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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knihovnické informační centrum / Library Information Center

Boreš, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
Thesis "Library Information Centre" is processed in the form of detailed project documentation containing all requirements in accordance with applicable standards and regulations. The proposed building is designed as a four-storey building shape of a rounded rectangular triangle with dimensions of 33.5 x 33.5 m, which is a full basement. The building is used for administration, services and information centers. In 1PP is located technical facilities, warehouses and supply. On the 1st floor there is space for services and administration. In the 2nd floor-3rd floor spaces are located Information Center. In the last nadzemím floor space technical background. The building is based on a baseplate. Used a support system is a combined structural system of walls and columns. The building is designed with an offset raster light curtain wall system complete with sun protection. The object is implemented to suit the requirements of the wheelchair. For the object will be set up areas for landscaping and furniture for visitors to the building. On the southwest side of the parking lot will be built with 39 stalls including 5 places for the disabled with a reduced pavement. In the Northeast will be built with 44 parking spaces for cars.

Ocelová konstrukce volejbalové haly / The steel construction of a volleyball hall

Kratochvílová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the study of sports hall designated for volleyball. The volleyball hall is steel construction with arched truss with span of 30 meters. Sport`s background, roofed by mono-pitch plus saddle roof, is part of south-easterly side of the hall. The hall is situated in moderate slope terrain in cadastre unit Zbraslav na Moravě. Designed hall has rectangular plan (48 x 30 m) to this belongs also the foyer and the clubroom. Clear height of the hall is 15 m. Object consists of columnal structural system with steel columns that support arched truss. Center to center spacing of main truss is 8 m. The object is set up on reinforced concrete foundation pad. Column foot is sticked in foundation pad and column head is pinned. Roof’s and wall’s bracings provide stability of the hall. Curtain walling and roof cover is made of sandwich panels Kingspan. Insolation and daylighting is guaranteed by plastic windows set in the wall.

Polyfunkční dům / Mixed-use Building

Vlado, Roman January 2016 (has links)
Annotation The aim of the thesis is new-building design of mixed-use building in cadastral of community Nové Mesto nad Váhom. Building is situated at free estate in the marginal of community. Building estate must have new feeder road built. In front of building will be the parking area. The mixed-use building is detached and four-storied building. At basement is situated underground garage for ten cars and store houses for flats. At first floor is situated cafe and commercial space. Cafe has kitchen, stock rooms and WC. Commercial space has staff facilities and sales area. One of the shops has back door to stock room. Parking space for staff is next to building. At second and third floor is situated eight flats. Four flats has 3 rooms and four left has 2 rooms. Each flat has got stock room, WC and bathroom. In each flat is situated entrance to the terrace. Terrace is on extensive green roof orientated to southwest. In the flats is kitchen together with living room because of bigger space. Floor in the flats is combination of ceramic tiles and laminated floor. Area with flats has a lift. Concrete foundations are on micropiles. Project is set up with system LIVETHERM building has heat cladding. At the building are plastic windows and colour is matching with facade. Foothpath around building are from interlocking pavement. Whole documentation is prepared to realization of building. Drawing documentation is prepared by software AUTOCAD.

Polyfunkční dům / Multi-functional building

Juříček, Marek January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is a design documentation of multi-functional building. The building has a basement and four above-ground floors. The basement is served as an APS garage. The ground floor contains commercial premises as a bistro, copy centre and hairdresser's. The first floor is used for offices. The third and the fourth floors contain two maisonette with roof decks. Structural system is masonry systém of lightweight concrete block Ytong and RC’s elements. A roof is design as warm flat roof with waterproof membrane of m-PVC foil. Dominant elements are a ventilated cladding Cembrit and glass facade oriented on south-east.

Nová Jižní čtvrť a její propojení s řekou Svratkou / New South District and its Connection to Svratka

Špirková, Silvia January 2019 (has links)
The assignment of the diploma thesis follows the pre-diploma project of an urbanistic design - New South District and its Connection to Svratka. The subject of the thesis is a design of the apartment building on the riverside of Svratka. The thesis has a form of architectonic study. The architectural design is interconnected with surrounding built-up area and preserves the existing height level. It also respects the definened riverside. The construction has a shape of the letter "U" opening towards the river. The shift of the north "wing" of the building creats widened "inner block". It offers diverse views on the river and accentuates an "incorporation" of the river to inner block. The residential building has six floors and two underground parking floors. It is devided into 7 units with separate entrances. The proposed part of the building is located directly on the riverbank. It includes 16 housing units and one leasable space.

