Spelling suggestions: "subject:"suburban areas"" "subject:"uburban areas""
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Suburban development in North Cardiff, 1850-1919 : A case study of the patterns and processes of growth in the Parishes of Llanishen, Lisvane and WhitchurchHignell, A. K. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.
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Walkability: Suburban plaza Revitalization- A case study of Improving Walkability along Duke StreetTaheri, Hoda 21 July 2023 (has links)
In recent years, there has been a growing recognition regarding the importance of walkability in urban design. Walking, as the most common form of physical activity, has gained recognition for its numerous benefits. While walkability has been extensively studied by urban designers, there is a gap in understanding how to promote and enhance walkability in suburban areas.
The United States has historically prioritized car-centric transportation systems, resulting in less developed infrastructure for walking and cycling. Although efforts have been made in recent years to improve conditions for pedestrians and cyclists, there is still much progress needed to elevate the country's standing. The City of Alexandria, Virginia, boasts a diverse population and is known for its unique neighborhood called Old Town. Old Town is widely recognized for its high level of walkability, characterized by streets that are designed to prioritize pedestrians, creating a welcoming environment that encourages social interaction and a strong sense of community. However, in the suburban areas surrounding Old Town, there is a notable lack of walkability.
This study look at challenges and opportunities in promoting walkability in a suburban area of Alexandria. By examining the specific context of Alexandria, This thesis aims to create a more walkable environment in an area that currently focuses on cars. The goal is to create more livable and pedestrian-friendly suburban environments that encourage walking and bicycling, and support the well-being of residents. / Master of Science / In recent times, there has been a growing acknowledgment of the value in designing cities that prioritize walkability and placing pedestrians' needs. Walking, which is the most popular way to stay active, has been recognized for its numerous benefits for our health and well-being. However, when it comes to making suburban areas more walkable, there is still a lot we don't fully understand.
In the past, many urban designs in the United States have focused on cars, making it challenging for people to walk or cycle comfortably. While efforts have been made to improve conditions for pedestrians and cyclists, European countries are still ahead in terms of walking and cycling rates. The City of Alexandria, located in Virginia, is characterized by its diverse population and renowned for its distinctive neighborhood known as Old Town. Old Town is celebrated for its walkability, with streets that prioritize people over vehicles. IN contrast, the surrounding suburban areas don't enjoy the same level of walkability.
This study aims to explore the obstacles and opportunities in making suburban areas more walkable, focusing on Alexandria's context. By implementing design solutions, aim to transform suburban areas into vibrant, pedestrian-friendly communities that promote walking and biking, contributing to the overall well-being of residents.
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Optimal operating strategies for first/last mile feeder services due to the arrival of automated vehicles : Case study: suburban areas around tunnelbana, pendeltåg and lokalbana corridors in StockholmROMERO LÓPEZ, ALBERTO January 2020 (has links)
With the improvements of the vehicle technology related with connectivity, sharing, automation and electrification and as a solution to the problems that cities are facing, such as an intense population growth and pollution, there are new forms of mobility that are or will be created within the framework of the future mobility. In this context, the arrival of driverless autonomous vehicles will provoke an irreversible change supporting the implementation of new forms of mobility or improving the existent. One factor that will help to do feasible the improvement of the existent mobility is the reduction of costs due to the arrival of autonomous vehicles, what will make ondemand transportation competitive under certain circumstances when comparing costs between it and fixed route systems. This thesis studies for the case of the metro/rail corridors in the metropolitan area of Stockholm which areas are suitable to implement Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) according to urban configuration and access to transit parameters. Once the identification is done, a model to compare between two different operating strategies for feeder services is applied to obtain which one is optimal under different stages of development of the technology related with the vehicles in the fields of automation and electrification. The model used, with additions to existing ones to adapt it to the use of it to real scenarios, gives numerical results for the four considered stages, showing the importance of the travel demand and the street sinuosity on the results and selection of the optimal. The method and criteria developed contributes to have a clear identification of the areas in which the implementation of the DRT services would be feasible in a future mobility scheme.
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Normes environnementales et diversité périurbaine : Les enjeux de la professionnalisation de l'assainissement non collectif / Environmental Standards and suburban diversity : The professionalisation process of the individual waste water treatments serviceRollin, Jérôme 11 December 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse interroge l’application différenciée des politiques publiques et ses dynamiques.À travers l’étude de huit services publics d’assainissement non collectif, situés dans des espaces périurbains provençaux, hauts-alpins, vauclusiens et rhônalpins, la réflexion met en valeur les tensions entre des normes réglementaires et techniques d’une part et, d’autre part, des territoires disposant de ressources variables pour les appliquer. S’appuyant sur une démarche quantitative et qualitative auprès d’institutions et d’usagers, cette recherche met en évidence la grande différenciation des Spanc. Celle-ci s’explique par la difficulté, pour les Spanc, de s’imposer dans un jeu d’acteurs complexe et face à des usagers souvent récalcitrants. Notre recherche montre, au final, que la professionnalisation des agents de ces services, qui suppose le développement d’une identité, d’une culture et de pratiques communes, permet de réduire les différences d’application de la politique publique. / This research addresses the variations and dynamics of public policy implementation. Through the analysis of eight local authorities and their monitoring of individual waste water treatments, located in suburban and rural areas in southern France (Bouches-du-Rhône, Hautes-Alpes, Vaucluse, Rhône-Alpes and Var), our work highlights the conflict between regulations and technical standardson the one hand, and the unequal resources available for local authorities responsible for their implementation on the other. Adopting a qualitative and quantitative approach to institutions, employees and users, this research highlights the significant differences between local authorities in the service they provide for individual waste water treatments. These differences result from the difficulties experienced by local authorities in interacting with a complex network stakeholders and in dealing with often unwilling users. Our research shows that, the professionalisation process, which is built upon the development of a common identity, culture and practices, reduces differences in the implementation of public policy.
