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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The “defiant but insane look of a species once dominant” – The Problems of Emancipation in Margaret Atwood’s Surfacing

Skagerström, Karl-Johan January 2014 (has links)
Margaret Atwood’s novel Surfacing has received considerable critical attention on the issue of “a positive female identity” in a patriarchal society. However, given Atwood’s own stress on the fact that the novel is about the ways both genders work in relation to each other, this criticism has lacked in scrutiny of the novel’s male characters. With a relational approach to the female and male characters, this thesis argues that while creating a positive identity for its female protagonist, the novel effectively creates a rather negative one for its male characters. In order to examine certain sets of relations and the qualities which represent the most honored way of being a man in the novel, I apply the concept of “hegemonic masculinity,” which can be understood as the pattern of practices that explain male domination over women. It is indeed this hegemonic masculinity that the Surfacer rejects in her quest for emancipation. By looking at the hegemonic masculinity in Surfacing, I argue that the novel depicts very typically patriarchal characters in Joe and David and that the society is typically patriarchal. The thesis is divided into three main sections, each examining the most important sets of relations concerning Atwood’s female emancipation. First, I analyze hegemonic structures in the world of the protagonist, including the issues of power, emancipation, and complicity. Then I look into the sexual division of labor to show that the characters assume their default roles without much reflection. Finally, I scrutinize the characters’ relation to the Symbolic and how it affects their sense of identity. In each section, the analyses show that the male characters are reduced to tropes who only serve one function: to be stereotypically oppressive, patriarchal figures in order to facilitate the protagonist’s positive change and empowerment. I argue that Atwood’s failure to imagine male emancipation somewhat taints the development of female identity because the female emancipation becomes arrested.

Tehničko-tehnološki i ekonomski pokazatelji opravdanosti navarivanja venca monoblok točkova kavliteta ER7, za brzine kretanja železničkih vozila do 120 km/h / Technical and technological feasibility and economic indicators of wreath surfacing of monoblock wheels, quality ER7, for the speed of railway vehicles up to 120 km/h.

