Spelling suggestions: "subject:"atemsystem simulation"" "subject:"systsystem simulation""
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Návrh metod na hodnocení kapacit letištních subsystémů / Design of assessment methods for airport subsystem capacityLonda, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
This thesis discusses the capacity of airport subsystems and describes various assessment methods of capacity including factors that affect it. The first part contains theoretical analysis of assessment methods for airport subsystems especially runway and terminal. The practical part deals with experimentation using the simulation software Visual Simmod. The objective of these experiments is to evaluate the effect of certain factors to runway operations and observe the change of aircraft delay over the capacity. In the end all simulation results are analyzed and shown in graphs.
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Energy Optimal Routing of Vehicle Fleet with Heterogeneous PowertrainsArasu, Mukilan T. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Umfassende Produktentwicklung durch multiphysikalische Simulation mit AnsysHallwachs, Dominic 24 May 2023 (has links)
Moderne Produkte stellen Herausforderungen in unterschiedlichsten physikalischen Domänen, die alle bei der Produktentwicklung berücksichtigt werden müssen. Ansys hat nicht nur das richtige Werkzeug für jeden einzelnen physikalischen Bereich, sondern ermöglicht darüber hinaus, das komplexe Zusammenspiel der verschiedenen Phänomene vorherzusagen und zu bewerten. An Beispielen zeigen wir die Möglichkeiten zur multiphysikalischen Kopplung in der produktübergreifenden Benutzeroberfläche von Ansys auf. / Modern products pose challenges in various physical domains that must all be considered during product development. Ansys not only has the right tools for each individual physical domain, but also enables the prediction and evaluation of the complex interactions of different phenomena. We present the possibilities for multiphysics coupling in the cross-product user interface of Ansys with some examples.
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Simulation and Analysis of Queueing SystemZhang, Yucong January 2019 (has links)
This thesis provides a discrete-event simulation framework that can be used to analyze and dimension computing systems. The simulation framework can define and parametrize the flexible queueing system. We use the simulation framework to explore the data collected from the real-world system. We analyze the metrics, including waiting time and server utilization of single-server and multi-server queueing systems. In particular, we study the impact of the number of servers on waiting time and server utilization. The experiments show it is possible to increase server utilization and decrease the server number without significantly increasing waiting time, and flexible architectures canlead to significant gains. / Detta examensarbete tillhandahåller ett ramverk som kan användas för att analysera och dimensionera dator-system. Simuleringsramverket kan definera och parameterisera ett flexibelt kösystem baserat på data från ett system i drift. Vi använder simuleringsramverket för att undersöka datat insamlat från skarpa system. Vi analyserar prestandatal, såsom väntetid och utnyttjandegrad för system med en och flera betjänare. Framför allt undersöker vi hur antalet betjänare påverkar väntetid och utnyttjandegrad. Försöken visar att det är möjligt att öka uttnyttjandegraden och minska antalet betjänare utan att märkbart öka väntetiden, och att en flexibel arkitektur kan leda till märkbaraförbättringar. / <p>Industrial Advisors: Olga Grinchtein and Johan Karlsson </p>
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Evaluation of OPAL-RT Simulator through Simulation of Microgrid with High Penetration of DERGrönberg, Anton January 2024 (has links)
This thesis was written in collaboration with the department of electrical engineering at Uppsala University. It evaluates and tests the potentials and limitations of using the OPAL-RT simulator as a tool for designing and developing control strategies used in microgrids with a high penetration of distributed energy resources. As the world gradually transitions to a more decentralized power system with less conventional power production, new strategies to ensure reliable and robust power transmission and distribution must be developed. The objectives of this thesis were to develop a model of a microgrid that can be used as a base for developing control strategies to limit slow voltage variations in microgrids with high penetration of distributed energy resources. When a template model and strategy for conducting this type of research had been developed the thesis started to focus on the Real-Time simulator. The power system part of the microgrid was converted into a Real-Time compatible model and was allocated to be run on one of the CPU cores of the simulator. In an iterative process, the power system was built and run on the simulator to get results concerning the size of the power system that can be simulated using the CPU cores where the limiting factor is the computational power of the cores. Since the power electronics found in the inverter part of the voltage source converter is operating at a very high switching frequency the inverter must be simulated on the simulator's FPGA. The last objective was to integrate the CPU model and the FPGA model into one model where two different time steps were used. The results show that one CPU can simulate the 18-bus power system developed during this thesis. It is also assessed that the CPU is capable of simulating a considerably bigger system if no calculations or control strategies are present in the system. The FPGA is functioning and can simulate high-frequency switching power electronics in Real Time. The conclusions are that Real Time simulators in general as well as the OPAL-RT simulator studied here at Uppsala University will be of great importance for the continuation of research connected to control strategies.
