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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Innovative teaching strategies within a nursing education model

Potgieter, Eugené 06 1900 (has links)
Recent nursing literature has repeatedly proclaimed the need for creativity in nursing. The complexity of contemporary nursing practice as a result of the explosion of knowledge and technology, changing human values and diverse health care systems, requires an innovative and creative nurse who can adapt to change and provide holistic, individualised, context-specific patient care. Higher levels of cognitive thought, creative thinking and problem-solving skills have been stressed as desirable qualities of student nurses. It is suggested in the literature that the evolution of innovative strategies and the ways to implement them into nursing curricula be explored in order to assist and encourage students to develop these higher cognitive skills. From an analytical study of the literature which was undertaken with the aim of exploring the nature of creativity and the processes involved in creative thinking and learning, and of identifying innovative strategies particularly relevant to the teaching of nursing, it became apparent that the most significant determinants in teaching for creativity, are the learning enviromnent, the educator-student relationship, and the provision of a variety of teaching strategies, which are student-centred with a problem-solving focus. It was established that stimulation of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain is essential for the development of creative thinking skills. Based on the insights and knowledge gained in the study, a nursing education model for the fostering of creativity was developed. This model encompasses a wide variety of didactic considerations and is designed to stimulate whole brain learning. It is hoped that its use will be of value in the production of innovative and courageous nurse practitioners who will be better equipped to cope with the changes and challenges of their working environment and be able to provide context-specific nursing care. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Nursing Science)

Conceptions of teaching and teaching practices in relation to student-centred instruction in selected Ethiopian universities

Adinew Tadesse Degago 04 1900 (has links)
The study explored instructors' conceptions of teaching and their teaching practices in four Ethiopian universities in the light of the existing calls for the employment of student-centred approach to teaching in higher education in Ethiopia. The study was grounded on the assumption that instructors are unlikely to adopt student-centred approach to teaching unless their conceptions of teaching are developed and/or unless the teaching environment is supportive. To address the objective of the study, data were collected using a mixed methods research design using a sequential exploratory strategy. Based on this strategy, data were obtained first qualitatively from 20 instructors through interviews and classroom observations and then quantitatively from 160 instructors and 170 students through questionnaires. The data from the interviews and the classroom observations were analysed qualitatively using a phenomenographic approach and content analysis respectively whereas the data from the questionnaires were analysed statistically using SPSS. From this, frequencies, mean scores and percentages were computed in order to summarise and interpret responses. In addition, independent samples test and one-way ANOVA were applied to examine the differences in conceptions of and approaches to teaching among instructors. Furthermore, Pearson correlation coefficient was applied to examine the relationship between instructors‟ conceptions of teaching and their teaching practices. From the results, it was found that instructors‟ conceptions of teaching in the four universities incline towards the student-centred conception of teaching though there were also instructors whose conceptions of teaching were the traditional teacher-centred. Regarding teaching practices, although the instructors claimed that their teaching practices were student-centred, the results of the study appear to suggest that meaningful instructional practices were still under the influence of the traditional conception of teaching. In addition, numerous factors were found to be impeding the proper implementation of student-centred instruction including the background of the students, the instructors‟ obsession with lecturing and lack of enabling environment. Based on the findings, teaching improvement programs that develop instructors‟ conceptions of teaching were suggested. Furthermore, a supportive environment that enables instructors to translate their changed conceptions of teaching into their teaching practices was recommended. Finally, recommendations for further studies were provided. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Analysing "involvement" in distance education study guides: an appraisal-based approach

Mischke, Gertruida Elizabeth 30 November 2005 (has links)
The main aim of this study is to extend our current understanding of the linguistic characteristics of student-centred distance education texts. This aim links directly with the shift in South Africa from an objectivistic, content-centred teaching approach towards an outcomes-based, studentcentred one. Partly because few guidelines exist as to what the linguistic characteristics of student-centred texts are, developers of such texts in a distance education environment face many challenges and thus, a secondary, more indirect aim of this study is to benefit developers of distance education study materials. In view of the educational context in which the study is situated, a brief overview of some of the most relevant pedagogic perspectives underlying the notion of student-centredness is provided. Student-centredness is then interpreted in terms of Biber's (1988) construal of `involvement' and also in terms of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL): more particularly, the interpersonal discourse semantic metafunction of SFL and on insights developed in Appraisal Theory. The focus of the study is thus on `involvement' and the expression of evaluative stance, and consequently on attitudinal language through `involvement' features. Of particular interest to the present study is how learning is advanced through the use of attitudinal language. The data for the study include six print-based distance education teaching texts (study guides) from three different academic departments at the University of South Africa. Two guides from each department are analysed and compared: one developed by way of a content-centred approach to teaching and the other by way of a student-centred approach. The linguistic construal of evaluative stance in these guides is analysed and interpreted in interpersonal terms. The thesis develops a theoretically motivated explanation of the linguistic characteristics of student-centred distance education texts, and in the process provides evidence of the interpersonal and pedagogic relevance of evaluative stance in the context of distance education. Some of the main conclusions reached are that student-centred texts differ from contentcentred ones with regard to: the extent to which the social presence of discourse participants is signalled in such texts; the extent to which solidarity is negotiated with students; the participation of students in the knowledge construction process; the relationship that prevails between lecturers and students; and the identity developed for both students as well as lecturers. / Linguistics / D. Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)

