Spelling suggestions: "subject:"stochastic"" "subject:"ctochastic""
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Contributions to Rough Paths and Stochastic PDEsPrakash Chakraborty (9114407) 27 July 2020 (has links)
Probability theory is the study of random phenomena. Many dynamical systems with random influence, in nature or artificial complex systems, are better modeled by equations incorporating the intrinsic stochasticity involved. In probability theory, stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) generalize partial differential equations through random force terms and coefficients, while stochastic differential equations (SDEs) generalize ordinary differential equations. They are both abound in models involving Brownian motion throughout science, engineering and economics. However, Brownian motion is just one example of a random noisy input. The goal of this thesis is to make contributions in the study and applications of stochastic dynamical systems involving a wider variety of stochastic processes and noises. This is achieved by considering different models arising out of applications in thermal engineering, population dynamics and mathematical finance.<br><div><br></div><div>1. Power-type non-linearities in SDEs with rough noise: We consider a noisy differential equation driven by a rough noise that could be a fractional Brownian motion, a generalization of Brownian motion, while the equation's coefficient behaves like a power function. These coefficients are interesting because of their relation to classical population dynamics models, while their analysis is particularly challenging because of the intrinsic singularities. Two different methods are used to construct solutions: (i) In the one-dimensional case, a well-known transformation is used; (ii) For multidimensional situations, we find and quantify an improved regularity structure of the solution as it approaches the origin. Our research is the first successful analysis of the system described under a truly rough noise context. We find that the system is well-defined and yields non-unique solutions. In addition, the solutions possess the same roughness as that of the noise.<br></div><div><br></div><div>2. Parabolic Anderson model in rough environment: The parabolic Anderson model is one of the most interesting and challenging SPDEs used to model varied physical phenomena. Its original motivation involved bound states for electrons in crystals with impurities. It also provides a model for the growth of magnetic field in young stars and has an interpretation as a population growth model. The model can be expressed as a stochastic heat equation with additional multiplicative noise. This noise is traditionally a generalized derivative of Brownian motion. Here we consider a one dimensional parabolic Anderson model which is continuous in space and includes a more general rough noise. We first show that the equation admits a solution and that it is unique under some regularity assumptions on the initial condition. In addition, we show that it can be represented using the Feynman-Kac formula, thus providing a connection with the SPDE and a stochastic process, in this case a Brownian motion. The bulk of our study is devoted to explore the large time behavior of the solution, and we provide an explicit formula for the asymptotic behavior of the logarithm of the solution.<br></div><div><br></div><div>3. Heat conduction in semiconductors: Standard heat flow, at a macroscopic level, is modeled by the random erratic movements of Brownian motions starting at the source of heat. However, this diffusive nature of heat flow predicted by Brownian motion is not observed in certain materials (semiconductors, dielectric solids) over short length and time scales. The thermal transport in these materials is more akin to a super-diffusive heat flow, and necessitates the need for processes beyond Brownian motion to capture this heavy tailed behavior. In this context, we propose the use of a well-defined Lévy process, the so-called relativistic stable process to better model the observed phenomenon. This process captures the observed heat dynamics at short length-time scales and is also closely related to the relativistic Schrödinger operator. In addition, it serves as a good candidate for explaining the usual diffusive nature of heat flow under large length-time regimes. The goal is to verify our model against experimental data, retrieve the best parameters of the process and discuss their connections to material thermal properties.<br></div><div><br></div><div>4. Bond-pricing under partial information: We study an information asymmetry problem in a bond market. Especially we derive bond price dynamics of traders with different levels of information. We allow all information processes as well as the short rate to have jumps in their sample paths, thus representing more dramatic movements. In addition we allow the short rate to be modulated by all information processes in addition to having instantaneous feedbacks from the current levels of itself. A fully informed trader observes all information which affects the bond price while a partially informed trader observes only a part of it. We first obtain the bond price dynamic under the full information, and also derive the bond price of the partially informed trader using Bayesian filtering method. The key step is to perform a change of measure so that the dynamic under the new measure becomes computationally efficient.</div>
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Modely stochastického programování a jejich aplikace / Stochastic programming models with applicationsNovotný, Jan January 2008 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá stochastickým programováním a jeho aplikací na problém mísení kameniva z oblasti stavebního inženýrství. Teoretická část práce je věnována odvození základních přístupů stochastického programování, tj. optimalizace se zohledněním náhodných vlivů v modelech. V aplikované části je prezentována tvorba vhodných optimalizačních modelů pro mísení kameniva, jejich implementace a výsledky. Práce zahrnuje původní aplikační výsledky docílené při řešení projektu GA ČR reg. čís. 103/08/1658 Pokročilá optimalizace návrhu složených betonových konstrukcí a teoretické výsledky projektu MŠMT České republiky čís. 1M06047 Centrum pro jakost a spolehlivost výroby.
