Spelling suggestions: "subject:"spot welding"" "subject:"pot welding""
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RFSSW Behavior Prediction Using a Numerical ModelBerger, Evan Robert 19 April 2023 (has links) (PDF)
A two-dimensional axisymmetric thermo-mechanical model of the Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding (RFSSW) process was developed and validated with experimental data. Welding temperatures, tool forces, and material flow including defect formation, were accurately predicted by the model. Qualified repair techniques are critical for successful implementation of a welding process for use on large weldments with a significant number of spot joints, and this work demonstrates a repair technique for RFSSW that is validated both experimentally and numerically. Repaired properties are shown to exceed 90% of the original mechanical properties of the RFSSW process. RFSSW has different process parameters for every combination of material alloy, material thickness, weld duration, and machine force limits. Numerical modeling develops the process parameters for any RFSSW iteration in a fraction of the time with the same amount of accuracy. The model can effectively simulate how to determine the optimal weld duration given any experimental parameters.
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A comparative study between conventional fixed and advanced adaptive control system for resistance spotBohlin, Caroline January 2018 (has links)
Resistance spot welding is the main welding method used in the automotive industry to weld thin sheet metal. Today adaptive control systems have been developed for RSW, which means it can adjust the parameters in the weld process automatically during welding. The control systems can register the parameters and properties of the weld in real-time and from that calculate with algorithms how to adjust to give optimal weld conditions. This project is performed at Scania CV AB, Oskarshamn. Conducted in the part of body in white, where an adaptive control system called HCC is used in all weld processes. In this project, HCC was compared to the fixed control system CCR and another adaptive control system named Master mode. First step in the comparison was to create a weld schedule for each control system and test them on two different material combinations. The aim was to quantify gains and benefits that adaptive resistance spot welding systems have on the welding process. Benefits are quantified by examining the parameters and factors such as: weld time, expulsion, robustness, electrode wear and parameters in the control system. The tests were performed by welding as many approved spot welds as possible without tip-dressing the electrode. The experiment followed the requirements from international standards and the Scania standard for resistance spot welding. The results from the experiment showed that HCC was the most robust process and the spot welds never decreased in size, which CCR and Master mode did. It is possible to weld several different material combinations with HCC, it increases flexibility in production and reduces the time needed to develop new weld schedules. The same schedule can handle many combinations with the same thickness. HCC allows the process to use several pulses and each pulse adds in time. Therefore, the weld schedule should be well developed and optimized to avoid waste in terms of long weld times. The results will give Scania knowledge about the processes and how to further optimize the welding processes in production. The result can also be used as foundation for selection of products or future investments. / Motståndspunktsvetsning är den huvudsakliga svetsmetoden som används inom fordonsindustrin för att svetsa tunn plåt. Idag har adaptiva styrsystem utvecklats för RSW vilket innebär att de automatiskt kan justera parametrarna i svetsprocessen under svetsning. Styrsystemen kan registrera parametrarna och egenskaperna hos svetsen i realtid och därmed beräkna med algoritmer hur de bör justeras för att ge optimala svetsförhållanden. Detta projekt är resultatet av ett examensarbete på Scania CV AB, Oskarshamn. Det utfördes i den nya karossfabriken, där ett adaptivt styrsystem som heter HCC används i alla svetsprocesser. I projektet jämfördes HCC med ett konstantströms styrsystem CCR samt ett annat adaptivt styrsystem kallat Master mode. Den primära metoden var att skapa ett svetsschema för varje styrsystem och testa dem på två olika materialkombinationer. Syftet var att kvantifiera vinster och fördelar som adaptiva punktsvetssystem har på svetsprocessen. Testerna utfördes genom att svetsa så många godkända punkter som möjligt utan att formera elektroden. Fördelarna kvantifieras genom att man undersökte parametrarna och faktorerna svetstid, sprut, robusthet, elektrodslitage och parametrar i styrsystemen. Experimentet följde kraven i enighet med internationella standarder och Scania-standarden för punktsvetsning. Resultaten från experimentet visade att HCC var den mest robusta processen och punkterna minskade aldrig i storlek, vilket CCR och Master mode gjorde. Det är möjligt att svetsa flera olika materialkombinationer med HCC, det ökar flexibiliteten i produktionen och minskar den tid som krävs för att utveckla nya svetsscheman eftersom samma schema kan hantera många kombinationer med samma tjocklek. HCC tillåter processen att använda flera pulser, och varje puls adderar tid och svetsschemat bör därför vara välutvecklat och optimerat för att undvika slöseri med avseende på långa svetstider. Resultaten kommer att ge Scania mer kunskap om processerna och hur man kan optimera processerna ytterligare i produktionen. Resultatet kan också användas som grund för val av produkter eller framtida investeringar.
