Spelling suggestions: "subject:"asustainable lifestyle"" "subject:"asustainable ifestyle""
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PranaKananke-Hewage, Jennifer January 2020 (has links)
Earth is an living organism where every living creature is an important part of a bigger whole. Our ancestors lived in symbiosis with the nature, today we are trying to tame the nature. Cities are expanding and the nature is being pushed into the periferi. Free flow of elements such as water, air, earth and plants are being controlled, disstorted, polluted and manipulated. Our political and economical systems are built upon the mind-set that we are separate from the nature and above the nature, but we are a part of the nature just like every other speecies on this planet. Our fast paced city-lives are creating a huge gap between the nature and ourselves and massproduction has replaced traditional craft and sustainable food production. Where is this going to end? How will it end? How can architecture help us reconnect with the nature and ourselves and inspire to a more sustainable lifestyle? Prana is not a building, it is a site. It consists of a multifunctional garden area with several buildings that together creates a whole. Prana is sanskrit meaning breath, energy or life force and has given the site its’ name because it is a platform for recreation, contemplation and knowledge exchange. We need to slow down, reflect and learn in order to feel the force and make a change, no matter if it is your lifestyle, your mind-set or your goal, no matter if you do it for the climate or for yourself. Prana is about reconnecting with the nature and yourself though arts, crafts, activities, food and food production. Prana welcomes everyone for a close nature experience of hot and cold, of fire and earth and community based learning.
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En studie om hur medlemmar engagerar sig i grupper på sociala medieplattformar som syftar till att skapa hållbara livsstilarKron, Hanna, Olsson, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Sociala medier kan användas som ett effektivt verktyg för att engagera människor, bygga sociala nätverk och influera människors beslut, dock efterfrågas forskning om hur sociala medier främjar engagemang då det finns en begränsad förståelse om detta. För att öka förståelsen kring detta utfördes en undersökning om hur medlemmar engagerar sig i grupper på sociala medieplattformar som syftar till att skapa hållbara livsstilar. Kontexten som användes för att undersöka detta var facebookgrupper där medlemmarna har tillämpat eller är intresserade av att tillämpa en vegansk eller vegetarisk livsstil. Att reducera sin animaliekonsumtion kan vara en hållbar livsstil eftersom hållningen och produktionen av animaliska livsmedel är en av de främsta orsakerna till de allvarligaste miljöproblemen i både lokal och global skala. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ forskningsansats där en netnografisk studie utfördes i den valda kontexten. Resultatet från den netnografiska studien analyserades med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Utifrån analysen identifierades olika sätt medlemmar engagerar sig i grupper på sociala medieplattformar med syftet att skapa hållbara livsstilar. / Social media can be used as an effective tool for engaging people, building social networks and influencing people's decisions, however, research is requested regarding how social media promotes engagement as there is a limited understanding of this. In order to increase this understanding, a study was conducted on how members engage in groups on social media platforms with the goal to create sustainable lifestyles. The context in which this was investigated was facebook groups where members have committed to, or interested in a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. Reducing the consumption of animal products can be a sustainable lifestyle because the consumption and production of animal foods is one of the main causes of the most serious environmental problems on both a local and global scale. The study was conducted with a qualitative research approach in which a netnographic study was performed in the chosen context. The results of the netnographic study were analyzed using a thematic analysis. Based on the analysis, various ways were identified regarding how members engage in groups on social media platforms with the aim of creating sustainable lifestyles.