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Some Financial Applications of Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with jump : Utility, Investment, and Pricing柏原, 聡, KASHIWABARA, Akira 23 March 2012 (has links)
博士(経営) / 85 p. / 一橋大学
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Contributions to the theory of Gaussian Measures and Processes with ApplicationsZachary A Selk (12474759) 28 April 2022 (has links)
<p>This thesis studies infinite dimensional Gaussian measures on Banach spaces. Let $\mu_0$ be a centered Gaussian measure on Banach space $\mathcal B$, and $\mu^\ast$ is a measure equivalent to $\mu_0$. We are interested in approximating, in sense of relative entropy (or KL divergence) the quantity $\frac{d\mu^z}{d\mu^\ast}$ where $\mu^z$ is a mean shift measure of $\mu_0$ by an element $z$ in the so-called ``Cameron-Martin" space $\mathcal H_{\mu_0}$. That is, we want to find the information projection</p>
<p>$$\inf_{z\in \mathcal H_{\mu_0}} D_{KL}(\mu^z||\mu_0)=\inf_{z\in \mathcal H_{\mu_0}} E_{\mu^z} \left(\log \left(\frac{d\mu^z}{d\mu^\ast}\right)\right).$$</p>
<p>We relate this information projection to a mode computation, to an ``open loop" control problem, and to a variational formulation leading to an Euler-Lagrange equation. Furthermore, we use this relationship to establish a kind of Feynman-Kac theorem for systems of ordinary differential equations. We demonstrate that the solution to a system of second order linear ordinary differential equations is the mode of a diffusion, analogous to the result of Feynman-Kac for parabolic partial differential equations. </p>
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Existence of solutions for stochastic Navier-Stokes alpha and Leray alpha models of fluid turbulence and their relations to the stochastic Navier-Stokes equationsDeugoue, Gabriel 16 June 2011 (has links)
In this thesis, we investigate the stochastic three dimensional Navier-Stokes-∝ model and the stochastic three dimensional Leray-∝ model which arise in the modelling of turbulent flows of fluids. We prove the existence of probabilistic weak solutions for the stochastic three dimensional Navier-Stokes-∝ model. Our model contains nonlinear forcing terms which do not satisfy the Lipschitz conditions. We also discuss the uniqueness. The proof of the existence combines the Galerkin approximation and the compactness method. We also study the asymptotic behavior of weak solutions to the stochastic three dimensional Navier-Stokes-∝ model as ∝ approaches zero in the case of periodic box. Our result provides a new construction of the weak solutions for the stochastic three dimensional Navier-Stokes equations as approximations by sequences of solutions of the stochastic three dimensional Navier-Stokes-∝ model. Finally, we prove the existence and uniqueness of strong solution to the stochastic three dimensional Leray-∝ equations under appropriate conditions on the data. This is achieved by means of the Galerkin approximation combines with the weak convergence methods. We also study the asymptotic behavior of the strong solution as alpha goes to zero. We show that a sequence of strong solution converges in appropriate topologies to weak solutions of the stochastic three dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. All the results in this thesis are new and extend works done by several leading experts in both deterministic and stochastic models of fluid dynamics. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Mathematics and Applied Mathematics / unrestricted
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On the Modelling of Stochastic Gradient Descent with Stochastic Differential EquationsLeino, Martin January 2023 (has links)
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is arguably the most important algorithm used in optimization problems for large-scale machine learning. Its behaviour has been studied extensively from the viewpoint of mathematical analysis and probability theory; it is widely held that in the limit where the learning rate in the algorithm tends to zero, a specific stochastic differential equation becomes an adequate model of the dynamics of the algorithm. This study exhibits some of the research in this field by analyzing the application of a recently proven theorem to the problem of tensor principal component analysis. The results, originally discovered in an article by Gérard Ben Arous, Reza Gheissari and Aukosh Jagannath from 2022, illustrate how the phase diagram of functions of SGD differ in the high-dimensional regime from that of the classical fixed-dimensional setting.
