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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interplay between magnetic quantum criticality, Fermi surface and unconventional superconductivity in UCoGe, URhGe and URu2Si2 / Transition de phase magnétique, surface de Fermi et supraconductivité non conventionnelle dans UCoGe, URhGe et URu2Si2

Bastien, Gaël 09 January 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse montre de nouveaux résultats sur les supraconducteurs ferromagnétiques UCoGe et URhGe et sur l’ordre caché dans URu2Si2. Le diagramme de phase pression température d’UCoGe a été étudié jusqu’à 10.5 GPa. L’ordre ferromagnétique subsiste jusqu’à la pression critique pc≈1 GPa et la supraconductivité non conventionnelle jusqu’à p = 4 GPa. Les fluctuations magnétiques responsables de la supraconductivité peuvent être réduites par l’application d’un champ magnétique. Les surfaces de Fermi d’UCoGe et d’URhGe ont été mesurées grace aux oscillations quantiques. Quatre poches ont été détectées dans UCoGe, elles subissent une succession de transition de Lifshitz de la surface de Fermi sous champ magnétique. Les poches détectés évoluent continument avec la pression jusqu’à 2.5 GPa, sans montrer de reconstruction de la surface de Fermi à la pression critique pc. Dans URhGe, trois poches lourdes de la surface de Fermi ont aussi été découvertes. Enfin dans la phase d’ordre caché d’URu2Si2, les oscillations quantiques ont révélé une forte anisotropie du facteur gyromagnétique g pour deux poches de la surface de Fermi, qui est comparable à l’anisotropie macroscopique. Cette dernière a été étudiée à partir du champcritique supérieur de la supraconductivité. / This thesis is concentrated on the ferromagnetic superconductors UCoGe and URhGe andon the hidden order state in URu2Si2. In the first part the pressure temperature phase diagram of UCoGe was studied up to 10.5 GPa. Ferromagnetism vanishes at the critical pressure pc≈1 GPa. Unconventional superconductivity and non Fermi liquid behavior can be observed in a broad pressure range around pc. The superconducting upper critical field properties were explained by the suppression of the magnetic fluctuations under field. In the second part the Fermi surfaces of UCoGe and URhGe were investigated by quantum oscillations. In UCoGe four Fermi surface pockets were observed. Under magnetic field successive Lifshitz transitions of the Fermi surface have been detected. The observed Fermi surface pockets in UCoGe evolve smoothly with pressure up to 2.5 GPa and do not show any Fermi surface reconstruction at the critical pressure pc. In URhGe, three heavy Fermi surface pockets were detected by quantum oscillations. In the last part the quantum oscillation study in the hidden order state of URu2Si2 shows a strong g factor anisotropy for two Fermi surface pockets, which is compared to the macroscopic g factor anisotropy extractedfrom the upper critical field study.

Phénomènes électriques et thermiques dans des nanostructures supraconductrices / Thermoelectric phenomena in superconducting nanostructures

