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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structural adjustment programmes and the informal sector : the Nigerian case of Jos women

Nnazor, Agatha Ifeyinwa 05 1900 (has links)
This study describes and analyzes the impact of Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) on the Jos women in the informal sector, as well as the strategies women adopt to ensure the survival of their businesses and families. Studies that have investigated the impact of SAP on women in the informal sector tend to take a rather disparate approach. Against this background, the present study develops a coherent conceptual framework for understanding the impact of SAPs on women in the sector. From an interview survey conducted with one hundred and fifty (150) Jos women in the informal urban sector, the study elicited data on the activities of the women and the ways SAPs affect their access to productive and reproductive resources, as well as on the responses of the women to SAPs-engendered socio-economic hardships. The data reveal that the Jos women engage in numerous income-generating activities, mostly in small-scale, low-income circulatory and service activities which are largely marginalized and bereft of institutionalized resources. In addition to their productive and income-generating activities, the Jos women perform the bulk of the reproductive and domestic work necessary for the support of the family. As well, the women perform some extra-household work for the welfare of the community and environment. The study shows that the Jos women are adversely affected by SAPs. Structural Adjustment Programmes are further limiting their access to business commodities, credit, stalls, information and training, food, healthcare, education and transportation facilities. Consequently, women are finding it difficult to maintain their businesses and families. Amidst the adverse effects of SAPs, the women are resiliently and innovatively responding to SAPs through numerous business and familial survival strategies. In addition to the responses of the Jos women, the Nigerian State, is attempting to reduce poverty among women through its various women-centered programmes. The study attributes the adverse and limiting effects of SAPs on the Jos women's access to resources to a number of forces. These include (a) the Nigerian limited and discriminatory opportunity structures which predispose women to the largely marginalized informal activities, (b) the small-scale and low-income nature of women's informal activities, (c) the unequal and exploitative relationship between the informal and formal sectors in which women provide consumer goods at low-cost for the regeneration of capitalist labour, (d) the circulatory and service nature of women's informal activities, (e) the gender- and class-biased structures inherent in SAPs, as well as in SAPs' implementing mechanisms and institutions and (f) women's altruistic and selfless attitudes. The study observes that the responses of both the Jos women and the Nigerian State to SAPs-engendered hardships are, at best, palliative or even cosmetic. The responses do not address the strategic needs of women. Hence the study makes a case for a transformatory strategy through the empowerment of women. / Arts, Faculty of / Anthropology, Department of / Graduate

The international dimensions of poverty relief : a comparative case study of Angola and Zambia

Cordeiro Neto, Jacinto Rangel Lopes 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This report seeks to investigate the extent and success of multilateral foreign aid aimed at poverty alleviation in two countries, Angola and Zambia. Links between aid, economic growth, and poverty alleviation are also investigated. It is found that aid alone cannot create economic growth in order to alleviate poverty, and growth from aid alone is not sustainable - as the case study of Zambia shows. In Zambia, aid did not have enough impact to change the legacy of unsound economic polices, as the institutions that led these processes lacked the capacity to design sound policies to manage the aid projects. In the case of Angola, the whole process of using aid for poverty alleviation was seriously retarded by the civil war. The war is clearly one of the major causes of the poverty that exists in Angola - unlike in the case of Zambia where poverty is a chronic situation. As poverty alleviation is critical to both these countries, they should concentrate on empowering the poor with capacity-building skills, and multilateral aid should promote this. In terms of aid agreements with multilateral institutions, conditions must be in place before aid is granted to promote the interests of the poor. Well-designed aid can be successfully implemented, and can be sustainable. However, this will work only if all stakeholders from the bottom to the top are actively involved in the planning through to the implementing stages. Apart from empowering the poor, government and multilateral agencies also need to encourage the growth of the private sector in these two countries. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verslag stelondersoek in na die omvang en sukses van multilaterale hulpverlening aan Zambië en Angola wat gemik is op die verligting van armoede. Die verband tussen hulpverlening, ekonomiese groei en armoedeverligting word ook ondersoek. Daar word bevind dat hulpverlening nie outomaties aanleiding gee tot groei -plus-armoedeverligting nie, en dat ekonomiese groei wat op hulpverlening gebaseer is, onvolhoubaar is, soos Zambië illustreer. In Zambië kon hulpverlening nie daarin slaag om swak ekonomiese beleid reg te ruk nie, vanweë die gebrek aan institusionele kapasiteit. In die geval van Angola was pogings om hulp te benut vir armoedeverligting ernstig in die wiele gery deur die burgeroorlog, een van die hoofoorsake van armoede in Angola. Aaangesien armoedeverligting "n kritiese uitdaging vir albei state is, moet die armes bemagtig word deur kapasiteitsbou, en multilaterale hulp moet daarvoor geoormerk word. Dit impliseer dat hulpverleningsooreenkomste aan voorwaardes wat die armes bevoordeel, onderworpe moet wees. Goed-ontwerpte hulp kan suksesvol toegepas word, en kan volhoubaar wees. Dit voorveronderstel egter dat alle belangegroepe aktief betrek word. Naas die bevordering van die belange van die armes, moet die privaatsektor in albei state ook verder uitgebou word.