Vuković Veljko 05 February 2014 (has links)
<p>Doktorska disertacija obuhvata vi&scaron;egodi&scaron;nja istraživanja koja se odnose na razvoj u tehnolo&scaron;kom unapređenju održavanja jednodelnih točkova železničkih vučenih vozila, uz primenu savremenih metoda i postupka dijagnostikovanja u cilju postizanja zadovoljavajućeg nivoa pouzdanosti pri eksploataciji.<br />Sveobuhvatnim istraživanjem pokazano je da uvođenjem ovog novog tehničko-tehnolo&scaron;kog postupka održavanja venca monoblok točka kvaliteta ER7, čini veliki značaj u tehnolo&scaron;kom unapređenju održavanja vitalnog dela &scaron;inskih vozila-točka, u sopstvenim radioničkim kapacitetima na&scaron;ih železničkih uprava. Istraživanjem je, takođe, potvrđeno da implementacija ovog, sasvim novog tehničko-tehnolo&scaron;kog postupka održavanja venca monoblok točka, je primenljiv i izvodljiv tehničko-tehnički postupak, u postojećim radioničkim kapacitetima koje se bave problematikom održavanja železničkih vozila bez znatnih investicionih ulaganja.<br />Istraživanja su se odvijala po fazama. Prvo su detaljno implementirana teoretska istraživačka dostignuća, zasnovana na izučavanju i primjeni savremenih tehnika i tehnologija na održavanju vitalnih elementa železničkih tehničkih sistema. Implementacija ovog teorijskog istraživanja, realno je produkovalo u zdrav i sveobuhvatan naučno-istraživački temelj, koji je omogućio opravdan pristup eksperimentalnom, a potom i eksploatcaionom istraživanju. Takvim sveobuhvatnim naučno-istraživačkim procesom, rezultiralo je u zadovoljavajuća naučno-istraživačka saznanja, koja će, sigurni smo, stvoriti zdravu podlogu za naučno razmatranje, a potom, i pristup, ka praktičnoj primeni od strane železničkih uprava na&scaron;ih zemalja.<br />Ceo proces istraživanja predmeta disertacije, baziran je na najnovijim dostignućima naučnog saznanja iz oblasti ma&scaron;instva koje izučavaju: tehnologiju obrade metala, tehnologiju proizvodnje čelika, mehanike metala, otpornosti materijala, potom metalurgije zavarivanja, fizike, hemije itd.<br />Eksperimentalna i eksploataciona istraživanja, pratile su savremene dijagnostičke metode i postupci, meritorne za dono&scaron;enje naučnih odluka i dokaza o nivou kvaliteta i pouzdanosti. Pokazano je da pored metoda mehnike loma metala i standardnih metalru&scaron;kih metoda ispitivanja, uvođenjem savremenih ultrazvučnih dijagnostičkih tehnika i tehnologija, u proces dijagnostikovanja vitalniog dela žlezničkih vozila, to jest monoblok točka, uveliko obezbeđuju visok stepen pouzdanosti, dajući značajan doprinos ovom istrživačkom radu, za potvrdu izvodljivosti tehničko-tehnolo&scaron;kog procesa.<br />Tehničko-tehnolo&scaron;kog procesa obnavljanja venaca monoblok točka kvaliteta ER7, navarivanjem, a izloženi mehničkim procesom tro&scaron;enja i kombinovanim statičkim i dinamičkim opterećenjima, pri eksploatciji, ne može se zamisliti bez primene pouzdanih tehnika dijagnostikovanja. Na taj način, kroz vi&scaron;e tehničkih faza obimnih istraživanja, potvrđena je i dokazana neophodnost primene dijagnostičkih metoda bez razaranja zasnovanih na polju ultrazvučne defektoskopije, kako bi se potvrdio i uvećao uticaj na pouzdanost tehničkog sistema-železničko vozilo.</p> / <p>Doctoral dissertation includes several years of research concerning the development of technological<br />6<br />improvement in the maintenance of oneparted railway wheels towed vehicle, with modern methods of diagnosis and procedure in order to achieve satisfactory levels of reliability in operation. Comprehensive research has shown that the introduction of this new technological process of maintaining of the wreath of monoblock wheels, quality ER7, makes a great technological importance in improving the maintenance of vital rail vehicle-point in our own workshop facilities of railway direction. The study also confirmed that, the implementation of this, an entirely new technological maintenance procedures wreath monoblock wheel, is applicable and feasible technical and technical process for the existing workshop facilities to deal with the problem of maintenance of railway vehicles without significant investment. Surveys were conducted in stages. First in detail are implemented the theoretical research achievements, based on the study and application of modern techniques and technologies, made to maintain the vital elements of railway technical systems. Implementation of this theoretical study is produced by the realistic sound and comprehensive scientific foundation, which allowed reasonable access to experimental, and also exploitation research. This comprehensive scientific research process, resulted a satisfactory scientific research findings, which for sure will create a sound basis for scientific discussion and also access to practical use by the railway companies of our country. The whole process of dissertation research subjects is based on the latest achievements of scientific knowledge in mechanical engineering studies such as: the technology of metal processing, steel production technology, metal mechanics, strength of materials, welding metallurgy, physics, chemistry, etc.. Experimental research and exploitation, were accompanied by modern diagnostic methods and procedures, merit-making for the adoption of scientific decisions and evidence at the level of quality and reliability. It is shown that besides the methods of fracture of metals and mechanics metallurgy standard test methods, the introduction of modern ultrasonic diagnostic techniques and technologies in the process of diagnosing vital railway vehicle, as a monoblock points, largely provides a high degree of reliability by providing a significant contribution to this research for confirming technological feasibility of the process. Technological process of wreath restoring of monoblock wheels, quality ER7, which are subjected to the mechanical process of wear and combinated static and dynamic loads, in the process od exploitation, it can not be imagined without the use of reliable diagnostic techniques. Thus, through the more technical phases of extensive research, has been confirmed and proved the necessity of applying nondestructive diagnostic method based on the field of ultrasound defectoscopy, with the purpose of confirmation and increasing of impact on the reliability of technical systems and rail car.&nbsp;</p>

