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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimum utilization of renewable energy for electrification of small islands in developing countries

Mitra, Indradip January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Kassel, Univ., Diss., 2008

Trace element concentrations in mangrove sediments in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh

Awal, M.A., Hale, William H.G., Stern, Ben January 2009 (has links)
No / Peoples' Republic of Bangladesh and the Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Application of GIS in ecotourism development : a case study in Sundarbans, Bangladesh

Rahman, Md. Azizur January 2010 (has links)
<p>GIS can be used in tourism as a decision supporting tool for sustainable tourism planning, impact assessment, visitor flow management, and tourism site selection. Therefore, the potential for GIS applications in tourism is significant. The purpose of the study was fixed to explore the potential of using GIS for planning resources pertinent to ecotourism development. The study investigated a case study in Sundarbans which is the largest mangrove forest region of the world, located in the southern part of Bangladesh and the Indian region of west Bengal. However, the current study considered only the Bangladesh part of Sundarbans for study and prepared ecotourism planning for this region. The Sundarbans plays an important role for the national economy of Bangladesh because of its natural resources and tourism activities. Moreover, this forest has been facing some problems due to unplanned development and tourism activities. The ultimate result of unplanned development is land use change, increasing deforestation, biodiversity losses and decreasing upstream flows. Therefore, the study considered this mangrove for ecotourism planning and development and GIS used as decision supporting tools. Moreover, this study tried to find some answers from the research questions. Tourism is a phenomenon, which often highlights that lack of planning and management in terms of environmental concern. For ecotourism planning this thesis quantifies land use change in the Sundarbans over 33 years (1977-2010) using Landsat TM, ETM & MSS satellite imagery and prepared vector maps based on LGED map for ecotourism mapping in Sundarbans, GIS assist in this process. The study found that, the land use of Sundarbans changed over the study period and the density of forest declined at the same time. However, the change occurred because of various human activities and climate change effects. Tourism has a little bit of contribution in the periphery area for this change but tourism has not yet been considered responsible for these effects largely as it is at a very early stage. This research proposed for community development and involvement for local people as a part of hospitality services in ecotourism industries in this region because they can assist tourists according to their experience as guides in the forest. Moreover, they can be employed in the service industries operating or accompanying jungle boat trips and wilderness trails and assisting in transport operation. For ecosystem protection in Sundarbans this study proposed a 300 meters buffer zone around the sanctuaries. Finally, this study proposed an outline for ecotourism planning in the Bangladesh part of Sundarbans where GIS assist in the planning process.</p>

Application of GIS in ecotourism development : a case study in Sundarbans, Bangladesh

Rahman, Md. Azizur January 2010 (has links)
GIS can be used in tourism as a decision supporting tool for sustainable tourism planning, impact assessment, visitor flow management, and tourism site selection. Therefore, the potential for GIS applications in tourism is significant. The purpose of the study was fixed to explore the potential of using GIS for planning resources pertinent to ecotourism development. The study investigated a case study in Sundarbans which is the largest mangrove forest region of the world, located in the southern part of Bangladesh and the Indian region of west Bengal. However, the current study considered only the Bangladesh part of Sundarbans for study and prepared ecotourism planning for this region. The Sundarbans plays an important role for the national economy of Bangladesh because of its natural resources and tourism activities. Moreover, this forest has been facing some problems due to unplanned development and tourism activities. The ultimate result of unplanned development is land use change, increasing deforestation, biodiversity losses and decreasing upstream flows. Therefore, the study considered this mangrove for ecotourism planning and development and GIS used as decision supporting tools. Moreover, this study tried to find some answers from the research questions. Tourism is a phenomenon, which often highlights that lack of planning and management in terms of environmental concern. For ecotourism planning this thesis quantifies land use change in the Sundarbans over 33 years (1977-2010) using Landsat TM, ETM &amp; MSS satellite imagery and prepared vector maps based on LGED map for ecotourism mapping in Sundarbans, GIS assist in this process. The study found that, the land use of Sundarbans changed over the study period and the density of forest declined at the same time. However, the change occurred because of various human activities and climate change effects. Tourism has a little bit of contribution in the periphery area for this change but tourism has not yet been considered responsible for these effects largely as it is at a very early stage. This research proposed for community development and involvement for local people as a part of hospitality services in ecotourism industries in this region because they can assist tourists according to their experience as guides in the forest. Moreover, they can be employed in the service industries operating or accompanying jungle boat trips and wilderness trails and assisting in transport operation. For ecosystem protection in Sundarbans this study proposed a 300 meters buffer zone around the sanctuaries. Finally, this study proposed an outline for ecotourism planning in the Bangladesh part of Sundarbans where GIS assist in the planning process.

