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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental test setups and simulations in skiing mechanics

Swarén, Mikael January 2014 (has links)
Product testing and development are essential parts in sports and for the athletes in their quest to reach the podium. Manufacturers of sports equipment often use basic test methods which do not test the equipment in a sports specific way. Much of the equipment used by world-class athletes is chosen based only on subjective tests and the athletes’ feelings. One short term aim was therefore to develop test methods for objective tests of sports equipment that also tested the equipment in a sports  specific  way.  Another  aim  was  to  integrate  mechanics  and  simulations  to  enhance  the understanding of the test results. The more long term aims are to contribute to increased theoretical knowledge regarding test methods for sports equipment and to contribute to the development of test  methods  to  create  new  and  better  sports  equipment.  Experimental  tests  combined  with simulations  can  give  valuable  information  to  improve  the  performance  and  safety  of  sports equipment. Three studies dealt with the issue of objective yet sport specific test methods for sports equipment. The main methodological advancement is the modification of established test methods together  with  conventional  mechanics  calculations.  New  test  devices  and  methodologies  are proposed for alpine ski helmets and cross-country ski poles. Suggestions are given for improved test setups as well as theoretical simulation are introduced for glide tests of skis. The results show how sport   specific   test   methodologies   together   with   theoretical   calculations   can   improve   the objectiveness and relevance when testing sports equipment. However, the collected and used data require high precision to obtain high accuracy in the simulations. High data accuracy can be an issue in field measurements but also due to manufacturers not disclosing key material data. Still, the used methods  and  calculations  in  this  thesis  produce  relevant  and  reliable  results  which  can  be implemented to accurate evaluations of different sports equipment. Even though it has not been a first priority aim in this work, the results from the alpine helmet study have been used by helmet manufacturers to design new helmets with increased safety properties. This further show how an objective and sport specific test approach together with theoretical simulation can improve sports equipment and in the longer perspective, also the athletes’ performances. / <p>QC 20140423</p>

Robotic ball retrieving : A method to detect, collect and retrieve a ball / Bollkalle

Malachowska, Julia, Severinsson, Ellen January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the presented thesis is to examine the potential of an autonomous football handling machine. It has been noted that the number of machines with the purpose of autonomously handling footballs, tennis balls, golf balls etc. are increasing but that no such machine is yet well established on the market. The performance of a robot that can both find, collect and retrieve a ball to a fix position is being examined. An area where the machine is intended to fill a purpose is for example penalty or free kick practice within football, where a single player stands relatively far away from goal and the ball does not necessarily bounce back to the player after scoring. Such a robot could make practice more efficient by relieving the player from the repetitive task of running back and forth to the goal, hence providing him/her with the flexibility of practicing alone. The results of the study show that ultrasound is not an effective technique for detecting a football, because of many reasons. One of the reasons is that the ultrasonic sensor doesn’t measure distance accurately enough when dealing with spherical surfaces. However, since the developed demonstrator is tested in a fixed setting, its success rate is high. With a few adjustment, the system as a whole shows high potential. The main recommendation for future work is to replace the ultrasonic sensor with a camera, and implementation of feedback control, for the steering of the robots movements. / Syftet med det presenterade arbetet är att undersöka potentialen hos en autonom maskin för hantering av fotbollar. Det har noterats att antalet maskiner med syfte att autonomt hantera fotbollar, tennisbollar, golfbollar och dylikt. har ökat, men att ingen sådan maskin ännu är väletablerad på marknaden. Prestandan hos en robot som både kan hitta, plocka upp och återbringa en boll till en bestämd plats undersöks. Ett område där roboten ämnas användas är till exempel vid träning av straffar eller frisparkar inom fotboll, där en ensam spelaren står relativt långt bort från målet och bollen inte nödvändigtvis studsar tillbaka till spelaren efter att bollen placerats i mål. En dylik robot skulle möjliggöra mer effektiv träning genom att bespara spelaren den repetativa uppgiften att springa fram och tillbaka till mål, och således delge denne med flexibiliteten av att kunna träna ensam. Studiens resultat visar att ultraljud inte är en effektiv teknik för att detektera en boll, av flera anledningar. En av anledningarna är att ultraljudssensorn inte har tillräcklig noggrannhet för att mäta avstånd till sfäriska ytor. Eftersom den framtagna prototypen är testad i en riggad situation är antalet lyckade försök trots detta hög. Med ett antal justeringar uppvisar systemet som helhet god potential. De huvudsakliga rekommendationerna för framtida utveckling av produkten är att byta ut ultraljudssensorn mot en kamera, samt att införa feedback-reglering för styrning av robotens rörelser.