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Resistance spot welding aluminium to magnesium using nanoparticle reinforced eutectic forming interlayersCooke, Kavian O., Khan, Tahir I. 11 September 2017 (has links)
No / Successful joining of dissimilar metals such as Al and Mg can provide significant advantages to the automotive industry in the fabrication of vehicle bodies and other important components. This study explores dissimilar joining of Al–Mg using a resistance spot welding process to produce microstructurally sound lap joints and evaluates the impact of interlayer composition on microstructural evolution and the formation of intermetallic compounds within the weld nugget. The results indicated that mechanically sound joints can be produced, with fine equiaxed and columnar dendrites within the weld nugget. The presence of intermetallic compounds was also confirmed by the variation in the microhardness values recorded across the weld zone.
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Effects of materials positioning and tool rotational speed on metallurgical and mechanical properties of dissimilar modified friction stir clinching of AA5754-O and AA2024-T3 sheetsH. M., Lankarani,, Memon, S., Paidar, M., Mehrez, S., Cooke, Kavian O., Ojo, O.O. 06 April 2022 (has links)
Yes / The performance of the modified friction stir clinched and friction stir spot welded joints of AA5754-O and AA2024-T3 Al alloy was improved by investigating the impact of material flow influencing parameters such as material positioning and tool rotational speed on the microstructure, mechanical and fracture behaviors of the joints. The results reveal that the positioning of a harder material (AA2024-T3) as the upper plate induces higher peak temperatures in the friction stir clinched (500 °C) and friction stir spot welded (475 °C) joints. This positioning favors inter-material mingling, grain coarsening with inherent higher dislocation density and tangles, and improved tensile failure loads in the AA2024-T3/AA5754-O joint than the AA5754-O/AA2024-T3 joint. The formation of partial weld-center defect declines in the AA2024-T3/AA5754-O at low tool rotational speed due to the better local heat build-up and geometric-differential flow effect in comparison with the AA5754-O/AA2024-T3 counterparts. The positioning of harder Al alloy on the top of a soft Al alloy is thus recommended for the improvement of modified friction stir clinched joints.
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Fundamental studies for development of real-time model-based feedback control with model adaptation for small scale resistance spot weldingChen, Jianzhong 02 March 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Estudo da fratura em solda ponto por fricção em alumínio Alclad 2024-T351 e alumínio 2024-T351 : uma abordagem numérica experimentalBrzostek, Robson Cristiano January 2012 (has links)
Friction Spot Welding (FSpW) é um processo de solda ponto por fricção, que opera na fase sólida do material e permite unir duas ou mais chapas de metal sobrepostas. Além de ser bastante usado para soldar materiais leves, ele também é aplicável a qualquer material que apresente boa plasticidade. Neste trabalho são analisados dois materiais: AA Alclad 2024-T351 e AA 2024-T351, diferindo entre si no uso, ou não, da camada de proteção contra a corrosão (Alclad). As uniões são feitas sob os mesmos parâmetros do processo, previamente estudados para o material com Alclad. Dois parâmetros são utilizados: um dito ótimo, capaz de produzir soldas com bom desempenho mecânico e reprodutibilidade e um segundo, dito insuficiente, por produzir soldas de baixo desempenho mecânico e baixa reprodutibilidade. Pretende-se, com este trabalho, avaliar os efeitos que a camada Alclad pode acarretar nas juntas soldadas, em seu desempenho mecânico, no modo de fratura, na microestrutura e na geometria da junta. Os resultados apresentam uma grande influência do Alclad, tendo em vista que durante o processo o recobrimento migra das superfícies das chapas para o centro da solda. Assim, uma interface deste material, que possui baixa resistência mecânica, é criada, influenciando negativamente o desempenho da junta e alterando o modo de fratura. O principal escopo desta dissertação é realizar uma análise da fratura do ensaio de cisalhamento, com o uso do método de elementos finitos. Portanto, fazse necessário estudar e desenvolver um modelo numérico capaz de representar a nucleação, coalescimento, formação de uma ou mais trincas e a consequente propagação até a fratura do corpo. Para a realização da análise