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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ανίχνευση και μελέτη εξωγαλαξιακών υπολειμμάτων υπερκαινοφανών σε πολλαπλά μήκη κύματος / Detection and study of extragalactic multi-wavelength supernova remnants

Λεωνιδάκη, Ιωάννα 28 February 2013 (has links)
Η παρούσα διατριβή παρουσιάζει τα αποτελέσματα μιας συστηματικής έρευνας των πληθυσμών Υπολειμμάτων Υπερκαινοφανών (Υ/Υ) σε έξι κοντινούς γαλαξίες (NGC 2403, NGC 3077, NGC 4214, NGC 4395, NGC 4449 και NGC 5204) βασισμένη σε αρχειακά δεδομένα του δορυφόρου ακτίνων-Χ Chandra, και σε βαθειές οπτικές παρατηρήσεις με τα στενά φίλτρα Hα (λ 6563) και [SΙΙ] (λλ 6716, 6731) καθώς και φασματοσκοπικές παρατηρήσεις. Η ταξινόμηση των Υ/Υ επιλεγμένων στις ακτίνες-Χ βασίστηκε στα μαλακά, θερμικά φάσματα (kT < 3 keV) των πηγών στις ακτίνες-Χ ή στα χρώματά τους στις ακτίνες-Χ. Αντίστοιχα, η ταξινόμηση των οπτικών Υ/Υ βασίστηκε στο καθιερωμένο κριτήριο του λόγου των γραμμών εκπομπής [SΙΙ](λλ 6716, 6731)/Hα > 0.4. Εντοπίστηκαν 37 θερμικά Υ/Υ στις ακτίνες-Χ, 30 εκ των οποίων είναι νέες ανακαλύψεις και ~400 (~350 από αυτά είναι νέες ανιχνεύσεις) φωτομετρικά Υ/Υ, για 67 από τα οποία πιστοποιήθηκε φασματοσκοπικά η φύση τους ως Υ/Υ. Πολλοί από τους γαλαξίες στο δείγμα μας μελετώνται για πρώτη φορά στις ακτίνες-Χ (NGC 4214, NGC 4395 και NGC 5204) ή στο οπτικό μέρος του φάσματος (NGC 4395, NGC 3077) με συστηματικό τρόπο, καταλήγοντας στην ανακάλυψη αρκετών νέων Υ/Υ. Σε πολλές περιπτώσεις, η ταξινόμηση των πηγών ως Υ/Υ στις ακτίνες-Χ ή στο οπτικό μέρος του φάσματος επιβεβαιώνεται από ομόλογα Υ/Υ που έχουν ανιχνευθεί σε άλλα μήκη κύματος, δείχνοντας ότι οι μέθοδοι ανίχνευσης που χρησιμοποιούμε είναι αξιόπιστες. Συζητάμε τις ιδιότητες (π.χ. φωτεινότητα, θερμοκρασία, πυκνότητα, ταχύτητα σοκ) των Υ/Υ σε διάφορους τύπους γαλαξιών και ως εκ τούτου διαφορετικά περιβάλλοντα, προκειμένου να δούμε την εξάρτησή τους από το μεοσαστρικό μέσο. Συσχετίζουμε παραμέτρους των ανιχνευμένων οπτικών Υ/Υ (λόγος [SΙΙ]/Hα, φωτεινότητα) με τις παραμέτρους των αντίστοιχων Υ/Υ στις ακτίνες-Χ (θερμοκρασία, φωτεινότητα, πυκνότητα) προκειμένου να κατανοήσουμε την εξέλιξή τους. Μερικά από τα πιο ενδιαφέροντα αποτελέσματα αυτής της έρευνας είναι τα ακόλουθα: α) Βρίσκουμε ότι τα Υ/Υ που είναι ανιχνευμένα στις ακτίνες-Χ και βρίσκονται σε άμορφους γαλαξίες φαίνεται να είναι πιο λαμπρά από εκείνα στους σπειροειδείς γαλαξίες. Αποδίδουμε αυτό το γεγονός στη χαμηλότερη μεταλλικότητα των άμορφων γαλαξιών από αυτή των σπειροειδών (η χαμηλότερη μεταλλικότητα δημιουργεί πρόγονους αστέρες μεγαλύτερης μάζας) ή στις υψηλότερες τοπικές πυκνότητες που παρατηρούνται στο μεσοαστρικό μέσο των άμορφων γαλαξιών, β) Η σύγκριση του αριθμού των παρατηρούμενων λαμπρών Υ/Υ στις ακτίνες-Χ με τον αριθμό αυτών που αναμένονται με βάση τις κατανομές φωτεινότητας των Υ/Υ στις ακτίνες-Χ στα Νέφη του Μαγγελάνου και στον M33, δείχνουν ότι κατανομές φωτεινότητας των Υ/Υ μεταξύ σπειροειδών και άμορφων γαλαξιών είναι διαφορετικές, από αυτές που αφορούν τα Υ/Υ στους άμορφους