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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nitrogênio e enxofre na implantação do capim-Marandu em substituição ao capim-Braquiária em degradação num solo com baixa matéria orgânica / Nitrogen and sulfur for Marandu grass establishment in replacing signal grass under degradation in a low organic matter soil

Batista, Karina 29 September 2006 (has links)
A deficiência de nitrogênio tem sido apontada como uma das principais causas da degradação de pastagens, mas o suprimento de enxofre também é relevante nessa situação. Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos das combinações entre doses de nitrogênio e de enxofre em características produtivas, fisiológicas e nutricionais da planta e nos atributos químicos do solo, na implantação do capim-Marandu (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) em Neossolo Quartzarenico proveniente de área de capim-Braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens) em degradação, com baixo teor de matéria orgânica. O experimento foi conduzido em casa-de-vegetação, em Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo, no período de dezembro de 2004 a abril de 2005. Utilizou-se esquema fatorial 52 fracionado, com 13 combinações para as doses de nitrogênio e enxofre, em mg dm-3: 0-0; 0-20; 0-40; 100-10; 100-30; 200-0; 200-20; 200-40; 300-10; 300-30; 400-0; 400- 20 e 400-40, as quais foram distribuídas em delineamento estatístico de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Foram realizados três cortes nas plantas e a cada corte era coletada uma amostra de solo de cada unidade experimental. Após o terceiro corte as raízes foram separadas do solo e tiveram o comprimento e a superfície avaliados. Os resultados demonstraram que o fornecimento de nitrogênio foi fundamental para o crescimento inicial e adequado estabelecimento do capim-Marandu. Quando o nitrogênio foi fornecido em altas doses foi necessário cuidar do fornecimento de enxofre para a maximização da produção do capim- Marandu, bem como para o valor SPAD, a concentração de nitrogênio e de enxofre nas lâminas de folhas recém-expandidas e parte aérea e para a relação N:S na parte aérea. O valor SPAD refletiu diretamente a concentração de nitrogênio nas lâminas de folhas recém-expandidas do capim. O nitrogênio foi determinante para a maximização da massa seca de raízes, do comprimento do sistema radicular, da relação nitrogênio e enxofre no sistema radicular do capim- Marandu e dos teores de nitrato e amônio no solo suportando o capim-Marandu. A aplicação de enxofre proporcionou aumento da concentração de enxofre na parte aérea e no sistema radicular do capim, e dos teores de sulfato e enxofre total no solo com a presença do capim. A relação adequada entre as doses de nitrogênio e de enxofre para a maximização das características produtivas do capim-Marandu esteve no intervalo entre doses de 8:1 a 11:1. / Nitrogen deficiency has been mentioned as one of the main reasons for pasture degradation, but sulphur supply also is considerable in such cases. The objective was to evaluate the effects of combinations between nitrogen and sulphur rates in productive, physiological and nutritional plant characteristics and in some soil parameters at the establishment of Marandu grass in Typic Quartzipsamment with low organic matter concentration taken from a degrading Signal grass pasture. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, at Piracicaba, Satate of São Paulo, Brazil, from December 2004 to April 2005. A fractionated 52 factorial was used, with 13 combinations for the nitrogen and sulfur rates, in mg dm-3: 0-0; 0-20; 0-40; 100-10; 100-30; 200- 0; 200-20; 200-40; 300-10; 300-30; 400-0; 400-20 e 400-40, which were set in a randomized block design, with four replications. Plants were harvested three times, and at each harvest a soil sample was taken from each experimental unit. Following the third harvest, roots were separated from the soil and their length and surface were measured. The results showed that nitrogen supply was essential for the initial growth and adequate establishment of Marandu grass. When nitrogen was supplied at high rates, it was necessary a special care with sulphur supply to maximize dry matter yield, SPAD value, nitrogen and sulphur concentrations in the newly expanded leaves and plant tops and N:S ratio in plant tops. SPAD value was directly related to nitrogen concentration in the newly expanded leaves. Nitrogen was also decisive for maximizing roots dry weight and length, N:S ratio in the roots, and nitrate and ammonium in the soil with the grass. Sulphur application resulted in increase in the sulphur concentration in the grass tops and roots, and in the sulphate and total sulphur in the soil supporting the grass. Adequate ratio between nitrogen and sulphur rates to maximize the productive characteristics of Marandu grass was in the range of 8:1 a 11:1.

