensional. A sílica aplicada no estudo foi uma sílica amorfa precipitada, disponível comercialmente. Os resultados mostraram que a sílica teve sua área superficial específica (ASE) variando de cerca de 150 m²/g até valores próximos de 0,5 m²/g. Ficou evidente ainda que a variação da ASE das partículas foi responsável por grandes interferências na sinterização ou densificação das estruturas. Este processo depende da movimentação dos átomos para regiões da superfície onde ocorrerá o contato entre as partículas e sua junção. Com a redução da ASE, a sinterização se torna menos efetiva e a estabilidade dimensional é favorecida. Por outro lado, quando a sinterização das partículas é proeminente, a densificação das estruturas dá origem a componentes com boas propriedades mecânicas, aplicáveis em situações estruturais. Os resultados mostraram ainda que é possível obter estruturas com propriedades mecânicas semelhantes, como resistência à ruptura e módulo elástico, mesmo tendo partido de matérias-primas muito diferentes, permitindo o nivelamento e adequação dessas propriedades às aplicações desejadas. / Ceramic raw-materials are technologically very important, once they are applied since basic industry, such as thermal insulating for steel furnace made by refractory ceramics until the production of materials for construction, electronics compounds and others. Due to its wide hall of applications, many studies were developed for understand these materials\' properties and its interaction with processing. Such properties are application and processing route determinant. The main processing technique for consolidating and gaining of mechanical properties is sintering. This process is highly influenced by particles\' physical properties. This very study is proposed to investigate and monitor, by controlled structure modifications, which particles\' characteristics affects sintering more intensely. For such objective, the system Al2O3-SiO2 on stoichiometric proportion (3:2) for mullite obtaining was chosen. Among system\'s raw-material, silica (SiO2) is easier to be modified by temperature in a relatively low range, so it was selected to have its properties changed by different thermal treatment of 700°C, 900°C and 1100°C. Physical properties\' modifications and its effects were monitored. The influence on stoichiometric mullite obtaining, variations on mechanical properties of 3 hours long sintered samples (1100°C, 1300°C and 1500°C), and dimensional stability were measured. Market-available precipitate amorphous silica was employed. Results showed that thermal treatment of silica was able to vary its specific surface area (SSA) from 150 m2g-1 to values near of 0,5 m2g-1. It was also clear that SSA variation was responsible for interfering on sintering. This process depends on atoms movement to surface regions where will occur contact and particles bonding. With SSA reduction, sintering is less effective and dimensional stability is favored. On the other hand, when particles\' sintering is more effective structure densification will end on components with good mechanical properties, finding uses on structural application. Results also showed that is possible to obtain similar mechanical properties structures even when raw-materials exhibit different characteristics.

Fosforavskiljning och hydraulisk konduktivitet i markbaserade reningssystem – Kornstorleksfördelningens betydelse / Phosphorus removal and hydraulic conductivity in WSAS - Influence of grain size distribution