Policy reforms and economic development : an institutional perspective on the Nigerian experience (1986 to 1993)

Dipeolu, Adeyemi Olayiwola Kayode 11 1900 (has links)
African economies, including Nigeria continued to perform poorly despite the adoption of economic policy reforms in the 1980s. An explanation for the failure of economic policy reforms was therefore sought from an institutional perspective. Since active state intervention in the economy was the rationale given for the economic crisis of developing countries, the conventional case for an active state which rested on the need to correct for market failure was counterposed with the argument that the economy was best coordinated by market forces given that the state was not benevolent, omniscient or omnipotent. However, the state has played an important role in the transformation of late developers while a state-market dichotomy takes no account of institutional factors. The widespread adoption of economic policy reforms owed more to an ideological shift in the development paradigm than to the debt crisis and there was a great deal of controversy about the theoretical foundations and impact of these reforms contrary to claims of a consensus. An institutionalist political economy which recognises that the market is not the only institution and that economic transformation requires the positive use of political power was proposed. Such an approach takes account of history, politics and the institutional diversity of capitalism. A more nuanced view of state intervention was therefore advocated. The importance of institutional arrangements in the quest for economic transformation underscored the inadequacy of structural adjustment which was hampered by the lack of price and institutional flexibility as well as other institutional constraints. The Nigerian experience of structural adjustment shows that long term growth prospects were not enhanced and that the reforms tended to favour the financial sector over the real sector. The failure of economic policy reforms in Nigeria can be attributed to the continued presence of constraining institutional factors and the absence of a positive use of political power. / Economics / D. Comm. (Economics)

Perpetuating hegemony: a critical reflection on social forces shaping Mozambique’s development strategy.

