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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Shock Excited 1720 MHz Masers

De Witt, Aletha 31 December 2005 (has links)
1720 MHz OH masers have been detected towards a number of supernova remnants (SNRs) at the shock interface where the SNR slams into the interstellar medium. Models indicate that these masers are shock excited and can only be produced under tight constraints of the physical conditions. In particular, the masers can only form behind a C-type shock. Jets from newlyformed stars plow into the surrounding gas, creating nebulous regions known as Herbig Haro (HH) objects. Signatures of C-type shocks have been found in many HH objects. If conditions behind the shock fronts of HH objects are able to support 1720 MHz OH masers they would be a usefull diagnostic tool for star formation. A survey toward HH objects detected a number of 1720 MHz OH lines in emission, but future observations with arrays are required to confirm the presence of masers. / Physics / M.Sc. (Astronomy)

Unbiased Spectral Survey towards the intermediate-mass Class 0 protostar Cep E-mm / Étude systématique spectrale vers la protoétoile de classe 0 de masse intermédiaire Cep E-mm

Pacheco-Vazquez, Susana 11 December 2012 (has links)
Les protoétoiles de masse intermédiaire (IM) (2 ≤ M* ≤ 8 Msun) sont le lien entre les étoiles de faible et haute masse car elles couvrent également un intervalle intermédiaire de luminosités, de densités et de températures [Fuente et al., 2012]. Même si les « IM-YSOs » jouent un rôle important dans l'étude de la formation des étoiles, on a très peu de connaissances sur la formation et l'évolution des premières étapes des protoétoiles de masse intermédiaire. Les études systématiques spectrales sont un outil puissant pour caractériser la composition chimique d'un objet astrophysique, et la seule façon d'obtenir un recensement complet des espèces chimiques. Une étude spectrale fournit également des lignes multiples de la même molécule, donnant la possibilité d'une analyse multifréquences ainsi que d'une modélisation. En outre, grâce aux profils des raies, nous pouvons obtenir des informations sur la cinématique, et identifier les structures au long de la ligne de vue, en tant que sources multiples, des jets ou des cavités, par exemple, [Caux et al., 2011]. Les phénomènes d'éjection (jets, des vents et des « outflows » bipolaires moléculaires), sont une phase inhérente au processus de formation d'étoiles observées dans les YSOs de toutes masses dans des longueurs d'onde millimétriques. Cependant, il n'y a pas d'études systématiques dans l'intervalle de masse intermédiaire comme dans le cas des protoétoiles de faible et haute masse. Compte tenu de l'absence d'une étude systématique de la partie mm/submillimétrique dans le spectre des protoétoiles de masse intermédiaire, au cours de ma thèse, j'ai mené une étude systématique spectrale vers la protoétoile de masse intermédiaire de classe 0 Cep E et de son « outflow » moléculaire. / Intermediate-mass (IM) protostars (2 ≤ M∗ ≤8 Msun) are the link between low and the high mass stars as they cover also an intermediate range of luminosities, densities and temperatures [Fuente et al., 2012]. Even though the IM-YSOs are important in the study of star formation, very little is known about the formation and first evolutionary stages of IM protostars. Unbiased spectral surveys are a powerful tool to characterize the chemical composition of an astrophysical object, and the only way to obtain a complete census of the chemical species. A spectral survey provides also multiple lines from the same molecule, giving the possibility of a multi-frequency analysis and modeling. Also, through line profiles, we can obtain kinematic information, and identify structures along the line of sight, as multiple sources, outflows, jets or cavities, e.g. [Caux et al., 2011]. The outflow phenomena (jets, winds and bipolar molecular outflows), are an inherent phase in the process of star formation observed in YSOs of all range of masses at millimeter wavelengths. However, there are not systematic studies in IM range as in the case of of low- and high-mass protostars. Given the lack of a systematic study of the mm/submm spectrum of IM protostars, during my thesis I carried out an unbiased spectral survey towards IM Class 0 Cep E protostar and its molecular outflow.

Influência da formação estelar versus buracos negros de nucleos ativos de galaxias (AGN) na evolução de ventos galácticos / Star Formation versus Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) Black Hole feedback in the Evolution of Galaxy Outflows