Microstructural characterisation of type 316 austenitic stainless steels : implications for corrosion fatigue behaviour in PWR primary coolant

Mukahiwa, Kudzanai January 2017 (has links)
The environmentally-assisted fatigue crack growth behaviour of austenitic stainless steels in deoxygenated high temperature water at low strain rates has been reported to be greatly affected by the sulphur (S) content of the specimen, with high S specimens exhibiting significant reduced crack growth rates (retardation) when compared to low S specimens. To further the understanding of the mechanistic behaviour, fatigue crack growth experiments have been performed on high and low sulphur Type 316 austenitic stainless steel specimens tested in high temperature water and evaluated via microstructural characterisation techniques. At high strain rates the enhanced crack growth for both specimens appeared to be crystallographic and associated with slip localization. Furthermore, matching fracture surface analysis indicated discrepancy of the slip steps and micro-cleavage cracks between the matching surfaces, suggesting that slip steps and micro-cleavage cracking occurred after the crack-tip had advanced. It was also postulated that their formation may involve cathodically-produced hydrogen and shear deformation on the fracture surface. However, when the loading frequency was decreased, the high S specimens retarded the crack growth and the path was no longer crystallographic. Significant differences in the crack-tip opening displacements were observed in both materials, with blunt crack-tips in the high sulphur specimen and sharp tips in the low sulphur specimen when the strain rate was low. EBSD analysis at the crack-tips of both specimens showed that the strain was more localised at the crack-tip of the low sulphur specimen whist the strain ahead of the high sulphur specimen was more homogenous. It is thus postulated that retardation occurs when slip localisation is no longer the dominant factor. The localised deformation during enhancement is believed to have been caused by hydrogen enhanced localised plasticity (HELP) which causes the crack-tip to sharpen. The diffused strain distribution during crack growth retardation is believed to have been caused by hydrogen enhanced creep (HEC) which causes the crack-tip to blunt. It is also believed that both enhancement and retardation mechanisms are associated with contrasting effects deriving from hydrogen enhanced plasticity. Oxide induced crack closure was excluded as a mechanism responsible for retardation of fatigue crack growth when the stress ratio is high. Effects of hydrogen induced alpha' and ε martensite phases on oxidation behaviour of austenitic stainless steels in deoxygenated high temperature water have also been studied. Microstructural characterisation shows that hydrogen induced alpha' martensite enhances oxidation of austenitic stainless steels in deoxygenated high temperature water. The implications of this finding on environmentally assisted cracking of austenitic stainless steels in deoxygenated high temperature water is discussed.

Nitrogênio e enxofre para gramínea forrageira: atributos do solo e aspectos metabólicos, nutricionais e produtivos da planta / Nitrogen and sulphur for graminaceous forage plants: soil attributes and metabolic, nutritional and productive aspects of plants