utilizou-se o modelo numérico de fratura Johnson-Cook (JC), o qual expressa a tensão equivalente como uma função da deformação plástica, da taxa de deformação e da temperatura. Realizou-se, ainda, um estudo acerca das teorias do Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM), bem como se fez necessário obter novos parâmetros para o modelo, que descrevessem o fenômeno e o material. Nesse sentido, serão realizadas duas análises, sendo que a primeira considera o efeito da camada de Alclad e, a segunda, considera uma solda livre de defeitos. Espera-se identificar os locais em que trinca é nucleada e analisar a resposta da junta, passo a passo, durante a propagação da trinca, até a fratura completa do corpo. E, por fim, avaliar a interferência no modelo numérico da presença da camada contra a corrosão Alclad. / Friction Spot Welding (FSpW) is a friction spot weld process, it operates in the solid-state of the material and allows joining two or more sheets in overlap configuration. It is used to join light weight materials, also is suitable to any material that shows good ductility. In this work two different materials are analyzed AA Alclad 2024-T351 e AA 2024-T351, between them the use, or not, of the corrosion protection layer Alclad. The welds are made under the same process parameters previously studied to the material with Alclad. Two parameters are utilized: the first one is the optimum parameter capable to produce welds with good mechanical performance and reproducibility, and another one inadequate because it produces joins with poor mechanical response and reproducibility. It is intended with this work, to evaluate the effects that the Alclad layer can cause in the welds, in its mechanical performance, fracture mode, microstructure and geometry of the join. The results showed a considerable influence of the Alclad, considering that during the process, it migrates from the sheet surface to the center of the weld. Thus, an interface of this material, that has a very low hardness, is created, influencing negatively the performance of the weld and changing the fracture mode. The aim of this dissertation is to perform an analysis of the fracture from the lap shear test, using the finite element method. Therefore, becomes necessary study and develop a numerical model capable to represent the nucleation, coalescence, formation of one or more cracks and, the consequent propagation until the fracture of the body. To perform the analysis it was used the numerical model of fracture called Johnson-Cook (JC), which expresses the equivalent stress as a function of the plastic deformation, the strain rate and the temperature. It was also made a study about the Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM) theories, and it was necessary to obtain new parameters for the model, that describe the phenomenon and the material. In this sense, it will be performed two analyses, and the first considers the Alclad layer and, the second, considers a weld without defects. It is expected to identify the places where the crack nucleated, and analyze the behavior of the weld, step by step, during the crack propagation, until the complete fracture of the component. And, finally, evaluate the interference in the numerical model of the presence of the protection corrosion layer Alclad.
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The union of a set of materials by way of Resistance Spot Welding is designed so that once fused together, a substantial amount of intentional, external force must be applied to separate the contents. Therefore, Resistance Spot Welding is often the preferred fusion method in high-volume manufacturing processes. The result of Resistance Spot Welding however is the formation of a weld nugget which is not visible to the naked eye. Destructive and/or ultrasonic methods applied off-line must be used to determine the quality of each weld; both inefficient and expensive processes. The following research analyzes the data fed back during resistance spot weld sequences in-line and establishes a correlation between emitted characteristics and the final quality of a spot weld.
The two characteristics researched to segregate weld quality are: the electrical sin wave signature and the acoustic sin wave signature produced during the welding sequence. Both features were discovered to have a direct correlation to the final quality of a weld once cured. By measuring and comparing these characteristics at the source, an opportunity is presented to decrease time and potential defects by confirming the quality of each weld in-process and at the source.
