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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of an iodine biofortification technique for fruit crops / Entwicklung einer Verfahrenstechnik zur Biofortifikation von Obstkulturen mit Iod

Budke, Christoph 26 October 2021 (has links)
Iodine is an essential nutrient for humans, which is often not ingested through food in adequate quantities. Currently, Germany is once again one of the countries in which there is an iodine deficiency in the population. Women between the ages of 20 and 40 are particularly affected, a critical situation since pregnant and lactating women have an increased iodine requirement. Iodization of table salt is a widely used prophylactic measure. However, this method is not sufficient and may become less important in the future if further dietary salt reduction occurs, as nutritionists are demanding. Alternative approaches are therefore needed to improve the supply. One of these approaches is the agronomic biofortification of food crops. In this process, iodine is applied via fertilization measures during the cultivation of the plants. This gives the plants the ability to take up the mineral, which is only available in the soil to a very limited extent. In recent years, many studies have been published on the biofortification of vegetables and cereals. Foliar fertilization measures have proven to be significantly more efficient than soil fertilization measures. Nevertheless, up to now few results are available on the biofortification of fruit crops. However, fruit is also important for a healthy diet and the iodine supply of humans can only be improved if as many iodine-rich foods as possible are available. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate iodine biofortification of berry and tree fruit species in more detail. In order to be able to achieve this objective, trials were performed over several years with strawberries, apple and pear trees. In addition to suitable application methods, the aim was to determine the iodine form (iodide and iodate) and the necessary iodine quantity. On the one hand, the measured iodine contents in the fruit and leaf tissue allowed conclusions to be drawn about the translocation of iodine in the plant. On the other hand, this made it possible to evaluate the basic suitability for iodine biofortification of the fruit crops investigated. Since iodine has a phytotoxic effect above a certain amount, the plant compatibility should also be tested. In addition, common household processing methods, such as washing or peeling the fruit, as well as fruit storage over several months, should provide information on the extent to which such measures could reduce the iodine content. Another study parameter was the soluble solids content, as there is evidence that iodine can affect the sugar content of fruit. Furthermore, a combined application of potassium nitrate and selenium was carried out and their influence on iodine and sugar content was investigated. Selenium is also an essential trace element, which is usually inadequately absorbed through the diet. The results of the investigations showed that it was possible, in principle, to raise the iodine content of strawberries, apples and pears to a level of 50 to 100 µg iodine per 100 g fresh mass. In the case of strawberries, however, this was only feasible if the plants were in their first year of cultivation and the iodine was applied by foliar fertilization shortly before harvest. In the 2nd and 3rd year of cultivation, the plants had a very dense canopy, which prevented direct wetting of the fruit. However, direct wetting of the fruit surface with the iodine solution is imperative, as this was the only way to achieve a reliably high iodine content in the fruit mass. Soil fertilization proved to be completely unsuitable in trials with strawberries and apple trees. The translocation of iodine after soil fertilization occurred mainly via the xylem transport into the strongly transpiring leaves and not into the fruits. In addition, compared to a foliar application, a significantly higher iodine application rate was required. Furthermore, experiments with apple trees cultivated in a plastic tunnel, protected from precipitation, showed that the iodine transfer via the phloem into the fruits was only marginal. With regard to the phytotoxic effect of iodine application, no consistent difference was observed between potassium iodide and potassium iodate. Both forms of iodine did not affect yield or average individual fruit weight. Damage to fruit was not observed in any variant. However, with increasing iodine levels, significant damage to leaves was noticeable. Apple and pear trees also showed early leaf fall. Iodide generally led to significantly higher iodine contents in the plant mass after foliar application, but this was also associated with high fluctuations. With iodate, it was possible to reliably achieve the targeted iodine content in the fruit mass of apple and pear trees with an application rate of 1.5 kg iodine per hectare and meter canopy height. Washing the fruit reduced the iodine content of strawberries by up to 30%. For apples and pears, this value was about 14% at harvest and about 12% after 3 months of storage. Peeled apples and pears showed a significantly reduced iodine content. 51% of the iodine in apples was bound in the fruit peel or the cuticular waxes. A reduction of 73% was determined for pears. Cold storage for 3 months resulted in a significant loss of iodine in parts of the apple peel. At this point, the release of volatile iodine compounds is probably the cause of the reduction. However, this would still have to be confirmed by further investigations. Iodine application had a negative effect on the soluble solids content of strawberries above a certain level. It was not possible to observe significant changes for pome fruit in the trials conducted. However, the application of potassium nitrate (alone and in combination with iodine) resulted in an increase. Iodine uptake remained unaffected by the combined application of potassium nitrate and selenium. However, it was shown that selenium has a comparable uptake and translocation pattern to iodine and that a combined biofortification with both minerals is, in principle, possible. Accordingly, apple and pear trees are well suited for biofortification with iodine by foliar fertilization. However, further trials in commercial orchards are necessary to implement this process. In the future, appropriately fortified fruit could make an important contribution to the alimentary iodine supply for humans.

