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Formulation and Assessment of Hexamethylene-tetramine Filled Solid Fuel Grains / Formulering och utvärdering av Hexamethylene-tetramine-fyllda fasta bränslekärnorSchollin, Mårten January 2021 (has links)
Hybridraketer har inte sett så mycket användning som dess motsvarigheter som använder flytande eller fasta drivmedel. De främsta orsakerna kan förklaras med att hybridraketer historiskt sett haft lägre regressionshastighet och bränsletäthet. Inverkan av nackdelarna har dock minskat tack vare fortsatt forskning rörande hybridraketer. Tillsammans med de säkerhetsoch ekonomiska fördelar som kommer med hybridraketer har gjort hybridraketer ett mer konkurrenskraftiga. Hexaminbaserade fasta bränslen har formulerats och utvärderats med betoning att förbättra härdningstid och mekaniska egenskaper. Genom att inkludera mjukgörare och ändra NCO/OH-förhållandet har ett fast bränsle med lovande mekaniska egenskaperoch god härdningstid framställts. / Hybrid propellant rockets has not seen as much use as its liquid and solid propellant counterparts. The main reasons for this can be attributed to hybrid propellant rockets historically having lower regression rate and fuel density. However, the impact of these disadvantages have been diminished over the years as a result of increased research. This together with the safety and economic advantages of hybrid propellant rockets, the hybrid system have become a more competitive system to use. Hexamine basedsolid fuel grains have been formulated and evaluated with emphasis on enhancing pot-life and tensile proprieties. By including plasticisers and altering the NCO/OH ratio, a solid fuel grain was successfully produced, overcoming earlier encountered problems with short pot-life as well as having promising tensile properties.
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Avaliação do desempenho de embalagens para alimentos quando submetidas a tratamento por radiação ionizante / Evaluation of performance of food packagings when treated with ionizing radiationMoura, Esperidiana Augusta Barretos de 07 March 2006 (has links)
No presente trabalho foram estudadas as propriedades mecâncias (resistência à tração e porcentagem de alongamento na ruptura e resistência à perfuração), propriedades ópticas, permeabilidade ao gás oxigênio e ao vapor d\'água, migração total em simulante aquoso (ácido acético 3%) e gorduroso (n- heptano), e a formação de produtos voláteis da radiólise, com vistas à avaliar o efeito da radiação ionizante (raios gama e feixe de elétrons) em filmes flexíveis mono e multicamadas comerciais, fabricados no Brasil para a indústria de produtos cárneos. Os filmes estudados foram: um monocamada de polietileno de baixa densidade (LDPE) e um multicamadas coextrusado composto de polietileno de baixa densidade (LDPE), copolímero de etileno e álcool vinílico (EVOH) e poliamida (PA), ou seja, a estrutura: LDPE/EVOH/PA. As irradiações foram realizadas em uma fonte de 60Co do tipo Gammacell e em um acelerador de elétrons do tipo eletrostático (l,5MeV), com doses de até 30 kGy, na temperatura ambiente e presença de ar. As alterações nas propriedades foram avaliadas de acordo com a dose de radiação aplicada, oito dias após a irradiação e novamente, dois a três meses após a irradiação. Os resultados mostraram que as reações de cisão predominaram sobre as reações de reticulação para ambos os filmes estudados, irradiados com raios gama ou com feixe de elétrons. As variações observadas em função da irradiação, nas propriedades avaliadas não limitam a aplicação final desses filmes, uma vez que não ultrapassaram o limite de segurança especificado pelo fabricante em nenhuma dose e período em que foram estudadas. Concluiu-se que os filmes estudados podem ser utilizados, sob o ponto de vista das propriedades avaliadas, como embalagens para produtos pasteurizáveis por radiação e radioesterilizáveis usando irradiadores gama ou aceleradores de elétrons, nas doses de radiação estudadas. / In this study the mechanical properties (tensile strength and percentage elongation at break and penetration resistance), optical properties, gas oxygen and water vapor permeability, the overall migration tests into aqueous food simulant (3% aqueous acetic acid) and fatty food simulant (n-heptane), as well as the formation of volatile radiation product tests were used to evaluate the effects of ionizing radiation (gamma irradiation or electron-beam irradiation) on commercial monolayer and multilayer flexible plastics packaging materials. These films are two typical materials produced in Brazil for industrial meat packaging, one of them is a monolayer low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and other is a multilayer co extruded low-density polyethylene (LDPE), ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH), polyamide (PA) based film (LDPE/EVOH/PA). Film samples were irradiated with doses up to 30 kGy, at room temperature and in the presence of air with gamma rays using a 60Co facility and electron beam from 1.5 MeV electrostatic accelerator. Alterations of these properties were detected according to the dose applied initially eight day after irradiation took place and new alterations of these values when the properties were evaluate two to three months after irradiation process. The results showed that scission reactions are higher than cross-linking process for both studied films, irradiated with gamma rays and electron beam. The evaluated properties of the irradiated films were not affected significantly with the dose range and period studied. The monolayer Unipac PE-60 and the multilayer Lovaflex CH 130 films can be used as food packaging materials for food pasteurization and in the sterilization process of by ionizing radiation using a gamma facilities and electron beam accelerators in commercial scale.