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Les inégalités d'accès aux ressources urbaines dans les franges périurbaines de Lille et Belo Horizonte (Brésil) / Inequalities in access to urban amenities in the suburban of Lille and Bello Horizonte (Brazil)Viana Cerqueira, Eugênia Dória 27 November 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche trouve son origine dans le constat selon lequel le périurbain devient progressivement plus complexe et que l’homogénéité présumée de ces espaces devrait être remise en question. En effet, l'étalement urbain est maintenant caractérisé par une série de processus post-suburbains multiples, inégaux et émergents, qui prennent des formes spécifiques dans des contextes spatio-temporels distincts. Dès lors, nous visons à examiner les impacts des évolutions récentes observées dans les franges périurbaines de Lille et de Belo Horizonte sur l’accès (potentiel et effectif) aux équipements urbains quotidiens (commerces, services, équipements de santé et de loisirs). Cet exercice comparatif, qui ne peut pas être réduit aux critères socioéconomiques et démographiques, propose de se concentrer sur les processus ordinaires qui contribuent à façonner les modes de vie des habitants périurbains. Dans un premier temps, les résultats montrent que, même si les grandes tendances se révèlent similaires dans les deux contextes, la métropole lilloise semble bénéficier aux groupes de classe moyenne, tandis que Belo Horizonte semble être plus polarisée. Deuxièmement, les résultats des entretiens semi-directifs menés avec les habitants des franges périurbaines montrent que leur accès aux ressources urbaines passe par une série de contraintes, stratégies et arbitrages, comme la trajectoire résidentielle des ménages, l’optimisation des déplacements, etc. L'analyse souligne à la fois la prédominance de la dépendance automobile dans les espaces de densité intermédiaire et la diversité des comportements de déplacement et des stratégies de mobilité, qui sont influencés non seulement par les caractéristiques individuelles, mais également par les structures spatiales et locales. / This research elaborates on a growing consensus in academic literature that low-density areas become gradually more complex and that their presumed homogeneity should be questioned. Undeniably, suburban sprawl is now characterized by a series of multifaceted, uneven and emergent post-suburban processes that assume specific forms across divergent spatiotemporal contexts. This thesis seeks to examine the impacts of the recent shifts observed in the suburban areas of Lille and Belo Horizonte in (potential and real) access to daily urban amenities (shops, services, health and leisure facilities). This comparative exercise that cannot be resumed in socio-economic and demographic criteria proposes to focus on ordinary processes that help shaping suburbanism(s), or suburban’s ways of life. First, results indicate that although global tendencies are shown to be similar in both contexts, the Metropolitan Area of Lille seems to benefit middle-class groups, while Belo Horizonte seems to be more polarized. Second, the results of semi-structured interviews conducted with the inhabitants of the suburban areas highlight how access to urban amenities is influenced by individual obstacles and strategies, such as residential trajectories and sequential trips. The analysis underlines, on the one hand, automobile dependency and, on the other hand, the diversity of travel behaviors and mobility strategies that are influenced not only by individual characteristics, but also spatial and local structures. / A presente pesquisa baseia-se na observação de que as áreas periurbanas vêm se tornando progressivamente mais complexas e que a suposta homogeneidade de tais espaços deve ser questionada. De fato, a expansão urbana caracteriza-se atualmente por uma série de processos póssuburbanos múltiplos, desiguais e emergentes, que assumem formas específicas em contextos espaço-temporais dist intos. Nesse sentido, pretende-se examinar os impactos das evoluções recentes observadas nas franjas periurbanas de Lille e Belo Horizonte no acesso (potencial e efetivo) às atividades urbanas diárias (lojas, serviços, equipamentos de saúde e lazer). Tal exercício comparativo, que não pode ser reduzido a critérios socioeconômicos e demográficos, propõe analisar os processos que constroem e a mobilidade dos moradores da periferia urbana. Inicialmente, os resultados mostram que, embora as principais tendências sejam semelhantes nos dois contextos, a metrópole de Lille beneficia os grupos de classe média, enquanto Belo Horizonte apresenta uma maior polarização. Em segundo lugar, os resultados de entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com moradores das periferias mostram que o acesso aos equipamentos urbanos é associado a uma série de restrições, estratégias e arbitragens, como a trajetória residencial dos habitantes, a otimização dos deslocamentos etc. A análise permite destacar tanto a dependência do automóvel nas áreas periféricas, quanto a diversidade de estratégias de mobilidade, que são influenciadas não apenas pelas características individuais dos habitantes, mas também pelas configurações espaciais e locais.