Towards a Strawberry Harvest Prediction System Using Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Apitz, Andreas M 01 June 2018 (has links)
Farmers require advance notice when a harvest is approaching, so they can allocate resources and hire workers as efficiently as possible. Existing methods are subjective and labor intensive, and require the expertise of a professional forecaster. Cal Poly’s EE department has been collaborating with the Cal Poly Strawberry Center to investigate the potential in using digital imaging processing to predict harvests more reliably. This paper shows the progress of that ongoing project, as well as what aspects could still be improved. Three main blocks comprise this system: data acquisition, which obtains and catalogues images of the strawberry plants; computer vision, which extracts information from the images and constructs a time-series model of the field as a whole; and prediction, which uses the field’s history to guess when the most likely harvest window will be. The best method of data acquisition is determined through a decision matrix to be a small autonomous rover. Several challenges specific to images captured via drone, such as fisheye distortion and dirt masking, are examined and mitigated. Using thresholding, the nRGB color space is shown to be the most promising for image segmentation of red strawberries. Data from field 25 at the Cal Poly Strawberry Center is tabulated, analyzed, and compared against industry trends across California. Ultimately, this work serves as a strong benchmark towards a full strawberry yield prediction system.

Deciphering spatio-temporal development of strawberry plant / Etude du développement spatio-temporelle d'un plant de fraisier

