Spelling suggestions: "subject:"stranger"" "subject:"étranger""
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The value of docket analysis in stranger rape investigations : a case study in Port ElizabethVan der Watt, Marcel 11 1900 (has links)
In this research docket analysis is evaluated as an investigative tool in stranger rape cases. Owing
to the fact that serial rapists mostly reside within the category of stranger rape cases, the
researcher attempted to test the value of docket analysis in the identification of patterns and
similarities among such cases which could be indicative of serial rape activity. A rape matrix was
used as a docket analysis tool to analyse the content of 184 stranger rape cases which was closed
as ‘undetected’. In addition to investigative shortcomings in the case dockets, the researcher
identified 15 stranger rape cases which presented six unique patterns among them. These
identified patterns could be indicative of serial rape activity. / Criminology / M.Tech. (Forensic Investigation)
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Revoltující člověk v próze Graciliana Ramose / The Rebel in Graciliano Ramos 'prose worksHomolková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The main objective of this research is to study the affinities between Brazilian writer Graciliano Ramos (1892-1953) and French philosopher and writer Albert Camus (1913-1961). More precisely, we tend to explores the reflections of camusian revolt in three Ramos' prose works: Barren Lives (1938), Anguish (1936) and São Bernardo (1933). The literary and philosophical direction of existentialism is outlined at the beginning of the thesis. Therefore, the first chapter is devoted to an explanation of Camusian existentialism and his philosophical concept of revolt, not only in his philosophical works, but also in his novels. The subsequent chapter focuses on the life and work of Graciliano Ramos. Thereafter the three aforementioned Ramos' novels are analyzed in order to uncover in them motives of existentialism solitude, anguish, revolt against society ─ all of the more or less interlinked by the problem of incommunicability. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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[pt] O estranhador é o estranho consiste na investigação do gênero narrativo denominado Estranho (Unheimliche), avançando para uma proposta de caracterização e ampliação do gênero a partir da identificação de sua poética. Nesta defesa, foram consideradas teorias e exemplos da literatura e do cinema e também conceitos fundamentais da psicanálise. / [en] The uncanny-er is the uncanny consists of an investigation of the narrative genre known as Uncanny (Unheimliche), culminating in a proposal of characterization and enlargement of the genre by identification of its poetics. In this dissertation, theories and examples from literature and cinema were taken into account, as well as fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis.
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Variace na téma venkovského sídla v britské literatuře od Forstera po Hollinghursta / The Country House Revisited: Variations on a Theme from Forster to HollinghurstTopolovská, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation aims to provide an insight into English country house fiction by twentieth and twenty-first century authors, such as E.M. Forster, Evelyn Waugh, Iris Murdoch, Alan Hollinghurst, and Sarah Waters. The variety of literary depictions of the country house reflects the physical diversification of the buildings in question, from smaller variants to formerly grand residences on the brink of physical collapse. The country house is explored within the wider social and cultural contexts of the period, including contemporary architectural development. Given the exceptionally evocative and integrating properties that the influential theories of Martin Heidegger and Gaston Bachelard attribute to a house in general, it is unsurprising that the concept of the country house has inspired discussion of such a wide spectrum of topics. Its unique centring quality is echoed in the dense intertextuality prominently marking its literary representations, and enables the successful implementation of various temporal idiosyncrasies, which often set the house apart from the habitual passing of time. Within the scope of contemporary fiction, architecture and poetics of space, the country house accentuates different conceptions of dwelling. Consequently, the literary portrayals of the country house can be...
