Spelling suggestions: "subject:"symplectic geometry"" "subject:"symplectics geometry""
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Homologie instanton-symplectique : somme connexe, chirurgie de Dehn, et applications induites par cobordismes / Symplectic instanton homology : connected sum, Dehn surgery, and maps from cobordismsCazassus, Guillem 12 April 2016 (has links)
L'homologie instanton-symplectique est un invariant associé à une variété de dimension trois close orientée, qui a été dé?ni par Manolescu et Woodward, et qui correspond conjecturalement à une version symplectique d'une homologie des instantons de Floer. Dans cette thèse nous étudions le comportement de cet invariant sous l'effet d'une somme connexe, d'une chirurgie de Dehn, et d'un cobordisme de dimension quatre. Nous établissons une formule de Künneth pour la somme connexe : si Y et Y' désignent deux variétés closes orientées de dimension trois, l'homologie instanton-symplectique associée à leur somme connexe est isomorphe à la somme directe du produit tensoriel de leurs groupes d'homologie instantonsymplectique respectifs, et de leur produit de torsion (après décalage des degrés). Nous définissons des versions tordues de cette homologie, et prouvons un analogue de la suite exacte de Floer, reliant les groupes associés à une triade de chirurgie. Cette suite exacte nous permet de calculer le rang des groupes associés à des familles de variétés, notamment les revêtements doubles ramifiés d'entrelacs quasi-alternés, des chirurgies entières de grande pente le long de certains noeuds, ainsi que certaines variétés obtenues par plombage de fibrés en disques au-dessus de sphères. Nous définissons enfin des invariants pour des cobordismes de dimension 4 prenant la forme d'applications entre groupes d'homologie instantonsymplectique des bords, et prouvons que deux des morphismes intervenant dans la suite exacte de chirurgie s'interprètent comme de telles applications, associées aux cobordismes d'attachement d'anses. Nous donnons également un critère d'annulation pour de telles applications associées à des éclatements. / Symplectic instanton homology is an invariant for closed oriented three-manifolds, defined by Manolescu and Woodward, which conjecturally corresponds to a symplectic version of a variant of Floer's instanton homology. In this thesis we study the behaviour of this invariant under connected sum, Dehn surgery, and four-dimensional cobordisms. We prove a Künneth-type formula for the connected sum: let Y and Y' be two closed oriented three-manifolds, we show that the symplectic instanton homology of their connected sum is isomorphic to the direct sum of the tensor product of their symplectic instanton homology, and a shift of their torsion product. We define twisted versions of this homology, and then prove an analog of the Floer exact sequence, relating the invariants of a Dehn surgery triad. We use this exact sequence to compute the rank of the groups associated to branched double covers of quasi-alternating links, some plumbings of disc bundles over spheres, and some integral Dehn surgeries along certain knots. We then define invariants for four dimensional cobordisms as maps between the symplectic instanton homology of the two boundaries. We show that among the three morphisms in the surgery exact sequence, two are such maps, associated to the handle-attachment cobordisms. We also give a vanishing criteria for such maps associated to blow-ups.