Elmefors, Elin January 2011 (has links)
Fosforutsläpp kan leda till övergödning i vattenrecipienten om kritiska nivåer överskrids. De enskilda avloppen står idag för en relativt stor andel av Sveriges fosforutsläpp jämfört med de kommunala avloppen. Detta kan sättas i bakgrund av att staten, alltsedan 1970-talet, har lagt ner stora resurser på att reducera utsläppen hos kommunala avlopp, medan en motsvarande satsning på de enskilda avloppen uteblivit. Merparten av dagens enskilda avlopp utgörs av markbaserade reningssystem, det vill säga avloppslösningar där avloppsvattnet får passera genom markmaterial för att renas. Fosforreningen i markbaserade reningssystem har forskningshistoriskt sett inte varit en prioriterad fråga, vilket har lett till kunskapsbrist inom området. Naturvårdsverket har i och med miljöbalkens införande skärpt sina krav på fosforreningen hos enskilda avlopp. Trots att Naturvårdsverket nu har satt upp exakta kravgränser på fosforutsläpp, exempelvis att en normal skyddsnivå motsvarar en rening på 70 %, saknas dock råd för hur gemene man, inför byggandet av ett markbaserat reningssystem, ska kunna uppskatta fosforreningsförmågan i markmaterialet. Emellertid rekommenderar Naturvårdsverket att man inför byggandet ska uppskatta markmaterialets hydrauliska konduktivitet, en uppskattning som ofta utförs genom att mäta markmaterialets kornstorleksfördelning. Det finns även forskning som tyder på att kornstorleksfördelningen skulle kunna ha samband med fosforreningen. Syftet med detta examensarbete var framförallt att utvärdera om kornstorleks- fördelningen kan användas som ett mått på fosforreningen. Som ett sidospår till detta utvärderades även om den hydrauliska konduktiviteten kan bestämmas ur kornstorleks- fördelningen. Empiriska formler har vid tidigare studier etablerats för detta, men frågan är om dylika empiriska formler gäller för de undersökta markbaserade reningssystemen. Undersökningens resultat tydde på ett samband mellan kornstorlek och hydraulisk konduktivitet medan det inte kunde påvisas något samband mellan kornstorleks- fördelning och fosforrening. Det är därmed önskvärt att finna ett annat mått på fosforreningen i markbaserade reningssystem. Kan vi inte uppskatta hur mycket de markbaserade reningssystemen bidrar till övergödningen kan vi inte heller väga denna negativa miljöpåverkan mot de markbaserade systemens fördelar, såsom relativt låg energiförbrukning och relativt små utsläpp av växthusgaser. / Release of phosphorus is one of the contributing factors of eutrophication in aquatic recipients. In Sweden, on-site wastewater treatment represents large emissions of phosphorous per person in comparison to municipal wastewater treatment. This can be put in the context of the Government’s large investments for reducing phosphorus in municipal wastewater treatment plants, while no corresponding investment has yet been made in the field of on-site wastewater treatment. In Sweden, the on-site wastewater treatment systems of today mainly consist of WSAS (Wastewater soil absorption systems), i.e. systems where wastewater is cleaned by passing though soil material. During the history of research about WSAS issues of phosphorous removal have not been first priority, which has led to a considerable lack of knowledge regarding these issues. Since 1999, when the Swedish regulations of environmental law were established, the SEPA (Swedish Environmental Protection Agency) has tightened up their demands of phosphorus removal in on-site wastewater treatment systems, for instance by stating that a phosphorous removal of 70% shall be reached to accomplish a “normal level of protection”. Despite this fact, there are no recommendations of how to estimate phosphorus removal in the soil material. However, the SEPA recommends estimation of hydraulic conductivity before building WSAS. This estimation is usually made by measuring grain size distribution in the soil material. One interesting fact is that there, according to some scientists, might be a connection between grain size distribution and phosphorus removal. The aim of this thesis was mainly to investigate if measure of grain size distribution can be used in order to estimate phosphorus removal. The aim was also to evaluate if grain size distribution is a good indicator of hydraulic conductivity in the investigated WSAS. It was concluded that grain size distribution is a suitable indicator of hydraulic conductivity, but not a suitable indicator of phosphorus removal. Thus, we still need to find an easy way to estimate the phosphorus removal in WSAS. If we do not know the extent of impact on eutrophication by WSAS, we cannot weigh this negative impact against the positive aspects of relatively low energy usage and low release of green house gases compared to other on-site wastewater treatment systems.

Nanoporous Carbons: Porous Characterization and Electrical Performance in Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors

Caguiat, Johnathon 21 November 2013 (has links)
Nanoporous carbons have become a material of interest in many applications such as electrochemical double layer capacitors (supercapacitors). Supercapacitors are being studied for their potential in storing electrical energy storage from intermittent sources and in use as power sources that can be charged rapidly. However, a lack of understanding of the charge storage mechanism within a supercapacitor makes it difficult to optimize them. Two components of this challenge are the difficulties in experimentally characterizing the sub-nanoporous structure of carbon electrode materials and the electrical performance of the supercapacitors. This work provides a means to accurately characterize the porous structure of sub-nanoporus carbon materials and identifies the current limitations in characterizing the electrical performance of a supercapacitor cell. Future work may focus on the relationship between the sub-nano porous structure of the carbon electrode and the capacitance of supercapacitors, and on the elucidation of charge storage mechanisms.

