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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Europos Sajungos struktūrinės politikos Lietuvoje ir Lenkijoje lyginamoji analizė / European Union structural policies in Lithuania and Poland comparative analysis

Laumelytė, Aldona 22 February 2010 (has links)
Mokslo darbe atskleidžiama, kad Europos šalys struktūrinę politiką suvokia kaip vieną patraukliausių narystės ES siekių, nes tai yra siejama su didžiulėmis išmokomis iš ES struktūrinių fondų. Papildomi pinigai skiriami investicijoms į aplinkos apsaugą, gamybos, infrastruktūros, žmogiškųjų išteklių plėtrą ir t. t. Įpusėjus 2007–2013 m. programiniam periodui, Lietuvoje vis dar pastebimas didžiulis susidomėjimas ES struktūrine politika, jos teikiamomis galimybėmis. Struktūrinių fondų nauda visuomenei buvo pateikiama kaip bene pagrindinis stojimo į ES motyvas ir šalies gerovės augimo ateityje šaltinis. Panaši situacija buvo/yra ir kaimyninėje Lenkijoje, todėl šio darbo rezultatuose reikėtų atkreipti dėmesį į Lietuvos ir Lenkijos pasiruošimą įgyvendinti struktūrinę politiką bei teikiamos paramos valdymą. Struktūrinės politikos įtaka Lietuvai, Lenkijai ir kitoms naujoms ES šalims neabejotinai turėtų būti teigiama, tačiau šių fondų panaudojimas yra planuojamas ir priklauso nuo pasirengimo įgyvendinti struktūrinę politiką bei valdyti ES struktūrinių fondų teikiamą paramą. Mokslo darbe iškeliama hipotezė, kad Lietuva ir Lenkija nepakankamai pasirengusi įgyvendinti ES struktūrinę politiką ir valdyti ES struktūrinių fondų teikiamą paramą, iškeltas tikslas ir uždaviniai tikslui pasiekti. Darbe naudojami tokie tyrimo metodai: dokumentų ir mokslinės literatūros analizė, Lietuvos ir Lenkijos politikų ir valstybės tarnautojų, įmonių, pasinaudojusių struktūrinių fondų parama, darbuotojų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Scientific work reveals the fact that the European countries, the structural policy is perceived as one of the most attractive EU membership aspirations, which is associated with enormous benefits from EU structural funds. Additional money of structural fund‘s is available for investment in environmental protection, production, infrastructure development, human resources development, etc. Now in the midway of the period 2007-2013 programming period, Lithuania is still seen huge interest in the EU's structural policy and its opportunities. Structural Funds, the benefits to society was presented as perhaps the main reason for joining the EU and the country's source of wealth for future growth. A similar situation was / is in the neighboring Poland, the results of this work should pay attention to the Lithuanian and Polish preparations for the implementation of structural policies and support management. Structural policy in Lithuania, Poland and other new EU countries should be clearly stated, but the use of these funds are planned, and depends on the preparation for the implementation of structural policies and the management of EU structural funds assistance. Work raises the hypothesis that „Lithuania and Poland are not sufficiently prepared to implement the EU's structural policy and management of EU Structural Funds“ goals and objectives to achieve that objective. The work used in such tests as documentation and analysis of scientific literature, Lithuanian and Polish... [to full text]

Les politiques économiques dans les pays émergents d'Europe / Economic policies in Emerging Europe Countries

Kacarevic, Ivan 03 May 2016 (has links)
Les pays émergents d’Europe PEE déclenchèrent simultanément, il y a déjà 25 ans, une transformation de leurs économies la plus grande dans l’histoire économique contemporaine. Bien que l’idée de l’économie du marché l’ait emporté sur celle de l’économie planifiée en formant des expectations élevées de la convergence rapide, les PEE toujours peinent à aller de pair avec l’environnement global plain de bouleversements économiques. Cette étude vise à éliminer partiellement une lacune théorique en matière des politiques économiques en révisant des conclusions théoriques existantes dans le cadre de l’économie de la transition. Le but de telle révision était simple : il était nécessaire de comprendre toutes les contraintes inhérentes aux ces pays qui peuvent perturber les effets des politiques économiques bien que celles-ci se soient montrées très efficaces dans les pays développés. La crise financière de 2007/08 révéla l’existence des défauts importants des PEE en mettant en défi la sagesse populaire de l’implémentation universelle des politiques favorables au marché dans différents pays. C’est la raison pour laquelle cette œuvre est désignée de mettre en relief toutes les obstacles qui empêchent des politiques macroéconomiques – politique budgétaire et politique monétaire - d’être mises en œuvre. En outre, il est montré que les politiques structurelles favorables au marché ne sont pas suffisantes de compenser ses contraintes. Cette thèse, en s’appuyant sur la théorie de la croissance économique et la théorie de la transition économique, encourage l’idée de l’inclusion des politiques industrielles en tant que le factor qui a manqué dans la stratégie de réforme dans les PEE. / Emerging Europe Countries (EEC) triggered the greatest simultaneous economic transformation in the economic history 25 years ago. Although, the idea of market economy prevailed over planned economy building expectation about the speed of convergence process, EEC are still struggling to keep pace with the turbulent global economic environment. This study aims to partially fulfil the gap in economic theory in terms of economic policies reviewing existing theoretical conclusions within economics of transition. The purpose of this overview is simple: we needed to understand every possible limitation inherent in these economies that can distort the effects of economic policies even they showed high effectiveness in developed countries. The 2007/08 financial crises shed light on the existence of important weaknesses that these economises suffer from and challenged the conventional wisdom about unified implementation of market friendly policies over diversified countries. This analysis emphasises all constraints of macroeconomic policies – fiscal and monetary – to be fully deployed in EEC as well as insufficiency of market friendly structural policies to compensate these limitations. Relaying on the theory of economic growth and the theory of economic transition this study is encouraging the idea of the consideration of industrial policies as the missing element of reform strategy of EEC.


