Spelling suggestions: "subject:"stranger"" "subject:"étranger""
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”Straffen biter inte på de gängkriminella som de gör på oss andra” : En diskursanalys av hur unga gängkriminella framställs inom FlashbacktrådarAndersson, Agnes, Nordén Ramos, Emili January 2024 (has links)
Vår uppsats undersöker hur unga gängkriminella framställs på sociala medieforumet ”Flashback”, vilka subjektifierande effekter som uppstår inom diskursen såväl som vilka kriminalpolitiska åtgärder som aktualiseras utifrån dessa effekter. Vårt material omfattas av fyra trådar bestående av 198 kommentarer från plattformen som samtliga berör ungas involvering i gängkriminalitet. Vi belyser både det internationella liksom det nationella forskningsfältet, som alla berör konstruktionen av sociala samhällsproblem i relation till unga, invandrare och gängkriminella. I studien använder vi oss av paraplybegreppet andrefiering i dess allmänhet såväl som Garlands kriminalpolitiska utgångspunkter kring “självets kriminologi” respektive “kriminologin om den Andre”, för att förklara våra upptäckter. I trådarna åberopas det att Sverige numer blivit otryggt. Problemframställningen av unga gängkriminella förhåller sig inte särskilt mycket kring ungdomar, utan i stället är det invandrare och vänsterblockets politik som främst diskuteras vara orsaken till problemet. I framställningen av unga gängkriminella görs antagandet att de huvudsakligen är invandrarmän, vilka andrefieras i diskursen. Dessa tillskrivs stereotypiska egenskaper, som antas vara medfödda eller religiöst påverkade. Således konstrueras invandrare som ociviliserade gentemot den civiliserade svensken. I trådarna på Flashback åberopas straffåtgärder i form av förlängd inkapacitering och utvisning men även extremare våldsamma förslag tas upp, i form av tortyr och avrättning. Förslagen för hårdare tag grundar sig i en demoniserande porträttering av invandrare, då de upplevs ha orsakat den otrygghet i Sverige som åberopas i trådarna och att allt fler unga involveras inom gängkriminaliteten.
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Couples experiences of stranger rape : a systemic perspectiveBosman, Marina January 2009 (has links)
Dissertation / The impact of stranger rape on the victim and those close to the victim is widely researched. However,
little data is available on couples’ experiences of stranger rape and their relationships in the aftermath
of such trauma. The researcher aimed to explore and gain an in-depth understanding of the unique
experiences and relationship dynamics of couples dealing with stranger rape in order to enhance what
is known about these couples. A qualitative research methodology was employed which consisted of
conducting unstructured in-depth interviews with each of the three participant couples as well as
obtaining individual written reflections from each participant. The study explicated unique descriptions
of each couple’s experience of stranger rape, illuminated the interconnectedness and recursiveness
between the rape and the couples’ relational and system dynamics and identified possible systemic
effects at play in these couples’ relationships in the aftermath of such trauma.