Hansen, Mads Uhlin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Political Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The essence of this study is about structural change and how it is affected by competing social forces. My primary aim is to examine the problems and contradictions in Mozambique‟s development strategy and to gain an understanding of how these problems are influenced by the structure of the contemporary world order. A central focus will be on how social forces at various levels influence the way in which development strategy is formed through superior material capabilities, shaping ideas and establishing institutions. The main argument is that the hegemonic neoliberalist ideology has been perpetuated in Mozambique by external social forces and has become the mainstay of the development approach in the country. By acknowledging that theory is used by different social groups for various purposes, I depart from the common assumption of considering the Mozambican development example as a success, and rather ask „for whom it has been a success‟. The theoretical approach in this study is based on Coxian Critical Theory (CCT) and a significant proportion is dedicated to evaluate Cox‟s works and how he applies his theoretical framework in the analysis of the changing world order. To get a better appreciation for the strengths and weaknesses of CCT, the study will also examine the works of several scholars that use CCT in their studies of social forces in Southern Africa. The case study will be guided by the findings generated by the theoretical evaluation, particularly with regards to the way CCT allows for various points on entry in the analysis. The case study of Mozambique generated three main conclusions. Firstly, that Frelimo has failed to create a broad based consensus for its ideology among different social forces in Mozambique and that the historic bloc in Mozambique remains fragile. Secondly, that the economic elite in South Africa and the ANC collaborated with Frelimo in structuring the development strategy in Mozambique, and through this collaboration, perpetuated values consistent with the hegemonic neoliberal consensus. Finally, that the prevailing order in Mozambique is strengthened by the involvement of the international community and that structural change is unlikely to take place without the development of a stronger civil society. The theoretical contribution of the study has been to further support that the logic provided by CCT remains valid in the African context, and that it is highly compatible with other social theories. Furthermore, the study concludes that CCT is particularly compatible with post-colonial theory and social psychology and can be used to address the shortcomings of each other. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sentrale punt van die studie is strukturele verandering en hoe dit beïnvloed word deur mededingende sosiale kragte. Die primêre doel van die tesis is om die probleme en teenstrydighede in Mosambiek se ontwikkelingstrategie te ondersoek en om te verstaan hoe hierdie probleme verband hou met die struktuur van die teenswoordige wêreld-orde. ‟n Belangrike fokus is ook hoe sosiale kragte op verskeie vlakke die wyse waarop ontwikkelingstrategie gevorm word beïnvloed, via besondere materiële vermoeëns, die vorm van idees en die skep van instellings. Die hoof argument is dat „n hegemoniese neoliberale ideologie perpetueer is in Mosambiek deur eksterne sosiale kragte en dat dit sodoende die bakermat van dié land se benadering tot ontwikkeling geword het. Deur te erken dat teorie deur verskillende sosiale groepe vir uiteenlopende redes gebruik word, beweeg ek weg van die algemene aanname, naamlik dat ontwikkeling in Mosambiek as suksesvol beskou kan word. Die vraag moet eerder gestel word, “vir wie is ontwikkeling in Mosambiek „n sukses?” Die teoretiese benadering in hierdie studie is gegrond op Coxiaanse Kritiese Teorie (CKT) en „n betekenisvolle proporosie van die studie word gewy aan „n evaluering van Cox se benadering en hoe hy dit toepas in „n analise van die veranderende wêreld-orde. Ten einde „n beter waardering daar te stel vir die voor- en nadele van CKT, ondersoek die studie ook die bydraes van „n aantal ander geleerdes wat die benadering gebruik in hul bestudering van sosiale kragte in Suider-Afrika. Die gevalle-studie word gerig deur die bevindinge wat gegenereer word deur hierdie teoretiese evaluering, in die besonder met betrekking tot die manier waarop CKT die gebruik van verskillende invalshoeke tot die analise fasiliteer. Die Mosambiekse gevalle-studie lewer drie hoof-gevolgtrekkings op. Eerstens, dat FRELIMO nie daarin geslaag het, om „n breë konsensus vir sy ideologiese uitgangspunte onder die verskillende sosiale kragte in die land te skep nie. Derhalwe, is die „historiese blok‟ in Mosambiek kwesbaar. Tweedens, dat die ekonomiesse elite in Suid-Afrika en binne die African National Congress (ANC) vi saamgewerk het met FRELIMO om die ontwikkelingstrategie in Mosambiek te struktureer. In daardie opsig, is waardes perpetueer wat saamhang met die hegemoniese neoliberale konsensus. Laatstens, dat die heersende orde in Mosambiek versterk word deur die betrokkenheid van die internasionale gemeenskap en dat strukturele verandering in dié land onwaarskynlik is sonder die ontwikkeling van „n sterker burgerlike samelewing. Die teoretiese bydrae van die studie ondersteun verder die premis dat CKT geldig bly binne die konteks van Afrika en dat dit versoenbaar is met ander sosiale teorieë. Verder, word die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat CKT ook besonder versoenbaar is met post-koloniale teorie en sosiale sielkunde en dat dit gebruik kan word om die tekortkominge in elkeen aan te spreek.

Die politiek van transformasie : ’n analise van ekonomiese verandering in Suid-Afrika