Active learning approaches in mathematics education at universities in Oromia, Ethiopia

Alemu, Birhanu Moges 11 1900 (has links)
Meaningful learning requires active teaching and learning approaches. Thus, with a specific focus on Mathematics teaching at university in Oramia, the study aimed to: • examine the extent to which active learning/student-centered approaches were implemented; • assess the attitudes of university lecturers towards active-learning; • investigate whether appropriate training and support have been provided for the implementation of an active learning approaches • assess the major challenges that hinder the implementation of active learning approaches and • recommend ways that could advance the use of active learning approaches in Mathematics teaching at university. A mixed-methods design was used. Among the six universities in the Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia, two of the newly established universities (younger than 5 years) and two of the old universities (15 years and older) were involved in the study. A total of 84 lecturers participated in the study and completed questionnaires. This was complemented by a qualitative approach that used observation checklists and interviews for data gathering: 16 lessons were observed while the lecturers taught their mathematics classes (two lecturers from each of the four sample universities were twice observed). In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted with four mathematics department heads and eight of the observed lecturers. The study adhered to ethical principles and to applied several techniques to enhance the validity/trustworthiness of the findings. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Learning styles and attitudes towards active learning of students at different levels in Ethiopia

Adamu Assefa Mihrka, Mihrka, Adamu Assefa 11 1900 (has links)
The government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia proclaimed a new curriculum for reconstructing the education system. The programme aimed at changing the predominantly-used teacher-centred instructional strategies to student-centred, active learning methods. This motivated the main research question of this study namely What are Ethiopian students’ learning styles and attitudes towards active learning approaches? The specific research questions that were investigated were: • What are the learning styles of students in Grade 10 public and private schools and at second year university level, and do these students prefer certain learning styles? • What are the attitudes of students at Grade 10 public and private schools, and at second year university level in respect of active learning approaches? • Do significant relationships exist between the students’ learning styles and their attitudes towards active learning as regards the four dimensions of the Index of Learning Styles (ILS), namely active-reflective, sensing-intuitive, visual-reflective and sequential-global? • Are there significant differences in the students’ learning styles and their attitudes towards active learning in respect of gender, different education levels and types of schools? In order to answer these questions, the study made use of an exploratory, descriptive design. By means of questionnaires data were collected from a purposefully and a conveniently selected sample of 920 students from Grade 10 government and private schools and second year university students in Hawassa, Ethiopia. The sample comprised of 506 males and 414 females, 400 students from Government schools and 249 from private schools, and 271 from the university. The data were analysed by means of descriptive statistics (means and correlations) and inferential statistics (analysis of variance). The results indicated that the majority of the students’ learning styles were balanced between the two dimensions of the ILS scales. As secondary preference, they tended towards moderate categories, and a small section of the students preferred the strong categories of the scales. Secondly, the study determined that the sampled students in general, demonstrated a positive attitude towards active learning. Thirdly, by means of the study a significant relationship was ascertained between the students’ attitudes towards active learning and the active-reflective dimension of the ILS. Fourthly, significant differences were indicated in the students’ learning styles and attitudes towards active learning in respect of their gender, their education level and the types of schools. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Педагошки ефекти Програма „Корак по корак“ у основним школама уРепублици Србији / Pedagoški efekti Programa „Korak po korak“ u osnovnim školama uRepublici Srbiji / Pedagogical effects of the Program"Stepby step" in primary schools in theRepublic of Serbia