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The value of docket analysis in stranger rape investigations : a case study in Port ElizabethVan der Watt, Marcel 11 1900 (has links)
In this research docket analysis is evaluated as an investigative tool in stranger rape cases. Owing
to the fact that serial rapists mostly reside within the category of stranger rape cases, the
researcher attempted to test the value of docket analysis in the identification of patterns and
similarities among such cases which could be indicative of serial rape activity. A rape matrix was
used as a docket analysis tool to analyse the content of 184 stranger rape cases which was closed
as ‘undetected’. In addition to investigative shortcomings in the case dockets, the researcher
identified 15 stranger rape cases which presented six unique patterns among them. These
identified patterns could be indicative of serial rape activity. / Criminology and Security Science / M.Tech. (Forensic Investigation)
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Discours, intertextualite et altérité dans "Pourquoi as-tu laissé le cheval à sa solitude ?" de Mahmoud Darwich / Discourse, intertextuality and otherness in "Why did you leave the horse alone" of Mahmoud DarwichAmayra, Mahmoud 03 July 2019 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur l’analyse du discours identitaire du recueil Pourquoi as-tu laissé le cheval à sa solitude ? de Mahmoud Darwich à savoir la nature de la relation que le Moi (celui de Mahmoud Darwich) entretient avec le Moi de l’Autre. Autrement dit, le recueil en question ressemble à un dialogue où le même et l’autre se plongent dans un discours à titre argumentatif. La réponse à la question de la relation entre les deux parties du dialogue est abordée, premièrement, d’un point de vue thématique/théorique : la présentation de la figure emblématique du Moi darwichien perçu en tant qu’un, ayant une identité personnelle, culturelle, sociale et nationale, différente de celle dont dispose l’autre un (celui de l’Autre). Deuxièmement, d’un point de vue pratique, le type de relation entre les deux côtés a été montré à travers l’analyse du corpus du recueil se composant de six groupes. / This study focuses on the analysis of identity discourse of Darwich’s collection : Why did you leave the horse alone? in order to know the nature of relationship that the me of Darwich maintains with the me of the Other. In other words, our collection looks like a “dialogue” where the me of Darwich and the me of the Other plunge into an argumentative discourse. To answer our question about the relationship between the two parts of dialogue, we have firstly chosen a theoretical approach: the presentation of the emblematic figure of Darwich perceived as one, having a personal, cultural, social and national identity, different from the identity of the other one. Secondly, through a practical point of view, the type of relationship between the two sides has been shown through the analysis of the corpus consisting of six groups.
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Le voci di Camus tra soggettività e ritraduzioneSanseverino, Giulio 30 September 2022 (has links)
In quanto poiesi ibrida sul piano estetico e culturale, frutto della duplice enunciazione di autore e traduttore, oltre che di numerosi interventi intermedi da parte di agenti esterni, il testo letterario tradotto racchiude un dialogo umbratile (Prete 2011) che, se studiato da vicino, può rivelare l’irriducibilità del testo originario in quei suoi tratti di plasticità semantica (Hawthorne 2006) che varcano le frontiere linguistiche e temporali di un canone per confluire, tramite nuove parole, in un altro. In prospettiva diacronica, un simile dialogo si compone di molte voci, ognuna delle quali acquista senso sia nella catena di traduzioni che nel tempo rende fruibili differenti interpretazioni del testo e poetiche del tradurre, sia in quanto complemento concreto dell’ininterrotto lavoro di analisi critica compiuto sul testo dopo la comparsa dell’opera originale.
Partendo da queste premesse, il progetto di ricerca prende le mosse dalla recente comparsa, sul mercato editoriale italiano, delle ritraduzioni de L’Étranger (1942) e La Peste (1947) di Albert Camus per i tipi Bompiani: Lo Straniero (2015), ad opera di Sergio Claudio Perroni, e La Peste (2017) di Yasmina Melaouah, che dopo parecchi decenni avviano infine un dialogo con le prime traduzioni, rispettivamente di Alberto Zevi (1947) e Beniamino Dal Fabbro (1948). L’obiettivo è quello di esporre alcune delle forme di somiglianza e divergenza dalle quali sia possibile sondare la postura traduttiva dei rispettivi autori, che su quei testi hanno proiettato inevitabilmente una propria concezione del tradurre, una storia, una poetica individuale, nondimeno figlia del proprio tempo, ossia radicata in un sistema culturale retto da norme linguistiche, editoriali e traduttive con le quali la voce del singolo deve necessariamente misurarsi.
