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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deep observations of the GOODS-North field from the e-MERGE survey

Wrigley, Nicholas Howard January 2016 (has links)
The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey North (GOODS-N) field, first surveyed by the HST, has been observed across numerous wavebands revealing populations of both Star Forming Galaxies (SFG) and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) over wide ranges of luminosities. It has been surmised that the evolution in the star forming population appears to diverge from that in the AGN population leading to a domination of SFGs at low flux densities. The number of starbursts can only be disentangled from the entire population if each source can be classified individually, which usually requires high angular resolution imaging. This is the motivation behind the e-MERLIN Galaxy Evolution survey, e-MERGE, which expands the depth of high resolution radio imaging in the GOODS-N field to increase the number of potentially classifiable sources. By use of wide-field imaging techniques, including a new high-speed mapping tool, together with a new semi-empirical primary beam-shape model for the e-MERLIN array, a deep wide-field high-resolution map is derived. This is the widest and deepest contiguous imaging yet obtained from e-MERLIN and JVLA observations, and yet contains less than 25% of the e-MERLIN data so far observed. The majority of the objects are shown to exhibit extended structure, and the angular size distribution place the median size around 1.2 arcsec, peaking between 0.5 and 0.7 arcsec. Automated algorithms are utilised to facilitate a new probabilistic classification tool based on multi-parameter correlations. 248 sources could be classified using the tool, each deriving a probability of AGN or SFG rather than forcing a binary category. Linear sizes of star-formation dominated sources are determined to lie in a range of 4 - 11 kpc, within the optical extent of galaxies. Differential source counting based on probabilistic classifications reveals that an increase in the luminosity evolution of SFGs is likely, although an apparent upturn in AGN may also exist to some lesser degree at low flux densities. The thesis establishes a clear roadmap for the remainder of the e-MERGE survey and a path to determine the star formation rate history of the Universe.

Etude des effets de la magnétohydrodynamique non idéale sur la formation des étoiles de faible masse / Non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics in low-mass star formation

Masson, Jacques 13 November 2013 (has links)
Le processus de formation d’étoiles se déroule selon plusieurs phases. Tout d’abord une phase à grande échelle, durant laquelle le nuage moléculaire se fragmente sous l’action de sa propre gravité et de la turbulence en coeurs denses gravitationnellement instables. Dans ces fragments le milieu est optiquement mince, l’énergie libérée par le travail de compression s’échappe sous forme de rayonnement, d’où un processus quasi isotherme. Lorsque le nuage devient optiquement épais à son propre rayonnement, la matière en effondrement forme un objet en équilibre hydrostatique appelé premier cœur dit de Larson. S’ensuit une phase d’accrétion, qui conduit ultimement à la dissociation du dihydrogène. Une partie du travail de compression est alors absorbée par l'énergie de dissociation de la molécule, et non plus convertie en énergie thermique, permettant à l'effondrement de recommencer. Lorsque que toutes les molécules de dihydrogene ont été dissociées, la phase adiabatique recommence et le second cœur de Larson (proto-étoile) est formé.L'ajout des éléments nécessaires au traitement de la magnétohydrodynamique (MHD) non-idéale dans le code à grille adaptative RAMSES constitue la première partie de la thèse. L'étude détaillée des stades ultimes (premier et second cœur de Larson) de la formation des étoiles constitue la seconde partie de la thèse. Cette étude a pu mettre en évidence des effets importants de la MHD non-idéale sur la répartition du champ magnétique et l'efficacité du transport de moment angulaire. / Stars formation occurs in several steps. First a large scale phase during which the molecular cloud undergo fragmentation due to its self-gravity and turbulence. In the gravitationally unstable fragments the medium is optically thin causing all the energy generated by the collapse to escape freely. This is called the isothermal compression phase. When the cloud becomes optically thick to its own radiation, an hydrostatic core forms: the first Larson core. Follow an adiabatic accretion phase ending up ultimately in the dissociation of dihydrogen molecules. Part of the energy from the gravitational collapse is absorbed by the chemical process allowing for another quasi isothermal collapse to start until depletion of dihydrogen molecules. When the adiabatic phase is restored, the second Larson core (proto-star) is formed.Coding the non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) solver in the adaptive mesh refinement code RAMSES has been the focus for the first part of the thesis. The precise study of the last steps (first and second Larson core) of star formation is the second part of the thesis. This study highlighted the impact of non-ideal MHD on the magnetic field repartition and the efficiency of the angular momentum transport.