Proactive Adaptability : Designing an adjustable building system out of wood with the future in mind

Proykina, Lidia January 2023 (has links)
Our urban environment is in constant flux, cities are ever-changing ecosystems that expand, contract, evolve & adapt. However, the way that we have been building our environment has seldom reflected that on the building scale. New neighbourhoods emerge, buildings are torn down and new ones replace them, but in the world that we live today where resources are becoming more scarce and global climate change is upon us, it is time to rethink how we design buildings today with the future in mind. My project’s goal is to design a wood construction system & building, with a focus on enabling mobility, adaptability, reuse, easy assemblage & disassemble, while fostering a sense of permanence so the user feels rooted at home.While concrete has allowed us to push the limits of what we can build, I believe that wood construction R & D has gotten far enough to have similar qualities but store carbon at the same time as being a renewable resource if managed & used responsibly. In my project, I used the method of prefabricating & separating each system on its own layer to allow for longevity, easy replacement & flexibility.

Factibilidad constructiva de viviendas con muros portantes de fardos de paja energéticamente eficientes y sismo resistentes en la zona andina del Ecuador

Viera Arroba, Luisa Paulina 01 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] La Constitución del Ecuador establece que el acceso a una vivienda digna es un derecho fundamental. Sin embargo, muchos ciudadanos viven en situaciones de riesgo, ya que las edificaciones que habitan no tienen características físicas y/o estructurales adecuadas. Esto se acentúa en la zona rural, en donde la necesidad de casas que cumplan estándares de calidad es en promedio 71, 2% más que las ciudades. En la mayoría de construcciones que se realizan en Ecuador, se usan materiales convencionales como el hormigón, bloques y ladrillos. Por lo que, cubrir la totalidad del déficit de vivienda (665 612 unidades) requiere una gran inversión económica; además, del alto costo ambiental que representaría; ya que, los materiales mencionados tienen consumos energéticos altos desde su producción hasta su puesta en obra. Es evidente entonces que la dotación de vivienda debe hacerse con materiales sustentables y accesibles a la mayoría de la población. Una alternativa es la paja, que es natural, renovable, sumidero de CO2 y biodegradable. En Ecuador se obtienen anualmente 28 754,492 toneladas de paja de trigo y cebada. Con este desecho de la cosecha, se podrían hacer fardos, con los cuales construir casas. Sin embargo, en el país existe muy poco conocimiento de este material y el sistema constructivo que se requiere para edificar de forma técnica y segura. La presente investigación aborda la caracterización física y mecánica de los fardos producidos localmente para determinar su posibilidad de su uso como material de construcción. Además, se realizaron ensayos pseudo-dinámicos a muros portantes realizados con fardos y recubiertos con dos alternativas de mortero. Con los resultados obtenidos, se realizó la modelación estructural de una vivienda tipo, determinando que el desplazamiento lateral relativo de la misma, cumple los estándares de la Norma Ecuatoriana de la Construcción para edificaciones sismo resistentes. También se realizó un análisis económico, determinando que el costo de la vivienda tipo es inferior al valor establecido para casas de interés social en el país. Lo que determina su accesibilidad al segmento poblacional más pobre. Además, se elaboró un manual, que detalla el procedimiento constructivo de la casa tipo, de forma clara y sencilla para hacerlo de fácil entendimiento. / [CA] La Constitució de l'Equador estableix que l'accés a un habitatge digne és un dret fonamental. No obstant això, molts ciutadans viuen en situacions de risc, ja que les edificacions que habiten no tenen característiques físiques i/o estructurals adequades. Això s'accentua en la zona rural, on la necessitat de cases que complisquen estàndards de qualitat és en mitjana 71,2% més que les ciutats. En la majoria de construccions que es realitzen a l'Equador, s'usen materials convencionals com el formigó, blocs i rajoles. Pel que, cobrir la totalitat del dèficit d'habitatge (665 612 unitats) requereix una gran inversió econòmica; a més, de l'alt cost ambiental que representaria; ja que, els materials esmentats tenen consums energètics alts des de la seua producció fins a la seua posada en obra. És evident llavors que la dotació d'habitatge ha de fer-se amb materials sustentables i accessibles a la majoria de la població. Una alternativa és la palla, que és natural, renovable, embornal de CO2 i biodegradable. A l'Equador s'obtenen anualment 28 754,492 tones de palla de blat i ordi. Amb aquesta deixalla de la collita, es podrien fer fardells, amb els quals construir cases. No obstinate això, al país existed molt poc coneixement d'aquest material I el sistema construction que es required per an edificar de manera tècnica I Segura. La present investigació aborda la caracterització física i mecànica dels fardells produïts localment per a determinar la seua possibilitat del seu ús com a material de construcció. A més, es van realitzar assajos pseudo-dinàmics a murs portants realitzats amb fardells i recoberts amb dues alternatives de morter. Amb els resultats obtinguts, es va realitzar el modelatge estructural d'un habitatge tipus, determinant que el desplaçament lateral relatiu d'aquesta, compleix els estàndards de la Norma Equatoriana de la Construcció per a edificacions sisme resistents. També es va realitzar una anàlisi econòmica, determinant que el cost de l'habitatge tipus és inferior al valor establit per a cases d'interés social al país. El que determina la seua accessibilitat al segment poblacional més pobre. A més, es va elaborar un manual, que detalla el procediment constructiu de la casa tipus, de manera clara i senzilla per a fer-ho de fàcil enteniment. / [EN] The Constitution of Ecuador establishes that access to decent housing is a fundamental right. However, many citizens live in risky situations since their buildings do not have adequate physical and structural characteristics. This is accentuated in rural areas, where the need for houses that meet quality standards is, on average, 71.2% higher than in the cities. In most constructions in Ecuador, conventional materials such as concrete, blocks, and bricks are used. Therefore, covering the entire housing deficit (665 612 units) requires a significant economic investment, in addition to the high environmental cost, since the materials have high energy consumption from production to installation. It is evident then that housing must be built with sustainable materials accessible to most of the population. One alternative is straw, which is natural, renewable, a CO2, and biodegradable. In Ecuador, 28 754.492 tons of wheat and barley straw are obtained annually. With this waste from the harvest, bales could be made with which to build houses. However, there needs to be more knowledge of this material and the construction system required to build technically and safely in the country. The present research addresses the physical and mechanical characterization of locally produced bales to determine the possibility of their use as a construction material. In addition, pseudo-dynamic tests were carried out on load-bearing walls made with bales. An economic analysis was also carried out, determining that the cost of the house type is lower than the value established for houses of social interest in the country. This determines its accessibility to the poorest segment of the population. In addition, a manual was prepared detailing the construction procedure of the house type clearly and straightforwardly to make it easy to understand. / Viera Arroba, LP. (2023). Factibilidad constructiva de viviendas con muros portantes de fardos de paja energéticamente eficientes y sismo resistentes en la zona andina del Ecuador [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196654

