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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spectrum-Aware Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

Recio, Adolfo Leon 30 December 2010 (has links)
Reconfigurable computing architectures are well suited for the dynamic data flow processing requirements of software-defined radio. The software radio concept has quickly evolved to include spectrum sensing, awareness, and cognitive algorithms for machine learning resulting in the cognitive radio model. This work explores the application of reconfigurable hardware to the physical layer of cognitive radios using non-contiguous multi-carrier radio techniques. The practical tasks of spectrum sensing, frame detection, synchronization, channel estimation, and mutual interference mitigation are challenges in the communications and the computing fields that are addressed to optimally utilize the capacity of opportunistically allocated spectrum bands. FPGA implementations of parameterizable OFDM and filter bank multi-carrier (FBMC) radio prototypes with spectrum awareness and non-contiguous sub-carrier allocation were completed and tested over-the-air. Sub-carrier sparseness assumptions were validated under practical implementation and performance considerations. A novel algorithm for frame detection and synchronization with mutual interference rejection applicable to the FBMC case was proposed and tested. / Ph. D.

Exploiting Cyclostationarity for Radio Environmental Awareness in Cognitive Radios

Kim, Kyou Woong 09 July 2008 (has links)
The tremendous ongoing growth of wireless digital communications has raised spectrum shortage and security issues. In particular, the need for new spectrum is the main obstacle in continuing this growth. Recent studies on radio spectrum usage have shown that pre-allocation of spectrum bands to specific wireless communication applications leads to poor utilization of those allocated bands. Therefore, research into new techniques for efficient spectrum utilization is being aggressively pursued by academia, industry, and government. Such research efforts have given birth to two concepts: Cognitive Radio (CR) and Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) network. CR is believed to be the key enabling technology for DSA network implementation. CR based DSA (cDSA) networks utilizes white spectrum for its operational frequency bands. White spectrum is the set of frequency bands which are unoccupied temporarily by the users having first rights to the spectrum (called primary users). The main goal of cDSA networks is to access of white spectrum. For proper access, CR nodes must identify the right cDSA network and the absence of primary users before initiating radio transmission. To solve the cDSA network access problem, methods are proposed to design unique second-order cyclic features using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) pilots. By generating distinct OFDM pilot patterns and measuring spectral correlation characteristics of the cyclostationary OFDM signal, CR nodes can detect and uniquely identify cDSA networks. For this purpose, the second-order cyclic features of OFDM pilots are investigated analytically and through computer simulation. Based on analysis results, a general formula for estimating the dominant cycle frequencies is developed. This general formula is used extensively in cDSA network identification and OFDM signal detection, as well as pilot pattern estimation. CR spectrum awareness capability can be enhanced when it can classify the modulation type of incoming signals at low and varying signal-to-noise ratio. Signal classification allows CR to select a suitable demodulation process at the receiver and to establish a communication link. For this purpose, a threshold-based technique is proposed which utilizes cycle-frequency domain profile for signal detection and feature extraction. Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are proposed for the signal classifier. The spectrum awareness capability of CR can be undermined by spoofing radio nodes. Automatic identification of malicious or malfunctioning radio signal transmitters is a major concern for CR information assurance. To minimize the threat from spoofing radio devices, radio signal fingerprinting using second-order cyclic features is proposed as an approach for Specific Emitter Identification (SEI). The feasibility of this approach is demonstrated through the identification of IEEE 802.11a/g OFDM signals from different Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) card manufactures using HMMs. / Ph. D.

Ex Ante Approaches for Security, Privacy, and Enforcement in Spectrum Sharing

Bahrak, Behnam 17 December 2013 (has links)
Cognitive radios (CRs) are devices that are capable of sensing the spectrum and using its free portions in an opportunistic manner. The free spectrum portions are referred to as white spaces or spectrum holes. It is widely believed that CRs are one of the key enabling technologies for realizing a new regulatory spectrum management paradigm, viz. dynamic spectrum access (DSA). CRs often employ software-defined radio (SDR) platforms that are capable of executing artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to reconfigure their transmission/reception (TX/RX) parameters to communicate efficiently while avoiding interference with licensed (a.k.a. primary or incumbent) users and unlicensed (a.k.a. secondary or cognitive) users. When different stakeholders share a common resource, such as the case in spectrum sharing, security, privacy, and enforcement become critical considerations that affect the welfare of all stakeholders. Recent advances in radio spectrum access technologies, such as CRs, have made spectrum sharing a viable option for significantly improving spectrum utilization efficiency. However, those technologies have also contributed to exacerbating the difficult problems of security, privacy and enforcement. In this dissertation, we review some of the critical security and privacy threats that impact spectrum sharing. We also discuss ex ante (preventive) approaches which mitigate the security and privacy threats and help spectrum enforcement. / Ph. D.