Di Marco, Angelo 02 March 2015 (has links)
Ma thèse de doctorat traite de l'étude théorique des phénomènes thermoélectriques qui se produisent dans des nanostructures supraconductrices qui sont l'objet de plusieurs lignes de recherche de la physique de la matière condensée. Nous nous focalisons sur quatre dispositifs basés sur les supraconducteurs et de minces barrières isolantes où le transport de la charge et de la chaleur est gouverné par l'effet tunnel quantique. Nous commençons par analyser une jonction métal Normal-Isolant-Supraconducteur (N-I-S). En principe, aucun courant à une particule ne peut s'écouler dans ce circuit quand le voltage de polarisation est en dessous du gap d'énergie de S. Pourtant, un courant de fuite en dessous du gap est observé dans la courbe caractéristique courant-voltage (I-V) expérimental de ce dispositif, même à très basses températures. Nous montrons que l'absorption de photons de l'environnement électromagnétique à haute température connecté à la jonction est une origine possible du processus de tunnel à un électron en dessous du gap. Nous considérons une jonction N-I-S connectée à l'environnement soit directement soit indirectement au moyen d'une ligne de transmission résistif à basse température. Nous analysons analytiquement et numériquement le courant en dessous du gap dans ces deux circuits. Ensuite nous considérons un transistor hybride à un électron (SET) constitué d'une île de métal normal N contrôlée avec une tension de grille et connectée, au moyen de deux jonctions à effet tunnel, à deux fils supraconducteurs S polarisés en tension (S-I-N-I-S). Lorsque l'on fait varier le voltage de N correctement dans le temps, un courant contrôlable à un électron s'écoule entre les deux supraconducteurs. En principe, la réflexion d'Andreev, c'est-à-dire l'effet tunnel à deux électrons de N à S, peut être interdite. Expérimentalement, ce processus à deux particules contribue aussi au courant total à travers le SET. Nous montrons que l'échange de photons entre ce dispositif et l'environnement électromagnétique où il est disposé rend la réflexion d'Andreev énergétiquement possible. De plus, nous discutons comment cet effet limite la précision du processus de tunnel à un électron nécessaire pour les applications métrologiques. Ensuite nous nous focalisons sur les caractéristiques thermodynamiques des jonctions supraconductrices à effet tunnel. Nous discutons d'abord des capacités de refroidissement électronique des dispositifs à double jonction S1-I-N-I-S1 et S2-I-S1-I-S2, où les supraconducteurs S2 et S1 ont un gap d'énergie différent. Après nous étudions le design et le fonctionnement d'un nanoréfrigérateur électronique à cascade basé sur une combinaison de ces deux structures. Nous montrons numériquement que une île de métal normal peut être réfrigérée au dessous de 100 mK à partir d'une température de 500 mK. Nous discutons ensuite de la réalisation pratique et des limitations d'un tel dispositif. Enfin, nous considérons la dynamique d'une jonction à sauts de phase quantique (QPSJ) connectée à une source de micro-ondes. En ce qui concerne une jonction Josephson ordinaire, une QPSJ peut montrer des marches de Shapiro duals, c'est-à-dire des plateaux de courant bien définis situés à des multiples entiers de la fréquence des micro-ondes dans la courbe caractéristique I-V. Aucune observation expérimentale n'a abouti jusqu'à maintenant. Les fluctuations thermiques et quantiques peuvent nettement étaler la courbe I-V. Pour comprendre ces effets, nous déterminons la caractéristique I-V d'une QPSJ polarisée en courant, irradiée avec des micro-ondes et connectée à un environnement résistif et inductif. Nous montrons que l'effet de ces fluctuations est gouverné par la résistance de l'environnement et par le rapport entre l'énergie de phase-slip et l'énergie inductive. Nos résultats sont importants pour les expériences qui visent à l'observation des marches de Shapiro duals dans les QPSJ pour la définition du