A language-independent methodology for compiling declarations into open platform frameworks / Compilation de déclarations dans des cadriciels : une méthodologie indépendante du langage

Van der Walt, Paul 14 December 2015 (has links)
Dans le domaine des plates-formes ouvertes, l’utilisation des cadriciels (frameworks) enrichis par des déclarations pour exprimer les permissions de l’application est de plus en plus répandue. Ceci est une réaction logique au fait qu’il y a une explosion d’adoption des appareils embarqués et mobiles. Leur omniprésence dans notre vie quotidienne engendre des craintes liées à la sécurité et à la vie privée, car l’usager partage de plus en plus ses données et ressources privées avec des tiers qui développent des applications auxquelles on n’a pas de raison de faire confiance. Malheureusement, la manière dont ces langages de spécification ainsi que ces cadres d’applications sont développés est généralement assez ad hoc et repose sur un domaine d’application et un langage de programmation fixes. De plus, ces cadriciels ne sont pas assez restrictifs pour régler le problème de la fuite de données privées et ne donnent souvent pas non plus assez d’informations à l’usager sur le comportement attendu de l’application. Cette thèse présente une méthodologie généraliste pour développer des cadriciels dirigés par des déclarations, qui cible un spectre large de langages de programmation. Nous montrons comment des langages de déclaration expressifs permettent de spécifier avec modularité les droits d’accès aux ressources ainsi que le flux de contrôle d’une telle application. Ces langages peuvent ensuite être compilés en un cadriciel garantissant à l’usager final le respect de ces permissions. Par rapport aux cadriciels existants, notre méthodologie permet de guider la personne qui développe des applications à partir des spécifications ainsi que d’informer l’usager final sur l’usage des ressources sensibles. Contrairement aux travaux existants, la méthodologie présentée dans cette thèse ne repose par sur un langage de programmation particulier. Nous montrons comment mettre en oeuvre de tels cadriciels dans un spectre de langages : des langages avec typage statique ou dynamique, et suivant le paradigme objet ou fonctionnel. L’efficacité de l’approche est montrée à travers des prototypes dans le domaine des applications mobiles dans deux langages très différents, à savoir Java et Racket, ce qui montre la généralité de notre approche. / In the domain of open platforms, it has become common to use application programming frameworks extended with declarations that express permissions of applications. This is a natural reaction to ever more widespread adoption of mobile and pervasive computing devices. Their wide adoption raises privacy and safety concerns for users, as a result of the increasing number of sensitive resources a user is sharing with non-certified third-party application developers. However, the approach to designing these declaration languages and the frameworks that enforce their requirements is often ad hoc, and limited to a specific combination of application domain and programming language. Moreover, most widely used frameworks fail to address serious privacy leaks, and, crucially, do not provide the user with insight into application behaviour. This dissertation presents a generalised methodology for developing declaration-driven frameworks in a wide spectrum of host programming languages. We show that rich declaration languages, which express modularity, resource permissions and application control flow, can be compiled into frameworks that provide strong guarantees to end users. Compared to other declaration-driven frameworks, our methodology provides guidance to the application developer based on the specifications, and clear insight to the end user regarding the use of their private resources. Contrary to previous work, the methodology we propose does not depend on a specific host language, or even on a specific programming paradigm. We demonstrate how to implement declaration-driven frameworks in languages with static type systems, completely dynamic languages, object-oriented languages, or functional languages. The efficacy of our approach is shown through prototypes in the domain of mobile computing, implemented in two widely differing host programming languages, demonstrating the generality of our approach.

The Research And Application of Control system of electrical sports equipment

Huang, Jia-Shing 30 July 2002 (has links)
This paper explores the problem of electrical sports equipment includes 2D-animation, storage media and the safety-protection over out of control of speed and the supporting supervisory control apparatus. This paper succeeded in developing a highly efficient DSP-based motor driver system in the form of a jogging machine which employs IVSC and RISC control law. The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed system meets the requirements of servo tracking with excellent transient, steady state responses and robustness. This paper design a multi-functional FPGA uses in control system of sports equipment to provide the designing flexibility for different scales, solutions to the difficulties of production and maintenance, and the extension for future development of sports equipment.