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Avaliação do desempenho de embalagens para alimentos quando submetidas a tratamento por radiação ionizante / Evaluation of performance of food packagings when treated with ionizing radiationEsperidiana Augusta Barretos de Moura 07 March 2006 (has links)
No presente trabalho foram estudadas as propriedades mecâncias (resistência à tração e porcentagem de alongamento na ruptura e resistência à perfuração), propriedades ópticas, permeabilidade ao gás oxigênio e ao vapor d\'água, migração total em simulante aquoso (ácido acético 3%) e gorduroso (n- heptano), e a formação de produtos voláteis da radiólise, com vistas à avaliar o efeito da radiação ionizante (raios gama e feixe de elétrons) em filmes flexíveis mono e multicamadas comerciais, fabricados no Brasil para a indústria de produtos cárneos. Os filmes estudados foram: um monocamada de polietileno de baixa densidade (LDPE) e um multicamadas coextrusado composto de polietileno de baixa densidade (LDPE), copolímero de etileno e álcool vinílico (EVOH) e poliamida (PA), ou seja, a estrutura: LDPE/EVOH/PA. As irradiações foram realizadas em uma fonte de 60Co do tipo Gammacell e em um acelerador de elétrons do tipo eletrostático (l,5MeV), com doses de até 30 kGy, na temperatura ambiente e presença de ar. As alterações nas propriedades foram avaliadas de acordo com a dose de radiação aplicada, oito dias após a irradiação e novamente, dois a três meses após a irradiação. Os resultados mostraram que as reações de cisão predominaram sobre as reações de reticulação para ambos os filmes estudados, irradiados com raios gama ou com feixe de elétrons. As variações observadas em função da irradiação, nas propriedades avaliadas não limitam a aplicação final desses filmes, uma vez que não ultrapassaram o limite de segurança especificado pelo fabricante em nenhuma dose e período em que foram estudadas. Concluiu-se que os filmes estudados podem ser utilizados, sob o ponto de vista das propriedades avaliadas, como embalagens para produtos pasteurizáveis por radiação e radioesterilizáveis usando irradiadores gama ou aceleradores de elétrons, nas doses de radiação estudadas. / In this study the mechanical properties (tensile strength and percentage elongation at break and penetration resistance), optical properties, gas oxygen and water vapor permeability, the overall migration tests into aqueous food simulant (3% aqueous acetic acid) and fatty food simulant (n-heptane), as well as the formation of volatile radiation product tests were used to evaluate the effects of ionizing radiation (gamma irradiation or electron-beam irradiation) on commercial monolayer and multilayer flexible plastics packaging materials. These films are two typical materials produced in Brazil for industrial meat packaging, one of them is a monolayer low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and other is a multilayer co extruded low-density polyethylene (LDPE), ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH), polyamide (PA) based film (LDPE/EVOH/PA). Film samples were irradiated with doses up to 30 kGy, at room temperature and in the presence of air with gamma rays using a 60Co facility and electron beam from 1.5 MeV electrostatic accelerator. Alterations of these properties were detected according to the dose applied initially eight day after irradiation took place and new alterations of these values when the properties were evaluate two to three months after irradiation process. The results showed that scission reactions are higher than cross-linking process for both studied films, irradiated with gamma rays and electron beam. The evaluated properties of the irradiated films were not affected significantly with the dose range and period studied. The monolayer Unipac PE-60 and the multilayer Lovaflex CH 130 films can be used as food packaging materials for food pasteurization and in the sterilization process of by ionizing radiation using a gamma facilities and electron beam accelerators in commercial scale.