Malešević Dragana 30 May 2016 (has links)
<p>У дисертацији су истраживани педагошки ефекти примене елемената Програма &bdquo;Корак по корак&ldquo; у основним школама у Републици Србији. Указано је на стратешке правце развоја образовања у Републици Србији дефинисаних документом, који је 25. октобра 2012. године усвојила Влада Републике Србије, &bdquo;Стратегија развоја образовања у Србији до 2020. године&ldquo;, чија је мисија да у XXI веку осигура систем образовања у Републици Србији као основни темељ живота и развоја сваког појединца, друштва и државе заснованог на знању.<br />Посебнo је сагледаван Програм &bdquo;Корак по корак&ldquo;, методологијa усмеренa на дете, који се у основним школама Републике Србије реализује у својим елементима од 2003/4. школске године. Основни циљ нашег истраживања је да на основу анкетирања ставовa и мишљењa наставника, родитеља и ученика, тестирања знања ученика и социометријског испитивања утврдимо педагошке ефекте примене елемената Програма &bdquo;Корак по корак&ldquo; у Републици Србији испитивањем когнитивних, социјалних и афективних ефеката. Конкретно, циљ нам је да утврдимо разлике у педагошким ефектима који се остварују у одељењима у којима се примењују елементи Програма &bdquo;Корак по корак&ldquo; у односу на одељења у којима се елементи овог програма не примењују. Поред тога, намера нам је и да испитамо какве су могућности примене Програма &bdquo;Корак по корак&ldquo; у Републици Србији и који су фактори који су подстицали, а који отежавали досадашњу примену овог програма у Републици Србији.<br />Истраживање је спроведено на узорку од 1617 испитаника, од којих је 43 наставника који предају у другом, трећем и четвртом разреду основне школе, 807 ученика из другог, трећег и четвртог разреда основне школе и 767 родитеља тих ученика у осам основних школа из Новог Сада, Селенче, Пивница, Ниша и Београда. Укупан узорак смо поделили у две групе &ndash; прву и другу групу. Прву групу су чинили наставници, родитељи ученика и ученици који су у одељењима у којима се примењују елементи Програма &bdquo;Корак по корак&ldquo;, а другу групу наставници, родитељи ученика и ученици који су у одељењима у којима се не примењују елементи овог програма.<br />vii<br />Истраживање ефеката Програма &bdquo;Корак по корак&ldquo; је емпиријског карактера и одговара корелационом, неексперименталном нацрту. Истраживање је сложено и састоји се из неколико фаза и одвојених студија, које су спровођене на различитим популацијама, односно узорцима, наставника, ученика основних школа и њихових родитеља. Прва студија се односи на анализу педагошких ефеката наставе на основу процене наставника, ученика и родитеља понуђених тврдњи из упитника, друга студија на постигнућа ученика на тесту знања из предмета Природа и друштво, трећа студија на интерперсоналне односе међу ученицима, а четврта на анализу могућности и факторе спровођења Програма &bdquo;Корак по корак&ldquo; у школама у Републици Србији. Да би се провериле хипотезе и реализовали истраживачки задаци, у истраживању су коришћене, како квантитивне, тако и квалитативне технике прикупљања података. Конкретно, коришћена је анализа садржаја, затим скале процене, тестови знања и социометријски поступак. Испитивање ефеката програма остварено је анкетирањем на основу скале процене, упоређивањем постигнућа ученика на националном тесту и социометријским испитивањем. У првој студији упитником је анкетирано свих 1617 испитаника из узорка. Израђена су три упитника &ndash; упитник за наставнике, упитник за ученике и упитник за родитеље. Сваки упитник садржао је двадесет седам тврдњи (девет за когнитивне, девет за социјалне и девет за афективне ефекте) на основу ИССА педагошких стандарда за шест области квалитета (Интеракција; Породица и заједница; Инклузија, различитости деморатске вредности; Праћење, Процењивање и планирање; Стратегије поучавања и Окружење за учење) и омогућио испитивање и упоређивање ставова и мишљења наставника, ученика и родитеља о ефектима овог програма. У оквиру друге студије, упоређивањем постигнућа на националном тесту ученика четвртог разреда који су у одељењима у којима се примењују елементи Програма &bdquo;Корак по корак&ldquo; (прва група) и ученика који су у одељењима у којима се не примењују елементи овог програма (друга група) остварен је увид у когнитивне ефекте на укупном узорку од 391 испитаника. У оквиру треће студије, испитивали смо интерперсоналне везе социометријским испитивањем на укупном узорку од 788 ученика прве и друге групе, а потом смо добијене податке груписали и ставили у функцију закључака о ефектима програма. За испитивање ставова о могућностима прилагођавања примене овог програма постојећим условима у Републици Србији и факторима који подстичу и<br />viii<br />отежавају примену ове методологије, што представља четврту студију, израдили смо два упитника и анкетирали 21 наставника, који су обучени за рад по овој методологији и који дужи низ година примењују елементе Програма &bdquo;Корак по корак&ldquo;.<br />На основу података добијених упитницима за наставнике, родитеље и ученике, на основу статистички значајних разлика у постигнућу ученика на тесту знања из предмата Природа и друштво, као и на основу статистички значајних разлика на социометријском испитивању по питању бројности избора ученика закључили смо да је наша општа хипотеза &ndash; Педагошки (когнитивни, социјални и афективни) ефекти образовно-васпитног рада су боље процењени од стране наставника, родитеља и ученика, постигнућа ученика на тесту знања су већа и интерперсонални односи имају више позитивних и мање негативних избора међу ученицима у одељењима у којима се примењују елементи Програма &bdquo;Корак по корак&rdquo; у односу на наставике, родитеље и ученике у одељењима у којима се елементи овог програма не примењују &ndash; делимично потврђена. Када је реч о когнитивним и социјалним доменима, помоћу т-теста на независним узорцима, добијене су статистички значајне разлике, док код афективног домена разлике нису добијене. Такође, ученици који похађају одељења у којима се Програм &bdquo;Корак по корак&ldquo; примењује, имају значајно боље постигнуће на тесту знања из Природе и друштва, као и више међусобних позитивних, а мање негативних избора у оквиру социометријског поступка. На основу свих резултата, може се закључити да су когнитивни и социјални педагошки ефекти квалитетнији у одељењима у којима се примењују елементи Програма &bdquo;Корак по корак&ldquo;.<br />Упитницима за наставнике који примењују елементе Програма &bdquo;Корак по корак&ldquo; дошли смо до значајних података о могућностима прилагођавања овог програма условима у Републици Србији, као и о факторима који подстичу и факторима који отежавају примену овог програма. На основу свих резултатa нашег истраживања потврђујемо научну оправданост примене методологија усмерених на дете и процесе учења, као што је то Програм &bdquo;Корак по корак&ldquo;, у функцији унапређивања квалитета образовања и васпитања у Републици Србији.