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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ginčų dėl nedidelių sumų nagrinėjimas: ar teismo nuožiūra turi ribas? / Small claims litigation: does the implementation of the Court's discretion have limits?

Skominaitė, Justina 29 December 2006 (has links)
Darbe formuluojama ginčų dėl nedidelių sumų nagrinėjimo sąvoka, pristatomi ir apibūdinami šios sumarinio proceso rūšies pagrindiniai procesiniai požymiai, uždaviniai bei tikslai. Analizuojant darbe keliamus klausimus pagrindinis tyrimo objektas buvo šiame procese pagrindinį vaidmenį atliekantis teismas, įstatymų jam suteikta prerogatyva šio proceso atžvilgiu. Autorius analizuoja Lietuvos Respublikos Civilinio proceso kodekse įtvirtintas bylinėjimosi ginčų dėl nedidelių sumų formas ir daro prielaidą, jog šios rūšies procese įstatymo leidėjas teismui suteikia per didelę prerogatyvos teisę. Atsižvelgiant į tai, jog pastarasis procesas laikytinas bylinėjimosi forma, kuria siekiama greitesnio nei įprasta bylos išnagrinėjimo ir nereikalaujama tokio bylos aplinkybių ištyrimo laipsnio, koks yra būtinas nagrinėjant bylas bendrąja ginčo teisena dar nereiškia, jog šalims neturi būti suteikta atstovavimo teisė, ribojama teisė būti išklausytam. Tačiau įvertinant tai, jog yra suteikta galimybė surašyti trumpesnį, supaprastintos formos sprendimą, kuris palengvina teismo bei pagalbinio personalo darbą, nestabdo civilinės apyvartos ilgais bylinėjimosi laikotarpiais ir yra veiksminga proceso koncentruotumo priemonė, teismas savo nuožiūra galėtų ir turėtų labiau populiarinti bei praktikuoti šį civilinio proceso kodekse reglamentuojamą ginčų sprendimo būdą. / In the work Small claims litigation: does the implementation of the Court’s discretion have limits? the conception of Small claims litigation is formulated, the main attributes, goals and objectives of this sort of summary process are determined and described. When analyzing the problems, raised in this work, the main object of the research became the Court, which plays the leading role in this process due to prerogative power, given by the law. The author of this work analyzes the different forms of Small claims litigation, established in the Civil Process Code of the Republic of Lithuania, and makes an assumption that in this sort of process the prerogative power given to the Court by legislative bodies is excessive. Although the process in question is regarded to as a form of litigation, which is used to speed up investigation of a case without requiring the level of fact-finding as high as it is necessary in cases of common legal proceedings, it does not mean that the parties’ should not be given the right to be represented, or their right to be heard should be limited. Considering the fact, that the opportunity has been given to draw up a more concise and streamlined solution, which would facilitate the work of the Court and ancillary staff, would not impede civil turnover with long litigation periods, and would be a good measure of process concentration, the Court at its discretion should put more efforts popularizing and practicing this method of dispute procedure... [to full text]

Pagreitintas procesas: reglamentavimo ir taikymo problemos / Accelerated process: problems of legal regulation and its application

Roščinienė, Kristina 28 January 2008 (has links)
Darbe analizuojamos Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo proceso kodekso (LR BPK), XXXI skyriaus, antrame skirsnyje, įtvirtinto pagreitinto proceso instituto problemos. Pirmiausia remiantis Lietuvos ir užsienio moksline literatūra yra supažindinama su sąvokomis: baudžiamasis procesas ir forma. Plačiau analizuojama supaprastinto proceso samprata, jo formos, pagreitinto proceso sąvoka ir samprata. Aptariami pagreitintą procesą įtakoję Vokietijos ir Prancūzijos pagreitinto proceso modeliai bei iki 2003-05-01 Lietuvoje galiojęs sumarinis procesas. Jis lyginamas su pagreitintu procesu, kaip labiausiai nulėmęs pagreitinto proceso taikymo praktiką. Didžiausias dėmesys, žvelgiant per hipotezės „pagreitinto proceso taikymo problemų kilimą praktikoje įtakoja ne tik įstatyminis reguliavimas, bet ir praktikos vienodinimo teisės aktai, taip pat žmonių psichologija ir organizacijų vadyba“ prizmę, skiriamas pagreitinto proceso procedūrai nagrinėti. Analizuojamos ikiteisminio tyrimo ir teisminio nagrinėjimo apylinkės teisme stadijos. Darbe aptariamos teorinės ir praktinės problemos aštriausiais klausimais: normų kolizijos, baudžiamojo proceso principų ir įtariamojo procesinių garantijų užtikrinimo, galimybės nepateikti teismui jokios ikiteisminio tyrimo medžiagos, aiškių nusikaltimo padarymo aplinkybių suvokimo, pagreitinto proceso taikymo sunkiems nusikaltimams, tyrimo termino klausimais. Gvildenamos kitos – vadybinės ir psichologinės problemos, tiesiogiai įtakojančios praktines problemas. / The final Master's paper work analyses problematic aspects of the institute of the accelerated process legitimated in the XXXI chapter of the Lithuania code of criminal procedure. First of all, referring to the Lithuanian and foreign scientific literature the following concepts are introduced: the criminal process and its form. The concept and forms of the simplified process as well as the concept of the accelerated process are analyzed more precisely. The models of the accelerated process in Germany and France and the summary process valid in Lithuania till May 01, 2003 and their influence to the development of the accelerated process are discussed. The summary process is compared to the accelerated process as the most determining feature to the practice of accelerated process. The most attention is paid to the analysis of the procedure of the accelerated process looking in the light of hypothesis “the change of problems of the practical appliance of accelerated process are influenced not only by legal regulation but also by practical regulation as well as human psychology and organizational management”. Stages of pre-trial investigation and trial in the district court are being analyzed. The following sensitive problems are discussed in this paper work: collision of legal norms, the assurance of the principals of criminal process and process guarantees of the suspect, possibility not to present any pre-trial investigation material to the judge, clear perception of... [to full text]