Development of a standard test method for determining the Bitumen bond strength of emulsions : a South African perspective

Greyling, Andries Hendrik 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Chip and spray surfacing seals has been widely used in South Africa as the preferred surface treatment for rural roads. The design of these seals has also experienced renewed interest and continuous development in several other countries over the past two decades. In South Africa seals are continually used as increasing attention is given to the periodic maintenance of existing surfaced roads. There is also a significant increase in the use of surfacing seals in North America as the need to develop more energy and resource efficient surfacing options becomes a priority. Despite this growing use of surface seals, the seal design and especially the selection of binder type and grade does not always follow scientific processes. Seals are often designed based on client preference, previous experience, material availability and industry trends. With an ageing road network and limited funding to ensure timeous maintenance, the focus in South Africa is moving towards more stringent and scientific design processes. The USA and Europe, forced by increasing traffic volumes and heightened performance demands, are moving towards performance- based specification to account for deficiencies in their current surface seal design methods. One of the major failure mechanisms of surface seals is ravelling which takes place when the binder and the aggregate bond becomes weak and are broken by the forces generated by traffic. This leads to loose aggregate on the road which in turns leads to bare surface patches and broken windscreens. To prevent and address this as part of the development of performance-based specifications, the need for a simple and inexpensive technique for evaluating bitumen and bitumen emulsion bond strength development over time, as well as binder-aggregate compatibility, was identified. Although various tests exist for investigating adhesion between bituminous emulsions and aggregate chips most of the tests does not deliver the level of information required by the performance-based specifications. The Bitumen Bond Strength (BBS) test method was therefore developed with the aim to address some of the limitations encountered in evaluating bond strength between binders and aggregates. The BBS test (AASHTO TP-91, 2011) was developed by the University of Wisconsin – Madison (UWM) in partnership with the University of Ancona – Italy (UAI) and the University of Stellenbosch – South Africa (US) specifically for evaluating bond strength between aggregates and hot applied binders and emulsions, respectively. US became involved in BBS test efforts in 2008 to assist in the development and practical evaluation of the BBS test method. UAI contributed significantly to the development of the test apparatus through their work in conjunction with UWM. Due to time and resources available, the involvement of the US was limited to various discussion sessions, a study tour, the evaluation of the BBS test, and conducting a series of control tests. By using the Bitumen Bond Strength test it was possible to evaluate the practicality and repeatability of the developed procedure and the results measured was successfully used to evaluate the bond strength development of modified and unmodified bitumen emulsions on tillite and granite aggregates. It was also possible to correlate the results achieved at the University of Stellenbosch with results from the University of Wisconsin-Madison due to the fact that testing took place at both institutions. The development of the test and the inter-laboratory test results in essence reinforced the hypothesis that the BBS test protocol can be used to effectively evaluate bond strength of different emulsion types and aggregate types. Except for the loading rate which is a known critical influence, the emulsion type and curing intervals are both identified as the most significant other factors contributing to bond strength development. Aggregate type is also identified as a significant factor that will influence the bond strength development. Interactions between emulsion type and curing interval are identified as the most significant interaction. A lot of further validation test on the BBS test method is still required for the test to be integrated into a performance-based specification system for surface seals. