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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Landscape hydrogeochemistry of Fe, Mn, S and trace elements (As, Co, Pb) in a boreal stream network

Björkvald, Louise January 2008 (has links)
<p>The transport of elements by streams from headwater regions to the sea is influenced by landscape characteristics. This thesis focuses on the influence of landscape characteristics (e.g. proportion of wetland/forest coverage) on temporal and spatial variations of Fe, Mn, S and trace elements (As, Co, Pb) in streams located in northern Sweden, a boreal region characterized by coniferous forests and peat wetlands.</p><p>Water samples from a network of 15 streams revealed a different hydrogeochemistry in forested catchments compared to wetland catchments. The temporal variation was dominated by spring flood, when concentrations of Fe, Mn and trace elements increased in forested headwaters. However, in streams of wetland catchments concentrations decreased, but Pb concentrations were higher in comparison to other streams. Both Fe and Pb showed positive correlations with wetland area, while Co correlated with forest coverage. The anthropogenic contribution of As and Pb appear to be larger than the supply from natural sources.</p><p>During spring flood SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup> decreased in most streams, although concentrations increased in streams of wetland catchments. Concentrations of SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2- </sup>were higher in streams of forested catchments than in wetland dominated streams, the former being net exporters of S and the latter net accumulators. Isotope values of stream water SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup> (δ<sup>34</sup>S<sub>SO4</sub>) were close to that of precipitation during spring flood, indicating that the major source of S is from deposition. The results show that, although emissions of anthropogenic S have been reduced, there is still a strong influence of past and current S deposition on runoff in this region.</p><p>In conclusion, wetlands are key areas for the hydrogeochemistry in this boreal landscape. The findings emphasize the importance of understanding stream water chemistry and element cycling from a landscape perspective. This may be important for predicting how boreal regions respond to environmental disturbances such as climate change.</p>

Catalytic combustion of gasified waste

Kusar, Henrik January 2003 (has links)
This thesis concerns catalytic combustion for gas turbineapplication using a low heating-value (LHV) gas, derived fromgasified waste. The main research in catalytic combustionfocuses on methane as fuel, but an increasing interest isdirected towards catalytic combustion of LHV fuels. This thesisshows that it is possible to catalytically combust a LHV gasand to oxidize fuel-bound nitrogen (NH3) directly into N2without forming NOX. The first part of the thesis gives abackground to the system. It defines waste, shortly describesgasification and more thoroughly catalytic combustion. The second part of the present thesis, paper I, concerns thedevelopment and testing of potential catalysts for catalyticcombustion of LHV gases. The objective of this work was toinvestigate the possibility to use a stable metal oxide insteadof noble metals as ignition catalyst and at the same timereduce the formation of NOX. In paper II pilot-scale tests werecarried out to prove the potential of catalytic combustionusing real gasified waste and to compare with the resultsobtained in laboratory scale using a synthetic gas simulatinggasified waste. In paper III, selective catalytic oxidation fordecreasing the NOX formation from fuel-bound nitrogen wasexamined using two different approaches: fuel-lean andfuel-rich conditions. Finally, the last part of the thesis deals with deactivationof catalysts. The various deactivation processes which mayaffect high-temperature catalytic combustion are reviewed inpaper IV. In paper V the poisoning effect of low amounts ofsulfur was studied; various metal oxides as well as supportedpalladium and platinum catalysts were used as catalysts forcombustion of a synthetic gas. In conclusion, with the results obtained in this thesis itwould be possible to compose a working catalytic system for gasturbine application using a LHV gas. <b>Keywords:</b>Catalytic combustion; Gasified waste; LHVfuel; RDF; Biomass; Selective catalytic oxidation; NH3; NOX;Palladium; Platinum; Hexaaluminate; Garnet; Spinel;Deactivation; Sulfur; Poisoning