Bosman, Frouwien Reina 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Political Science))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / For the sake of continued social stability in South Africa it is imperative that the country’s so-called “partial transition” is completed through a process of meaningful socio-economic transformation that addresses the consequences of its history of unequal development. Transformation can thus be viewed as one of the primary challenges in the economic and socio-political landscape in South Africa. It is the task of social sciences to contribute to the general understanding of our social reality through systematic analysis and thereby promoting effective responses to social challenges. Current literature on the transformation process in South Africa focuses almost exclusively on the country’s political transition (as a change in power relationships) and analyses of socioeconomic inequality and descriptions of the successes and failures of policy measures that have been adopted since 1994 to promote the redistribution of economic resources. Three shortcomings in current literature on and the theoretical analysis of transformation were identified, namely: (i) the apparent disregard of the status implications of the redistribution of political and economic resources, (ii) the absence of analyses that problematise the transformation process as such (and specifically the sector and industry specific initiatives initiated to promote Black Economic Empowerment), and (iii) the lack of prescriptive guidelines for the management of transformation processes. It is the primary goal of this study to develop a theoretical framework in terms of which socioeconomic transformation can be analysed. Socio-economic transformation is described as a potentially contentious process and it is shown that the institutionalised and negotiated nature of transformation in the South African context allows us to interpret it in terms of theories of social conflict. Theory from the field of conflict studies, and specifically Social Identity Theory, is used to analyse the impact of the redistribution of power and material resources on the status of social groups and the concurrent implications for inter-group relationships. The theoretical model is also used to identify specific circumstances under which the stability of social relationships can be maintained amidst the redistribution of power and resources – i.e.: circumstances in which parity of esteem is maintained through mutual acceptance of the principles that underlie the distribution of resources, power and other sources of social status. A prescriptive model for the management of conflict that satisfies these requirements is developed from the theory of conflict transformation and is presented as a model for the management of transformation. This model suggests the achievement of social justice as the desired outcome of conflict management. In the absence of a satisfactory definition of social justice in the existing theory, John Rawls’s conceptualisation of justice is suggested as an analytical elaboration of the theory. A case study, namely the negotations on the Wine Industry Charter and the transformation of a key institution in the South African wine industry, is used to illustrate how the chosen theoretical model (and specifically the theoretical assumptions regarding the need for positive self-esteem) can by used by analysts to interpret information processes. The case study is also used to illustrate how the elements of the chosen prescriptive model for the management of transformation has been utilised. The study confirms the fact that the chosen theoretical model for the management of transformation was utilised in the formal transformation process in the wine industry (and specifically in the successful development of the Wine Industry Charter and the negotiations regarding the structure and nature of the South African Wine Council).

Policy reforms and economic development : an institutional perspective on the Nigerian experience (1986 to 1993)

Dipeolu, Adeyemi Olayiwola Kayode 11 1900 (has links)
African economies, including Nigeria continued to perform poorly despite the adoption of economic policy reforms in the 1980s. An explanation for the failure of economic policy reforms was therefore sought from an institutional perspective. Since active state intervention in the economy was the rationale given for the economic crisis of developing countries, the conventional case for an active state which rested on the need to correct for market failure was counterposed with the argument that the economy was best coordinated by market forces given that the state was not benevolent, omniscient or omnipotent. However, the state has played an important role in the transformation of late developers while a state-market dichotomy takes no account of institutional factors. The widespread adoption of economic policy reforms owed more to an ideological shift in the development paradigm than to the debt crisis and there was a great deal of controversy about the theoretical foundations and impact of these reforms contrary to claims of a consensus. An institutionalist political economy which recognises that the market is not the only institution and that economic transformation requires the positive use of political power was proposed. Such an approach takes account of history, politics and the institutional diversity of capitalism. A more nuanced view of state intervention was therefore advocated. The importance of institutional arrangements in the quest for economic transformation underscored the inadequacy of structural adjustment which was hampered by the lack of price and institutional flexibility as well as other institutional constraints. The Nigerian experience of structural adjustment shows that long term growth prospects were not enhanced and that the reforms tended to favour the financial sector over the real sector. The failure of economic policy reforms in Nigeria can be attributed to the continued presence of constraining institutional factors and the absence of a positive use of political power. / Economics / D. Comm. (Economics)

The implementation of a RDP public works programme in the Greater Johannesburg TMC

