Spelling suggestions: "subject:"5students -- attitudes."" "subject:"5students -- atttitudes.""
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Males' Support Toward Females After Sexual AssaultReck, Jennifer K. 05 1900 (has links)
The current study explored the relations among rape myths, attitudes toward rape victims, perceived social support, sex role, and social reactions in a male undergraduate sample (N = 205). Males who have provided support to a sexual assault victim were compared to those who have not provided support to a sexual assault victim on several measures. Social reactions of those who have provided support to a sexual assault victim were compared to hypothetical reactions provided by individuals who have not previously provided support. Results indicated that rape related attitudes and beliefs did not differ between those who have and have not provided support to a sexual assault victim. In addition, individuals who were responding to a hypothetical situation reported that they would provide more positive social support than individuals who were responding to an actual situation. Implications for clinical work and future research in this area are discussed.
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Factors Influencing Attitudes Toward Seeking Psychological Help in Younger and Older AdultsGray, Gale René, 1958- 12 1900 (has links)
The major purpose of this study was to test a hypothesized structural model that included many of the variables that have been found to influence people's attitudes toward seeking psychological help and investigate if these variables and their inter-relationships are different for young versus older adults. This study offers a more comprehensive investigation than previous research by testing and modifying two structural models of help-seeking attitudes, one for young adults and one for older adults. This makes it possible to examine how these variables differ for the two age groups.
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The Association between Class Size, Achievement, and Opinions of University Students in First-Semester CalculusWarren, Eddie N. (Eddie Nelson) 05 1900 (has links)
The purposes of the study were: to determine the relationship between class size and academic achievement among university students in first-semester calculus classes, and to compare opinions about the instructor, course, and classroom learning environment of university students in small first-semester calculus classes with those in large classes. The sample consisted of 225 university students distributed among two large and two small sections of first-semester calculus classes taught at the University of Texas at Arlington during the fall of 1987. Each of two tenured faculty members taught a large and small section of approximately 85 and 27 students, respectively. During the first week of the semester, scores from the Calculus Readiness Test (CR) were obtained from the sample and used as the covariate in each analysis of covariance of four periodic tests, a comprehensive final examination, and final grade average. The CR scores were also used in a logistic regression analysis of attrition rates between each pair of large and small sections of first-semester calculus. Three semantic differentials were used to test the hypotheses relating to student opinion of the instructor, course, and classroom learning environment. It was found that for both pairs of large and small first-semester calculus classes there was no significant difference in the adjusted means for each of the four periodic tests, the final examination scores, the final grade averages, and the attrition rates. It was also found that the means of the student evaluation of the course by students in small and large classes were not significantly different, and the results of the student evaluations of the instructor and classroom learning environment by students in small and large first—semester calculus classes were mixed.
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Brief Symptom Inventory: Music and Non-Music StudentsYoung, James A. (James Alan), 1968- 08 1900 (has links)
The present study is a comparison of music and non-music students with respect to their response patterns on the Brief Symptom Inventory as well as several demographic questions. The sample consisted of 148 non-music students and 141 music students at three levels: (1) freshmen/sophomore; (2) juniors/seniors; and (3) graduate students. Music students consisted of volunteers from several different music classes and non-music students were volunteers from non-music classes. There were no significant differences found among or between groups for the BSI subscales. However, music students were significantly less likely to have gone to counseling in the past and to seek professional counseling for future problems. Recommendations for psycho-educational interventions with musicians are discussed as well as suggestions for future research.
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Drug Knowledge Levels and Drug Abuse Attitudes Among Fifth and Sixth Grade Students: a ReplicationMickey, Callie Parker 05 1900 (has links)
This study is concerned with drug knowledge and drug abuse attitudes of a sample of pre-adolescent schoolchildren, 90 from an urban community and 204 from two rural communities. The seven hypotheses tested compared drug knowledge levels and drug abuse attitudes with the variables of community of residence, sources of information, racial identity, acquaintance with drug users, and church affiliation. High levels of drug knowledge were found to be related to rural residence, perceived parental disapproval of drug use, frequency of church attendance, and, to a minor degree, to acquaintance with peer group drug users. The sample held negative views of drug abuse and intolerant drug attitudes correlated significantly with rural residence, parental interest in talking about drugs, church affiliation, and frequency of church attendance. High drug knowledge levels and intolerant drug abuse attitudes were related to only the .20 level of significance.
