Spelling suggestions: "subject:"state supervision."" "subject:"itate supervision.""
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Invloed van die beleid van afsonderlike ontwikkeling op die ontstaan, ontwikkeling en ontbinding van die Geluksdal BestuurskomiteeRankwana, Edward Martin 06 1900 (has links)
The study was undertaken to determine the influence of the
policy of separate development on the establishment,
development and disestablishment of the Geluksdal Management
The policy of separate development as implemented by the
previous National Party Government led to the establishment of
the Geluksdal Management Committee. Acts adopted by
Parliament provided the statutory environment for the
establishment of the Geluksdal township and the development of
the Geluksdal Management Committee.
The adoption of the Local Government Transition Act, 1993 (Act
209 of 1993) and the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa,
1993 (Act 200 of 1993) led to the disestablishment of the
Geluksdal Management Committee. In terms of the Local
Government Transition Act, 1993 (Act 209 of 1993) the
Transitional Local Council of Brakpan, that includes the Geluksdal
Management Committee, was promulgated. / Die studie is onderneem om die invloed van die beleid van
afsonderlike ontwikkeling op die ontstaan, ontwikkeling en
ontbinding van die Geluksdal Bestuurskomitee te bepaal.
Die beleid van afsonderlike ontwikkeling soos toegepas deur die
destydse Nasionale Party Regering het gelei tot die ontstaan van
die Geluksdal Bestuurskomitee. Parlementere wetgewing het die
statutere omgewing verleen waarbinne die dorp Geluksdal gestig
en die Geluksdal Bestuurskomitee ontwikkel het.
Die aanvaarding van die Oorgangswet op Plaaslike Regering,
1993 (Wet 209 van 1993) en die Grondwet van die Republiek
van Suid-Afrika, 1993 (Wet 200 van 1993) het gelei tot die
ontbinding van die Geluksdal Bestuurskomitee. In terme van
eersgenoemde Wet is die Oorgangsraad van Brakpan wat die
Geluksdal Bestuurskomitee insluit, gepromulgeer. / Public Administration and Management / M.A. (Pulic Administration)
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Essai sur le système financier de la République Démocratique du Congo: une contribution à l'amélioration de la supervision bancaire / Essays on the Democratic Republic of Congo financial system: a contribution to the improvement of banking supervisionLukuitshi-lua-Nkombe, Albert Malaika 16 September 2005 (has links)
RESUME La construction d un systeme financier sain et concurrentiel capable de mobiliser de facon substantielle des hauts niveaux d epargne et l amelioration des normes de supervision bancaire et financier pour assurer la stabilite du systeme sont deux des recommandations souvent faites par les institutions internationales pour permettre aux pays africains de participer pleinement a l expansion de la prosperite mondiale et a beneficier de la globalisation du commerce des services financiers.<p><p>Cette these essaie de trouver les voies et moyens susceptibles de contribuer a l amelioration et au renforcement de la supervision bancaire au Congo, et in fine [le secteur bancaire etant le plus important du systeme financier] permettre l eclosion d un systeme financier moderne et efficace qui rencontre les normes internationales.<p><p>Dans une premiere etape qui consiste en un etat des lieux du systeme financier congolais et en une analyse critique de la gestion bancaire ( chapitre 1 et chapitre 2 ); les analyses :<p>- ressortent les caracteristiques du systeme financier congolais ;<p>- soulignent les contraintes structurelles ayant entrave trois decennies de gestion bancaire ;<p>- evaluent les chances de succes des reformes mises en oeuvre par les autorites;<p>- proposent en des termes generaux, les ameliorations a porter au cadre reglementaire et de supervision du secteur bancaire afin de reduire les imperfections, de renforcer l efficacite et la stabilite du systeme dans son ensemble.<p><p>Dans une seconde etape, un menu plus restreint de propositions faites au terme de l etat des lieux du systeme financier et de l analyse critique de la gestion bancaire est passe en revue. Les contributions de la these dans cette etape consistent :<p>- en la proposition d outils concrets de supervision bancaire pour faire face a la carence d outils de gestion prudentielle preventive ;(chapitre 3)<p>- en recommandations pour ameliorer :la politique de provisionnement des creances et le fonctionnement des institutions de microfinance ;( chapitre 4)<p>- a degager dans une demarche d analyse strategique, les pistes susceptibles de contribuer a l amelioration de la sante et la solidite du systeme financier congolais apres evaluation prealable de sa competitivite (chapitre 5)<p> <p>SUMMARY<p>The construction of an healthy and competitive financial system able to mobilize high levels of saving and the improvement of the standards of banking and financial supervision to ensure the stability of the system are two of the recommendations often made by international institutions to help African countries to take part in the expansion of world prosperity and to profit from the globalization of financial services. <p><p>This thesis tries to find the ways to contribute to the improvement and the reinforcement of the banking supervision in Congo, and in fine [ the banking environment being most significant of the financial system ] to allow the blossoming of a modern and effective financial system which meets international standards. <p><p>In a first stage which consists in an overview of the Congolese financial system and in a critical analysis of the banking management ( chapter 1 & chapter 2) ;our analyses :<p>- release the characteristics of the Congolese financial system ;<p>- underline the structural constraints having blocked three decades of banking management ;<p>- evaluate the chances of success of the reforms implemented by the authorities ;<p>- propose in general terms, the improvements to be carried in order to reduce the imperfections of the banking supervision, to reinforce the effectiveness and the stability of the banking system. <p><p>In the second stage, a more restricted menu of proposals made at the end of the first stage is reviewed. The contributions of the thesis in this stage consist:<p>- in the proposal of concrete tools for banking supervision to face the deficiency of preventive prudential management tools; ( chapter 3)<p>- in recommendations to improve :the policy of provisioning bad debts and the management of Microfinance institutions; (chapter 4)<p>- in an evaluation of the competitiveness of the Congolese financial system and in the identification of ways which can contribute to the improvement of its safety and solidity by using a strategic analysis approach. ( chapter 5)<p><p><p><p><p> / Doctorat en sciences de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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