Attraverso una metodologia eclettica che si muove tra la stilistica, la semiotica, la linguistica e la narratologia delle forme letterarie, il confronto analitico condotto tra le prime e la seconde traduzioni delinea i profili di lavoro dei quattro traduttori seguendo tre principali direttrici di indagine: in primo luogo, verificare le eventuali discordanze tra le rispettive dichiarazioni paratestuali (reperite in pre/postfazioni, note alla traduzione, saggi, interviste, diari di bordo, etc.) a proposito della strategia adottata e gli esiti dell’operato concreto sui testi; in secondo luogo, esaminare l’imprescindibile manifestarsi in diacronia delle norme traduttive operanti all’atto del tradurre ma attraverso il filtro delle voci individuali, che si sono espresse sotto l’influenza di vincoli differenti e in momenti distinti della vita di questi testi, contribuendo alla loro longevità; infine, testare l’adeguatezza della cosiddetta Retranlsation Hypohtesis avanzata da Berrman e Bensimon (1990) e poi formalizzata in anni più recenti da Chesterman (2000).
L’indagine ha dunque interessato tanto i paratesti reperibili che fossero latori di una certa concezione del tradurre, quanto una moltitudine di passi topici estratti dalle tre versioni (i due testi di partenza e i quattro d’arrivo) de L’Étranger e de La Peste che, messi in parallelo, fungessero sul piano quantitativo e qualitativo da campo di ispezione sensibile della realizzazione dei comportamenti individuali. Questi ultimi sono stati studiati per mezzo di un modello analitico fondato, da una parte, sull’isotopia come strumento di coerenza testuale; dall’altra, sulla distinzione tra shift opzionali, obbligatori e non-shifts quale nervo scoperto del processo traduttivo (Pekkanen 2010), accogliendo inoltre proposte molteplici riguardo agli strumenti di descrizione traduttiva (Vinay e Darbelnet 1958; Murtisari 2013; Dussart 2005; Ladmiral 1979, 1997; Harvey 1995).
I risultati dell’analisi sono eterogenei e non conformi alla Retranslation Hypothesis. La predominanza del letteralismo nelle prime traduzioni difficilmente si concilia con quello sforzo di acclimatazione rivolto al lettore d’arrivo che l’ipotesi assegnerebbe sistematicamente alle prime traduzioni-introduzioni, benché l’attitudine assimilatrice si rilevi nel conformismo ad alcuni imperativi culturali ed editoriali dell’epoca (l’italianizzazione onomastica; la tendenza interpuntiva nel segno dell’ipotassi; la nobilitazione del lessico). Allo stesso tempo, le due ritraduzioni, pur con spirito assai diverso e sebbene risultino in effetti più attente alle peculiarità stilistiche dei rispettivi prototesti (come vorrebbe l’ipotesi), non adottano tuttavia procedimenti che esibiscano, senza una motivazione fondata, l’alterità del testo straniero, che anzi tendono a naturalizzare in senso fraseologico, senza per questo snaturarlo. Se di miglioramento si possa parlare all’infuori dell’evoluzione dei parametri estetici tra le due epoche (fine anni ’40 del Novecento e metà degli anni ’10 del nuovo millennio), esso andrà riconosciuto, da una parte, nell’integrità oggettivamente superiore delle ritraduzioni in termini di completezza testuale e riproduzione degli stilemi – dato che nelle prime non mancano transfert imprecisi, incompleti o scorretti dovuti a calchi strutturali o lessicali, falsi amici e interpretazioni contrarie al senso degli enunciati; dall’altra parte, le migliorie vanno attribuite senza ombra di dubbio alla professionalizzazione del mestiere e a una maggiore competenza dei ritraduttori come lettori modello dei testi affrontati, che hanno potuto studiare grazie a una straordinaria disponibilità di strumenti critici non esistenti all’epoca delle prime traduzioni. Ciò sembra aver permesso loro di scandagliare le tecniche narrative e le isotopie più significative così da porle come dominanti del proprio lavoro. / Cette étude envisage les retraductions littéraires comme les étapes d'un parcours où chaque manifestation textuelle est le résultat unique de la rencontre entre les nécessités historico-culturelles qui l'ont déterminée et la poétique de l'individu qui la prend en charge en tant que médiateur. Contre l'hypothèse de la retraduction avancée par Berman et Bensimon (1990), formalisée ensuite par Chesterman (2000) et préconisant une perspective logocentrique en dehors de l'expérience concrète de la retraduction - à savoir une progression à rebours vers la lettre du texte source - la ligne de recherche adoptée ici adhère à une idée moins déterministe de l'évaluation des séries de retraduction, afin d'étudier leurs