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: “Chip and Spray” oppervlak seëls is die verkose seël tipe vir gebruik op Suid Afrikaanse plattelandse paaie. Die ontwerp van hierdie tipe seëls is ook tans besig om hernude aandag te trek in heelwat lande. In Suid Afrika word die tipe seël al meer gebruik soos die behoefte na herseël projeke op die verouderde pad netwerk groei . Daar is ook heelwat groei in die gebruik van “Chip en Spray” seëls in Noord Amerika aangesien daar n behoefte is om n meer energie en materiaal effektiewe seëls te gebruik. Ten spyte van die groeiende gebruik van hierdie seëls het daar min wetenskaplike ontwikkeling plaasgevind in the ontwerp daarvan. Seëls word meestal ontwerp gebaseer op klient voorkeur , ondervinding, materiaal beskikbaarheid en ook industrie norms. ‘n Verouderde pad netwerk dwing die Suid Afrikaanse industrie om meer deeglike en wetenskaplike ontwerp prosedures te volg. Die VSA en Europa word deur vinnig groeiende verkeersvolumes en verhoogte kwaliteits behoeftes gedwing om prestasie gebaseerde spesifikasies te ontwikkel. Een van die hoof defekte op seëls is klipverlies wat plaasvind as die verbinding tussen die bitumen en aggregaat verswak en gebreek word deur die kragte wat deur verkeer oorgedra word. Dit lei tot los klip op die pad wat weer tot skade aan voertuie lei. Om dit te voorkom en aan te spreek het die behoefte laat ontwikkel vir n maklike en goedkoop tegniek om te meet hoe sterk die verbinding is wat ontwikkel tussen verskillende bitumen, bitumen emulsies en aggregaat monsters. Alhoewel daar alreeds toetse bestaan wat kan toets hoe sterk die verbinding is , gee die meeste van die toetse nie die informasie wat benodig word deur die voorgestelde prestasie gedrewe spesfikasies nie. Die “Bitumen Bond Strength” (BBS) toets metode is daarom ontwikkel om die tekortkoming in die toets van die bitumen en aggregaat verdindinge aan te spreek. Die BBS toets (AASHTO TP-91, 2011) is ontwikkel by die Universiteit van Wisconsin – Madison (UWM) in vennootskap met die Universiteit van Ancona – Italy (UAI) en die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US) , spesifiek om die die sterkte van die verbinding wat vorm tussen aggregaat en bitumen te meet. Die US het in 2008 betrokke geraak by die BBS toets studie om hulp te verleen met die ontwikkeling en praktiese evalueering van die BBS toets metode. As gevolg van tyd en personeel tekorte is die betrokkendheid by die US beperk tot verskeie besprekings sessies, n studie toer, die evalueering van die BBS toets sowel as die voltooing van n uitgebreide stel toetse. Deur die voltooing van eksperimente met die BBS toets was dit moontlik om die uitvoerbaarheid en herhaalbaarheid van die ontwikkelde prosedure te toets. Die resultate van die toetse is suksesvol gebruik om die ontwikkeling van die verbinding sterkte tussen gemodifiseerde en ongemodifiseerde bitumen emulsies en tilliet en graniet te definïeer en te evalueer. Dit was ook moontlik om die resultate van die Universiteit Stellenbosch en die Universiteit of Wisconsin-Madison suksesvol met mekaar te vergelyk aangesien toetse by beide die instansies voltooi is. Die ontwikkeling van die toets en die inter laboratorium toets resultate het dit moontlik gemaak om die hipotese te bevestig dat die BBS toets prosedure effektief gebruik kan word om die bitumen en aggregaat verdindinge te toets en te evalueer. Behalwe vir die tempo van die lading waarteen die aftrek sterkte getoets word , is die emulsie tipe en die nabehandeling tydperk beide geidentifiseer as die mees beduidende invloede wat bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van die verbinding sterkte. Die aggregaat tipe is ook geidentifiseer as n belangrike faktor wat die verbinding sterkte ontwikkeling sal beïnvloed. Die interaksie tussen die emulsie tipe en nabehandeling tydperk was geïdentifiseer as die mees beduidende interaksie. Daar sal wel nog heelwat eksperimente voltooi moet word met die BBS toets prosedure voordat dit volkome geïntegreer kan word as deel van n prestasie gebaseerde spesifikasie stelsel vir die ontwerp van seëls.


