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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La mise en couleur des églises rurales d'Île-de-France du XIIe au XVIe siècle / The colour setting of Île-de-France rural churches from XIIth to XVIth century

Desvaux-Drubay, Cécile 14 December 2015 (has links)
La mise en couleur de l’intérieur d’une église parachève sa construction. Simples badigeons, décors géométriques, rehauts rythmant l’architecture ou programmes iconographiques, cette mise en couleur est appelée à des modifications au fil du temps. La recherche porte sur les petites églises rurales de l’Île-de-France, moins étudiées que celles des villes. Elles sont souvent remarquables par la multiplicité des campagnes de construction encore lisibles dans leurs murs. La mise en couleur des églises suit, en particulier, cette évolution. L’étude du bâti permet d’avoir une chronologie fine qui introduit à l’analyse de la mise en couleur et les modifications de celle-ci au cours des siècles. Une recherche de type historique aussi précise que possible cherche à mettre en évidence les probables commanditaires des œuvres. Les similitudes ou différences dans les techniques, couleurs, types de décor et choix iconographiques analysés dans quelques dizaines d’édifices permettent de saisir les variations sur la longue durée, notamment entre le Moyen Âge "classique" (XIIe et XIIIe siècles), et la fin du Moyen Âge (mi XVe - mi XVIe siècle). Par ailleurs, chaque partie de l’église a une fonction bien précise, et l’on s’attachera à montrer les rapports entre les peintures, leur emplacement dans l’édifice et leurs commanditaires. Au final, il s’agit de mettre en évidence les multiples choix opérés dans des paroisses rurales, et de saisir leurs particularités, pour autant qu’il y en ait, par rapport à celles d’autres régions françaises ou de milieux urbains proches. / The colour setting of the church interior completes its building. Distempers, geometrical decorations, highlights putting rythm into the architecture or iconographic programs, this colour setting is doomed to be altered over time. The research focuses on small rural churches of Ile-de-France, less studied than those of towns. They are often remarkable by their multiple building campaigns still to be observed in their walls. Notably, the colour setting of the churches is following this evolution. Study of the building allows getting a finer chronology which introduces to colour setting’s analysis and its evolution throughout centuries. A historical research, as accurate as it can be, tries to highlight the possible sponsors of the painting. The similarities and differences in techniques, colours, kinds of decoration, and iconographic choices among a number of churches allows to capture changes on the long run, particularly between "classic" Middle Ages (XIIth and XIIIth centuries) and the end of Middle Ages (half XVth – halph XVIth century). Moreover, each part of a church has a very specific function to fulfill and we shall attempt to show relationships between paintings, their location in the building and their sponsors. Finally, we shall try to identify the multiple choices made within the rural churches, and to understand their differences, should there be any compared to other regions of France or neighboring towns.

The Connection Between Wellness Programs and Employee Job Satisfaction in Higher Education

Richemond, Donel J. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Job dissatisfaction is becoming a fundamental concern for employers. Employee engagement makes an organization more productive and can reduce absenteeism. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the relationship between employer-sponsored wellness-program participation and job satisfaction among for-profit college and university leaders. Data collection involved an online survey of 400 faculty members' from for-profit universities in the United States contacted using the Job Satisfaction Survey; 103 participants completed the survey. The theoretical framework was the need-satisfaction theory, which includes the factors that promote job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction. The results came from a multiple regression analysis that indicated a significant negative relationship between job satisfaction and participation in the employer-sponsored wellness program (β = -.22, t = -2.24, p = .027), where faculty who were not participating in the wellness program had higher levels of job satisfaction (M = 3.62) in comparison to those who did participate (M = 3.80). Interaction analyses indicated a relationship between gender and job satisfaction (β = -.26, t = -2.70, p = .008). Females were more likely than were males to have higher levels of job satisfaction, as well as years of experience and job satisfaction. Faculty who had been employed for between 11 and 15 years were more likely to have higher levels of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction appear lower for those who participate in employer-sponsored wellness programs because of the personal gratification employees' experience. The findings may contribute to social change with information that leaders could use to reduce absenteeism, increase productivity, and profitability.