</p> / <p>U disertaciji su istraživani pedagoški efekti primene elemenata Programa &bdquo;Korak po korak&ldquo; u osnovnim školama u Republici Srbiji. Ukazano je na strateške pravce razvoja obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji definisanih dokumentom, koji je 25. oktobra 2012. godine usvojila Vlada Republike Srbije, &bdquo;Strategija razvoja obrazovanja u Srbiji do 2020. godine&ldquo;, čija je misija da u XXI veku osigura sistem obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji kao osnovni temelj života i razvoja svakog pojedinca, društva i države zasnovanog na znanju.<br />Posebno je sagledavan Program &bdquo;Korak po korak&ldquo;, metodologija usmerena na dete, koji se u osnovnim školama Republike Srbije realizuje u svojim elementima od 2003/4. školske godine. Osnovni cilj našeg istraživanja je da na osnovu anketiranja stavova i mišljenja nastavnika, roditelja i učenika, testiranja znanja učenika i sociometrijskog ispitivanja utvrdimo pedagoške efekte primene elemenata Programa &bdquo;Korak po korak&ldquo; u Republici Srbiji ispitivanjem kognitivnih, socijalnih i afektivnih efekata. Konkretno, cilj nam je da utvrdimo razlike u pedagoškim efektima koji se ostvaruju u odeljenjima u kojima se primenjuju elementi Programa &bdquo;Korak po korak&ldquo; u odnosu na odeljenja u kojima se elementi ovog programa ne primenjuju. Pored toga, namera nam je i da ispitamo kakve su mogućnosti primene Programa &bdquo;Korak po korak&ldquo; u Republici Srbiji i koji su faktori koji su podsticali, a koji otežavali dosadašnju primenu ovog programa u Republici Srbiji.<br />Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 1617 ispitanika, od kojih je 43 nastavnika koji predaju u drugom, trećem i četvrtom razredu osnovne škole, 807 učenika iz drugog, trećeg i četvrtog razreda osnovne škole i 767 roditelja tih učenika u osam osnovnih škola iz Novog Sada, Selenče, Pivnica, Niša i Beograda. Ukupan uzorak smo podelili u dve grupe &ndash; prvu i drugu grupu. Prvu grupu su činili nastavnici, roditelji učenika i učenici koji su u odeljenjima u kojima se primenjuju elementi Programa &bdquo;Korak po korak&ldquo;, a drugu grupu nastavnici, roditelji učenika i učenici koji su u odeljenjima u kojima se ne primenjuju elementi ovog programa.<br />vii<br />Istraživanje efekata Programa &bdquo;Korak po korak&ldquo; je empirijskog karaktera i odgovara korelacionom, neeksperimentalnom nacrtu. Istraživanje je složeno i sastoji se iz nekoliko faza i odvojenih studija, koje su sprovođene na različitim populacijama, odnosno uzorcima, nastavnika, učenika osnovnih škola i njihovih roditelja. Prva studija se odnosi na analizu pedagoških efekata nastave na osnovu procene nastavnika, učenika i roditelja ponuđenih tvrdnji iz upitnika, druga studija na postignuća učenika na testu znanja iz predmeta Priroda i društvo, treća studija na interpersonalne odnose među učenicima, a četvrta na analizu mogućnosti i faktore sprovođenja Programa &bdquo;Korak po korak&ldquo; u školama u Republici Srbiji. Da bi se proverile hipoteze i realizovali istraživački zadaci, u istraživanju su korišćene, kako kvantitivne, tako i kvalitativne tehnike prikupljanja podataka. Konkretno, korišćena je analiza sadržaja, zatim skale procene, testovi znanja i sociometrijski postupak. Ispitivanje efekata programa ostvareno je anketiranjem na osnovu skale procene, upoređivanjem postignuća učenika na nacionalnom testu i sociometrijskim ispitivanjem. U prvoj studiji upitnikom je anketirano svih 1617 ispitanika iz uzorka. Izrađena su tri upitnika &ndash; upitnik za nastavnike, upitnik za učenike i upitnik za roditelje. Svaki upitnik sadržao je dvadeset sedam tvrdnji (devet za kognitivne, devet za socijalne i devet za afektivne efekte) na osnovu ISSA pedagoških standarda za šest oblasti kvaliteta (Interakcija; Porodica i zajednica; Inkluzija, različitosti demoratske vrednosti; Praćenje, Procenjivanje i planiranje; Strategije poučavanja i Okruženje za učenje) i omogućio ispitivanje i upoređivanje stavova i mišljenja nastavnika, učenika i roditelja o efektima ovog programa. U okviru druge studije, upoređivanjem postignuća na nacionalnom testu učenika četvrtog razreda koji su u odeljenjima u kojima se primenjuju elementi Programa &bdquo;Korak po korak&ldquo; (prva grupa) i učenika koji su u odeljenjima u kojima se ne primenjuju elementi ovog programa (druga grupa) ostvaren je uvid u kognitivne efekte na ukupnom uzorku od 391 ispitanika. U okviru treće studije, ispitivali smo interpersonalne veze sociometrijskim ispitivanjem na ukupnom uzorku od 788 učenika prve i druge grupe, a potom smo dobijene podatke grupisali i stavili u funkciju zaključaka o efektima programa. Za ispitivanje stavova o mogućnostima prilagođavanja primene ovog programa postojećim uslovima u Republici Srbiji i faktorima koji podstiču i<br />viii<br />otežavaju primenu ove metodologije, što predstavlja četvrtu studiju, izradili smo dva upitnika i anketirali 21 nastavnika, koji su obučeni za rad po ovoj metodologiji i koji duži niz godina primenjuju elemente Programa &bdquo;Korak po korak&ldquo;.<br />Na osnovu podataka dobijenih upitnicima za nastavnike, roditelje i učenike, na osnovu statistički značajnih razlika u postignuću učenika na testu znanja iz predmata Priroda i društvo, kao i na osnovu statistički značajnih razlika na sociometrijskom ispitivanju po pitanju brojnosti izbora učenika zaključili smo da je naša opšta hipoteza &ndash; Pedagoški (kognitivni, socijalni i afektivni) efekti obrazovno-vaspitnog rada su bolje procenjeni od strane nastavnika, roditelja i učenika, postignuća učenika na testu znanja su veća i interpersonalni odnosi imaju više pozitivnih i manje negativnih izbora među učenicima u odeljenjima u kojima se primenjuju elementi Programa &bdquo;Korak po korak&rdquo; u odnosu na nastavike, roditelje i učenike u odeljenjima u kojima se elementi ovog programa ne primenjuju &ndash; delimično potvrđena. Kada je reč o kognitivnim i socijalnim domenima, pomoću t-testa na nezavisnim uzorcima, dobijene su statistički značajne razlike, dok kod afektivnog domena razlike nisu dobijene. Takođe, učenici koji pohađaju odeljenja u kojima se Program &bdquo;Korak po korak&ldquo; primenjuje, imaju značajno bolje postignuće na testu znanja iz Prirode i društva, kao i više međusobnih pozitivnih, a manje negativnih izbora u okviru sociometrijskog postupka. Na osnovu svih rezultata, može se zaključiti da su kognitivni i socijalni pedagoški efekti kvalitetniji u odeljenjima u kojima se primenjuju elementi Programa &bdquo;Korak po korak&ldquo;.<br />Upitnicima za nastavnike koji primenjuju elemente Programa &bdquo;Korak po korak&ldquo; došli smo do značajnih podataka o mogućnostima prilagođavanja ovog programa uslovima u Republici Srbiji, kao i o faktorima koji podstiču i faktorima koji otežavaju primenu ovog programa. Na osnovu svih rezultata našeg istraživanja potvrđujemo naučnu opravdanost primene metodologija usmerenih na dete i procese učenja, kao što je to Program &bdquo;Korak po korak&ldquo;, u funkciji unapređivanja kvaliteta obrazovanja i vaspitanja u Republici Srbiji.