courant quantique standard. / The aim of my Ph.D. thesis is to study theoretically the thermoelectric phenomena occurring in some superconducting nanostructures which are the object of various research lines in condensed matter physics. Specifically, we focus on four different devices based on superconductors and insulating tunnel barriers where both charge and heat transport are governed by the quantum tunneling effect. We start by considering a voltage-biased Normal metal-Insulator-Superconductor (N-I-S) tunnel junction. No single-particle current is expected to flow in this circuit when the applied voltage is below the superconducting energy gap of S. However, in real experiments, a subgap leakage current is observed in the current-voltage (I-V) characteristic of this device, even at very low temperatures. We show that the absorption of photons from the high-temperature electromagnetic environment connected to the junction is a possible origin of the single-particle tunneling below the gap. We first consider a N-I-S junction directly coupled to the environment. Then we focus on a circuit where a low-temperature lossy transmission line is inserted between them. For both these circuits, we analyze analytically and numerically the subgap leakage current. We find, in particular, that it is exponentially suppressed as the length and the resistance per unit length of the line are increased. Then, we go beyond the single N-I-S junction considering a hybrid single-electron transistor (SET) constituted by a gate-controlled normal-metal island (N) connected to two voltage-biased superconducting leads (S) by means of two tunnel junctions (S-I-N-I-S). A controlled single-electron current flows between the two superconductors by properly changing in time the gate potential of N. In principle, the Andreev reflection, i.e., the tunneling of two electrons from N to S can be ideally suppressed when the charging energy of N is larger than the energy gap of S. Actually, in real experiments, this two-particle tunneling process also contributes to the total current through the SET. We show that the exchange of photons between the S-I-N-I-S device and the high-temperature electromagnetic environment where it is embedded makes the Andreev reflection energetically possible. We discuss how this effect limits the single-electron tunneling accuracy needed for metrological applications. Next, we focus on the thermodynamical features of the superconductor-based tunnel junctions. We first consider the well-known electronic cooling capabilities of the S1-I-N-I-S1 and S2-I-S1-I-S2 double-junction devices, where S2 and S1 are superconductors with different energy gaps. Then, we study the design and operation of an electronic nanorefrigerator based on a combination of these two structures, i.e., a cascade cooler. We show numerically that a normal-metal island can be cooled down to about 100 mK starting from a bath temperature of 500 mK. We discuss the practical implementation, potential performance and limitations of such a device. Finally, we consider the dynamics of a quantum phase-slip junction (QPSJ) connected to a microwave source. With respect to an ordinary Josephson junction, a QPSJ can sustain dual Shapiro steps, consisting of well-defined current plateaus at multiple integers of the microwave frequency in the I-V characteristic. Their experimental observation has been elusive up to now. We argue that thermal and quantum fluctuations can smear the I-V curve considerably. To understand these effects, we determine the I-V characteristic of a current-biased QPSJ under microwave irradiation and connected to an inductive and resistive environment. We find that the effect of these fluctuations is governed by the resistance of the environment and by the ratio of the phase-slip energy and the inductive energy. Our results are of interest for experiments aimed at the observation of dual Shapiro steps in QPSJ devices for the definition of the quantum current standard.