The effect of salinity in the flora and fauna of the Sundarbans and the impacts on local livelihood

Jahan, Amreen January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Tides of change: water, religion, and ethics in the Sundarbans delta

Dowler, Calynn 16 June 2023 (has links)
This dissertation explores shifting ethical and religious relationships with water in a context of socio-ecological transformation. Between 2016-2019 I conducted eighteen months of fieldwork with farmers and fishers in a polyethnic and multi-religious village on a riverine island in the Sundarbans delta of West Bengal, India. Hindu, Muslim, and Christian migrants and refugees from different parts of eastern India and present-day Bangladesh have settled on the island over the past 150 years, transforming the space from mangrove swamps into habitable agrarian terrain. Today, the low-lying island is on the frontlines of global climate change. This dissertation considers the ethical and religious relationships people have formed with water in this setting over time, as well as engagements with water technologies and infrastructures; with plants and animals like fish and crocodiles; and with aquatic deities, ghosts, and spirits. I argue that people’s senses of moral personhood are constituted through their relationships with the more-than-human world, and that shifts in these relationships linked to capitalist modernity and climate change generate new ethical dilemmas and debates. Employing ethnographic and archival methods, I chart bodily experiences of water and affective relationships with water over time. I argue that the Sundarbans’ waterscape has emerged historically as a common reservoir of ethical orientation for Hindus, Muslims, Christians. Shared forms of belief and practice, such as ritual offerings to local deities when fishing, have generated local forms of place-based belonging that exceed bounded articulations of religious and ethnic difference. At present, however, relationships with water are transforming in unprecedented ways. Such changes are linked to the economization and privatization of water; groundwater scarcity; infrastructure projects such as bridges; NGO and government water initiatives; climate change impacts; and currents of religious reform that problematize established modes of ethico-religious engagement with water as “superstition.” These changes have rendered water a deeply contested substance. Further, because of the intimacy of people’s bodily experiences with water, these changes are apprehended through the senses and encountered in both material and affective ways, generating rippling effects on concepts of human and more-than-human agency, moral personhood, and environmental ethics more broadly. / 2025-06-16T00:00:00Z

Conservation genetics of the Bengal tiger (<em>Panthera tigris tigris</em>) in India