Seleção de materiais e design em produtos esportivos : estudo do perfil interno de caneleiras personalizadas

Silva, Leandro Medeiros da January 2011 (has links)
O futebol é o esporte mundial com maior quantidade de praticantes no mundo e suas normas são produzidas pela IFAB (Conselho da Associação Internacional de Futebol) e regulamentadas pela FIFA (Federação Internacional de Futebol Associado), sendo um esporte que gera milhões de reais em patrocínios e propaganda. A antropometria dos atletas praticantes pode variar muito, tanto em nível amador quanto profissional, apesar de estudos demonstrarem que atletas de mesma posição (atacantes, laterais, goleiros e outros), que desempenham a mesma função dentro do jogo, tem a tendência a apresentarem características semelhantes. No caso das caneleiras, esses atletas ainda utilizam, na grande maioria, equipamentos Standard, o que contribui para o elevado número de lesões que ocorrem anualmente com os jogadores de futebol, embora as técnicas de preparação física e testes de esforço tenham evoluído muito nos últimos anos. Em função disso, os equipamentos esportivos utilizados devem evoluir cada vez mais para diminuir a incidência de lesões, aumentando o conforto e a proteção aos atletas. Considerando que a caneleira é o único equipamento de proteção obrigatório exigido pela FIFA, a personalização deste produto se torna uma prática interessante. Nesse trabalho, a obtenção de caneleiras personalizadas ocorre de três maneiras distintas, por modelagem em gesso, digitalização e tomografia. Os resultados indicam que os três métodos são satisfatórios para a produção de uma caneleira personalizável, pois em todos foi possível obter a geometria da canela e reproduzi-la em polipropileno através da termoformagem, desenvolvendo assim um equipamento que se encaixa perfeitamente à canela do usuário. Cada método apresenta uma vantagem especifica frente aos outros, o molde feito em gesso é o método mais barato e fácil, a tomografia computadorizada poderia ser obtida previamente em analises ou previsões de lesões e o jogador poderia aproveitar a mesma para a criação da sua caneleira personalizada economizando tempo ao usuário e por ultimo a digitalização é o método mais preciso com a melhor repetibilidade. / Football is the sport worldwide with the largest number of practitioners in the world and its standards are produced by the IFAB (Council of International Football Association) and regulated by FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association), being a sport that generates millions of dollars in sponsorships and advertising. The athletes in the anthropometry can vary greatly, both at amateur and professional, despite studies showing that athletes from the same position (forwards, sides, goalkeepers and others) that perform the same function within the game, you tend to have characteristics similar. In the case of shin guards, these athletes are still using, in most cases, standard equipment, which contributes to the high number of injuries that occur each year with the football players, although the techniques of physical fitness and physical exhaustion tests have evolved in very recent years. As a result, the sports equipment used must evolve more and more to decrease the incidence of injuries, enhancing comfort and protection for athletes. Whereas the shin guard is the only required protective equipment required by FIFA, the customization of this product becomes an interesting practice. In this work, obtaining custom leggings will occur in three ways, by modeling plaster, and CT scan. The results indicate that the three methods are satisfactory for the production of a customizable shin guard, because in all it was possible to copy the geometry of shank and play it through the polypropylene in thermoforming, thus obtaining a device that perfectly fits the shank of the user. Each method has an advantage compared to the other specifies the plaster cast made the method is cheaper and easier, a CT scan could be obtained previously in analysis of injury and the player could use it to create your custom shinguard saving time to user and finally the scan is the most accurate method with the best repeatability.

Seleção de materiais e design em produtos esportivos : estudo do perfil interno de caneleiras personalizadas