Interna förändringsprojekt inom den offentliga sektorn : en explorativ fallstudie utifrån projektbeställarens perspektiv / Change Projects in the Public Sector : an explorative case study from the perspective of the Project Owner

Storm, Henrik, Mäkelä, Elin January 2013 (has links)
Det allmänna trycket på förändringar ökar ständigt, liksom organisationers behov av att hantera och genomföra dessa. Samtidigt är förändringsprojekt komplexa och har en hög misslyckandegrad. Interna förändringsprojekt kan involvera både projektledning och förändringsledning. Skillnaden mellan dessa kan enklast beskrivas som att projektledningens fokus ligger på den tekniska lösningen medan förändringsledningen riktar energin mot att skapa förståelse och acceptans hos projektets berörda individer. Under det senaste decenniet har forskning riktat fokus mot interna förändringsprojekt och behov av kompetenser hos projektledaren. Projektbeställarens perspektiv gällande interna förändringsprojekt och då specifikt skillnaden mellan förändringsledning och projektledning, är inte studerad. Frågan är hur medveten projektbeställaren är om dessa två sidor samt om kompetenser från respektive sida beaktas i valet av projektledare. Syftet med denna studie är att ge en indikation på vilka framgångsfaktorer som projektbeställaren beaktar i interna förändringsprojekt och om dessa faktorer speglas i form av kompetenser som projektledaren önskas ha. Studien undersöker även hur projektbeställaren ser på sin roll vad gäller ansvar och uppgifter. Studien utgick från en kvalitativ metod med explorativ ansats där data samlades in via sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med projektbeställare inom en offentlig organisation. Datamaterialet behandlades sedan med en tematisk analys utifrån ett teoretiskt ramverk med faktorer inom blocken förändringsledning och projektledning. Studien visar att det finns god kännedom gällande förändringars framgångsfaktorer som nämns i teori men att de inte alltid förknippas med kraven på projektledaren. De kompetenser som projektbeställare beaktar hos en generell projektledare utökas med förändringskompetenser när uppdraget gäller interna förändringsprojekt, men då starkt beroende på vilken syn projektbeställaren har på interna förändringsprojekt. Rollen som projektbeställare beskrivs innefatta flertalet ansvar och uppgifter, varav några var utanför denna undersöknings teoretiska ramar. / The global pressure for change and adaption is constantly increasing as well as the organizations need to coop and manage this ever increasing demand for change. Furthermore, change projects are very complex in its nature and suffer from a high rate of failure. Change projects may include both project management and change management. The difference between change management and project management can be described as following: the main focus of project management lies in the technical aspect whilst change management directs the energy towards creating acceptance from the projects receiving individuals. During the last decade, research has been initiated in the field of internal change projects and the need of necessary competencies of the project manager. Still internal change projects and more specifically the difference between change management and project management, have not yet been studied from the project owner’s perspective. The question remains if the project owner is aware of these two sides and if their competencies are reflected in the choice of a suitable project manager. The purpose of this study is to give an indication of which success factors project owners valuates within an internal change project and if those reflect as desired competencies of the potential project manager. This study also includes the role of the project owner and what they themselves define their duty and responsibilities. The design of this study is based from a qualitative methodology with an explorative approach where data was collected from an organization in the public sector via six semi-structured interviews of project owners. The data was later analyzed with a thematic analyze method constructed from a theoretical framework of factors included by the two areas: project management and change management. The result of this study indicates that the project owner have good knowledge regarding the success factors of change which is mentioned in theory. However these success factors are not usually associated with the project managers qualifications. The competencies identified by the project owner to be important by a general project manager are expanded with change management competencies if the project is classified as an internal change project. The addition of required change management competencies is though highly dependent on the project owner’s vision of internal change projects. The role as project owner is described to include a variety of duties and responsibilities of which some of them not covered by the initial theory of this study.

Projektové financování komerční nemovitosti / Project financing of commercial real estate

Kubík, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
The theoretical part of this thesis deals with history and principles of project finance. It defines participants of the process as well. It explains project development and management. The analytical part describes a particular structure of project financing at a project of development of a commercial real estate. It advises of main issues which this type of financing can brings around. Therefore it provides recommendations and motifs for changes in order to achieve higher economical outcomes and to minimize financial risk of investors and creditors. Moreover it mentions necessary project and financial contractual arrangements which are to be concluded in the system of project finance. The conclusion of this thesis reflects stated goals from the introduction and gives key recommendations to investors for the future projects.

Projektové financování developerského projektu / Real estate project finance

Dvořáková, Markéta January 2009 (has links)
The theoretical part of this thesis explains the process of real estate project financing, describes its main features, characterizes participants of the process and main forms of project loans. It also depicts the feasibility study as a key source of project bank loan application, describe collection of loan documents, guarantees and hedging agreements and provide an overview of the methods used to evaluate the effectiveness of the project. The analytical part describes a particular project of development of a residential real estate and its project finance funding. Furthermore, the final section analyses the effectiveness of given project and the parameters of provided project bank loan.

Nabídka stavebního podniku do veřejné obchodní soutěže / Offer of the Construction Company to Public Tender

Šrotová, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to describe the process of obtaining public contracts according to the supplier. Therefore, the whole work is in its beginning outlined to explain in a theoretical part all the important concepts, context and procedures that will be used in a practical part. The practical part is focused on the course of obtaining a contract in the from of tender

Patentera mera? Portföljbolags innovation efter börsnotering : En eventstudie på svenska marknaden om hur PE- och VC- sponsorer påverkar portföljbolags innovationsnivå efter börsnotering.