William Eduardo Clavijo Bohórquez 10 August 2018 (has links)
Ventos (em inglês outflows) de ampla abertura e larga escala sâo uma característica comum em galáxias ativas, como as galáxias Seyfert. Em sistemas como este, onde buracos negros supermassivos (em inglês super massive black holes, SMBHs) de núcleos galácticos ativos de galáxias (em inglês active galactic nuclei, AGN) coexistem com regiões de formação estelar (em inglês star forming, SF), nâo está claro das observações se o AGN SMBH ou o SF (ou ambos) são responsaveis pela indução desses ventos. Neste trabalho, estudamos como ambos podem influenciar a evolução da galáxia hospedeira e seus outflows, considerando galáxias tipo Seyfert nas escalas de kilo-parsec (kpc). Para este objetivo, estendemos o trabalho anterior desenvolvido por Melioli & de Gouveia Dal Pino (2015), que considerou ventos puramente hidrodinâmicos impulsionados tanto pela SF quanto pelo AGN, mas levando em conta para este último apenas ventos bem estreitos (colimados). A fim de obter uma melhor compreensão da influencia (feedback) desses mecanismos sobre a evolução da galáxia e seus outflows, incluímos também os efeitos de ventos de AGN com maior ângulo de abertura, já que ventos em forma de cone podem melhorar a interação com o meio interestelar da galáxia e assim, empurrar mais gás nos outflows. Além disso, incluímos também os efeitos dos campos magnéticos no vento, já que estes podem, potencialmente, ajudar a preservar as estruturas e acelerar os outflows. Realizamos simulações tridimensionais magneto-hidrodinâmicas (MHD) considerando o resfriamento radiativo em equilíbrio de ionização e os efeitos dos ventos do AGN com dois diferentes ângulos de abertura (0º e 10º) e razões entre a pressão térmica e a pressão magnética beta=infinito, = 300 e 30, correspondentes a campos magnéticos 0, 0,76 micro-Gauss e 2,4 micro-Gauss respectivamente. Os resultados de nossas simulações mostram que os ventos impulsionados pelos produtos de SF (isto é, pelas explosões de supernovas, SNe) podem direcionar ventos com velocidades 100-1000 km s¹, taxas de perda de massa da ordem de 50 Massas solares/ano, densidades de ~1-10 cm-3 e temperaturas entre 10 e 10 K, que se assemelham às propriedades dos denominados absorvedores de calor (em inglês warm absorbers, WAs) e também são compatíveis com as velocidades dos outflows moleculares observadas. No entanto, as densidades obtidas nas simulações são muito pequenas e as temperaturas são muito grandes para explicar os valores observados nos outflows moleculares (que têm n ~150-300 cm³ e T<1000 K). Ventos colimados de AGN (sem a presença de ventos SF) também são incapazes de conduzir outflows, mas podem acelerar estruturas a velocidades muito altas, da ordem de ~10.000 km s¹ e temperaturas T> 10 K, tal como observado em ventos ultra rapidos (em inglês, ultra-fast outflows, UFOs). A introdução do vento de AGN, particularmente com um grande ângulo de abertura, causa a formação de estruturas semelhantes a fontes galácticas. Isso faz com que parte do gás em expansão (que está sendo empurrado pelo vento de SF) retorne para a galáxia, produzindo um feedback \'positivo\' na evolução da galáxia hospedeira. Descobrimos que esses efeitos são mais pronunciados na presença de campos magnéticos, devido à ação de forças magnéticas extras pelo vento AGN, o qual intensifica o efeito de retorno do gás (fallback), e ao mesmo tempo reduz a taxa de perda de massa nos outflows por fatores de até 10. Além disso, a presença de um vento de AGN colimado (0º) causa uma remoção significativa da massa do núcleo da galáxia em poucos 100.000 anos, mas este é logo reabastecido pelo de gás acretante proveniente do meio interestelar (ISM) à medida que as explosões de SNe se sucedem. Por outro lado, um vento de AGN com um grande ângulo de abertura, em presença de campos magnéticos, remove o gás nuclear inteiramente em alguns 100.000 anos e não permite o reabastecimento posterior pelo ISM. Portanto, extingue a acreção de combustível e de massa no SMBH. Isso indica que o ciclo de trabalho desses outflows é de cerca de alguns 100.000 anos, compatível com as escalas de tempo inferidas para os UFOs e outflows moleculares observados. Em resumo, os modelos que incluem ventos de AGN com um ângulo de abertura maior e campos magnéticos, levam a velocidades médias muito maiores que os modelos sem vento de AGN, e também permitem que mais gás seja acelerado para velocidades máximas em torno de ~10 km s¹, com densidades e temperaturas compatíveis com aquelas observadas em UFOs. No entanto, as estruturas com velocidades intermediárias de vários ~100 km s¹ e densidades até uns poucos 100 cm³, que de fato poderiam reproduzir os outflows moleculares observados, têm temperaturas que são muito grandes para explicar as características observadas nos outflows moleculares, que tem temperaturas T< 1000 K. Além disso, estes ventos de AGN não colimados em presença de campos magnéticos entre T< 1000 K. Alem disso, estes grandes ventos AGN de angulo de abertura em fluxos magnetizados reduzem as taxas de perda de massa dos outflows para valores menores que aqueles observados tanto em outflows moleculares quanto em UFOs. Em trabalhos futuros, pretendemos estender o espaço paramétrico aqui investigado e também incluir novos ingredientes em nossos modelos, como o resfriamento radioativo fora do equilíbrio, a fim de tentar reproduzir as características acima que não foram explicadas pelo modelo atual. / Large-scale broad outflows are a common feature in active galaxies, like Seyfert galaxies. In systems like this, where supermassive black hole (SMBH) active galactic nuclei (AGN) coexist with star-forming (SF) regions it is unclear from the observations if the SMBH AGN or the SF (or both) are driving these outflows. In this work, we have studied how both may influence the evolution of the host galaxy and its outflows, considering Seyfert-like galaxies at kilo-parsec (kpc) scales. For this aim, we have extended previous work developed by Melioli & de Gouveia Dal Pino (2015), who considered purely hydrodynamical outflows driven by both SF and AGN, but considering for the latter only very narrow (collimated) winds. In order to achieve a better understanding of the feedback of these mechanisms on the galaxy evolution and its outflows, here we have included the effects of AGN winds with a larger opening angle too, since conic-shaped winds can improve the interaction with the interstellar medium of the galaxy and thus push more gas into the outflows. Besides, we have also included the effects of magnetic fields in the flow, since these can potentially help to preserve the structures and speed up the outflows. We have performed three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) simulations considering equilibrium radiative cooling and the effects of AGN-winds with two different opening angles (0º and 10º), and thermal pressure to magnetic pressure ratios of beta=infinite, 300 and 30 corresponding to magnetic fields 0, 0.76 micro-Gauss and 2.4 micro-Gauss, respectively. The results of our simulations show that the winds driven by the products of SF (i.e., by explosions of supernovae, SNe) alone can drive outflows with velocities ~100-1000 km s¹, mass outflow rates of the order of 50 Solar Masses yr¹, densities of ~1-10 cm³, and temperatures between 10 and 10 K, which resemble the properties of warm absorbers (WAs) and are also compatible with the velocities of the observed molecular outflows. However, the obtained densities from the simulations are too small and the temperatures too large to explain the observed values in molecular outflows (which have n ~ 150-300 cm³ and T<1000 K). Collimated AGN winds alone (without the presence of SF-winds) are also unable to drive hese outflows, but they can accelerate structures to very high speeds, of the order of ~ 10.000 km s¹, and temperatures T> 10 K as observed in ultra-fast outflows (UFOs). The introduction of an AGN wind, particularly with a large opening angle, causes the formation of fountain-like structures. This makes part of the expanding gas (pushed by the SF-wind) to fallback into the galaxy producing a \'positive\' feedback on the host galaxy evolution. We have found that these effects are more pronounced in presence of magnetic fields, due to the action of extra magnetic forces by the AGN wind producing enhanced fallback that reduces the mass loss rate in the outflows by factors up to 10. Furthermore, the presence of a collimated AGN wind (0º) causes a significant removal of mass from the core region in a few 100.000 yr, but this is soon replenished by gas inflow from the interstellar medium (ISM) when the SNe explosions fully develop. On the other hand, an AGN wind with a large opening angle in presence of magnetic fields is able to remove the nuclear gas entirely within a few 100.000 yr and does not allow for later replenishment. Therefore, it quenches the fueling and mass accretion onto the SMBH. This indicates that the duty cycle of these outflows is around a few 100.000 yr, compatible with the time-scales inferred for the observed UFOs and molecular outflows. In summary, models that include AGN winds with a larger opening angle and magnetic fields, lead to to be accelerated to maximum velocities around 10 km s¹ (than models with collimated AGN winds), with densities and temperatures which are compatible with those observed in UFOs. However, the structures with intermediate velocities of several ~100 km s¹ and densities up to a few 100 cm3, that in fact could reproduce the observed molecular outflows, have temperatures which are too large to explain the observed molecular features, which have temperatures T<1000 K. Besides, these large opening angle AGN winds in magnetized flows reduce the mass loss rates of the outflows to values smaller than those observed both in molecular outflows and UFOs. In future work, we intend to extend the parametric space here investigated and also include new ingredients in our models, such as non-equilibrium radiative cooling, in order to try to reproduce the features above that were not explained by the current model.