γαλαξίες και τείνουν να είναι πιο επίπεδες, γ) Βρίσκουμε ότι υπάρχει διαφορά στους λόγους [NΙΙ]/Hα των Υ/Υ μεταξύ διαφορετικών τύπων γαλαξιών, το οποίο κατά πάσα πιθανότητα οφείλεται σε διαφορές στη μεταλλικότητά τους και δ) Υπάρχουν ισχυρές ενδείξεις για μια γραμμική σχέση μεταξύ του αριθμού των λαμπρών Υ/Υ στο οπτικό και στις ακτίνες-Χ και του ρυθμού αστρογένεσης των γαλαξιών του δείγματος. / This thesis presents the results of a comprehensive investigation of the Supernova Remnant (SNR) populations in six nearby galaxies (NGC 2403, NGC 3077, NGC 4214, NGC 4395, NGC 4449 and NGC 5204) based on Chandra archival data and deep optical narrow-band Hα and [SΙΙ] images, as well as spectroscopic observations. The classification of X-ray emitting SNRs was based on their soft thermal spectra (kT < 3 keV) or their X-ray colors and for optically-emitting SNRs on the well-established emission-line flux criterion of [SΙΙ](λλ 6716, 6731)/Hα(λ 6563) > 0.4. We have identified 37 X-ray selected thermal SNRs, 30 of which are new discoveries and ~400 optical SNRs (~350 are new detections), for 67 of which we spectroscopically verified their shock-excited nature. Many of the galaxies in our sample are studied for the first time in the X-ray (NGC 4214, NGC 4395, and NGC 5204) or optical (NGC 4395, NGC 3077) band in a self-consistent way, resulting in the discovery of many new SNRs. In many cases, the X-ray and optical classifications are confirmed based on the identification of SNR counterparts in other wavelengths, giving us confidence that the detection methods we use are robust. We discuss the properties (e.g. luminosity, temperature, density, shock velocity) of the X-ray/optically detected SNRs in different types of galaxies and hence different environments, in order to address their dependence on their interstellar medium. We compare optical ([SΙΙ]/Hα ratio, luminosity) and X-ray parameters (temperature, luminosity, density) of the detected SNRs, in order to understand their evolution and investigate possible selection effects. The most intriguing results of this survey are the following: a) We find that X-ray selected SNRs in irregular galaxies appear to be more luminous than those in spirals. We attribute this either to the lower metallicities and therefore more massive progenitor stars of irregular galaxies or to the higher local densities of the interstellar medium, b) A comparison of the numbers of observed luminous X-ray selected SNRs with those expected from the luminosity functions of X-ray SNRs in the Magellanic Clouds and M33 suggest different luminosity distributions between the SNRs in spiral and irregular galaxies, with the latter tending to have flatter distributions, c) We find that there is a difference in [NΙΙ]/Hα line ratios of the SNR populations between different types of galaxies which is the result of the low metalicity of irregular galaxies, and d) We find evidence for a linear relation between the number of luminous optical or X-ray SNRs and Star Formation Rate in our sample of galaxies.