Nuage hypermassif, chocs et efficacité de formation stellaire / Hypermassive cloud, shock and stellar formation efficiency

Louvet, Fabien 22 September 2014 (has links)
Les étoiles massives, de type O ou B, sont d'une importance capitale pour le budget énergétique des galaxies et l'enrichissement du milieu interstellaire. Néanmoins, leur formation, contrairement à celle des étoiles de type solaire reste sujet à débats, sinon une énigme. Les toutes premières étapes de la formation des étoiles massives ainsi que la formation de leur nuage parent sont des thèmes qui stimulent une grande activité sur les plans théorique et observationnel depuis une décennie. Il semble maintenant acquis que les étoiles massives naissent dans des cœurs denses massifs, qui se forment au travers de processus dynamiques, tels que les flots de gaz collisionnels. Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai mené une étude approfondie de la formation des cœurs denses et des étoiles massives au sein de la structure hypermassive W43-MM1, localisée à 6~kpc du soleil. Dans un premier temps, j'ai montré une corrélation directe entre l'efficacité à former des étoiles et la densité volumique des nuages moléculaires, en décalage avec un certain nombre d'études précédentes. En effet, la distribution spatiale et de masse des cœurs denses massifs en formation au sein de W43-MM1 suggère que ce filament hypermassif est en phase de flambée de formation d'étoiles, flambée d'autant plus grande que l'on se rapproche de son cœur. J'ai comparé ces résultats observationnels aux modèles numériques et analytiques d'efficacité de formation stellaire les plus récents. Cette confrontation permet non seulement d'apporter de nouvelles contraintes sur la formation des filaments hypermassifs, mais suggère aussi que la compréhension de la formation d'étoiles dans les nuages hypermassifs nécessite une description fine de la structure de ces objets exceptionnels. En second lieu, ayant montré que la formation des étoiles massives est fortement dépendante des propriétés des filaments qui les forment, je me suis naturellement intéressé aux processus de formation de ces filaments, grâce à une étude de leur dynamique globale. Plus précisément, j'ai utilisé un traceur de chocs (la molécule de SiO) pour discerner les chocs dûs aux processus locaux de formation des étoiles (jets et flots bipolaires), des chocs dûs aux processus permettant la formation du nuage. J'ai ainsi pu, via une étude sans précédent alliant observations et modélisation de chocs dans une région formant de nombreuses étoiles, montrer l'existence de chocs à basse vitesse, première signature directe de la formation du nuage moléculaire dans lequel les étoiles massives se forment. Ces résultats constituent une étape importante reliant, via des processus dynamiques, la formation des nuages moléculaires à la formation des étoiles massives. / O and B types stars are of paramount importance in the energy budget of galaxies and play a crucial role enriching the interstellar medium. However, their formation, unlike that of solar-type stars, is still subject to debate, if not an enigma. The earliest stages of massive star formation and the formation of their parent cloud are still crucial astrophysical questions that drew a lot of attention in the community, both from the theoretical and observational perspective, during the last decade. It has been proposed that massive stars are born in massive dense cores that form through very dynamic processes, such as converging flows of gas. During my PhD, I conducted a thorough study of the formation of dense cores and massive stars in the W43-MM1 supermassive structure, located at ~ 6 kpc from the sun. At first, I showed a direct correlation between the star formation efficiency and the volume gas density of molecular clouds, in contrast with scenarii suggested by previous studies. Indeed, the spatial distribution and mass function of the massive dense cores currently forming in W43-MM1 suggests that this supermassive filament is undergoing a star formation burst, increasing as one approaches its center. I compared these observational results with the most recent numerical and analytical models of star formation. This comparison not only provides new constraints on the formation of supermassive filaments, but also suggests that understanding star formation in high density, extreme ridges requires a detailed portrait of the structure of these exceptional objects. Second, having shown that the formation of massive stars depends strongly on the properties of the ridges where they form, I studied the formation processes of these filaments, thanks of the characterization of their global dynamics. Specifically, I used a tracer of shocks (SiO molecule) to disentangle the feedback of local star formation processes (bipolar jets and outflows) from shocks tracing the pristine formation processes of the W43-MM1 cloud. I was able, via an unprecedented study combining observations and modeling of shocks in a starbust region, to show the existence of widespread low velocity shocks, that are the first direct signature of the formation of the massive molecular cloud from which massive stars form.These results are an important step connecting, via dynamical processes, the formation of molecular clouds to the formation of massive stars.