Labadie, Marc 21 December 2017 (has links)
Chez le fraisier la balance entre floraison et développement végétatif incluant la production de stolons (tiges allongées portant les plants filles) conditionne le rendement du plant. L’objectif de la thèse était d’obtenir une meilleure compréhension des processus de développement du fraisier, la floraison, le développement végétatif des axes et le stolonnage, grâce à une étude spatio-temporelle. Trois approches complémentaires ont été développées sur six variétés non-remontantes plantées en conditions « hors sol » : (1) la modélisation des profils d’émergence hebdomadaire de fleurs, feuilles et stolons par une analyse de segmentation longitudinale, (2) l’analyse spatio-temporelle de l’architecture des plants durant une saison de production et (3) le suivi de l’expression de gènes clés liés à la floraison. (1) Les modèles univariés de détection de ruptures appliqués à chaque variable phénologique étaient basés sur l’hypothèse que les changements de phases sont synchrones entre les individus d’une même variété. Ces modèles ont permis d’identifier des phases pour chacune des variétés et chacun des trois types d’organe. Les modèles de détection de ruptures multivariés combinant les trois types d’organes ont permis de mettre en évidence une forte structuration du développement du fraisier par la floraison et le stolonnage. De plus, les variétés se regroupent autour de deux profils de floraison avec la présence ou pas d’un deuxième pic de floraison. Enfin, les modèles d’émergence de stolon montrent un synchronisme suggérant un fort effet environnemental. (2) L’analyse spatio-temporelle de l’architecture s’est basée sur un modèle de graphe arborescent multi-échelle, permettant une représentation visuelle et une analyse de la topologie du plant au cours de son développement. Cette analyse a permis de mettre en évidence des différences topologiques précoces ainsi que différentes stratégies de développement entre les variétés. Ces différences de développement expliquent en partie les différents profils de floraison. (3) Parmi les gènes étudiés pour leur expression au cours de la culture des plants de fraisier, SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS1 (SOC1) apparait comme un marqueur de développement végétatif et de l’émergence des stolons. Une approche architecturale a également été initiée sur le fraisier diploïde. Les premiers résultats ont permis de mieux préciser le devenir des méristèmes axillaires. En conclusion, ce travail a permis d’évaluer les variétés en condition de production et d’identifier des critères de sélection pour le développement de nouvelles variétés. Il a également permis de développer de nouveaux outils qui pourront être utilisés par les sélectionneurs et les expérimentateurs. / In strawberry, the balance between flowering and vegetative development, including the production of stolons (elongated stems carrying the daughter plants), conditions the yield of the plant. The objective of the thesis was to better understand the developmental processes of strawberry plant, namely flowering, the vegetative development of axes and runnering, through a spatio-temporal study. Three complementary approaches have been developed on seasonal flowering varieties planted in "soilless" conditions: (1) modeling the weekly emergence of flowers, leaves and stolons by a longitudinal segmentation analysis, (2) spatio-temporal analysis of plant architecture during a seasonal production and (3) expression of key genes related to flowering. (1) Univariate multiple change-point models applied to each phenological variable were based on the assumption that phase changes were synchronous between individuals of a given variety. These models allowed to identify phases for each variety and each type of organ. Multivariate multiple changepoint models combining the three types of organ highlighted a strong structuring of strawberry development by flowering and runnering. Moreover, the varieties can be grouped into two profiles of flowering with the presence or not of a second period of flowering. Finally, the stolon emergence models show a synchronism suggesting a strong environmental effect. (2) Spatio-temporal analysis of the architecture relied on a multi-scale tree graph allowing visual representation and topological analysis of plant development. This analysis revealed early topological differences as well as different strategies of development between varieties. These differences in development partially explain the different flowering patterns. (3) Among the genes studied for their expression during the cultivation of strawberry plants, SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS1 (SOC1) appears as a marker of vegetative development and stolon emergence. An architectural approach was also initiated on the diploid strawberry. First results allowed to better specify the fate of axillary meristems. In conclusion, this work allowed to evaluate the varieties in production condition and to identify selection criteria for the development of new varieties. It has also allowed the development of new tools that can be used by breeders and experimenters.

Carbon Dioxide Treatment on Strawberry Fruit Prep and Its Effect on Shelf Life

Dawson, Bryan Sterling 01 December 2018 (has links)
This research evaluates the effectiveness of using carbon dioxide (CO2) pressurization to extend strawberry fruit prep shelf life for the eventual use in yogurt applications. In this experiment, CO2 treatments of 5, 15, and 25 pounds per square inch were used as a processing step to inactivate microorganisms, which in turn could aid in the preservation and maintenance of product quality during storage thus improving consumer acceptance of the yogurt. Microbial levels of the fruit prep treatments were monitored over a six-week period by enumerating aerobic plate counts and yeast and mold levels. The color, pH, and texture of the treatments were also evaluated throughout the duration of the study. Sensory attributes of the product were evaluated by formal sensory panel at the beginning of the study to gather consumer feedback on potential changes introduced by the treatment to the finished product. For sensory analysis, the different CO2 treatments of fruit prep were mixed with plain yogurt and given to panelists. The different treatments were taken from one homogenous mixture of fruit prep and then were randomly divided into five different treatment groups: a control group, a thermally processed group, and the three different pressure levels of CO2. Results from the experiment showed that carbonation does not negatively impact product overall acceptability. Shelf life results showed that CO2 treatments are not effective in maintaining or extending the shelf life of strawberry fruit prep when compared to a thermal treatment.