Silva, Leandro Medeiros da January 2011 (has links)
O futebol é o esporte mundial com maior quantidade de praticantes no mundo e suas normas são produzidas pela IFAB (Conselho da Associação Internacional de Futebol) e regulamentadas pela FIFA (Federação Internacional de Futebol Associado), sendo um esporte que gera milhões de reais em patrocínios e propaganda. A antropometria dos atletas praticantes pode variar muito, tanto em nível amador quanto profissional, apesar de estudos demonstrarem que atletas de mesma posição (atacantes, laterais, goleiros e outros), que desempenham a mesma função dentro do jogo, tem a tendência a apresentarem características semelhantes. No caso das caneleiras, esses atletas ainda utilizam, na grande maioria, equipamentos Standard, o que contribui para o elevado número de lesões que ocorrem anualmente com os jogadores de futebol, embora as técnicas de preparação física e testes de esforço tenham evoluído muito nos últimos anos. Em função disso, os equipamentos esportivos utilizados devem evoluir cada vez mais para diminuir a incidência de lesões, aumentando o conforto e a proteção aos atletas. Considerando que a caneleira é o único equipamento de proteção obrigatório exigido pela FIFA, a personalização deste produto se torna uma prática interessante. Nesse trabalho, a obtenção de caneleiras personalizadas ocorre de três maneiras distintas, por modelagem em gesso, digitalização e tomografia. Os resultados indicam que os três métodos são satisfatórios para a produção de uma caneleira personalizável, pois em todos foi possível obter a geometria da canela e reproduzi-la em polipropileno através da termoformagem, desenvolvendo assim um equipamento que se encaixa perfeitamente à canela do usuário. Cada método apresenta uma vantagem especifica frente aos outros, o molde feito em gesso é o método mais barato e fácil, a tomografia computadorizada poderia ser obtida previamente em analises ou previsões de lesões e o jogador poderia aproveitar a mesma para a criação da sua caneleira personalizada economizando tempo ao usuário e por ultimo a digitalização é o método mais preciso com a melhor repetibilidade. / Football is the sport worldwide with the largest number of practitioners in the world and its standards are produced by the IFAB (Council of International Football Association) and regulated by FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association), being a sport that generates millions of dollars in sponsorships and advertising. The athletes in the anthropometry can vary greatly, both at amateur and professional, despite studies showing that athletes from the same position (forwards, sides, goalkeepers and others) that perform the same function within the game, you tend to have characteristics similar. In the case of shin guards, these athletes are still using, in most cases, standard equipment, which contributes to the high number of injuries that occur each year with the football players, although the techniques of physical fitness and physical exhaustion tests have evolved in very recent years. As a result, the sports equipment used must evolve more and more to decrease the incidence of injuries, enhancing comfort and protection for athletes. Whereas the shin guard is the only required protective equipment required by FIFA, the customization of this product becomes an interesting practice. In this work, obtaining custom leggings will occur in three ways, by modeling plaster, and CT scan. The results indicate that the three methods are satisfactory for the production of a customizable shin guard, because in all it was possible to copy the geometry of shank and play it through the polypropylene in thermoforming, thus obtaining a device that perfectly fits the shank of the user. Each method has an advantage compared to the other specifies the plaster cast made the method is cheaper and easier, a CT scan could be obtained previously in analysis of injury and the player could use it to create your custom shinguard saving time to user and finally the scan is the most accurate method with the best repeatability.

Seleção de materiais e design em produtos esportivos : estudo do perfil interno de caneleiras personalizadas