inévitables différences internes, également dans un sens positif, à la lumière tant des nombreux facteurs qui les influencent que de l'herméneutique subjective de ceux qui les réalisent. La comparaison analytique menée entre la première et la deuxième traduction de L'Étranger (1942) et de La Peste (1947) d'Albert Camus permet ainsi de délimiter les profils de travail des quatre traducteurs en suivant deux lignes principales d'investigation : d'une part, elle vérifie les éventuelles divergences entre les déclarations paratextuelles respectives (trouvées dans les pré/postfaces, les notes de traduction, les essais, les entretiens, etc.) concernant la stratégie adoptée et les résultats du travail concret sur les textes ; d'autre part, elle examine l'inévitable manifestation en diachronie des normes de traduction opérant au moment de la traduction, mais à travers le filtre des voix individuelles qui se sont exprimées sous l'influence de différentes contraintes et à des moments distincts de la vie de ces textes, contribuant à leur longévité. Les résultats de l'analyse sont hétérogènes et non conformes à l'hypothèse de retraduction. La prédominance du littéralisme dans les premières traductions est difficilement conciliable avec l'effort d'acclimatation vers le lecteur cible que l'hypothèse attribuerait systématiquement aux premières traductions-introductions, bien que l'attitude assimilatrice se révèle dans le conformisme à certains impératifs culturels et éditoriaux de l'époque (italianisation onomastique ; tendance interponctive sous le signe de l'hypotaxe ; ennoblissement du lexique). En même temps, les deux retraductions, bien que dans un esprit très différent et bien qu'elles soient effectivement plus attentives aux particularités stylistiques de leurs proto-textes respectifs (comme le voudrait l'hypothèse), n'adoptent pas pour autant des procédés qui exhibent, sans motivation fondée, l'altérité du texte étranger, qu'elles tendent plutôt à naturaliser dans un sens phraséologique, sans pour autant le dénaturer. Si l'on peut parler d'amélioration en dehors de l'évolution des paramètres esthétiques entre les deux époques (fin des années 1940 et milieu des années 2010), il faut la reconnaître, le cas échéant, dans l'intégrité objectivement supérieure des retraductions en termes de complétude textuelle et de reproduction stylistique - étant donné que les premières ne manquent pas de transferts imprécis, incomplets ou incorrects dus à des calques structuraux ou lexicaux, des faux amis et des interprétations contraires au sens des énoncés. Par ailleurs, les améliorations sont sans doute à attribuer à la professionnalisation du métier et à la plus grande compétence des retraducteurs en tant que lecteurs modèles des textes abordés, qu'ils ont pu étudier grâce à une extraordinaire disponibilité d'outils critiques qui n'existaient pas à l'époque des premières traductions. Cela leur a permis de sonder les techniques narratives et les isotopies les plus significatives afin de les rendre dominantes dans leurs propres œuvres.
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Návrat do lůna kmene: Tendence v současné kultuře / Back to the Tribe's Womb: Tendencies in Contemporary CultureDvořák, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Michel Maffesoli and Zygmunt Bauman add the traits of Benjamin's flâneur to the (neo-)nomad, namely his "flâneur" gaze and his relation to commodities. But in the concept of nomad these traits gain specific nature - on the field of fashion they transform nomad into migrant, who is capable of creative work with vanitas. Nomad as a travelling flâneur is a stranger-guest and becomes a tourist, willingly getting lost in the city and voluntarily being surprised by unexpected encounters. Tourists relation to his memories could be described with Benjamin's description of mémoire involontaire as a revived punctum. A tourist prepares his memories like a nicely descending ruins. Souvenir is his materialised memory. It's not only a duplicated plastic Eiffel tower, but a magic artifact. It's a collective aura, what's on Benjamin's mind when he writes about aura regression. The private aura comes instead, turning things to talismans, reenchanting the world. The era of postmechanical reproduction reminds one, that there is a way to reproduce not just mechanically but biologically: a bricolage remix is made. Souvenirs descend and take shape of hommogenic rummage which reveals the fundamental form of postmodern metamorphosis: recyclation. This metamorphosis can finally be used when analyzing the settler turn into nomad...
