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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desvendando a movimentação da água em área de recarga do Sistema Aquífero Guarani (SAG), utilizando análise hidrológica e traçadores isotópicos /

Batista, Ludmila Vianna. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Didier Gastmans / Resumo: A necessidade do estudo os diferentes processos do ciclo hidrológico de forma integrada tem se tornado cada vez mais urgente, uma vez que o uso do termo “crise hídrica” se torna cada vez mais frequente. Nesse sentido, a determinação de taxas de recarga e quantificação dos fluxos subterrâneos, aliados ao uso de isótopos estáveis (2H e 18O), que são excelentes traçadores da movimentação da água no ciclo hidrológico, impulsionaram esse estudo, buscando gerar informações científicas fundamentais para uma melhor gestão dos recursos hídricos. Situada numa porção de afloramento do Sistema Aquífero Guarani (SAG), a área de estudo está inserida em uma pequena bacia hidrográfica na porção oeste do estado de São Paulo, onde as águas subterrâneas e superficiais são responsáveis pelo abastecimento de inúmeras cidades da região. O estudo teve como principal objetivo compreender a dinâmica entre os diversos compartimentos do ciclo hidrológico, buscando mudanças nos padrões de precipitação e de recarga subterrânea, por métodos de fácil aplicação, como balanço hídrico e flutuações dos níveis d’água (WTF), bem como a aplicação de traçadores isotópicos (δ2H e δ18O) em diferentes sazonalidades. Ao considerar a sazonalidade dos dados isotópicos na chuva, águas superficiais e subterrâneas, pode-se observar que os valores de δ18O são mais empobrecidos durante a estação chuvosa e mais enriquecidos durante a estação seca. A diferença entre os sinais isotópicos permitiu compreender a movimentação da á... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The need to study the different processes of the hydrological cycle in an integrated way has become increasingly urgent since the use of the term "water crisis" becomes more and more frequent. In this sense, the determination of rates of recharge and quantification of the underground flows, together with the use of stable isotopes (2H and 18O), which are excellent tracers of water movement in the hydrological cycle, stimulated this study, seeking to generate scientific information fundamental to better management of water resources. Located in a portion of the outcrop of the Guarani Aquifer System (SAG), the study area is in a small hydrographic basin in the western portion of the state of São Paulo, where groundwater and surface waters are responsible for the supply of numerous cities located there. The main objective of this study is to understand the dynamics between the various compartments of the hydrological cycle, searching for changes in precipitation and underground recharge patterns, using easy-to-apply methods such as water balance and water level fluctuations (WTF), as well as the application of isotopic tracers (δ2H and δ18O) in different seasonal conditions. When considering the seasonality of the isotopic data in rainfall, surface water, and groundwater, it can be observed that δ18O values are more depleted during the rainy season and more enriched during the dry season. The difference between the isotopic signals allowed to understand the movement of the water... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Stable isotope analysis of prehistoric human and commensal diet on Aitutaki, southern Cook Islands

Craig, Jacqueline Anne January 2009 (has links)
This thesis investigates the prehistoric diet of humans and two of their key commensals on Aitutaki using stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. This technique gives us new insight into the diet of these three groups and results are considered in the context of the development of agricultural systems on Aitutaki, as well as in light of the wider context of cultural developments and environmental change in the Cook Islands and Polynesia as a whole. Ultimately, it allows us to more fully understand the complex interactions between humans and the two largest commensals in order to evaluate the utility of these animals as proxies for humans in dietary analyses. The results indicate that the prehistoric human diet on Aitutaki can be characterised as mixed, dominated by terrestrial plants and marine protein with lesser amounts of terrestrial protein. While the amount of protein eaten by the individuals was very similar, they varied in how much marine or terrestrial protein they ate. The pigs had a slightly more terrestrial diet, with a greater emphasis on plant foods. Their protein intake was more variable and terrestrial in nature than the humans’. Dogs had a higher trophic level, more marine-oriented, diet than either humans or pigs. Like the humans, their diet contained more variation in the source of their protein. Overall, however, the diets of all three groups were very similar. While the overall nature of the human, pig and dog diets, and their relationships to one another, remained relatively constant over time, beginning in the 14th century they show a decline in the amount of fish consumed and had a more terrestrial diet overall. This confirms trends seen in the archaeofaunal assemblages, and throws light on the relationship between environmental change and human subsistence practices in East Polynesia. The similarity of the pig and dog diets to human diet, and the fact that the relationship remained constant over time, demonstrates the usefulness of the Aitutaki commensal animals as proxies for humans in stable isotope analysis. However, the specifics of that relationship vary by species and by place. While the individual dietary variability provides us with new ways of looking at dietary change within populations, it also demonstrates the importance of obtaining as large an assemblage for analysis as possible in order to ensure that samples are representative of the population as a whole.