Brief notes on the “manifested nullity” as material presuppose of its “appreciabillity” ex officio in the peruvian legal system / Breves apuntes respecto de la “nulidad manifiesta” como presupuesto material de su “apreciabilidad” de oficio en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano

Campos García, Héctor Augusto 30 April 2018 (has links)
One of the main objectives of any legal system is legal certainty, which is understood as the provision of decisions in the work of the courts. To this end, in order to standardize the diversity of decisions of courts for the same conflict, there are meetings of supreme judges who seek to give a unique sense of resolution to the same conflict. Those meetings are called Cassation Plenaries.In this article, the author comments and develops the decision taken at the IX Civil Cassation Plenary. At that meeting a broad criterion of manifested nullity has been chosen, whenever the causal is “easy to warn”. However, throughout the text the author highlights the methodological vices of the Supreme Court to reach this conclusion and, using a legal comparison, proposes a different criterion of manifest nullity, demonstrating that for our legal system this should not be restricted to an “easy to warn” causation. / Uno de los objetivos principales de todo sistema normativo es la seguridad jurídica, la cual se entiende como la previsión de las decisiones en la labor de las cortes judiciales. Con dicho propósito, a fin de uniformizar la diversidad de decisiones de las cortes para un mismo conflicto, existen reuniones de jueces supremos las cuales buscan dar un sentido único de resolución a un mismo conflicto. Aquellas reuniones son denominadas Plenos Casatorios.En el presente artículo, el autor comenta y desarrolla la decisión tomada en el IX Pleno Casatorio Civil. En dicha reunión se ha optado por un criterio amplio de nulidad manifiesta siempre que la causal sea “fácil de advertir”. Sin embargo, a lo largo del texto el autor pone en evidencia los vicios metodológicos de la Corte Suprema para llegar a esta conclusión y, recurriendo a la comparación jurídica, propone un criterio distinto de nulidad manifiesta, demostrando que para nuestro ordenamiento jurídico esta no se debe restringir a una causal “fácil de advertir”.

Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: 00047-2012-0-0501-JR-CI-02 / 0136-2014/CCD

Córdova Ramos, Christian 28 February 2021 (has links)
El presente expediente busca –a través de un proceso sumarísimo- dilucidar aquella situación jurídica en la que un demandante exige el otorgamiento de una escritura pública al demandado invocando la existencia y validez de un acto previamente celebrado entre ambas partes, el mismo que es sustentado a través de medios de prueba de distinta índole; no obstante, a lo largo del presente proceso no se logra probar fehacientemente la existencia de dicho acuerdo, e inclusive no se pudo identificar efectivamente el bien materia de la relación jurídica invocada, y por ende resulta cuestionable el reconocer a la institución de la compraventa en este proceso. Al respecto, el proceso discute con mucho ímpetu las normas jurídicas, doctrina y/o sentencias afines, con el propósito ulterior de probar que no debería ser materia de calificación jurisdiccional la evaluación del acto jurídico previo, en este caso la compraventa sobre el bien inmueble materia de exigencia de elevación a escritura pública; sin embargo, como bien indico en el párrafo anterior, no se dio el suficiente énfasis a la identificación de los elementos esenciales de la compraventa. Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, importante hacer notar a que el presente proceso discute temas como acto jurídico y contratos, distintos temas de derechos reales, notariales, e indirectamente registrales, litisconsorte, sucesiones, masa hereditaria, transferencia de propiedad, entre otras. Finalmente, se hace invocación a infracciones normativas, lo cual confiere como materia de análisis a los elementos de la casación, apelación y otorgamiento de Escritura Pública como tal -según corresponda-. / This file seeks -through a summary process- to elucidate that legal situation in which a plaintiff demands the granting of a public deed to the defendant invoking the existence and validity of an act previously celebrated between both parties, the same that is supported by through different kinds of evidence; However, throughout the present process, the existence of said agreement has not been conclusively proven, and it was not even possible to effectively identify the property that is the subject of the invoked legal relationship, and therefore it is questionable whether to recognize the institution of the sale in this process. In this regard, the process vigorously discusses the legal regulations, doctrine and / or related judgments, with the subsequent purpose of proving that the evaluation of the previous legal act should not be a matter of jurisdictional qualification, in this case the sale of the real estate. matter of requirement of elevation to public deed; However, as I have indicated in the previous paragraph, not enough emphasis was given to the identification of the essential elements of the sale. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is important to note that this process discusses issues such as a legal act and contracts, different issues of real state law, notarial laws, and indirectly registry rights, joint litigation, inheritance, transfer of property, among others. Finally, an invocation is made of normative infractions, which confers as matter of analysis the elements of the cassation, appeal and granting of Public Deed as such -as appropriate-. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

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