Study of different antifungal systems to preserve strawberry jams against fungi spoilage

Ribes Llop, Susana 05 June 2017 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / New tendencies in the development of innovative food packages could affect product microbial stability during storage. In this sense, antifungal systems such as emulsions, nanoemulsions and mesoporous silica supports, may be promising alternatives to preserve the product quality without having to apply further thermal treatments. The formulation of stable antifungal systems and the optimisation of the methodology to be employed to prepare these systems play an important role in: i) their antifungal effectiveness; ii) bioactive compounds losses during their preparation; and iii) their impact on the food product's sensory profile. Nanoemulsions prepared with essential oils generally presented higher antifungal effect than free essential oils applied at the same concentrations. Furthermore, the emulsifier played a key role in the resulting antifungal activity. Whey protein isolated-based nanoemulsions were more effective in inhibiting mycelial mould growth and spore germination than Tween 80-based ones. The great in vitro effectiveness of nanoemulsions to control mould development allowed to check their application to food products, and strawberry jam was selected as the food matrix. To this end, clove and cinnamon leaf emulsions were incorporated into strawberry jams to control fungal decay. Although these emulsions were able to reduce jam spoilage, their incorporation negatively affected the aroma, taste and the overall acceptance of the jam. Regarding the methodology employed to prepare oil-in-water emulsions, the magnetic stirring and high pressure homogenisation combination was the most effective to reduce essential oil losses. Moreover, stable cinnamon bark-xanthan gum emulsions with good in vitro antifungal properties against the target fungi were obtained. Despite the promising use of cinnamon bark emulsions to control fungi decay in strawberry jam, their incorporation negatively affected the product's aroma, taste and overall acceptance. Given the strong impact of essential oils on the food product's sensory profile, two new approaches were investigated: i) combinations of different antifungal compounds in emulsions; and ii) immobilisation of bioactive compounds on mesoporous silica surfaces. The cinnamon bark essential oil, zinc gluconate and trans-ferulic acid combination allowed the obtention of a product considered microbiologically acceptable and with good organoleptic characteristics. However, total mould inhibition was not achieved. Consequently, the antifungal and sensory properties of the bioactive agents (eugenol and thymol) immobilised on mesoporous silica surfaces were studied. The preparation of jams with eugenol immobilised on MCM-41 microparticles induced better control of the fungal inhibition compared with the samples functionalised with thymol. The sensory analysis of the jams after incorporating the solids revealed that eugenol and thymol immobilisation cushioned the impact of these compounds on the jam flavour profile. / Las nuevas tendencias en el desarrollo de envases alimentarios innovadores podrían afectar a la estabilidad microbiana del producto durante el almacenamiento. En este sentido, sistemas antifúngicos tales como emulsiones, nanoemulsiones y soportes mesoporosos de sílice pueden ser alternativas prometedoras para preservar la calidad del producto sin tener que aplicar otros tratamientos térmicos. La formulación de sistemas antifúngicos estables y la optimización de la metodología a emplear para preparar estos sistemas, tienen un papel importante en: i) su eficacia antifúngica; ii) pérdidas de los compuestos bioactivos producidas durante su preparación; y iii) su impacto en el perfil sensorial del producto alimenticio. Las nanoemulsiones preparadas con aceites esenciales presentaron por norma general un mayor efecto antifúngico que los aceites libres aplicados a las mismas concentraciones. Asimismo, el tipo de emulsionante utilizado desempeñó un papel clave en la actividad antifúngica de las nanoemulsiones. Las nanoemulsiones preparadas con proteína de suero de leche fueron más eficaces en la inhibición del crecimiento micelial y en la germinación de las esporas que las formuladas con Tween 80. La gran eficacia in vitro de las nanoemulsiones en el control del desarrollo de moho permitió evaluar su aplicación en productos alimenticios, siendo seleccionada la confitura de fresa como matriz alimenticia. Con este fin, las emulsiones de los aceites esenciales de clavo y de hoja de canela fueron incorporadas a las confituras de fresa con el fin de controlar el deterioro fúngico. A pesar de que estas emulsiones fueron capaces de reducir el deterioro fúngico de las confituras de fresa, su incorporación afectó negativamente al aroma, el sabor y la aceptación global de la confitura. En cuanto a la metodología empleada para preparar emulsiones aceite-agua, la combinación de agitación magnética y homogeneización por altas presiones fue la más eficaz para reducir las pérdidas de aceite esencial. Asimismo, se obtuvieron emulsiones estables con una alta capacidad antifúngica, determinada in