Korb, Ilonka Suzanna 06 September 2012 (has links)
M.A. / The South African development context is characterized by high levels of unemployment and poverty. It is therefore imperative to address these two aspects if any advancement in regard to development is to be achieved. Several options are available to development agents and government structures alike. The pre-requisite, however, for the selection of an option is sustainability. A Public Works Programme (PWP) holds the potential of impacting on South Africa's high levels of unemployment and poverty. Although this programme needs to be implemented alongside similar economic upliftment initiatives, a PWP can contribute significantly to the improvement of the SA development situation. The nature of a PWP has changed from purely creating jobs, to including training and education as essential components of a PWP. Only by including the latter components, can a PWP be deemed sustainable and impact directly on the lives of the participants. With the transformation to a new political dispensation in April 1994, SA also embarked on formulating a holistic and comprehensive development approach and vision. The final product was the Reconstruction and Development Programme. This Programme established the broad framework in which development policy and implementation take place. The RDP consists of various development aspects, all aimed at improving the SA development context. One of these aspects is focused at the upliftment and stimulation of the economy. The PWP forms part of the overall economic strategy. From this theoretical point of departure, the National PWP was formulated. One of the main factors that contributed to the slow development and implementation of the NPWP was the absence of local government structures. Local government structures underwent similar changes to those experienced at national level. In addition to the structural and geographical changes, the responsibilities of local government increased due to decentralisation of powers and functions from national government. Now local government holds the position of "development facilitator" instead of being a mere supplier of municipal services. Local economic development within the specified area has been emphasised as an urgent matter that needs to be developed and supported by local government. The NPWP fits perfectly into this mould. This study investigates the nature of the NPWP and the role of local government in its implementation with specific reference to a Gauteng local authority, the Greater Johannesburg Transitional Metropolitan Council.

The effectiveness of social safety nets in the fight against poverty in Zambia during the structural adjustment era

Chabala, Justine Chola 01 1900 (has links)
Social Safety Nets (SSNs) were in the early 1990s a major feature of poverty alleviation and social impact mitigating mechanism from austere economic reforms implemented by the Zambian Government. Evidently, SSNs became prominent when Zambia accelerated the implementation of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) in the early 1990s. At that time, the levels of poverty skyrocketed affecting 73% of the 10.5 million people of which 58 % were said to be extremely poor with the acute levels of poverty being more concentrated in rural areas which harbour about 65 % of the country’s population (CSO 1998: 20). SSNs are non-contributory transfer programmes for the poor or those vulnerable to shocks and these include income support through participation in public works programmes, cash transfers to the poor or vulnerable households, fee waivers for usage of essential health and education services, in kind transfers such as school feeding or even price subsidies for specific goods deemed essential to the poor (World Bank 2005: 1). Pritchett (2005:17) observed that SSNs can be applied across the various levels of society whether or not the shocks push households below the absolute threshold of poverty. Despite being a major feature of social mitigation it is not clear to what extent they (SSNs) can be said to an effective mechanism for poverty mitigation in Zambia. With SAP be decried by interests groups as having reduced people’s living conditions for fuelling in, higher prices for basic commodities, lower real incomes, reduced access to social services, medical care and retrenchments and lack of job opportunities for those seeking employment. The absence of fully fledged unemployment benefit system, made the victims of the adjustment process worse off. The social security schemes equally got adversely affected by high unemployment levels and growth of the informal sector because the proportion of the insured population plummeted and that inexorably leads to a fall in contributions. Other consequences of SAP besides retrenchments of blotted workforce include child labour and overburdening women as their participation in economic activities increased as part of the copping mechanisms besides their reproductive roles. Given the aforementioned complications that arise during structural reforms, this thesis seeks to examine how effective SSNs are in poverty alleviation programmes in countries like Zambia where they have been tried. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

'n Vergelykende studie tussen die ruimtelike ontwikkelingsraamwerke van Tygerberg en Kaapstad plaaslike owerhede met die van die Kaapse Metropool