LAURETTA, ELIANA 22 May 2014 (has links)
Studi condotti sulla crisi finanziaria del 2007-09 e la recessione economica hanno evidenziato l’inadeguatezza delle teorie predominanti e la loro inefficacia nel proporre adeguate soluzioni di policy. La presenza di moneta bancaria nell’economia e di un sistema finanziario caratterizzato da innovazione finanziaria e speculazione modificano profondamente la natura stessa del processo di credit creation. Una nuova prospettiva sulla relazione tra finanza e crescita economica necessita essere sviluppata cercando di colmare le lacune esistenti tra New Growth Theory e Evolutionary Theory, come J.A. Schumpeter (1934) e altri studiosi hanno evidenziato. I fattori strutturali sono alla base della persistente instabilita` finanziaria nell’economia. Questo studio tenta di spiegare l’ipotesi che sta alla base dell’intera analisi circa il passaggio avutosi nell'impianto strutturale dell'economia da un virtuous cycle ad un bad cycle, e dimostrare l’esistenza di cio` che definiamo wealth trap, la quale e` ipotizzata essere conseguenza di un sistema finanziario tecnologicamente avanzato, ma non socialmente avanzato. Un modello non lineare ad Agenti (AMB) chiamato BFSE (Based-line Financial System Economy) mostra , tramite la sperimentazione sul modello ICEACE(Erlingsson et al., 2011), evidenze sulla centralita` del sistema finanziario e dell’esistenza del bad cycle. Una discussione sulle macroprudential policies e le politiche strutturali e` introdotta. / Studies of the 2007-09 credit crisis and the resulting recession have revealed the inadequacy of the predominant theoretical frameworks and their failure to propose adequate policy solutions. The presence in the economy of bank money and a financial system characterized by financial innovation and speculation changes the nature of credit creation. As J.A. Schumpeter (1934) and others scholars have recognized, a new perspective on the financial-growth relationship needs to be developed by filling the gaps in New Growth Theory and Evolutionary Theory - two Sons of Schumpeter - and in some way combining them. Structural factors are at the bottom of the persistence of the financial instability in the economy. The goal of this research is to explain the main hypothesis of the historical passage of the economy from a virtuous to a bad cycle and to show the existence of the wealth trap, which is a consequence of a high-technologically advanced financial system within the economic system. A non-linear ABM (Agent Based Model) called BFSE provides, through experimentation using ICEACE model (Erlingsson et al., 2011), interesting evidences of the centrality of the financial system and the bad cycle. Macroprudential and structural policies are introduced.

Flux internationaux, hypertrophie bancaire et syndrome hollandais dans les petites économies ouvertes / Foreign inflows, banking hypertrophia and dutch disease in small open economies

Bou habib, Chadi 26 October 2012 (has links)
Les flux financiers internationaux ont connu un développement accéléré au cours des quatre dernières décennies, et le rôle du secteur bancaire dans la transformation de ces flux en moyens de financer la demande s’est accru. Or le passage d’un choc de flux, à un choc de revenu, puis à un choc de demande, génère des ajustements de type «Syndrome Hollandais»; avec variation des prix relatifs et ajustement de la structure de production, mouvement des facteurs de production, et variation des rémunérations absolues et relatives de ces facteurs. Le phénomène est d’importance pour les petites économies ouvertes preneuses de prix et exposées aux chocs exogènes. Nous conceptualisons la transmission du choc et les ajustements sur différents horizons temporels pour une économie à deux secteurs; l’un produisant des biens échangeables et l’autre des biens non-échangeables. L’économie dispose de deux facteurs de production, le travail et le capital, substituables et mobiles avec le temps. Nous testons ce cadre conceptuel sur le Liban, le Luxembourg, et l’Islande; trois pays bénéficiant de larges flux financiers internationaux avant la crise de 2008 et ayant des secteurs bancaires de tailles importantes. Nous trouvons que la direction et l’intensité des ajustements de moyen terme vont dépendre du différentiel d’intensité capitalistique entre secteurs. Sur le long terme, l’offre des facteurs va se modifier. Nous testons aussi l’impact des politiques de réserves et du marché de la monnaie et du crédit, et des politiques fiscales et structurelles. La combinaison de mesures produit de meilleurs résultats sans toutefois mettre le poids de l’atténuation des ajustements sur un seul instrument. / Foreign financial inflows have developed quickly in the past 40 years. These inflows have increased the ability of the banking sector to further finance domestic demand. The transformation of foreign financial inflows into an income and demand shock generates Dutch Disease adjustments; with change in relative prices and adjustments in the productive system, resources movement, and change in the absolute and relative remunerations of factors of production. The phenomenon is of great importance in the case of small open economies that are price takers in the international market and exposed to exogenous shocks. We conceptualize the transmission of the shock and the adjustments over different time horizons for an economy composed of two sectors; one producing traded goods and the other producing non-traded goods. This economy is endowed with two factors of production, labor and capital, substitutable and mobile as time elapses. We experiment this conceptual framework in the cases of Lebanon, Luxemburg, and Iceland; the three economies having large banking sectors and benefiting from large foreign financial inflows prior to the 2008 crisis. We find that the direction and intensity of adjustments over the medium term depend on the differential of capital intensity between sectors. Over the longer term, the supply of factors of production would change. We also simulate the impact of policy choices, with focus on reserves policies, policies of money and credit, fiscal policies, and structural policies. The combination of measures leads to better results without putting the burden of the mitigation of adjustments on one single policy instrument.

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