Key terms: stranger rape, couples, post-traumatic stress disorder, relational dynamics, systems, family
systems theory, qualitative research, hermeneutics, social constructionism, postmodernism / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)
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The God of all the Earth : contextual theology in a globalizing world : the example of KoreaHwang, Namduk January 2013 (has links)
Korea became a multicultural society through the influx of foreigners: migrant workers, international married couples, foreign students, and naturalized citizens. This social change challenges Korean churches to reflect on their mission styles and theology. The theology of the welcomed stranger is a theological response to the Korean context, requiring a profound understanding of globalization and migration. It focuses mainly on the lives of migrant workers in Korea and suggests a model of settlement for both Koreans and migrant workers for peaceful living while exploring a community of toleration, friendship, and harmony for co-existence and emphasizing social justice for the poor and marginalized. Interfaith dialogue between Korean churches and migrant workers is also an important facet of this theology. The introduction outlines my personal life story in relation to Minjung theology and the theology of the wanderer as preconditions to the theology of the welcomed stranger. Chapter One explains the theological responses to globalization and the context of globalization and migration while researching the role of international economic institutions and international laws for migrant workers and their families. Chapter Two explores the situation of migrant workers in Korea, especially women, while highlighting the work of Korean NGOs working for migrant workers and showing the viewpoints of NGO staff on globalization. Chapter Three reflects on Minjung theology and suggests its new responsibility in the era of globalization. Chapter Four considers the theology of the wanderer, comparing it with Minjung theology. Chapter Five outlines the theology of the welcomed stranger and argues for the virtue of a multicultural society, challenging Korean churches to understand the social reality of migrant workers and accepting them as “welcomed stranger.” Chapter Six emphasizes interfaith dialogue and relations between Korean churches and migrant workers, examining the religious context of Korea and the historical background of the Korean church. This chapter also provides the viewpoints of NGO staff in Korea on interfaith dialogue, supporting Korean churches and migrant workers to work together for the realization of a “basic human community,” which I understand as a response to the idea of the kingdom of God.
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Couples experiences of stranger rape : a systemic perspectiveBosman, Marina January 2009 (has links)
Dissertation / The impact of stranger rape on the victim and those close to the victim is widely researched. However,
little data is available on couples’ experiences of stranger rape and their relationships in the aftermath
of such trauma. The researcher aimed to explore and gain an in-depth understanding of the unique
experiences and relationship dynamics of couples dealing with stranger rape in order to enhance what
is known about these couples. A qualitative research methodology was employed which consisted of
conducting unstructured in-depth interviews with each of the three participant couples as well as
obtaining individual written reflections from each participant. The study explicated unique descriptions
of each couple’s experience of stranger rape, illuminated the interconnectedness and recursiveness
between the rape and the couples’ relational and system dynamics and identified possible systemic
effects at play in these couples’ relationships in the aftermath of such trauma.
Key terms: stranger rape, couples, post-traumatic stress disorder, relational dynamics, systems, family
systems theory, qualitative research, hermeneutics, social constructionism, postmodernism / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)
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The unique experiences of Maori adoptive mothers in the 'closed stranger' adoption system : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Psychology, Massey University, Palmerston North, Aotearoa/New ZealandPerkins, Valerie Maruru January 2009 (has links)
'Closed stranger' adoption in Aotearoa / New Zealand from approximately 1940 to 1990 involved the practice of a complete break between the birth mother and her child and the legal transfer of the child to adoptive parents. In Aotearoa / New Zealand between 1940 and 1990, 108,899 adoptions took place, and most consisted of ‘closed stranger’ adoptions. These adoptions have caused much joy as well as some heartache for parties involved in the experience namely, birth mothers, adoptees and adoptive mothers and their whānau. This thesis reports original research which aims to investigate the unique experiences of Māori adoptive mothers in the 'closed stranger' adoption period and enable the impact of legal adoption on these Māori women who have not previously warranted research, to be valued. A qualitative methodology, Māori-centred research and unstructured kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) interviews were utilized to gather data from six Māori adoptive mothers. The intention of Māori centred research as its name suggests, is to locate Māori people and Māori knowledge at the centre of the research action. A thematic analysis utilizing interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was used. The unique experiences of Māori women legally adopting in the ‘closed stranger’ adoption system were about whānau business, and grouped under that superordinate theme were experiences of ‘not blood’, land succession, naming and caring for whānau. The stigma of adoption resonated throughout the women’s narratives. As well, most of these Māori adoptive mothers found that they experienced ‘closed stranger’ adoption as a ‘rollercoaster of emotions’.