Explaining temporal variations in soil respiration rates and delta<sup>13</sup>C in coniferous forest ecosystems

Comstedt, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
<p>Soils of Northern Hemisphere forests contain a large part of the global terrestrial carbon (C) pool. Even small changes in this pool can have large impact on atmospheric [CO2] and the global climate. Soil respiration is the largest terrestrial C flux to the atmosphere and can be divided into autotrophic (from roots, mycorrhizal hyphae and associated microbes) and heterotrophic (from decomposers of organic material) respiration. It is therefore crucial to establish how the two components will respond to changing environmental factors. In this thesis I studied the effect of elevated atmospheric [CO2] (+340 ppm, <sup>13</sup>C-depleted) and elevated air temperature (2.8-3.5 oC) on soil respiration in a whole-tree chamber (WTC) experiment conducted in a boreal Norway spruce forest. In another spruce forest I used multivariate modelling to establish the link between day-to-day variations in soil respiration rates and its δ<sup>13</sup>C, and above and below ground abiotic conditions. In both forests, variation in δ<sup>13</sup>C was used as a marker for autotrophic respiration. A trenching experiment was conducted in the latter forest in order to separate the two components of soil respiration. The potential problems associated with the trenching, increased root decomposition and changed soil moisture conditions were handled by empirical modelling. The WTC experiment showed that elevated [CO2] but not temperature resulted in 48 to 62% increased soil respiration rates. The CO2-induced increase was in absolute numbers relatively insensitive to seasonal changes in soil temperature and data on δ<sup>13</sup>C suggest it mostly resulted from increased autotrophic respiration. From the multivariate modelling we observed a strong link between weather (air temperature and vapour pressure deficit) and the day-to-day variation of soil respiration rate and its δ<sup>13</sup>C. However, the tightness of the link was dependent on good weather for up to a week before the respiration sampling. Changes in soil respiration rates showed a lag to weather conditions of 2-4 days, which was 1-3 days shorter than for the δ<sup>13</sup>C signal. We hypothesised to be due to pressure concentration waves moving in the phloem at higher rates than the solute itself (i.e., the δ<sup>13</sup>C–label). Results from the empirical modelling in the trenching experiment show that autotrophic respiration contributed to about 50% of total soil respiration, had a great day-to-day variation and was correlated to total soil respiration while not to soil temperature or soil moisture. Over the first five months after the trenching, an estimated 45% of respiration from the trenched plots was an artefact of the treatment. Of this, 29% was a water difference effect and 16% resulted from root decomposition. In conclusion, elevated [CO2] caused an increased C flux to the roots but this C was rapidly respired and has probably not caused changes in the C stored in root biomass or in soil organic matter in this N-limited forest. Autotrophic respiration seems to be strongly influenced by the availability of newly produced substrates and rather insensitive to changes in soil temperature. Root trenching artefacts can be compensated for by empirical modelling, an alternative to the sequential root harvesting technique.</p>

Bioavailability of iron from fortified maize using stable isotope techniques / Z. White

