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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A experiência da mãe por ter um filho natimorto / The mothers experience of having a stillborn child

Rodrigues, Márcia Maria Coelho 21 December 2009 (has links)
Natimorto é a morte do produto da gestação, antes da expulsão do corpo materno. Para a mãe, a notícia da morte do filho ainda durante o período da gestação é traumática que, na expectativa de uma vida, encontra o desespero e a tristeza. Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender a experiência da mãe diante do filho natimorto. O referencial teórico adotado foi a teoria do luto e como referencial metodológico, o interacionismo interpretativo para análise das narrativas das nove mães que passaram pela experiência de ter um filho natimorto. Os eventos que marcaram a história das mães neste cenário foram: SENDO SURPREENDIDA PELA MÁ NOTÍCIA, TENDO UM PARTO SEM SENTIDO, SAINDO DE MÃOS VAZIAS E ENFRENTANDO O LUTO SOCIAL. Os dados analisados possibilitaram a compreensão da experiência das mães diante da morte de seu filho durante a gravidez. A morte do bebê no final da gestação, quando caracterizado como natimorto, é incompreensível para a mãe. Ela fica exausta, tem uma profunda dor emocional, acompanhada de um sentimento de vulnerabilidade que a impede de pensar no futuro ou na possibilidade de uma nova gestação. Ver o filho natimorto é um momento significativo e nem sempre a mãe consegue verbalizar o desejo de conhecer, tocar, segurar no colo o seu filho que agora está morto. O processo de luto é vivido de maneira solitária, porque sua tristeza não é compartilhada com a família e amigos, havendo uma preferência para o isolamento devido sentir-se envergonhada por não ter conseguido gerar um filho sadio e por chorar o tempo inteiro. O estudo reforça a necessidade de inserção de informações e conhecimentos dos profissionais de saúde, ainda no ensino de graduação, acerca do processo de luto pertinente a essas mães para oferecer-lhes algum controle sobre a experiência, resgatando, assim, sua autonomia e propiciando-lhes a prevenção de sua saúde física e mental / Stillbirth is the death of the product of gestation, before the expulsion of the maternal body. For the mother, the news of his son\'s death during the period of pregnancy is traumatic, since instead of an expectation of a life, she finds desperation and sadness. This research aimed to understand the mothers experience of having a stillbirth child. The theoretical framework adopted was the grief theory. Interpretative Interactionism was the methodological referential for the biographical narrative analysis of nine mothers who had the experience of having a stillbirth child. The events that determined the mothers history in this scenario were: BEING SURPRISED BY THE BAD NEWS, GIVING A NON SENSE BIRTH, LEAVING WITH EMPTY HANDS AND FACING THE SOCIAL MOURNING. The analyzed data enabled an understanding of mothers experience face to death of her child during pregnancy. The death of the baby in late pregnancy, when characterized as a stillbirth, is incomprehensible to the mother. She becomes exhausted, has a deep emotional pain, followed by a feeling of vulnerability that prevents her from thinking about the future or the possibility of a new pregnancy. To see the stillbirth child is a significant moment and not always the mother can verbalize her desire to know, to touch, to hold her child who is now dead. The grieving process is experienced in a lonely way, since her sadness is not shared with family and friends. They prefer to be alone due to feeling shame for failing to produce a healthy child and they cry all the time. The study reinforces that it is necessary to insert information and knowledge concerning the grief process relevant to these mothers to health professionals, even in undergraduate courses. This would allow them to give those mother some control over the experience, thus recovering their autonomy and allowing them to prevent their physical and mental health

A experiência da mãe por ter um filho natimorto / The mothers experience of having a stillborn child

