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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ledarintelligens utifrån chefs och ledarrollen / Leader Intelligence out of the role as a manager and as a leader

Ronthy, Marika January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att validera ett instrument (LQ-test) som avser att mäta ledarintelligens baserat på teorin om ledarintelligens utifrån chefs- och ledarrollen. Ledarintelligens, skapat av Ronthy (Ronthy 2006; 2013) är ett holistiskt perspektiv på ledarskap och omfattar färdigheter från tre intelligenser; rationell, emotionell och själslig intelligens med större betoning på ledarrollen med färdigheter tillhörande emotionell och själslig intelligens även kallat medmänskligt ledarskap (ML). LQ-testet bestod av 71 item och konstruerades av Ronthy. Majoriteten av dessa item är inhämtade från Larsson et al. (2003). Den rationella skalan tillskrivs chefsrollen och de övriga två skalorna tillskrivs ledarrollen. Ytterligare ett syfte var att utifrån instrumentet undersöka ledarskapets fördelning mellan kvinnor och män. Studiens deltagare var 307 chefer (68% kvinnor). Utöver LQ-testet fick även deltagarna besvara hur mycket arbetstid per månad som de använde för olika uppgifter utifrån ledarintelligensbegreppet. Enligt teorin om ledarintelligens ska tiden användas mer till att leda sig själv och andra vilket ingår i ledarrollen till skillnad från chefsrollen som ska tillgodose uppgifter som omfattar verksamhetens administration och styrning. Resultatet visade att 20% uppfattade sig som chefer med betoning på administrativa uppgifter och 80% uppfattade sig som ledare med betoning på ett medmänskligt ledarskap. Vid en genomgång av chefernas tidsåtgång för de olika arbetsuppgifterna som indelats utifrån de tre skalorna, framkom att 72% av arbetstiden användes till chefsuppgifter och 28% av arbetstiden ägnades åt ledaruppgifter såsom coachning, personlig utveckling och reflektion. Studien visade inga signifikanta skillnader mellan kvinnor och män avseende uppdelningen chef och ledare. Den relationella aspekten av ledarskapet betonas alltmer i dagens organisationer och dess innebörd har förtydligats i denna studie. / The aim of the present study was to validate an instrument called Leader Intelligence Questionnaire (LQ-test) based on the theory of leader intelligence out of being a manager and a leader. Leader intelligence is a concept created by Ronthy observing skills within the rational, emotional and spiritual intelligence with the main focus on skills within the latter two which also is a human leadership. The questionnaire of leader intelligence is created by Ronthy and has 71 item, and the majority are from Larsson et al. (2003). The instrument has three scales to study all three intelligences. The scale for the rational intelligence studies the role as a manager and the emotional and spiritual intelligence studies the role as a leader. A second aim was to examine the gender distribution among managers and leaders. The participants in the study were 307 leaders (68% women). Furthermore, the participants also responded how much time they spent per month on tasks related to the management role as well as the leadership role. According to the leader intelligence theory the manager should spend more of his/her time in the leader role leading him / herself as well as others and less time in the managerial role managing administrative tasks. The result shows that 20% perceive themselves as managers with the emphasis on administrative tasks and 80% perceive themselves as leaders with the emphasis on a human leadership. When analysing the time spent on various tasks divided within the three different scales the study showed that 72% of the time was spent on managerial tasks and 28% on leader tasks as coaching, personal development and reflection. The study showed no significant differences between men and women. The relational aspect of leadership is being empathized more and more in today´s organizations which will be clarified in this study.

Transforming Lives: Attending to the Spirit of College Students from Dysfunctional and/or Abusive Young Adult Formational Experiences

Beausoleil, Kent Alan, SJ 26 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Emosionele en spirituele intelligensie in huweliksaanpassing : jong volwassenes met voorskoolse kinders (Afrikaans)