De Bona, Fabiano Daniel 06 February 2009 (has links)
A disponibilidade dos nutrientes nitrogênio e enxofre no solo pode alterar o desenvolvimento das plantas com reflexos diretos na produção vegetal. Objetivou-se: a) estudar doses de nitrogênio e doses de enxofre na produção da Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu (capim-Marandu) em implantação em solo de pastagem com Brachiaria decumbens (capim-Braquiária) em degradação, e avaliar as alterações nas concentrações desses elementos no tecido vegetal e no solo promovidas por essa adubação; b) avaliar a eficiência do uso da água pelo capim-Marandu em estabelecimento adubado com nitrogênio e enxofre; c) avaliar o efeito de nitrogênio e de enxofre na adubação do capim-Marandu na extração desses elementos do solo, na matéria orgânica, no pH e nas frações mineral e orgânica de nitrogênio e de enxofre do solo; e d) avaliar alterações na fisiologia e no metabolismo de gramínea que afetam a produção da planta, em virtude da adubação combinada de formas de nitrogênio e doses de enxofre. Plantas de capim-Marandu foram cultivadas em casa de vegetação em solo classificado como Neossolo Quartzarênico, no período de janeiro a maio de 2006 (três períodos de crescimento). Estudaram-se cinco doses de nitrogênio (0; 100; 200; 300 e 400 mg dm-3) combinadas com cinco doses de enxofre (0; 10; 20; 30 e 40 mg dm-3), em um fatorial 52 fracionado. Utilizando-se a planta-modelo Hordeum vulgare (cevada) testaram-se formas de nitrogênio e doses de enxofre na fisiologia e metabolismo de gramínea, em experimentos com solo e solução nutritiva. A interação doses de nitrogênio x doses de enxofre na adubação foi significativa para área foliar total, número de perfilhos, massa seca da parte aérea, concentração de nitrogênio e relação N:S na planta e teores de nitrogênio total e enxofre-sulfato do solo em pelo menos um dos três ciclos de crescimento do capim-Marandu. O uso de nitrogênio e de enxofre na adubação na relação N:S média de 10:1 aumentou a eficiência do uso da água e maximizou a produção de massa seca, com concentrações de nitrogênio e de enxofre ótimas para o metabolismo da planta e produção de forragem, bem como manteve e/ou incrementou a fertilidade do solo em relação aos referidos nutrientes. Altas doses de nitrogênio combinadas com baixas doses de enxofre na adubação diminuíram expressivamente o nitrogênio absorvido pelas plantas. Os teores de nitrogênio total e das formas nítrica e amoniacal do solo variaram em função do nitrogênio adicionado via adubação e da remoção pelas plantas. O cultivo do capim- Marandu associado à adubação sulfatada incrementou a fração enxofre-éster do solo. O enxofre orgânico residual do solo mostrou-se como potencial fonte de enxofre na nutrição da Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. O fornecimento de nitrogênio na forma de nitrato aumentou os efeitos deletérios da limitação de enxofre para a cevada, por diminuir a atividade da enzima redutase do nitrato e aumentar a concentração de nitrato e de aminoácidos livres no tecido vegetal, principalmente de asparagina e glicina. / The nitrogen and sulphur availability in soil might influence plant growth, affecting the vegetal production. The objectives of this work were: a) to assess fertilization with nitrogen and sulphur rates on yield of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu (Marandu palisadegrass) under establishment in a soil supporting degrading pasture of Brachiaria decumbens (Signal grass); b) to evaluate the water use efficiency by Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu under establishment and fertilized with nitrogen and sulphur rates; c) to study nitrogen and sulphur rates on Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu as affecting the uptake of these elements, soil organic matter, soil pH and soil organic and mineral fractions of nitrogen and sulphur; and d) to evaluate changes in the physiology and metabolism of graminaceous plant linked to yield, and influenced by fertilization with forms of nitrogen and sulphur rates. Marandu palisadegrass plants were grown in a greenhouse with an Entisol, from January to May 2006 (three growth periods). Five rates of nitrogen (0; 100; 200; 300 and 400 mg dm-3) and five rates of sulphur (0; 10; 20; 30 and 40 mg dm-3) were studied in a 52 fractionated factorial. The influence of nitrogen forms and sulphur rates on physiology and metabolism of graminaceous plant was tested using the model plant Hordeum vulgare (barley) grown in soil and in nutrient solution. The interaction nitrogen rates x sulphur rates was significant on leaf area, tiller number, above-ground dry matter, nitrogen concentration and N:S ratio in plants, and on total nitrogen and sulfate-sulphur in the soil in at least one of the three growths of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. Nitrogen and sulphur ratio in the fertilizer rate about 10:1 increased the water use efficiency by plants and promoted high yield, with adequate nitrogen and sulphur concentration for plant metabolism and forage production, as well as kept and/or raised the soil fertility attributes related to these nutrients. High nitrogen rates in the fertilization without sulphur supply decreased plant nitrogen uptake from the soil. Total nitrogen, nitrate and ammonium concentrations in the soil were affected by nitrogen supply and plant uptake. Growth of Marandu palisadegrass associated with sulphur supply increased the ester-bonded sulphur fraction in the soil. The soil residualsulphur fraction can be considered a sulphur potential source for Marandu palisadegrass mineral nutrition. Sulphur deficient barley plants grown with nitrate as nitrogen source showed low nitrate reductase activity, high nitrate and free amino acids concentration, specially asparagine and glicine.

Climate change effects on dimethylated sulphur dynamics in tropical coral reef systems

Green, Tamara Kirsty January 2019 (has links)
Dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) (collectively DMSP/O) are produced by marine algae, including symbiotic algae within corals. These sulphur compounds are important not only in sulphur cycle dynamics but also in potentially mediating atmospheric conditions, alleviating the effects of climate change and contributing to reef health. Most research has focused on the production of DMSP and its major degradation product, the climatically active gas, dimethylsulphide (DMS) by Acropora corals in the Great Barrier Reef. However, mechanisms for the production and release of DMSP/O by different reef taxa is poorly understood. Recently the importance of mesophotic reefs as refugia for shallow water corals has been postulated, however their role in the marine sulphur cycle is unknown. This research aimed to improve our understanding of the contemporary and climate change induced seawater and tissue production of DMSP/O in a range of reef environments and taxa. This was achieved through a combination of laboratory and field - based studies, using modern and established techniques. An effect of both elevated temperature and OA on increased tissue and seawater concentrations of DMSP/O production is reported in field and laboratory studies. Contrasting effects of benthic cover on tissue DMSP/O distributions and seawater DMSP are also noted. The importance of the physical and hydrodynamic environment on biogeochemical connectivity both within a reef and between neighbouring reefs is also focussed on. Crucially, however, the novel tissue and seawater data from mesophotic sites suggests that deeper reefs could affect the biogeochemistry of their shallow water counterparts. The key finding from this work is that climate change will result in increased seawater DMSP concentrations via two mechanisms; through the increase of cellular production of DMSP/O in all reef taxa, and by increasing the biomass of prolific DMSP producers as reefs transition to a fleshy/macroalgal assemblage. Whilst this could potentially mediate the effects of climate change, it will probably also worsen overall reef health, lead to a restructuring of reef communities from the microbial level upwards and will have possibly permanent and deleterious effects on overall ecosystem function.