Star formation across cosmic time and its influence on galactic dynamics / La formation des étoiles au cours de l'histoire de l'univers et son influence sur la dynamique des galaxies

Freundlich, Jonathan 01 December 2015 (has links)
Les observations montrent qu'il y a dix milliards d'années, les galaxies formaient bien plus d'étoiles qu'aujourd'hui. Comme les étoiles se forment à partir de gaz moléculaire froid, cela signifie que les galaxies disposaient alors d'importants réservoirs de gaz, et c'est ce qui est observé. Mais les processus de formation d'étoiles pourraient aussi avoir été plus efficaces : qu'en est-il ? Les étoiles se forment dans des nuages moléculaires géants liés par leur propre gravité, mais les toutes premières étapes de leur formation demeurent relativement mal connues. Les nuages moléculaires sont eux-mêmes fragmentés en différentes structures, et certains scénarios suggèrent que les filaments interstellaires qui y sont observés aient pu constituer la première étape de la formation des coeurs denses dans lesquels se forment les étoiles. En quelle mesure leur géométrie filamentaire affecte-t-elle les coeurs pré-stellaires ? Des phenomènes de rétroaction liés à l'évolution des étoiles, comme les vents stellaires et les explosions de supernovae, participent à la régulation de la formation d'étoiles et peuvent aussi perturber la distribution de matière noire supposée entourer les galaxies. Cette thèse aborde l'évolution des galaxies et la formation des étoiles suivant trois perspectives : (i) la caractérisation des processus de formation d'étoiles à des échelles sous-galactiques au moment de leur pic de formation ; (ii) la formation des coeurs pré-stellaires dans les structures filamentaires du milieu interstellaire ; et (iii) les effets rétroactifs de la formation et de l'évolution des étoiles sur la distribution de matière noire des galaxies. / Observations show that ten billion years ago, galaxies formed their stars at rates up to twenty times higher than now. As stars are formed from cold molecular gas, a high star formation rate means a significant gas supply, and galaxies near the peak epoch of star formation are indeed much more gas-rich than nearby galaxies. Is the decline of the star formation rate mostly driven by the diminishing cold gas reservoir, or are the star formation processes also qualitatively different earlier in the history of the Universe? Ten billion years ago, young galaxies were clumpy and prone to violent gravitational instabilities, which may have contributed to their high star formation rate. Stars indeed form within giant, gravitationally-bound molecular clouds. But the earliest phases of star formation are still poorly understood. Some scenarii suggest the importance of interstellar filamentary structures as a first step towards core and star formation. How would their filamentary geometry affect pre-stellar cores? Feedback mechanisms related to stellar evolution also play an important role in regulating star formation, for example through powerful stellar winds and supernovae explosions which expel some of the gas and can even disturb the dark matter distribution in which each galaxy is assumed to be embedded. This PhD work focuses on three perspectives: (i) star formation near the peak epoch of star formation as seen from observations at sub-galactic scales; (ii) the formation of pre-stellar cores within the filamentary structures of the interstellar medium; and (iii) the effect of feedback processes resulting from star formation and evolution on the dark matter distribution.

The HI Chronicles of LITTLE THINGS Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies

Ashley, Trisha L 27 May 2014 (has links)
Star formation occurs when the gas (mostly atomic hydrogen; H I) in a galaxy becomes disturbed, forming regions of high density gas, which then collapses to form stars. In dwarf galaxies it is still uncertain which processes contribute to star formation and how much they contribute to star formation. Blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies are low mass, low shear, gas rich galaxies that have high star formation rates when compared to other dwarf galaxies. What triggers the dense burst of star formation in BCDs but not other dwarfs is not well understood. It is often suggested that BCDs may have their starburst triggered by gravitational interactions with other galaxies, dwarf-dwarf galaxy mergers, or consumption of intergalactic gas. However, there are BCDs that appear isolated with respect to other galaxies, making an external disturbance unlikely. Here, I study six apparently isolated BCDs from the LITTLE THINGS1sample in an attempt to understand what has triggered their burst of star formation. LITTLE THINGS is an H I survey of 41 dwarf galaxies. Each galaxy has high angular and velocity resolution H I data from the Very Large Array (VLA) telescope and ancillary stellar data. I use these data to study the detailed morphology and kinematics of each galaxy, looking for signatures of starburst triggers. In addition to the VLA data, I have collected Green Bank Telescope data for the six BCDs. These high sensitivity, low resolution data are used to search the surrounding area of each galaxy for extended emission and possible nearby companion galaxies. The VLA data show evidence that each BCD has likely experienced some form of external disturbance despite their apparent isolation. These external disturbances potentially seen in the sample include: ongoing/advanced dwarf-dwarf mergers, an interaction with an unknown external object, and external gas consumption. The GBT data result in no nearby, separate H I companions at the sensitivity of the data. These data therefore suggest that even though these BCDs appear isolated, they have not been evolving in isolation. It is possible that these external disturbances may have triggered the starbursts that defines them as BCDs. 1Local Irregulars That Trace Luminosity Extremes, The H I Nearby Galaxy Survey; https://science.nrao.edu/science/surveys/littlethings