The Formation of High-Mass Stars: from High-Mass Clumps to Accretion Discs and Molecular Outflows / A Formação de Estrelas de Alta Massa: dos Glóbulos de Alta Massa aos Discos de Acreção e Jatos Moleculares

Felipe Donizeti Teston Navarete 20 February 2018 (has links)
High-mass stars play a significant role in the evolution of the Universe and the process that leads to the formation of such objects is still an open question in Astrophysics. The details of the structures connected to the central sources, such as the circumstellar disks and the morphology of the jets at their launching points, still lack of observational evidence. In this thesis, the high-mass star forming process is investigated in terms of the evolution of high-mass clumps selected from the ATLASGAL survey based on their CO emission in the sub-millimetre. While single-dish sub-millimetre observations provide a large-scale view of the high-mass star formation process, higher angular resolution observations are required to disentangle the details of the protostars within the clumps. For this, three-dimensional infrared spectroscopy was obtained for a group of RMS sources to characterise the circumstellar environment of high-mass YSOs in linear scales of ~100-1000 AU. The ATLASGAL TOP100 sample offers a unique opportunity to analyse a statistically complete sample of high-mass clumps at different evolutionary stages. APEX data of three rotational J transitions of the CO (the CO(4-3), CO(6-5) and CO(7-6)) were used to characterise the properties of their warm gas (~155 K) content and to derive the relations between the CO and the clump properties. The CO line luminosities were derived and the analysis indicated that the CO emission increases as a function of the evolutionary stage of the clumps (from infrared-weak to HII regions) and as a function of the bolometric luminosity and mass of the sources. The comparison of the TOP100 with low-mass objects observed in the CO(6-5) and CO(7-6), together with CO(10-9) data observed for a complementary sample of objects indicated that the dependency of the CO luminosity with the bolometric luminosity of the sources gets steeper towards higher-J transitions. Although the CO luminosity of more luminous clumps are systematically larger than the values obtained for the less luminous sources, the individual analysis of each subsample suggests a similar dependency of the CO luminosity versus the bolometric luminosity for each luminosity regime. Finally, the presence of high-velocity CO emission observed for the TOP100 suggests that ~85% of the sources are driving molecular outflows. The selection of isolated high-mass objects undergoing mass accretion is fundamental to investigate if these objects are formed through an accretion disc or if they are formed by merging of low-mass YSOs. The near-infrared window provides one of the best opportunities to investigate the interior of the sub-mm clumps and study in details their individual members. Thanks to the relatively high-resolution obtained in the K-band and the moderate reddening effects in the K-band, a sample of eight (8) HMYSOs exhibiting large-scale H2 outflows were selected to follow-up K-band spectroscopic observations using the NIFS spectrometer (Gemini North). All sources exhibit extended continuum emission and exhibit atomic and molecular transitions typical of embedded objects, such as Brackett-gama, H2 and the CO lines. The H2 lines are tracing the launching point of the large-scale jets in scales of ~100 AU in five of eight sources (63%). The identification of jets at such small scales indicates that these objects are still undergoing mass accretion. The Brackett-gama emission probes the ionised gas around the HMYSOs. The analysis of the Brackett-gama spectro-astrometry at sub-pixel scales suggests that the line arises from the cavity of the outflows or from rotating structures perpendicular to the H2 jets (i.e., disc). Five sources also exhibit CO emission features (63%), and three HMYSOs display CO absorption features (38%), indicating that they are likely associated with circumstellar discs. By further investigating the kinematics of the spatially resolved CO absorption features, the Keplerian mass of three sources was estimated in 5±3, 8±5 and 30±10 solar masses. These results support that high-mass stars are formed through discs, similarly as observed towards low-mass stars. The comparison between the collimation degree of the molecular jets or outflows detected in the NIFS data with their large-scale counterparts indicate that these structures present a relatively wide range of collimation degrees. / Estrelas de alta massa têm grande impacto na evolução do Universo e o processo de formação destes objetos ainda é um problema em aberto na Astrofísica. Os detalhes das estruturas associadas às regiões mais próximas dos objetos centrais, tais como os discos circunstelares e a morfologia dos jatos próximos à base de lançamento, ainda não foram estudados em detalhe e carecem de evidências observacionais. Esta tese apresenta um estudo da formação de estrelas de alta massa em termos da evolução de glóbulos de alta massa (clumps), selecionados a partir do levantamento ATLASGAL, a partir de observações da molécula do CO na faixa espectral do sub-milimétrico. Enquanto observações \"single-dish\" no sub-milimétrico possibilitam o estudo em larga escala do processo de formação de estrelas de alta massa, observações com maior resolução angular são necessárias para investigar os detalhes das protoestrelas no interior dos glóbulos. Para isso, espectroscopia tri-dimensional no infra-vermelho próximo foi obtida para um grupo de fontes RMS para caracterizar o meio circunstelar de objetos estelares jovens e de alta massa (HMYSOs) em escalas lineares de ~100-1000 UA. A amostra TOP100 oferece uma oportunidade ímpar de analisar um conjunto estatisticamente completo de glóbulos de alta massa em diversas fases evolutivas. Observações realizadas com o radiotelescópio APEX de três transições rotacionais da molécula do CO (CO(4-3), CO(6-5) e CO(7-6)) foram utilizadas para estudar as propriedades do gás morno (~155 K) associado aos glóbulos, e obter as relações entre a emissão do CO e as propriedades físicas dos glóbulos. A luminosidade das diferentes transições do CO foi obtida e sua análise mostrou que a emissão do gás aumenta em função do estágio evolutivo dos glóbulos (de glóbulos com emissão fraca no infravermelho longínquo a regiões HII) e em função da luminosidade bolométrica e massa dos glóbulos. A comparação entre os glóbulos de alta massa presentes na amostra TOP100 com fontes de menor massa observadas nas transições do CO(6-5) e CO(7-6), juntamente com a análise de uma amostra complementar de fontes observadas na transição do CO(10-9) mostrou que a dependência da luminosidade do CO com a luminosidade bolométrica aumenta em função do número quântico J associado à transição do CO. Este estudo também mostrou que as relações entre a luminosidade do CO e dos clumps são dominadas pelas fontes de alta luminosidade presentes na amostra analisada. A análise individual de fontes de baixa e alta luminosidade sugerem que a dependência entreas luminosidades do CO e bolométrica é a mesma em ambos os regimes de luminosidade, embora as luminosidades do CO sejam sistematicamente maiores para os glóbulos de alta massa. Por fim, a análise da emissão do CO em altas-velocidades mostrou que ~85% dos glóbulos presentes na amostra TOP100 apresentam jatos moleculares. A seleção de objetos de alta massa isolados em estágio de acreção ativa é crucial para decidir se ela ocorre através de um disco de acreção e/ou via fusão de YSOs de menor massa. Para isso, observações no infra-vermelho próximo são ideais para se investigar o conteúdo dos glóbulos sub-milimétricos e resolver seus membros individuais. Devido a alta resolução espacial na banda K e a extinção interestelar moderada nesta faixa espectral, um conjunto de oito (8) HMYSOs associados a jatos em H2 em larga-escala foram selecionados para observações espectroscópicas na banda K utilizando o espectrômetro NIFS no Gemini Norte. Todos os objetos investigados com o NIFS apresentam emissão extendida no contínuo, bem como nas linhas espectrais típicas de fontes jovens, tais como o Brackett-gama, transições do H2 e a emissão nas bandas moleculares do CO. A emissão em H2 está associada aos jatos moleculares em escalas de ~100 UA em cinco das oito fontes (63%). A indentificação de jatos moleculares em escalas tão próximas ao objeto central indica que o processo de acreção de massa ainda está ativo nestes objetos. A emissão do Brackett-gama provém do gás ionizado nas regiões mais próximas das fontes centrais ou regiões de choque próximas aos jatos. A espectro-astrometria da linha do Brackett-gama em escalas de sub-píxeis, indica que a emissão do gás ocorre nas cavidades dos jatos moleculares ou delineiam estruturas alinhadas perpendicularmente aos jatos, tais como os discos de acreção. Cinco fontes também apresentam emissão nas bandas do CO (63%), e três HMYSOs apresentam linhas do CO em absorção (38%), indicando que estes objetos apresentam discos de acreção. A massa total do sistema \"disco e protoestrela\" foi determinada a partir do estudo da cinemática das linhas de absorção do CO, detectadas em três objetos. A partir de modelos de rotação Kepleriana, as massas das fontes foram estimadas em 5±3, 8±5 e 30±10 massas solares. Os resultados obtidos a partir da espectroscopia tri-dimensional no infravermelho corroboram a hipótese de que estrelas de alta massa são formadas a partir de acreção por discos, de maneira similar ao observado para estrelas de baixa massa. A comparação entre a morfologia dos jatos moleculares identificados nos campos do NIFS e das correspondentes contrapartidas em escalas maiores indicam que os jatos apresentam diferentes graus de colimação ao longo de suas estruturas, explicadas pela multiplicidade de fontes nas proximidades da base de lançamento dos jatos ou efeitos de precessão no objeto central.

Numerical studies of diffusion and amplification of magnetic fields in turbulent astrophysical plasmas / Estudos numéricos de difusão e amplificação de campos magnéticos em plasmas astrofísicos turbulentos

