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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing the protection of child offenders in Burundian criminal law : international human rights law perspective

Bizimana, Eric January 2013 (has links)
Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2015 / Centre for Human Rights / LLM / Unrestricted

Tarpinstitucinis bendradarbiavimas užtikrinant vaiko teisių apsaugą socialinės rizikos šeimose / Interinstitutional cooperation by ensuring the child rights protection in the families at social risk

Padkauskienė, Zita 09 July 2006 (has links)
The evolution of the Child rights protection policy in Lithuania is analyzed in the first part of the Master’s Thesis. Lithuania, by joining the Convention of UN and by ratifying it, recognized that the protection of Child rights and interests is the main mission for the State and society. Lithuania has made enough political tools which provide the guaranty to protect the children’s rights in his social environment. The main laws protecting the child rights have been adopted and all the institutions which seek for a real and complete assistance to the child, living in the family at social risk, observe it. It is necessary to coordinate the cooperation of the institutions of Child rights protection by using the method of team work The second part of the Master’s Thesis presents the analysis on the interinstitutional cooperation by ensuring the child rights protection in the families at social risk. The purpose of this investigation was to involve the specialists providing the assistance for children living in the families at social risk. 34 specialists working in different fields have participated in this investigation: 11 social workers of neighborhoods, 8 social pedagogues working in the comprehensive schools, 8 medical workers working in the schools and medical stations of neighborhoods, 2 Child rights protection service officers and 2 officers of police commissariat. 777 problems of school age children living in the families at social risk have been revealed during the... [to full text]

Ochrana dětí z pohledu mezinárodního práva soukromého / Protection of children under international private law

Mimochodková, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is the protection of children under the international private law. Currently, influenced by globalization and the free movement of persons, it is a relatively recent issue. It is not possible to cover the whole area of the child protection, therefore, this diploma thesis focuses on the question of the procedural status of the child, parental responsibility, maintenance obligations and international adoption. The objective of this thesis is to present to the readers a comprehensive view of child protection under the international private law in the areas above. The diploma thesis is written with using the descriptive research method and primary and secondary sources were used. The diploma thesis is divided into five chapters, introduction and ending. For readers convenience, chapters are further divided into subchapters. The intorductory chapter contains a historical sketch of the protection of children, for example in the period of ancient Rome and in the Czech in modern times, further it deals with the act on private international law and the history of czech legislation on private international law, the issue of determining the boundaries of adulthood and definition of child and about the Office for International Legal Protection of Children in the Czech Republic....

"La protection de l’enfant" à Madagascar : représentations et pratiques d’accompagnement dans la lutte contre la maltraitance / The protection of the child in Madagascar : representations and practices of accompaniment(support) at the actors against child abuse.

Phan Van Hien, Noelivao Olga 04 April 2014 (has links)
La recherche porte sur l’accompagnement dans le cadre de la politique de la protection de l’enfant à Madagascar. Malgré la montée de la maltraitance, dans un contexte de crises économiques et sociales répétitives provoquant l’extrême précarité de la population, cette protection peine à s’organiser du fait du manque de moyens de l’Etat, de l’absence d’une politique claire dans ce domaine, de l’insuffisance de coordination des « acteurs » engagés dans les réseaux de protection de l’enfance,Fondé sur vingt ans d’expériences de l’auteur dans le domaine social, sur un recueil de données mené par entretiens et questionnaires auprès de professionnels de terrain et des parents, cette recherche fait apparaître la contradiction entre les traditions coutumières propres à la culture malgache (mariage précoce, rejet des jumeaux…) et les exigences de la convention internationale relative aux droits de l’enfant à laquelle Madagascar a adhéré. Elle montre, compte-tenu de ces contradictions, la nécessité de l’accompagnement de l’enfant et de ses parents. En s’appuyant sur les recherches relatives à l’accompagnement et sur le rôle des différentes formes que prend ce dernier dans le développement d’un processus de résilience, l’auteur fait apparaître qu’une démarche fondée sur une pluralité d’accompagnements « naturel »,« psychosocial » et institutionnel peut initier un changement dans les représentations traditionnelles de l’enfant. Cette pluralité, en permettant de dépasser la simple « prise en charge », facilite aussi une implication accrue des familles et des communautés dans la prévention et la lutte contre la maltraitance. / This research study is on the accompaniment in framing policy with regard to theprotection of child in Madagascar. Despite the increasing abuse in the context of repeatingsocial and economic crisis provoking an extreme danger to the population, this protectionis not easy due to the facts of lack of state resources, absence of a clear policy in this area,and the requisite co-ordination of “actors” engaged in protection networks of children.Founded on the experience of the author for twenty years in social domain, and on theresponses collected through interviews and questionnaires from professionals in this areaand the parents, this study reveals the contradiction between the customs of the Malagasyculture (early marriage and rejection of twins…) and the requirement of InternationalConvention related to the rights of children to which the Madagascar has given itsadherence. It also gives an account of these contradictions and the necessity ofaccompaniment of the parents and the children.Basing herself on the related studies of accompaniment and on the role of different forms ittakes in the development process of resilience, the author shows that this process, foundedon the plurality of accompaniments “natural”, “psychological” and “institutional”, caninitiate a change in the child related traditional beliefs. This plurality, permitting us tobypass a simple approach of “control”, facilitates an implication increasing the role of thefamilies and communities in the struggle against and prevention of abuse.