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Die konstruksie van 'n skaal vir blanke studente se houding teenoor Swartes se deelname aan demokratiese politieke instellings16 February 2015 (has links)
M.A. (Psychology) / The improvement of the attitudes of members of all race groups towards other groups appears to be an essential precondition for the promotion of constructive intergroup relations in South Africa. At present, whites play a dominant role in South African politics. Relevant research has shown that Afrikaans-speaking whites have more negative attitudes towards other race groups than English-speaking whites. Afrikaans-speaking white students are identified as an important target group for attitude-modification programmes: it is likely that this group contains a number of future leaders and opinion- formers with regard to attitudes towards other race groups. This group is also accessible for research. As an attitude object, "other race groups" is very diffuse and difficult to define. A more specific attitude object is used in this dissertation, namely "black participation in democratic political institutions in South Africa". This attitude object can be clearly defined, and probably has a central position· in the race attitudes of Afrikaans-speaking whites in South Africa. An appropriate measuring instrument with adequate psychometric properties is an essential requirement for research which relates to the improvement of the attitudes of a target group towards an attitude object. A literature survey of research which involves the psychometric assessment of race attitudes in South Africa indicates that an appropriate measuring instrument which offers an adequate psychometric assessment of the attitudes of Afrikaans-speaking, white students towards black participation in democratic political institutions in South Africa has not yet been developed.
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Entwicklung von Schülereinstellungen zu den Fächern Sachunterricht, Naturwissenschaften und Biologie beim Übergang von der Grundschule in die Sekundarstufe IMoormann, Alexandra 29 December 2015 (has links)
Volitionale Komponenten von Scientific Literacy wie Einstellungen, Interessen und Motivation von Schülerinnen und Schülern wurden bisher wenig untersucht, obwohl Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass sie eine wichtige Rolle in der Kompetenzentwicklung spielen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Entwicklung von Schülereinstellungen zu den Fächern Sachunterricht, Naturwissenschaften und Biologie im Laufe der Grundschulzeit und beim Übergang in die Sekundarstufe I untersucht. Die theoretische Grundlage bildet das sozialpsychologische Einstellungskonstrukt. Basierend auf vier verschiedenen Einstellungsausprägungen in Bezug auf „Lernfreude“, „Ziel- und Leistungsorientierung“, „Langeweile“ und „Frustration“ wurde ein längsschnittliches Untersuchungsdesign mit zwei Teilstudien entwickelt. Im Rahmen dieser Längsschnittstudie wurden zwei empirisch geprüfte Instrumente in Form von likertskalierten Fragebögen eingesetzt. Anhand der Befunde kann gezeigt werden, dass sowohl der Übergang zwischen den naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern als auch der Übergang in die Sekundarstufe I die Entwicklung der Schülereinstellungen beeinflusst. Über die Grundschulzeit und darüber hinaus zeigt sich eine stetige Abnahme an Schülerinnen und Schülern mit der Einstellungsausprägung „Lernfreude“ bzw. „Lernfreude und Ziel- und Leistungsorientierung“. Gleichzeitig steigt die Zahl der Schülerinnen und Schülern mit den Einstellungsausprägungen „Langeweile“ und „Frustration“. Nach dem Übergang in die Sekundarstufe I sinkt die Zahl der Schülerinnen und Schüler mit der Einstellungsausprägung „Frustration“ wieder. Mithilfe der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es möglich, in Zukunft Tendenzen vorherzusagen, wie sich Schülereinstellungen in der Grundschule und beim Übergang in die Sekundarstufe I entwickeln. Zudem können die Ergebnisse Lehrpersonen bei der Vorbereitung von Unterricht in den Fächern Sachunterricht, Naturwissenschaften und Biologie von Nutzen sein. / Up to now there are few studies investigating volitional components of scientific literacy such as students’ attitudes, interests and motivation. Some research findings show that the volitional components play an important role in competence development. The present study focuses on the development of students’ attitudes towards natural scientific subjects in primary school and during the transition to secondary school. The theoretical framework used is the attitude construct developed in social psychology. The longitudinal research design comprises two sub-studies based upon four different attitude expressions relating to “enjoyment of learning”, “orientation towards aim and achievement”, “boredom” and “frustration”. Two empirically tested questionnaires were put in place in order to investigate the development of students’ attitudes towards the subjects general sciences, natural sciences and biology. In accordance with the findings of other studies the results of this longitudinal study show that the initial “enjoyment of learning” (sub-study 1) as well as “enjoyment of learning and orientation towards aim and achievement” (sub-study 2) declines over the school years. At the same time the attitude expressions “boredom” and “frustration” can be found in an increasing number of students. After the transition to secondary school the number of students with the attitude expression “frustration” declines. There seems to be an impact of the transition on the development of students’ attitudes. Knowing how attitudes develop during the transition to secondary school could be a basis for the design and development of teaching science education and help to form transition programs and strategies which trigger the development of positive attitudes. The outcome of this would be a development of scientific literacy.