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Responsibility for sustainability within tourism – an emerging discourseKallio, Emmi-Maria January 2018 (has links)
The tourism industry is at a pivotal point in time, where the potential and threats associated with the industry have gained global attention. While the field provides numerous development opportunities by being one of the largest global industries, the tourism industry’s contribution to universal threats such as global warming and climate change has been acknowledged. As a response, the industry and academia have experienced a shift towards discourses of sustainable tourism, or more recently responsible tourism, where stakeholders aim to embark on a path of holistic sustainability. The global significance of tourism’s potential to foster sustainable development has further been recognized by the assignment of 2017 as the International year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. At the core of the sustainable tourism debate lies the notion of responsibility, particularly the notion of various stakeholders’ responsibility for sustainability within tourism. Within this paradigm, consumers play a central role, as consumers can guide industry action with their travel related choices. Yet, there is a notable discrepancy between consumer attitudes about sustainability and their travel related behaviour and the disparity begs the question of how consumers perceive their own responsibility for sustainability in a tourism context. This study set out to explore the emerging discourse of responsibility for sustainability within tourism by examining how the notion has been addressed, constructed and framed within academia and the industry, with a particular interest in the framing of consumer responsibility for sustainability. Seven themes with additional subthemes of notions about responsibility for sustainability were identified through a literature review consisting of 132 peer-reviewed journal articles and two book chapters. Furthermore, an interpretive content analysis of the recently launched UNWTO Responsible Traveller campaign was carried out. The findings suggest that responsibility for sustainability within tourism has emerged as its own, distinct discourse characterized by an ambiguous and complex nature where the notion of responsibility is influenced by the surrounding context, prevailing social norms and individual identity. While responsibility for sustainability is recognized as the responsibility of all tourism stakeholders, the results suggest that consumers in particular abrogate themselves from a responsibility for sustainability in a tourism context and consequently, the industry is seen to lie in a state of lock-in. The findings indicate that there is a need to re-establish how and by whom responsibility for sustainability is constructed and framed within tourism, while notions of sustainable lifestyles and global citizenship should be fostered together with new social norms that challenge the prevailing status quo.
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Leisure, well-being, and sustainable lifestyles : A study to explore relationships between leisure activities and global warming potential in Sweden.Högberg, Anna, Guardini, Beatrice January 2023 (has links)
Studies show that leisure activities can contribute significantly to people’s well-being. Still, theycan also impact the environment in several ways as they contribute to greenhouse gas emissionsrelated to different factors. When modifying lifestyles towards more sustainable behaviors, peoplecan sometimes expect reductions in their well-being, but this relationship is not much exploredfor what concerns the activities that people engage in within their free time. By further exploringthis literature gap, this study research leisure activities - namely those activities when theindividuals have the most control over their chances of action - as a potential pathway forimplementing more sustainable behaviors in an individual lifestyle that can also improve one’sown well-being. By employing questionnaires and a life cycle assessment approach – the aim is todescribe i) what leisure activities people in Sweden engage with to promote their well-being, ii)what are the most important ones and the main benefits obtained from them, and iii) what impact,in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, these activities have on the climate. The results show thatsome common leisure activity types are important for Swedes to maintain their well-being. Thesecan have different environmental impacts in terms of greenhouse gas emissions depending onactivity-related factors such as location, frequency, and equipment and material resources utilizedduring the activity. We conclude that leisure activities that people consider more important fortheir well-being are also those that could potentially have the lowest impact in terms of greenhousegas emissions and that more quantitative studies could explore this relation further.
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Green Marketing: The influence of sustainable digital marketing content on Gen Z. : A case study on GermanySchwarz, Annika Helene January 2024 (has links)
Climate change and climate protection are issues that society must urgently address. It istherefore even more important to promote and advocate for a sustainable lifestyle. In thisscientific paper, I aim to explore approaches to make social media advertising moreeffective in reaching the sustainable values of Gen Z. Since Generation Z is particularlyopen to sustainable lifestyles, this work will reflect their perspective.To answer the research question, a qualitative methodology was employed, involvinginterviews with 13 participants born between 1995 and 2010. The analysis of the collectedempirical data shows that Gen Z places great value on sustainability, but the issue lies inthe reachability of advertising.Social media marketing strategies such as Paid Media and Content Marketing seem tohave a positive effect on the participants. A balance between content with informationand entertainment also shows potential for success, considering their short attention span.Furthermore, the analysis highlights the importance of incorporating both strong (creativeand adventurous) and weak characteristics (impatient, FOMO1, and short attention span)as well as the values they share (equality, diversity, LGBTQ+2, tolerance, andacceptance).These empirical findings should provide options and serve as inspiration for companiesthat already act sustainably and want to promote and advertise a sustainable lifestyle moreeffectively in relation to Gen Z to raise sustainable awareness.