'Child trafficking' : experiences of separated children on the move

Gearon, Alinka January 2016 (has links)
‘Child trafficking’ as a phenomenon requiring a policy and practice response has, in recent years gathered considerable pace. ‘Child trafficking’ is a crosscutting social issue, relevant to policy areas of child protection, child migration, criminal justice, immigration, social policy and human rights. This thesis explores children’s own accounts and lived experiences of ‘child trafficking’, addressing a notable gap in hearing from children directly. The thesis critically engages with the social construction of the ‘trafficked child’ examining how contemporary concepts of childhood shape and inform ‘child trafficking’ policy and practice. How ‘child trafficking’ policy has been constructed politically is examined, in shaping how ‘child trafficking’ is defined in practice. The implications for children experiencing trafficking of a system built on current assumptions about childhood and ‘child trafficking’ are considered. The study explores how children’s experiences of their childhood and ‘child trafficking’ challenge many assumptions underpinning policy and practice. The findings reveal a disjuncture between immigration-driven and prosecution focused ‘child trafficking’ practice and children requiring a welfare and individualised response to their needs. Children needed practitioners to listen to them, believe them and take action upon child protection concerns. A conclusion is drawn that the way in which ‘child trafficking’ policy and practice in England is presently constructed, and experienced, appears not to reflect the lived ‘realties’ of young people in this study. A new approach to ‘child trafficking’ policy and practice is recommended underpinned by a conceptual shift in how we perceive childhood and adolescence. Intended audiences of this study include policy-makers and front-line practitioners including social workers, the police, immigration officers and other services. This qualitative study contributes in developing methods with a hard to access population addressing a difficult subject area, promoting children and young people’s participation in research.

Droits individuels et intérêt général : l'exemple de la protection de l'enfance / Individual rights and common interest : the case of childhood protection

Capelier, Flore 11 December 2013 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, le plein épanouissement de chaque être humain semble constituer la principale finalité du droit du droit. Les règles juridiques instituées sont alors soumises à des tensions inédites entre d’une part, l’exigence de normes générales et impersonnelles qui s’appliquent pareillement à tous, et d’autre part, la nécessité d’une individualisation de l’action publique qui puisse permettre de tenir compte de la singularité de chaque situation. Dans ce cadre, le respect des droits fondamentaux reconnus à tout individu se présente comme un moyen d’assurer la satisfaction de l’intérêt général. L’attention est alors portée sur les personnes considérées comme vulnérables, dont la dignité risque de ne pas être assurée. Étudier les règles applicables dans le champ de la protection de l’enfance permet de mettre en évidence cette évolution du droit et ses conséquences. En effet, lorsque l’enfant est en danger au sein de son milieu d’origine, les personnes publiques et privées qui participent à la protection de l’enfance sont soumises à des injonctions contradictoires entre la nécessité de s’assurer du plein épanouissement du mineur et le devoir de respecter les attributs de l’autorité parentale. La protection des droits et libertés individuels reconnus à chacun des membres de la famille impose alors une individualisation de l’action publique qui a pour limite la protection égale des droits et libertés sur l’ensemble du territoire. La construction d’une réponse publique organisée selon ces différentes exigences est porteuse de contradictions au sein du droit entre le respect des droits et libertés individuels d’une part, et la libre administration des collectivités territoriales d’autre part. / Since the second half of the twentieth century, the self-fulfillment of each human being has become a major concern in the law. Legal rules are therefore subject to new kinds of tension bringing into conflict, in the one band, the requirement of general, impersonal standards that apply in the same way to each and everyone and, in the other hand the need for an individualization of the public action that may make it possible to take account of the uniqueness of each situation. ln this context, the respect of fundamental rights acknowledged to any individual is a way to insure the fulfillment of common interest. Persons regarded as vulnerable, whose dignity may not be ensured, are now at stake. This general evolution of law is particularly notable in the field of childhood protection. When a child is endangered in his or her family environment, public authority is subject to contradictory requirements: ensuring the child's full development and respecting the prerogatives of parental authority. Therefore, the protection of individual freedom acknowledged to each family member demands an individualization of public action within the Iimits of an equal protection of rights and Iiberties throughout the country. The elaboration of a public response organized according to these various demands carries new contradictions within the law, between the protection of individual freedom in the one hand, and the free administration of local authorities in the other hand.