Nanoporous Carbons: Porous Characterization and Electrical Performance in Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors

Caguiat, Johnathon 21 November 2013 (has links)
Nanoporous carbons have become a material of interest in many applications such as electrochemical double layer capacitors (supercapacitors). Supercapacitors are being studied for their potential in storing electrical energy storage from intermittent sources and in use as power sources that can be charged rapidly. However, a lack of understanding of the charge storage mechanism within a supercapacitor makes it difficult to optimize them. Two components of this challenge are the difficulties in experimentally characterizing the sub-nanoporous structure of carbon electrode materials and the electrical performance of the supercapacitors. This work provides a means to accurately characterize the porous structure of sub-nanoporus carbon materials and identifies the current limitations in characterizing the electrical performance of a supercapacitor cell. Future work may focus on the relationship between the sub-nano porous structure of the carbon electrode and the capacitance of supercapacitors, and on the elucidation of charge storage mechanisms.

Nouvelle génération de précurseurs "bulk" de catalyseur d'hydrodésulfuration synthétisés en milieu fluides supercritique / New generation of "bulk" catalyst precursors for hydrodesulfurization synthesized in supercritical fluids

Théodet, Manuel 03 November 2010 (has links)
L’objet de ce travail de thèse porte sur la synthèse originale en milieu fluide supercritique (FSC) de précurseurs « bulk » de catalyseurs d’hydrodésulfuration (HDS) à haute surface spécifique (SBET), destinés à l’HDS de composés soufrés réfractaires tels que le 4,6 diméthyldibenzothiophène (4,6¬ DMDBT). Ce projet a été réalisé en collaboration entre l'Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux (ICMCB-CNRS) et l'Instituto de Tecnología Química de Valencia (ITQ-CSIC) dans le cadre du réseau européen d’excellence Functional Advanced Materials and Engineering of Hybrids and Ceramics (FAMEnoe). Les études à l’ICMCB se sont portées sur l’optimisation des paramètres de synthèse en milieu FSC de NixCo1-xMoO4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) (précurseurs métalliques, solvant, température, pression). Des poudres de précurseurs « bulk » majoritairement composées de la phase hydratée (NiMoO4.0,75H2O) - phase la plus active en HDS - de composition contrôlée et pouvant atteindre près de 200 m2.g-1 ont été obtenues et caractérisées.Les propriétés catalytiques de ces précurseurs « bulk » après sulfuration ont ensuite été testées à l’ITQ sur la réaction de Deep-HDS d’un mélange modèle et d’une fraction pétrolière réelle. L’étude souligne plus particulièrement leurs meilleures capacités d’hydrogénation et de catalyse de l’HDS du 4,6 DMDBT que le catalyseur commercial utilisé comme référence dans ces travaux. / This work deals with an original synthesis using supercritical fluids (SCF) of “bulk” catalyst precursors of hydrodesulfurization (HDS) with high specific surface area (SBET) and dedicated to the HDS of refractive sulfur compounds such as 4,6 dimethyldibenzothiophene (4,6-DMDBT). This work was performed in collaboration between the Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux (ICMCB-CNRS) and the Instituto de Tecnología Química de Valencia (ITQ-CSIC) within the Functional Advanced Materials and Engineering of Hybrids and Ceramics network of excellence (FAMEnoe).Studies performed at the ICMCB consisted in optimizing the parameters of the synthesis in SCF of NixCo1-xMoO4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) (metallic precursors, solvent, temperature, pressure). Powders of “bulk” precursors mainly consisting of the hydrated phase (NiMoO4.0,75H2O) - the most active phase in HDS - with controlled composition and SBET up to 200 m2.g-1 were obtained and characterized.The catalytic properties of those “bulk” precursors after sulfidation were then tested at the ITQ for the reaction of Deep-HDS of a model feedstock and a real feedstock. The experiments highlighted their better hydrogenation capacity and efficiency in catalyzing the HDS of 4,6 DMDBT than the commercial catalyst used as a reference in this work.