Catálogo de intensidades de linhas de emissão de remanescentes de supernovas e aplicações

Pauletti, Diogo 30 June 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Emission line intensities from ionized nebulae are an important information source about this objects. There are many data on line intensities emitted from supernova remnants scattered in the literature. However, these data can be more efficiently used if avaliable in the form of an electronic data base. Based on this, it was made a catalog of emission line intensities of supernova remnants with data obtained from the literature, including lines in the spectral range of 900Å to 100 mm. About 300 supernova remnants and more than 25 000 emission line intensities were cataloged, including adittional information associated to the objects and the observations. As a demonstration of the aplicability of this catalog, diagnostic diagrams were made with emission line intensities from supernova remnants and from HII regions, using the line ratios [O III] l5007/Hb, [N II] l6583/Ha, [O II] l3727/Hb, [S II] (l6716+l6730)/Ha and [O I] l6300/Ha. Besides these traditional diagrams, the large amount of data in the catalog allowed the construction of others diagrams using relatively weak lines, rarely measured. The diagrams were effective for the classification and discrimination of these classes of objects. It was also verified the values of the ratios [O III] l5007/l4959 and [N II] l6584/l6548, which returned results in agreement with some others published. Moreover, considering the ultraviolet spectroscopy advances in recent decades, it is presented an history of the instrumentation and its performance evolution, regarding some topics that show the importance of the studies about the ultraviolet spectra of supernova remnants. Finally, a list of all ultraviolet emission lines already measured in supernova remnants until 2010 was made, and compared with a similar list created in 1996. It was found that many new lines were detected and some multiplets became resolved since then. Each one of the 142 lines was identified by its wavelength, the ion and parameters of the transition that generates it. This table may be used as a reference for identifying emission lines in supernova remnants in future studies. / As intensidades de linhas de emissão de nebulosas ionizadas constituem uma importante fonte de informação sobre esses objetos. São numerosos os dados que podem ser encontrados em diferentes artigos da literatura referentes a intensidades de linhas emitidas por remanescentes de supernovas. Porém, esses dados podem ser mais eficientemente utilizados se disponibilizados em conjunto e de maneira organizada, ou seja, na forma de um catálogo. Com base nisso, foi construído um catálogo de intensidades de linhas de emissão de remanescentes de supernovas com dados extraídos da literatura, incluindo linhas no intervalo espectral de 900 Å até 100 mm. Cerca de 300 remanescentes de supernovas e mais de 25 000 intensidades de linhas de emissão foram catalogadas, incluindo informações adicionais associadas ao objeto e à observação. Como demonstração de aplicação do catálogo, foram construídos diagramas de diagnóstico com intensidades de linhas de emissão de remanescentes de supernovas e de regiões HII, utilizando as razões de intensidades de linhas [O III] l5007/Hb, [N II] l6583/Ha, [O II] l3727/Hb, [S II] (l6716+l6730)/Ha e [O I] l6300/Ha. Além desses diagramas tradicionais, a grande quantidade de dados do catálogo permitiu construir novos diagramas utilizando linhas relativamente fracas, raramente medidas. Os diagramas mostraram-se eficientes para a classificação e distinção dessas classes de objetos. Também verificou-se os valores das razões [O III] l5007/l4959 e [N II] l6584/l6548, retornando valores em concordância com outros publicados. Por fim, considerando os avanços na espectroscopia ultravioleta das últimas décadas, apresenta-se um histórico da instrumentação utilizada e da evolução de sua performance, considerando também alguns tópicos que mostram a importância dos estudos espectroscópicos na faixa do ultravioleta em remanescentes de supernovas. Construiu-se uma lista com todas as linhas de emissão do ultravioleta já medidas em remanescentes de supernovas até o ano de 2010, fazendo-se um comparativo com as linhas medidas até o ano de 1996. Verificouse que várias novas linhas foram detectadas e que alguns multipletos passaram a ser resolvidos. Essas 142 linhas são identificadas pelo seu comprimento de onda, pelo íon e por parâmetros das transições que as geram, e são listados os remanescentes de supernovas em que cada linha foi medida. Essa tabela pode ser utilizada como referência na identificação das linhas em futuros estudos de remanescentes de supernovas.