Ring-opening catalysts for cetane improvement of diesel fuels

Nylén, Ulf January 2005 (has links)
The global oil refining industry with its present product distribution essentially shifted towards fuels such as gasoline and diesel will most likely hold the fort for considerable time. However, conditions are changing and refinery survival will very much depend on long-term planning, process and product flexibility and being at the frontiers of refining technology, a technology where catalysts play leading roles. Today oil refiners are faced with the challenge of producing fuels that meet increasingly tight environmental specifications, in particular with respect to maximum sulphur content. At the same time, the average quality of crude oil is becoming poorer with higher amounts of aromatics, heteroatoms (sulphur and nitrogen) and heavy metals. In order to stay competitive, it is of decisive importance for refiners to upgrade dense petroleum fractions of low quality to highly value-added products. A practicable route, for example, is upgrading the catalytic cracking by-product Light Cycle Oil (LCO) into a high-quality diesel-blending component in a two-step catalytic process. In the first step the LCO is hydrotreated over a Pt Pd based acidic catalyst bringing about heteroatom and aromatic reduction and isomerization of C6 to C5 naphthenic structures. In the second step these naphthenic structures are selectively opened over an Ir-based catalyst to improve the cetane value. The present thesis is mainly devoted to the second catalytic step of LCO upgrading and was partly conducted within the framework of the European Union project RESCATS. From the patent literature it is evident that iridium-based catalysts could be good candidates for ring-opening purposes. A literature survey covering ring opening of naphthenic structures made in the beginning of the project (in 2001), showed the need for extending investigations to heavier hydrocarbons, more representative of the diesel fraction than model compounds such as alkylated mono C5 and C6 naphthenic rings frequently employed in previous academic studies. Ring-opening catalysts, mainly Pt-Ir based, were synthesised at KTH by two different techniques: the microemulsion and the incipient wetness techniques. Paper I is a review of the microemulsion technique and its applications in heterogeneous catalysis. Characterization of catalysts was performed employing a multitude of techniques including quantitative TPR, TEM-EDX, XPS, CO FT-IR, NH3-DRIFTS and XRF etc. Catalytic screening at 325 oC and atmospheric pressure with hydrogen and pure indan as model substance was conducted to investigate ring-opening activity in terms of conversion and selectivity to desired cetane-boosting products. This development process is the topic of Papers II-IV. The possible industrial implementation of the best catalyst candidate is demonstrated in Paper V. When designing a catalytic system aimed at refining petroleum, it is crucial to monitor the evolution of the sulphur distribution throughout the different stages of the process so that catalyst properties and reaction parameters may be optimised. The final section of this thesis and Paper VI are devoted to high-resolution sulphur-distribution analysis by means of a sulphur chemiluminescence detector (SCD) following gas chromatographic separation. / QC 20101014

Diet och identitet : Analyser av kol- kväve- och svavelisotoper på indivier från det kristna senvikingatida gravfältet i Björned, Torsåkers socken, Ångermanland

Andersson, Karin January 2006 (has links)
This paper deals with the late Viking age/early medieval grave field in Björned, Torsåker parish, Ångermanland County in northern Sweden. The grave field in Björned is rare because it has all the signs of being Christianized before the surroundings. This awakes questions such as if the people of Björned came from another place and brought the religion with them or if someone else did that for them. To find these answers I have analysed the stable isotope ratios [delta]13C, [delta]15N and [delta]34S in human bone collagen. Through these stable isotopes we can not only see what the people consumed but also where their food had its origin. It seems like several people from the grave field had a different origin then the rest.

Utvärdering av lufthalts- och nedfallsmätningar gjorda vid Korsnäsverken : Samband mellan miljöförbättrande arbete i pappers- och massaindustrin och föroreningar i närområdet / Evaluation of air concentration- and deposition measurements at Korsnäs : Relationship between environmental work in the pulp and paper industry and pollution in the surrounding area