Silva, Leandro Medeiros da January 2011 (has links)
O futebol é o esporte mundial com maior quantidade de praticantes no mundo e suas normas são produzidas pela IFAB (Conselho da Associação Internacional de Futebol) e regulamentadas pela FIFA (Federação Internacional de Futebol Associado), sendo um esporte que gera milhões de reais em patrocínios e propaganda. A antropometria dos atletas praticantes pode variar muito, tanto em nível amador quanto profissional, apesar de estudos demonstrarem que atletas de mesma posição (atacantes, laterais, goleiros e outros), que desempenham a mesma função dentro do jogo, tem a tendência a apresentarem características semelhantes. No caso das caneleiras, esses atletas ainda utilizam, na grande maioria, equipamentos Standard, o que contribui para o elevado número de lesões que ocorrem anualmente com os jogadores de futebol, embora as técnicas de preparação física e testes de esforço tenham evoluído muito nos últimos anos. Em função disso, os equipamentos esportivos utilizados devem evoluir cada vez mais para diminuir a incidência de lesões, aumentando o conforto e a proteção aos atletas. Considerando que a caneleira é o único equipamento de proteção obrigatório exigido pela FIFA, a personalização deste produto se torna uma prática interessante. Nesse trabalho, a obtenção de caneleiras personalizadas ocorre de três maneiras distintas, por modelagem em gesso, digitalização e tomografia. Os resultados indicam que os três métodos são satisfatórios para a produção de uma caneleira personalizável, pois em todos foi possível obter a geometria da canela e reproduzi-la em polipropileno através da termoformagem, desenvolvendo assim um equipamento que se encaixa perfeitamente à canela do usuário. Cada método apresenta uma vantagem especifica frente aos outros, o molde feito em gesso é o método mais barato e fácil, a tomografia computadorizada poderia ser obtida previamente em analises ou previsões de lesões e o jogador poderia aproveitar a mesma para a criação da sua caneleira personalizada economizando tempo ao usuário e por ultimo a digitalização é o método mais preciso com a melhor repetibilidade. / Football is the sport worldwide with the largest number of practitioners in the world and its standards are produced by the IFAB (Council of International Football Association) and regulated by FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association), being a sport that generates millions of dollars in sponsorships and advertising. The athletes in the anthropometry can vary greatly, both at amateur and professional, despite studies showing that athletes from the same position (forwards, sides, goalkeepers and others) that perform the same function within the game, you tend to have characteristics similar. In the case of shin guards, these athletes are still using, in most cases, standard equipment, which contributes to the high number of injuries that occur each year with the football players, although the techniques of physical fitness and physical exhaustion tests have evolved in very recent years. As a result, the sports equipment used must evolve more and more to decrease the incidence of injuries, enhancing comfort and protection for athletes. Whereas the shin guard is the only required protective equipment required by FIFA, the customization of this product becomes an interesting practice. In this work, obtaining custom leggings will occur in three ways, by modeling plaster, and CT scan. The results indicate that the three methods are satisfactory for the production of a customizable shin guard, because in all it was possible to copy the geometry of shank and play it through the polypropylene in thermoforming, thus obtaining a device that perfectly fits the shank of the user. Each method has an advantage compared to the other specifies the plaster cast made the method is cheaper and easier, a CT scan could be obtained previously in analysis of injury and the player could use it to create your custom shinguard saving time to user and finally the scan is the most accurate method with the best repeatability.

Podnikatelský záměr / Business Plan

Kašpar, Michael January 2014 (has links)
This master‘s thesis is dealing to the draft business plan for the establishment of the company SportHC s.r.o., which will sell sports equipment through the shop and online store. I will write the thesis in three parts. The first part will focus on the theoretical solutions of work suitable for the business plan, in the second the analysis part i will focus on the analysis of the external and internal surroundings of the company and in the third the practical part I will try to present findings from the parts theoretical nad analysis into a viable business plan.

Mechanische Simulation der Interaktion Sportler-Sportgerät-Umwelt

Schwanitz, Stefan 12 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine Methodik zur Entwicklung mechanischer Simulationen der Interaktion Sportler-Sportgerät-Umwelt zur Untersuchung der Funktionalität von Sportgeräten konzipiert und vorgestellt. Die mechanische Simulation ist die gegenständliche Nachbildung spezieller Teilaspekte des Sportlers, z.B. der Körperform, der Trägheitseigenschaften, der Masse, der Interaktionskräfte zur Umwelt oder charakteristischer Bewegungsabläufe zum Zweck der Durchführung gezielter Experimente zur Untersuchung des dynamischen Systemverhaltens Sportler-Sportgerät-Umwelt. Dazu werden drei Fallbeispiele aus der Forschungstätigkeit der Arbeitsgruppe HLST an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz mit Methoden zur Verifikation von Simulationsmodellen – dem strukturierten Durchgehen, der Validierung im Dialog und dem Schreibtischtest – analysiert. Die Analyseergebnisse werden in eine Grobstruktur eingebettet, die aus relevanten Vorarbeiten zur Anwendung der Allgemeinen Modelltheorie abgeleitet ist. Die in den jeweiligen Fallbeispielen verwendeten Prozessschritte, Methoden und Werkzeuge werden dargestellt und die Entwicklungsergebnisse erörtert. Im Abschluss jedes Fallbeispiels wird der Entwicklungsprozess anhand von einheitlichen Kriterien bewertet. In einem abschließenden Schritt erfolgt die Zusammenführung der im Stand der Technik dargelegten Grundlagen und der in den drei Fallbeispielen gewonnenen Informationen zu einer strukturieren und kommentierten Methodik. / In this dissertation a methodology is conceived that aims to structure the development process of test arrangements that mechanically simulate the interaction of athlete, sports equipment and environment. Mechanical simulation in this context is defined as the physical replication of specific properties of the athlete (e.g. the shape of the human body, body weight, joint kinematics, inertia, external forces in specific movements) in order to conduct experiments to investigate the dynamic behavior of the system athlete-equipment-environment. Therefore, three case studies of mechanical simulation models that have been developed at Technische Universität Chemnitz are analyzed by applying the validation and verification methods “structured walkthrough”, “face validity” and “desk checking”. The results of that analysis are embedded into a framework that is derived by literature review on applied model theory. For each of the three development processes the procedure model is identified and main tools and methods are discussed. Every case study is finally assessed by using standardized evaluation criterions. Finally, the main findings of the analysis of the case studies as well as knowledge obtained by reviewing the state of the art in model theory and simulation methods are used to build up a structured and commentated guideline.