</p> / <p>In this dissertation are researched pedagogical effects of implementing new elements of &ldquo;Step by Step&rdquo; program in primary schools of the Republic of Serbia. The focus was on strategies and methods in education development in the Republic of Serbia that were defined by the document and carried on by the Government of Serbia on October 25, 2012. The mission of &ldquo; Strategy of education development in the Republic of Serbia until 2020.&rdquo; is to ensure that education system in the Republic of Serbia in 21st century is set as the main foundation based on knowledge in life and growth of each individual, society and state in general.<br />The main focus was primarily on the program &ldquo; Step by Step&rdquo;, a student-centered methodology, which has been carrying on in primary schools of the Republic of Serbia in its core elements since 2003/4. The main goal of our research study is to define pedagogical effects of the new program &ldquo; Step by Step&rdquo; on the basis of surveyed points of views and opinions of teachers, parents and students, testing their knowledge level and doing socio-metric research. In addition, some cognitive, social and affective elements were incorporated in the study as well. Actually, the goal is to determine the differences in pedagogical effects that are realized in &ldquo;Step by Step&rdquo; classes in comparison to those classes that do not have elements of this program. Besides, our idea was to explore the options of implementing &ldquo;Step by Step&rdquo; program in the Republic of Serbia, which were its most influential factors, and also which factors made the implementation of this program more difficult.<br />The research has been done on the sample of 1617 examinees, 43 of those were teachers of Grades 2, 3 and 4 in primary schools, 807 primary school students of Grades 2,3 and 4 and 767 parents of the students in 8 primary schools from Novi Sad, Selenca, Pivnica , Nis and Belgrade. The overall score was divided into two groups &ndash; first and second. First group was made of teachers, parents and students of classes with &ldquo;Step by Step&rdquo; program, and the second group was made of parents and students of classes without the elements of this program. The research of effects of &ldquo;Step by Step&rdquo; program is of empirical nature and corresponds to correlative, non-experimental scale drawing. It is complex and consists of several phases and separate studies, being done on various populations, that is, samples of teachers, primary school students and their parents. The first study represents the analysis of pedagogical effects of teaching method based on estimate of teachers, students and parents answering multiple choice questions in the survey; second study covers the results of students being tested in Science; third study covers interpersonal relations among students; fourth study covers the analysis of possibilities and implementation factors of &ldquo;Step by Step&rdquo; program in schools of the Republic of Serbia.</p><p>To verify theories and realize research projects, there were certain quantitative and qualitative techniques of collecting data that had been applied. In particular, content analysis, scales of estimate, knowledge tests and socio-metric method were used at this point. Examining the program effects was realized using surveys and scales of estimate as well as comparing students&rsquo; results in national testing and socio-metric examination. First study covered the total of 1617 examinees being tested by questionnaire sample. There are three questionnaires &ndash; questionnaire for teachers, questionnaire for students and questionnaire for parents. Each questionnaire had 27 statements (nine for cognitive, nine for social and nine for affective effects) according to ISSA pedagogical standards for six quality domains (Interaction, Family and Environment, Inclusion, Differences of Democratic Values, Tracking, Reviewing and Planning, Teaching strategies and Studying surroundings). It enforced the examination and comparison of attitudes and opinions of teachers, students and parents regarding this program. The focus of the second study was comparing results in national testing of Grade four students in classes with elements of&ldquo; Step by Step&rdquo; program (first group) to those students in classes without the elements of this program (second group) thus giving an insight into cognitive effects on the total sample of 391 examinees. The focus of third study was to examine interpersonal relations using socio-metric method on the total sample of 788 students of first and second group. Then, we organized the obtained results and grouped them as conclusions relating to effects of this program. Finally, for the purpose of examining opinions about options of adjusting the implementation of this program to the existing conditions in the Republic of Serbia and presenting factors that make its usage difficult, the fourth study had been introduced that consists of two questionnaires in which 21 teachers were&nbsp;examined who had been trained to use this method and who have been implementing elements of &ldquo;Step by Step&rdquo; program in their teaching for many years.</p><p>Using the data from surveys for teachers, parents and students as well as statistical discrepancies in terms of students&rsquo; results on knowledge test from Science and those done based on socio-metric method in terms of number of choices of students, we came to conclusion that our general hypothesis is partially confirmed. It means that pedagogical (cognitive, social and affective) effects of educative and pedagogical work had been estimated better by teachers, parents and students; students&rsquo; achievements on knowledge tests are higher and interpersonal relations are more numerous among students in those classes with elements of &ldquo;Step by Step&rdquo; program when compared to those teachers, parents and students of classes where elements of this program were not implemented.<br />When it comes to cognitive and social domains, using T-test on independent samples, there are some statistically important differences, whereas those differences were not present with affective domain. Also, those students attending classes where &ldquo;Step by Step&rdquo; program has been used achieve considerably better results on knowledge test in Science as well as more interpersonal positive and fewer negative choices within socio-metric method. Based on these results, it can be summarized that cognitive and social pedagogical effects are of better quality in those classes with elements of &ldquo;Step by Step&rdquo; program.<br />Using surveys for the teachers who are implementing elements of &ldquo;Step by Step&rdquo; program we found out some sort of significant data about possibilities of adjusting this program to the conditions in the Republic of Serbia, as well as those stimulating factors and also factors that make this implementation difficult. The results of this research confirm scientific justification of implementation of methodologies focused on child and teaching processes, such as &ldquo;Step by Step&rdquo; program, the function of which is to improve the quality of education and instruction in the Republic of Serbia.</p>

