Spelling suggestions: "subject:"deprotection off children"" "subject:"deprotection oof children""
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Dítě v pracovním právu a v právu sociálního zabezpečení / A child in labour law and social security lawKratochvílová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
A CHILD IN LABOUR LAW AND SOCIAL SECURITY LAW The purpose of my thesis is to draw attention to the position and protection of a child within Czech labour law and social security law in a wider context. The thematic range of this thesis covers two separate branches of law focusing on the following aspects: a child - a party to legal relations and "taking care of a child" as a relevant legal fact, which ensures wider rights to the person who takes care of a child. The part relating to individual benefits provided by social security law emphasizes the concurrence of benefits entitlement across the systems of social insurance, social support and social services. The issue is complemented with relevant provisions of legal acts enacted by the European Union, especially by the treatment of Directive on Social Security and Cross-border Labour within the EU. The paper is composed of six chapters. Introduction brings the reader into the issue. Chapter one defines the basic terminology used in the thesis, such as child, juvenile employee, child without support, living minimum, etc. Chapter Two offers the Czech historical foundations of this topic. Chapter Three - Legal Instruments - is subdivided into three Parts; each of them deals with one appropriate source of law, i.e. international sources of law,...
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Péče o děti vyrůstající mimo přirozené rodinné prostředí jako předmět činnosti neziskových organizací v ČR / Care of children growing up outside of the natural family environment as an activity of non-profit organisations in the Czech RepublicLazárková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of vulnerable children. This topic is very current as a legal reform on social and legal protection of children was adopted in 2013 promoting the development of children in a family environment by professionalization of the foster care. The reform should help reduce the number of children in institutional care, as the Czech Republic ranks at the top of the list while assigning children into institutions, compared to other developed countries in the European Union. The aim of this work is to analyze the funding of foster care and care of children in orphanages by government and by private incomes. The theoretical part describes the state social policy concerning the care of vulnerable children and describes the types of non-profit organizations working in this area. The practical part analyzes and compares the types of the care of vulnerable children in terms of institutional arrangements and financing. The thesis also examines what the costs are for both a child in foster care and a child placed in orphanages.
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Příběh pěstounky na přechodnou dobu: návrhy pro systémová zlepšení / The story of temporary foster care mother: proposals for system improvementsTurtáková, Petra January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is a qualitative probe into the story of a temporary foster mother. The thesis captures, analyses and classifies this story into systemic context. It does so with an emphasis on the temporary foster mother's personal experience and also with using personal experience of other participants involved in this particular case - including mine. This thesis is largely a reflection of my own role in this story, it is looking at it from different perspectives that evolve over time. The thesis is grounded in theoretical sources, especially methodologies of temporary foster care and methodological recommendations. Theoretical sources are critically viewed and connected to personal experience. The resulting storytelling, which provides an insight into the wider context of temporary foster care in the Czech Republic, was based on this procedure. Capturing systemic context is used in this thesis to create suggestions for possible systemic improvements.