Étude des propriétés physico-chimiques et colloïdales du bassin de la rivière Litani, Liban / Study of physicochemical and colloidal properties of Litani River Basin, Lebanon

Diab, Walaa 30 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans l’une des thématiques du «Laboratoire MCEMA», ayant pour projet l’étude physico-chimique des eaux de rivière et l’évaluation de l’influence des activités humaines sur la qualité de l’eau de la rivière LITANI. Ce travail est divisé en trois grandes parties. La 1ère partie a consisté d’étudier les paramètres physico-chimiques (T°, pH, EC, TSS, TDS, ion, etc.) au niveau de l’eau. La 2ème partie s’est concentrée autour de l’analyse des sédiments. Nous avons étudié les sédiments de la rivière de Litani, leurs natures, leurs granulométries, leurs propriétés physico-chimiques (charge et surface spécifique), leurs compositions ainsi que leurs contaminations métalliques. Alors que la troisième a été consacrée à l’étude de l’adsorption de certains polluants présents dans l'eau sur du charbon actif afin d’anticiper sur une étude d’avenir servant à traiter les eaux de cette rivière. Les résultats obtenus entrent dans un projet plus général visant l’étude de méthodes développées pour le traitement des eaux / This thesis is part of one of the focus of research at “MCEMA Laboratory” that concerns the physicochemical study of river water and the evaluation of the possible influence of human activities on the water quality of the Litani River. This work is divided into three principal parts. In the first one, we studied the physicochemical parameters (T, pH, EC, TSS, TDS, ions, etc.) of the water. The second part focuses on the sediment analysis. We studied the sediments of Litani River, their nature, size, composition, physicochemical properties (charge and specific surface area) with the metallic contamination. The third par is devoted the adsorption study of certain pollutants present in water on activated coal in order to anticipate on a future study on the treatment of the water river. The obtained results fall within a broader project on the study of developed methods on the treatment of wastewater

Perovskitas contendo lantânio, ferro e cobalto - melhoramento de propriedades texturais via síntese por nanomoldagem e avaliação como catalisadores na redução de NO com CO