Procura de Estrelas de Alta Massa em Formação / Search for Massive Stars in Early Stages of Formation

Felipe Donizeti Teston Navarete 29 October 2013 (has links)
O mecanismo de formação de estrelas de alta massa é um dos problemas fundamentais em Astrofísica e um dos menos compreendidos. Duas teorias predizem a formação destes objetos, que se formariam via i) colisão de estrelas de baixa massa, ou ii) acreção por disco circunstelar. Atualmente, ambas as teorias carecem de testes observacionais críticos. Não obstante, o número de estrelas de alta massa jovens já identificadas na Galáxia corresponde a uma fração muito menor do que o esperado pela função de massa inicial. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo observacional de candidatos a MYSOs, selecionados a partir do levantamento Red MSX Source. Observações de 376 objetos nos filtros estreitos do H2 em 2.12 mícrons e num contínuo adjacente foram realizadas para identificar jatos moleculares colimados e 296 delas são apresentadas nesse trabalho. As observações do hemisfério Norte foram realizadas com o telescópio CFHT (Havaí) enquanto os objetos do hemisfério Sul, foram observados com o telescópio SOAR (Chile). A análise dos mapas de emissão em H2 permitiu concluir que 150 dos 296 objetos (51%) estão associados a emissões extensas em H2, e 62 delas foram classificadas como emissões polares. A análise da razão de aspecto das estruturas identificadas mostra que as emissões associadas a fontes com maior luminosidade apresentam baixo grau de colimação, tal como sugere o cenário de geração dos jatos a partir de ventos emanados pela pressão de radiação do disco circunstelar. A baixa fração de emissões polares (apenas 21% da amostra) indica que o tempo de vida dessas estruturas devem ser curtos. As evidências observacionais encontradas nesse trabalho corroboram o cenário de acreção via disco circunstelar e invalidam o modelo formação via coalescência de estrelas de baixa massa, que requer ambientes relativamente densos e não é capaz de produzir jatos colimados. / Very few massive stars in early formation stages were clearly identified in our Galaxy. The formation process of these objects is still unclear and two theories predict the formation of massive stars: i) by merging of low mass stars or ii) by an accretion disk. There are no critical observational evidences to choose between them. The lack of observational evidences combined with the small number of known massive stars in formation in our Galaxy does not allow us to choose between these scenarios. We present a near-infrared survey of MYSOs candidates selected from the Red MSX Source survey. Such catalog is based on an accurate revision of distances and luminosities, overcoming the limitations and failures in previous searches of this kind. 376 targets were observed through the H2 narrow-band filter at 2.12 microns and in the continuum to identify collimated molecular jets. 296 targets were successfully processed using the THELI pipeline and are presented. Observations in the Northern Hemisphere were carried at the CFHT telescope (Hawaii) while the Southern targets were observed with the Soar Telescope (Chile). The results show that 150 of the 296 sources display extended H2 emission and 62 of them are polar. The analysis of the aspect ratio of the structures indicates that emissions associated with higher luminosity sources have low degree of collimation. This is in agreement with the scenario of the radiation pressure-driven outflows from the circunstellar discs. The low fraction of sources associated with polar jets (21%) indicates a short timescale of such structures. The observational evidences found on this work support the accretion scenario and show that coalescence of low-mass stars (which may require relatively dense environments and is not expected to produce jet-like structures) is not likely to explain most of the studied MYSOs candidates.