Observational Signatures of the Macroscopic Formation of Strange Matter during Core Collapse Supernovae

Zach, Juergen Johann 05 August 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Detection of gamma rays from the supernova remnant RX J0852.0-4622 with H.E.S.S.

Komin, Nukri Randolf 20 October 2006 (has links)
Es wird angenommen, dass schalenartige Supernova-Reste wesentlicheQuellen der galaktischen kosmischen Strahlung sind. Die Beschleunigungvon Teilchen in diesen Objekten kann mit hochenergetischerGammastrahlung (Energien zwischen 30GeV und 30TeV) nachgewiesenwerden.In dieser Arbeit wird die Beobachtung von Gammastrahlung desschalenartigen Supernova-Restes RX J0852.0-4622 beschrieben. DieseBeobachtungen wurden im Februar 2004 mit dem High Energy StereoscopicSystem (H.E.S.S.) durchgeführt. H.E.S.S., ein System von vierabbildenden Cherenkov Teleskopen, kann Gammastrahlung im Bereichzwischen 100GeV und einigen 10TeV nachweisen und ist zur Zeit dasleistungsfähigste Instrument in diesem Energiebereich.Die Emission von Gammastrahlung von RX J0852.0-4622 wurde mit einerSignifikanz von 12 sigma bei einer Belichtungszeit von 3.2hnachgewiesen. Die Morphologie der Emissionsregion ist ausgedehnt undkorreliert mit der Morphologie der Röntgenstrahlung. Eindifferenzielles Energiespektrum des Photonenflusses wurde im Bereichzwischen 0.5 und 10 TeV rekonstruiert. Das Spektrum folgt einemPotenzgesetz mit einem spektralen Index von etwa 2.1. Der integriertePhotonenfluss oberhalb von 1 TeV ist auf dem Niveau des Flusses desKrebsnebels. RX J0852.0-4622 ist daher eine der hellstenGammastrahlungsquellen am Himmel und der zweite Supernova-Rest dessenausgedehnte Gammastrahlungsemission nachgewiesen werden konnte.Gammastrahlung kann durch inverse Compton-Streuung vonrelativistischen Elektronen oder durch starke Wechselwirkungen vonProtonen mit dem interstellaren Material erklärt werden. Der erwarteteEnergiefluss von inverser Compton-Streuung an der kosmischenMikrowellenstrahlung wurde abgeschätzt. Dieser ist um einigeGrößenordnungen geringer als der beobachtete Wert. Daher ist eswahrscheinlich, dass die beobachtete Gammastrahlung ausProton-Wechselwirkungen stammt und RX J0852.0-4622 zur galaktischenkosmischen Strahlung beiträgt. / Shell-type supernova remnants are discussed to be a main source of thegalactic cosmic rays. Very high energy gamma rays (energies between30GeV and 30TeV) from these objects are tracers for the accelerationof particles. Up to now, only a limited number of supernova remnantswere observed in gamma rays. This work reports on the observations of gamma rays from theshell-type supernova remnant RX J0852.0-4622 carried out with the HighEnergy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) in February 2004. H.E.S.S., asystem of four imaging Cherenkov telescopes, is dedicated to theobservation of gamma rays of energies between 100GeV and several tensof TeV and it is currently the most sensitive instrument in thisenergy range.Emission of gamma rays from RX J0852.0-4622 was detected with asignificance of 12 sigma within a live time of 3.2h. The morphologyof the emission region is clearly extended and correlated with themorphology of the X-ray emission. A differential energy spectrum ofthe photon flux between 0.5 and 10 TeV was reconstructed. It is foundto follow a power law with a spectral index of about 2.1. The integralphoton flux above 1 TeV is at the level of the Crab flux at theseenergies. Thus, RX J0852.0-4622 is one of the brightest gamma-raysources in the sky. RX J0852.0-4622 is the second supernova remnant ofwhich an extended gamma-ray morphology could be proved.The emission of gamma rays from shell-type supernova remnants can beexplained as being produced by accelerated electrons or protons. Theexpected energy flux due to inverse Compton scattering of relativisticelectrons on the cosmic microwave background was estimated and foundto be several orders of magnitude lower than the observed flux. Thus,it is likely that the observed gamma-ray emission is produced inproton interactions and that RX J0852.0-4622 contributes to theacceleration of galactic cosmic rays.