Reinaldo Santos de Lima 17 May 2013 (has links)
In this thesis we investigated two major issues in astrophysical flows: the transport of magnetic fields in highly conducting fluids in the presence of turbulence, and the turbulence evolution and turbulent dynamo amplification of magnetic fields in collisionless plasmas. The first topic was explored in the context of star-formation, where two intriguing problems are highly debated: the requirement of magnetic flux diffusion during the gravitational collapse of molecular clouds in order to explain the observed magnetic field intensities in protostars (the so called \"magnetic flux problem\") and the formation of rotationally sustained protostellar discs in the presence of the magnetic fields which tend to remove all the angular momentum (the so called \"magnetic braking catastrophe\"). Both problems challenge the ideal MHD description, usually expected to be a good approximation in these environments. The ambipolar diffusion, which is the mechanism commonly invoked to solve these problems, has been lately questioned both by observations and numerical simulation results. We have here investigated a new paradigm, an alternative diffusive mechanism based on fast magnetic reconnection induced by turbulence, termed turbulent reconnection diffusion (TRD). We tested the TRD through fully 3D MHD numerical simulations, injecting turbulence into molecular clouds with initial cylindrical geometry, uniform longitudinal magnetic field and periodic boundary conditions. We have demonstrated the efficiency of the TRD in decorrelating the magnetic flux from the gas, allowing the infall of gas into the gravitational well while the field lines migrate to the outer regions of the cloud. This mechanism works for clouds starting either in magnetohydrostatic equilibrium or initially out-of-equilibrium in free-fall. We estimated the rates at which the TRD operate and found that they are faster when the central gravitational potential is higher. Also we found that the larger the initial value of the thermal to magnetic pressure ratio (beta) the larger the diffusion process. Besides, we have found that these rates are consistent with the predictions of the theory, particularly when turbulence is trans- or super-Alfvénic. We have also explored by means of 3D MHD simulations the role of the TRD in protostellar disks formation. Under ideal MHD conditions, the removal of angular momentum from the disk progenitor by the typically embedded magnetic field may prevent the formation of a rotationally supported disk during the main protostellar accretion phase of low mass stars. Previous studies showed that an enhanced microscopic diffusivity of about three orders of magnitude larger than the Ohmic diffusivity would be necessary to enable the formation of a rotationally supported disk. However, the nature of this enhanced diffusivity was not explained. Our numerical simulations of disk formation in the presence of turbulence demonstrated the efficiency of the TRD in providing the diffusion of the magnetic flux to the envelope of the protostar during the gravitational collapse, thus enabling the formation of rotationally supported disks of radius ~ 100 AU, in agreement with the observations. The second topic of this thesis has been investigated in the framework of the plasmas of the intracluster medium (ICM). The amplification and maintenance of the observed magnetic fields in the ICM are usually attributed to the turbulent dynamo action which is known to amplify the magnetic energy until close equipartition with the kinetic energy. This is generally derived employing a collisional MHD model. However, this is poorly justified a priori since in the ICM the ion mean free path between collisions is of the order of the dynamical scales, thus requiring a collisionless-MHD description. We have studied here the turbulence statistics and the turbulent dynamo amplification of seed magnetic fields in the ICM using a single-fluid collisionless-MHD model. This introduces an anisotropic thermal pressure with respect to the direction of the local magnetic field and this anisotropy modifies the MHD linear waves and creates kinetic instabilities. Our collisionless-MHD model includes a relaxation term of the pressure anisotropy due to the feedback of the mirror and firehose instabilities. We performed 3D numerical simulations of forced transonic turbulence in a periodic box mimicking the turbulent ICM, assuming different initial values of the magnetic field intensity and different relaxation rates of the pressure anisotropy. We showed that in the high beta plasma regime of the ICM where these kinetic instabilities are stronger, a fast anisotropy relaxation rate gives results which are similar to the collisional-MHD model in the description of the statistical properties of the turbulence. Also, the amplification of the magnetic energy due to the turbulent dynamo action when considering an initial seed magnetic field is similar to the collisional-MHD model, particularly when considering an instantaneous anisotropy relaxation. The models without any pressure anisotropy relaxation deviate significantly from the collisional-MHD results, showing more power in small-scale fluctuations of the density and velocity field, in agreement with a significant presence of the kinetic instabilities; however, the fluctuations in the magnetic field are mostly suppressed. In this case, the turbulent dynamo fails in amplifying seed magnetic fields and the magnetic energy saturates at values several orders of magnitude below the kinetic energy. It was suggested by previous studies of the collisionless plasma of the solar wind that the pressure anisotropy relaxation rate is of the order of a few percent of the ion gyrofrequency. The present study has shown that if this is also the case for the ICM, then the models which best represent the ICM are those with instantaneous anisotropy relaxation rate, i.e., the models which revealed a behavior very similar to the collisional-MHD description. / Nesta tese, investigamos dois problemas chave relacionados a fluidos astrofísicos: o