Medium Access Control in Cognitive Radio Networks

Bian, Kaigui 29 April 2011 (has links)
Cognitive radio (CR) is seen as one of the enabling technologies for realizing a new regulatory spectrum management paradigm, viz. opportunistic spectrum sharing (OSS). In the OSS paradigm, unlicensed users (a.k.a. secondary users) opportunistically operate in fallow licensed spectrum on a non-interference basis to licensed users (a.k.a. incumbent or primary users). Incumbent users have absolute priority in licensed bands, and secondary users must vacate the channel where incumbent user signals are detected. A CR network is composed of secondary users equipped with CRs and it can coexist with incumbent users in licensed bands under the OSS paradigm. The coexistence between incumbent users and secondary users is referred to as incumbent coexistence, and the coexistence between CR networks of the same type is referred to as self-coexistence. In this dissertation, we address three coexistence-related problems at the medium access control (MAC) layer in CR networks: (1) the rendezvous (control channel) establishment problem, (2) the channel assignment problem in an ad hoc CR network, and (3) the spectrum sharing problem between infrastructure-based CR networks, i.e., the 802.22 wireless regional area networks (WRANs). Existing MAC layer protocols in conventional wireless networks fail to adequately address the key issues concerning incumbent and self coexistence that emerge in CR networks. To solve the rendezvous establishment problem, we present a systematic approach, based on quorum systems, for designing channel hopping protocols that ensure a pair of CRs to "rendezvous" within an upper-bounded time over a common channel that is free of incumbent user signals. In a single radio interface, ad hoc CR network, we propose a distributed channel assignment scheme that assigns channels at the granularity of "segments" for minimizing the channel switching overhead. By taking into account the coexistence requirements, we propose an inter-network spectrum sharing protocol that enables the sharing of vacant TV white space among coexisting WRANs. Our analytical and simulation results show that these proposed schemes can effectively address the aforementioned MAC layer coexistence problems in CR networks. / Ph. D.

Toward Privacy-Preserving and Secure Dynamic Spectrum Access

Dou, Yanzhi 19 January 2018 (has links)
Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) technique has been widely accepted as a crucial solution to mitigate the potential spectrum scarcity problem. Spectrum sharing between the government incumbents and commercial wireless broadband operators/users is one of the key forms of DSA. Two categories of spectrum management methods for shared use between incumbent users (IUs) and secondary users (SUs) have been proposed, i.e., the server-driven method and the sensing-based method. The server-driven method employs a central server to allocate spectrum resources while considering incumbent protection. The central server has access to the detailed IU operating information, and based on some accurate radio propagation model, it is able to allocate spectrum following a particular access enforcement method. Two types of access enforcement methods -- exclusion zone and protection zone -- have been adopted for server-driven DSA systems in the current literature. The sensing-based method is based on recent advances in cognitive radio (CR) technology. A CR can dynamically identify white spaces through various incumbent detection techniques and reconfigure its radio parameters in response to changes of spectrum availability. The focus of this dissertation is to address critical privacy and security issues in the existing DSA systems that may severely hinder the progress of DSA's deployment in the real world. Firstly, we identify serious threats to users' privacy in existing server-driven DSA designs and propose a privacy-preserving design named P²-SAS to address the issue. P²-SAS realizes the complex spectrum allocation process of protection-zone-based DSA in a privacy-preserving way through Homomorphic Encryption (HE), so that none of the IU or SU operation data would be exposed to any snooping party, including the central server itself. Secondly, we develop a privacy-preserving design named IP-SAS for the exclusion-zone- based server-driven DSA system. We extend the basic design that only considers semi- honest adversaries to include malicious adversaries in order to defend the more practical and complex attack scenarios that can happen in the real world. Thirdly, we redesign our privacy-preserving SAS systems entirely to remove the somewhat- trusted third party (TTP) named Key Distributor, which in essence provides a weak proxy re-encryption online service in P²-SAS and IP-SAS. Instead, in this new system, RE-SAS, we leverage a new crypto system that supports both a strong proxy re-encryption notion and MPC to realize privacy-preserving spectrum allocation. The advantages of RE-SAS are that it can prevent single point of vulnerability due to TTP and also increase SAS's service performance dramatically. Finally, we identify the potentially crucial threat of compromised CR devices to the ambient wireless infrastructures and propose a scalable and accurate zero-day malware detection system called GuardCR to enhance CR network security at the device level. GuardCR leverages a host-based anomaly detection technique driven by machine learning, which makes it autonomous in malicious behavior recognition. We boost the performance of GuardCR in terms of accuracy and efficiency by integrating proper domain knowledge of CR software. / Ph. D.