vitro, frente a los hongos objeto de estudio. A pesar del prometedor uso de las emulsiones de aceite esencial de la corteza de canela en el control del deterioro fúngico de las confituras de fresa, su incorporación al alimento afectó negativamente al aroma, sabor y aceptación global del producto. Debido al gran impacto de los aceites esenciales en el perfil sensorial del producto alimenticio, se investigaron dos nuevos enfoques: i) combinaciones de diferentes compuestos antifúngicos en emulsiones; y ii) inmovilización de compuestos bioactivos sobre superficies de sílice mesoporosas. La combinación de aceite esencial de corteza de canela, el gluconato de zinc y el ácido trans-ferúlico permitió la obtención de un producto considerado microbiológicamente aceptable con buenas características organolépticas pero no se consiguió la inhibición total del crecimiento de moho. Por ello, se estudiaron las propiedades antifúngicas y sensoriales de agentes bioactivos (eugenol y timol) inmovilizados sobre superficies de sílice mesoporosas. La preparación de las confituras con eugenol inmovilizado en las micropartículas de MCM-41, mostró un mejor control de la inhibición fúngica en comparación con las muestras preparadas con timol funcionalizado. El análisis sensorial de las muestras tras la incorporación de los sólidos a la confitura de fresa, reveló que la inmovilización de eugenol y timol reduce el impacto sensorial de estos compuestos en confituras de fresa. / Les noves tendències en el desenvolupament d'envasos alimentaris innovadors podrien afectar l'estabilitat microbiana del producte durant l'emmagatzematge. En aquest sentit, sistemes antifúngics com les emulsions, nanoemulsions i suports mesoporosos de sílice poden ser alternatives prometedores per preservar la qualitat del producte sense haver d'aplicar altres tractaments tèrmics. La formulació de sistemes antifúngics estables, així com l'optimització de la metodologia a emprar per preparar aquests sistemes, tenen un paper important en: i) la seva eficàcia antifúngica; ii) pèrdues dels compostos bioactius produïdes durant la seva preparació; i iii) el seu impacte en el perfil sensorial del producte alimentari. Les nanoemulsions preparades amb olis essencials van presentar per norma general, un major efecte antifúngic que els olis lliures aplicats a les mateixes concentracions. Així mateix, el tipus d'emulsionant utilitzat va tenir un paper clau en l'activitat antifúngica de les nanoemulsions. Les nanoemulsions preparades amb proteïna de sèrum de llet van ser més efectives en la inhibició del creixement micelial i en la germinació de les espores que les formulades amb Tween 80. La gran eficàcia in vitro de les nanoemulsions en el control del desenvolupament de fongs va permetre avaluar la seva aplicació a productes alimentaris, sent seleccionada la confitura de maduixa com a matriu alimentària. Amb aquesta finalitat, les emulsions dels olis essencials de clau i de fulla de canyella van ser incorporades a les confitures de maduixa per tal de controlar el deteriorament fúngic. Tot i que aquestes emulsions reduïren el deteriorament fungic de les confitures de maduixa, la seva incorporació va afectar negativament a l'aroma, el sabor i l'acceptació global de la confitura. Pel que fa a la metodologia emprada per preparar emulsions oli-aigua, la combinació d'agitació magnètica i homogeneïtzació per altes pressions va ser la més eficaç per reduir les pèrdues d'oli essencial. A més, es van obtenir emulsions estables amb una alta capacitat antifúngica, determinada in vitro, davant dels fongs objecte d'estudi. Malgrat el prometedor ús de les emulsions d'oli essencial de l'escorça de canyella en el control del deteriori fúngic de les confitures de maduixa, la seva incorporació a l'aliment va afectar negativament a l'aroma, sabor i acceptació global del producte. A causa del gran impacte dels olis essencials en el perfil sensorial del producte alimentari, es van investigar dos nous enfocaments: i) combinacions de diferents compostos antifúngics en les emulsions; i ii) immobilització de compostos bioactius sobre superfícies de sílice mesoporoses. La combinació d'oli essencial d'escorça de canyella, el gluconat de zinc i l'àcid trans-ferúlic va permetre l'obtenció d'un producte considerat microbiològicament acceptable amb bones característiques organolèptiques però no es va aconseguir la inhibició total del creixement del fong. Per això, es van estudiar les propietats antifúngiques i sensorials d'agents bioactius (eugenol i timol) immobilitzats sobre superfícies de sílice mesoporoses. La preparació de les confitures amb eugenol immobilitzat en les micropartícules de MCM-41, va mostrar un millor control de la inhibició fúngica en comparació amb les mostres preparades amb timol funcionalitzat. L'anàlisi sensorial de les mostres després de la incorporació dels sòlids a la confitura de maduixa, va revelar que la immobilització de eugenol i timol redueix l'impacte sensorial d'aquests compostos en confitures de maduixa. / Ribes Llop, S. (2017). Study of different antifungal systems to preserve strawberry jams against fungi spoilage [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/82306 / TESIS / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales / Compendio