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Does leadership matter?: the relationship of school leadership to a safe school climate,bullying, and fighting in middle schoolUnknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this quantitative study was to determine if there is a relationship
between transformational principal leadership style, a safe school climate, and school
safety (specifically, the number of reported fights and reported bullying incidents) in
Broward County, Florida’s middle schools. This study also investigated if a relationship
exists between transformational leadership and a safe school climate, transformational
leadership, and the number of bullying incidents and student fights, and a safe school
climate and the number of bullying incidents and student fights. The study surveyed 12 middle schools located in a large, urban district in south Florida. Principal leadership style was determined from the MLQ-5X, school safety climate was determined from the school district’s Annual Customer Survey, and the reported number of fights and bullying incidents recorded in the school district’s Discipline Management System were collected via records request for each participating middle school and tallied. Pearson correlations were conducted to examine the bivariate association between the leadership dimensions, a safe school climate, and school violence. Separate multiple linear regression models were used to examine the following relationships: leadership style and the number of reported fights and reported bullying incidents; leadership style and a safe school climate; and a safe school climate and the number of reported fights and reported bullying incidents.
The findings suggested that there were no statistically significant correlations
between leadership style (transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire), and bullying
or fighting, and no statistically significant correlation between principal leadership style
and middle school climate. There was a statistically significant correlation found between
school climate and the number of student fights. The significance of this finding is
important because it illustrates the adverse impact fighting has on student safety, which,
in turn, adversely affects the school climate. Therefore, it is up to the school leader to
create a climate where everyone feels safe can focus on student achievement. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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A relação entre a experiência do vivido e o processo de construção das representações dos jovens de ensino médio hoje / The relationship between the lived experience and the process of construction of high school youth’s representations todayLins, Maria Cecilia de Almeida e Silva Estellita 12 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-10-19T11:50:28Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-08-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This work aimed to verify how the lived experience in an educational space, the Pró-Saber SP Institute,
contributes to the construction of a process of subjectivation rooted in the critical awareness of oneself
and the world. This research was carried out from the perspective of the psychology of education in
light of the Social Representations phenomenon (MOSCOVICI, 1978). The study was carried out with
high school youngsters of public State Schools located in a community in the city of São Paulo.
Initially, a survey of the school’s challenges in this stage of conceptualizing the young person who
attends it was made. Then, questions related to the specificities of nocturnal high school attendance
were pointed out. The chosen methodology was participant observation in a State School of the
community and the accomplishment of distinct focus groups: A) with young people who partake in the
Pró-Saber SP Institute experience; and B) with young people who do not partake in this experience. The
discussions in the focus groups were observed by the researcher in scenes from the school routine
during the examined period. The data found were categorized into four axes of meaning: empathy,
complexity in the analysis of reality, feelings and emotions towards the problematic and signs of
protagonism. It was identified that the group partaking in the Pró-Saber SP Institute experience differs
in the construction of these axes when compared to the group of those who do not partake. The results
show that there is little space in school today for the youth to awaken the awareness of their rights / Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar como a experiência do vivido em um espaço de educação, o
Instituto Pró-Saber SP, contribui para a construção de um processo de subjetivação enraizado na
consciência crítica de si e do mundo. Esta pesquisa foi realizada sob a perspectiva da psicologia da
educação à luz do fenômeno das Representações Sociais (MOSCOVICI, 1978). O estudo foi realizado
com jovens de Ensino Médio de Escolas Estaduais localizadas em uma comunidade na cidade de São
Paulo. Inicialmente, fez-se um levantamento dos desafios da escola nessa etapa de ensino conceituando
o jovem que a frequenta. Em seguida, apontaram-se questões relativas às especificidades do Ensino
Médio noturno. A metodologia escolhida foi a observação participante em uma Escola Estadual da
comunidade e a realização de grupos focais distintos: A) com jovens que participam da experiência no
Instituto Pró-Saber SP; e B) com jovens que não participam dessa experiência. As discussões nos
grupos focais foram observadas em cenas retiradas pela pesquisadora do cotidiano escolar durante o
período pesquisado. Os dados encontrados foram categorizados em quatro eixos de sentido: empatia,
complexidade na análise da realidade, sentimentos e emoções frente à problemática e sinais de
protagonismo. Identificou-se que o grupo que participa da experiência no Instituto Pró-Saber SP se
diferencia na construção desses eixos de sentido do grupo daqueles que não participam. Os resultados
revelam que há pouco espaço na escola para que o jovem hoje desperte sua consciência dos seus
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Chinese students' self-concept: structure, frame of reference, and relation with academic achievement. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortiumJanuary 2000 (has links)
Chit-Kwong Kong. / "February 2000.' / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 158-170). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.
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