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Zavádění standardů kvality sociálně-právní ochrany dětí z pohledu sociálních pracovníků orgánu sociálně-právní ochrany dětí / Introduction of Quality Standards into social and legal Protection of Children from the viewpoint of Social Workers employed by Institutions in Charge of social and legal Protection of ChildrenFISCHEROVÁ, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis named Introducing quality standards for social and legal protection of children from the point of view of social workers of the institution of social and legal protection of children enables an insight into the issue of how social workers of the institution of social and legal protection of children view the introduction of quality standards for social and legal protection of children. The amendment of Act No. 359/1999 Coll., on social and legal protection of children, has brought significant changes in the activity of institutions of social and legal protection (OSPOD / BSLPC), especially in the field of applying instruments of social work. The conditions for a quality performance of the contents of this responsible work are created by means of standardisation. Standardisation means determining obligatory procedures in the performance of particular management activities as well as minimum parameters for a quality performance thereof (Macela, 2012). The thesis is divided into several parts. The first chapter defines the basic terms of the subject in question. The thesis is devised theoretically and draws on relevant professional literature. It deals with the specifications of social and legal protection of children (SLPC), what kinds of principles of social and legal protection of children there are, the SLPC social workers, the conditions for the performance of the profession of SLPC social workers. Further, the chapter explains terms of quality, social work, the family and the child. It defines perception and which factors may influence perception. Appropriate attention is given to the legislation of quality standards for the institutions of social and legal protection of children, the content and objective of quality standards of the institutions of social and legal protection of children, the process of standardisation and the availability of social and legal protection and the conditions for the performance thereof. The second chapter determines the objective of the thesis and research questions. The third chapter characterises the set examined and the methodology of work chosen for this purpose, the techniques of collecting data, analysis of data and the realisation of the actual research, including the ethics of the research. The fourth chapter deals with the outcomes of the thesis. The main objective of the thesis was to identify how social workers perceive the introduction of quality standards for social and legal protection of children. To achieve the objective of the thesis, I chose the strategy of the qualitative research, method of questioning and the technique of a semi-structured interview. The interviews were realised in the course of July 2016 in the research sample of ten staff members of the institution of social and legal protection of children who work at the position of a SLPC social worker in communities with extended powers, situated in the Region of South Bohemia. The communication partners were chosen by the method of purposive sampling. Based on the objective of the thesis two research questions were set up: Which factors influence the perception of social workers of the institution of social and legal protection of children within the introduction of quality standards for social and legal protection of children? Which aspects of the introduction of quality standards for social and legal protection of children are perceived by social workers of the institution of social and legal protection of children as positive or negative? As has emerged from the research, the changes resulting from the introduction of the standards that social workers of the institution of social and legal protection of children regarded as positive included the improvement in workplace equipment and setting a limit for the number of families that a social worker may work with at one time. The majority of social workers gave a positive evaluation to the introduction of supervision. Work quality has been d
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"La protection de l’enfant" à Madagascar : représentations et pratiques d’accompagnement dans la lutte contre la maltraitance / The protection of the child in Madagascar : representations and practices of accompaniment(support) at the actors against child abuse.Phan Van Hien, Noelivao Olga 04 April 2014 (has links)
La recherche porte sur l’accompagnement dans le cadre de la politique de la protection de l’enfant à Madagascar. Malgré la montée de la maltraitance, dans un contexte de crises économiques et sociales répétitives provoquant l’extrême précarité de la population, cette protection peine à s’organiser du fait du manque de moyens de l’Etat, de l’absence d’une politique claire dans ce domaine, de l’insuffisance de coordination des « acteurs » engagés dans les réseaux de protection de l’enfance,Fondé sur vingt ans d’expériences de l’auteur dans le domaine social, sur un recueil de données mené par entretiens et questionnaires auprès de professionnels de terrain et des parents, cette recherche fait apparaître la contradiction entre les traditions coutumières propres à la culture malgache (mariage précoce, rejet des jumeaux…) et les exigences de la convention internationale relative aux droits de l’enfant à laquelle Madagascar a adhéré. Elle montre, compte-tenu de ces contradictions, la nécessité de l’accompagnement de l’enfant et de ses parents. En s’appuyant sur les recherches relatives à l’accompagnement et sur le rôle des différentes formes que prend ce dernier dans le développement d’un processus de résilience, l’auteur fait apparaître qu’une démarche fondée sur une pluralité d’accompagnements « naturel »,« psychosocial » et institutionnel peut initier un changement dans les représentations traditionnelles de l’enfant. Cette pluralité, en permettant de dépasser la simple « prise en charge », facilite aussi une implication accrue des familles et des communautés dans la prévention et la lutte contre la maltraitance. / This research study is on the accompaniment in framing policy with regard to theprotection of child in Madagascar. Despite the increasing abuse in the context of repeatingsocial and economic crisis provoking an extreme danger to the population, this protectionis not easy due to the facts of lack of state resources, absence of a clear policy in this area,and the requisite co-ordination of “actors” engaged in protection networks of children.Founded on the experience of the author for twenty years in social domain, and on theresponses collected through interviews and questionnaires from professionals in this areaand the parents, this study reveals the contradiction between the customs of the Malagasyculture (early marriage and rejection of twins…) and the requirement of InternationalConvention related to the rights of children to which the Madagascar has given itsadherence. It also gives an account of these contradictions and the necessity ofaccompaniment of the parents and the children.Basing herself on the related studies of accompaniment and on the role of different forms ittakes in the development process of resilience, the author shows that this process, foundedon the plurality of accompaniments “natural”, “psychological” and “institutional”, caninitiate a change in the child related traditional beliefs. This plurality, permitting us tobypass a simple approach of “control”, facilitates an implication increasing the role of thefamilies and communities in the struggle against and prevention of abuse.