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Thermal Modeling of Shape Memory Alloy Wire Actuators for Automotive ApplicationsMa, Huilong January 2010 (has links)
Shape Memory Alloy is an amazing material, which can “remember” and return to its original shape when heated due to its temperature dependent phase transformation. Shape Memory Alloy wire has significant potential for application in the automobile industry due to its high ratio of energy / weight and silent actuation. However, a dependable method to measure the operating temperature of SMA wire and a reliable heat transfer model to characterize the dynamics of the SMA wire limit its widespread use in the automobile industry. This thesis presents a detailed description of the work performed to develop a reliable method for determining surface temperature of current carrying SMA wires and the development of a heat transfer correlation for natural convection cooling of heated SMA wires. The major findings of the research are as follows:
When a spot welded thermocouple measures the temperature of a current carrying SMA wire, there is a “spurious voltage” ΔV added to the thermo electro-motive force (EMF) of the thermocouple as a result of a voltage drop across the two points of contact that the thermocouple wires make with the SMA wire. This leads to an erroneous temperature reading that can be higher or lower than the actual temperature depending on the direction of current flow. When the carrying current is reversed in direction, the “spurious voltage” becomes –ΔV allowing a correct temperature reading to be obtained by averaging the readings based on opposed current flow.
A two-step spot welding procedure for attaching thermocouples to SMA wire can eliminate the influence of the “spurious voltage” in the temperature reading. By spot welding the thermocouple wires onto the SMA wire one by one, the thermocouple lead offset is eliminated and the thermocouple provides an accurate point source reading.
Infrared thermal imaging can be a good supplement in the experiment to monitor errors in temperature readings from thermocouples. Due to the curvature of the SMA wire, the temperatures of the locations on the SMA wire that are the closest to the infrared camera represent the temperature of the SMA wire. So a line analysis across the SMA wire on the software “ThermaCAM” is required to determine the temperature of the SMA wire by infrared thermal imaging and the highest temperature on the line is the temperature of the SMA wire.
A new natural convective heat transfer correlation comprising the inclination angle φ is developed based on experimental results, which can be used to predict the temperature of a SMA wire given its diameter and inclination angle.
The comparisons show that the new correlation agrees with existing correlations in a vertical orientation and for small Rayleigh numbers (0.001 < RaD < 0.05) in the horizontal orientation. The correlation developed in this work for horizontal orientation tends to overestimate values of Nusselt numbers as predicted in other correlations when the Rayleigh number is high (0.05 < RaD < 0.6). It is speculated that this overestimation can be attributed to a temperature distortion associated with thermocouple measurement at or near ambient pressure conditions.
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Microstructure refinement was observed in the fusion zone of AZ31 magnesium (Mg) alloy resistance spot welds when an inoculant was added, either Ti, Al8Mn5, or Mn. The dependence of inoculant potency on the lattice disregistry between inoculants and matrix, and on the liquid cooling rate was studied. Microstructural characterization was performed via optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Thin foils containing the interface of the inoculant particles and Mg matrix were prepared using a focused ion beam (FIB) technique.
Columnar dendritic structures in the vicinity of the fusion boundary and equiaxed dendritic structures in the central area were observed in the fusion zone of welds in the SA and SB AZ31Mg alloys from different suppliers. However, the columnar dendritic zone (CDZ) was well restricted, and the width of the CDZ and the diameters of equiaxed dendrites were much smaller in the SA alloy than those in the SB alloy due to the earlier columnar-equiaxed-transition (CET) in the SA alloy. The refined microstructure in the fusion zone of the SA alloy welds is attributed to the pre-existence of the larger Al8Mn5 particles of 4-10 microns in length in the SA alloy which act as an inoculant for alpha-Mg heterogeneous nucleation. Fatigue life and dislocation substructure were compared between the SA and SB welds. The SA welds with the refined microstructure displayed an enhanced fatigue resistance compared to the SB welds, when the interfacial failure took place across the fusion zone. The increased number and dispersion of slip systems in the fine-grained SA welds contributed to the improvement of fatigue life.