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Discrete algebra and geometry applied to the Pauli group and mutually unbiased bases in quantum information theory / Algèbre et géométrie discrètes appliquées au groupe de Pauli et aux bases décorrélées en théorie de l’information quantiqueAlbouy, Olivier 12 June 2009 (has links)
Pour d non puissance d’un nombre premier, le nombre maximal de bases deux à deux décorrélées d’un espace de Hilbert de dimension d n’est pas encore connu. Dans ce mémoire, nous commençons par donner une construction de bases décorrélées en lien avec une famille de représentations irréductibles de l'algèbre de Lie su(2) et faisant appel aux sommes de Gauss.Puis nous étudions de façon systématique la possibilité de construire de telle bases au moyen des opérateurs de Pauli. 1) L’étude de la droite projective sur Zdm montre que, pour obtenir des ensembles maximaux de bases décorrélées à l’aide d'opérateurs de Pauli, il est nécessaire de considérer des produits tensoriels de ces opérateurs. 2) Les sous-modules lagrangiens de Zd2n, dont nous donnons une classification complète, rendent compte des ensembles maximalement commutant d'opérateurs de Pauli. Cette classification permet de savoir lesquels de ces ensembles sont susceptibles de donner des bases décorrélées : ils correspondent aux demi-modules lagrangiens, qui s'interprètent encore comme les points isotropes de la droite projective (P(Mat(n, Zd)²),ω). Nous explicitons alors un isomorphisme entre les bases décorrélées ainsi obtenues et les demi-modules lagrangiens distants, ce qui précise aussi la correspondance entre sommes de Gauss et bases décorrélées. 3) Des corollaires sur le groupe de Clifford et l’espace des phases discret sont alors développés.Enfin, nous présentons quelques outils inspirés de l’étude précédente. Nous traitons ainsi du rapport anharmonique sur la sphère de Bloch, de géométrie projective en dimension supérieure, des opérateurs de Pauli continus et nous comparons l'entropie de von Neumann à une mesure de l'intrication par calcul d'un déterminant. / For d not a power of a prime, the maximal number of mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) in a d-dimensional Hilbert space is still unknown. In this thesis, we begin by an original building of MUBs by means of Gauss sums, in relation with a family of irreducible representations of the Lie algebra su(2).Then, we sytematically study the possibility of building such bases by means of Pauli operators. 1) The study of the projective line on Zdm shows that, in order to obtain maximal sets of MUBs, tensorial products of these operators are in order. 2) Lagrangian submodules of Zd2n, of which we give a complete classification, account for maximally commuting sets of Pauli operators. This classification enables to know which of these sets are likely to yield unbiased bases. They correspond to Lagrangian half-modules that can be interpreted as the isotropic points of the projective line (P(Mat(n, Zd)²),ω). Hence, we establish an isomorphism between the unbiased bases thus obtained and distant Lagrangian half-modules, which precises by the way the correspondance between Gauss sums and MUBs. 3) Corollaries on the Clifford group and the finite phase space are then developed.Finally, we present some tools inspired by the previous study. We deal with the cross-ratio on the Bloch sphere and projective geometry in higher dimension, Pauli operators with continuous exponents and we compare von Neumann entropy with a determinantal measure of entanglement
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Star-exponential of normal j-groups and adapted Fourier transformSpinnler, Florian 23 April 2015 (has links)
This thesis provides the explicit expression of the star-exponential for the action of normal j-groups on their coadjoint orbits, and of the so-called modified star-exponential defined by Gayral et al. Using this modified star-exponential as the kernel of a functional transform between the group and its coadjoint orbits yields an adapted Fourier transform which is also detailed here. The normal j-groups arise in the work of Pytatetskii-Shapiro, who established the one-to-one correspondence with homogeneous bounded domains of the complex space; these groups are also the central element of the deformation formula recently developed by Bieliavsky & Gayral (a non abelian analog of the strict deformation quantization theory of Rieffel). Since these groups are exponential, the results given in this text illustrate the general work of Arnal & Cortet on the star-representations of exponential groups.<p> As this work is meant to be as self-contained as possible, the first chapter reproduces many definitions introduced by Bieliavsky & Gayral, in order to obtain the expression of the symplectic symmetric space structure on normal j-groups, and of their unitary irreducible representations. The Weyl-type quantizer associated to this symmetric structure is then computed, thus yielding the Weyl quantization map for which the composition of symbols is precisely the deformed product defined by Bieliavsky-Gayral on normal j-groups. A detailed proof of the structure theorem of normal j-groups is also provided.<p> The second chapter focuses on the expression and properties of the star-exponential itself, and exhibits a useful tool for the computation, namely the resolution of the identity associated to square integrable unitary irreducible representations of the groups. The result thus obtained satisfies the usual integro-differential equation defining the star-exponential. A criterion for the existence of a tempered pair underlying a given tempered structure on Lie groups is proven; the star-exponential functions are also shown to belong to the multiplier algebra of the Schwartz space associated to the tempered structure. Before that, it is shown that all Schwartz spaces that appear in this work are isomorphic as topological vector spaces.<p> The modified version of this star-exponential is computed in chapter three, first for elementary normal j-groups and then for normal j-groups. It is then used to define an adapted Fourier transform between the group and the dual of its Lie algebra. This transform generalizes (to all normal j-groups) a Fourier transform that was already studied in the “ax+b” case by Gayral et al. (2008), as well as by Ali et al. (2003) in the context of wavelet transforms. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Relative Symplectic Caps, Fibered Knots And 4-GenusKulkarni, Dheeraj 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The 4-genus of a knot in S3 is an important measure of complexity, related to the unknotting number. A fundamental result used to study the 4-genus and related invariants of homology classes is the Thom conjecture, proved by Kronheimer-Mrowka, and its symplectic extension due to Ozsv´ath-Szab´o, which say that closed symplectic surfaces minimize genus.