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Development of EMT components and reference grid in OpenModelicaFernandez Horcajuelo, Alba January 2021 (has links)
Power systems simulation tools enable to study and evaluate the performance of electrical power systems in different scenarios. This allows the development and implementation of new solutions to the challenges electrical grids face nowadays. In this sense, electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation provides detailed information on the behaviour of the different components involved in the system. Moreover, among the wide range of existing tools, those based in Modelica language present certain advantages for power system simulation, such as equation- based modeling and the possibility of working in open- source environments. This project presents the development of components and reference grid in EMT formalism in the open- source environment OpenModelica, based on Modelica language. With the purpose of power system simulation, electrical components have been modeled in OpenModelica and gathered in a library for EMT simulation The performance of the different components has been validated by comparing the results of the EMT simulation of a 3buses reference grid in different case studies in OpenModelica and other EMT- based software. Furthermore, the comparison has been also established with phasor simulation in OpenModelica, enabling the evaluation of the differences between phasor and EMT simulation. The results show the main advantages and drawbacks of working with OpenModelica regarding other simulation tools and the lack of information provided by the phasor simulation, particularly in the case of a fault event. Additionally, certain difficulties encountered when working with OpenModelica have also been identified. / Simulering av kraftsystem gör det möjligt att studera och utvärdera prestandan i olika scenarion. Genom detta kan utveckling och implementering av nya lösningar på de utmaningar som elnäten står inför framöver ske. Elektromagnetisk transient (EMT)simulering ger detaljerad information om beteendet hos de olika komponenterna i systemet. Bland de många befintliga verktygen innehåller de som är baserade på Modelica- språket dessutom vissa fördelar för kraftsystemsimulering, såsom ekvationsbaserad modellering och möjligheten att arbeta i miljöer med öppen källkod. Den här uppsatsen presenterar en utveckling av komponenter och testelnät i EMT- formalism i öppen källkodsmiljö OpenModelica, baserat på programmeringsspråket Modelica. Elektriska komponenter har modellerats i OpenModelica och samlats i ett bibliotek för EMT- simulering. Målet är en detaljerad simulering av elkraftsystem. Komponenternas prestanda har validerats genom att jämföra resultatet av EMT- simuleringen av ett 3bussreferensnät i olika fallstudier i OpenModelica och annan EMT- baserad programvara. Sedan har jämförelsen även utförts med simuleringar i fasorformalism i OpenModelica. Den här jämförelsen har också möjliggjort utvärderingen av skillnaderna mellan fasor och EMT- simulering. Resultaten visar de största fördelarna och nackdelarna med att arbeta med OpenModelica njämfört med andra simuleringsverktyg. De visar också bristen på information om fasorsimuleringen, särskilt i fallet med ett elektriskt fel. Dessutom har vissa svårigheter identifierats med att arbeta med OpenModelica.