Radio astronomy techniques : the use of radio instruments from single dish radio telescopes to radio interferometers

De Witt, Aletha 03 1900 (has links)
New radio telescopes under development, will significantly enhance the capabilities of radio astronomy in the Southern Hemisphere. South Africa, in particular, is actively involved in the development of a new array (MeerKAT) as well as in the expansion of existing very long baseline interferometer arrays in the south. Participation in these new developments demands a thorough understanding of radio astronomy techniques, and data analysis, and this thesis focusses on two projects with the aim of gaining such experience. The Southern Hemisphere very long baselines array is not well served with calibrator sources and there are significant gaps in the present calibrator distribution on the sky. An adequately dense, well distributed, set of strong, compact calibrator or reference sources is needed. With this in mind, observations using the Southern Hemisphere long baseline array were conducted to investigate a sample of candidate calibrator sources. The compactness of the sources was investigated and new potential calibrators have been identified. Single antenna radio spectroscopy of OH masers has identified sources of 1720 MHz emission associated with supernova remnants at the shock interface between the expanding supernova remnant and a molecular cloud. Models indicate that these masers are shock excited and can only be produced under tight physical constraints. Out ows from newly-formed stars create nebulous regions known as Herbig-Haro objects when they interact with the surrounding medium, and these regions are potentially similar to those seen in supernova remnants. If conditions behind the shock fronts of Herbig-Haro objects are able to support 1720-MHz OH masers they could be a useful diagnostic tool for star formation. A survey toward Herbig-Haro objects using a single-dish radio telescope did detect 1720-MHz OH lines in emission, but neither their spectral signature nor follow-up observations with the Very Large Array showed evidence of maser emission. / Mathematical Sciences / Ph.D. (Astronomy)

Gamma ray astronomy and the origin of galactic cosmic rays

Gabici, Stefano 30 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Diffusive shock acceleration operating at expanding supernova remnant shells is by far the most popular model for the origin of galactic cosmic rays. Despite the general consensus received by the model, an unambiguous and conclusive proof of the supernova remnant hypothesis is still missing. In this context, the recent developments in gamma ray astronomy provide us with precious insights into the problem of the origin of galactic cosmic rays, since production of gamma rays is expected both during the acceleration of cosmic rays at supernova remnant shocks and during their subsequent propagation in the interstellar medium. In particular, the recent detection of a number of supernova remnants at TeV energies nicely fits with the model, but it still does not constitute a conclusive proof of it, mainly due to the difficulty of disentangling the hadronic and leptonic contributions to the observed gamma ray emission. The main goal of my research is to search for an unambiguous and conclusive observational test for proving (or disproving) the idea that supernova remnants are the sources of galactic cosmic rays with energies up to (at least) the cosmic ray knee. Our present comprehension of the mechanisms of particle acceleration at shocks and of the propagation of cosmic rays in turbulent magnetic fields encourages beliefs that such a conclusive test might come from future observations of supernova remnants and of the Galaxy in the almost unexplored domain of multi-TeV gamma rays.

Observations de vestiges de supernovæ en coquille avec le Fermi Large Area Telescope / Observations of shell-type supernova remnants with the Fermi Large Area Telescope