Mechanische Simulation der Interaktion Sportler-Sportgerät-Umwelt

Schwanitz, Stefan 26 February 2015 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine Methodik zur Entwicklung mechanischer Simulationen der Interaktion Sportler-Sportgerät-Umwelt zur Untersuchung der Funktionalität von Sportgeräten konzipiert und vorgestellt. Die mechanische Simulation ist die gegenständliche Nachbildung spezieller Teilaspekte des Sportlers, z.B. der Körperform, der Trägheitseigenschaften, der Masse, der Interaktionskräfte zur Umwelt oder charakteristischer Bewegungsabläufe zum Zweck der Durchführung gezielter Experimente zur Untersuchung des dynamischen Systemverhaltens Sportler-Sportgerät-Umwelt. Dazu werden drei Fallbeispiele aus der Forschungstätigkeit der Arbeitsgruppe HLST an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz mit Methoden zur Verifikation von Simulationsmodellen – dem strukturierten Durchgehen, der Validierung im Dialog und dem Schreibtischtest – analysiert. Die Analyseergebnisse werden in eine Grobstruktur eingebettet, die aus relevanten Vorarbeiten zur Anwendung der Allgemeinen Modelltheorie abgeleitet ist. Die in den jeweiligen Fallbeispielen verwendeten Prozessschritte, Methoden und Werkzeuge werden dargestellt und die Entwicklungsergebnisse erörtert. Im Abschluss jedes Fallbeispiels wird der Entwicklungsprozess anhand von einheitlichen Kriterien bewertet. In einem abschließenden Schritt erfolgt die Zusammenführung der im Stand der Technik dargelegten Grundlagen und der in den drei Fallbeispielen gewonnenen Informationen zu einer strukturieren und kommentierten Methodik.:1 Einleitung 8 1.1 Definitionen 8 1.2 Einsatzgebiete der mechanischen Simulation 11 1.2.1 Überblick 11 1.2.2 Sicherheit gegen Versagen 12 1.2.3 Konformität 14 1.2.4 Funktionalität 15 1.3 Motivation und Zielsetzung 16 1.4 Aufbau der Arbeit 16 2 Theoretische Grundlagen 18 2.1 Experimentelle Methoden der Sportgeräteentwicklung 18 2.1.1 Einordnung nach Odenwald (2006) 18 2.1.2 Einordnung nach Witte (2013) 19 2.1.3 Einordnung nach Senner (2001) 20 2.1.4 Eigene Systematisierung 23 2.2 Allgemeine Modelltheorie 26 2.3 Existierende Ansätze für die Applikation der Allgemeinen Modelltheorie 29 2.3.1 Anwendung der AMT in der Chemie 29 2.3.2 Anwendung der AMT in der Biomechanik 30 2.3.3 Anwendung der AMT in Logistik und Produktion 32 2.3.4 Fazit 37 3 Präzisierung der Problemstellung 38 4 Methodik 39 5 Fallbeispiel Schwimmanzug – Strömungswiderstand 41 5.1 Vorbemerkungen 41 5.2 Aufgabenanalyse 42 5.2.1 Definition der zu untersuchenden Funktionalität des Sportgeräts 42 5.2.2 Analyse der zugrundeliegenden technischen Funktion des Sportgeräts 42 5.2.3 Analyse der Simulationswürdigkeit 43 5.2.4 Identifikation des Originals 47 5.3 Modellformulierung 48 5.3.1 Modellansatz 48 5.3.2 Modellsynthese 50 5.4 Modellimplementierung 53 5.4.1 Herstellung des Strömungskörpers 53 5.4.2 Simulation der Fortbewegung im Wasser 54 5.5 Modellanwendung 57 5.6 Modellüberprüfung 60 5.6.1 Abgleich zwischen den experimentellen Ergebnissen und dem theoretischen Modell 60 5.6.2 Vergleich mit dem Original 62 5.7 Fazit 67 6 Fallbeispiel Laufschuh – Stoßabsorption 69 6.1 Vorbemerkungen 69 6.2 Aufgabenanalyse 69 6.2.1 Definition