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Tensile And Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior Of A Ni-Base SuperalloyGopinath, K 04 1900 (has links)
Background and Objective: Nickel-base superalloys, strengthened by a high volume fraction of Ni3Al precipitates, have been the undisputed choice for turbine discs in gas turbines as they exhibit the best available combination of elevated temperature tensile strength and resistance to low cycle fatigue (LCF), which are essential for a disc alloy. Alloy 720LI is a wrought nickel-base superalloy developed for disc application and exhibit superior elevated temperature tensile strength and LCF properties. It is distinct from contemporary disc alloys because of its chemistry, (especially Ti, Al and interstitial (C and B) contents), processing and heat treatment. However, literature available in open domain to develop an understanding of these properties in alloy 720LI is rather limited. This study was taken up in this background with an objective of assessing the tensile and LCF properties exhibited by alloy 720LI within a temperature regime of interest and understand the structure-property correlations behind it.
Tensile Behavior: The effect of temperature and strain rate on monotonic tensile properties were assessed at different temperature in the range of 25 – 750°C (0.67 Tm) at a strain rate of 10-4 s-1 and strain rate effects were explored in detail at 25, 400, 650 and 750°C at different strain rates between 10-5 s-1 and 10-1 s-1. Yield and ultimate tensile strength of the alloy remains unaffected by temperature till about 600°C (0.58Tm) and 500°C (0.51Tm), respectively, beyond which both decreased drastically. Negligible strain rate sensitivity exhibited by the alloy at 25 and 400°C indicated that flow stress is a strong function of strain hardening rather than strain rate hardening. However at 650 and 750°C, especially at low strain rates, strain rate sensitivity is relatively high. TEM studies revealed that heterogeneous planar slip involving shearing of precipitates by dislocation pairs was prevalent under strain rate insensitive conditions and more homogeneous slip was evident when flow stresses were strain rate sensitive. The planarity of slip is also considered responsible for the deviation in experimental data from the Ludwick–Hollomon power-law at low plastic strains in regimes insensitive to strain rate. Irrespective of strain rate sensitivity and degree of homogeneity of slip, fracture mode remained ductile at almost all the conditions studied.
Dynamic Strain Ageing: Alloy 720LI exhibits jerky flow in monotonic tension at intermediate temperatures ranging from 250-475°C. After considering all known causes for serrated flow in materials, the instability in flow (Portevin-LeChatelier (PLC) effect) is considered attributable to dynamic strain ageing (DSA), arising from interactions between diffusing solute atoms and mobile dislocations during plastic flow. As the temperature range of DSA coincided with typical bore and web temperatures of turbine discs, its possible influence on tensile properties is considered in detail. No significant change in tensile strength, ductility, or work hardening is observed, due to DSA, with increase in temperature from smooth to serrated flow regime. However strain rate sensitivity, which is positive in smooth flow regime turned negative in the serrated flow regime. Analysis of serrated flow on the basis of critical plastic strain for onset of serrations revealed that in most of the temperature-strain rate regimes studied, alloy 720LI exhibits ‘inverse’ PLC effect which is a phenomenon that has not been fully understood in contrast to ‘normal’ PLC effect observed widely in dilute solid solutions. Other characteristics of serrated flow viz., stress decrement and strain increment between serrations are also analyzed to understand the mechanism of DSA. Though the activation energy determined using stress decrements suggest that carbon atoms could be responsible for locking of dislocations, based on its influence on mechanical properties and also on its temperature regime of existence, weak pinning of dislocations by substitutional solute atoms are considered responsible for DSA in alloy 720LI.