Možnosti podpory dětí umístěných v zařízení pro děti vyžadující okamžitou pomoc Klokánek / Variants of support for children in Facility for children requiring immediate help ,,Klokanek"

Košnářová, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
(in English): Diploma thesis is focused on children, who are in equipments for children who need immediate help. Thesis is focused on the Klokanek center. The goal of this work is to do a list about clients of Klokanek Chabarovicka in years 2009 - 2017 and find support obtions for childrens during their stay.The next goal is to find out thei expectation and perception of Klokanek by social workers. The last goal is to compare first two goals. The end of the research investigation is what was succesfully done. In the theoretical part is basic terminology and is divided into three main chapters - equipments for children who need immediate help and KIokanek, social and legal protection authority and support technology in equipment.Practical part is focused on research results. Research is made of quantitative and qualitative investigation. Methods: document analysis and interviews with social workers. All results were summarized in final chapter. Whole diploma thesis, theoretical and practical part, is focused on the Klokanek Chabarovicka.

Mezinárodní standardy Quality4Children v praxi sociálně-právní ochrany dětí v ČR / International standards Quality for Children in the practice of the social and legal protection of children in the Czech republic

Čížková, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
Čížková, B. (2011). International standards Quality for Children in the practice of the social and legal protection of children in the Czech republic. Praha: Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Master's Degree Thesis. The object of this work is to identify the weaknesses of the current system of the alternative care by comparing casuistry with the standards of quality. I use casuistry of the current or former clients of foster care. In the first part I put the topic of social and legal protection of children into context of international and constitutional documents. There is also a chapter about the Standars Quality4Children. Then I focus on the situation in the Czech republic. I start with the descripction of the current system and finish with the process of transformation of the system of care for children at risk. The bill changing the Act No. 359/1999 Coll. on the social and legal protection of children was published. It is the first step to the transformartion and it's necessary to be followed-up other steps. The actual explorative empirical part of this work is conducted by a qualitative research strategy. The empirical investigation was executed in form of interviews with twelve respondents. Research sample consists of two social workers (from authority for social and legal protection of...

The protection of child victims and witnesses in a post-constitutional criminal justice system with specific reference to the role of an intermediary : a comparative study

Bekink, Mildred 05 July 2017 (has links)
It is common knowledge that owing to their particular vulnerability children worldwide falls prey to physical and/or sexual violence in the home and/or community or witness criminal acts. Consequently children are called upon to testify in a court of law to cruelties or acts of violence. As a result of their developmental shortcomings and immaturity, children find the criminal justice system extremely intimidating and challenging. The importance of realising a justice system that not only affords an accused person the right to a fair trial but also protects and safeguards the rights of the child victims of and witnesses to the crime is thus indisputable. The purpose of this research was therefore to assist the South African criminal justice system in its on-going challenge to find a balance between the right of the accused person to a fair trial and the protection and safeguarding of the rights of child victims and child witnesses. The protection and safeguarding of the rights of child victims and child witnesses in terms of the South African Constitution, applicable domestic law and international instruments relating thereto were extensively discussed and shortcomings identified. Possible solutions to ensure that child witnesses and child victims are adequately protected and supported during the trial stage of the criminal process were advanced. Particular emphasis was placed on the role of an intermediary in assisting child victims and child witnesses during the court process. Comparative research on the protection of child victims and child witnesses in the criminal justice systems of New Zealand and Namibia were also conducted. Conclusions drawn from comparative studies were used to recommend appropriate changes to the current system. It is submitted that the adequate protection and safeguarding of the rights of child victims and child witnesses are dependent not only on sound legal principles but also on governmental and other involved stakeholders’ commitment toward the realisation of these rights. In order to give proper effect to the protection and safeguarding of child victims’ and child witnesses’ rights, it is proposed that the recommendations made throughout this study should be adopted and implemented. In this regard the role of an intermediary is crucial and the use of intermediaries should be promoted. / Private Law / LL.D.

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