Imagens alquímicas renascentistas como documentos para a história da ciência / Renaissance alchemical images as documents for history of science

Stagni, Reno 07 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:16:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Reno Stagni.pdf: 17589339 bytes, checksum: db482e5e34a0e806a35d91addaec3478 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This paper Will present the scientific facts discussed in the book Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds, written by Bernard Le Boyer de Fontenelle, in 1686, which had a great impact on many issues. To narrate the scientific facts of the time, Fontenelle deals, the book first published in 1686, the form of dialogues between supposedly caught him and a marquese on their evening walks around the castle gardens in the Summer. Both talk about the design of astronomical systems from Ptolomy and Copernicus. The Moon, the planets and the possibility of existence of other worlds like our own, are also discussed during the meetings. Narratives built using a communications strategies and arguments in order to facilitate understanding of abstract and complex astronomical phenomena by means of analogies. With the book, takes part in iniciatives to popularize science, in order to inform and entertain people without impose theories, staying somewhat on the fringes of science academies. In this paper we present the ideas of science contained in the book, trying to recognize, at the same time, the similarities and differences of those groups conveyed by scholars / Este trabalho apresentará os fatos científicos discutidos no livro Diálogos sobre a Pluralidade dos Mundos, escrito por Bernard Le Boyer de Fontenelle, em 1686, que teve grande repercussão com grande número de edições. Para narrar os fatos científicos da época, Fontenelle adota a forma de diálogos supostamente travados entre ele e uma marquesa em seus passeios noturnos pelos jardins do castelo, no verão. Os dois conversam sobre a concepção dos sistemas astronômicos de Ptolomeu e Copérnico. A Lua, os planetas e a possibilidade de existência de outros mundos semelhantes ao nosso, também são tratados durante os encontros. Fontenelle construiu narrativas utilizando estratégias de comunicação e argumentação, de modo a facilitar a compreensão dos fenômenos astronômicos abstratos e complexos por meio de analogias, Com o livro, toma parte de iniciativas em divulgar a ciência, com o intuito de informar e entreter as pessoas, sem impor teorias, mantendo-se, de certa forma, à margem da ciência das academias. Neste trabalho vamos apresentar as ideias de ciência contidas no livro, buscando reconhecer, ao mesmo tempo, as aproximações e distanciamentos daquelas veiculadas pelos grupos eruditos