Deep Convolutional Neural Network's Applicability and Interpretability for Agricultural Machine Vision Systems / 深層畳み込みニューラルネットワークの農業用マシンビジョンシステムへの適用性と説明力

Harshana, Habaragamuwa 26 November 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第21429号 / 農博第2307号 / 学位論文||H30||N5157(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科地域環境科学専攻 / (主査)教授 近藤 直, 准教授 小川 雄一, 教授 飯田 訓久 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

Understanding Complex Flavor Percepts using Flavoromics

Dubrow, Geoffrey Andrew January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of Soilless Substrate Systems and Environmental Conditions on Yield, Total Soluble Solids, and Titratable Acidity of Greenhouse Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa)

McKean, Thomas January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Analyses of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) Translocation Release Methods and Chick Survival in Strawberry Valley, Utah

Hennefer, Jordan P. 19 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Manuscript No. 1 Recent research has indicated that low nest success and juvenile survival of Greater Sage-Grouse may be responsible for population declines. Recent technological advances in micro-transmitters have made radio-telemetry studies on Sage-Grouse chicks more common. Radio-telemetry enables monitoring of individual chicks and broods during a critical period of their life history. The exact cause of low chick recruitment in Strawberry Valley has not been well understood. In 2006, a chick mortality study using micro-transmitters was initiated to (1) determine the causes of chick mortality, (2) calculate overall chick survival, (3) compare chick survival in the Strawberry Valley population to published reports, (4) monitor brood movements, and (5) suggest management strategies for mitigation of chick mortality. Survival data on radio-marked chicks were analyzed using a known fate model in program MARK. Chick survival in Strawberry Valley was greater than all reported estimates from other studies. Our study did not identify any unsuspected causes of chick mortality, and the cumulative effect of stressing chicks, hens, and broods was not deemed worth the benefit, especially in a population recovery setting like Strawberry Valley. We do not recommend the use of radio-telemetry on Sage-Grouse chicks in recovering or sensitive populations. Manuscript No. 2 In 2003, we began translocating Greater Sage-Grouse into the Strawberry Valley of central Utah, in an attempt to recover the dwindling population found therein. Prior to 2006 all translocated Sage-Grouse were released within 250 m of the only active lek in Strawberry Valley while males were actively strutting. A prolonged winter in 2006 delayed normal lekking activity in Strawberry Valley. As a result 61 (59%) of the 103 sage-grouse translocated in 2006 were not released near an active lek. We analyzed the influence that release timing, hen age, body mass, and source population had on mortality, flocking, and dispersal distance of translocated hens in 2006. We found that mortality and flocking rates were not influenced by release timing, hen age, body mass, or source population. Dispersal distances for hens released near a lek with actively strutting males were significantly less than distances of hens released near an inactive lek. We believe that releasing translocated Sage-Grouse near a lek with actively strutting males is an essential technique for Greater Sage-Grouse translocations. We recommend that other Sage-Grouse translocation efforts employ this method to increase the likelihood of success.