Alsmyr, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
En nedgång har setts i Sverige och Europa när det gäller luftföroreningar de senast årtiondena. Nedgången beror bland annat på minskade emissioner från industrier, övergång från uppvärmning med olje- och kolpannor till fjärrvärme och förbättrad bränslekvalitet. Denna studie utvärderar lufthalts- och nedfallsmätningar gjorda i närheten av pappers- och massaindustrin Korsnäs i Gävle. Mätserierna startar vid sent 1970-tal och går fram till årsskiftet 2009/2010. Nedfall av stoft, sulfat, natrium, kalcium och lufthalter av svaveldioxid samt sot studerades. Jämförelser gjordes med Korsnäs miljöförbättrande åtgärder och emissioner under tidsperioden och med andra mätningar gjorda i Sverige och Gävleborgs län. Studien visade en nedgång av svaveldioxidhalterna i luften. Detta stämmer bra med en kraftig reduktion av svavelemissionerna från fabriksområdet under tidigt 1990-tal då installationer av reningsanläggningar skedde på de största emissionskällorna av svaveldioxid. En minskning av svavelhalten i eldningsoljan från Karskär Energi AB, ett energikombinat ägt av Korsnäs på samma fabriksområde, bidrog under samma tidperiod även till emissionsminskningen. Sothalten visade ingen nedåtgående trend under perioden men var säsongsberoende med i genomsnitt högre halter på vinterhalvåret. Troligtvis berodde detta på förbränningsanläggningar i närområdet, så som enskild förbränning och Karskär Energi AB. Fördelning av de högsta lufthalterna visade inte högre halter av svaveldioxid och sot när medelvindriktningen var ostlig och därmed blåste från fabriksområdet mot mätstationen utan när vindriktningen var sydvästlig och blåste från inlandet. Det totala stoft- och kalciumnedfallet visade ingen nedgång men hade i genomsnitt högre uppmätta halter på sommarhalvåret. Sulfatnedfallet visade högre halter under sent 1980-tal för att därefter minska och natriumnedfallet minskade något under perioden. Inga tydliga kopplingar kunde ses mellan lufthalter respektive nedfall och emissionerna från fabriksområdet när dataserierna sorterades efter vindriktning, vindhastighet och efter sommar- respektive vinterhalvår. Nedfall och lufthalter var inte högre, förutom för svaveldioxid, när jämförelser gjordes med andra mätningar i Sverige och Gävleborgs län och samtliga mätningar låg under periodens gällande nationella gränsvärden. / A decline has been seen in Sweden and Europe when it comes to air pollution the last decades. The decline is partly due to reduced emissions from industries, switching from heating using oil and coal boilers to district heating and better fuel quality. This study evaluates deposition and air concentration measurements made in the vicinity of the pulp and paper industry Korsnäs in Gävle. The measurement series starts at the late 1970s and goes up to year-end 2009/2010. Deposition of dust, sulphate, sodium, calcium and air concentrations of sulphur dioxide and soot were studied. Comparisons were made with Korsnäs environmental measures and emissions during the same time period and with other measurements made in Sweden and Gävleborgs County. The study showed a decrease in sulphur dioxide concentrations in the air. This fits well with a major reduction of sulphur emissions from the factory area in the early 1990s when installations of treatment plants were made at the largest emission sources of sulphur dioxide. Reducing the sulphur content of fuel oil from Karskär Energi AB, an energy combine owned by Korsnäs in the same factory area, contributed to the decrease during the same time period. Air concentrations of soot showed no downward trend over the years, but were seasonal, with higher average soot concentrations in the winter. This was most likely caused by the burning of fuel oil from both the private sector and Karskär Energi AB. The largest air concentrations did not show higher levels of sulphur dioxide and soot when the mean wind direction was easterly and thus blew from factory area toward the monitoring station but when the wind direction was southwesterly and blew from inland. The total dust and calcium deposition showed no decline but had higher average measured levels in the summer. Sulphate deposition showed high levels during the late 1980s but has thereafter decreased. The sodium deposition decreased a little during the time period. No clear connection was found between deposition/air concentrations and emissions from the factory area when the data series were sorted by wind direction, wind speed and after the summer and winter months. Depositions and air concentrations were not higher except for sulphur dioxide when the comparison was made with other measurements in Sweden and Gävleborg County. All measurements were below the then current national limits.

Experimentelle und theoretische Ansätze zur Entschwefelung eines mit Kohlenwasserstoffen beladenen Gases / Approche théorique et expérimentale de l'oxydation catalytique de l'hydrogène sulfureux en présence d'hexane / Experimental and theoretical investigation of hydrogen sulphide catalytical oxidation with small amounts of hexane

Averlant, Gauthier 26 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The catalycal oxidation of hydrogen sulphide in presence of small amounts of hexan has been investigated over a Titania catalyst. H2S is converted into sulphur. Nevertheless the catalyst undergoes a deactivation through coke formation. In order to explain the coke profile in the inner of the catalyst's pellet, the influence of the internal heat and mass transfers has been considered using a pore network. / Die katalytische Oxydation von Schwefelwasserstoff auf einem TiO2-Anatase-Katalysator wird in Anwesenheit von n-Hexan durchgeführt. Schwefel wird gebildet. Der Katalysator unterliegt jedoch eine schnelle Deaktivierung durch Russbildung, die anhand eines Porennetzwerksmodells simuliert werden wird. Sowohl Stoff- als auch Wärmetransport werden berücksichtigt.