Bruiners, Leona 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Various spatial development frameworks are currently being drafted to lead the spatial development patterns of concentrated activities within municipalities and metropoles. The assignment studies the spatial development framework of the Cape Metropole as well as those of the Tygerberg and Cape Town municipalities. An analyses of the different locations and characteristics of the corridors and nodes in these models is made. There are however nodes that are not proposed on the spatial development frameworks but have nevertheless been approved for. development. A comparison of the corridor model is made within the frameworks of the mentioned municipalities. A study is done on whether the corridor model is totally ignored by local authorities or whether it only differs in detail. The effect of the Century City node, which was not proposed in the spatial development frameworks on the development of corridors, is discussed. Backgroud information on the origin and functions of corridors and nodes is gathered through analyses of international examples. Comparison is drawn between these precidents and the Cape Metropole proposals to evaluate their applicability. The conclusion is drawn that the municipalities' and metropole's spatial development frameworks are based on the same principle but differ in their detail structure. Many of the recommendations that are made in the spatial frameworks are difficult to implement. The approval of nodes such as Century City which are not proposed on the frameworks have a negative influence on the economic growth and development of future nodes and corridors as envisaged. Proposals on how to strengthen the implementation process of spatial development frameworks and a possible process for the approval of potential nodes are given. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is verskillende ruimtelike ontwikkelingsraamwerke wat tans opgestel word om die ruimtelike verspreidingspatrone van gekonsentreerde aktiwiteite binne munisipaliteite en metropole te lei. Die werkstuk ondersoek die ruimtelike ontwikkelingsraamwerke van die Kaapse Metropool asook die munisipaliteite van Tygerberg en Kaapstad. Die korridors en nodusse wat in die modelle voorgestel word, word ontleed in terme van hul eienskappe en verskillende liggings. Daar is nogtans nodusse wat nie in hierdie ontwikkelingsraamwerke voorgestel word nie, maar dit is nieteenstaande goedgekeur vir ontwikkeling. Die werkstuk vergelyk die korridormodel van die Kaapse Metropool (Metropolitaanse Ontwikkelingsraamwerk) met die munisipaliteite se ontwikkelingsraamwerke.Daar word ondersoek of die korridormodel van die metropool heeltemal deur plaaslike owerhede verwerp word of dit net in detail verskil. Die effek van die Century City nodus, wat nie in die ruimtelike ontwikkelingsraamwerke voorgestel is nie, op die ontwikkeling van korridors word ook bespreek. Voorbeelde van internasionale stede word ontleed om agtergrond oor die ontstaan en funksies van korridors en nodusse in te samel. Daarna word bepaal hoe dit op die Kaapse Metropool toegepas kan word. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat al drie raamwerke op dieselfde beginsel gebaseer is maar in detail verskil Daar word baie voorstelle binne die raamwerke gemaak wat moeilik is om te implementeer. Die goedkeuring van nodusse soos Century City wat nie binne die ruimtelike ontwikkelingsraamwerke voorgestel word nie, het 'n negatiewe invloed op die ekonomiese groei en ontwikkeling van die voorgestelde nodusse en korridors. Aanbevelings oor hoe om die implementeringsproses van die raamwerke te ondersteun word gemaak en ook 'n moontlike goedkeuringsproses vir nodusse wat nie binne die ruimtelike ontwikkelingsraamwerke voorgestel word nie.

The effectiveness of social safety nets in the fight against poverty in Zambia during the structural adjustment era

Chabala, Justine Chola 01 1900 (has links)
Social Safety Nets (SSNs) were in the early 1990s a major feature of poverty alleviation and social impact mitigating mechanism from austere economic reforms implemented by the Zambian Government. Evidently, SSNs became prominent when Zambia accelerated the implementation of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) in the early 1990s. At that time, the levels of poverty skyrocketed affecting 73% of the 10.5 million people of which 58 % were said to be extremely poor with the acute levels of poverty being more concentrated in rural areas which harbour about 65 % of the country’s population (CSO 1998: 20). SSNs are non-contributory transfer programmes for the poor or those vulnerable to shocks and these include income support through participation in public works programmes, cash transfers to the poor or vulnerable households, fee waivers for usage of essential health and education services, in kind transfers such as school feeding or even price subsidies for specific goods deemed essential to the poor (World Bank 2005: 1). Pritchett (2005:17) observed that SSNs can be applied across the various levels of society whether or not the shocks push households below the absolute threshold of poverty. Despite being a major feature of social mitigation it is not clear to what extent they (SSNs) can be said to an effective mechanism for poverty mitigation in Zambia. With SAP be decried by interests groups as having reduced people’s living conditions for fuelling in, higher prices for basic commodities, lower real incomes, reduced access to social services, medical care and retrenchments and lack of job opportunities for those seeking employment. The absence of fully fledged unemployment benefit system, made the victims of the adjustment process worse off. The social security schemes equally got adversely affected by high unemployment levels and growth of the informal sector because the proportion of the insured population plummeted and that inexorably leads to a fall in contributions. Other consequences of SAP besides retrenchments of blotted workforce include child labour and overburdening women as their participation in economic activities increased as part of the copping mechanisms besides their reproductive roles. Given the aforementioned complications that arise during structural reforms, this thesis seeks to examine how effective SSNs are in poverty alleviation programmes in countries like Zambia where they have been tried. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

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