Braços espirais da galáxia: posição das regiões HII gigantes e formação estelar / Spiral Arms of the Galaxy: Position of the giant HII Regions and Star Formation

Alessandro Pereira Moisés 08 April 2010 (has links)
Nesta tese é apresentado um catálogo fotométrico no infravermelho próximo de 35 Regiões HII, todas pertencentes ao disco Galáctico. Esta faixa espectral é útil uma vez que os comprimentos de onda são grandes o suficiente para se ter uma baixa extinção interestelar comparada ao visível, e são pequenos o suficiente para diagnosticar as fotosferas estelares. Foram obtidas imagens nas bandas J, H e K e imagens do Spitzer nos canais de 3,5, 5,8 e 8,0 m. Após a fotometria nas imagens JHK, foi possível construir diagramas cor-cor e cor-magnitude. Foram utilizadas imagens coloridas, compostas de uma combinação RGB das imagens nas três bandas, tanto para as imagens JHK quanto para as imagens do Spitzer. Estas imagens, junto com os diagramas, foram utilizadas para levantar candidatos a fontes ionizantes das regiões HII, assim como objetos ainda em estágios primordiais de evolução (CTTs e MYSOs). Estes dados também foram utilizados para associar à cada região HII um estágio evolutivo (de A até D, da região mais jovem à mais evoluída). Baseado na posição da Sequência Principal em diagramas cor-magnitude, foi possível comparar as distâncias cinemáticas com nossos dados. Além disso, quando possível, foram utilizadas distâncias de regiões HII determinadas por paralaxe espectrofotométrica (disponíveis na literatura) e utilizando duas leis de extinção interestelar extremas mostrou-se que estas distâncias são menores que suas contrapartidas cinemáticas, e estão em acordo com distâncias determinadas por outros métodos, como por paralaxe trigonométrica. Sabendo que estas regiões de formação estelar seguem a dinâmica do gás, o mapeamento da distribuição destas regiões permite checar a estrutura espiral da Via Láctea. / In this work, a near infrared photometric catalog of 35 HII regions that belongs to the Galactic plane is presented. This spectral range is useful since the wavelengths are long enough to have less influence of the interstellar extinction compared to the visible domain, and they are small enough to still show stellar photospheric features. Images of these HII regions in the J, H and K-band together with IRAC-Spitzer images (channels 4.5, 5.8 and 8.0 m) were used. After the photometry in the JHK images, color-color and color-magnitude diagrams were constructed. These two group of images (JHK and 4.5, 5.8 and 8.0 m) colored in a RGB combination were used, together with the diagrams, to identify the ionizing sources candidates, as well as objects still embedded in their natal cocoon (CTTs and MYSOs). An evolutionary stage to these regions (from A to D, from the younger region to the more evolved) was inferred based on the images and diagrams. These diagrams were also used to infer if the kinematic distance is correct, based on the Main Sequence location. Non-kinematic distances to several HII regions, when it was possible, were collected from the literature. Using two extreme interstellar extinction laws, it was possible to compare these distances with the kinematic results. These non-kinematic distances are lower than that from kinematic techniques. Also, these distance discrepancies are in agreement with distances derived by others methodologies, as trigonometric parallax. Since these star forming regions follow the gas dynamics, mapping their distribution along the Galaxy allows to check the spiral pattern of the Milky Way.

L'origine des jets protostellaires à l'ère d'ALMA : de la modélisation aux observations / The origin of protostellar jets in the ALMA era : from modelling to observations