White, Zelda January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Nutrition))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Tectonic and climatic forcing in orogenic processes : the foreland basin point of view, Alborz mountains, N Iran

Ballato, Paolo January 2009 (has links)
Systeme von Vorlandbecken repräsentieren bedeutende geologische Archive und dienen dem Verständnis von Rückkopplungen zwischen oberflächennahen und tektonischen Prozessen. Außerdem dokumentieren sie die Entwicklung unmittelbar angrenzender Bergketten. Die sedimentären Abfolgen in Vorlandbecken reflektieren das Gleichgewicht zwischen tektonischer Subsidenz, der Bildung langzeitlichen Akkommodationsraumes und des Sedimenteintrages, welcher wiederum die Wirksamkeit von Erosions- und Massenneuverteilungsprozessen wiederspiegelt. Um die Effekte von Klima und Tektonik in einem solchen System zu erforschen, untersuchte ich die Oligo-Miozänen Sedimente in den Vorlandbecken der südlichen Elburs Bergkette, einem intrakontinentalen Gebirge in Nord-Iran, das im Zuge der Arabisch-Eurasischen Kontinent-Kollision herausgehoben wurde. In dieser Studie der Vorlandbeckensedimente wurden Datierungstechniken angewandt (40Ar/39Ar, (U-Th)/He Thermochronologie und Magnetostratigraphie), die Sedimente und deren Herkunft analysiert und die Tonmineralogie, sowie Sauerstoff- und Kohlenstoffisotope untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass auf einer Zeitskala von 105 bis 106 Jahren eine systematische Korrelation zwischen „coarsening upward“ Zyklen und den sedimentären Akkumulationsraten besteht. Während sukzessiver Überschiebungsphasen werden die durch Hebung der Bergkette bereitgestellten groben Kornfraktionen in proximale Bereiche des Beckens geliefert und feinkörnige Fazies in distalen Beckenregionen abgelagert. Variationen in der Sedimentherkunft in Phasen größerer tektonischer Aktivität zeugen von erosionaler Abdeckung und/oder der Umorganisation natürlicher Entwässerungsstrukturen. Außerdem zeigen die Untersuchungen an stabilen Isotopen, dass die verstärkte tektonische Aktivität das Anwachsen der Topographie förderte und damit die Wirksamkeit einer topographischen Barriere erhöhte. Wenn aufgrund nachlassender Beckenabsenkung die grobe Kornfraktion nicht vollständig im Nahbereich des Beckens aufgenommen werden kann breitet sie sich in ferne Beckenregionen aus. Im Elburs wird die verringerte Subsidenz durch eine interne Hebung des Vorlandes hervorgerufen und ist mit einer lateralen Stapelung von Flussbetten assoziiert. Dokumentiert wird dies anhand konsequenten Schichtwachstums, tektonischer Schrägstellung und sedimentärer Umlagerung. Gleichzeitig nehmen die Sedimentationsraten zu. Die Sauerstoff-Isotope der Paläoböden zeigen, dass dieser Anstieg mit einer Phase feuchteren Klimas einhergeht, wodurch Oberflächenprozesse effizienter werden und Heraushebungssraten steigen, was eine positive Rückkopplung erzeugt. Des Weiteren zeigen die isotopischen und sedimentären Daten, dass seit 10-9 Millionen Jahren (Ma) das Klima durch saisonalen Anstieg der Niederschläge zunehmend feuchter wurde. Da bedeutende klimatische Veränderungen zu dieser Zeit auch im Mittelmeerraum und Asien beobachtet wurden, ist anzunehmen, dass die klimatische Veränderung, die im Elburs Gebirge beobachtet wird, höchstwahrscheinlich Änderungen der atmosphärischen Zirkulationen der nördlichen Hemisphäre reflektiert. Aus den Ergebnissen dieser Studie lassen sich zusätzliche Implikationen für die Entwicklung des Elburs Gebirges und die Arabisch-Eurasische kontinentale Kollisionszone ableiten. Die orogen-weite Hauptdeformation propagierte nicht gleichmäßig nach Süden, sondern seit dem Oligozän schrittweise vorwärts und rückwärts. Insbesondere von ~17,5 bis 6,2 Ma wurde das Gebirge durch eine Kombination aus frontaler Akkretion und interner Keildeformation in Schritten von 0,7 bis 2 Millionen Jahren herausgehoben. Darüber hinaus deuten die Sedimentherkunftsdaten darauf hin, dass sich noch vor 10-9 Ma die Haupteinengungsrichtung von NW-SE nach NNE-SSW veränderte. Regional erlaubt die Geschichte der untersuchten Becken und angrenzenden Gebirgszüge Rückschlüsse auf ein neues geodynamisches Model zur Entwicklung der Arabisch-Eurasischen kontinentalen Kollisionszone. Zahlreiche Sedimentbecken des Elburs Gebirges und anderer Lokalitäten der Arabisch-Eurasischen Deformationszone belegen einen Wechsel von einem tensionalen zu einem kompressionalen tektonischen Regime vor ~36 Ma . Dieser Wechsel könnte den Beginn der Subduktion von gedehnter arabischer kontinentaler Lithosphäre unter Zentral-Iran bedeuten, was zu einer moderaten Plattenkopplung und Deformation von Unter- sowie Oberplatte geführt hat. Der Anstieg der Deformationsraten im südlichen Elburs Gebirge seit ~17,5 Ma lässt vermuten, dass die Oberplatte, wahrscheinlich aufgrund steigender Plattenkopplung, seit dem frühen Miozän signifikant deformiert wurde. Diese Veränderung könnte der Subduktion mächtigerer arabischer kontinentaler Lithosphäre zugeschrieben werden und den Anfang echter kontinentaler Kollision bedeuten. Dieses