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Minulý čas v díle Alberta Camuse z hlediska překladu / Past tense in the works of Albert Camus in terms of translationGeierová, Marie January 2015 (has links)
The master's thesis examines the meaning of the past tenses used by Albert Camus in his novels The Stranger and The Fall and the possibility of their transfer to Czech. The present thesis takes a theoretical and empirical approach. The theoretical part provides an overview of the French past tenses and their meanings and deals with their functions within the narrative text. It also attempts to express the specific use of French past tenses in Camus's works analysed. The thesis does not omit describe the possibilities that the Czech language has to express the past. The empirical part is devoted to the analysis of the existing Czech translations of the novels The Stranger and The Fall with an emphasis on capturing the meanings of the past tenses defined in the theoretical part. Using the Czech translations, it seeks ways of creating equivalent effects in Czech and compares the translators' approaches. Key words: the role of the past tenses in the narrative text, passé composé, passé simple, imparfait, plus-que-parfait, Albert Camus, The Stranger, The Fall
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Poétique du vivant et du mythe chez Marcel Moreau. La voix de l'Étrangeté : de l'organique au mythologique / The poetics of life and myth in Marcel Moreau’s work. The voice of strangeness : from an organic to a mythological dimensionJobard, Antoine 03 September 2016 (has links)
C’est à l’écart de tous et de tout que s’est toujours tenu Marcel Moreau, écrivain aux chairs habitées d’un corps verbal. Son œuvre en témoigne par sa monstrueuse densité: plus d’une soixantaine de livres en cinquante années. L’objet de cette thèse sera de définir sa poétique du corps tout en prenant en compte ses refus du classifiable et la mise en place d’une mythologie intime le dépassant. Engageant directement le lecteur, son écriture l’insère dans une relation tragique au dehors et au-dedans de lui-même, rendu à un réel libéré de toute passivité. Une approche biographique s’impose donc en ce qu’elle implique étymologiquement le vivant dans l’écriture. Aussi, si son utilisation de la langue française s’ancre profondément dans son organisme, elle forme une voix de l’Étrangeté disloquant toute idée de frontière – littéraire, géographique, générique, ou physique. Le langage devient réappropriation du pulsionnel, réhabilitation de ce qui est perçu comme irrationnel. Rendre leur force aux mots invite à inverser les perspectives et à réaliser que c’est la perception de l’étrange, le concevoir autre, qui ouvre à ce que l’on est, à la complexité panique du monde. Les instincts éclairés, c’est-à-dire acceptés en tant qu’origine des tremblements de la chair et de la pensée, relèvent plus d’une cruelle lucidité face aux chaos de la nature et de soi, que d’un simple amas incontrôlable et mauvais. Lorsque la parole renoue avec sa violence, qui est puissance fondatrice, elle nous renvoie aux structures mythiques engendrant nos littératures, mais aussi à la place de l’écrivain, de la parole poétique faisant lien et liane avec nos représentations du vivant au sein de la communauté. / Marcel Moreau has always stood aside from the dominant thought of his age. He is incarnated and possessed by words, what he calls his “verbal body”. His work indeed shows a monstrous density: more than sixty books in fifty years. This thesis will attempt to define the poetics of the body while taking into consideration the building up of an intimate mythology that goes beyond himself, and beyond his rejection of any label. His writing directly engages the reader and integrates him in a tragic relation with his inner and outer self, sending him back into a reanimated passivity reality. A biographical approach is necessary because the Living is etymologically implied in the act of Writing. Thus, if the way he uses French is deeply embedded in his own organism, it creates a “voice of Strangeness” that dislocates the mere idea of frontiers – in literature, geography, genres, or even biology. Impulses finally express themselves through this poetical language, along with what is considered irrational. Words are living things whose strength can utterly change our cognitive structures. In Marcel Moreau’s mind, one is able to open up to what he is and to the panicked complexity of the world surrounding him thanks to his perception of strangeness and otherness. The writer aims at enlightening his instincts, as they are the origin of trembling flesh and trembling thought, even though they carry a charge of cruel lucidity within them. When speech bonds with its original violence, it brings us back to the mythical structures that created our literatures, but also to the condition of the writer and to the poetical language that binds our community together with its multiplicities.