Márcia Maria Coelho Rodrigues 21 December 2009 (has links)
Natimorto é a morte do produto da gestação, antes da expulsão do corpo materno. Para a mãe, a notícia da morte do filho ainda durante o período da gestação é traumática que, na expectativa de uma vida, encontra o desespero e a tristeza. Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender a experiência da mãe diante do filho natimorto. O referencial teórico adotado foi a teoria do luto e como referencial metodológico, o interacionismo interpretativo para análise das narrativas das nove mães que passaram pela experiência de ter um filho natimorto. Os eventos que marcaram a história das mães neste cenário foram: SENDO SURPREENDIDA PELA MÁ NOTÍCIA, TENDO UM PARTO SEM SENTIDO, SAINDO DE MÃOS VAZIAS E ENFRENTANDO O LUTO SOCIAL. Os dados analisados possibilitaram a compreensão da experiência das mães diante da morte de seu filho durante a gravidez. A morte do bebê no final da gestação, quando caracterizado como natimorto, é incompreensível para a mãe. Ela fica exausta, tem uma profunda dor emocional, acompanhada de um sentimento de vulnerabilidade que a impede de pensar no futuro ou na possibilidade de uma nova gestação. Ver o filho natimorto é um momento significativo e nem sempre a mãe consegue verbalizar o desejo de conhecer, tocar, segurar no colo o seu filho que agora está morto. O processo de luto é vivido de maneira solitária, porque sua tristeza não é compartilhada com a família e amigos, havendo uma preferência para o isolamento devido sentir-se envergonhada por não ter conseguido gerar um filho sadio e por chorar o tempo inteiro. O estudo reforça a necessidade de inserção de informações e conhecimentos dos profissionais de saúde, ainda no ensino de graduação, acerca do processo de luto pertinente a essas mães para oferecer-lhes algum controle sobre a experiência, resgatando, assim, sua autonomia e propiciando-lhes a prevenção de sua saúde física e mental / Stillbirth is the death of the product of gestation, before the expulsion of the maternal body. For the mother, the news of his son\'s death during the period of pregnancy is traumatic, since instead of an expectation of a life, she finds desperation and sadness. This research aimed to understand the mothers experience of having a stillbirth child. The theoretical framework adopted was the grief theory. Interpretative Interactionism was the methodological referential for the biographical narrative analysis of nine mothers who had the experience of having a stillbirth child. The events that determined the mothers history in this scenario were: BEING SURPRISED BY THE BAD NEWS, GIVING A NON SENSE BIRTH, LEAVING WITH EMPTY HANDS AND FACING THE SOCIAL MOURNING. The analyzed data enabled an understanding of mothers experience face to death of her child during pregnancy. The death of the baby in late pregnancy, when characterized as a stillbirth, is incomprehensible to the mother. She becomes exhausted, has a deep emotional pain, followed by a feeling of vulnerability that prevents her from thinking about the future or the possibility of a new pregnancy. To see the stillbirth child is a significant moment and not always the mother can verbalize her desire to know, to touch, to hold her child who is now dead. The grieving process is experienced in a lonely way, since her sadness is not shared with family and friends. They prefer to be alone due to feeling shame for failing to produce a healthy child and they cry all the time. The study reinforces that it is necessary to insert information and knowledge concerning the grief process relevant to these mothers to health professionals, even in undergraduate courses. This would allow them to give those mother some control over the experience, thus recovering their autonomy and allowing them to prevent their physical and mental health

Elective delivery of women with a previous unexplained intra-uterine fetal death at term (≥ 39 weeks) : a prospective cohort study at Tygerberg Hospital, South Africa