Oliveira, Pedro Henrique Fernandes 23 September 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T20:43:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pedro Henrique F Oliveira.pdf: 13888256 bytes, checksum: 45c80d3205c28d94e4c7c0eb2987187f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-23 / The aim of this study was to produce deposit of the alloy AA 6351-T6, filled with alumina particles, on an AA5052-32 alloy substrate using friction-surfacing technology. The depositions were performed with holes in the AA6351-T6 consumable rods, which were filled with particulate alumina (Al2O3). A conventional milling machine, KONE KFE-3 / BR, available by SENAI Ponta Grossa – Paraná, was used to carry out the deposition. The control parameter used for the making the deposits was the rod feed rate being calculated from the relationship between the upward axial displacement in the Z axis (Dz) of the machine table and the total time (t) of deposition. The deposits obtained were evaluated from their physical aspects such as width, thickness and length. In addition, bending tests were conducted for a qualitative assessment of the influence of the alumina particles in the adhesion of the deposit to the substrate and microhardness profiles were obtained to evaluate the influence of the alumina particles produced in the hardness of the deposits. Images of optical microscopy images (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were obtained to evaluate the microstructure and morphology of the deposits produced. The volume fraction of alumina particles in the deposits were obtained by digital processing of the images by optical microscopy. EBSD analysis of deposits in specific regions were performed in order to support the microstructural analysis, enabling verify grain size distribution in different regions of deposits showing the existence of substructures indicating the occurrence of dynamic recrystallization phenomenon. The results showed that it was possible to produce deposits with a refined microstructure and with a certain dispersion of alumina particles. Depositions with two holes in the rod produced deposits with higher volume fraction, and this increase in volume fraction was accompanied by higher hardness values. / O presente trabalho buscou depositar a liga AA 6351-T6, preenchida com partículas de alumina (Al2O3), sobre um substrato de liga AA5052-32 através da tecnologia de deposição superficial por atrito (friction surfacing). As deposições foram realizadas com um e dois furos nas hastes de liga AA6351-T6, que foram preenchidos com partículas de alumina. Para a realização das deposições foi utilizada uma fresadora convencional KONE KFE-3/BR disponibilizada pelo SENAI Ponta Grossa – Paraná. O parâmetro de controle utilizado para a confecção dos depósitos foi a taxa de alimentação da haste, sendo calculada a partir da relação entre o deslocamento axial ascendente no eixo Z (Dz) da mesa da máquina com o tempo total (t) de deposição. Os depósitos obtidos após o processamento foram avaliados a partir de seus aspectos físicos tais quais largura, espessura e comprimento. Também foram realizados ensaios de dobramento para uma avaliação qualitativa da influência das partículas de alumina na adesão do depósito no substrato e foram obtidos perfis de microdureza para avaliação da influência das partículas de alumina na dureza dos depósitos produzidos. Foram obtidas imagens de microscopia ótica (MO) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) para avaliação da microestrutura e morfologia dos depósitos produzidos. Ainda foi obtida a fração volumétrica das partículas de alumina nos depósitos produzidos através de processamento digital das imagens obtidas por microscopia óptica. Análises de EBSD em regiões específicas dos depósitos foram realizadas com o intuito de reforçar a análise microestrutural possibilitando verificar a distribuição de tamanho de grão em diferentes regiões dos depósitos, mostrando a existência de subestruturas indicando a ocorrência do fenômeno de recristalização dinâmica. Os resultados mostraram que foi possível produzir depósitos com uma microestrutura refinada e com uma certa dispersão de partículas de alumina. As deposições com dois furos na haste produziram depósitos com maior fração volumétrica, sendo que esse aumento da fração volumétrica foi acompanhada pelo aumento dos valores de dureza.