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Compact Living as a Lifestyle : Scenario-based Interior Design for Chinese Urban TenantsRong, Hu January 2019 (has links)
This thesis proposes "compact living" as a sustainable lifestyle, enabling dwellers to fulfil theirliving requirements while considering ecological concerns. The idea of this project is derivedfrom a phenomenon that urban immigrants move to smaller houses because of the shortage ofaffordable rental house in dense Chinese urban areas, which causes an issue regarding lack ofwell-functioning small housings for urban tenants. In order to develop suitable compact livingsolutions, this scenario-based design project has developed. The compact living requirementsof Chinese urban tenants were studied through design research. Meanwhile, the studies ofexisting small-space solutions aim to come up with solutions by concluding strategies for thespatial-plan. As a result, the designer came up with a concept of "shared co-living community" second-landlord business model with three feasible interior design proposals.Keywords:interior design; sustainable lifestyle; compact living; small space;scenario-based
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Klimatsmart livsstil : Hur människor kan påverkas till att leva mer klimatsmartSandberg, Linnéa January 2018 (has links)
One of the greatest challenges of our time is the ongoing climate change. Research suggests that it is us humans that through our greenhouse gas emissions are the greatest cause of globalwarming and the problems that comes with it. To reduce the emissions of greenhouse gas and meet the international goals, it is necessary for individuals to make changes in their behavior. Some people care a lot about the climate and tries to do everything in their power to lower theirown impact, others want to do something but do not know what and some people does not care at all. The purpose of this study is to provide a deeper understanding of how to influence people to live in a more environmentally friendly way by identifying factors that determines environmentally friendly actions both positively and negatively. The study was conducted through a qualitative case study where the data collection was made through personal interviews with citizens in Luleå. The results of the study show that knowledge has a strong connection to individual behaviors. It is important to know that the environmental actions you take is of importance. Many people have the desire to do more than they do but are hindered by contextual factors like saving time. Except for the factors that was identified in the frame of reference the study also shows that there are other reasons for individuals to act in an environmentally friendly way: health, economy, ethics, frugality and care about future generations. By identifying these factors and get an explanation of how they impact individuals, the study can aid decision makers of a county with information that helps them adapt their conversion work to the citizens. The recommendations for counties are to provide citizens with clear information both regarding what goals they aim to reach as well as concrete actions to take in order to fulfil these, make it easier to choose environmentally friendly options, market the environmental benefits but also other reasons for certain behaviors since many people are more motivated byother things than environmental reasons, share their results in their environmental work to include citizens as well as spread motivation for further behavior changes. / En av vår tids största utmaningar är de pågående klimatförändringarna. Forskning visar att det till allra största del är vi människor som genom våra utsläpp av växthusgaser är ansvariga för den globala uppvärmningen och de problem som den för med sig. För att reducera utsläppen av växthusgaser och uppnå de internationella utsläppsmålen krävs delvis insatser på individnivå. Vissa människor bryr sig mycket om klimatet och försöker göra allt i sin makt för att minska sin egen klimatpåverkan, andra vill göra något men vet inte vad och vissa bryr sig inte alls. Denna studie syftar till att ge en djupare förståelse för hur man kan påverka människor att leva mer klimatsmart genom att identifiera faktorer som påverkar miljövänliga beteenden i både positiv och negativ riktning. Studien genomfördes genom en kvalitativ fallstudie där datainsamlingen gjordes genom personliga intervjuer med invånare i Luleå kommun. Studiens resultat visar att kunskap har en stark koppling till en individs beteenden. Det är viktigt att de insatser man gör till förmån för klimatet känns betydelsefulla. Många har en vilja att göra mer för klimatet men hindras av kontextuella faktorer, till största del handlar det om tidsaspekten. Förutom de faktorer som identifierades i det teoretiska ramverket framkom även ytterligare orsaker till varför individer beter sig miljövänligt: hälsa, ekonomi, etik, sparsamhet samt att värna om framtida generationer. Genom att identifiera dessa faktorer samt få förklarat hur de påverkar individen kan studien bidra med information till beslutsfattare exempelvis inom kommuner för att de ska kunna anpassa sitt omställningsarbete till medborgarna i kommunen. Studiens rekommendationer för kommuner är att de bör bistå med tydlig information till invånarna, både när det gäller vilka mål de siktar till att uppnå samt vad som konkret krävs för att uppfylla dessa. Kommunen bör också göra det lättare att välja miljövänliga alternativ, marknadsföra såväl klimatnyttan men även andra skäl till ett visst beteende eftersom att många motiveras mer av andra fördelar än klimatnytta. Samt dela med sig av resultat i klimatarbetet för att göra medborgarna delaktiga samt sprida motivation att arbeta vidare.
