Spelling suggestions: "subject:"btatus off a child"" "subject:"btatus oof a child""
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The association of childhood attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with socioeconomic disadvantageRussell, Abigail Emma January 2016 (has links)
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is commonly reported to be more prevalent in children from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds. In this thesis I will explore in more detail the association between socioeconomic disadvantage and ADHD. This thesis comprises six studies, starting with a systematic review in order to evaluate existing published evidence, which is followed by a qualitative study that explores educational practitioners’ conceptualisation of the causes of ADHD. A series of three analyses utilising existing data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) then explore which measures of socioeconomic status (SES) are associated with a research diagnosis of ADHD and potential mediators of this association, and whether timing, duration or changes in exposure to financial difficulty impact on the SES-ADHD association. In the final study in this thesis, I explore whether SES-health associations in general are likely to be due to epigenetic differences in children exposed to low SES. Existing literature provides evidence that an association between SES and ADHD is commonly detected. The facet of SES most predictive of ADHD was mother-reported experience of difficulty affording basic necessities (financial difficulty), associated with an increased risk of a research diagnosis of ADHD of 2.23 (95%CI 1.57, 3.16). Exposure to financial difficulty between birth and age seven was associated with higher levels of ADHD symptoms across childhood of 0.78 points on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire Hyperactivity subscale (95% CI 0.54, 1.00, p < 0.001), whereas later exposure to financial difficulty was not associated with ADHD symptoms. In addition, I found tentative evidence that different patterns of SES exposure are associated with different levels of ADHD symptoms, with those consistently low SES having symptom scores 0.41 points higher than those in difficulty (95% CI 3.46, 3.57, p<0.001). I did not find strong evidence that low SES impacts on epigenetic profiles across childhood. These findings add to emerging evidence of an association between SES and ADHD that has implications for theory and policy.
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Dítě a rozvod jeho rodičů - vybrané otázky / Child and divorce of its parents - selected issuesDlouhý, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
Child and divorce of its parents - selected issues This diploma thesis deals with development of legal form of child custody after divorce of its parents. In the first part of this work is described historical development this legislation in substantive law, procedural law as well as in public law. In the next part the work focuses on current legislation included an emergence of marriage, its divorce with issues of mediation. In this part is also described child protection. Following this topic is in the next part described problematics by adjusting the ratio of the minor child including a status of a child before a court. At the end the diploma thesis points on development of judicature of the Constitutional Court of the Czech republic especially on decision I. ÚS 2482/13, its evaluation and context of some others decision of the Constitutional Court of the Czech republic. The aim of this work is to describe the process of court's decision of child custody after divorce of its parents. The work deals with substantive and procedural development in this area and crucially comments above decision.
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Lost in transit: cross border surrogacy arrangements and the right of children not to be discriminated against on the basis of their birth or statusTalip, Tamima January 2013 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM
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Právní postavení dítěte a registrované partnerství / The legal status of a child and a registered partnershipKlejchová, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
The legal status of a child and a registered partnership Abstract The topic of this master thesis is the legal status of a child and a registered partnership. The aim is to outline the current concept and status of family and parenthood, but also to list differences between registered partnership and marriage. The work is focused on how the Registered Partnership Act met the needs of homosexual couples, and whether registered partners have limited rights in comparison with spouses. The master thesis examines the registered partners' legal options to have or take care of a child. The thesis also deals with adoption and alternative care, and states legal duties and rights between parents and children. In conclusion, it describes foreign homosexual partnerships regulation on the selected examples of Slovakia and France. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter on family and parenting focuses on the role of the family in contemporary society and its recent development. It also briefly mentions parenting, assisted reproduction, and surrogate motherhood. The last part is focused on homosexual couples and their options while starting a family. The second part deals with registered partnership in relation to marriage. It contains individual provisions of the Registered Partnership Act which are...
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Differences between Nutrition Knowledge of Mothers of Preschoolers and the Growth Status and Dietary Intake of the Preschoolers.Patel, Priyadarshni 15 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Le droit du plus faible comme principe d'interprétation judiciaire en droit civil de la personne / The right of the weakest as principle of judicial interpretation in civil law of the person.Kadem, Sabine 09 July 2014 (has links)
La faiblesse est partout et touche tout le monde. Lorsqu’elle se trouve dévoilée serévèle la vulnérabilité. Et c’est dans ce moment là que la faiblesse doit être qualifiéejuridiquement. Or comme toute qualification, elle doit obéir à des règles. Ces règles s’imposentà la présente étude comme premier fondement analytique. C’est en effet en partant du droitprivé, celui de la personne, que de premières règles garantissant les droits de « l’Homme »peuvent être identifiées. Celles-ci ont pour objet ce qui fait l’être humain, dans sa faiblesse.Elles en donnent une forme de définition, juridique, mais sans toute la profondeur d’uneapproche autrement que systémique, voire parfois systématique, au sens d’une régulationadministrativiste des droits. C’est aux entrecroisements théoriques, qui fondent la règle dedroit, que l’on peut saisir des hypothèses faisant être la règle de droit. Toutefois, c’est dans lapensée sous-jacente, que seul un langage de philosophie du droit saura révéler, le lieu où lafaiblesse trouvera sa correspondance la plus exigeante. Là elle rejoint les langagesontologique et métaphysique, qui font qu’elle « existe » au-delà de toute qualification juridique.D’une approche de philosophie du droit on retiendra donc que le droit du plus faible obéit àplusieurs règles communes, relevant d’une forme d’universalité, et que celles-ci peuventtrouver une véritable traduction en droit positif. C’est une forme de typologie de la faiblesseque l’on retrouve le plus souvent en pratique dans le discours du juge. C’est en invoquant lasentence du juge, dans sa souveraine interprétation judiciaire, que la faiblesse prend sadernière forme, celle que la personne se doit d’accepter pour faire valoir un droit. / The weakness is everywhere and affects everybody. When she is revealed, showsitself the vulnerability. A this moment she must be legally qualified. Yet, as any qualification,her has to obey rules. So these impose upon the present study as first analytica l foundation.Indeed while leaving of the private law, that of the person, of first rules guaranteeing the rightsof " the Man " can be identified. These have for object what makes the human being, in hisweakness, in a way gives a shape of definition, legal, but without all the depth of an approachthan what systematism, even sometimes systematic, in the sense of a regulation“administrativiste” rights. It is in the theoretical intertwinings, that base the legal rule, whichwe can seize with hypotheses making the legal rule be. However, it is in the underlyingthought, that only a language of philosophy of the right/law will know how to reveal, that theweakness will find its most demanding correspondence. There she joins the ontological andmetaphysical languages, which make that she "exists". Of an approach of philosophy of theright/law we shall thus retain that the right of the weakest obeys several common rules, andbeing of a shape of universality, and that these can find a real translation in substant ive law. Itis a shape of typology of the weakness that we find most of the time in practice in the speechof the judge. While calling upon the judgment of the judge, in his ruler judicial interpretation,the weakness take its last shape, the one that the person owes accept to assert to right a“right”.
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