Métrologie en ligne de faisceaux et d'optiques X de synchrotrons / At-Wavelength Metrology of Hard X-Ray Synchrotron Beams and Optics

Bérujon, Sébastien 13 February 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse présente des travaux de recherche de métrologie en ligne de faisceaux de rayons X dans les installations synchrotrons. Deux approches principales ont été étudiées pour extraire la phase d'un front d'onde X : les méthodes utilisant des réseaux optiques et celles utilisant l'effet speckle dans le domaine X. L'interféromètre à réseaux X est l'outil le plus répandu résentatif de la première catégorie. Ses performances et son potentiel furent étudiés dans diverses situations de métrologie en ligne. Les méthodes utilisant le speckle X sont des techniques originales développées au cours de ce projet. Elles utilisent des membranes faites de petits grains diffusants, dont seule la distribution statistique est connue, pour permettre la modulation du front d'onde. Les différentes techniques furent déployées expérimentalement sur les lignes de lumière BM05 de l'ESRF et B16 de Diamond Light Source. Leurs implémentations servirent à la caractérisation de différents composants optiques utilisés pour manipuler les faisceaux synchrotron X et à l'étude de la faisabilité de micro imagerie par contraste de phase avec les sus citées techniques. / This thesis presents research and development work on synchrotron X-ray at-wavelength metrology methods. Two approaches for measuring the phase of an X-ray wavefront were studied: the grating-based and the speckle-based methods. The X-ray grating interferometer is the most widespread technique representative of the first category. Its performance and potential in various situations encountered in at-wavelength metrology was investigated. Speckle methods are X-ray phase sensing techniques newly developed during this thesis project. They make use of membranes with small statistical features to modulate the beam wavefront. The different methods were deployed experimentally at the beamlines BM05 of the ESRF and B16 of the Diamond Light Source. Their implementation permitted the characterization of various kinds of optical elements used to manipulate synchrotron X-ray beamsas well as the feasibility study of micro phase contrast imaging using the two methods described above.


Perez, Juan Carlos Galvis 15 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T20:43:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JUAN CARLOS GALVIS.pdf: 4226266 bytes, checksum: 0eae227198c4da35bbd08f40e2f3a569 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aimed to develop a detailed study of an alternative technique for surface coatings of components or structures made aluminum alloys, using the friction surfacing process. Thus, the influence of deposition process parameters was evaluated as: traverse speed and rotational speed of consumable rod in mechanical properties and metallurgical deposits made. Due to the fact that the machine used is conventional, the axial force as a process parameter was not obtained directly on the machine. To this was used as a control parameter deposition rate, which is calculated from the relationship between the manual displacements in the Z-axis (Dz) of the machine table with the total time (t) of deposition. The experiments were performed using a conventional milling machine KONE KFE-3 / BR available by machining center of SENAI Ponta Grossa-Paraná capable of generating rotational speeds up to 4200 RPM and traverse speed in the table up to 800 mm/min. aluminum alloy rods were deposited AA6351-T6 on AA5052-H32 aluminum alloy substrates using simple type layer deposition (CS) and overlay (S). After execution of the friction deposition process, the deposits obtained were characterized with regard to geometry (length, width and thickness), followed by macro- and microstructure by the techniques of stereoscopic microscopy (EM), optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microanalysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS).Additionally, a microtexture analysis by EBSD technique in a scanning electron microscope with field emission (FEG-SEM) was carried out. In order to evaluate the mechanical properties along the thickness of deposits and especially the adhesion strength of the interface deposit /substrate and deposit / deposit microhardness tests and bending test at three points were conducted, respectively. The experimental results showed that the best combination of friction surfacing process parameters between traverse speed and rotational speed used had better interfacial adhesion strength of the deposits were: i) In the case of single layer deposits (CS),the deposit obtained with traverse speed of 240 mm/min and 3000 RPM rotational speed presented the best results and ii) In the case of the overlay type container (S), the best results were obtained with the traverse speed of 340 mm/min and 3000 RPM rotational speed / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver um estudo detalhado de uma técnica alternativa para recobrimentos superficiais de componentes ou estruturas fabricadas em ligas de alumínio, utilizando o processo de união por Deposição Superficial por Atrito (Friction Surfacing FS). Assim, foi avaliada a influência dos parâmetros do processo de deposição como: velocidade de avanço da mesa da máquina e velocidade de rotação da haste consumível nas propriedades mecânicas e metalúrgicas dos depósitos realizados. Em virtude da máquina utilizada ser convencional, a força axial como parâmetro de processo não foi obtida diretamente na máquina. Para isto, foi utilizado como parâmetro de controle a taxa de deposição, sendo este calculado a partir da relação entre o deslocamento manual no eixo Z (Dz) da mesa da máquina com o tempo total (t) de deposição. Os experimentos foram realizados utilizando-se uma máquina fresadora KONE KFE-3/BR disponibilizada pelo Centro de Usinagem do SENAI Ponta Grossa - Paraná com capacidade de gerar velocidades de rotação de até 4200 RPM e velocidades de avanço na mesa de até 800 mm/min. Foram depositadas hastes de liga de alumínio AA6351-T6 sobre substratos de liga de alumínio AA5052-H32 realizando deposições de tipo camada simples (CS) e sobrecamada (S). Após execução do processo de deposição por atrito, os depósitos obtidos foram caracterizados quanto a geometria (comprimento, largura e espessura), seguido de análises macro e microestruturais por meio das técnicas de microscopia estereoscópica (ME), microscopia óptica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e microanálise por espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (EDS). Adicionalmente, foi realizado uma análise de microtextura pela técnica de EBSD em microscópio eletrônico de varredura com emissão de campo (FEG-MEV). Com o intuito de avaliar as propriedades mecânicas ao longo da espessura dos depósitos e principalmente a resistência de adesão da interface depósito/substrato e depósito/depósito ensaios de microdureza e ensaios de dobramento em três pontos foram realizados, respectivamente. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que as melhores combinações de parâmetros de processo de deposição por atrito entre velocidade de avanço e velocidade de rotação usados que obtiveram melhor resistência de adesão interfacial dos depósitos foram: i) no caso dos depósitos de camada simples (CS), velocidade de avanço de 240 mm/min e velocidade de rotação de 3000 RPM e ii) no caso do depósito tipo sobrecamada (S), a velocidade de avanço de 340 mm/min e velocidade de rotação de 3000 RPM.