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Optimal consumption--investment problems under time-varying incomplete preferencesXia, Weixuan 12 May 2023 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to develop a martingale-type solution to optimal consumption--investment choice problems ([Merton, 1969] and [Merton, 1971]) under time-varying incomplete preferences driven by externalities such as patience, socialization effects, and market volatility. The market is composed of multiple risky assets and multiple consumption goods, while in addition there are multiple fluctuating preference parameters with inexact values connected to imprecise tastes. Utility maximization becomes a multi-criteria problem with possibly function-valued criteria. To come up with a complete characterization of the solutions, first we motivate and introduce a set-valued stochastic process for the dynamics of multi-utility indices and formulate the optimization problem in a topological vector space. Then, we modify a classical scalarization method allowing for infiniteness and randomness in dimensions and prove results of equivalence to the original problem. Illustrative examples are given to demonstrate practical interests and method applicability progressively. The link between the original problem and a dual problem is also discussed, relatively briefly. Finally, by using Malliavin calculus with stochastic geometry, we find optimal investment policies to be generally set-valued, each of whose selectors admits a four-way decomposition involving an additional indecisiveness risk-hedging portfolio. Our results touch on new directions for optimal consumption--investment choices in the presence of incomparability and time inconsistency, also signaling potentially testable assumptions on the variability of asset prices. Simulation techniques for set-valued processes are studied for how solved optimal policies can be computed in practice. / 2025-05-12T00:00:00Z
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A Comparative Study on Methods for Stochastic Number GenerationShenoi, Sangeetha Chandra January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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An existence result from the theory of fluctuating hydrodynamics of polymers in dilute solutionMcKinley, Scott Alister 08 August 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Comparative Statics Analysis of Some Operations Management ProblemsZeng, Xin 19 September 2012 (has links)
We propose a novel analytic approach for the comparative statics analysis of operations management problems on the capacity investment decision and the influenza (flu) vaccine composition decision. Our approach involves exploiting the properties of the underlying mathematical models, and linking those properties to the concept of stochastic orders relationship. The use of stochastic orders allows us to establish our main results without restriction to a specific distribution. A major strength of our approach is that it is "scalable," i.e., it applies to capacity investment decision problem with any number of non-independent (i.e., demand or resource sharing) products and resources, and to the influenza vaccine composition problem with any number of candidate strains, without a corresponding increase in computational effort. This is unlike the current approaches commonly used in the operations management literature, which typically involve a parametric analysis followed by the use of the implicit function theorem. Providing a rigorous framework for comparative statics analysis, which can be applied to other problems that are not amenable to traditional parametric analysis, is our main contribution.
We demonstrate this approach on two problems: (1) Capacity investment decision, and (2) influenza vaccine composition decision. A comparative statics analysis is integral to the study of these problems, as it allows answers to important questions such as, "does the firm acquire more or less of the different resources available as demand uncertainty increases? does the firm benefit from an increase in demand uncertainty? how does the vaccine composition change as the yield uncertainty increases?" Using our proposed approach, we establish comparative statics results on how the newsvendor's expected profit and optimal capacity decision change with demand risk and demand dependence in multi-product multi-resource newsvendor networks; and how the societal vaccination benefit, the manufacturer's profit, and the vaccine output change with the risk of random yield of strains. / Ph. D.
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