Electrical behaviour of submerged arc furnace’s charge materials

Hietava, A. (Anne) 01 June 2018 (has links)
Abstract When producing ferrochrome, a submerged arc furnace (SAF) is used. The charge of an SAF consists of chromite pellets, coke, lumpy ore and quartzite as a slag modifier. The charge is pre-heated before it descends into the SAF where the charge eventually reduces and melts. The electrical conductivity of the charge is important because, among other things, it affects the productivity of the furnace. The electrical conductivity of the charge should ideally be low on the higher parts of the furnace and high near the electrode tip. This is to ensure that the electric current path travels through the metal bath via arcing, which provides the most effective heat transfer. Another option for the current path would be through the solid feed material via ohmic conduction, but since this zone is less reactive, the heat energy would be mostly wasted. This work brings forth new information about the electrical behaviour of coke and chromite pellet is produced. The electrical conductivity was measured at room temperature for different simulated process conditions (different coke textures, different reduction degrees of chromite pellets, sulphur in atmosphere and replacing the coke used in chromite pellet production with charcoal). It was found out that unlike gasification with a CO/CO2 mixture, heat treatment at 950°C increased the degree of graphitization and changed the electrical behaviour of coke. Furthermore, it was observed that increasing the chromite pellets’ reduction degree reduced the electrical conductivity measured at room temperature. In the case of chromite pellets and sulphur in the atmosphere it was found that sulphur has an effect on the pellets’ electrical behavior and structure during reduction, which - in turn - has an effect on the SAF performance when raw materials with varying sulphur contents are used. Lastly, it was found that substituting coke with charcoal when producing chromite pellets affects the sintering behaviour, cold compression strength, and electrical conductivity of the chromite pellets. / Tiivistelmä Uppokaariuuni on osa ferrokromin valmistusprosessia. Uppokaariuuniin panostetaan kromiittipellejä, koksia, palarikastetta ja kvartsiittia. Etukuumennusuunista panos laskeutuu uppokaariuuniin, jossa se pelkistyy ja lopulta sulaa. Uppokaariuunin panoksen sähkönjohtavuus on tärkeää uunin toiminnan kannalta, koska se vaikuttaa suoraan esimerkiksi tuottavuuteen. Jotta virran kulku tapahtuisi optimaalisesti sulan metallin kautta, panoksen sähkönjohtavuuden tulee olla pieni uunin yläosissa ja suuri alaosassa lähellä elektrodien päitä. Mikäli virran kulku tapahtuu uunin yläosassa, hukataan lämpöenergiaa ja uunin toiminta hankaloituu. Tässä työssä on selvitetty koksin ja kromiittipellettien sähköisiä ominaisuuksia. Sähkönjohtavuutta on tutkittu useilla simuloiduilla prosessiolosuhteilla (koksin eri tekstuurit, kromiittipellettien eri pelkistysasteet, rikin pitoisuus atmosfäärissä ja kromiittipellettien valmistuksessa on korvattu koksi puuhiilellä). Nämä mittaukset on tehty huonelämpötilassa. Huomattiin, että toisin kuin koksin kaasutus, koksin lämpökäsittely (950°C) nosti grafitoitumisastetta ja vaikutti sähköisiin ominaisuuksiin. Kromiittipelletin pelkistymisasteen noustessa huonelämpötilassa mitattu sähkönjohtavuus laski. Kun kromiittipelletit altistetaan atmosfäärille, jossa on rikkiä, pellettien sähköiset ominaisuudet muuttuvat samoin kuin rakenne pelkistyksen aikana. Tämä vaikuttaa uppokaariuunin toimintaan, kun käytetään raaka-aineita, joissa rikkipitoisuus vaihtelee. Kun kromiittipellettien valmistuksessa käytettävä koksi korvataan puuhiilellä, tämä vaikuttaa sintrausprosessiin, kylmälujuuteen ja sähköisiin ominaisuuksiin.

Nitrogênio e enxofre para gramínea forrageira: atributos do solo e aspectos metabólicos, nutricionais e produtivos da planta / Nitrogen and sulphur for graminaceous forage plants: soil attributes and metabolic, nutritional and productive aspects of plants