Effects of Nitrogen Management and Cultivar on Strawberry Production Under Disease Pressure

Garcia-Brucher, Kamille A 01 December 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Effects of nitrogen management and cultivar on strawberry production under disease pressure Kamille Garcia-Brucher California strawberry growers face increasing regulatory pressures to manage nitrogen (N) applications in their production system. Standard practice in the California strawberry industry is to apply a synthetic pre-plant controlled release fertilizer (CRF) to ensure the crop has sufficient N during winter establishment. Some research from the UC Cooperative Extension suggests this practice is not efficient at delivering N to the crop since most of the N is released from CRF before strawberry crop N uptake is significant. Another concern for California strawberry growers is loss of their crop to a myriad of soilborne pathogens. Compost is commonly applied as a soil amendment in California strawberry fields as it offers both agronomic and environmental benefits including the potential for disease suppression. In light of legislation restricting N in some California cropping systems, Ag Order 4.0, and incentives programs established to promote soil conservation practices, compost may be a viable substitute for synthetic pre-plant CRF N. In this study, we investigated the effects of pre-plant fertilizer and strawberry cultivar on fruit yield, disease incidence, soil and plant N dynamics and soil carbon (C) at the Cal Poly Strawberry Center, San Luis Obispo, CA in a field infested with Macrophomina phaseolina. Pre-plant fertilizer treatments included 100 lb N/ac Cal Poly certified organic compost, 100 lb N/ac synthetic CRF and a control treatment (0 lb N/ac). Strawberry cultivars included three UC varieties, ‘Monterey,’ ‘Albion,’ and ‘San Andreas,’ and one Driscoll’s proprietary cultivar. Fruit yield and plant mortality data were collected throughout the growing season. Soil C was measured from soil samples collected in the root zone (6 in) while soil nitrate was measured from pore water samples collected in and below the root zone (6 and 12 in, respectively). Strawberry crop N uptake was determined using destructive plant samples while fruit N concentration was determined from subsamples of harvested fruit taken in April, May, June, and July each year. Although compost application did not significantly affect C sequestration and did not reduce disease incidence, there was no significant difference in total yield between compost and CRF treatments suggesting that compost can substitute for synthetic CRF without negatively affecting yield. There was significantly less plant mortality in control treatments compared with compost and CRF treatments suggesting excessive pre-plant N impacts disease incidence by M. phaseolina but more research is needed to better understand the mechanisms of infection by this soilborne pathogen. Total yield in this experiment was lower compared with statewide averages and crop N concentration was lower compared with the literature which is likely a result of disease pressure. Fruit N concentrations for the cultivars in this study were lower than the conversion coefficient defined by the Ag Order which means growers are removing less N through harvest allowing them more room in their N budget. Based on our results, compost may be substituted for synthetic CRF without negatively affecting yield and perhaps even make desirable soil improvements in this production system. And in fields with significant levels of M. phaseolina in the soil, N applications should be considered as it was seen to impact disease incidence. Keywords: compost, controlled release fertilizer, M. phaseolina, nitrogen uptake, Ag Order 4.0

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