der zu untersuchenden Funktionalität 69 6.2.2 Analyse der zugrundeliegenden technischen Funktion des Sportgeräts 71 6.2.3 Analyse der Simulationswürdigkeit 71 6.2.4 Definition des Originals 72 6.3 Modellformulierung 72 6.3.1 Modellansatz 72 6.3.2 Systemanalyse 72 6.3.3 Modellsynthese 77 6.4 Modellimplementierung 78 6.4.1 Krafterzeugung 78 6.4.2 Kraftübertragung 79 6.5 Modellanwendung 81 6.6 Modellüberprüfung 82 6.6.1 Soll-Istwert-Vergleich 82 6.6.2 Reliabilität 83 6.6.3 Korrelation zu Stoßbelastungsvariablen 85 6.6.4 Ereignisvaliditätstest: Sohlentemperatur 86 6.6.5 Ereignisvaliditätstest: Sohlendeformation 88 6.7 Fazit 91 7 Fallbeispiel Fußballschuh – Traktionseigenschaften 94 7.1 Vorbemerkungen 94 7.2 Aufgabenanalyse 94 7.2.1 Definition der zu untersuchenden Funktionalität 94 7.2.2 Analyse der zugrundeliegenden technischen Funktion des Sportgeräts 95 7.2.3 Analyse der Simulationswürdigkeit 96 7.2.4 Definition des Originals 97 7.3 Modellformulierung 98 7.3.1 Modellansatz 98 7.3.2 Systemanalyse 98 7.3.3 Modellsynthese 106 7.4 Modellimplementierung 107 7.5 Modellanwendung 110 7.6 Modellüberprüfung 114 7.6.1 Reliabilität 114 7.6.2 Sensitivitätsanalyse: Normalkraft 114 7.6.3 Sensitivitätsanalyse: Kraftanstieg horizontal 116 7.6.4 Vergleich mit der Realität 116 7.7 Fazit 117 8 Methodik zur Entwicklung mechanischer Simulationen der Interaktion Sportler-Sportgerät-Umwelt 119 8.1 Schematische Darstellung 119 8.2 Erläuterung der Vorgehensempfehlung 120 8.2.1 Klärung der Problemstellung 120 8.2.2 Modellbildung 122 8.2.3 Modellanwendung 124 9 Schlussbetrachtung 126 Literaturverzeichnis 128 Tabellenverzeichnis 133 Abbildungsverzeichnis 135 Danksagung 138 Selbstständigkeitserklärung 139 Lebenslauf 140 / In this dissertation a methodology is conceived that aims to structure the development process of test arrangements that mechanically simulate the interaction of athlete, sports equipment and environment. Mechanical simulation in this context is defined as the physical replication of specific properties of the athlete (e.g. the shape of the human body, body weight, joint kinematics, inertia, external forces in specific movements) in order to conduct experiments to investigate the dynamic behavior of the system athlete-equipment-environment. Therefore, three case studies of mechanical simulation models that have been developed at Technische Universität Chemnitz are analyzed by applying the validation and verification methods “structured walkthrough”, “face validity” and “desk checking”. The results of that analysis are embedded into a framework that is derived by literature review on applied model theory. For each of the three development processes the procedure model is identified and main tools and methods are discussed. Every case study is finally assessed by using standardized evaluation criterions. Finally, the main findings of the analysis of the case studies as well as knowledge obtained by reviewing the state of the art in model theory and simulation methods are used to build up a structured and commentated guideline.:1 Einleitung 8 1.1 Definitionen 8 1.2 Einsatzgebiete der mechanischen Simulation 11 1.2.1 Überblick 11 1.2.2 Sicherheit gegen Versagen 12 1.2.3 Konformität 