Tabone, Benoît 04 October 2018 (has links)
L’extraction du moment cinétique au sein des disques protostellaires est le processus clé qui détermine la masse finale accrétée par une étoile, ainsi que les conditions de formation de son cortège planétaire. Il a été proposé que les jets protostellaires pourraient jouer un rôle essentiel dans cette extraction, via un processus magnétohydrodynamique (MHD). L’objectif principal de ce travail de thèse est de mettre à profit le gain révolutionnaire en résolution et en sensibilité apporté par l’interféromètre submillimétrique ALMA afin de clarifier le processus d’accrétion-éjection à l’œuvre dans les protoétoiles. Cette pro- blématique est abordée selon trois axes complémentaires i) confrontation des modèles théoriques de vent de disque MHD à la dynamique du jet de HH212 observé par ALMA à haute résolution angulaire. Je présente la découverte de signatures de rotation en SO/SO2 dans le jet qui, avec la dynamique de SiO, sont cohérentes avec un vent de disque MHD lancé entre 0.05 et 40au. ii) étude analytique et numérique de l’impact de la variabilité d’un jet rapide pulsant sur un vent de disque. J’identifie des signatures observationnelles de la présence d’un vent de disque à partir de l’étude morphologique et cinématique des coquilles de choc d’étrave. iii) signatures chimiques d’un jet lancé en deçà de la région de sublimation des poussières (∼ 0.2 au). Je montre que malgré la forte irradiation du jet et l’absence de poussière, des molécules telles que SiO ou CO peuvent se former efficace- ment à partir d’une faible fraction de H2. Ce scénario pourra être confronté aux futures observations JWST. / The question of angular momentum extraction from protoplanetary disks (hereafter PPDs) is fundamental in understanding the accretion process in young stars and the formation conditions of planets. Pioneering semi-analytical work, followed by a growing body of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations, have shown that when a significant vertical magnetic field is present, MHD disk winds (hereafter MHD-DWs) can develop and ex- tract some or all of the angular momentum flux required for accretion. The aim of this PhD thesis is to exploit the unprecedented capabilities provided by ALMA to clarify the accretion-ejection process in protostars. This goal is achieved following three approaches: 1) comparison of MHD-DW models with the kinematics of HH 212 jet observed by ALMA at high angular resolution. I report the discovery of a rotating SO/SO2 wind consistent with a MHD-DWs launched out to ∼40 au with SiO tracing dust-free streamlines launched from 0.05−0.3 au. 2) Analytical and numerical study of the interaction between a pulsat- ing inner jet embedded in a stationary disk wind. Observational signatures are identified from the morphology and the kinematics of bow-shock shells. 3) Chemical signatures of a jet launched inside the dust sublimation radius (∼ 0.2 au). I show that despite the strong X-FUV field and the absence of dust, molecules like SiO or CO can form efficiently from a small fraction of H2. This scenario will be confronted to JWST observations.

Etudes à haute résolution angulaire de la cinématique des enveloppes proto-stellaires / High angular resolution studies of the kinematics of proto-stellar envelopes