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Waltariho Cizinec přichází: srovnání překladu V. Skaličky (1941) a J. P. Velkoborského (2005) / Waltari's A Stranger Came to the Farm: a Comparison of Translation by V. Skalička (1941) and J. P. Velkoborský (2005)Kalábová, Hana January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the comparison of the two Czech translations of the book A Stranger Came to the Farm by Mika Waltari. The first translation was made by Vladimír Skalička in 1941 and the second one by Jan Petr Velkoborský in 2005. The thesis is divided into two main parts, a theoretical part and an analysis. The purpose of the theoretical part is to introduce the reader to Mika Waltari, both translators and the original book. I also briefly write about the translation theory. The analysis deals with lots of problems. One of them is the translation of the title and names. I am also interested in creativity of the translators, in the lexical richness of the adaptations and in their mistakes as well. I also show the difference in the approach of literal and free translation. Another big problem this thesis deals with is which text was the source for work of Velkoborský, because in his time there were two Finnish versions with small differences in them and also Skalička's interpretation already existed.
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Waltariho Cizinec přichází: srovnání překladu V. Skaličky (1941) a J. P. Velkoborského (2005) / Waltari's A Stranger Came to the Farm: a Comparison of Translation by V. Skalička (1941) and J. P. Velkoborský (2005)Kalábová, Hana January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the comparison of the two Czech translations of the book A Stranger Came to the Farm by Mika Waltari. The first translation was made by Vladimír Skalička in 1941 and the second one by Jan Petr Velkoborský in 2005. The thesis is divided into two main parts, a theoretical part and an analysis. The purpose of the theoretical part is to introduce the reader to Mika Waltari, both translators and the original book. I also briefly write about the translation theory. The analysis deals with lots of problems. One of them is the translation of the title and names. I am also interested in creativity of the translators, in the lexical richness of the adaptations and in their mistakes as well. I also show the difference in the approach of literal and free translation. Another big problem this thesis deals with is which text was the source for work of Velkoborský, because in his time there were two Finnish versions with small differences in them and also Skalička's interpretation already existed.
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Utforskning av en moders ilska genom klipptempo och en timer : En kvalitativ studie av Köksscenerna i TV-serien The Bear / Exploration of a mother’s anger through editing tempo and a timer : A qualitative study of the kitchen scenes in the TV-series The BearLe, Emilia January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats utforskar förhållandet mellan filmtekniska aspekter av klipptempo och en mors ilska i avsnitt 6 Fishes av TV-serien The Bear. Genom en kvalitativ analys, med en kvantitativ tabell som bas, granskas avsnittet med hjälp av semiotisk teori om symboler och genusteori om mom rage för att upptäcka kopplingar mellan timern som symbol och mammans ilska. Resultaten visar på en medveten användning av tempo och timer för att gestalta mammans stress och ilska. Användningen av tempo och timer i köksscenerna i The Bear bidrar till att skapa en känsla av intensitet och stress som speglar mammans upplevelse av händelserna. Detta dokument inkluderar även en designdokumentation vid namn Stranger Things - en titelsekvens som var en del av examensarbetet för Visuell kommunikation. Projektet är en animation på hur en titelsekvens till TV-serien Stranger Things hade kunnat se ut. Designdokumentationen börjar från sida 31. / This paper explores the relationship between filmic aspects of editing pace and a mother's anger in Episode 6, Fishes, of the TV series The Bear. Through a qualitative analysis, supported by a quantitative table, the episode is examined using semiotic theory of symbols and gender theory of mom rage to uncover connections between the timer as a symbol and the mother's anger. The findings demonstrate a deliberate use of tempo and timer to portray the mother's stress and anger. The utilization of tempo and timer in the kitchen scenes of The Bear contributes to creating a sense of intensity and stress that mirrors the mother's experience of the events.
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