A constructive, conceptual analytical review of the Community of Inquiry Framework

Peacock, Susi January 2015 (has links)
This thesis comprises a critical review and suggestions for enhancement of the Community of Inquiry Framework (CoIF), the frequently cited model of collaborative community-based online learning. It combines a systematic engagement of relevant literature and research, with the application of the CoIF thinking to six of my peer-reviewed publications. Although not initially conceived as forming part of a doctorate submission, these publications are drawn upon throughout this narrative, to assist my interrogation of the CoIF. They are also used to provide evidence of my continuing journey as an education researcher. This thesis is therefore not an exegesis – a traditional meta-narrative encompassing this candidate’s publications. It moves beyond my findings in the publications to create and present supplementary concepts, and develop pointed guidance about using the Framework in supporting online learning in tertiary education. My review first critically interrogates the three constituent elements or Presences of the CoIF. Social presence emerges as a highly complex and multi-faceted construct, in which the de-emphasising of the affective in the CoIF seems at variance with current research reporting the strong student emotional response to working online, and particularly in collaborative, community-based groupings. Then, in Cognitive presence, there has been little consideration of, and specificity about, reflection in the CoIF. My critique proposes that reflection and critical thinking are distinct but inter-related concepts; both of which need to be addressed. Teaching presence is renamed ‘Tutoring presence’ informed by my review based upon my emergent understandings of student-centred learning. Two enhancements to the CoIF are then proposed, together with the rationale for establishment of a Tutors’ Network. The first enhancement, referred to as 'the Influences,’ unites and enriches the individual Presences. The second argues for the existence and use of a personal learning retreat at the heart of a community of inquiry, addressing a perceived omission in the CoIF. This learner ‘space’ provides a ‘quiet, safe place’ for the private (internal) world of the learner, as a foil to the shared collaborative space in the CoIF (the external world). Finally, a Tutors’ Network is outlined as a vehicle for advancing their understandings and knowledge of online, collaborative, community-based learning in general, and in particular of communities of inquiry. This should develop the abilities of online tutors, improve their learners’ educational experiences and encourage research and scholarship into the CoIF.