Condon, Benjamin 05 October 2017 (has links)
Après plus d'un siècle d'étude des rayons cosmiques, des questions persistent à propos de leur origine. À l'échelle de notre galaxie, les vestiges de supernovæ sont d'excellents candidats en tant que sources de rayons cosmiques et il est aujourd'hui avéré que ces ondes de choc générées par l'explosion d'étoiles en fin de vie accélèrent des électrons jusqu'au TeV. Cependant, des preuves tangibles manquent toujours pour confirmer que les protons, qui représentent ~90% du rayonnement cosmique, y sont également accélérés. Ces preuves sont à chercher entre 100 MeV et 10 GeV où la forme spectrale de l'émission gamma nous renseigne sur la nature des particules accélérées.Ce domaine en énergie est observé par le satellite Fermi qui scrute le ciel à haute énergie grâce au Large Area Telescope (LAT), un instrument capable de détecter les rayons gamma d'énergies comprises entre 20 MeV et plus de 300 GeV. Avec la dernière version des données en date (Pass 8) rendue publique en 2015, la surface efficace a été sensiblement accrue, notamment à haute énergie. L'objet de cette thèse a été de mettre à profit les nouvelles performances du LAT pour étudier le rayonnement provenant de jeunes vestiges de supernovæ en coquille afin d'évaluer leur capacité à accélérer des particules à haute énergie. Au total, quatre vestiges de ce type ont été étudiés en détail : RCW 86, HESS J1731-347, SN 1006 et RX J1713.7-3946.L'analyse morphologique et spatiale de ces sources nous a menés à d'importants résultats : HESS J1731-347 et SN 1006 ont été détectés pour la première fois au GeV, nous avons mis en évidence une morphologie en coquille pour RCW 86 qui était précédemment détectée comme une source ponctuelle et RX J1713.7-3946 a révélé une forme spectrale plus complexe que ce qui était alors connu. Grâce à la modélisation de l'émission non-thermique de ces sources, en s'aidant des données au TeV obtenues par H.E.S.S., nous avons montré que leur émission gamma est très largement dominée par le rayonnement Compton inverse des électrons de haute énergie diffusant sur les champs de photons ambiants. Cependant, des modifications spectrales ont également été trouvées dans certaines parties de SN 1006 et RX J1713.7-3946 où l'onde de choc est en interaction avec des régions denses en matière, traçant la possible accélération de protons en leur sein. / After more than a century of cosmic-ray studies, questions about their origin remain unanswered. In our galaxy, supernova remnants are excellent candidates to be the sources of cosmic rays and it is now certain that these shock waves created by the explosion of dying stars accelerate electrons up to TeV energies. However, undeniable proof is still missing to confirm that protons, which represent ~90% of the cosmic radiation, are also accelerated. Such proof can be searched for between 100 MeV and 10 GeV, where the spectral shape of the gamma-ray emission changes according to the nature of the particles that are accelerated.This energy range is covered by the Fermi spacecraft which observes the high energy sky with the Large Area telescope (LAT), an instrument detecting gamma-rays from 20 MeV to more than 300 GeV. With the latest version of the data, released in 2015 (Pass 8), the effective area has been greatly improved, especially at high energy. The goal of this thesis was to take advantage of the improved performance of the LAT to study the radiation coming from young shell-type supernova remnants and to evaluate their ability to accelerate particles to high energy. Four such remnants were studied in detail: RCW 86, HESS J1731-347, SN 1006 and RX J1713.7-3946.Spatial and spectral analyses of these sources yielded important results: HESS J1731-347 and SN 1006 were identified for the first time in the GeV range, we detected a shell-like morphology for RCW 86 which was previously seen as a point source, and RX J1713.7-3946 revealed an unexpected spectral shape. Broadband modeling of the non-thermal emission of these remnants, using in particular TeV data obtained with H.E.S.S., showed that their gamma-ray emission is dominated by the inverse Compton scattering of electrons on ambient photon fields. However, we also found spectral modifications in some parts of SN 1006 and RX J1713.7-3946 where the shock is interacting with dense regions that could trace the acceleration of protons.

Radio astronomy techniques : the use of radio instruments from single dish radio telescopes to radio interferometers