Smith, Anna Magrietha 16 May 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In hierdie navorsing is die huwelik met voorskoolse kinders in Suid-Afrika aan die begin van die een-en-twintigste eeu ondersoek. Hierdie huweliksfase, met sy vele uitdagings en huwelikstake, word beskou as die fase met die laagste huweliksaanpassing en die hoogste voorkoms van egskeiding. Die sin en betekenis van hierdie uitdagings (spirituele intelligensie of SQ), sowel as die emosionele belewenis, verstaan en hantering hiervan (emosionele intelligensie of EQ), asook die rol wat dit in huweliksaanpassing speel, is ondersoek. Eerstens is ’n vraelys ontwikkel wat SQ-eienskappe kan meet (MMV-SQ-vraelys), naamlik: (i) die vind van sin en betekenis in ’n gegewe situasie, (ii) motiveringsbronne van gedrag, en (iii) die waardes wat uitgeleef word. Data van 198 respondente het gedui op betroubaarheid van subskale wat wissel van 0.47 tot 0.80. Bevredigende konstrukgeldigheid is verkry deur die verhouding tussen die subskale van die SQ-vraelys en waardeskaal te ondersoek (r het gevarieer van 0.15; p ≤ 0.05 tot 0.54; p ≤ 0.01). Sowel kwantitatiewe as kwalitatiewe navorsing is vervolgens gebruik. In die kwantitatiewe navorsing is die MMV-SQ-vraelys, die huweliks-aanpassingsvraelys van Spanier (Dyadic Adjustment Scale), asook die SSRI (Schutte Self-Report Inventory) op 84 deelnemers toegepas. Die deelnemers het 84 getroude persone, waaronder 34 egpare ingesluit. Die verband tussen huweliksaanpassing en EQ is ondersoek deur korrelasies te bereken tussen die subskale van die DAS en SSRI. Dit het geblyk dat ʼn optimistiese gemoedstemming ʼn verband toon met al die subskale van huweliksaanpassing. Die herkenning van die eie en die huweliksmaat se gevoelens, sosiale vaardighede, en die toepassing van emosies blyk verband te hou met hoër huwelikstevredenheid asook huwelikskonsensus. Sosiale vaardighede het ook ʼn verband getoon met affeksionele uitdrukking. EQ het egter nie ’n sterk verband met huwelikskohesie getoon nie. Die verband tussen die subskale van die DAS is vervolgens vergelyk met dié van die MMV-SQ-vraelys. Betekenisvolle korrelasies tussen enkele skale van huweliksaanpassing en SQ het voorgekom, veral wat die motiveringskaal betref: egpaarlede wie se gedrag deur die motiveringsbron bemeestering gemotiveer word, blyk ʼn hoër mate van huweliksaanpassing te hê, terwyl die negatiewe motiveringsbronne, waaronder selfgesentreerdheid, drange en vrees, ’n negatiewe verband met huweliksaanpassing toon. Min verbande is egter gevind tussen huweliksaanpassing, en sin en betekenis (wel tussen meditatiewe bewustheid en huwelikskonsensus, asook tussen empatiese aanvaarding en openheid, en affeksionele ekspressie). Geen verbande is ten opsigte van waardes gevind nie. Verskille tussen mans en vroue se EQ en SQ is ook ondersoek, maar geen groot verskille is verkry nie. Deur ’n meervoudige regressie is enkele verdere biografiese veranderlikes geïdentifiseer wat ʼn verband met huweliksaanpassing toon. In die kwalitatiewe navorsing is verskeie aspekte ondersoek en bespreek: die rolverdeling ten opsigte van kinderopvoeding en huistake, die balans tussen beroep en gesin, persoonlike tevredenheid (SQ) in die huwelik, asook die begrip en hantering van gevoelens (EQ). Die waarde van hierdie navorsing lê veral in die grondleggingswerk van die SQ-vraelys, asook bruikbare inligting ten opsigte van die huwelik met voorskoolse kinders in Suid-Afrika. Leiding aan egpare in die hantering van gevoelens (EQ), asook insig in hulle motiveringsbronne (SQ) behoort dus hulle huweliksaanpassing te verhoog. ENGLISH: In this research, the South-African marriage with preschool children was investigated. This phase of marriage, full of challenges and marital tasks, is regarded showing the lowest degree of marital adjustment and the highest incidence of divorce. The meaning, (spiritual intelligence or SQ), emotional experience, understanding and dealing with these challenges (emotional intelligence or EQ), as well as the relation to marital adjustment, were investigated. Firstly, a questionnaire was developed that could measure the characteristics of SQ, namely: (i) finding purpose and meaning in a given situation, (ii) motivations of behaviour, and (iii) values. Data from 198 respondents indicated the reliability of the subscales, which vary from 0.47 to 0.80. Satisfactory construct validity was obtained by researching the relation between the subscales of the SQ questionnaire and the value scale (r varied from 0.15; p ≤ 0.05 to 0.54; p ≤ 0.01). Next, both qualitative and quantitative research were utilised. In the quantitative research, the MMV SQ questionnaire, the marital adjustment questionnaire of Spanier (Dyadic Adjustment Scale), as well as the SSRI (Schutte Self-Report Inventory) were completed by the respondents. The respondents were 84 married individuals, including 34 couples. The relationship between marital adjustment and EQ was investigated by calculating correlations between the subscales of the DAS and SSRI. It transpired that an optimistic frame of mind showed a correlation with all the subscales of marital adjustment. It also appeared that the recognition of the own and the spouse’s feelings, social skills, and the application of emotions were related to increased marital satisfaction as well as marital consensus. Social skills also displayed a correlation with affectional expression. EQ, however, did not show a strong correlation with marital cohesion. Next, the relation between the subscales of the DAS was compared to that of the MMV-SQ questionnaire. Meaningful correlations between some scales of marital adjustment and SQ occurred, in particular with regard to the motivational scale: couples whose behaviour are motivated by mastering, appear to display a higher degree of marital adjustment, while the negative sources of motivation like self-centredness, craving and fears, display a negative correlation with marital adjustment. Few correlations were found between marital adjustment and purpose and meaning (between meditative awareness and marital consensus; between empathetic acceptance and openness, and affectional expression). No correlation was found with regard to values. Differences between the EQ and SQ of men and women were also investigated, but no major differences were observed. By means of multiple regressions it was indicated that some biographic variables did show a correlation with marital adjustment. Valuable information was obtained in the qualitative research regarding the couple’s roles in child-raising and domestic chores, the balance between career and family, personal satisfaction (SQ) in the marriage, as well as the understanding and handling of feelings (EQ). The value of this research lies in the foundational work of the SQ questionnaire in particular, as well as useful information with regard to South African marriages with preschool children. Guiding couples in their dealing with feelings (EQ), as well as providing an insight into the sources of motivation (SQ), should therefore enhance their marital adjustment. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Psychology / unrestricted

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