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Teatern blir till ens verklighet : En kvalitativ studie om orsaker till varför individer hamnar i kriminalitet, utifrån före detta kriminellas perspektivYarar, Paulina, Aygün, Robin January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how five individuals ended up in a criminal lifestyle and what other factors may have had an impact on the path to a criminal lifestyle. The study is based on qualitative interviews in combination with a thematic analysis method, to find patterns around the respondents statements. As men are generally overrepresented in terms of criminal groups in crime statistics, we have chosen to limit the study to only examining men who have had a previous criminal lifestyle. The study’s theoretical framework and earlier research show that the environment and social interactions have an effect on however a person develops a criminal lifestyle. Earlier research opined that social ties to society, family, friends and school have a major impact on whether a human becomes a criminal or not. The study’s results show four prominent themes that the respondents have described in their life stories; identity, relationships, sense of community and living environment and financial vulnerability. The study concludes that all themes affect and interact with each other, which affects whether an individual develops a criminal lifestyle. The study shows that an individual ends up in a criminal lifestyle due to external factors and thus does not make an active choice to become a criminal. As this study is based on a very small sample group, further research with a larger sample group is relevant in order to better understand the reasons why an individual ends up in a criminal lifestyle.
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Appropriation et mise en oeuvre de la Trame verte et bleue aux échelles infrarégionales en Région Midi-Pyrénées (Sud-Ouest de la France) / Appropriation and implementation of the Green and Blue Corridor public policy at sub-regional scales in Midi-Pyrénées Region (southwestern of France)Canard, Mathilde 07 December 2016 (has links)
La politique Trame verte et bleue [TVB], instituée en 2007 en France à la suite du Grenelle de l’Environnement, a pour objectif de contribuer à la préservation de la biodiversité par le maintien et/ou la restauration des continuités écologiques, et ce au-delà des zones protégées, dans les espaces de biodiversité « ordinaire » : espaces ruraux, périurbains et urbains notamment. Ce travail questionne l’appropriation de la TVB par les acteurs locaux, et les implications de sa mise en œuvre sur les pratiques de construction des territoires par leurs acteurs. Notre démarche repose sur un travail d’enquêtes qualitatives menées auprès de structures territoriales, d’élus locaux, d’agriculteurs et de particuliers, sur trois territoires situés au sud de la Région Midi-Pyrénées. Il a été démontré que le dispositif TVB, porté par un discours homogène et très institutionnalisé aux niveaux national et régional, se décline en situations adaptatives sur les territoires. D’un autre côté, le processus de construction de la TVB sur les territoires reste cantonné aux sphères politiques et techniques de l’Etat et des collectivités territoriales : les acteurs locaux, élus mais surtout acteurs privés (agriculteurs et particuliers) y sont peu associés. Néanmoins, ces acteurs se montrent intéressés par la question de la biodiversité, moins par le biais des discours politiques ou scientifiques que par celui des rapports à la biodiversité qu’ils construisent et nourrissent au quotidien. Par ailleurs, la convergence d’objectifs paysagers, socio-économiques et écologiques autour de la TVB peut favoriser son application locale, car pour des motivations différentes, les divers acteurs partagent des volontés d’action communes. Finalement, l’étude montre l’intérêt de connaître et de prendre en considération, dans les projets de mise en œuvre de la politique TVB, les motivations, les freins et les contraintes des acteurs locaux pour l’ancrer et la pérenniser sur les territoires. / The purpose of the Green and Blue Corridor (so called TVB) public policy, laid down in France at the “Grenelle de l’Environment” and established in 2007, is to contribute to the preservation of biodiversity by enhancing and/or restoring ecological continuity beyond the protected areas, in spaces of common biodiversity including rural, suburban and urban areas. This work questions the appropriation of TVB by local stakeholders and the consequences of its implementation in structuring territories. Our approach is based on qualitative surveys conducted together with territorial authorities, local elected officials, farmers and private individuals, in three zones of the southern Midi-Pyrénées Region. It has been shown that national TVB scheme, supported by an homogeneous and very institutionalized frame at national and regional levels comes in a range of adaptive situations in the territories. Moreover the construction process of TVB at the local scales remains confined to political and technical spheres of State and local authorities: local stakeholders, elected but mostly individuals (farmers and private people) are not very involved. Nevertheless these stakeholders are interested by the biodiversity matter, less through political or scientific discourses than in links with their own experience of biodiversity. Furthermore convergent aims (landscape, socio-economy and ecology) around TVB can facilitate its local setting up, because from spite of their diversity stakeholders share common action concerns, even if it is for different reasons. Finally, the study highlights the interest of knowing and considering motivations and constraints of local stakeholders in the TVB implementation plans, in order to root and perpetuate the TVB at the local level of the territories.
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Increasing Germination Rates and Population Growth of Native Plant Gardens on College CampusesCorsello, Rachel January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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