De Witt, Aletha 03 1900 (has links)
New radio telescopes under development, will significantly enhance the capabilities of radio astronomy in the Southern Hemisphere. South Africa, in particular, is actively involved in the development of a new array (MeerKAT) as well as in the expansion of existing very long baseline interferometer arrays in the south. Participation in these new developments demands a thorough understanding of radio astronomy techniques, and data analysis, and this thesis focusses on two projects with the aim of gaining such experience. The Southern Hemisphere very long baselines array is not well served with calibrator sources and there are significant gaps in the present calibrator distribution on the sky. An adequately dense, well distributed, set of strong, compact calibrator or reference sources is needed. With this in mind, observations using the Southern Hemisphere long baseline array were conducted to investigate a sample of candidate calibrator sources. The compactness of the sources was investigated and new potential calibrators have been identified. Single antenna radio spectroscopy of OH masers has identified sources of 1720 MHz emission associated with supernova remnants at the shock interface between the expanding supernova remnant and a molecular cloud. Models indicate that these masers are shock excited and can only be produced under tight physical constraints. Out ows from newly-formed stars create nebulous regions known as Herbig-Haro objects when they interact with the surrounding medium, and these regions are potentially similar to those seen in supernova remnants. If conditions behind the shock fronts of Herbig-Haro objects are able to support 1720-MHz OH masers they could be a useful diagnostic tool for star formation. A survey toward Herbig-Haro objects using a single-dish radio telescope did detect 1720-MHz OH lines in emission, but neither their spectral signature nor follow-up observations with the Very Large Array showed evidence of maser emission. / Mathematical Sciences / Ph.D. (Astronomy)

Modelling the evolution of pulsar wind nebulae / Michael Johannes Vorster

Vorster, Michael Johannes January 2014 (has links)
This study focusses on modelling important aspects of the evolution of pulsar wind nebulae using two different approaches. The first uses a hydrodynamic model to simulate the morphological evolution of a spherically-symmetric composite supernova remnant that is expanding into a homogeneous interstellar medium. In order to extend this model, a magnetic field is included in a kinematic fashion, implying that the reaction of the fluid on the magnetic field is taken into account, while neglecting any counter-reaction of the field on the fluid. This approach is valid provided that the ratio of electromagnetic to particle energy in the nebula is small, or equivalently, for a large plasma β environment. This model therefore allows one to not only calculate the evolution of the convection velocity but also, for example, the evolution of the average magnetic field. The second part of this study focusses on calculating the evolution of the energy spectra of the particles in the nebula using a number of particle evolution models. The first of these is a spatially independent temporal evolution model, similar to the models that can be found in the literature. While spatially independent models are useful, a large part of this study is devoted to developing spatially dependent models based on the Fokker-Planck transport equation. Two such models are developed, the first being a spherically-symmetric model that includes the processes of convection, diffusion, adiabatic losses, as well as the non-thermal energy loss processes of synchrotron radiation and inverse Compton scattering. As the magnetic field geometry can lead to the additional transport process of drift, the previous model is extended to an axisymmetric geometry, thereby allowing one to also include this process. / PhD (Space Physics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Modelling the evolution of pulsar wind nebulae / Michael Johannes Vorster

Vorster, Michael Johannes January 2014 (has links)
This study focusses on modelling important aspects of the evolution of pulsar wind nebulae using two different approaches. The first uses a hydrodynamic model to simulate the morphological evolution of a spherically-symmetric composite supernova remnant that is expanding into a homogeneous interstellar medium. In order to extend this model, a magnetic field is included in a kinematic fashion, implying that the reaction of the fluid on the magnetic field is taken into account, while neglecting any counter-reaction of the field on the fluid. This approach is valid provided that the ratio of electromagnetic to particle energy in the nebula is small, or equivalently, for a large plasma β environment. This model therefore allows one to not only calculate the evolution of the convection velocity but also, for example, the evolution of the average magnetic field. The second part of this study focusses on calculating the evolution of the energy spectra of the particles in the nebula using a number of particle evolution models. The first of these is a spatially independent temporal evolution model, similar to the models that can be found in the literature. While spatially independent models are useful, a large part of this study is devoted to developing spatially dependent models based on the Fokker-Planck transport equation. Two such models are developed, the first being a spherically-symmetric model that includes the processes of convection, diffusion, adiabatic losses, as well as the non-thermal energy loss processes of synchrotron radiation and inverse Compton scattering. As the magnetic field geometry can lead to the additional transport process of drift, the previous model is extended to an axisymmetric geometry, thereby allowing one to also include this process. / PhD (Space Physics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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