In this thesis, we prove a relative version of the symplectic capping theorem. More precisely, suppose (X, ω) is a symplectic 4-manifold with contact type bounday ∂X and Σ is a symplectic surface in X such that ∂Σ is a transverse knot in ∂X. We show that there is a closed symplectic 4-manifold Y with a closed symplectic submanifold S such that the pair (X, Σ) embeds symplectically into (Y, S). This gives a proof of the relative version of Symplectic Thom Conjecture. We use this to study 4-genus of fibered knots in S3 .
We also prove a relative version of the sufficiency part of Giroux’s criterion for Stein fillability, namely, we show that a fibered knot whose mondoromy is a product of positive Dehn twists bounds a symplectic surface in a Stein filling. We use this to study 4-genus of fibered knots in S3 . Using this result, we give a criterion for quasipostive fibered knots to be strongly quasipositive.
Symplectic convexity disc bundles is a useful tool in constructing symplectic fillings of contact manifolds. We show the symplectic convexity of the unit disc bundle in a Hermitian holomorphic line bundle over a Riemann surface.
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Towards Discretization by Piecewise Pseudoholomorphic CurvesBauer, David 04 December 2013 (has links)
This thesis comprises the study of two moduli spaces of piecewise J-holomorphic curves. The main scheme is to consider a subdivision of the 2-sphere into a collection of small domains and to study collections of J-holomorphic maps into a symplectic manifold. These maps are coupled by Lagrangian boundary conditions. The work can be seen as finding a 2-dimensional analogue of the finite-dimensional path space approximation by piecewise geodesics on a Riemannian manifold (Q,g).
For a nice class of target manifolds we consider tangent bundles of Riemannian manifolds and symplectizations of unit tangent bundles. Via polarization they provide a rich set of Lagrangians which can be used to define appropriate boundary value problems for the J-holomorphic pieces. The work focuses on existence theory as a pre-stage to global questions such as combinatorial refinement and the quality of the approximation.
The first moduli space of lifted type is defined on a triangulation of the 2-sphere and consists of disks in the tangent bundle whose boundary projects onto geodesic triangles. The second moduli space of punctured type is defined on a circle packing domain and consists of boundary punctured disks in the symplectization of the unit tangent bundle. Their boundary components map into single fibers and at punctures the disks converge to geodesics. The coupling boundary conditions are chosen such that the piecewise problem always is Fredholm of index zero and both moduli spaces only depend on discrete data.
For both spaces existence results are established for the J-holomorphic pieces which hold true on a small scale. Each proof employs a version of the implicit function theorem in a different setting. Here the argument for the moduli space of punctured type is more subtle. It rests on a connection to tropical geometry discovered by T. Ekholm for 1-jet spaces. The boundary punctured disks are constructed in the vicinity of explicit Morse flow trees which correspond to the limiting objects under degeneration of the boundary condition.