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Upplevelsen av en livsstilsförändring vid Diabetes Mellitus typ 2 : En litteraturöversikt / The experience of a lifestyle change due to Diabetes Mellitus type 2 : A literature reviewEriksson, Camilla, Kullheim, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes är en av världens största folksjukdomar där diabetes mellitus typ 2 är den variant som är vanligast och ökar mest. För att kunna leva med sin sjukdom och uppnå bra livskvalité måste en livsstilsförändring genomföras. Då rutiner och vanor är baserat på den livsstil man har kan dessa förändringar vara påfrestande för individen. Syfte: Att beskriva hur vuxna personer med diabetes mellitus typ 2 upplever livsstilsförändring kopplat till sjukdomen. Metod: Studien är en litteraturöversikt Databaser som använts är Cinahl Complete och Nursing Allied Database. Antalet artiklar som analyserats är tolv stycken. Både kvalitativa och kvantitativa ansatser har inkluderats i litteraturöversikten. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i fyra teman Upplevelsen av implementering av livsstilsförändring, Motiverande faktorer, Upplevelsen av den inre kampen, Behovet av socialt stöd. Första temat är indelat i två underteman; Individanpassad information samt Möjligheter och hinder vid hållbar livsstil. Diskussion: Upplevelsen att genomgå en livsstilsförändring har diskuterats och analyserats utifrån Orems egenvårdsteori samt konsensusbegreppet hälsa.
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Hodnoty v životě lidí žijících ekologickýcm způsobem života / Values in life of people who live ecologicallyPlajnerová, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis deals with life values of ecologically living people. It is divided into a theoretical and practical part. In its theoretical part it focuses on terms used in ecology, lifestyle and the description of values linked to the protection of environment. It deals with the concept of sustainable development and describes ecological farming. The practical part of the thesis analyses the qualitative research which was done in the form of semi-structured interviews with ecological farmers. The thesis focuses on values, opinions and sentiments of ecological farmers and whether these have undergone any change during their farming. Key Words: ecology, sustainable development, lifestyle, values, ecological farming, ecological farmers
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Regeringens miljösatsningar och deras förhållande till en hållbar livsstil hos det svenska folket : En studie av biståndssatsningars påverkan på hållbar livsstil i givarlandet / The government's environmental initiatives and their relationship to sustainable lifestyle among the Swedish people : A study of aid investments impact on sustainable living in the donor countryMpoyi, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Swedish government aid is divided into three main themes: democracy and human rights, the environment and climate, and gender equality and women's role in development. These three themes in aid are considered by the government to be vital in order to fight poverty and create fair and sustainable development. This study will examine two of the four focus areas designated under the theme of "environment and climate". The study observes the relationship between projects in energy and water and how it promotes a sustainable lifestyle. A survey on environmental habits will be conducted. The purpose of the study is to see if international aid projects funded by the Swedish government are able to promote a sustainable lifestyle in the Swedish population. The study has revealed the following: there is a lack of knowledge among the respondents of how the government conducts its environmental efforts; there is an interest in the environment and environmental issues among the respondents; the respondents consider environmental issues important. The investigation has also revealed that water projects have a greater tendency to promote sustainable lifestyles among the respondents because it had the greatest degree of influence on individuals’ actions. However, the investigation also showed that the action readiness for environmental behavior is generally low but that development aid for water and electricity can promote a sustainable lifestyle in the donor country in conjunction with other factors. / Regeringen har tre prioriterade biståndsteman för att bekämpa fattigdomen och för en rättvis och hållbar utveckling, dessa är: demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter, miljö och klimat samt jämställdhet och kvinnors roll i utveckling. Jag undersöker två av fyra inriktningar under temat miljö och klimat. Inom denna studie kommer jag att undersöka hur relationen mellan satsningar på energi- och vattenprojekt och vår livsstil ter sig. En egen enkätundersökning har utförts om miljövanorna hos svenskar. Tanken är att se om internationella biståndsprojekt som Sverige bedriver främjar en hållbar livsstil genom att influera svenskarnas handlingsberedskap. Det som undersökningen har påvisat är följande: att det bland respondenterna saknas kunskap om hur regeringen bedriver sitt miljöarbete på ett internationellt plan, bland annat genom biståndsarbeten; att det hos de flesta respondenterna fanns ett miljöintresse och att miljöfrågan och miljöarbete ansågs vara viktiga; att vattenprojekt har en större benägenhet att främja en hållbar livsstil hos respondenterna eftersom det hade störst påverkan på deras handlingar; att det förekommer en svag handlingsbenägenhet för ett miljöbeteende hos respondenterna och att biståndsprojekt gällande vatten och el kan i samverkan med andra faktorer vara en faktor som främjar en hållbar livsstil inom givarlandet.
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