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Násilí na dětech a etická dilemata pracovníků orgánu sociálně právní ochrany dětí pracujících s touto cílovou skupinou / Child abuse and ethical dilemmas of workers social and legal protection of children with this target groupURBANOVÁ, Magdalena January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the dilemmas of the social and legal guardians of children working with families where violence is present on children. The work deals with the ethical aspects of social work with families where family violence is committed and also with what dilemmas the workers of the institution of social and legal protection of children deal with this target group. Dilemma situations are illustrated by case studies. The selected dilemma is subjected to an analysis using the ethical theory of I. Kant. The thesis seeks to thoroughly reflect the principles of I. Kant's ethical theory, which can be helpful in solving this dilemma that arises when working with a family in which child violence is present.
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Violência doméstica contra crianças e adolescentes na região metropolitana de Fortaleza / Domestic violence against children and adolescents in the metropolitan area of FortalezaCarvalho, Helena Maria Barbosa 05 May 2010 (has links)
Introdução O reconhecimento da violência doméstica contra crianças e adolescentes no Brasil se deu no fim da década de 80, com o estabelecimento do ECA, que tornou obrigatória a notificação, mesmo dos casos suspeitos, numa medida de proteção aos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes. Ainda que tenha sua magnitude desconhecida, é apontada como um fenômeno crescente em todo o mundo e seu conhecimento encontra-se em processo de construção. Em função das graves conseqüências que acarreta às vítimas e às suas famílias, seu estudo se justifica, no intuito de dar visibilidade ao tema, a partir dos casos atendidos no Instituto Médico Legal de Fortaleza. Objetivos - Analisar as características da violência doméstica contra crianças e adolescentes atendidos no Instituto Médico Legal (IML) de Fortaleza, visando contribuir para a formulação de políticas públicas de enfrentamento deste problema na população estudada, a partir de estratégias apropriadas de prevenção e controle. Métodos - Estudo descritivo, transversal, com método quantitativo. A população foi constituída por 343 crianças e adolescentes residentes na Região Metropolitana de Fortaleza e atendidos no IML de Fortaleza, no período de 1º de julho a 31 de dezembro de 2008. Para obtenção dos dados foram utilizados a guia policial e o instrumento próprio da pesquisa. Resultados Dentre as vítimas de violência doméstica contra crianças e adolescentes, observou-se predominância do sexo feminino (235 68,5 por cento) e da faixa etária de 10 a 14 anos. As vítimas moravam, sobretudo, com os pais (166 48,4 por cento), no município de Fortaleza (234 68,2 por cento), em famílias de renda per capita inferior a quatrocentos reais (276 80,4 por cento), cujo principal agressor foi o pai (109 31,8 por cento) e notificante, a mãe (166 48,4 por cento). Os principais tipos de violência doméstica detectados foram: violência física (172 50,1 por cento) e sexual (167 48,7 por cento). Na violência física verificou-se distribuição harmônica quanto ao sexo da vítima (masculino: 77 44,8 por cento; feminino: 95 55,2 por cento), faixa etária predominante de 10 a 14 anos para os homens (27 35,0 por cento) e 15 a 19 anos para as mulheres (38 40,0 por cento), com predomínio de famílias nucleares (94 54,6 por cento), renda per capita inferior a quatrocentos reais (139 80,8 por cento), sendo o pai (58 33,7 por cento) e a mãe (55 31,9 por cento) os principais agressores. Evidenciou-se frequência elevada de habitualidade (137 79,7 por cento), laudo pericial positivo em todos os casos, a maioria das lesões foi leve (168 97,7 por cento), segmento corporal mais atingido foram membros (72 41,8 por cento) e o principal notificante foi a mãe (72 41,0 por cento). A violência sexual revelou supremacia de vítimas do sexo feminino (137 82,0 por cento), faixa etária predominante de 10 a 14 anos (70 51,1 por cento), com percentual elevado de famílias nucleares (71 42,5 por cento) e com padrasto (60 35,9 por cento), renda per capita inferior a quatrocentos reais (133 79,6 por cento), sendo padrasto (54 32,3 por cento) e pai (50 30,0 por cento) os principais agressores. Evidenciou-se frequência elevada de habitualidade (106 63,5 por cento), laudo pericial negativo na maioria dos casos (144 86,2 por cento) e a mãe foi o principal agente notificante (92 55,0 por cento). Conclusões os dados mostram que a violência doméstica contra