Fabiano Daniel De Bona 06 February 2009 (has links)
A disponibilidade dos nutrientes nitrogênio e enxofre no solo pode alterar o desenvolvimento das plantas com reflexos diretos na produção vegetal. Objetivou-se: a) estudar doses de nitrogênio e doses de enxofre na produção da Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu (capim-Marandu) em implantação em solo de pastagem com Brachiaria decumbens (capim-Braquiária) em degradação, e avaliar as alterações nas concentrações desses elementos no tecido vegetal e no solo promovidas por essa adubação; b) avaliar a eficiência do uso da água pelo capim-Marandu em estabelecimento adubado com nitrogênio e enxofre; c) avaliar o efeito de nitrogênio e de enxofre na adubação do capim-Marandu na extração desses elementos do solo, na matéria orgânica, no pH e nas frações mineral e orgânica de nitrogênio e de enxofre do solo; e d) avaliar alterações na fisiologia e no metabolismo de gramínea que afetam a produção da planta, em virtude da adubação combinada de formas de nitrogênio e doses de enxofre. Plantas de capim-Marandu foram cultivadas em casa de vegetação em solo classificado como Neossolo Quartzarênico, no período de janeiro a maio de 2006 (três períodos de crescimento). Estudaram-se cinco doses de nitrogênio (0; 100; 200; 300 e 400 mg dm-3) combinadas com cinco doses de enxofre (0; 10; 20; 30 e 40 mg dm-3), em um fatorial 52 fracionado. Utilizando-se a planta-modelo Hordeum vulgare (cevada) testaram-se formas de nitrogênio e doses de enxofre na fisiologia e metabolismo de gramínea, em experimentos com solo e solução nutritiva. A interação doses de nitrogênio x doses de enxofre na adubação foi significativa para área foliar total, número de perfilhos, massa seca da parte aérea, concentração de nitrogênio e relação N:S na planta e teores de nitrogênio total e enxofre-sulfato do solo em pelo menos um dos três ciclos de crescimento do capim-Marandu. O uso de nitrogênio e de enxofre na adubação na relação N:S média de 10:1 aumentou a eficiência do uso da água e maximizou a produção de massa seca, com concentrações de nitrogênio e de enxofre ótimas para o metabolismo da planta e produção de forragem, bem como manteve e/ou incrementou a fertilidade do solo em relação aos referidos nutrientes. Altas doses de nitrogênio combinadas com baixas doses de enxofre na adubação diminuíram expressivamente o nitrogênio absorvido pelas plantas. Os teores de nitrogênio total e das formas nítrica e amoniacal do solo variaram em função do nitrogênio adicionado via adubação e da remoção pelas plantas. O cultivo do capim- Marandu associado à adubação sulfatada incrementou a fração enxofre-éster do solo. O enxofre orgânico residual do solo mostrou-se como potencial fonte de enxofre na nutrição da Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. O fornecimento de nitrogênio na forma de nitrato aumentou os efeitos deletérios da limitação de enxofre para a cevada, por diminuir a atividade da enzima redutase do nitrato e aumentar a concentração de nitrato e de aminoácidos livres no tecido vegetal, principalmente de asparagina e glicina. / The nitrogen and sulphur availability in soil might influence plant growth, affecting the vegetal production. The objectives of this work were: a) to assess fertilization with nitrogen and sulphur rates on yield of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu (Marandu palisadegrass) under establishment in a soil supporting degrading pasture of Brachiaria decumbens (Signal grass); b) to evaluate the water use efficiency by Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu under establishment and fertilized with nitrogen and sulphur rates; c) to study nitrogen and sulphur rates on Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu as affecting the uptake of these elements, soil organic matter, soil pH and soil organic and mineral fractions of nitrogen and sulphur; and d) to evaluate changes in the physiology and metabolism of graminaceous plant linked to yield, and influenced by fertilization with forms of nitrogen and sulphur rates. Marandu palisadegrass plants were grown in a greenhouse with an Entisol, from January to May 2006 (three growth periods). Five rates of nitrogen (0; 100; 200; 300 and 400 mg dm-3) and five rates of sulphur (0; 10; 20; 30 and 40 mg dm-3) were studied in a 52 fractionated factorial. The influence of nitrogen forms and sulphur rates on physiology and metabolism of graminaceous plant was tested using the model plant Hordeum vulgare (barley) grown in soil and in nutrient solution. The interaction nitrogen rates x sulphur rates was significant on leaf area, tiller number, above-ground dry matter, nitrogen concentration and N:S ratio in plants, and on total nitrogen and sulfate-sulphur in the soil in at least one of the three growths of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. Nitrogen and sulphur ratio in the fertilizer rate about 10:1 increased the water use efficiency by plants and promoted high yield, with adequate nitrogen and sulphur concentration for plant metabolism and forage production, as well as kept and/or raised the soil fertility attributes related to these nutrients. High nitrogen rates in the fertilization without sulphur supply decreased plant nitrogen uptake from the soil. Total nitrogen, nitrate and ammonium concentrations in the soil were affected by nitrogen supply and plant uptake. Growth of Marandu palisadegrass associated with sulphur supply increased the ester-bonded sulphur fraction in the soil. The soil residualsulphur fraction can be considered a sulphur potential source for Marandu palisadegrass mineral nutrition. Sulphur deficient barley plants grown with nitrate as nitrogen source showed low nitrate reductase activity, high nitrate and free amino acids concentration, specially asparagine and glicine.

Nitrogênio e enxofre na implantação do capim-Marandu em substituição ao capim-Braquiária em degradação num solo com baixa matéria orgânica / Nitrogen and sulfur for Marandu grass establishment in replacing signal grass under degradation in a low organic matter soil