14 1.2.4 Funktionalität 15 1.3 Motivation und Zielsetzung 16 1.4 Aufbau der Arbeit 16 2 Theoretische Grundlagen 18 2.1 Experimentelle Methoden der Sportgeräteentwicklung 18 2.1.1 Einordnung nach Odenwald (2006) 18 2.1.2 Einordnung nach Witte (2013) 19 2.1.3 Einordnung nach Senner (2001) 20 2.1.4 Eigene Systematisierung 23 2.2 Allgemeine Modelltheorie 26 2.3 Existierende Ansätze für die Applikation der Allgemeinen Modelltheorie 29 2.3.1 Anwendung der AMT in der Chemie 29 2.3.2 Anwendung der AMT in der Biomechanik 30 2.3.3 Anwendung der AMT in Logistik und Produktion 32 2.3.4 Fazit 37 3 Präzisierung der Problemstellung 38 4 Methodik 39 5 Fallbeispiel Schwimmanzug – Strömungswiderstand 41 5.1 Vorbemerkungen 41 5.2 Aufgabenanalyse 42 5.2.1 Definition der zu untersuchenden Funktionalität des Sportgeräts 42 5.2.2 Analyse der zugrundeliegenden technischen Funktion des Sportgeräts 42 5.2.3 Analyse der Simulationswürdigkeit 43 5.2.4 Identifikation des Originals 47 5.3 Modellformulierung 48 5.3.1 Modellansatz 48 5.3.2 Modellsynthese 50 5.4 Modellimplementierung 53 5.4.1 Herstellung des Strömungskörpers 53 5.4.2 Simulation der Fortbewegung im Wasser 54 5.5 Modellanwendung 57 5.6 Modellüberprüfung 60 5.6.1 Abgleich zwischen den experimentellen Ergebnissen und dem theoretischen Modell 60 5.6.2 Vergleich mit dem Original 62 5.7 Fazit 67 6 Fallbeispiel Laufschuh – Stoßabsorption 69 6.1 Vorbemerkungen 69 6.2 Aufgabenanalyse 69 6.2.1 Definition der zu untersuchenden Funktionalität 69 6.2.2 Analyse der zugrundeliegenden technischen Funktion des Sportgeräts 71 6.2.3 Analyse der Simulationswürdigkeit 71 6.2.4 Definition des Originals 72 6.3 Modellformulierung 72 6.3.1 Modellansatz 72 6.3.2 Systemanalyse 72 6.3.3 Modellsynthese 77 6.4 Modellimplementierung 78 6.4.1 Krafterzeugung 78 6.4.2 Kraftübertragung 79 6.5 Modellanwendung 81 6.6 Modellüberprüfung 82 6.6.1 Soll-Istwert-Vergleich 82 6.6.2 Reliabilität 83 6.6.3 Korrelation zu Stoßbelastungsvariablen 85 6.6.4 Ereignisvaliditätstest: Sohlentemperatur 86 6.6.5 Ereignisvaliditätstest: Sohlendeformation 88 6.7 Fazit 91 7 Fallbeispiel Fußballschuh – Traktionseigenschaften 94 7.1 Vorbemerkungen 94 7.2 Aufgabenanalyse 94 7.2.1 Definition der zu untersuchenden Funktionalität 94 7.2.2 Analyse der zugrundeliegenden technischen Funktion des Sportgeräts 95 7.2.3 Analyse der Simulationswürdigkeit 96 7.2.4 Definition des Originals 97 7.3 Modellformulierung 98 7.3.1 Modellansatz 98 7.3.2 Systemanalyse 98 7.3.3 Modellsynthese 106 7.4 Modellimplementierung 107 7.5 Modellanwendung 110 7.6 Modellüberprüfung 114 7.6.1 Reliabilität 114 7.6.2 Sensitivitätsanalyse: Normalkraft 114 7.6.3 Sensitivitätsanalyse: Kraftanstieg horizontal 116 7.6.4 Vergleich mit der Realität 116 7.7 Fazit 117 8 Methodik zur Entwicklung mechanischer Simulationen der Interaktion Sportler-Sportgerät-Umwelt 119 8.1 Schematische Darstellung 119 8.2 Erläuterung der Vorgehensempfehlung 120 8.2.1 Klärung der Problemstellung 120 8.2.2 Modellbildung 122 8.2.3 Modellanwendung 124 9 Schlussbetrachtung 126 Literaturverzeichnis 128 Tabellenverzeichnis 133 Abbildungsverzeichnis 135 Danksagung 138 Selbstständigkeitserklärung 139 Lebenslauf 140

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