Gaudel, Mathilde 27 November 2018 (has links)
Les étoiles se forment par effondrement gravitationnel de condensations pré-stellaires. Le jeune embryon stellaire (phase Classe 0) croît en masse par l'accrétion progressive de l'enveloppe de gaz et de poussières dans lequel il est enfoui. Par conservation du moment cinétique, si le moment du coeur pré-stellaire est totalement transféré à l'embryon pendant la phase d'accrétion, la force gravitationnelle ne peut contrer la force centrifuge et l'embryon se fragmente prématurément. Pour former une étoile comme notre Soleil, l'enveloppe en rotation doit nécessairement réduire son moment cinétique de 5 à 10 ordres de grandeur en l'évacuant ou en le redistribuant. L'un des principaux défis de la formation stellaire est de quantifier l'ampleur de ce "problème du moment cinétique" et d'identifier les mécanismes responsables de la redistribution du moment.L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier la cinématique des enveloppes proto-stellaires de Classe 0 afin d'établir leurs distributions de moment cinétique. Pour cela, j'ai utilisé des observations de raies moléculaires à haute résolution angulaire de l'Interféromètre du Plateau de Bure et du télescope de 30m de l'IRAM issues du large programme CALYPSO (Continuum and Lines in Young Protostellar Objects, PI : Ph. André) pour un échantillon de 12 proto-étoiles de Classe 0 à une distance d<400 pc. Cette analyse a permis de mesurer des mouvements de rotation différentielle et d'établir, pour la première fois, des distributions radiales du moment cinétique spécifique sur une grande gamme d'échelles (~50-10000 au) dans 11 des 12 enveloppes proto-stellaires de l'échantillon. Deux régimes distincts ont ainsi été mis en exergue: un profil constant à petites échelles (<1600 au) et une augmentation du moment avec le rayon aux grandes échelles (1600-10000 au).Le profil constant montre que la matière participant directement à la formation de l'étoile possède un moment cinétique spécifique (~5 10^-4 km/s pc, <1600 au) similaire à celui observé dans les petits disques entourant les étoiles T-Tauri.Les gradients de vitesse observés aux grandes échelles (>3000 au), historiquement utilisés pour mesurer la rotation des coeurs et quantifier le problème du moment cinétique, ne sont pas dus à la pure rotation des enveloppe proto-stellaires, mais sont dominés par d'autres mécanismes. Plusieurs scénarios sont donc discutés pour interpréter le changement de régime dans les profils de moment cinétique aux échelles >1600 au: une empreinte des conditions initiales de la phase pré-stellaire, un changement de mécanismes dominants (contre-rotation, transition effondrement-rotation) ou l'influence de la dynamique des filaments interstellaires (turbulence, effondrement, chocs) dans lesquels les proto-étoiles sont enfouies. / Stars form via the gravitational collapse of a pre-stellar condensation. The young stellar embryo (Class 0 phase) mass increases via the progressive accretion of the gaseous and dusty envelope within which it is buried. As a direct consequence of the angular momentum conservation, if the angular momentum of the pre-stellar core is totally transferred to the central embryo during the accretion phase, the gravitational force can not counteract the centrifugal force and the embryo fragments prematurely before reaching the main sequence. To form a star such as our Sun, the rotating envelope needs to reduce its angular momentum by 5 to 10 orders of magnitude by ejecting or redistributing it. One of the main challenges of stellar formation is to quantify the amplitude of this "angular momentum problem" and identify the mechanisms responsible for the angular momentum redistribution.The goal of this PhD thesis is to study the kinematics of Class 0 protostellar envelopes in order to probe the distribution of their angular momentum. To do this, I used high-resolution observations of molecular lines with the Plateau de Bure Interferometer and the 30m telescope at IRAM taken as part of the large programme CALYPSO (Continuum and Lines in Young Protostellar Objects, PI : Ph. André). The sample gathers 12 Class 0 protostars with distances d<400 pc. This analysis allows to measure differential rotation motions and provides, for the first time in a large sample, robust constraints on the radial distributions of specific angular momentum in a large range of scales (~50-10000 au) for 11 of the 12 protostellar envelopes targeted in the sample. Two distinct regimes are revealed: a constant profile at small scales (<1600 au) and an increasing of the angular momentum at larger radii (1600-10000 au).The constant profile shows that the specific angular momentum (~5 10-4 km/s pc, <1600 au) of the material directly involved in the star formation is similar to the value observed in the small disks surrounding the T-Tauri stars.Velocity gradients observed on large scales (>3000 au) - that are historically used to measure the rotation of the core and quantify the angular momentum problem - are not due to pure envelope rotation but can be dominated by other mechanisms. I discuss several scenarios in order to interpret this change of regime in the angular momentum profiles at scales >1600 au: the imprints of the initial conditions of the pre-stellar phase, a change of dominant mechanisms (counter-rotation, transition between infall and rotation) or the influence of the interstellar filament dynamics (turbulence, collapse, shocks) within which protostars are buried.

Environmental Dependence of H-alpha Disks in Nearby Star-Forming Galaxies

Wightman, Jacqueline N. January 2020 (has links)
We use Integral Field Unit (IFU) data for a subset of galaxies in the MaNGA (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory) sample to investigate the environmental dependence of H-alpha properties for nearby star-forming galaxies. We characterize the non-AGN H-alpha emission for galaxies living in different host environments with radial gradient measurements, half-light radii, as well as measures of concentration and asymmetry. We find that global specific star formation rates (sSFR) are lower in nearby star-forming galaxies in groups and clusters compared to those in the field, and the lowest in high density environments such as group or cluster centres. From the resolved data we find that the overall reduction in H-alpha emission in star-forming galaxies in denser environments occurs across the face of these galaxies, suggesting starvation as a primary quenching mechanism. We further find that H-alpha disks are truncated in group galaxies that live nearer the center of the halo compared to those in the outer halo or field, which may be due to ram pressure stripping in these dense environments. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / In order to understand the evolution of galaxies over time, it is necessary to determine the relative importance of external and internal factors that affect galaxy star formation. We know that galaxies in dense environments have less star formation (are quenched) compared to galaxies in the field. However, the mechanisms that dominate this quenching are less well constrained. We use a sample of galaxies in the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey to investigate the dependence of star formation on other galaxy properties as well as properties of the host environment. We find that galaxies have reduced H-alpha emission, a signature of star formation, across the entire face of the galaxy in groups and clusters compared to galaxies in the field. We further find that galaxies nearer the centre of the group or cluster halo have truncated H-alpha disks compared to galaxies in the outer part of the halo or in the field.

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