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Devenir lecteur des référents culturels dans l'œuvre du poète européen Guillermo Carnero / To become a reader of the cultural references in the work of the european poet Guillermo CarneroGuillaume, Catherine 16 November 2018 (has links)
Le poète européen Guillermo Carnero, dit ‘novísimo’, publie ses premiers poèmes dans l’Espagne du franquisme tardif des années 70 du siècle dernier et se fait alors connaître du grand public par son oeuvre phare Dibujo de la muerte. Auteur de onze livres, il poursuit l’élaboration de son oeuvres piralaire jusqu’au dernier recueil en date, Carta florentina, publié en 2018, tout en conduisant une carrière universitaire en tant que professeur de littérature à l’université d’Alicante. Souffrant d’une réception souvent figée par les figures de réception imposées de l’historiographie littéraire, la signifiance de cette oeuvre, réputée difficile, ne fut que trop rarement mise en évidence malgré la parution d’essais européens. Or, le poète, lecteur et érudit cosmopolite amoureux des arts et des cultures exprime dans sa poésie une intime relation au monde grâce à une relation dialogique avec le référent culturel, qui y occupe une place centrale en tant qu’axe fondateur autour duquel s’articulent l’expression de l’émotion poétique et la réflexion sur la création. L’hybridité constitutive du tissage de l’insaisissable ordonné de cette oeuvre poétique induit chez le lecteur une réception engagée et une itinérance au sein des univers culturels propres à l’auteur. Ainsi se met en oeuvre la médiation humaniste entre le poète et son lecteur grâce à la prégnance du référent culturel mobilisé pour dire l’intime d’un douloureux rapport au monde. Cette médiation humaniste facteur de connaissance de soiest ici conduite hors de toute recherche d’intertextualité mais laisse place à l’écriture de l’émotion à l’oeuvre, saisie dans l’instantanéité des ambivalences d’une insaisissable voix poématique / The European poet Guillermo Carnero, known as 'novísimo', published his first poems in late Franco's Spain in the 1970s and became known to the general public with his flagship work Dibujode la muerte. Author of eleven books, he continues the development of his spiral work until the latest collection, Carta florentina, published in 2018, while conducting an academic career as a professor of literature at the University of Alicante. Suffering from a reception often frozen by the imposed reception figures of literary historiography, the significance of this work, reputed difficult, was only too rarely highlighted despite the publication of European essays. The poet, reader and cosmopolitan scholar inlove with the arts and cultures, expresses in his poetry an intimate relationship with the world through a dialogical relationship with the cultural referent, which occupies a central place there as a founding axis around which are articulated the expression of poetic emotion and reflection on creation. The hybridity that constitutes the weaving of the elusive order of this poetic work induces in the reader a committed reception and a roaming within the author's own cultural universes. Thus the humanist mediation between the poet and his reader is implemented thanks to the influence of the cultural referentmobilized to express the intimacy of a painful relationship with the world. This humanistic mediation, a factor of self-knowledge, is conducted here without any search for intertextuality but leaves room for the writing of emotion at work, captured in the instantaneity of the ambivalences of an elusive poematic voice.
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Hodnocení poskytování informací cizincům ze třetích zemí na trhu práce v České republice / Evaluation of providing information to third-countries foreigners by public sector in the labor market in the Czech RepublicValášková, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
The thesis "Evaluation of providing information to third-countries foreigners by public sector in the labor market in the Czech Republic" is primarily engaged in finding the level of information provided to third-countries foreigners in the Czech labor market, their content, distribution, institutional framework, availability, etc.. Despite the fact that the dynamics of inflow of foreign labor is greatly reduced, this process has still many problems and issues, especially in their conditions of employment. For foreigners who came to our area to find a job, they could be legitimately employed to meet the many obligations of the law. Do they receive information about these rules and responsibilities? This paper seeks to answer, which took aim is to determine what information to foreigners from third countries, the Czech labor market in the context of migration and integration policies, propose possible solutions in this area and analyze current state of economic activities of foreigners from third countries in the labor market in the CR (in the plane legislative, institutional). Furthermore, to determine the status and level of awareness and availability of information to third-country nationals in the labor market in a position to insure foreigners from third countries on the issue of awareness and...
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