Software Radio-Based Decentralized Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks: A Prototype Design and Enabling Technologies

Ge, Feng 11 December 2009 (has links)
Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) wireless networks focus on using RF spectrum more efficiently and dynamically. Significant progress has been made during the past few years. For example, many measurements of current spectrum utilization are available. Theoretical analyses and computational simulations of DSA networks also abound. In sharp contrast, few network systems, particularly those with a decentralized structure, have been built even at a small scale to investigate the performance, behavior, and dynamics of DSA networks under different scenarios. This dissertation provides the theory, design, and implementation of a software radio-based decentralized DSA network prototype, and its enabling technologies: software radio, signal detection and classification, and distributed cooperative spectrum sensing. By moving physical layer functions into the software domain, software radio offers an unprecedented level of flexibility in radio development and operation, which can facilitate research and development of cognitive radio (CR) and DSA networks. However, state-of-the-art software radio systems still have serious performance limitations. Therefore, a performance study of software radio is needed before applying it in any development. This dissertation investigates three practical issues governing software radio performance that are critical in DSA network development: RF front end nonlinearity, dynamic computing resource allocation, and execution latency. It provides detailed explanations and quantitative results on SDR performance. Signal detection is the most popular method used in DSA networks to guarantee non-interference to primary users. Quickly and accurately detecting signals under all possible conditions is challenging. The cyclostationary feature detection method is attractive for detecting primary users because of its ability to distinguish between modulated signals, interference, and noise at a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). However, a key issue of cyclostationary signal analysis is the high computational cost. To tackle this challenge, parallel computing is applied to develop a cyclostationary feature based signal detection method. This dissertation presents the method's performance on multiple signal types in noisy and multi-path fading environments. Distributed cooperative spectrum sensing is widely endorsed to monitor the radio environment so as to guarantee non-interference to incumbent users even at a low SNR and under hostile conditions like shadowing, fading, interference, and multi-path. However, such networks impose strict performance requirements on data latency and reliability. Delayed or faulty data may cause secondary users to interfere with incumbent users because secondary users could not be informed quickly or reliably. To support such network performance, this dissertation presents a set of data process and management schemes in both sensors and data fusion nodes. Further, a distributed cooperative sensor network is built from multiple sensors; together, the network compiles a coherent semantic radio environment map for DSA networks to exploit available frequencies opportunistically. Finally, this dissertation presents the complete design of a decentralized and asynchronous DSA network across the PHY layer, MAC layer, network layer, and application layer. A ten-node prototype is built based on software radio technologies, signal detection and classification methods, distributed cooperative spectrum sensing systems, dynamic wireless protocols, and a multi-channel allocation algorithm. Systematic experiments are carried out to identify several performance determining factors for decentralized DSA networks. / Ph. D.

Frequency synthesis for cognitive multi-radio / Synthèse de fréquence dans une architecture multi-radio cognitive