Catalytic combustion of gasified waste

Kusar, Henrik January 2003 (has links)
<p>This thesis concerns catalytic combustion for gas turbineapplication using a low heating-value (LHV) gas, derived fromgasified waste. The main research in catalytic combustionfocuses on methane as fuel, but an increasing interest isdirected towards catalytic combustion of LHV fuels. This thesisshows that it is possible to catalytically combust a LHV gasand to oxidize fuel-bound nitrogen (NH3) directly into N2without forming NOX. The first part of the thesis gives abackground to the system. It defines waste, shortly describesgasification and more thoroughly catalytic combustion.</p><p>The second part of the present thesis, paper I, concerns thedevelopment and testing of potential catalysts for catalyticcombustion of LHV gases. The objective of this work was toinvestigate the possibility to use a stable metal oxide insteadof noble metals as ignition catalyst and at the same timereduce the formation of NOX. In paper II pilot-scale tests werecarried out to prove the potential of catalytic combustionusing real gasified waste and to compare with the resultsobtained in laboratory scale using a synthetic gas simulatinggasified waste. In paper III, selective catalytic oxidation fordecreasing the NOX formation from fuel-bound nitrogen wasexamined using two different approaches: fuel-lean andfuel-rich conditions.</p><p>Finally, the last part of the thesis deals with deactivationof catalysts. The various deactivation processes which mayaffect high-temperature catalytic combustion are reviewed inpaper IV. In paper V the poisoning effect of low amounts ofsulfur was studied; various metal oxides as well as supportedpalladium and platinum catalysts were used as catalysts forcombustion of a synthetic gas.</p><p>In conclusion, with the results obtained in this thesis itwould be possible to compose a working catalytic system for gasturbine application using a LHV gas.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Catalytic combustion; Gasified waste; LHVfuel; RDF; Biomass; Selective catalytic oxidation; NH3; NOX;Palladium; Platinum; Hexaaluminate; Garnet; Spinel;Deactivation; Sulfur; Poisoning</p>

Geospatial description of river channels in three dimensions

Merwade, Venkatesh 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

Landwirtschaftliche Ursachen hoher Sulfatgehalte in gefördertem Trinkwasser / Bilanzierung und Modellierung des Schwefelhaushaltes am Beispiel von zwei überwiegend landwirtschaftlich genutzten Wassereinzugsgebieten / Agricultural Causes of High Sulfur Concentrations in Drinking Water / Calculation and Modelling of the Sulfur Balance of two Catchment Areas under Predominant Agricultural Use

Willms, Matthias 02 May 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Rederiers hantering av nya miljökrav : En studie om Birka Cruises, Tallink Silja och Viking Lines arbete med ekonomisk och miljömässig hållbar utveckling

Ahlström, Annika, Moreira, Marianna, Fernandes, Sabrina January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how Viking Line, Tallink Silja and Birka Cruises work with economic and environmental sustainability, and also to see how they work with new environmental legislations. In 2015 a new environmental legislation will be introduced, by the name Sulphur directive. The Sulphur directive entails a reduction in Sulphur dioxide emissions from ships where the emissions cannot exceed 0,1 percent. There are three alternatives to achieve the new environmental legislation, the use of Marine Gas Oil, LNG or scrubbers. All three alternatives will lead to increasing costs for the shipping industry. The three companies exerts its shipping traffic in the Baltic Sea, a sea that is highly sensitive to external impacts. In the study qualitative methods were used, three personal interviews and five telephone interviews. Five theories were used to understand how the companies work, their estimations and their decisions: Strategic Tourism Planning Process, the Triple Bottom Line, the COSO model, The Decision-making Process and Responsible Cruise Tourism. The results of the study show that all three companies are facing an uncertain economic sustainable future and the deciding factors will be technological development, fuel prices and competitiveness.

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