Karina Batista 29 September 2006 (has links)
A deficiência de nitrogênio tem sido apontada como uma das principais causas da degradação de pastagens, mas o suprimento de enxofre também é relevante nessa situação. Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos das combinações entre doses de nitrogênio e de enxofre em características produtivas, fisiológicas e nutricionais da planta e nos atributos químicos do solo, na implantação do capim-Marandu (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) em Neossolo Quartzarenico proveniente de área de capim-Braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens) em degradação, com baixo teor de matéria orgânica. O experimento foi conduzido em casa-de-vegetação, em Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo, no período de dezembro de 2004 a abril de 2005. Utilizou-se esquema fatorial 52 fracionado, com 13 combinações para as doses de nitrogênio e enxofre, em mg dm-3: 0-0; 0-20; 0-40; 100-10; 100-30; 200-0; 200-20; 200-40; 300-10; 300-30; 400-0; 400- 20 e 400-40, as quais foram distribuídas em delineamento estatístico de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Foram realizados três cortes nas plantas e a cada corte era coletada uma amostra de solo de cada unidade experimental. Após o terceiro corte as raízes foram separadas do solo e tiveram o comprimento e a superfície avaliados. Os resultados demonstraram que o fornecimento de nitrogênio foi fundamental para o crescimento inicial e adequado estabelecimento do capim-Marandu. Quando o nitrogênio foi fornecido em altas doses foi necessário cuidar do fornecimento de enxofre para a maximização da produção do capim- Marandu, bem como para o valor SPAD, a concentração de nitrogênio e de enxofre nas lâminas de folhas recém-expandidas e parte aérea e para a relação N:S na parte aérea. O valor SPAD refletiu diretamente a concentração de nitrogênio nas lâminas de folhas recém-expandidas do capim. O nitrogênio foi determinante para a maximização da massa seca de raízes, do comprimento do sistema radicular, da relação nitrogênio e enxofre no sistema radicular do capim- Marandu e dos teores de nitrato e amônio no solo suportando o capim-Marandu. A aplicação de enxofre proporcionou aumento da concentração de enxofre na parte aérea e no sistema radicular do capim, e dos teores de sulfato e enxofre total no solo com a presença do capim. A relação adequada entre as doses de nitrogênio e de enxofre para a maximização das características produtivas do capim-Marandu esteve no intervalo entre doses de 8:1 a 11:1. / Nitrogen deficiency has been mentioned as one of the main reasons for pasture degradation, but sulphur supply also is considerable in such cases. The objective was to evaluate the effects of combinations between nitrogen and sulphur rates in productive, physiological and nutritional plant characteristics and in some soil parameters at the establishment of Marandu grass in Typic Quartzipsamment with low organic matter concentration taken from a degrading Signal grass pasture. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, at Piracicaba, Satate of São Paulo, Brazil, from December 2004 to April 2005. A fractionated 52 factorial was used, with 13 combinations for the nitrogen and sulfur rates, in mg dm-3: 0-0; 0-20; 0-40; 100-10; 100-30; 200- 0; 200-20; 200-40; 300-10; 300-30; 400-0; 400-20 e 400-40, which were set in a randomized block design, with four replications. Plants were harvested three times, and at each harvest a soil sample was taken from each experimental unit. Following the third harvest, roots were separated from the soil and their length and surface were measured. The results showed that nitrogen supply was essential for the initial growth and adequate establishment of Marandu grass. When nitrogen was supplied at high rates, it was necessary a special care with sulphur supply to maximize dry matter yield, SPAD value, nitrogen and sulphur concentrations in the newly expanded leaves and plant tops and N:S ratio in plant tops. SPAD value was directly related to nitrogen concentration in the newly expanded leaves. Nitrogen was also decisive for maximizing roots dry weight and length, N:S ratio in the roots, and nitrate and ammonium in the soil with the grass. Sulphur application resulted in increase in the sulphur concentration in the grass tops and roots, and in the sulphate and total sulphur in the soil supporting the grass. Adequate ratio between nitrogen and sulphur rates to maximize the productive characteristics of Marandu grass was in the range of 8:1 a 11:1.

Avaliação do potencial bioindicador de Psidium guajava e Psidium cattleyanum para avaliação da qualidade do ar em área industrial