Analysing "involvement" in distance education study guides: an appraisal-based approach

Mischke, Gertruida Elizabeth 30 November 2005 (has links)
The main aim of this study is to extend our current understanding of the linguistic characteristics of student-centred distance education texts. This aim links directly with the shift in South Africa from an objectivistic, content-centred teaching approach towards an outcomes-based, studentcentred one. Partly because few guidelines exist as to what the linguistic characteristics of student-centred texts are, developers of such texts in a distance education environment face many challenges and thus, a secondary, more indirect aim of this study is to benefit developers of distance education study materials. In view of the educational context in which the study is situated, a brief overview of some of the most relevant pedagogic perspectives underlying the notion of student-centredness is provided. Student-centredness is then interpreted in terms of Biber's (1988) construal of `involvement' and also in terms of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL): more particularly, the interpersonal discourse semantic metafunction of SFL and on insights developed in Appraisal Theory. The focus of the study is thus on `involvement' and the expression of evaluative stance, and consequently on attitudinal language through `involvement' features. Of particular interest to the present study is how learning is advanced through the use of attitudinal language. The data for the study include six print-based distance education teaching texts (study guides) from three different academic departments at the University of South Africa. Two guides from each department are analysed and compared: one developed by way of a content-centred approach to teaching and the other by way of a student-centred approach. The linguistic construal of evaluative stance in these guides is analysed and interpreted in interpersonal terms. The thesis develops a theoretically motivated explanation of the linguistic characteristics of student-centred distance education texts, and in the process provides evidence of the interpersonal and pedagogic relevance of evaluative stance in the context of distance education. Some of the main conclusions reached are that student-centred texts differ from contentcentred ones with regard to: the extent to which the social presence of discourse participants is signalled in such texts; the extent to which solidarity is negotiated with students; the participation of students in the knowledge construction process; the relationship that prevails between lecturers and students; and the identity developed for both students as well as lecturers. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)