Valenta, Václav 12 November 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les aspects de conception d'un synthétiseur de fréquence pour les émetteurs-récepteurs dans les architectures multi-radios cognitives. La largeur de bande couverte par ce synthétiseur multi-radio correspond à la bande de fréquences des normes de communication sans fil les plus diffusées, fonctionnant dans la bande de fréquence de 800 MHz à 6 GHz. Du fait que l'opération multi-standard est indispensable, le synthétiseur doit répondre aux exigences les plus strictes et parfois contradictoires. Compte tenu de ces exigences, une nouvelle approche pour une synthèse de fréquence multi-mode a été conçue. Un synthétiseur de fréquence hybride, basé sur le principe de la boucle à verrouillage de phase a été proposé et un nouveau protocole de commutation a été présenté et validé sur une carte d'évaluation expérimentale. Cette approche combine les modes fractionnel et entier avec une topologie de filtre à bande commuté. Par rapport aux techniques standard, la configuration hybride permet une grande souplesse en matière de reconfiguration et d'ailleurs, elle offre une complexité des circuits relativement faible ainsi qu'une faible consommation électrique. Cette architecture assure la reconfiguration de la bande passante de la boucle ainsi que la résolution, le niveau du bruit de phase et du temps d'accrochage et, par conséquent, elle peut s'adapter à des besoins divers, imposés par les normes concernées. Des analyses correspondantes, des simulations et des mesures ont été réalisées afin de vérifier les performances et les fonctionnalités de la solution proposée. A part la conception du synthétiseur de fréquence multi-radio, une campagne de mesures régionales de l'utilisation du spectre radio a été réalisée dans le cadre de la recherche de cette thèse. Ces mesures sont fondées sur le principe de détection de l'énergie et nous démontrent le degré d'utilisation du spectre radio dans les différentes régions, notamment dans la ville de Brno en République Tchèque et dans la ville de Paris et sa banlieue en France. L'objectif de cette campagne de mesures expérimentales a été d'estimer le degré d'utilisation du spectre radio dans des environnements différents et de souligner le fait qu'une nouvelle approche pour la gestion du spectre radio est inévitable / This doctoral thesis deals with design aspects of a reconfigurable frequency synthesizer for flexible radio transceivers in future cognitive multi-radios. The frequency bandwidth to be covered by this multi-radio synthesizer corresponds to the frequency bands of the most diffused wireless communication standards in the frequency band 800 MHz to 6 GHz. Since multi-standard operation is required, the synthesizer must fulfil the most stringent and sometimes conflicting requirements. Given these requirements, a novel approach for multi-mode frequency synthesis has been conceived. A hybrid phase locked loop based frequency synthesizer has been proposed and a novel switching protocol has been presented and validated on an experimental evaluation board. This approach combines fractional-N and integer-N modes of operation with switched loop filter topology. Compared to standard PLL techniques, the hybrid configuration provides a great flexibility in terms of reconfiguration and moreover, it offers relatively low circuit complexity and low power consumption. This architecture provides reconfiguration of the loop bandwidth, frequency resolution, phase noise and settling time performance and hence, it can adapt itself to diverse requirements given by the concerned wireless communication standards. Corresponding analyses, simulations and measurements have been carried out in order to verify the performance and functionality of the proposed solution. A part from the design of the multiband frequency synthesizer, a set of regional measurements of the radio spectrum utilization has been carried out in the framework of this dissertation research. These measurements are based on the energy detection principle and provide a close look at the degree of radio spectrum utilization in different regions, namely in the city of Brno in the Czech Republic and in the city of Paris and one of its suburbs in France. The goal of the experimental measurement campaign has been to estimate the degree of radio spectrum usage in a particular environment and to point out the fact that a new approach for radio spectrum management is inevitable

Opportunistic Data Dissemination in Ad-Hoc Cognitive Radio Networks

Rehmani, Mubashir Husain 12 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les progrès récents des technologies de communication et la prolifération de l'informatique sans fil et des dispositifs de communication, ont induit 'a une surcharge dans l'utilisation du spectre radio. Cependant, les expériences de la Commission Fédérale de Communication (FCC) ont révélé que l'utilisation du spectre varie entre 15% et 85%. Par conséquent, les réseaux radios cognitifs (Cognitive Radio Networks ou CRNs) sont proposés afin d'utiliser le spectre radio d'une manière opportuniste. Dans ce type de réseaux radios cognitifs, où les fréquences de transmission sont sélectionnées d'une manière opportuniste - également sont appelés réseaux Ad-Hoc à radios cognitives -, la fiabilité de la dissémination des données est difficile 'a réaliser. D'abord, en plus des défis déjà connus dans les environnements sans fils, la diversité dans le nombre de fréquences qu'un noeud à radio cognitif a droit d'utiliser ajoute un autre défi, en limitant l'accessibilité à ses noeuds voisins. Deuxièmement, les noeuds à radio cognitif (CR) doivent conquérir les ressources de fréquences résiduelles avec les noeuds à radio primaire (PR), tout en essayent de les exploiter d'une manière opportuniste. En outre, les noeuds CR ne devraient pas perturber la qualité de réception des noeuds PR durant leur communication, et ce en limitant les interférences entre les deux de noeuds. Par conséquent, une nouvelle méthode de sélection de fréquences est requise afin de réduire le nombre d'interférences nuisibles aux noeuds PR, et maximiser les chances de délivrance des messages aux voisins récepteurs des noeuds CR, et augmenter ainsi la fiabilité des données disséminées. Dans cette thèse nous proposons SURF, une nouvelle méthode distribuée de sélection de fréquences pour la dissémination fiable de données dans un réseau radio cognitif multi-sauts. SURF classifie les fréquences radio disponibles en fonction de l'occupation des fréquences des noeuds à radio primaire et le nombre de noeuds 'a radio cognitive utilisant ces fréquences. Les résultats de simulation obtenus par NS-2 confirment que SURF est une stratégie efficace dans la sélection des meilleures fréquences de diffusion de données, comparée aux autres approches liées. Nous avons aussi constaté que les stratégies de sélection de fréquences sont considérablement influencées par l'activité des noeuds 'a radio primaire. Dans la suite ce cette thèse, nous étudierons et analyserons l'impact des modèles d'activités des noeuds PR sur les différentes stratégies de sélection de fréquences à travers des simulations basées NS-2. Nous avons remarqué que l'activité intermittente de PR est le cas où les solutions intelligentes doivent opérées. C'est dans ce cas où SURF donne les meilleures résultats et la région ciblée se serve des opportunités de communication. Enfin, dans cette thèse, nous allons encore plus loin en vérifiant l'applicabilité et la faisabilité de SURF. Dans cette perspective, d'abord, nous proposons une architecture d'accès à internet basse sur la radio cognitive pour les réseaux partiellement endommagés. Nous discutons les détails architecturaux et le principe de fonctionnement de l'architecture proposée. Nous avons également passé en revue les enjeux et les défis de déploiement de cette nouvelle architecture. Deuxièmement, nous discutons l'applicabilité de SURF dans le contexte de l'agrégation de fréquences et à cet égard, nous discutons une stratégie d'interférence basée sur l'agrégation de fréquences pour les réseaux radios cognitifs.