Model erklärt daher die Zeitverzögerung zwischen der Initiation der Arabisch-Eurasischen kontinentalen Kollision (Eozän-Oligozän) and dem Beginn ausgedehnter Deformation in der Kollisionszone (Miozän). / Foreland-basin systems are excellent archives to decipher the feedbacks between surface and tectonic processes in orogens. The sedimentary architecture of a foreland-basin system reflects the balance between tectonic subsidence causing long-term accommodation space and sediment influx corresponding to efficiency of erosion and mass-redistribution processes. In order to explore the effects of climatic and tectonic forcing in such a system, I investigated the Oligo-Miocene foreland-basin sediments of the southern Alborz mountains, an intracontinental orogen in northern Iran, related to the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision. This work includes absolute dating methods such as 40Ar/39Ar and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology, magnetostratigraphy, sedimentological analysis, sandstone and conglomerate provenance study, carbon and oxygen isotope analysis, and clay mineralogy study. Results show a systematic correlation between coarsening-upward cycles and sediment accumulation rates in the basin on 105 to 106yr time scales. During thrust loading phases, the coarse-grained fraction supplied by the uplifting range is stored in the proximal part of the basin (sedimentary facies retrogradation), while fine-grained sediments are deposited in distal sectors. Variations in sediment provenance during these phases of enhanced tectonic activity give evidence for erosional unroofing phases and/or drainage-reorganization events. In addition, enhanced tectonic activity promoted the growth of topography and associated orographic barrier effects, as demonstrated by sedimentologic indicators and the analysis of stable C and O isotopes from calcareous paleosols and lacustrine/palustrine samples. Extensive progradation of coarse-grained deposits occurs during phases of decreased subsidence, when the coarse-grained fraction supplied by the uplifting range cannot be completely stored in the proximal part of the basin. In this environment, a reduction in basin subsidence is associated with laterally stacked fluvial channel deposits, and is related to intra-foreland uplift, as documented by growth strata, tectonic tilting, and sediment reworking. Increase in sediment accumulation rate associated with progradation of vertically-stacked coarse-grained fluvial channels also occurs. Paleosol O-isotope data shows that this increase is related to wetter climatic phases, suggesting that surface processes are more efficient and exhumation rates increase, giving rise to a positive feedback. Furthermore, isotopic and sedimentologic data show that starting from 10-9 Ma, climate became less arid with an increase in seasonality of precipitation. Because important changes were also recorded in the Mediterranean Sea and Asia at that time, the evidence for climatic variability observed in the Alborz mountains most likely reflects changes in Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation patterns. This study has additional implications for the evolution of the Alborz mountains and the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone. At the orogenic scale, the locus of deformation did not move steadily southward, but stepped forward and backward since Oligocene time. In particular, from ~ 17.5 to 6.2 Ma the orogen grew by a combination of frontal accretion and wedge-internal deformation on time scales of ca. 0.7 to 2 m.y. Moreover, the provenance data suggest that prior to 10-9 Ma the shortening direction changed from NW-SE to NNE-SSW, in agreement with structural data. On the scale of the entire collision zone, the evolution of the studied basins and adjacent mountain ranges suggests a new geodynamic model for the evolution of the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone. Numerous sedimentary basins in the Alborz mountains and in other locations of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone record a change from a tensional (transtensional) to a compressional (transpressional) tectonic setting by ~ 36 Ma. I interpret this to reflect the onset of subduction of the stretched Arabian continental lithosphere beneath central Iran, leading to moderate plate coupling and lower- and upper-plate deformation (soft continental collision). The increase in deformation rates in the southern Alborz mountains from ~ 17.5 Ma suggests that significant upper-plate deformation must have started by the early Miocene most likely in response to an increase in degree of plate coupling. I suggest that this was related to the subduction of thicker Arabian continental lithosphere and the consequent onset of hard continental collision. This model reconciles the apparent lag time of 15-20 m.y between the late Eocene to early Oligocene age for the initial Arabia-Eurasia continental collision and the onset of widespread deformation across the collision zone to the north in early to late Miocene time.