Oberholzer, Leana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMed)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction Pregnancies in women with a previous unexplained stillbirth may be jeopardized by increased antenatal surveillance and higher rates of induction of labour and caesarean delivery without clear evidence of benefit. Despite the fact that there have been no studies that adequately tested fetal benefit in routine induction of labour for a previous stillbirth, a policy of routine induction of labour at 38 weeks, with all the associated maternal, fetal and health-care associated costs, was in practice at Tygerberg Hospital for the past 30 years. This study aimed to investigate the safety of continuation of these pregnancies until term (≥39 weeks). Aims and Objectives To assess the clinical outcome and impact on the health service in a pregnancy with a previous unexplained intra-uterine demise (IUD) by routine induction of labour at term instead of at 38 weeks. Methodology This was a prospective observational study on the safety of a new hospital protocol which was introduced in 2012. The protocol extended the gestation for induction after a previous IUD from 38 weeks to term. The study population included all pregnant patients with a current singleton pregnancy, and a previous unexplained or unexplored (no data available) singleton fetal demise ≥24 weeks/500grams. All patients with a previous stillbirth in the metropolitan drainage area of Tygerberg Hospital are referred to Tygerberg for further care; and all referrals during 2012 were recruited for the study. Patients with known or recurrent risks for intra-uterine death were managed according to the relevant clinical condition and were excluded from the study. Results During the audit period, 306 patients with a previous intra-uterine fetal death were referred for further management. Of these, 161 had a clear indication for either earlier intervention or no intervention and were excluded from the protocol. Of the remaining 145 patients, 9 met exclusion criteria and there were 2 patients who defaulted. Forty-two of the study patients (with no known previous medical problems) developed complications during their antenatal course that necessitated a change in clinical management and earlier (<39 weeks) delivery. Of the remaining 92 patients in the audit, 47 (51%) went into spontaneous labour before their induction date. There were no intra-uterine deaths prior to delivery. Conclusions Careful follow up at a high risk clinic identifies new or concealed maternal or fetal complications in 29% of patients with a previous IUD and no obvious maternal or fetal disease in the index pregnancy. When all risks are excluded and the pregnancy allowed to progress to 39 weeks before an induction is offered, 51% will go into spontaneous labour. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding Swangerskappe in vroue met vorige onverklaarbare stilgeboorte mag in gevaar gestel word deur meer intense voorgeboorte sorg en ‘n groter hoeveelheid induksies van kraam en keisersnitte sonder duidelike bewyse dat dit tot voordeel strek. Ten spyte van die feit dat daar geen studies is wat bewys het dat roetine induksie van kraam vir ‘n vorige stilgeboorte op 38 weke tot voordeel van die baba was nie, was ‘n beleid van roetine induksie van kraam op 38 weke, met al die geassosieërde moederlike en fetale risikos daaraan verbonde; asook die hoë gesondheidskostes, roetine praktyk in Tygerberg Hospitaal vir die afgelope 30 jaar. Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om die veiligheid van voortsetting van hierdie swangerskappe tot voltyd (≥39 weke) te ondersoek. Doelwitte Om die kliniese uitkoms; asook die impak op gesondheidsdienste te evalueer in ‘n swanger vrou met n vorige onverklaarbare intra-uteriene sterfte; deur roetine induksie van kraam aan te bied op voltyd in plaas van 38 weke. Metodologie Hierdie was n prospektiewe kohort studie om die veiligheid van ‘n nuwe hospitaal protokol wat in 2012 geïmplimenteer is, te bepaal. Hierdie protokol het die gestasie tydperk van induksie van kraam van alle swanger pasiënte na ‘n vorige onverklaarbare stilgeboorte van 38 weke na voltyd verleng. Die studiepopulasie het alle swanger pasiënte met ‘n huidige enkelswangerskap en ‘n vorige onverklaarbare of onbekende (geen data beskikbaar) enkelvoudige fetale sterfte ≥24 weke/500gram, ingesluit. Alle pasiënte in die metropolitaanse dreineringsarea van Tygerberg Hospitaal met ‘n vorige stilgeboorte word na Tygerberg verwys vir verdere hantering, en alle verwysings gedurende 2012 was gewerf vir die studie. Pasiënte met bekende of herhalende risikofaktore vir ‘n intra-uteriene sterfte was hanteer volgens die relevante kliniese inligting en was uitgesluit by die studie. Resultate Drie-honderd-en-ses pasiënte met ‘n vorige intra-uteriene fetale sterfte was gedurende die oudit periode verwys vir verdere hantering. In 161 pasiënte was daar ‘n duidelike indikasie vir of vroeër intervensie of geen intervensie nie; en hulle was uitgesluit van die protokol. Van die oorblywende 145 pasiënte is 9 pasiënte uitgesluit as gevolg van die uitsluitingskriteria en daar was 2 pasiënte wat versuim het om op te volg. Twee-en-veertig pasiënte (met geen bekende vorige mediese probleme nie) het komplikasies gedurende hulle voorgeboorte verloop ontwikkel wat gelei het tot verandering in kliniese hantering en vroeëre verlossing (≤39 weke) genoodsaak het. Van die oorblywende 92 pasiënte in die oudit, het 47 (51%) in spontane kraam gegaan voor hulle induksiedatum. Daar was geen intra-uteriene sterftes voor verlossing nie. Gevolgtrekkings Noukeurige opvolg by ‘n hoërisiko kliniek identifiseer nuwe of versteekte moederlike en fetale komplikasies in 29% van pasiënte met ‘n vorige intra-uteriene sterfte sonder enige duidelike moederlike of fetale siekte in die indeks swangerskap. Wanneer alle risikos uitgesluit word en die swangerskap toegelaat word om voort te gaan tot 39 weke voor ‘n induksie aangebied word, sal 51% van pasiënte spontaan in kraam gaan.