The well-developed columnar dendritic grains were successfully restricted and the coarse equiaxed dendritic grains were efficiently refined by intentionally adding Ti or Mn inoculant particles into the as-received SB alloy welds. The Ti and Mn particles of about 8μm diameter were observed to promote the nucleation of alpha-Mg grains during welding. TEM examinations showed the existence of local orientation relationships between the respective inoculants Ti, Mn, and Al8Mn5 with the Mg matrix. The further lattice matching was observed between the Al8Mn5 particles and Mg. The diameter of the added inoculant should be larger than 1.8 microns to make it a potent inoculant based on the thermodynamic calculation.
Microstructural examinations of samples with different inoculant additions and under different cooling rates showed that the inoculant potency was high for the Ti inoculant, medium for the Al8Mn5, but low for the Mn, when the cooling rate was low. This order in the decrease of grain refinement efficiency is inversely proportional with the order of crystallographic lattice disregistry between inoculants and matrix, which is calculated based on a crystallographic matching model. This implies that the lattice disregistry determines the potency of inoculants at the low cooling rates. In comparison, the lattice disregistry did not influence the heterogeneous nucleation, when the cooling rate was high. It could be inferred that an extremely high cooling rate produces a large supercooling, and provides a sufficient driving force for heterogeneous nucleation.
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Thermal Modeling of Shape Memory Alloy Wire Actuators for Automotive ApplicationsMa, Huilong January 2010 (has links)
Shape Memory Alloy is an amazing material, which can “remember” and return to its original shape when heated due to its temperature dependent phase transformation. Shape Memory Alloy wire has significant potential for application in the automobile industry due to its high ratio of energy / weight and silent actuation. However, a dependable method to measure the operating temperature of SMA wire and a reliable heat transfer model to characterize the dynamics of the SMA wire limit its widespread use in the automobile industry. This thesis presents a detailed description of the work performed to develop a reliable method for determining surface temperature of current carrying SMA wires and the development of a heat transfer correlation for natural convection cooling of heated SMA wires. The major findings of the research are as follows:
When a spot welded thermocouple measures the temperature of a current carrying SMA wire, there is a “spurious voltage” ΔV added to the thermo electro-motive force (EMF) of the thermocouple as a result of a voltage drop across the two points of contact that the thermocouple wires make with the SMA wire. This leads to an erroneous temperature reading that can be higher or lower than the actual temperature depending on the direction of current flow. When the carrying current is reversed in direction, the “spurious voltage” becomes –ΔV allowing a correct temperature reading to be obtained by averaging the readings based on opposed current flow.
A two-step spot welding procedure for attaching thermocouples to SMA wire can eliminate the influence of the “spurious voltage” in the temperature reading. By spot welding the thermocouple wires onto the SMA wire one by one, the thermocouple lead offset is eliminated and the thermocouple provides an accurate point source reading.
Infrared thermal imaging can be a good supplement in the experiment to monitor errors in temperature readings from thermocouples. Due to the curvature of the SMA wire, the temperatures of the locations on the SMA wire that are the closest to the infrared camera represent the temperature of the SMA wire. So a line analysis across the SMA wire on the software “ThermaCAM” is required to determine the temperature of the SMA wire by infrared thermal imaging and the highest temperature on the line is the temperature of the SMA wire.
A new natural convective heat transfer correlation comprising the inclination angle φ is developed based on experimental results, which can be used to predict the temperature of a SMA wire given its diameter and inclination angle.
The comparisons show that the new correlation agrees with existing correlations in a vertical orientation and for small Rayleigh numbers (0.001 < RaD < 0.05) in the horizontal orientation. The correlation developed in this work for horizontal orientation tends to overestimate values of Nusselt numbers as predicted in other correlations when the Rayleigh number is high (0.05 < RaD < 0.6). It is speculated that this overestimation can be attributed to a temperature distortion associated with thermocouple measurement at or near ambient pressure conditions.
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