transporte de campos magnéticos em plasmas altamente condutores na presença de turbulência, e a evolução da turbulência e amplificação de campos magnéticos pelo dínamo turbulento em plasmas não-colisionais. O primeiro tópico foi explorado no contexto de formação estelar, onde duas questões intrigantes são intensamente debatidas na literatura: a necessidade da difusão de fluxo magnético durante o colapso gravitacional de nuvens moleculares, a fim de explicar as intensidades dos campos magnéticos observadas em proto-estrelas (o denominado \"problema do fluxo magnético\"), e a formação de discos proto-estelares sustentados pela rotação em presença de campos magnéticos, os quais tendem a remover o seu momento angular (a chamada \"catástrofe do freamento magnético\"). Estes dois problemas desafiam a descrição MHD ideal, normalmente empregada para descrever esses sistemas. A difusão ambipolar, o mecanismo normalmente invocado para resolver estes problemas, vem sendo questionada ultimamente tanto por observações quanto por resultados de simulações numéricas. Investigamos aqui um novo paradigma, um mecanismo de difusão alternativo baseado em reconexão magnética rápida induzida pela turbulência, que denominamos reconexão turbulenta (TRD, do inglês turbulent reconnection diffusion). Nós testamos a TRD através de simulações numéricas tridimensionais MHD, injetando turbulência em nuvens moleculares com geometria inicialmente cilíndrica, permeadas por um campo magnético longitudinal e fronteiras periódicas. Demonstramos a eficiência da TRD em desacoplar o fluxo magnético do gás, permitindo a queda do gás no poço de potencial gravitacional, enquanto as linhas de campo migram para as regiões externas da nuvem. Este mecanismo funciona tanto para nuvens inicialmente em equilíbrio magneto-hidrostático, quanto para aquelas inicialmente fora de equilíbrio, em queda livre. Nós estimamos as taxas em que a TRD opera e descobrimos que são mais rápidas quando o potencial gravitacional é maior. Também verificamos que quanto maior o valor inicial da razão entre a pressão térmica e magnética (beta), mais eficiente é o processo de difusão. Além disto, também verificamos que estas taxas são consistentes com as previsões da teoria, particularmente quando a turbulência é trans- ou super-Alfvénica. Também exploramos por meio de simulações MHD 3D a influência da TRD na formação de discos proto-estelares. Sob condições MHD ideais, a remoção do momento angular do disco progenitor pelo campo magnético da nuvem pode evitar a formação de discos sustentados por rotação durante a fase principal de acreção proto-estelar de estrelas de baixa massa. Estudos anteriores mostraram que uma super difusividade microscópica aproximadamente três ordens de magnitude maior do que a difusividade ôhmica seria necessária para levar à formação de um disco sustentado pela rotação. No entanto, a natureza desta super difusividade não foi explicada. Nossas simulações numéricas da formação do disco em presença de turbulência demonstraram a eficiência da TRD em prover a diffusão do fluxo magnético para o envelope da proto-estrela durante o colapso gravitacional, permitindo assim a formação de discos sutentados pela rotação com raios ~ 100 UA, em concordância com as observações. O segundo tópico desta tese foi abordado no contexto dos plasmas do meio intra-aglomerado de galáxias (MIA). A amplificação e manutenção dos campos magnéticos observados no MIA são normalmente atribuidas à ação do dínamo turbulento, que é conhecidamente capaz de amplificar a energia magnética até valores próximos da equipartição com a energia cinética. Este resultado é geralmente derivado empregando-se um modelo MHD colisional. No entanto, isto é pobremente justificado a priori, pois no MIA o caminho livre médio de colisões íon-íon é da ordem das escalas dinâmicas, requerendo então uma descrição MHD não-colisional. Estudamos aqui a estatística da turbulência e a amplificação por dínamo turbulento de campos magnéticos sementes no MIA, usando um modelo MHD não-colisional de um único fluido. Isto indroduz uma pressão térmica anisotrópica com respeito à direção do campo magnético local. Esta anisotropia modifica as ondas MHD lineares e cria instabilidades cinéticas. Nosso modelo MHD não-colisional inclui um termo de relaxação da anisotropia devido aos efeitos das instabilidades mirror e firehose. Realizamos simulações numéricas 3D de turbulência trans-sônica forçada em um domínio periódico, mimetizando o MIA turbulento e considerando diferentes valores iniciais para a intensidade do campo magnético, bem como diferentes taxas de relaxação da anisotropia na pressão. Mostramos que no regime de plasma com altos valores de beta no MIA, onde estas instabilidades cinéticas são mais fortes, uma rápida taxa de relaxação da anisotropia produz resultados similares ao modelo MHD colisional na descrição das propriedades estatísticas da turbulência. Além disso, a amplificação da energia mangética pela ação do dínamo turbulento quando consideramos um campo magnético semente, é similar ao modelo MHD colisional, particularmente quando consideramos uma relaxação instantânea da anisotropia. Os modelos sem qualquer relaxação da anisotropia de pressão mostraram resultados que se desviam significativamente daqueles do MHD colisional, mostrando mais potências nas flutuações de pequena escala da densidade e velocidade, em concordância com a presença significativa das instabilidades cinéticas nessas escalas; no entanto, as flutuações do campo magnético são, em geral, suprimidas. Neste caso, o dínamo turbulento também falha em amplificar campos magnéticos sementes e a energia magnética satura em valores bem abaixo da energia cinética. Estudos anteriores do plasma não-colisional do vento solar sugeriram que a taxa de relaxação da anisotropia na pressão é da ordem de uma pequena porcentagem da giro-frequência dos íons. O presente estudo mostrou que, se este também é o caso para o MIA, então os modelos que melhor representam o MIA são aqueles com taxas de relaxação instantâneas, ou seja, os modelos que revelaram um comportamento muito similar à descrição MHD colisional.