Contribution à la conception et réalisation d’un insert supraconducteur haute température critique pour l’obtention de champ magnétique intense / Contribution to the design and realization of a HTS insert to obtain high magnetic field

Benkel, Tara 16 February 2018 (has links)
Les récents progrès des supraconducteurs à haute température critique (SHTC) rendent ces matériaux très prometteurs pour les applications de grande envergure. Ils montrent des propriétés stupéfiantes, particulièrement à très basse température où ils sont capables de transporter des courants extrêmement élevés. Ces conducteurs sont construits sur un substrat en alliage de nickel qui leurs permettent de supporter des efforts mécaniques considérables. Pour ces raisons, les SHTC sont à présent au cœur de nombreux projets pour bâtir une nouvelle génération d’aimants produisant des champs intenses. Ce travail est mené dans le cadre du projet Nougat dont l’objectif est la conception d’un insert générant 10 T à l’intérieur d’un aimant plus grand de 20 T. Malgré leurs remarquables propriétés, les conducteurs SHTC montrent d’importantes inhomogénéités de performance ce qui, ajouté à leur forte capacité calorifique, peut provoquer des échauffements très localisés. La transition locale du matériau vers un état dissipatif est difficile à détecter notamment à cause de la lente propagation de l’évènement. Le signal de transition risque donc d’être noyé dans le bruit de mesure et être à l’origine de dommages sévères voir irréversibles du conducteur. Pour répondre à ce problème, des électro-aimants sont fabriqués en remplaçant l’isolation électrique par un ruban métallique. Ces aimants sont appelées Bobines Métal-Isolée (BMI). Dans cette configuration et dans le cas spécifique d’une inhomogénéité sur le conducteur, le courant court-circuite le défaut en passant sur la spire suivante ce qui permet d’empêcher la destruction du bobinage. Cependant, dans ce type de bobinage, la stabilité et la linéarité du champ magnétique généré peut être un problème et les dynamiques lentes de ce type de bobine les empêchent de prétendre à être utilisé pour certaines applications. Pour des raisons pratiques, le prototype final du projet Nougat sera construit avec un bobinage métalliquement isolé mais le travail mené ici se concentre sur les bobines électriquement isolées, plus particulièrement l’étude de la transition dans le bobinage afin d’identifier des possibilités de protection fiables. Quelques résultats d’échantillons BMI sont cependant présentés pour comparaison. Dans un premier temps, les contraintes générales de conception de l’insert NOUGAT sont définies, principalement les exigences pour le conducteur et les calculs préliminaires de performance. Cette étude souligne le besoin de caractériser le conducteur SHTC sous haut champ et à basse température, dans des conditions similaires à celles du fonctionnement final du prototype d’insert. Dans un second temps, cette caractérisation expérimentale d’échantillons courts est implémentée dans un modèle pour simuler le comportement de bobines pour la construction d’aimants. L’objectif de ce modèle est d’étudier le départ de transition et sa propagation dans le bobinage. Une des particularités du modèle est la simulation de l’entièreté du bobinage dans le but de prendre en compte les inhomogénéités de performance du conducteur, dont les mesures en continu sont fournies à 77 K en champ propre par les constructeurs. Le dernier axe de ce travail est l’étude de plusieurs échantillons bobinés pour permettre notamment la comparaison entre bobinage isolé électriquement et métalliquement. Leurs comportements électrique, mécanique et thermique sont examinés ainsi que les problèmes de couplage dus à la présence d’un aimant extérieur. Les résultats expérimentaux sont comparés aux calculs préliminaires ainsi qu’aux simulations de modèle. Un protocole expérimental est également proposé pour évaluer les performances d’une bobine sans risque et est testé avec succès. / Recent improvements in High Temperature Superconductors (HTS) make them promising for large scale applications. They show astonishing properties, especially at very low temperature where they are able to carry high amount of current. These conductors are also built on a nickel alloy substrate allowing them to face severe mechanical stresses. For these reasons, HTS are now placed at the heart of numerous projects for building a next generation of high field magnets. This work is conducted in the NOUGAT project, which intends to design and build a 10 T HTS insert working in a 20 T background field. Despite their outstanding properties, HTS conductors show strong inhomogeneities in their performance along their length. This added to their high heat capacity can be at the origin of local hot spots. The transition to a dissipative state on this local area is then difficult to detect; because of the low speed of its propagation. The transition signal is likely to be lost in the high noise level environment, which can lead the winding to severe or irreversible damages.One way of dealing with this problem is to create coils where the electric insulation is removed and replaced by a metallic layer, the so-called Metal-as-Insulation winding technique. In this configuration and in a case of an inhomogeneity, the current bypasses through the turn-to-turn contact resistance and prevents the winding from burning. However, in such kind of winding field stability and linearity can be an issue. The slower dynamics obtained with this method prevent its use in some applications.The main focus of this work is therefore insulated coils especially the study of the transition behaviour to explore the possibility of reliable protections. In the same extend, the present work also considers safe ways to evaluate the performance of a wound sample in order for it to work with appropriate margins when at nominal operating conditions. This would decrease the need of a strong detection/protection system: the high heat capacity of the conductor makes windings unlikely to be damaged by an outside event.For practical reasons, the NOUGAT project will be built using MI technique, and therefore some MI coils results are presented in this work for comparison purpose. In a first step, the general design constrains for the NOUGAT project insert are defined, especially tape requirements and performance calculations. This underlines the necessity of characterizing the HTS conductor under high field and at low temperature, under conditions similar to the expected operation of the final insert prototype.In a second step, this experimental short sample characterization is implemented in a model to simulate the behaviour of pancake coils designed to build magnet. The aim of the model is to investigate on the transition start and propagation inside the winding. One of the main specificities is the simulation of the whole winding taking as an input the continuous critical current density measurement given by the providers at 77 K, self-field.The last axis of this work is the study of several wound samples allowing comparison between both insulated and metallic insulated windings. Their electric, magnetic, mechanic and thermal behaviours are examined as well as the coupling issues while working inside an outer magnet. Experimental results are compared to preliminary calculations and modelling results. An experimental protocol to safely evaluate coil performance margins is also proposed and tested successfully.Conclusions are then drawn about the possibility to operate safely full scale HTS magnets with present day conductor performances.