A politics of memory : cognitive strategies of five women writing in Canada

Thompson, Dawn 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to develop a counter—memory, a cognitive strategy that provides an alternative to the most prevalent mode of political action by members of minority or subaltern groups: identity politics. It begins with Teresa de Lauretis’ semiotics of subjectivity, which posits the human subject as a shifting series of positions or habits formed through semiotic and cognitive “mapping” of, and being “mapped” by, its environment. De Lauretis maintains that the subject can transform social reality through an “inventive” mode of mapping. The first chapter of this study is a semiotic analysis of the memory system at work in Nicole Brossard’s Picture Theory. It argues that Brossard’s use of holographic technology is an invention that attempts to alter women’s maps of social reality. Quantum physicist David Bohm has also employed the hologram as a theoretical model. By merging Brossard’s holographic memory with Bohm’s theory of a “holomovement,” this study develops an epistemological strategy that alters not only the map of reality, but also the dominant representational mode of cognitive mapping. This enquiry then moves on to other novels written in Canada which have a strong political impetus based on gender, nationality, ethnicity, race and/or class: Margaret Atwood’s Surfacing, Marlene Nourbese Philip’s Looking for Livingstone, Beatrice Culleton’s In Search of April Raintree and Régine Robin’s La Ouébécoite. Through textual analysis, it attempts to establish that although these novels make no mention of holography, each of them employs a memory system that inscribes itself holographically. That holographic memory provides an alternative political strategy to the “identity politics” at work in each of these texts. Each text, in turn, like a fragment of a hologram, adds another structural and political dimension to the hologram. The processual structure of the holographic theory provides a ground for alliances between different political agendas while resisting closure. As an epistemological strategy, it promises to alter both the method and the ground of knowledge.

Um estudo da influencia da granulometria dos agregados no desempenho do microrrevestimento asfaltico a frio quanto ao deslocamento lateral e vertical / A study of the influence of aggregate gradations in the cold micro surfacing performance in the lateral and vertical displacement