Formation stellaire dans la galaxie et interaction avec le milieu interstellaire / Stellar formation in our galaxy and interaction with the interstellar medium

Beuret, Maxime 21 September 2016 (has links)
Comment les étoiles se forment elles ?. Cette vaste question fait appel à des connaissances dans plusieurs domaines dont deux majeurs, la Formation Stellaire et le Milieu Interstellaire. C’est dans ce cadre générale que s’inscrit ma thèse. Notre galaxie est un vaste laboratoire d’études de cette formation et je me suis donc intéressé aux premières étapes de la formation des étoiles, allant du nuage moléculaire à la proto-étoile. J’ai principalement utilisé des données provenant du télescope Herschel qui nous fournit des images et des données dans l’infrarouge lointain et le domaine sub-milimétrique à une résolution inégalée. J’ai d’abord construit un catalogue de sources à l’aide d’un algorithme d’identification croisée, SPECFIND, puis appliqué un algorithme de clustering, MST, sur près de 100 000 sources afin de construire le premier catalogue d’amas d’objets stellaires jeunes à l’échelle galactique. Ceci m’a conduit à étudier les propriétés de ces amas et des sources les constituant. / How stars form? This broad question uses knowledges in several areas, including two majors, the Star Formation and the Interstellar Medium. My thesis is a part of this overall framework. Our galaxy is a laboratory complex for the study of this formation. I became interested in the first stages of the star formations, from Molecular Clouds to protostars. I mainly used data from the Herschel telescope which provides us with images and data in the far infrared and sub-millimiter at an unparalleled resolution. First of all, I built a catalogue of young clumps using SPECFIND, an algorithm of cross-identification. Then I applied an algorithm of clustering, MST, over 100 000 young clumps to find over-densities in order to release the first catalogue of young stellar clusters in a galactic scale. Finally, I studied the physical properties of these clusters and their young clumps.