crianças e adolescentes evidenciada no IML permite para dar mais visibilidade ao fenômeno, contribuindo para a elaboração de políticas públicas de prevenção e de atendimento às vítimas e suas famílias, visando à diminuição dessa problemática / Introduction - The recognition of domestic violence against children and adolescents in Brazil was in the late 80\'s with the establishment of the ECA, which has obliged to report even suspected cases, a measure of protection to the rights of children and adolescents. Although its magnitude was unknown, is identified as a growing phenomenon around the world and their knowledge is under construction. Because of the serious consequences that entails for victims and their families, their study is warranted in order to give visibility to the issue, from the cases treated at the Forensic Institute in Fortaleza. Objectives - To analyze the characteristics of domestic violence against children and adolescents treated at the Institute of Forensic Medicine (IML) of Fortaleza, in order to contribute to the formulation of public policies to face this problem in the population studied, as appropriate strategies for prevention and control. Methods - Cross-sectional study with quantitative method. The study population consisted of 343 children and adolescents living in the metropolitan area of Fortaleza and served in the IML of Fortaleza in the period from July 1 to December 31, 2008. To obtain the data were used to guide police and the instrument\'s own research. Results - Among the victims of domestic violence against children and adolescents, there was a predominance of females (235 - 68.5 per cent) and aged 10 to 14 years. The victims lived, especially with parents (166 - 48.4 per cent), in Fortaleza (234 - 68.2 per cent) in families of per capita income of less than four hundred reais (276 - 80.4 per cent), the main aggressor was the father (109 - 31.8 per cent) and notifying, the mother (166 - 48.4 per cent). The main types of domestic violence identified were: physical violence (172 - 50.1 per cent) and sexual (167 - 48.7 per cent). Physical violence occurred harmonic distribution by sex of victim (male: 77 - 44.8 per cent, female: 95 - 55.2 per cent), predominant age group of 10 to 14 years for men (27 - 35.0 per cent) and 15 to 19 years for women (38 - 40.0 per cent), with a predominance of nuclear families (94 - 54.6 per cent), per capita income of less than four hundred reais (139 - 80.8 per cent), and father (58 - 33.7 per cent) and mother (55 - 31.9 per cent) the main aggressors. It was observed high frequency of habituation (137 - 79.7 per cent), expert report positive in all cases, most injuries were mild (168 - 97.7 per cent), body part most affected were members (72 41.8 per cent) and the main notifying was the mother (72 - 41.0 per cent). Sexual violence revealed the supremacy of female victims (137 - 82.0 per cent), predominant age group of 10 to 14 years (70 - 51.1 per cent), with a high percentage of nuclear families (71 - 42.5 per cent) and stepfather (60 - 35.9 per cent), per capita income of less than four hundred reais (133 - 79.6 per cent) and stepfather (54 - 32.3 per cent) and father (50 - 30.0 per cent) the main aggressors. It was observed high frequency of habituation (106 - 63.5 per cent), expert report negative in most cases (144 - 86.2 per cent) and the mother was the principal agent notifying (92 - 55.0 per cent). Conclusions - the data show that domestic violence against children and adolescents demonstrated in the IML allows for the visibility of the phenomenon, contributing to the development of public policies to prevent and care for victims and their families in order to reduce this problem
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Violência doméstica contra crianças e adolescentes na região metropolitana de Fortaleza / Domestic violence against children and adolescents in the metropolitan area of FortalezaHelena Maria Barbosa Carvalho 05 May 2010 (has links)
Introdução O reconhecimento da violência doméstica contra crianças e adolescentes no Brasil se deu no fim da década de 80, com o estabelecimento do ECA, que tornou obrigatória a notificação, mesmo dos casos suspeitos, numa medida de proteção aos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes. Ainda que tenha sua magnitude desconhecida, é apontada como um fenômeno crescente em todo o mundo e seu conhecimento encontra-se em processo de construção. Em função das graves conseqüências que acarreta às vítimas e às suas famílias, seu estudo se justifica, no intuito de dar visibilidade ao tema, a partir dos casos atendidos no Instituto Médico Legal de Fortaleza. Objetivos - Analisar as características da violência doméstica