Lima, Rita Karolinny Chaves de 20 October 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:55:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2075.pdf: 4577723 bytes, checksum: 80abdc876165c000f61328875ff2a061 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-10-20 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Mixed oxides with perovskite structure have high potential as catalysts in gas depollution processes and particularly in the abatement of nitrogen oxides (NOx). Such solids could be considered as a promising alternative for the replacement of noble metals based catalysts, whose use is predominant. Great flexibility of composition, easy synthesis, low cost and high thermal stability justify the special interest in these materials. However, the low specific surface areas (<10 m2/g) of these solids, when prepared by conventional methods, limit your use in catalytic processes. Some efforts have been made in order to overcome that disadvantage. Nevertheless, the preparation of high surface area ternary or multinary oxides is not easy once their synthesis is associated with solid state reactions carried out at high temperatures. Considering the discussed context, perovskites were obtained in this work by means of a conventional method or via sequencial nanocasting. In the first case, perovskites with LaFe1-xCoxO3 (x = 0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 1) nominal compositions were prepared using the citrate method and nitrate salts as inorganic precursors. In the second case, LaFeO3 and LaFe0.6Co0.4O3 perovskites were obtained by nanocasting using Fluka 05120 activated carbon, Black Pearls 2000 black carbon (Cabot Corporation), and porous carbons nanocasted in Aerosil 200 pyrogenic silica and sílica-SBA-15 mesoporous molecular sieve. X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 sorption measurements, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), hydrogen temperature programmed reduction (H2-TPR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermogravimetry (TG) were used to characterize the studied solids. The catalytic activity of the prepared perovskites was evaluated in the reduction of NO to N2 with CO and in the oxidation of the latter compound to CO2. According to the obtained results, it was evident that in comparison with the conventional route, the nanocasting technique using carbons as hard template was efficient to obtain the pure perovskite phase with specific surface areas substantially higher (25 a 49 m2/g). The prepared perovskites were highly active and selective in the reduction of NO to N2 with CO, as well as in the oxidation of the latter compound to CO2. The most active samples were those whose B sites contain up to about 30 % Co. However, the activity of these catalysts decreases strongly with the presence of O2 or water steam. The La-Fe nanocasted binary perovskites showed, in the studied reactions, remarkable higher catalytic activity than the perovskite with the same composition prepared using the conventional method. The higher activity of these materials was related with the increase of their specific surface area. The nanocasted ternary perovskites with LaFe0.6Co0.4O3 composition, despite of the significant increase in their specific surface area, did not show a considerable increase in their activity. This result is in agreement with the behaviour of La-Fe-Co ternary perovskites, in which Co occupies a proportion of B sites greater than 30 %. / Óxidos mistos com estrutura perovskita apresentam alto potencial como catalisadores em processos de despoluição de gases e particularmente no abatimento de óxidos de nitrogênio (NOx). Tais sólidos são uma alternativa promissora para substituição de catalisadores à base de metais nobres, cujo uso é predominante. Vantagens como grande flexibilidade de composição, fácil síntese, baixo custo e elevada estabilidade térmica justificam o especial interesse por esses materiais. Contudo, as baixas áreas superficiais específicas desses sólidos (< 10 m2/g), quando sintetizados por métodos convencionais, limitam o seu uso em processos catalíticos. Algumas tentativas têm sido feitas no sentido de contornar essa desvantagem. No entanto, a obtenção de óxidos ternários ou multinários de alta área superficial específica é especialmente difícil, uma vez que sua síntese está associada a reações no estado sólido realizadas em temperaturas elevadas. Considerando o contexto discutido, neste trabalho foram obtidas perovskitas através de método convencional ou via nanomoldagem seqüencial. No primeiro caso, perovskitas com composição nominal LaFe1-xCoxO3 (x = 0; 0,2; 0,3; 0,4; 0,5 e 1) foram preparadas utilizando o método do citrato e sais de nitratos como precursores inorgânicos. No segundo caso, perovskitas LaFeO3 e LaFe0,6Co0,4O3 foram obtidas por nanomoldagem utilizando carbono ativado Fluka 05120, negro de fumo Black Pearls 2000 (Cabot Corporation), e carbonos porosos nanomoldados em sílica pirogênica Aerosil 200 e peneira molecular mesoporosa sílica-SBA-15. Difração de raios X (DRX), medidas de adsorção/dessorção de N2, fluorescência de raios X (FRX), redução com hidrogênio a temperatura programada (RTP-H2), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET), espectroscopia no infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (IV) e termogravimetria (TG) foram utilizadas para caracterizar os sólidos estudados. A atividade catalítica das perovskitas preparadas foi avaliada na redução de NO a N2 com CO e na oxidação desse último composto a CO2. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, ficou evidente que em comparação com a rota convencional, a técnica de nanomoldagem utilizando moldes de carbono foi eficiente na obtenção da fase perovskita pura com área superficial específica substancialmente maior (25 a 49 m2/g). As perovskitas preparadas foram altamente ativas e seletivas na redução de NO a N2 com CO, bem como na oxidação desse último composto a CO2, sendo mais ativas aquelas cujos sítios B contêm até cerca de 30 % de Co. A presença de O2 ou vapor de água, entretanto, reduz fortemente a atividade desses catalisadores. As perovskitas binárias La-Fe nanomoldadas apresentaram, nas reações estudadas, atividade catalítica consideravelmente superior a da perovskita com a mesma composição preparada pelo método convencional. A maior atividade desses materiais foi relacionada com o aumento da sua área superficial específica. As perovskitas nanomoldadas ternárias com composição LaFe0,6Co0,4O3, apesar do significativo aumento na sua área superficial específica, não apresentaram um aumento considerável na atividade, fato esse condizente com o comportamento de perovskitas ternárias La-Fe-Co, nas quais o Co ocupa uma proporção de sítios B superior a 30 %.