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Serielle Modellierung ebener Band- und Koppelgetriebe zur domänenübergreifenden Gesamtsimulation von nichtlinearen Antriebssystemen / Serial modelling of planar band and linkage mechanism of nonlinear drive systemsEbert, Falk 20 October 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Im Maschinen- und Fahrzeugbau wird die erfolgreiche Auslegung komplexer Antriebssysteme zunehmend durch leistungsfähige Simulationstechniken unterstützt. Das dynamische Zusammenspiel von verschiedenartig aufgebauten und miteinander vernetzten Teilsystemen aus unterschiedlichen physikalischen Domänen kann ausschließlich durch eine ganzheitliche Systembetrachtung untersucht und optimiert werden. Hierbei stehen besonders die Funktion, Effizienz und Prozesssicherheit in der Produktherstellung im Vordergrund.
Dieser Beitrag beinhaltet die Entwicklung von Bibliothekselementen zur effektiven Simulation von Band- und Koppelgetrieben innerhalb einer Simulationsumgebung. Mit einem speziell für ebene Mechanismen erarbeiteten seriellen Schnittstellenkonzept lassen sich innerhalb kurzer Zeit beliebige Getriebestrukturen frei zu einem vollständigen Antriebssystem aufbauen. Mit den neu geschaffenen Elementen können neben den allgemein bekannten Getriebeaufbauten auch Bandgetriebe modelliert werden, bei denen ein Zugmittel über Unrundscheiben, lose und feste Rollen, durch eine Abzugsdüse oder sogar über Glieder von Koppelgetrieben geführt wird. Zudem wird ein praktikables Verfahren zur Maßsynthese von Ausgleichsmechanismen mit Feder-Bandgetrieben vorgestellt sowie ein vollständiges Bewertungskriterium, das eine sichere Aussage über die physikalische Existenz einer berechneten Bandkurvenscheibenkontur hinsichtlich Stetigkeit und Konvexität zulässt. Abschließend wird anhand von Beispielen die Leistungsfähigkeit der neuen Elemente im Kontext der Gesamtsimulation demonstriert. / This paper shows the development of library elements for effective simulation of planar band mechanism and linkage gears. A specially design concept for planar mechanisms interface is able to save modelling time to build up multiple transmission structures for a complete drive system. Only by a few steps band transmissions can be modeled in which a band winded on cam discs as well as loose and fixed pulleys, eyelets of textile machines or even guided by a couple point of a linkage gear.
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Development of an equivalent circuit of a large power system for real- time security assessmentWijeweera, Don Gayan Prabath 14 November 2016 (has links)
More and more system operators are interested in calculating transfer capability in real-time using real-time power flow models generated from the Energy Management System (EMS). However, compared to off-line study models, EMS models usually cover only a limited portion of the interconnected system. In most situations, it is not practical to extend the EMS model to capture the impact of the external systems and therefore using an equivalent network becomes necessary.
The development of equivalent circuits to represent external areas was a topic discussed over the last 50 years. Almost all of these methods require impedance information about the external area to develop the equivalent circuit. Unfortunately utilities do not have the external impedance information in the real-time. Therefore, normal industry practice is to use off-line studies to develop an equivalent circuit and use that circuit in the real-time operation without any validation. This can result in errors in the security assessment. Therefore, power industry need a method to develop or validate an equivalent circuit based on the available real-time information. This thesis work is focussed on meeting that industry need.
The work on this thesis presents two new methods that can be used to generate an equivalent circuit based on the boundary conditions. This method involves calculating equivalent impedance between two areas based on the boundary stations voltages, voltage angles and power leaving the boundary stations into external areas.
This thesis uses power system simulation between two areas to change the system condition to obtain different boundary bus voltages, voltage angles and power injections to generate necessary data. Regression analysis and least square method is then used to generate the equivalent circuit using these data. It is expected that system changes will provide necessary information in the real-time to generate the equivalent circuit.
The proposed methodology is validated with modified three area 300 bus system as well as using Manitoba Hydro’s system. Contingency analysis, transfer level calcula-tion and PV curves analysis is used to validate the proposed method. Simulation results show that the proposed method produces adequate accuracy in comparison with detailed off-line system models.