Sportovní centrum / Sports center

Florek, Jozef January 2018 (has links)
The project deals with structure design of a new – built sports centre with the capacity up to 120 persons. It is situated in the sports grounds of Zákamenné in a flat terrain lot with area of 21 811 m2. The building wasn´t designed for disabled people, it is designed with partial basement, it has got two floors with irregular shape and the floor area of 752,44 m2. On the first floor the building is split into two sections - northern, which is the sports part and southern. which is the facilities part (café, entrance to flat,...). On the second floor there is a caretaker´s flat in the southern part, northern part serves mainly for administration purposes. The northern part also offers access to a non-public terrace. Basement is situated under southern part and serves technical facilities of the buildiung. The support structure system consists of concrete strips foundations, supporting wall system built with Ytong aerated concrete blocks, the ceiling system is made of reinforced concrete floor, which also supports construction of a warm flat roof.

Mateřská škola / Kindergarten

Křenek, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is to elaborate project documentation for the execution of a new building of kindergarten. The intention is to construct a new kindergarten which access preschool-age children has visual contact with nature and space of outside. This is purpose why all main windows face south. In the second floor is situated schoolroom for minor activity. The building is designed as brick, using clay blocks which are put on concrete foundation strips. Basement walls are from formwork brick fill concrete and steel armature. Thermal insulation is from contact thermal insulation system and ventilated facade with wood clapboard from pine (Thermowood). The roofing is designed partly as single-shell vegetative (extensive) roof and partly as a float double-shell roof with timber truss girder. Ceiling construction in the basement and the first floor is from concrete load-bearing structure.

Domov pro seniory, domov se zvláštním režimem / Senior center

Malcharková, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The subject of my diploma thesis is the design of a home for the elderly, a home with a special regime in the form of project documentation for the construction. The house is designed as stand-alone and wheelchair accessible. The building is partly basement, with four above-ground floors. On the first floor there are social and operational spaces of the home for seniors and there is also commercial use. The other above-ground floors include individual client rooms and operational background. The construction system of the whole building is a transverse wall. The building is based on concrete foundation. The external wall is made of clay block and the floor structure is made of cast-in-place reinforced slab. Basement loadbearing masonry is monolithic reinforced concrete. The staircase is a monolithic reinforced concrete and a lift is in the mirror of the staircase. The object is roofed with warm flat roof. Other part of this thesis is an assessment of building physics and fire safety requirements.

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