Interacting Fermi gases

Whitehead, Thomas Michael January 2018 (has links)
Interacting Fermi gases are one of the chief paradigms of condensed matter physics. They have been studied since the beginning of the development of quantum mechanics, but continue to produce surprises today. Recent experimental developments in the field of ultracold atomic gases, as well as conventional solid state materials, have produced new and exotic forms of Fermi gases, the theoretical understanding of which is still in its infancy. This Thesis aims to provide updated tools and additional insights into some of these systems, through the application of both numerical and analytical techniques. The first Part of this Thesis is concerned with the development of improved numerical tools for the study of interacting Fermi gases. These tools take the form of accurate model potentials for the dipolar and contact interactions, as found in various ultracold atomic gas experiments, and a new form of Jastrow correlation factor that interpolates between the radial symmetry of the inter-electron Coulomb potential at short inter-particle distances, and the symmetry of the numerical simulation cell at large separation. These methods are designed primarily for use in quantum Monte Carlo numerical calculations, and provide high accuracy along with considerable acceleration of simulations. The second Part shifts focus to an analytical analysis of spin-imbalanced Fermi gases with an attractive contact interaction. The spin-imbalanced Fermi gas is shown to be unstable to the formation of multi-particle instabilities, generalisations of a Cooper pair containing more than two fermions, and then a theory of superconductivity is built from these instabilities. This multi-particle superconductivity is shown to be energetically favourable over conventional superconducting phases in spin-imbalanced Fermi gases, and its unusual experimental consequences are discussed.

Détection des interactions photon-photon dans un circuit supraconducteur / Detecting photon-photon interactions in a superconducting circuit

Jin, Lijing 10 February 2016 (has links)
Les circuits quantiques supraconducteurs sont étudiés dans de nombreux laboratoires. Ces recherches ont pour objectif de pouvoir construire et coupler plusieurs bits quantiques supraconducteurs pour le traitement de l'information quantique. La description théorique de ces circuits repose sur la dynamique couplée des différences de phase supraconductrice aux jonctions Josephson et des degrés de liberté associés à l’environnement électromagnétique. Cette dynamique non-linéaire a été très étudiée dans le régime classique. Les effets quantiques ont été abordés par des théories de perturbation supposant que certains degrés de liberté sont thermalisés. En revanche, il existe peu de résultats sur la dynamique quantique couplée dans un régime non perturbatif. Le but du projet de thèse sera de décrire le crossover entre les régimes classique et quantique dans le cas d’une jonction Josephson en série avec un résonateur électromagnétique. Pour cela, le candidat étudiera les équations maîtresses pour ce système par des méthodes analytiques et numériques. L’objectif à plus long terme sera de comprendre comment générer et manipuler des photons grâce au contrôle électrique résolu en temps de ces circuits. / Superconducting quantum circuits are currently investigated in many labs. An important goal of this research is to build and couple several superconducting quantum bits for quantum information processing. The theoretical description of these circuits is based on the coupled dynamics of the superconducting phase differences at the Josephson junctions and the degrees of freedom of the surrounding electromagnetic environment. This nonlinear dynamics has been much studied in the classical regime. Quantum effects have been considered by perturbative methods, assuming that some degrees of freedom are thermalized. In contrast, the coupled quantum dynamics was largely unexplored in a non-perturbative regime. The goal of the trainee will be to describe the crossover between the classical and quantum regimes in the case of a single Josephson junction coupled to an electromagnetic resonator. For this, the candidate will study the master equations for this system with analytical and numerical methods. In the long term, the aim will be to understand how to generate and manipulate photons thanks to time-resolved electric control of the circuit.