Reis, Marcus dos 27 June 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Rita Moura Fortes / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-05T20:06:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Reis_Marcusdos_M.pdf: 5198803 bytes, checksum: 2ebe7ace919af514d5ddb6cb2fc7b863 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Revestimentos de cimento asfáltico de petróleo são utilizados como pavimentos de vias, as quais necessitam de manutenção preventiva e corretiva. Neste último contexto surgiu o microrrevestimento asfáltico a frio, que tem sido aplicado com sucesso como sistema corretivo de deficiências funcionais do pavimento. Como a mistura é composta por aproximadamente 75% de agregados, estes passam a ter um papel relevante. Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo da influência da granulometria dos agregados no desempenho do microrrevestimento asfáltico a frio no ensaio de deslocamento lateral e vertical. Esta avaliação foi realizada com auxílio do Simulador de Tráfego, conhecido como L WT - Load Wheel Tester, tendo sido desenvolvido um estudo para verificação da repetitividade deste equipamento e dos ensaios. Na moldagem foram empregadas composições de agregados especificadas pelas faixas granulométricas das normas usuais. Deste modo, este estudo apresenta diretrizes para a escolha adequada da granulometria quando da elaboração de projetos de microrrevestimento asfáltico a frio / Abstract: Surface layer are used as asphalt pavements, which need preventive and corrective maintenance. In this last context the cold micro surfacing appeared, that has been applied with success as system corrective of pavement functional deficiencies. As the mixture is composed for approximately 75% of aggregate these theme is very important. This research presents a study of the influence of the aggregate gradations in the cold micro surfacing performance in the lateral and vertical displacement. This evaluation was accomplished using Traffic Simulator, called LWT - Load Wheel Tester. Also it was developed a study repeatability of this equipment and the proceedings. This research used the usual aggregate gradations presented in the respective standards. Finally, this study presents guidelines for the appropriate choice of gradation to use in design of cold micro surfacing / Mestrado / Transportes / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

A politics of memory : cognitive strategies of five women writing in Canada

Thompson, Dawn 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to develop a counter—memory, a cognitive strategy that provides an alternative to the most prevalent mode of political action by members of minority or subaltern groups: identity politics. It begins with Teresa de Lauretis’ semiotics of subjectivity, which posits the human subject as a shifting series of positions or habits formed through semiotic and cognitive “mapping” of, and being “mapped” by, its environment. De Lauretis maintains that the subject can transform social reality through an “inventive” mode of mapping. The first chapter of this study is a semiotic analysis of the memory system at work in Nicole Brossard’s Picture Theory. It argues that Brossard’s use of holographic technology is an invention that attempts to alter women’s maps of social reality. Quantum physicist David Bohm has also employed the hologram as a theoretical model. By merging Brossard’s holographic memory with Bohm’s theory of a “holomovement,” this study develops an epistemological strategy that alters not only the map of reality, but also the dominant representational mode of cognitive mapping. This enquiry then moves on to other novels written in Canada which have a strong political impetus based on gender, nationality, ethnicity, race and/or class: Margaret Atwood’s Surfacing, Marlene Nourbese Philip’s Looking for Livingstone, Beatrice Culleton’s In Search of April Raintree and Régine Robin’s La Ouébécoite. Through textual analysis, it attempts to establish that although these novels make no mention of holography, each of them employs a memory system that inscribes itself holographically. That holographic memory provides an alternative political strategy to the “identity politics” at work in each of these texts. Each text, in turn, like a fragment of a hologram, adds another structural and political dimension to the hologram. The processual structure of the holographic theory provides a ground for alliances between different political agendas while resisting closure. As an epistemological strategy, it promises to alter both the method and the ground of knowledge. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate

Technologie výroby součásti / Technology of production part

Straka, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is developed within my Master’s degree studies, branch mechanical engineering (M21 K), and specialization in M STM. The aim of this thesis is to solve the technology of mechanical production (machining, tooling) for the machine component called ‚shape lid‘. I execute the analysis of this technology from the perspective of the conventional machining process, and alternatively, some of the non conventional machining process, too. Conventional machining process is so far used for manufacturing of this sort of machine’s element. It‘s implying laborious work difficulties, even it’s economically disadvantageous. I suggest a new technology of manufacturing. At first, a semi-finished component could be sized by conventional machining process, and then it could be finished by the CNC (computer numerical control) milling machine. By the non-conventional machining process assume the usage of an electro-erosive machining, plasma machining, or water jet machining.Conventional technology suppose the usage of CNC milling machines. Thereinafter, feasibility aspects of this brand new technology are considered in technical and economical perspective.

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