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Formes normales de champs de vecteurs : restes exponentiellement petits dans le cas non autonome périodique et orbites homoclines à plusieurs boucles au voisinage de la résonance 0²iw hamiltonienne.Jézéquel, Tiphaine 11 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse on s'intéresse à deux problèmes faisant intervenir des formes normales de champs de vecteurs et des phénomènes exponentiellement petits. Dans le premier chapitre on démontre tout d'abord deux théorèmes de normalisation avec restes exponentiellement petits pour des champs de vecteurs analytiques au voisinage d'un point d'équilibre, dans le cas non autonome périodique. Le premier théorème de normalisation permet de construire une quasi-variété invariante à un exponentiellement petit près, tandis que le deuxième met le champ de vecteur sous la forme normale de Elphick-Tirapegui-Brachet-Coullet-Iooss à un exponentiellement petit près. Dans le deuxième chapitre on travaille près d'un point d'équilibre d'une famille de systèmes hamiltoniens au voisinage d'une résonance 0²iw. On démontre l'existence d'une famille d'orbites périodiques entourant l'équilibre puis l'existence d'orbites homoclines à plusieurs boucles à chacune de ces orbites périodiques, aussi proche de cet équilibre que l'on veut à l'exception de l'équilibre lui-même. La démonstration est basée sur la preuve d'un théorème de forme normale hamiltonien inspiré des formes normales de Elphick-Tirapegui-Brachet-Coullet-Iooss ainsi que sur une normalisation locale hamiltonienne s'appuyant sur un résultat de Moser. On obtient ensuite le résultat grâce à des arguments géométriques liés à la petite dimension et à un théorème KAM qui permet de confiner les boucles. Pour le même problème dans le cadre d'un champ de vecteurs réversible non hamiltonien, l'apparition d'exponentiellement petits lors de la perturbation de l'orbite homocline de la forme normale empêche la démonstration de l'existence d'orbites homoclines à des orbites périodiques de taille exponentiellement petite. Le même phénomène apparait ici mais l'obstacle est contourné grâce à des arguments géométriques spécifiques aux système Hamiltoniens.
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Cohomologies on sympletic quotients of locally Euclidean Frolicher spacesTshilombo, Mukinayi Hermenegilde 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis deals with cohomologies on the symplectic quotient of a Frölicher space which is locally diffeomorphic to a Euclidean Frölicher subspace of Rn of constant dimension equal to n. The symplectic reduction under consideration in this thesis is an extension of the
Marsden-Weinstein quotient (also called, the reduced space) well-known from the finite-dimensional smooth manifold case. That is, starting with a proper and free action of a Frölicher-Lie-group on a locally Euclidean Frölicher space of finite constant dimension, we
study the smooth structure and the topology induced on a small subspace of the orbit space. It is on this topological space that we will construct selected cohomologies such as : sheaf cohomology, Alexander-Spanier cohomology, singular cohomology, ~Cech cohomology and de Rham cohomology. Some natural questions that will be investigated are for instance: the impact of the symplectic structure on these di erent cohomologies; the cohomology that will
give a good description of the topology on the objects of category of Frölicher spaces; the extension of the de Rham cohomology theorem in order to establish an isomorphism between the five cohomologies.
Beside the algebraic, topological and geometric study of these new objects, the thesis contains a modern formalism of Hamiltonian mechanics on the reduced space under symplectic and Poisson structures. / Mathematical Sciences / D. Phil. (Mathematics)
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Cohomologies on sympletic quotients of locally Euclidean Frolicher spacesTshilombo, Mukinayi Hermenegilde 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis deals with cohomologies on the symplectic quotient of a Frölicher space which is locally diffeomorphic to a Euclidean Frölicher subspace of Rn of constant dimension equal to n. The symplectic reduction under consideration in this thesis is an extension of the
Marsden-Weinstein quotient (also called, the reduced space) well-known from the finite-dimensional smooth manifold case. That is, starting with a proper and free action of a Frölicher-Lie-group on a locally Euclidean Frölicher space of finite constant dimension, we
study the smooth structure and the topology induced on a small subspace of the orbit space. It is on this topological space that we will construct selected cohomologies such as : sheaf cohomology, Alexander-Spanier cohomology, singular cohomology, ~Cech cohomology and de Rham cohomology. Some natural questions that will be investigated are for instance: the impact of the symplectic structure on these di erent cohomologies; the cohomology that will
give a good description of the topology on the objects of category of Frölicher spaces; the extension of the de Rham cohomology theorem in order to establish an isomorphism between the five cohomologies.
Beside the algebraic, topological and geometric study of these new objects, the thesis contains a modern formalism of Hamiltonian mechanics on the reduced space under symplectic and Poisson structures. / Mathematical Sciences / D. Phil. (Mathematics)
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