Anionic porous polymers with tunable structures and catalytic properties

Zhao, Wuxue, Zhang, Fan, Yang, Lingyun, Bi, Shuai, Wu, Dongqing, Yao, Yefeng, Wagner, Manfred, Graf, Robert, Hansen, Michael Ryan, Zhuang, Xiaodong, Feng, Xinliang 17 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
A series of boron-containing conjugated microporous polymers with hierarchical porous structures have been readily prepared via typical transition metal-catalyzed coupling reactions. The distribution of micro- and mesopores in the networks as well as the specific surface areas are tunable via tailoring the structures of the building blocks. The distinct capability of the resulting Lewis acid-based neutral porous polymers to selectively capture fluoride ions provides a high-efficiency conversion into stable anionic porous polymers. For the first time, fluoride anion binding to boron atoms in a solid sample was essentially characterized by solid-state 11B MAS NMR spectroscopy, clearly revealing such an efficient conversion from a neutral network to a negatively charged one only through Lewis acid–base adduct formation. Upon a simple ion-exchange process, various heavy metal cations were facile to be loaded into the networks of the anionic porous polymers. Furthermore, the cobalt(II)-loaded porous polymers were shown to promote the stoichiometric homocoupling reactions of the different aryl Grignard regents, and exert distinct size selectivities for the homocoupling products, highly dependent on their porous structures. Such a successful loading strategy might be used for design and synthesis of new types of zeolite-like porous polymers with desirable catalytic properties for a certain organic transformation, as well as other functional materials.


Amirhossein Ahmadian (7035998) 17 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Electrospinning has gained immense interests in recent years due to its potential application in various fields, including energy storage application. The V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub>/GO as a layered crystal structure has been demonstrated to fabricate nanofibers with diameters within a range of ~300nm through electrospinning technique. The porous, hollow, and interconnected nanostructures were produced by electrospinning formed by polymers such as Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), separately, as solvent polymers with electrospinning technique. </p> <p> </p> <p>In this study, we investigated the synthesis of a graphene-modified nanostructured V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> through modified sol-gel method and electrospinning of V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub>/GO hybrid. Electrochemical characterization was performed by utilizing Arbin Battery cycler, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Mercury Porosimetery, and BET surface area measurement. </p> <p> </p> <p>As compared to the other conventional fabrication methods, our optimized sol-gel method, followed by the electrospinning of the cathode material achieved a high initial capacity of <b>342 mAh/g</b> at a high current density of 0.5C (171 mA/g) and the capacity retention of ~80% after 20 cycles. Also, the prepared sol-gel method outperforms the pure V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5 </sub>cathode material, by obtaining the capacity almost two times higher.</p> <p>The results of this study showed that post-synthesis treatment of cathode material plays a prominent role in electrochemical performance of the nanostructured vanadium oxides. By controlling the annealing and drying steps, and time, a small amount of pyrolysis carbon can be retained, which improves the conductivity of the V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> nanorods. Also, controlled post-synthesis helped us to prevent aggregation of electro-spun twisted nanostructured fibers which deteriorates the lithium diffusion process during charge/discharge of batteries.</p>

Biomass-Derived Activated Carbon Through Self-Activation Process

Xia, Changlei 05 1900 (has links)
Self-activation is a process that takes advantage of the gases emitted from the pyrolysis process of biomass to activate the converted carbon. The pyrolytic gases from the biomass contain CO2 and H2O, which can be used as activating agents. As two common methods, both of physical activation using CO2 and chemical activation using ZnCl2 introduce additional gas (CO2) or chemical (ZnCl2), in which the CO2 emission from the activation process or the zinc compound removal by acid from the follow-up process will cause environmental concerns. In comparison with these conventional activation processes, the self-activation process could avoid the cost of activating agents and is more environmentally friendly, since the exhaust gases (CO and H2) can be used as fuel or feedstock for the further synthesis in methanol production. In this research, many types of biomass were successfully converted into activated carbon through the self-activation process. An activation model was developed to describe the changes of specific surface area and pore volume during the activation. The relationships between the activating temperature, dwelling time, yield, specific surface area, and specific pore volume were detailed investigated. The highest specific surface area and pore volume of the biomass-derived activated carbon through the self-activation process were up to 2738 m2 g-1 and 2.209 cm3 g-1, respectively. Moreover, the applications of the activated carbons from the self-activation process have been studied, including lithium-ion battery (LIB) manufacturing, water cleaning, oil absorption, and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding.

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