Groundwater resource evaluation and protection in the Cape Flats, South Africa

Segun Michael Adegboyega Adelana January 2010 (has links)
<p>The analysis of geologic, hydrologic and hydrogeologic data interpreted to give the characteristics of the Cape Flats aquifer showed the quality of groundwater from the aquifer is suitable for development as a water resource. The conceptual model of the Cape Flats sand shows an unconfined sandy aquifer, grading into semi-confined conditions in some places where thick lenses of clay and peat exists. Recharge rates through the saturated zone of the Cape Flats aquifer have been determined by water table fluctuation (WTF), rainfall-recharge relationship, soil water balance and chloride mass balance methods (CMB). Recharge rates using the WTF vary considerably between wet and dry years and between locations, with a range of 17.3% to 47.5%. Values obtained from empirical rainfall-recharge equation (method 2) agree with those of the WTF. Recharge estimates from the water balance model are comparatively lower but are within the range calculated using empirical method 2 (i.e. 87 &ndash / 194 mm or 4 &ndash / 21% of MAP). These recharge rates also agree with estimates from the series of other methods applied to sites located in the north-western coast of Western Cape and are comparable to recharge rates obtained elsewhere in the world.</p>

Dietary Markers and Contaminant Exposures Are Correlated to Wild Food Consumption in Two Northern Ontario First Nations Communities