Leveraging Cognitive Radio Networks Using Heterogeneous Wireless Channels

Liu, Yongkang January 2013 (has links)
The popularity of ubiquitous Internet services has spurred the fast growth of wireless communications by launching data hungry multimedia applications to mobile devices. Powered by spectrum agile cognitive radios, the newly emerged cognitive radio networks (CRN) are proposed to provision the efficient spectrum reuse to improve spectrum utilization. Unlicensed users in CRN, or secondary users (SUs), access the temporarily idle channels in a secondary and opportunistic fashion while preventing harmful interference to licensed primary users (PUs). To effectively detect and exploit the spectrum access opportunities released from a wide spectrum, the heterogeneous wireless channel characteristics and the underlying prioritized spectrum reuse features need to be considered in the protocol design and resource management schemes in CRN, which plays a critical role in unlicensed spectrum sharing among multiple users. The purpose of this dissertation is to address the challenges of utilizing heterogeneous wireless channels in CRN by its intrinsic dynamic and diverse natures, and build the efficient, scalable and, more importantly, practical dynamic spectrum access mechanisms to enable the cost-effective transmissions for unlicensed users. Note that the spectrum access opportunities exhibit the diversity in the time/frequency/space domain, secondary transmission schemes typically follow three design principles including 1) utilizing local free channels within short transmission range, 2) cooperative and opportunistic transmissions, and 3) effectively coordinating transmissions in varying bandwidth. The entire research work in this dissertation casts a systematic view to address these principles in the design of the routing protocols, medium access control (MAC) protocols and radio resource management schemes in CRN. Specifically, as spectrum access opportunities usually have small spatial footprints, SUs only communicate with the nearby nodes in a small area. Thus, multi-hop transmissions in CRN are considered in this dissertation to enable the connections between any unlicensed users in the network. CRN typically consist of intermittent links of varying bandwidth so that the decision of routing is closely related with the spectrum sensing and sharing operations in the lower layers. An efficient opportunistic cognitive routing (OCR) scheme is proposed in which the forwarding decision at each hop is made by jointly considering physical characteristics of spectrum bands and diverse activities of PUs in each single band. Such discussion on spectrum aware routing continues coupled with the sensing selection and contention among multiple relay candidates in a multi-channel multi-hop scenario. An SU selects the next hop relay and the working channel based upon location information and channel usage statistics with instant link quality feedbacks. By evaluating the performance of the routing protocol and the joint channel and route selection algorithm with extensive simulations, we determine the optimal channel and relay combination with reduced searching complexity and improved spectrum utilization. Besides, we investigate the medium access control (MAC) protocol design in support of multimedia applications in CRN. To satisfy the quality of service (QoS) requirements of heterogeneous applications for SUs, such as voice, video, and data, channels are selected to probe for appropriate spectrum opportunities based on the characteristics and QoS demands of the traffic along with the statistics of channel usage patterns. We propose a QoS-aware MAC protocol for multi-channel single hop scenario where each single SU distributedly determines a set of channels for sensing and data transmission to satisfy QoS requirements. By analytical model and simulations, we determine the service differentiation parameters to provision multiple levels of QoS. We further extend our discussion of dynamic resource management to a more practical deployment case. We apply the experiences and skills learnt from cognitive radio study to cellular communications. In heterogeneous cellular networks, small cells are deployed in macrocells to enhance link quality, extend network coverage and offload traffic. As different cells focus on their own operation utilities, the optimization of the total system performance can be analogue to the game between PUs and SUs in CRN. However, there are unique challenges and operation features in such case. We first present challenging issues including interference management, network coordination, and interworking between cells in a tiered cellular infrastructure. We then propose an adaptive resource management framework to improve spectrum utilization and mitigate the co-channel interference between macrocells and small cells. A game-theory-based approach is introduced to handle power control issues under constrained control bandwidth and limited end user capability. The inter-cell interference is mitigated based upon orthogonal transmissions and strict protection for macrocell users. The research results in the dissertation can provide insightful lights on flexible network deployment and dynamic spectrum access for prioritized spectrum reuse in modern wireless systems. The protocols and algorithms developed in each topic, respectively, have shown practical and efficient solutions to build and optimize CRN.