Transport and thermodynamic studies of the superconductors A3T4Sn13 and YFe2Ge2

Chen, Xiaoye January 2017 (has links)
Materials in proximity to quantum critical points (QCPs) experience strong fluctuations in the order parameter associated with the transition and often, as a result, display interesting properties. In this dissertation, we have used a variety of experimental probes such as Shubnikov-de Haas quantum oscillations, thermal conductivity and heat capacity, to better understand two such materials — $A_3T_4$Sn$_{13}$ and YFe$_2$Ge$_2$. $A_3T_4$Sn$_{13}$ ($A$ = Ca, Sr; $T$ = Ir, Rh) is a family of quasi-skutterudite superconductors with moderate $T_c$’s between 4 and 8 K. Although the superconductivity is believed to be phonon-mediated with s-wave pairing symmetry, an unusual second-order structural transition makes this material family fascinating to study. Whether this structural transition is a result of three distortions with perpendicular wavevectors resulting in a cubic-to-cubic transformation, or each wavevector acting independently giving rise to cubic-to-tetragonal transformations and formation of twinned domains is a disputed issue. We have measured quantum oscillations in the resistivity of Sr3Ir4Sn13 and compared it to density functional theory (DFT) calculations for both scenarios. Our results strongly suggest that the former interpretation is correct. The structural transition temperature $T^*$ in $A_3T_4$Sn$_{13}$ can be suppressed to zero by tuning with physical or chemical pressure. In (Ca$_x$Sr$_{1−x}$)$_3$Rh$_4$Sn$_13$, the quantum critical point can be accessed purely by chemical substitution at x ~ 0.9. In the vicinity of the QCP, we expect large fluctuations of the order parameter at low temperatures, which for a structural transition could manifest as a structural disorder. We have measured thermal conductivity at temperatures much lower than $T_c$ and found that it is well described by a single power law with suppressed exponents near the QCP. The heat capacity, however, remains ~ $T^3$. After excluding conventional phonon scattering mechanisms, we propose the possibility of intrinsic quasi-static spatial disorder that is related to the structural QCP. YFe$_2$Ge$_2$ is closely linked to the “122” family of iron-based superconductors like KFe$_2$As$_2$, although it has a significantly lower $T_c$ ~ 1 K. It has a rather three-dimensional Fermi surface which closely resembles that of KFe$_2$As$_2$ in the pressure-induced collapsed tetragonal phase. YFe$_2$Ge$_2$ is in proximity to several types of magnetic order which are predicted by DFT calculations to have lower energy than the non-spin polarised case. Even though YFe$_2$Ge$_2$ is non-magnetic, its superconductivity could be strongly affected by magnetic fluctuations. Through a collaboration with researchers at the University of Waterloo, we have measured the thermal conductivity of YFe$_2$Ge$_2$ down to millikelvin temperatures and up to 2.5 T in field. Our results suggest that YFe$_2$Ge$_2$ is a nodal superconductor. This result could assist in the explanation of the unconventional superconductivity in iron-based superconductors.

Proposta didática para desenvolver o tema da supercondutividade no ensino médio

Festa, Flavio January 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho é a narrativa de uma experiência didática de aplicação de um módulo que integrou o tópico de Supercondutividade no Ensino Médio regular de uma escola pública situada na cidade de Veranópolis, RS, sob o referencial teórico da Teoria dos Campos Conceituais de Gérard Vergnaud. Descrevem-se em detalhe as situações-problema e os recursos selecionados e utilizados, bem como a sequência de como o tema foi abordado no ensino regular, com turmas de terceiro ano. A forma como o módulo foi pensado e o nível de profundidade que foi possível alcançar aparecem ao longo do texto, que também oferece uma revisão da literatura em que a relevância da inclusão da Física Moderna e Contemporânea no currículo do Ensino Médio é discutida. O resultado indica que é possível trabalhar assuntos de Física Moderna e Contemporânea no ensino regular, que os alunos apreciam e mostram disposição para aprender assuntos atuais e que o esforço para introduzir pequenas atualizações curriculares é válido e precisa ser incentivado como uma das possíveis alternativas para se alcançar a melhoria de qualidade na Educação Básica. Ao final, um produto educacional em formato de texto de apoio, orientação e motivação aos professores de Física é apresentado. / This work is a narrative of an application teaching experience that composed the topic of Superconductivity in a Public High School located in Veranópolis city, RS, with the theoretical reference of the Conceptual Fields Theory from Gérard Vergnaud. The problem situations and the selected used resources are detailed described, as well the sequence like it was seen with high school third year students. The way the module was thought and the possible intensity level are throughout the text, which also offers a literature review where there are discussions about the relevance of the Modern and contemporary Physics inclusion in High School curriculum. The result indicates that it is possible to develop Modern and contemporary Physics issues in High School, because the students enjoy and cheer learning current topics, and that the effort to insert small curriculum changes is valid and needs to be encouraged as one possible solution to achieve the Basic Education quality improvement. At the end, it is presented an educational product as a supporting text, orientation and motivation to Physics’ teachers.