The main advantage of the proposed method as compared to other existing meth-ods such as Ward and REI is that the proposed method does not require external imped-ance information to generate the equivalent circuit. The ability to generate reasonably good equivalent circuit only using available boundary information will help utilities to generate or validate the equivalent circuit based on the current system conditions, which will intern help improve the accuracy of the security assessment / February 2017
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Avaliação de segurança em sistemas de controle de tráfego aéreo baseados em vigilância dependente automática por radiodifusão considerando parâmetros de integridade de dados. / Safety assessment in air traffic control systems based on automatic dependent surveillance broadcast by considering data integrity parameters.Sesso, Daniel Baraldi 17 October 2016 (has links)
A demanda pelo aumento do volume de tráfego aéreo tem pressionado as autoridades da aviação a adensar o espaço aéreo global, por meio de redução na separação entre aeronaves, permitindo operações mais eficientes no Gerenciamento de Tráfego Aéreo (ATM). No entanto, questões relacionadas com a segurança das operações de tráfego aéreo surgem quando se considera a possibilidade de reduzir a separação de aeronaves. Objetivamente, para maior eficiência e redução da separação, sem que isso afete significativamente a segurança, a posição vigiada das aeronaves deve aparecer de forma não só mais exata e precisa para o controlador de tráfego aéreo (ATCo), como deve ser mais fiável, o que envolve a integridades dessa informação. Essa pesquisa propõe avaliar os impactos que esses parâmetros têm nos níveis de segurança crítica (safety) no sistema de controle de tráfego aéreo (ATC) inserido no novo conceito de ATM Global (CNS/ATM). Para isso, foi realizada uma análise dos dados de erro de posicionamento do Sistema de Navegação Global por Satélites (GNSS) visando estabelecer seu comportamento. Esse comportamento é utilizado para modelar um sistema de controle de tráfego completo para fins de simulação e, adotando-se a metodologia de análise de segurança desenvolvida por Vismari (2007), avaliar os efeitos que esses novos parâmetros exercem sobre os níveis de segurança encontrados na pesquisa desenvolvida por Vismari (2007) para ambientes de tráfego aéreo baseados na Vigilância Dependente Automática por Radiodifusão (ADS-B). São comparados diversos cenários em que houve a degradação do comportamento do sistema GNSS. Para cada cenário estudado verificou-se que a degradação do comportamento não foi suficiente para gerar eventos de risco relacionados à integridade dos dados posicionais das aeronaves. Assim, dentro das condições simuladas, o sistema manteve os níveis de segurança crítica no que se refere à integridade do posicionamento das aeronaves apresentadas na tela do controlador de tráfego aéreo em operações de resolução de conflito. O modelo computacional desenvolvido possui diversas características que, apesar de não serem totalmente utilizadas na presente pesquisa, constituem um legado para pesquisas futuras e para a integração com a Plataforma Integrada para Ensaios de Sistemas Embarcados Críticos (PIpE-SEC) desenvolvida dentro do Grupo de Análise de Segurança (GAS) da EPUSP. / The demand for increasing air traffic volume has pressed aviation authorities to densify the global airspace through separation reduction between aircraft, allowing operations that are more efficient in the Air Traffic Management (ATM). However, issues related to the safety of air traffic operations arise when considering the possibility of reducing the separation of aircraft. Objectively, for greater efficiency and separation reduction, without significantly affecting safety, surveillance positions of the aircraft must appear not only more accurate and precise to the air traffic controller (ATCo), it should be more trustworthy, which concerns the integrity of that information. This research proposes to assess the impacts of these parameters on the safety levels of air traffic control system (ATC) inserted in the new concept of Global ATM (CNS/ATM). To achieve it, an analysis of the data related to error in positioning of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) was made to establish its behavior. This behavior analysis is used to model a complete traffic control system for simulation purposes and, adopting the safety analysis methodology developed by Vismari (2007), evaluate the effects that these new parameters had on the safety levels found in the research developed by Vismari (2007) for air traffic environments based on Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B). They are compared to various scenarios in which there was a GNSS system performance degradation. For each studied scenario, it was found that GNSS behavior\'s degradation was not sufficient to create risk events in aspects related to integrity of the aircraft position data. Thus, within the simulated conditions, the system kept the safety levels regarding to the integrity of the aircraft position informed on screen to the air traffic controller in conflict resolution operations. The computational model developed has several features, which, although not totally applied in this research, constitute a legacy for future research and for integration with the Integrated Platform for Testing Critical Embedded Systems (PIpE-SEC) developed within the Safety Analysis Group (GAS) of EPUSP.