Seabert, Timothy A. 02 May 2012 (has links)
First Nations peoples experience many benefits from eating locally-harvested wild foods, but these benefits must be considered along with the potential risks associated with exposure to environmental contaminants. Unlike store-bought foods, wild foods are an important traditional resource and a significant source of dietary protein, essential minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids, believed to help in the prevention and treatment of obesity and obesity-related diseases such as type-2 diabetes mellitus. Wild foods continue to be an important and healthy food choice for First Nations peoples; however, they are also a primary source of dietary mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other persistent organic pollutants (POPs). To assess the effects of wild food consumption on dietary markers and contaminant accumulation, we grouped individuals from two remote Oji-Cree First Nations communities of north-western Ontario (n=71) according to their level of wild food consumption. In this study, I observed significantly higher organic contaminants in blood and higher mercury concentrations in hair for individuals consuming greater amounts of wild food. Age-adjusted contaminant concentrations were on average 3.5-times higher among high-frequency wild food consumers, with many exceeding federal and international health guidelines for mercury and PCB exposures. Contaminants in these populations approach, and in some cases exceed, threshold levels for adverse effects with potential consequences especially for prenatal development. Here, I also investigated the potential for stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen (δ13C and δ15N) to serve as dietary markers and found strong positive correlations between stable isotopes and frequency of wild food and fish consumption. Frequency of fish consumption and δ15N was also shown to be positively correlated with mercury concentrations in hair and PCB concentrations in plasma. The results of this thesis demonstrate that known differences in dietary behaviour are clearly reflected in stable isotope ratios and contaminant concentrations. The data also show that contaminant exposures to those consuming wild foods in remote Boreal ecosystems is comparable to those associated with serious health effects in industrialized areas, and the problem of contaminants in wild foods is more widespread than the available literature would have led us to believe. These results affect our appreciation of contaminant exposures to First Nations peoples and will have implications for dietary choices, particularly if individuals are encouraged to consume greater amounts of wild foods for their proposed health benefits. We recommend further attention be given to the risks of contaminants in locally-harvested wild foods when promoting the benefits of their consumption to First Nations people as the problem of contaminants in remote communities practicing traditional lifestyles is often underreported and underplayed.

Late-glacial to holocene climate variability in western Ireland

Diefendorf, Aaron F. 22 April 2005
Increasing concerns over future anthropogenic effects on climate change as a result of increasing greenhouse gases generate concomitant efforts to better characterize recent climate in order to more accurately predict climate in the future. To this end, a multiproxy study of climate variability in western Ireland from lacustrine sediment was undertaken. The interpretation of paleoclimate records derived from lacustrine carbonate minerals is difficult without a good understanding of the mechanisms that generate variation in isotope values of modern surface waters. Variation in surface waters are ultimately incorporated into lacustrine sediment records conflated by temperature. Therefore, a study of the spatial distribution of ä<sup>18</sup>O and äD values of lake and river waters from 144 locations in Ireland has been conducted to provide insight into the behavior of lakes and rivers in Ireland, including source, recycling and loss through evapotranspiration. A 7.6 m sediment core was recovered from Lough Inchiquin that provides evidence for rapid and long-term climate change from the Late Glacial to the Holocene. This was determined using carbon and oxygen isotope analyses of lacustrine calcite as well as carbon from bulk organic sediment fractions. Several significant climate perturbations were identified in the ä<sup>18</sup>O<sub>calcite</sub> record such as the Oldest Dryas, Younger Dryas, and the 8.2 ka cold event. A previously undescribed climate anomaly between 7,300 to 6,700 cal. yr B.P. characterized by low ä<sup>18</sup>O</span><sub>calcite</sub> values with high frequency variability. Variations in carbon isotopes of calcite and bulk organics from the Late Glacial to the Holocene are significant in magnitude (~12) and have similar trends that record temporal shifts in the relative contributions of carbon from the weathering of limestone versus the weathering of terrestrial organic matter. ä<sup>13</sup>C<sub>calcite</sub> and ä<sup>13</sup>C<sub>org</sub> suggest a rapid recovery of terrestrial vegetation following the Younger Dryas. Change in Ää<sup>13</sup>C<sub>calcite - org</sub> documents a rapid increase in exogenous fluxes of carbon into the lake at ~9 ka.