Levels, trends and household determinants of stillbirths and miscarriages in South Africa (2010-2014)

Nfii, Faith Nekabari January 2018 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculties of Health Sciences and Humanities, Schools of Public Health and Social Sciences, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the field of Demography and Population Studies, October 2017 / Background: Various international and national commitments and interventions that focus on improving maternal, newborn and child health have been established in South Africa. Irrespective of these efforts, adverse pregnancy outcomes (stillbirths and miscarriages) remain invisible within policies and programmes intended to reduce this public health burden thus leading to its high rate in South Africa. This mismatch of burden to action is due to several factors that keep stillbirths and miscarriages hidden, notably underreporting which leads to a lack of data and a lack of consensus on priority interventions and, social taboos that reduce the visibility of stillbirths and the associated family morning. While studies have identified a number of individual demographic and socioeconomic factors associated with stillbirths and miscarriages, the role of household socioeconomic factors remain unexplored. Poor socioeconomic conditions within a household have broadly been linked with poor health and negative birth outcome among pregnant women. This study therefore sought to identify demographic and household socioeconomic associated with stillbirths and miscarriages in South Africa. Methods: This study utilized secondary data from the 2010 – 2014 South African General Household Survey (SAGHS). The study sample comprises of women of reproductive age 15 49 years who were resident in the households selected to participate in the SAGHS. A sample of 248,057 women were included in the study; these are women who reported to have been pregnant in the last 12 months preceding the survey from 2010-2014. The population of interest in this study are South African women whose pregnancy has ended in a stillbirth and or a miscarriage. The outcome variable was pregnancy outcomes (stillbirths, miscarriages and others) while predictor variables include household wealth status, maternal age, source of drinking water, type of toilet facility, sex of household head, province of residence, household electricity, population group and HIV status. Data analysis was done in three stages. First, univariate analysis was done to provide descriptive results of the study population. The second staged involved a bivariate analysis producing odds ratios to examine the association between each predictor variable with each pregnancy outcome. The third stage included an unadjusted (bivariate) and adjusted (multivariate) multinomial logistic regression producing relative risk ratios (RRRs) to examine the demographic and household socioeconomic determinants of stillbirths and miscarriages. Results: The levels of stillbirths were 0.17% and 0.37% in 2013 compared to 0.11% and 0.12% respectively. The stillbirth rate (SBR) from 2010-2014 was 25.7 per 1000 births while miscarriage rate was 24.5 per 1000 pregnancies. Results from the multinomial logistic regression showed that maternal age, race, sex of household head, province of residence, source of drinking water, type of toilet facility, geographic type, household wealth index, hypertension and HIV positive status are significant determinants of stillbirths and miscarriages among women in South Africa. Advanced maternal age (34-39 and 40-44 years), rural residence, being Black, use of other type of toilet facilities, poor wealth quintile, Northern Cape province, being 000HIV positive and drinking piped water are associated with an increased risk of stillbirths and miscarriages. Conclusion: This study found that demographic and household socioeconomic factors are associated with pregnancy outcomes (stillbirths and miscarriages) among women aged 15-49 years in South Africa. This study has demonstrated the fact that household socioeconomic factors are important in understanding the determinants of stillbirths and miscarriages. Thus, the outcomes of pregnancy are not separable from the socioeconomic conditions of the pregnant women within a household as maternal poverty can translate to poor foetal health. Interventions on maternal, newborn and child health should also be more targeted at these pregnancy outcomes as stand-alone health indicators to address the dearth of data and to ensure proper monitoring. Furthermore, women in remote areas who do not have access to electricity, toilet facilities and other important assets in their household should be prioritized by programs on poverty alleviation. Lastly, it is crucial that quality obstetric care services should be made available, accessible and affordable for women in remote areas. This may improve the outcomes of pregnancy through early detection of pregnancy complications. / XL2018