Claesson, Elias, Jungerth, Axel January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Flera studier har utforskat effekterna portföljbolag utsätts för under ägandeperioden och i samband med tiden efter avyttring, men ingen har studerat PE- och VCaktörernas effekt på portföljbolagens innovation i Sverige. I aktörernas strävan att avyttra portföljbolagen till högre säljmultipel, befarar forskare att negativa konsekvenser till följd av sponsorskapet kan uppstå. Kritik har riktats mot PE- och VC- bolagens kortsiktiga fokus på lönsamhet och även att ökad kommersialiseringstakt kan resultera i negativa utkomster för portföljbolag på längre sikt. Kan det vara så att innovation, en grundpelare i ett företags långsiktiga prestation, försämras efter PE- och VC-sponsorernas aktiva ägandeperiod? Syfte: Studiens syfte är att analysera om svenska portföljbolags innovationsnivå påverkas av att tidigare ha varit PE- eller VC-sponsrade inför en IPO. Syftet är även att analysera sambandet mellan portföljbolagens innovationsnivå och PE- och VC-bolagens ägande. Metod: Studien genomfördes med en kvantitativ metod och med en deduktiv ansats. Innovation kvantifierades som antal patentansökningar och eventstudien använde paneldataanalys för att identifiera och analysera samband mellan PE- och VC-ägandeskap och patentering efter avyttring via IPO. Resultat: Studien finner ett signifikant negativt samband mellan PE-ägande och innovationsnivån i portföljbolagen efter IPO. Sambandet baseras på en observerad avtagande effekt sett till antal ansökta patent efter avyttringsåret, vilket studien menar indikerar på en minskad innovationsnivå. Det återfinns inget signifikant samband mellan VC-ägande och innovationsnivån efter IPO. Studiens slutsats är ett bidrag till det komplexa och flitigt omdiskuterade forskningsområdet innovation, ett område som kräver både resurser och samarbeten för att kunna fastslå brett generaliserbara lagar om hur innovation fungerar. / Background: Several studies have explored the effects that portfolio companies are exposed to during the ownership period, and in connection with the time after divestment, but none have studied the effects of PE and VC companies on innovation in Sweden. In the companies' quest to divest the portfolio companies to higher sales multiples, researchers fear that negative consequences as a result of the sponsorship may arise. Criticism has been directed at the PE and VC companies' short-term focus on profitability, and that increased rates of commercialization may result in negative outcomes for portfolio companies in the long term. Could it be that innovation, a key pillar of a company's long-term performance, is deteriorating after the PE- and VC- sponsors' active ownership period? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyze whether Swedish portfolio companies' innovation level is affected by having previously been PE- or VC-sponsored prior an IPO. The purpose is also to analyze the relationship between the portfolio companies' innovation level and the ownership of the PE and VC companies. Methodology: The study was conducted using a quantitative method and with a deductive approach. Innovation was quantified as the number of patent applications and the event study used panel data analysis to identify and analyze the relationship between PE and VC ownership and patenting after divestment via IPO. Conclusion: The study finds a significant negative relationship between PE ownership and the level of innovation in the portfolio companies after IPO. The relationship is based on an observed declining effect in the number of patents applied for after the year of sale, which the study suggests indicates a reduced level of innovation. There is no significant relationship between VC-ownership and the level of innovation after IPO. The study's conclusion is a contribution to the complex and frequently debated research area of innovation, an area that requires further resources and collaborations to establish broad generalizable laws on how innovation works.

Optimalizace procesu veřejného projektu z pohledu zadavatele / OPTIMIZATION OF THE PROCESS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF A PUBLIC PROJECT SPONSOR

Dvořáčková, Šárka January 2018 (has links)
Dissertation titled Optimization of the process from the perspektive of the public project sponsor indicates the procurement process both through public procurement, and primarily through PPP (Public Private Partnership). The main objective is to optimize the procurement process by PPP from the perspective of the owner. Therefore, under the general statutes of the Ministry of Finance is processed general process and design methodology for assessing the project within municipalities. This model is then verified in the context of case study in a specific project.