contra crianças e adolescentes atendidos no Instituto Médico Legal (IML) de Fortaleza, visando contribuir para a formulação de políticas públicas de enfrentamento deste problema na população estudada, a partir de estratégias apropriadas de prevenção e controle. Métodos - Estudo descritivo, transversal, com método quantitativo. A população foi constituída por 343 crianças e adolescentes residentes na Região Metropolitana de Fortaleza e atendidos no IML de Fortaleza, no período de 1º de julho a 31 de dezembro de 2008. Para obtenção dos dados foram utilizados a guia policial e o instrumento próprio da pesquisa. Resultados Dentre as vítimas de violência doméstica contra crianças e adolescentes, observou-se predominância do sexo feminino (235 68,5 por cento) e da faixa etária de 10 a 14 anos. As vítimas moravam, sobretudo, com os pais (166 48,4 por cento), no município de Fortaleza (234 68,2 por cento), em famílias de renda per capita inferior a quatrocentos reais (276 80,4 por cento), cujo principal agressor foi o pai (109 31,8 por cento) e notificante, a mãe (166 48,4 por cento). Os principais tipos de violência doméstica detectados foram: violência física (172 50,1 por cento) e sexual (167 48,7 por cento). Na violência física verificou-se distribuição harmônica quanto ao sexo da vítima (masculino: 77 44,8 por cento; feminino: 95 55,2 por cento), faixa etária predominante de 10 a 14 anos para os homens (27 35,0 por cento) e 15 a 19 anos para as mulheres (38 40,0 por cento), com predomínio de famílias nucleares (94 54,6 por cento), renda per capita inferior a quatrocentos reais (139 80,8 por cento), sendo o pai (58 33,7 por cento) e a mãe (55 31,9 por cento) os principais agressores. Evidenciou-se frequência elevada de habitualidade (137 79,7 por cento), laudo pericial positivo em todos os casos, a maioria das lesões foi leve (168 97,7 por cento), segmento corporal mais atingido foram membros (72 41,8 por cento) e o principal notificante foi a mãe (72 41,0 por cento). A violência sexual revelou supremacia de vítimas do sexo feminino (137 82,0 por cento), faixa etária predominante de 10 a 14 anos (70 51,1 por cento), com percentual elevado de famílias nucleares (71 42,5 por cento) e com padrasto (60 35,9 por cento), renda per capita inferior a quatrocentos reais (133 79,6 por cento), sendo padrasto (54 32,3 por cento) e pai (50 30,0 por cento) os principais agressores. Evidenciou-se frequência elevada de habitualidade (106 63,5 por cento), laudo pericial negativo na maioria dos casos (144 86,2 por cento) e a mãe foi o principal agente notificante (92 55,0 por cento). Conclusões os dados mostram que a violência doméstica contra crianças e adolescentes evidenciada no IML permite para dar mais visibilidade ao fenômeno, contribuindo para a elaboração de políticas públicas de prevenção e de atendimento às vítimas e suas famílias, visando à diminuição dessa problemática / Introduction - The recognition of domestic violence against children and adolescents in Brazil was in the late 80\'s with the establishment of the ECA, which has obliged to report even suspected cases, a measure of protection to the rights of children and adolescents. Although its magnitude was unknown, is identified as a growing phenomenon around the world and their knowledge is under construction. Because of the serious consequences that entails for victims and their families, their study is warranted in order to give visibility to the issue, from the cases treated at the Forensic Institute in Fortaleza. Objectives - To analyze the characteristics of domestic violence against children and adolescents treated at the Institute of Forensic Medicine (IML) of Fortaleza, in order to contribute to the formulation of public policies to face this problem in the population studied, as appropriate strategies for prevention and control. Methods - Cross-sectional study with quantitative method. The study population consisted of 343 children and adolescents living in the metropolitan area of Fortaleza and served in the IML of Fortaleza in the period from July 1 to December 31, 2008. To obtain the data were used to guide police and the instrument\'s own research. Results - Among the victims of domestic violence against children and adolescents, there was a predominance of females (235 - 68.5 per cent) and aged 10 to 14 years. The victims lived, especially with parents (166 - 48.4 per cent), in Fortaleza (234 - 68.2 per cent) in families of per capita income of less than four hundred reais (276 - 80.4 per cent), the main aggressor was the father (109 - 31.8 per cent) and notifying, the mother (166 - 48.4 per cent). The main types of domestic violence identified were: physical violence (172 - 50.1 per cent) and sexual (167 - 48.7 per cent). Physical violence occurred harmonic distribution by sex of victim (male: 77 - 44.8 per cent, female: 95 - 55.2 per cent), predominant age group of 10 to 14 years for men (27 - 35.0 per cent) and 15 to 19 years for women (38 - 40.0 per cent), with a predominance of nuclear families (94 - 54.6 per cent), per capita income of less than four hundred reais (139 - 80.8 per cent), and father (58 - 33.7 per cent) and mother (55 - 31.9 per cent) the main aggressors. It was observed high frequency of habituation (137 - 79.7 per cent), expert report positive in all cases, most injuries were mild (168 - 97.7 per cent), body part most affected were members (72 41.8 per cent) and the main notifying was the mother (72 - 41.0 per cent). Sexual violence revealed the supremacy of female victims (137 - 82.0 per cent), predominant age group of 10 to 14 years (70 - 51.1 per cent), with a high percentage of nuclear families (71 - 42.5 per cent) and stepfather (60 - 35.9 per cent), per capita income of less than four hundred reais (133 - 79.6 per cent) and stepfather (54 - 32.3 per cent) and father (50 - 30.0 per cent) the main aggressors. It was observed high frequency of habituation (106 - 63.5 per cent), expert report negative in most cases (144 - 86.2 per cent) and the mother was the principal agent notifying (92 - 55.0 per cent). Conclusions - the data show that domestic violence against children and adolescents demonstrated in the IML allows for the visibility of the phenomenon, contributing to the development of public policies to prevent and care for victims and their families in order to reduce this problem
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Ochrana dětí v mezinárodním uprchlickém právu / Compensation of victims in the context of peace operations of international organizationsBártová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the protection of children in international refugee law. The status of a person seeking international protection under international law is primarily regulated by the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. However, this Convention does not expressly address the specific situation of the child asylum seeker. By adopting a binding Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the broad catalogue of basic civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of children has been confirmed. It includes the right of a child seeking international protection to obtain the necessary protection and humanitarian assistance when the child wants to exercise its rights under the CRC or other conventions of international law of human rights. CRC includes, inter alia, four fundamental principles, the elimination of discrimination, the right to life, survival and development, respect for the child's position and the principle of the best interests of the child. The goal of this thesis is to determine whether and how the position of the child seeking international protection under the international refugee law has been influenced by the CRC and by the principle of the best interests of the child. The thesis is divided into four chapters, the first two chapters deal with the historical...
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Využití mediace na Úřadu pro mezinárodněprávní ochranu dětí / The use of mediation in Office for international legal protection of childrenDrašnarová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis "The use of mediation to the Office for International Legal Protection of Children" is divided into practical and theoretical. Theoretical part contains four chapters and subsections 15, some of which are further subdivided. The first chapter is devoted to the Office for International Legal Protection of Children and the agenda as the recovery of maintenance, international adoption, international abductions, contact with children and mediation. Another chapter describes mediation as a concept, as well as the types and principles. The following section describes the child's family mediation, especially its legislative confirmation. The last part introduces the profession of mediators, their role and code of ethics. The practical part consists of three chapters. The first one consists of interviews with mediators Office for International Legal Protection of Children. The purpose of these interviews was to answer the research question, which is: ,, In what cases use mediation at the Office for International Legal Protection of Children and increasing this way of resolving the dispute? "The second focuses on four case reports and final chapter describes the system in the Slovak Republic, Austria and Germany.
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