Infrared-bright galaxies in the millennium simulation and Sunyaev Zeldovich effect contamination

Opolot, Daniel Christopher January 2010 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Measuring the evolution of the abundance of galaxy clusters puts constraints on cosmological parameters like the cosmological density parameter m, σ8 and the dark energy equation of state parameter, w. Current observations that promise to give large cluster counts and their properties are those that rely on the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE) from clusters. We study the contamination of the SZ signals from galaxy clusters by cluster infrared (IR) galaxies and particularly faint IR galaxies. We use the Millennium simulation database to extract galaxy clusters and deduce contaminant IR fluxes using the star formation rate - IR luminosity relations. We use the IR spectral energy distribution(SED) to obtain the monochromatic fluxes at 145 GHz, 217 GHz and 265 GHz, which are the observation frequencies of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT). Taking ACT as a case study, we selected all clusters with Mvir ≥ 2 × 1014 M⊙, and consider all galaxies in a cluster with star formation rate sfr ≥ 0.2 M⊙yr−1 as IR galaxies. From the fluxes of these selected sources, we compute their contribution to the SZE temperature fluctuations.We find that the galaxies in clusters have a non-neglible contribution to the SZ signals.In massive and rich clusters the contribution can be as high as 100 μK at z = 0.36,which is substantial when compared to the thermal SZE of & 270μK for such clusters.This effect can be reduced significantly if proper modelling of IR sources is done to pick out the point sources within clusters. We also find that irrespective of the mass range,the average contaminant temperature fluctuation T can be modelled as a power-law: T = Czm, where z is the redshift, m = 1.8 ± 0.07 and C takes on a range of values(0.008 to 0.9) depending on the cluster mass and the observation frequency respectively.We also study some properties of simulated galaxy clusters like substructures in clusters,2D projected distributions and number density profiles, which are all discussed in the results.

Les premières phases d'évolution des étoiles massives dans NGC 6334 et NGC 6357 révélées par le sondage Herschel-HOBYS / The first evolutionary phases of Massive star formation in NGC 6334 and NGC 6357 as seen by the Herschel -HOBYS project

Tigé, Jérémy 03 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une étude des coeurs denses et massifs de deux régions de formation d'étoiles massives de notre Galaxie. J'utilise pour ce travail des observations Herschel-HOBYS de NGC 6334 et NGC 6357 complémentées par les sondages GLIMPSE, MIPSGAL, ATLASGAL, MALT90 ainsi que des observations SCUBA-2 et SIMBA. La vision multi-longueur d'onde m'a permis d'identifier spatialement les coeurs les plus denses des deux régions et d'extraire leur distribution spectrale d' énergie. J'ai modélisé l'émission des coeurs pour extraire leurs paramètres physiques et j'ai utilisé des données infrarouge, des catalogues de sources masers et radio, ainsi que des raies mol éculaires pour déterminer leur statut évolutif. Mon travail présente l'extraction des coeurs denses et massifs ainsi que l'analyse de leur distribution spatiale et de leurs paramètres physiques dans le contexte évolutif de la formation d'étoiles massives dans les régions NGC 6334 et NGC 6357. / This thesis aims at studying the massive dense cores found inside two regions of high-mass star formation within our Galaxy. I make use of Herschel observations of NGC 6334 and NGC 6357 from the HOBYS project, complemented with the GLIMPSE, MPISGAL, ATLASGAL, MALT90 surveys as well as observations from SCUBA-2 and SIMBA. The multi-wavelength view allows me to spatially identify the densest cores in both regions and extract their spectral energy distribution. I modelled the emission from the cores to extract their physical parameters and I used infrared data, masers and radio catalogues, and molecular lines to assess their evolutionary status. My study present the extraction of massive dense cores in the regions NGC 6334 and NGC 6357 together with the analysis of their spatial distribution and physical parameters in the evolutionnary context of massivestar formation that is occuring in both regions.

How do the large-scale dynamics of galaxy interactions trigger star formation in the Antennae galaxy merger? / Comment la dynamique à grande échelle de rencontre des deux galaxies déclenche la formation d'étoiles dans les galaxies des Antennes?