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Influência das técnicas reprodutivas e tipo de acasalamento em programas de seleção de gado de corte e seu impacto no custo e na produção de tourinhos / Influence of the reproductive techniques and the kind of mating in programmes of beef cattle selection, and its impact on the cost and on the young bulls productionBrumatti, Ricardo Carneiro 30 June 2006 (has links)
A seleção e produção de touros para o mercado pecuário tornam-se foco de muitos estudos, e um grande desafio para o segmento em se tratando da constante busca de melhorias nos desempenhos produtivos dessa categoria animal. A tese teve por objetivo simular o que poderá acontecer com a produção de reprodutores, em termos de quantidades produzidas e custos operacionais efetivos, sob a influência dos métodos de acasalamentos e das biotécnicas reprodutivas disponíveis no mercado nacional. A hipótese em questão é a de testar se acasalar matrizes, classificadas por genótipo, suas produções serão melhores do que quando comparada à produção de matrizes classificadas por fenótipo. Foram simulados 42 cenários produtivos, divididos em 21 cenários com acasalamento genotípico e 21 com acasalamento fenotípico. Em cada divisão constam simulações com uso de Monta Natural, Inseminação Artificial padrão e com sêmen sexado para machos, Transferência de Embriões padrão e com sêmen sexado para machos, Fecundação in vitro padrão e com sêmen sexado para machos, sendo que em todos os casos três níveis diferentes de taxas de concepção foram testados. Os resultados apontaram que o sistema de acasalamento teve influência direta na produção de tourinhos, sendo que o acasalamento por genótipo foi mais eficiente do que o acasalamento por fenótipo. As taxas de concepção influenciaram negativamente mais os resultados dos sistemas de acasalamento fenotípico. Há um grande aumento no custo operacional efetivo dos sistemas que utilizaram as biotécnicas reprodutivas de Transferência de Embriões e Fecundação in vitro, e consequentemente uma redução na lucratividade destes sistemas. As simulações com Monta Natural apresentaram as maiores Margens Brutas e as simulações com Inseminação Artificial com uso de sêmen sexado para machos apresentaram os maiores Lucros Brutos. / The selection and production of bulls for the cattle market have both become the goal of many studies, as well as a great challenge for the segment, providing the constant search for performance improvement of that sort of animal. The target of this thesis is to simulate what may happen to the production of stud, in terms of quantity and effective operational costs, under the influence of the mating methods and the available reproduction biotechniques in the national market. The hypothesis under analysis consists of testing if mating matrices, classed by their genotype, their produce will be better than when compared to the produce of phenotype-classed matrices. 42 productive-scenes, divided into 21 genotype mating and 21 phenotype mating were simulated. In each of the scene divisions there were the following simulations: Natural Breeding, standard Artificial Insemination, Artificial Insemination with male-gendered semen, standard Embryo Transference, Embryo Transference with male-gendered semen, standard In-vitro Fecundation and In-vitro Fecundation with male-gendered semen, so that in all the cases, three different conception rates were tested. The results displayed that the mating system directly influenced the young bull production, once the genotype mating was more efficient than the phenotype mating. The conception rates negatively influenced the results of the phenotype mating mainly. There was a dramatic increase in the effective operational cost of the systems that used the reproductive biotechniques of Embryo Transference and In-vitro Fecundation, and, consequently, profitability reduction of those systems. The Natural Breeding simulations presented the highest Gross Margin, and the simulations of Artificial Insemination with male-gendered semen showed the highest Gross Profit.
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