The Use of the Ostracode Cyprideis Americana (Sharpe) as a Proxy for Salinity in Bahamian Lake Systems

Bowles, Rachel E. 01 August 2013 (has links)
Ostracodes, bi-valved crustaceans, are potentially excellent proxies for salinity.They are abundant, react to changes in salinity, and secrete low-magnesium calcite shells that preserve information about their host water chemistry. Changes in valve trace element concentration, stable isotope composition, and sieve pore shape values have been linked to changes in salinity. This study analyzed the response of the euryhaline ostracode, Cyprideis americana, to salinity in six lakes from two Bahamian islands across two seasons. The purpose of this work was to determine which compositional and morphological variables in C. americana are the most useful for paleosalinity reconstructions.Ostracode and water samples were collected from lakes of varying water chemistry on San Salvador Island (winter and summer seasons), and Exuma (winter season). Dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, and temperature measurements were taken for each lake. The best-preserved valves from each lake were analyzed for sieve pore circularity, Mg and Ca concentrations, and δ18 O isotopic composition. Mg/Ca ratios and Kd[Mg] values were calculated for each lake. Each parameter was plotted against salinity for all of the lakes and for lakes from each season and island. Only the samples collected during the summer followed expected trends: with increases in lake water salinity, Mg/Ca ratio decreased, δ18 O composition increased, and sieve pore circularity decreased. Samples collected from the winter field sessions did not follow expected trends, potentially due to the breeding and moulting habits of C. americana. Temperature was more correlative with valve composition than a previous study of C. americana suggests, but is supportive of similar correlations of Cyprideis species in continental and other island settings. The valve Mg/Ca ratio and mean sieve pore circularity showed the best correlation with salinity and are the variables that will be most useful in paleosalinity studies from sediment cores. Future work should further investigate the relationship between mean sieve pore circularity and lake salinity as well as the breeding and moulting habits of C. americana. Such work may allow for past salinity ranges to be reconstructed from fossil C. americana samples.

Stable isotope mass balance of the North American Laurentian Great Lakes

Jasechko, Scott January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes a method for calculating lake evaporation as a proportion of water inputs (E/I) for large surface water bodies, using stable isotope ratios of oxygen (18O/16O) and hydrogen (2H/1H) in water. Evaporation as a proportion of inflow (E/I) is calculated for each Laurentian Great Lake using a new dataset of 516 analyses of δ18O and δ2H in waters sampled from 75 offshore stations during spring and summer of 2007. This work builds on previous approaches by accounting for lake effects on the overlying atmosphere and assuming conservation of both mass and isotopes (18O and 2H) to better constrain evaporation outputs. Results show that E/I ratios are greatest for headwater Lakes Superior and Michigan and lowest for Lakes Erie and Ontario, controlled largely by the magnitude of hydrologic inputs from upstream chain lakes. For Lake Superior, stable isotopes incorporate evaporation over the past century, providing long-term insights to the lake’s hydrology that may be compared to potential changes under a future – expectedly warmer – climate. Uncertainties in isotopically derived E/I are comparable to conventional energy and mass balance uncertainties. Isotope-derived E/I values are lower than conventional energy and mass balance estimates for Lakes Superior and Michigan. The difference between conventional and isotope estimates may be explained by moisture recycling effects. The isotope-based estimates include only evaporated moisture that is also advected from the lake surface, thereby discounting moisture that evaporates and subsequently reprecipitates on the lake surface downwind as recycled precipitation. This shows an advantage of applying an isotope approach in conjunction with conventional evaporation estimates to quantify both moisture recycling and net losses by evaporation. Depth profiles of 18O/16O and 2H/1H in the Great Lakes show a lack of isotopic stratification in summer months despite an established thermocline. These results are indicative of very low over-lake evaporation during warm summer months, with the bulk of evaporation occurring during the fall and winter. This seasonality in evaporation losses is supported by energy balance studies. For Lakes Michigan and Huron, the isotope mass balance approach provides a new perspective into water exchange and evaporation from these lakes. This isotope investigation shows that Lake Michigan and Lake Huron waters are distinct, despite sharing a common lake level. This finding advocates for the separate consideration of Lake Michigan and Lake Huron in future hydrologic studies.

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