Perry, Carolina Trindade January 2007 (has links)
Com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial bioindicador de Psidium guajava e Psidium cattleyanum para avaliação da qualidade do ar em área industrial no município de Canoas, Brasil, estas espécies foram expostas em monitoramento ativo em nove pontos de amostragem, sendo cinco internos e quatro externos a área de influência de uma área industrial e mais um ponto controle localizado no Campus do Vale da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, distando 27 Km da área de estudo. Foram realizadas cinco exposições para P. guajava e quatro para P. cattleyanum que coincidiram com as estações de inverno (2005, 2006), primavera (2005), verão (2006) e outono (2006), durante o período de um ano e três meses de monitoramento. A exposição foi feita em estandes padronizados a um metro de altura do solo, com suplementação automática de água e proteção contra o excesso de radiação. Após cada três meses de exposição foram medidos o crescimento relativo em altura, a área foliar e a biomassa total, nas duas espécies expostas.Em P. cattleyanum foi analisado também a formação de ácido malonialdeído (MDA) nas folhas primárias e em P. guajava foi analisado a fotossíntese máxima e a eficiência carboxilativa in vivo, o teor de níquel e de enxofre em folhas secas, previamente lavadas. As medidas de crescimento, área foliar e biomassa não apresentaram diferença significativa em relação ao controle para as duas espécies, o que indica que não houve danos visíveis devido à poluição atmosférica. A formação de MDA mostrou diferença significativa na coleta de verão e inverno, em sua maioria, para os pontos internos. Os teores de enxofre apresentaram valores entre 0,15 e 0,41% ficando abaixo dos níveis basais paraplantas terrestres, observando-se diferenças significativas em relação ao ponto controle, para as coletas de verão e primavera, apenas para dois pontos internos. Os teores de níquel apresentaram valores entre 0,2 e 3 μg g-1, também ficando abaixo dos níveis basais para plantas terrestres, mas apresentaram diferenças significativas em relação ao ponto controle para todas as coletas. Os pontos que apresentaram diferenças para o teor de níquel em relação ao controle foram aqueles localizados internamente na área industrial a menos de 1,5 km da potencial fonte emissora de níquel, excetuando-se a coleta de verão onde a maioria dos pontos apresentou diferenças significativas em relação ao ponto controle. A fotossíntese máxima e a eficiência carboxilativa não apresentaram diferenças significativas em nenhuma coleta. / In order to evaluate the bioindicator potential of Psidium guajava and Psidium cattleyanum to air quality monitoring, these species were exposed in an industrial area in the city of Canoas, Brazil, in ten different sites, five inner, four outside of industrial area and one control site placed at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. The exposures coincident with the season of winter (2005, 2006), spring (2005), summer (2006) and fall (2006) amount five exposures for P. guajava, and four exposures for P. cattleyanum. The exposition was made in a standard frame 1,0 m above the ground, with automatic supply of water and protection to excessive radiation. After three moths of exposure it was assessed total biomass, leaf area and height relative growth rate for both species. For P. cattleyanum it was assesed the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) in leaves, and for P. guajava it was assessed the nickel and sulfur content, maximum photosynthesis and carboxilation efficiency.The evaluate of total biomass, leaf area, height relative growth rate did not show any significant differences for both species, that indicate did not occur visual damage due the air pollution. MDA showed significant differences in summer and winter, mostly for inner sites. The sulfur content showed values between 0,15 and 0,41 %, below the basal level for terrestrial plants and showed significant differences in relation of control for spring and summer for three inner sites. The values of Ni showed between 0,2 and 3 μg g-1 and they were below of basal level for terrestrial plants, but showed significant differences in relation to control site for all seasons. The inner sites that showed significant differences were placed about 1,5 km from potential source emission ofNi, except in the summer whose distribution of Ni values was higher and the most of the sites showed significant differences in relation to control site. The maximum photosynthesis and the carboxilation efficiency did not show significant differences in relation to control site.

The effect of cold maceration with and without sulphur dioxide on pinot noir wine

Dicey, M. January 1996 (has links)
The effects of varying levels of sulphur dioxide (SO₂) on the cold maceration process was investigated with Pinot noir (Vitis vinifera L.) wine. The effects of these varying levels on the wines composition and colour parameters were examined. Cold maceration is a technique whereby grapes are crushed and placed at low temperatures (4 - lO°C) in the presence 50 - 150 mgL⁻¹ SO₂. This process is believed to provide a medium for the extraction of water soluble phenolic compounds, rather than the alcoholic extraction employed in normal fermentations. The extraction of these phenolic compounds was monitored from the juice through to six months of bottle age. The changes were measured using both Spectrophotometric and High Performance Liquid Chromatographic (HPLC) procedures. Cold maceration wines were found to be not significantly different to the control wine in all compositional parameters other than titrateable acidity which was found to be less than the control for all the cold maceration wines. The unsulphured cold maceration wine was not significantly different from the control wine in any of the spectral measurements except natural degree of ionisation, in which it was higher, and total phenolics, in which it was lower. These results indicate that the cold maceration process alone does not alter the extraction of phenolic compounds. The HPLC analysis of the wine confirmed the spectral results indicating that their were no significant differences in the levels of extraction of anthocyanins. The sulphured cold maceration wines were significantly greater than the control in visible colour, colour density, total anthocyanins, natural degree of ionisation, ionised anthocyanins and total phenolics. These results followed similar patterns with wine ageing, at six months these wines were still significantly greater in all the measurements apart from natural degree of ionisation. The results for the sulphured cold maceration wines indicates that SO₂ is acting as a solvent for the extraction of phenolic compounds including anthocyanins. The 50 mgL⁻¹ SO₂ cold maceration wine had similar colour and phenolic content to the 100 mgL⁻¹ SO₂ cold maceration wine at bottling, at six months the 50 mgL⁻¹ SO₂ cold maceration wine still retained a similar colour to the 100 mgL⁻¹ SO₂ cold maceration wine but had vastly reduced anthocyanin content. This indicates that for the grapes utilised in this study the most appropriate level of addition at cold maceration would be 50 mgL⁻¹ of SO₂. With grapes of differing phenolic content the level of addition required will vary.

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