Boundary current response in Ba0.34K0.64Fe2As2 superconducting single crystal probed by non-resonant microwave absorption technique

Ramashitja, Tshiwela Caroline 06 1900 (has links)
Non-resonant microwave absorption (NRMA) in superconducting materials has become a new experimental technique to probe and understand superconducting materials. For example cuprate superconductors are well studied with this technique. At the same time the technique is also evolving. This technique (NRMA) has been used to study magnetic shielding effects/boundary current in Ba0.34K0.64Fe2As2 (BaK122) single crystals of iron pnictides superconducting sample measured at 9.4 GHz below TC (4.2K-32K). It has been observed that a small modulation field used in NRMA experiment yield the boundary current response. We have established that the boundary current response depends on both modulation amplitude and the temperature. At high modulation field amplitudes and temperatures close to Tc the boundary current response gets suppressed and flux modulated response dominates. At low temperatures far away from Tc, only the boundary current response dominates. / Physics / M. Sc. (Physics)

Teoria de Landau-Ginzburg para o estado supercondutor nemático / Landau-Ginzburg theory for the nematic superconductor state

Rafael de Vasconcellos Clarim 03 April 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo geral deste projeto é propor um modelo bidimensional que descreva o novo estado supercondutor, que apresenta simetria de cristal líquido, chamado de supercondutor nemático. O estudo começa com uma introdução sobre a teoria de Landau-Ginzburg das transições de fase, onde são discutidos conceitos como parâmetro de ordem e as ordens das transições de fase, que são essenciais para o desenvolvimento deste projeto. Em seguida, é feita uma discussão sobre as principais características dos supercondutores como a resistência zero, o efeito Meissner-Ochsenfeld, os tipos de supercondutores, o surgimento de vórtices e uma análise sobre a teoria de Landau-Ginzburg para transição de fase metal-supercondutor. Após isto, é feita uma abordagem sobre os principais tipos de cristais líquidos, com destaque ao cristal líquido nemático, onde é desenvolvida a teoria de Landau-Ginzburg para transição de fase isotrópica-nemática e um estudo sobre o surgimento de disclinações no cristal líquido nemático em duas dimensões. Por fim, é apresentado o modelo proposto para descrever o estado supercondutor nemático, com a construção da teoria de Landau-Ginzburg, o estudo do acoplamento entre as fases e os defeitos topológicos presentes nesse estado. / The objective of this project is to propose a two-dimensional model that describes the new superconducting state, which has liquid crystal symmetry, called nematic superconductor. The study begins with an introduction to the Ginzburg-Landau theory of phase transitions, which are discussed concepts such as order parameter and the orders of phase transitions, which are essential for the development of this project. Then, there is a discussion of the main characteristics of superconductors such as zero resistance, the Meissner effect-Ochsenfeld, the types of superconductors, the appearance of vortex and an analysis of the Landau-Ginzburg theory to metal superconductor phase transition. After this, an approach is made on the main types of liquid crystals, especially the nematic liquid crystal, which is developed Ginzburg-Landau theory for nematicisotropic phase transition and a study about the disclinations in the two dimensional nematic liquid crystal. Finally, the proposed model is presented to describe the nematic superconductor state, with the construction of the Ginzburg-Landau theory, the study of coupling between the phases and the topological defects resent in this state.

Caractérisation et modélisation multiphysique de MEMS supraconducteurs pour une application en radioastronomie millimétrique / Multiphysic characterization and modelling of superconducting MEMS for radio astronomy applications

Allouch, Nouha 28 November 2011 (has links)
Des MEMS supraconducteurs ont été développés par l’IRAM pour des besoins instrumentaux dans les récepteurs hétérodyne large bande en millimétrique. Dans ce mémoire, la caractérisation de ces MEMS capacitifs par des mesures profilométriques, vibrométriques, aux rayons X , électriques et thermiques est présentée. Ils ont en outre été modélisés avec un modèle analytique électromécanique simple. Ce modèle est complété par un schéma équivalent haute fréquence semi-distribué facilement implantable dans le simulateur multiphysique COMSOL pour prendre en compte la supraconductivité. Ce travail a permis de déterminer quelles géométries de ces MEMS sont satisfaisantes pour une utilisation dans les récepteurs hétérodyne large bande en hyperfréquence. / Superconducting MEMS were developed by IRAM for millimetre wave heterodyne receivers improvements. In this report, the characterization of these capacitive MEMS is presented (profilometry, vibrometry, X rays, electric and thermal). They were described with a simple analytical electromechanical model which can be easily implemented with an equivalent high frequency circuit in the COMSOL multiphysic software to take into account the superconductivity. This work answers to the question of what are the MEMS geometries well suited for broadband heterodyne receivers requirements.

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