Singh, S. K. (Sujeet Kumar) 09 May 2017 (has links)
Abstract Tigers are endangered in the wild and face increasing threats from habitat loss and fragmentation. The majority of their range occurs in the Indian subcontinent, which is therefore a critical area for tiger conservation. Bengal tigers are distributed across many small protected areas in India. Two important Bengal tiger landscapes &#8212; Terai Arc Landscape (TAL) and Sundarbans in India were lacking in basic genetic information and needed to address the impact of anthropogenic pressure and climate change on their genetic makeup in order to identify conservation units. Therefore, I employed nuclear and mitochondrial genetic markers on TAL and Sundarbans tiger individuals to respond these demands for the first time. Thirty-nine heterologous microsatellite loci were screened on Bengal tigers and thirteen of these loci were selected to genotype Bengal tiger samples from western TAL (WTAL) and Sundarbans. After I had genotyped seventy-one Bengal tiger individuals from WTAL, I found cryptic population genetic structure, moderate gene flow and asymmetric migration among the subpopulation. Genetic diversity was moderate and there were no signs of population bottlenecks. In order to maintain the connectivity of subpopulations and avoid human&#8212;wildlife conflict, relocation of villages is necessary. Preventive measures against habitat encroachment and a ban on sand and boulder mining in the corridor area should also be implemented. Noninvasively-collected tiger samples from Sundarbans were analyzed for mitochondrial and microsatellite markers and compared with mainland (northern and peninsular) Bengal tiger populations in India. Sundarbans tigers were found to be genetically distinct and had lower genetic variation in comparison to other mainland tiger populations. Demographic analysis indicated recent historical isolation (600&#8212;2000 years ago) of the Sundarbans tiger from the mainland. Both historical and genetic evidence supported that the Sundarbans tiger was genetically connected to other mainland tigers until recently. Conclusively, genetic isolation from the mainland tiger population and adaptation to the mangrove ecosystem might have jointly shaped the genetic architecture of the Sundarbans tiger. Hence, the Sundarbans tiger needs special conservation attention for the preservation of its unique ability to adapt and for its genetic individuality. It should be managed as an evolutionary significant unit (ESU) under the adaptive evolutionary conservation (AEC) criteria. I also addressed a problem in the previously suggested sex-specific gene flow estimation method and recommended an alternative approach for a more precise estimation. / Tiivistelmä Tiikeri on nykyisin uhanalainen lajin elinympäristön supistumisen ja pilkkoutumisen vuoksi. Lajin tärkein esiintymisalue on Intian niemimaalla, joka on siten kriittisen tärkeä alue tiikerin suojelun kannalta. Intiantiikereitä esiintyy useilla pienillä suojelualueilla Intiassa. Kaksi tärkeää tiikerin esiintymisaluetta Intiassa ovat Terain kaaren (TAL) alue luoteis-Intiassa sekä Sundarbansin mangrovealue Bangladeshin rajalla. Näiden alueiden tiikereistä ei ole ollut olemassa geneettistä perustietoutta, jota tarvitaan, kun arvioidaan ihmisen toiminnan ja ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttamia muutoksia tiikeripopulaatioiden geneettisessä koostumuksessa sekä kun määritellään lajin suojelun kannalta merkittäviä luonnonsuojeluyksikköjä. Tässä väitöskirjatutkimuksessa tutkittiin Terain kaaren ja Sundarbansin alueen tiikereiden geneettistä monimuotoisuutta ja rakennetta sekä tuman että mitokondrion geenimerkkien avulla. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kolmenkymmenyhdeksän tuman geenimerkin (mikrosatelliitin) soveltuvuutta intiantiikerin geneettisiin tutkimuksiin, ja näistä valittiin kolmetoista käytettäväksi läntisen Terain kaaren ja Sundarbansin alueiden tiikereiden geneettisiin tutkimuksiin. Terain kaaren alueelta tutkittiin seitsemänkymmenentäyksi intiantiikerinäytettä. Tulosten perusteella alueella on aikaisemmin havaitsematonta kryptistä populaatiorakennetta. Geenivirtaa eri alapopulaatioiden välillä oli kohtuullisen paljon, mutta se oli epäsymmetristä. Tiikereiden geneettinen monimuotoisuus oli melko suurta eikä geneettisillä menetelmillä havaittu eri alapopulaatioissa merkkejä populaation koon pullonkauloista. Jotta alapopulaatioiden välinen yhdistyneisyys säilyisi jatkossa, joidenkin kylien siirto toisaalle on välttämätöntä. Ihmisten luvaton levittäytyminen tiikerin elinalueita yhdistävillä käytävillä täytyisi saada hallintaan sekä kieltää hiekanotto ja kivenlouhinta. Sundarbansin alueelta ei-invasiivisesti kerätyt tiikerinäytteet tutkittiin sekä tuman että mitokondrion merkkigeenillä ja alueen tiikereiden geneettistä koostumusta verrattiin manner-Intian tiikeripopulaatioiden koostumukseen. Sundarbansin tiikereiden todettiin poikkeavan geneettisesti manneralueen tiikeripopulaatioista ja niiden geneettinen monimuotoisuus oli alhaisempaa kuin manneralueella. Koalesenssisimulaatiohin perustava demografinen analyysi viittasi Sundarbansin tiikereiden suhteellisen viimeaikaiseen (600&#8212;2000 vuotta sitten) erkanemiseen manneralueen tiikereistä. Sekä historialliset että geneettiset todisteet tukivat teoriaa, jonka mukaan Sundarbansin tiikereillä olisi ollut yhteyksiä mannermaan tiikereihin aivan viime aikoihin asti. Geneettinen isolaatio mannermaan tiikereistä ja adaptaatio mangrove-ekosysteemiin ovat yhdessä muovanneet Sundarbansin tiikereiden geneettistä arkkitehtuuria. Tämän vuoksi Sundarbansin tiikerit vaativat erityistä suojelua, jotta niiden geneettinen ainutlaatuisuus ja kyky sopeutua erityisolosuhteisiin säilyisivät myös tulevaisuudessa. Populaatiota täytyy hoitaa evolutiivisesti merkittävänä yksikkönä (evolutionary significant unit; ESU) adaptiivisen evolutiivisen suojelun (adaptive evolutionary conservation; AEC) kriteeristön mukaisesti. Tutkimuksessa kiinnitettiin huomiota myös ongelmiin, joita saattoi ilmetä aikaisemmin ehdotetuissa menetelmissä eri sukupuolten kautta kulkevan geenivirran määrän arvioimiseksi ja ehdotettiin vaihtoehtoista menetelmää tarkempien arvioiden saamiseksi.

Household vulnerability to weather shocks: Case studies on coping, adaptation, and migration from the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia

Wodon, Quentin 13 December 2016 (has links)
There is near unanimous agreement in the scientific community that global mean temperatures will increase by several degrees Celsius by the end of the century. This could lead to dramatic consequences, especially for the poor in the developing world. In many countries climate change will manifest itself through reduced rainfall, greater temperature variability, a rise in sea levels, and a higher frequency of weather shocks. These effects constitute threats to people’s ability to continue to live where they are living today, and more generally to their economic security, and may lead to higher levels of migration away from areas vulnerable to climate change.While environmental change may lead to an increase in migration, in most cases it may not be feasible to identify pure environmental migrants because of the complexity of the push and pull factors involved. The aim of this dissertation is to assess the extent to which households are vulnerable today to environmental change and weather shocks in selected areas of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and in South Asia’s Sundarbans, whether households are able to cope with weather shocks and adapt to changing environmental conditions, and whether climatic conditions and weather shocks are leading to higher rates of migration. The dissertation relies in large part on the analysis of new households surveys recently implemented in areas affected by weather shocks and changing climatic conditions in seven countries: Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Morocco, Syria, and Yemen. While the MENA countries are affected mostly by droughts, and to a lower extent floods, the Sundarbans in Bangladesh and India are affected by cyclones, sea water surges, and salinity intrusions. The ways in which households are affected by extreme weather events are very different in the MENA and South Asia regions. Yet as the dissertation demonstrates, while circumstances and contexts differ between the two sets of countries, many of the findings are actually similar in both regions. The first part of the dissertation provides background for the empirical work. After a review of the literature, a set of 10 questions are asked together with hypotheses to be tested. The second part of the dissertation provides the empirical results, with three chapters focusing on (1) household perceptions about their environment and the impact of weather shocks on households; (2) the coping mechanisms and adaptation strategies deployed by households; and (3) migration decisions, in most cases by individual household members. The findings from the dissertation suggest that individuals from households more seriously and negatively affected by weather shocks and changes in their environment are slightly more likely to migrate temporarily, but not permanently. This is possibly due to the cost of migration and the fact that environmental change and weather shocks may result in large losses in income and assets for vulnerable groups, making migration less affordable for them. Thus, some population groups may well be in a situation of "relative trappedness" in comparison to other households less affected by weather shocks and changes in their environment._____________La communauté scientifique est quasi unanime sur le fait que les températures mondiales moyennes devraient augmenter de plusieurs degrés Celsius d'ici la fin du siècle. Cela pourrait avoir des conséquences dramatiques pour les populations, en particulier pour les pauvres dans les pays en voie de développement. Dans de nombreux pays le changement climatique va se manifester par une diminution des précipitations, une plus grande variabilité de la température, une élévation du niveau de la mer, et une fréquence plus élevée des chocs climatiques. Ces effets constituent des menaces pour la capacité des populations de continuer à vivre là où elles vivent aujourd'hui, ce qui pourrait par conséquent entraîner des mouvements migratoires importants.Cependant, même si les chocs climatiques pourraient mener à une augmentation de la migration, dans la plupart des cas il n’est pas possible d'identifier des migrants environnementaux dits purs en raison de la complexité des facteurs influençant la migration. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de la thèse est triple. La thèse cherche à évaluer (1) dans quelle mesure les ménages sont vulnérables aujourd'hui aux changements environnementaux et aux chocs climatiques dans certaines régions de l'Afrique du Nord, du Moyen-Orient, et de l’Asie du Sud (Sundarbans) ;(2) si les ménages sont en mesure de faire face aux chocs climatiques, et (3) si les conditions environnementales et les chocs climatiques conduisent à des taux de migration plus élevés parmi les membres des ménages les plus affectés comparativement aux ménages moins affectés. La thèse repose en partie sur une analyse de nouvelles données d’enquêtes auprès des ménages mises en œuvre dans des zones touchées par les chocs climatiques dans sept pays :l’Algérie, le Bangladesh, l’Egypte, l’Inde, le Maroc, la Syrie et le Yémen. Alors que les pays du Moyen Orient et d’Afrique du Nord sont touchés principalement par des sécheresses, et dans une moindre mesure par des inondations, la zone géographique dite des Sundarbans au Bangladesh et en Inde est touchée principalement par des cyclones.Bien que les chocs climatiques dans les deux régions soient différents, la thèse montre que les implications pour les ménages sont similaires. Les groupes vulnérables sont fortement et négativement affectés par les chocs climatiques et ils ne sont souvent pas capables de faire face et de s’adapter efficacement à ces chocs. De plus, il semble que les ménages les plus affectés n’aient pas de taux de migration permanente parmi leurs membres plus élevés que les ménages moins affectés, même si les taux de migration temporaire sont légèrement plus élevés. En ce sens, il apparait que les groupes vulnérables pourraient être en termes comparatifs pris au piège (« relative trappedness ») dans les zones vulnérables aux chocs climatiques comme d’autres études l’ont suggéré. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Exploring vegetation type, diversity, and carbon stocks in Sundarbans Reserved Forest using high resolution image and inventory data / シュンドルボン保全林における高解像度画像と地上調査データに基づく植生タイプ・多様性・炭素貯留量の推定

Md., Mizanur Rahman 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第21801号 / 農博第2314号 / 新制||農||1065(附属図書館) / 学位論文||H31||N5173(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科森林科学専攻 / (主査)教授 神﨑 護, 教授 北島 薫, 教授 大澤 晃 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

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