Birds of a Feather Flock Together: Does Similarity Between Sponsor and Sponsee Predict a Successful Sponsorship? : A Study Based on External Congruence and Women’s Sports

Crnoja, Antonio, Grandell, Jesper January 2023 (has links)
Sponsorship is an essential part of marketing communications within sports (Biscaia et al., 2014). Congruence, or the degree to which a sponsor and an event mesh, is one of the main factors influencing sponsorship memory accuracy (Evans, 2019). It is found that, within women’s sports, demand for research on how to maximize the efficiency of sponsorships exists.The research aims to find if sponsors and sponsees could look towards sponsorships with more external congruence to increase the value of the sponsorship to both the sponsor and sponsee. The study uses a survey to find correlations between the amount of external congruence and the degree to which sponsorship objectives are reached. The External Sponsorship Congruence Scale (ESCS), developed by Evans (2019), is used as a basis for measurement of external congruence. The key finding is that the perceived quality of a brand seems to correlate with having a sponsorship that is high in external congruence. Furthermore, both areas of brand awareness and brand image could possibly see some correlation to external congruence. However, those areas were not found to be statistically significant in this study. These findings are important to develop the concept of external congruence and find possible ways of measuring external congruence. For instance, it is found that the ESCS and its constructs seem to be useable in the field of women’s and niche sports. On a theoretical level, changes to the ESCS’s geographical congruence are proposed and a revised ESCS is presented. Moreover, managers within women’s and niche sports, as well as sponsors of those, can use the findings of this study to improve the chances of finding successful sponsorships.

A influência do patrocinador no sucesso de projetos: um estudo de caso

Santos, Marcelo Alves 26 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Marcelo Alves Santos (marcelo.alves@live.com) on 2017-07-05T21:23:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Mestrado - Marcelo Alves Santos.pdf: 2480940 bytes, checksum: c2674ec4d88282358ef5e25761777a1d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br) on 2017-07-05T21:37:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Mestrado - Marcelo Alves Santos.pdf: 2480940 bytes, checksum: c2674ec4d88282358ef5e25761777a1d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-06T13:09:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Mestrado - Marcelo Alves Santos.pdf: 2480940 bytes, checksum: c2674ec4d88282358ef5e25761777a1d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-26 / The analysis of critical factors for project success, as well as the definition of success in projects, are contents that are constantly addressed in the project management literature. This case study proposed a clipping in this subject, focusing on how the project sponsoring executive can contribute to the success of a project. Two projects within the same organization were analyzed, applying the theory developed by KLOPPENBORG et Al. (2014) for evaluating behaviors of the project sponsor. For each project interviews were conducted with closed questions, followed by open questions with their respective stakeholders. The objective of these interviews was to understand how the project sponsor contributed to the success of the projects studied through the theoretical lens adopted. Using a qualitative methods this research has indicated that the project sponsor had a major impact on the success of the projects chosen. The research indicated that the following behaviors contributed to the result of the projects in the organization: (1) behavior 3 - the project sponsor guaranteed the project planning; (2) behavior 6 - the project sponsor maintained a relationship with the stakeholders; (3) behavior 7 - The project sponsor ensured communication between the project and its stakeholders. The emergence of responses through qualitative research also allowed exploring other factors that influence success, but will not be discussed in depth in this research. This work aims to contribute to the body of knowledge about project management exploring the sponsor's impact on project success. At the same time it also aims to encourage organizations to rediscuit the role of the project sponsor by allowing them to contribute positively to the success of projects within organizations. / A análise de fatores críticos para o sucesso de projetos, bem como a própria definição de sucesso em projetos, são conteúdos constantemente abordados na literatura de gestão de projetos, programas e portfólios. Este estudo de caso propôs um recorte nesse assunto, com foco sobre como o executivo patrocinador de projetos pode contribuir para o sucesso de um projeto. Foram analisados dois projetos dentro da mesma organização, aplicando-se a teoria desenvolvida por KLOPPENBORG et Al. (2014) para avaliação de comportamentos do patrocinador de projetos. Para cada projeto foram feitas entrevistas com perguntas fechadas, seguidas de perguntas abertas com as suas respectivas partes interessadas. O objetivo dessas entrevistas foi compreender como o patrocinador de projetos contribuiu para o sucesso dos projetos estudados através da lente teórica adotada. Através de análises qualitativas, utilizando apoio de ferramentas estatísticas, a pesquisa indicou que o patrocinador de projetos teve um impacto importante para o sucesso dos projetos escolhidos. A pesquisa indicou que os seguintes comportamentos contribuíram para o resultado dos projetos na organização: (1) comportamento 3 - o patrocinador de projetos garantiu o planejamento do projeto; (2) comportamento 6 - o patrocinador de projetos manteve relacionamento com as partes interessadas; (3) comportamento 7 - o patrocinador de projetos garantiu a comunicação entre o projeto e as suas partes interessadas.A emersão de respostas através da pesquisa qualitativa permitiu também explorar outros fatores que influenciam o sucesso, todavia não serão discutidas a fundo nesta pesquisa. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para o corpo de conhecimento sobre gestão de projetos, explorando o impacto do patrocinador no sucesso de projetos. Ao mesmo tempo também pretende incentivar as organizações a rediscutir o papel do patrocinador de projetos, permitindo que ele contribua de forma positiva para o sucesso de projetos nas organizações.

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