Active learning approaches in mathematics education at universities in Oromia, Ethiopia

Alemu, Birhanu Moges 11 1900 (has links)
Meaningful learning requires active teaching and learning approaches. Thus, with a specific focus on Mathematics teaching at university in Oramia, the study aimed to: • examine the extent to which active learning/student-centered approaches were implemented; • assess the attitudes of university lecturers towards active-learning; • investigate whether appropriate training and support have been provided for the implementation of an active learning approaches • assess the major challenges that hinder the implementation of active learning approaches and • recommend ways that could advance the use of active learning approaches in Mathematics teaching at university. A mixed-methods design was used. Among the six universities in the Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia, two of the newly established universities (younger than 5 years) and two of the old universities (15 years and older) were involved in the study. A total of 84 lecturers participated in the study and completed questionnaires. This was complemented by a qualitative approach that used observation checklists and interviews for data gathering: 16 lessons were observed while the lecturers taught their mathematics classes (two lecturers from each of the four sample universities were twice observed). In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted with four mathematics department heads and eight of the observed lecturers. The study adhered to ethical principles and to applied several techniques to enhance the validity/trustworthiness of the findings. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Learning styles and attitudes towards active learning of students at different levels in Ethiopia

Adamu Assefa Mihrka, Mihrka, Adamu Assefa 11 1900 (has links)
The government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia proclaimed a new curriculum for reconstructing the education system. The programme aimed at changing the predominantly-used teacher-centred instructional strategies to student-centred, active learning methods. This motivated the main research question of this study namely What are Ethiopian students’ learning styles and attitudes towards active learning approaches? The specific research questions that were investigated were: • What are the learning styles of students in Grade 10 public and private schools and at second year university level, and do these students prefer certain learning styles? • What are the attitudes of students at Grade 10 public and private schools, and at second year university level in respect of active learning approaches? • Do significant relationships exist between the students’ learning styles and their attitudes towards active learning as regards the four dimensions of the Index of Learning Styles (ILS), namely active-reflective, sensing-intuitive, visual-reflective and sequential-global? • Are there significant differences in the students’ learning styles and their attitudes towards active learning in respect of gender, different education levels and types of schools? In order to answer these questions, the study made use of an exploratory, descriptive design. By means of questionnaires data were collected from a purposefully and a conveniently selected sample of 920 students from Grade 10 government and private schools and second year university students in Hawassa, Ethiopia. The sample comprised of 506 males and 414 females, 400 students from Government schools and 249 from private schools, and 271 from the university. The data were analysed by means of descriptive statistics (means and correlations) and inferential statistics (analysis of variance). The results indicated that the majority of the students’ learning styles were balanced between the two dimensions of the ILS scales. As secondary preference, they tended towards moderate categories, and a small section of the students preferred the strong categories of the scales. Secondly, the study determined that the sampled students in general, demonstrated a positive attitude towards active learning. Thirdly, by means of the study a significant relationship was ascertained between the students’ attitudes towards active learning and the active-reflective dimension of the ILS. Fourthly, significant differences were indicated in the students’ learning styles and attitudes towards active learning in respect of their gender, their education level and the types of schools. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

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