Mechanisms of Placental Dysfunction in Pregnancy Malaria

Unknown Date (has links)
The molecular mechanisms by which pregnancy malaria affects the outcome of fetal development are unknown. Megalin, which has been well studied in kidney, has high expression in the placenta from early stages to term, and is proposed to be an important factor in extensive maternofetal exchange during development of the fetus. Pregnancy malaria (PM) is characterized by inflammation in placenta and is associated with low birthweight (LBW), stillborn birth, and other pathologies. It is hypothesized that PM disturbs megalin function/expression/distribution in the brush boarder of syncytiotrophoblast which, in turn, may contribute significantly to pathology of LBW. Our studies show that the presence of infected erythrocytes in placenta at the time of delivery negatively affects protein abundance for megalin and Dab2. This is the first report associating the abundance of placental megalin system proteins with the birth weight of newborn babies, and associating PM with changes in megalin system protein abundance. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Mammors upplevelser i samband med beskedet att det väntade barnet dött i livmodern / Mother´s experiences of the message that their child has died in utero

Boltenstern, Rebecca, Granath, Ingrid January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Mammors upplevelse av att drabbas av HELLP syndrom och samtidigt mista sitt väntade barn : En kvalitativ fallstudie / Mothers' experiences of suffering HELLP syndrome and simultaneously lose their expected baby

Olsson, Anna, Winlöf, Viktoria January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det finns begränsad kunskap om hur mammor upplever att drabbas av HELLP syndrom och samtidigt mista sitt väntade barn. Ytterligare kunskap kan bidra till ökad förståelse och leda till bättre vård. Syfte: Att beskriva mammors upplevelser av att drabbas av HELLP syndrom och samtidigt mista sitt väntade barn. Metod: En kvalitativ fallstudie med djupintervjuer som analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Studien påvisade det kaos och den overklighetskänsla mammorna upplevde då insjuknandet och händelserna skedde i snabb takt. Det fanns ingen tid för reflektion, tillståndet var livshotande och en katastrofkänsla uppstod. Temat overkligt kaos formades. De svårt sjuka mammorna klarade inte att delta vid första omvårdnaden av sitt döda barn men kunde under vårdtiden vara tillsammans med barnet vid flera tillfällen vilket gav känslor av både glädje och sorg. Mammorna upplevde restsymtom av HELLP syndrom ett halvår efter händelsen. Slutsatser: Det snabba insjuknandet och händelseförloppet resulterade i ett overkligt kaos för mammorna. Det är viktigt att vårdpersonalen är tydliga i sin kommunikation och hela tiden närvarande hos mamman. Barnmorskan har en central roll i att hjälpa mammorna att möta och vara nära sitt döda barn så mycket som möjligt.

Predictors and consequences of loss of a child : nationalwide epidemiological studies from Sweden /

Surkan, Pamela J., January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Guilt, shame and grief an empirical study of perinatal bereavement /

Barr, Peter, January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Sydney, 2003. / Title from title screen (viewed 8 May 2008). Roman numbering forms part of the numbering sequence, the arabic numbering starts from leaf 12. Includes tables, information sheet, letters, consent form and questionnaires. Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the Centre for Behavioural Sciences, Faculty of Medicine. Includes bibliographical references. Also available in print form.

The effect of malaria and intestinal helminth coinfection on birth outcomes in Ghana

Yatich, Nelly J. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2008. / Title from first page of PDF file (viewed Feb. 19, 2009). Includes bibliographical references.

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