Spectrum usage models for the analysis, design and simulation of cognitive radio networks

López Benítez, Miguel 20 July 2011 (has links)
The owned spectrum allocation policy, in use since the early days of modern radio communications, has been proven to effectively control interference among radio communication systems. However, the overwhelming proliferation of new operators, innovative services and wireless technologies during the last years has resulted, under this static regulatory regime, in the depletion of spectrum bands with commercially attractive radio propagation characteristics. An important number of spectrum measurements, however, have shown that spectrum is mostly underutilized, thus indicating that the virtual spectrum scarcity problem actually results from static and inflexible spectrum management policies rather than the physical scarcity of radio resources. This situation has motivated the emergence of Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) methods based on the Cognitive Radio (CR) paradigm, which has gained popularity as a promising solution to conciliate the existing conflicts between spectrum demand growth and spectrum underutilization. The basic underlying idea of DSA/CR is to allow unlicensed (secondary) users to access in an opportunistic and non-interfering manner some licensed bands temporarily unoccupied by the licensed (primary) users. Due to the opportunistic nature of this principle, the behavior and performance of a DSA/CR network depends on the spectrum occupancy patterns of the primary system. A realistic and accurate modeling of such patterns becomes therefore essential and extremely useful in the domain of DSA/CR research. The potential applicability of spectrum usage models ranges from analytical studies to the design and dimensioning of secondary networks as well as the development of innovative simulation tools and more efficient DSA/CR techniques. Spectrum occupancy modeling in the context of DSA/CR constitutes a rather unexplored research area. This dissertation addresses the problem of modeling spectrum usage in the context of DSA/CR by contributing a comprehensive and holistic set of realistic models capable to accurately capture and reproduce the statistical properties of spectrum usage in real radio communication systems in the time, frequency and space dimensions. The first part of this dissertation addresses the development of a unified methodological framework for spectrum measurements in the context of DSA/CR and presents the results of an extensive spectrum measurement campaign performed over a wide variety of locations and scenarios in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, Spain, to identify potential bands of interest for future DSA/CR deployments. To the best of the author's knowledge, this is the first study of these characteristics performed under the scope of the Spanish spectrum regulation and one of the earliest studies in Europe. The second part deals with various specific aspects related to the processing of measurements to extract spectrum occupancy patterns, which is largely similar to the problem of spectrum sensing in DSA/CR. The performance of energy detection, the most widely employed spectrum sensing technique in DSA/CR, is first assessed empirically. The outcome of this study motivates the development of a more accurate theoretical-empirical performance model as well as an improved energy detection scheme capable to outperform the conventional method while preserving a similar level of complexity, computational cost and application. The findings of these studies are finally applied in the third part of the dissertation to the development of innovative spectrum usage models for the time (in discrete- and continuous-time versions), frequency and space domains. The proposed models can been combined and integrated into a unified modeling approach where the time, frequency and space dimensions of spectrum usage can simultaneously be reproduced, thus providing a complete and holistic characterization of spectrum usage in real systems for the analysis, design and simulation of the future DSA/CR networks.

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