Herrera Contreras, Cinthya Natalia 05 November 2012 (has links)
Les Antennes sont une des fusions de galaxies les plus connues dans l’Univers proche. Sa proximité nous permet d’observer et d’étudier ses gaz à l’échelle de la formation des amas stellaires. C’est une source idéale pour comprendre comment la dynamique dans les fusions de galaxies déclenche la formation d’étoiles. La plupart des étoiles dans les Antennes sont formées dans des amas stellaires compacts et massifs, surnommés super-star clusters (SSC). Les SSC les plus massifs (>106 M⊙) et les plus jeunes (<6 Myr) sont situés dans la région de collision entre les deux galaxies et sont associés aux complexes moléculaires massifs (~108 M⊙) et super-géants (des centaines de pc) (super-giant molecular clouds, SGMCs). La formation de SSC doit impliquer une intéraction complexe entre la dynamique des gaz et une turbulence entraînée par la fusion des galaxies, et la dissipation de l’énergie cinétique des gaz. Dans les SGMC, une hiérarchie de structures doit être produite, incluant des concentrations denses et compactes de gaz moléculaires qui sont suffisamment massifs pour former un SSC, des nuages pre-cluster clouds (PCC). La formation des étoiles se produira si l’énergie mécanique des PCC est émise dans le lointain, permettant à l’auto-gravité de gagner localement les pressions thermique et turbulente du gaz. Des diagnostics spécifiques de dissipation turbulente sont donc des éléments essentiels pour tester la validité de ce scénario.J’étudie la région d’intéraction des Antennes. J’utilise des observations avec le spectro- imageur SINFONI sur le VLT (raies rovibrationnelles de H2) et ALMA (raie CO(3–2) et l’émission du continuum de la poussière). Les données ont des résolutions angulaires pour résoudre les échelles de la formation des SSC et des résolutions spectrales pour résoudre les mouvements à l’intérieur du SGMC. La combinaison des raies CO et H2 est essentielle dans mon travail. J’utilise le CO comme traceur de la distribution et de la cinématique du gaz moléculaire, et H2 comme traceur du taux de dissipation d’énergie mécanique de gaz.Ma thèse se concentre sur des sources traçant des différentes étapes de la formation d’étoiles : le rassemblement des gaz pour former des SGMCs, la formation des PCC dans les SGMCs et la destruction des nuages moléculaires par les SSC. Je montre que la turbulence joue un rôle essentiel à chaque étape. J’ai trouvé que l’énergie cinétique de rencontre des deux galaxies n’est pas thermalisée dans les chocs aux échelles où elle est injectée. Elle entraîne une turbulence dans l’ISM moléculaire à un niveau beaucoup plus élevé que celui observé dans la Voie Lactée. Sauf dans les SSC encore intégrés dans les nuages moléculaires, la raie de H2 est produite par des chocs et trace la dissipation de l’énergie cinétique turbulente du gaz. J’associe l’émission de H2 à la perte d’énergie cinétique nécessaire pour former des nuages gravitationnellement liés. Cette interprétation est étayée par la découverte d’une source lumineuse et compacte en H2, qui n’est associée à aucun SSC connu, située là où les données montrent le plus grand gradient de vitesse. À notre connaissance, c’est la première fois qu’une source extragalactique avec ces caractéristiques est identifiée. Nous observons la formation d’un nuage suffisamment massif pour former un SSC. Les données montrent également la destruction d’un nuage moléculaire par un SSC récemment formé. Sa matière est faiblement liée. Sa gravité serait soutenue par la turbulence, ce qui rend plus facile pour les mécanismes de rétroaction de perturber le nuage parent.Enfin, je présente deux projets. Je propose d’établir d’autres traceurs de dissipation d’énergie observables avec ALMA, proposition du Cycle 1 acceptée en première priorité. Je propose également d’étendre mon travail pour étudier la formation des étoiles entraînées par la turbulence dans différentes sources extragalactiques en combinant les observations dans le proche infrarouge et submillimétrique. / The Antennae (22 Mpc) is one of the most well-known mergers in the nearby Universe. Its distance allow us to observe and study the gas at the scales of stellar cluster formation. It is an ideal source to understand how the galaxy dynamics in mergers trigger the formation of stars. Most of the stars in the Antennae are formed in compact and massive stellar clusters, dubbed super-star clusters (SSCs). The most massive (>106 M⊙) and youngest (<6 Myr) SSCs are located in the overlap region, where the two galaxies collide, and are associated with massive (several 108 M⊙) and super-giant (few hundred of pc) molecular complexes (SGMCs). The formation of SSCs must involve a complex interplay of merger-driven gas dynamics, turbulence fed by the galaxy interaction, and dissipation of the kinetic energy of the gas. Within SGMCs, a hierarchy of structures must be produced, including dense and compact concentrations of molecular gas massive enough to form SSCs, pre-cluster clouds (PCCs). For star formation to occur, the mechanical energy of PCCs must be radiated away to allow their self-gravity to locally win over their turbulent gas pressure. Specific tracers of turbulent dissipation are therefore key inputs to test the validity of this theoretical scenario. In my thesis, I studied the Antennae overlap region. My work is based on observations with the SINFONI spectro-imager at the VLT, which includes H2 rovibrational and Brγ line emission, and with ALMA, which includes the CO(3-2) line and dust continuum emission. Both data-sets have the needed sub-arcsecond angular resolution to resolve the scales of SSC formation. The spectral resolutions are enough to resolve motions within SGMCs. Combining CO and H2 line emission is key in my PhD work. I use CO as a tracer of the distribution and kinematics of the molecular gas, and H2 as a tracer of the rate at which the gas mechanical energy is dissipated.My thesis focuses on diverse sources in the Antennae overlap region which trace different stages of star formation: the gathering of mass necessary to form SGMCs, the formation of PCCs within SGMCs and the disruption of a parent cloud by a newly formed SSC. I show that at each stage turbulence plays a key role. I found that the kinetic energy of the galaxies is not thermalized in large scale shocks, it drives the turbulence in the molecular ISM at a much higher level than what is observed in the Milky Way. Near-IR spectral diagnostics show that, outside of SSCs embedded in their parent clouds, the H2 line emission is powered by shocks and traces the dissipation of the gas turbulent kinetic energy. I relate the H2 emission to the loss of kinetic energy required to form gravitationally bound clouds. This interpretation is supported by the discovery of a compact, bright H2 source not associated with any known SSC. It has the largest H2/CO emission ratio and is located where the data show the largest velocity gradient in the interaction region. To our knowledge, this is the first time that an extragalactic source with such characteristics is identified. We would be witnessing the formation of a cloud massive enough to form a SSC. The data also allow us to study the disruption of a parent molecular cloud by an embedded SSC. Its matter is loosely bound and its gravity would be supported by turbulence, which makes it easier for feedback to disrupt the parent cloud. I end my manuscript presenting two projects. I propose to establish additional energy dissipation tracers observable with ALMA, which gives us the high spatial and spectral resolution needed to isolate scales at which clusters form. This is a Cycle 1 proposal accepted in first priority. I also plan to expand my work to other nearby extragalactic sources by investigating the turbulence-driven formation of stars in different extragalactic sources by combining near-IR and submillimeter observations.

Constraints on the High-Energy Gamma-Ray Spectrum of Nearby Star-Forming Galaxies

Svenborn, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
The nature of high-energy gamma-ray emission from Star-Forming Galaxies is of utmost importance for understanding both the origin of Cosmic Rays and the high-energy processes that shape galaxy formation. Observations from the gamma-ray telescope Fermi-LAT have detected gamma-ray emission from a handful of nearby Star-Forming Galaxies. Interestingly, observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud show evidence for a spectral cutoff at energies of approximately 10 GeV. This has raised the question as to whether some Star-Forming Galaxies are unable to contain their Cosmic Ray population. Using the Fermitools to analyse the gamma-ray emission from a selection of bright nearby Star-Forming Galaxies, this study intends to explore the possibility of finding further evidence for exponential cutoffs in the gamma-ray spectrum of Star-Forming Galaxies. The shape of the combined spectrum of the 49 galaxies in the sample was determined using least-square fitting of a single power law, a broken power law and a power law with an exponential cutoff. No evidence of an exponentialcutoff was found and the shape of the spectrum was best described by a broken power law with indices Γ1 = -2.48 ± 0.05 and Γ2 = -0.88 ± 0.09. This is in poor agreement with previous observations, which favour a simple power law with an index in the range -2.2 to -2.4. Interestingly, the single power law, while disfavoured over the broken power law at ~7σ, was best fit with the index Γ = -2.35 ± 0.06, which is surprisingly well in agreement with previous observations. The discrepancy between the results presented here and those found in the literature is interpreted as due to insufficient treatment of background fluctuations and the possible existence of bright sources at the unverified blank sky locations used for modelling the background.

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