LCF Behavior: LCF studies were carried out under fully reversed constant strain amplitude conditions at 25, 400 and 650°C with strain amplitudes ranging from 0.4-1.2%. Different cyclic stress responses observed depending on the imposed conditions are correlated to the substructures that evolved. Low level of dislocation activity and interactions observed in TEM is considered the reason behind stable cyclic stress response at low strain amplitudes at all temperatures. TEM studies also show that secondary γ’ precipitates that are degraded through repeated shearing are responsible for the continuous softening, observed after a short initial hardening phase, at higher strain amplitudes. Studies at 400°C show manifestation of DSA on LCF behavior at 400°C in the form increased cyclic hardening which tends to offset softening effects at higher strain amplitudes. Plastic strain dependence of fatigue lives exhibited bilinearity in Coffin-Manson plots at all temperatures. TEM substructures revealed that planar slip with deformation concentrated on slip bands is the major deformation mode under all the conditions examined. However, homogeneity of deformation increases with increase in strain and temperature. At 25°C, with increasing strain, increased homogeneity manifested in the form of increased number of slip bands. At 650°C, with increase in strain, increased dislocation activity in the inter-slip band regions lead to increased homogeneity. It is also seen that fine deformation twins that form at 650°C and low strain amplitudes play a role in aiding homogenization of deformation. Unlike other alloy systems where an environmental effect or a change in deformation mechanism leads to bilinearity in Coffin – Manson (CM) plots, our study shows that differences in distribution of slip is the reason behind bilinear CM plots.
While the properties and behavior of alloy 720LI under monotonic and cyclic loading conditions over a range of temperatures could be rationalized on the basis of deformation substructures, the thesis opens up the door for further in-depth studies on deformation mechanisms in 720LI as well as other disc alloys of similar microstructure.
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Caracterizações microestruturais e avaliações das propriedades mecânicas das juntas em aço inoxidável AISI 301 L soldadas por MIG e submetidas ao reparo pelo processo TIG / Microstructural characterization and evaluation of mechanical properties of joints in steel AISI 301 L welded by MIG and submitted to repair by TIG processSOUZA, EDVALDO R. de 11 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-11-11T09:40:30Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-11T09:40:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / A soldagem tem grande importância no setor metroferroviário, pois é empregada na fabricação de componentes estruturais e no acabamento de vagões de passageiros, que em sua maior parte são de aço inoxidável. As juntas soldadas podem apresentar descontinuidades que são interrupções que afetam as propriedades mecânicas e metalúrgicas da junta soldada. A presença destas descontinuidades, dependendo do seu tamanho, natureza ou efeito combinado, pode ocasionar a reprovação da junta soldada, quer pela redução de propriedades mecânicas ou pela não aceitação, segundo critérios estabelecidos em normas. Uma estrutura que tenha uma solda reprovada durante sua qualificação ou inspeção, pela presença de descontinuidades pode ser recuperada, por meio de um retrabalho a ser realizado nesta junta. A refusão do cordão de solda por meio do processo TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas), sem a utilização do material de adição, é uma técnica de retrabalho que pode ser empregada, em especial pela viabilidade técnica e econômica do processo. Neste estudo analisou-se a influência que o processo de reparo por soldagem TIG exerceu no comportamento mecânico e microestrutural das juntas soldadas pelo processo MIG, por meio de: ensaios mecânicos (tração, fadiga e microdureza Vickers), ensaios não destrutivos (inspeção visual e líquidos penetrantes) e caracterização microestrutural do cordão de solda. Resultados das amostras de ensaio de tração e fadiga indicaram que o reparo dos cordões de solda não alterou o comportamento mecânico das juntas. As juntas submetidas ao reparo nas quais foram retirados os reforços dos cordões apresentaram modificações nas propriedades mecânicas, mas também apresentaram resultados satisfatórios. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Biomêcanica aplicada na avaliação de propriedades de implantes ortopédicos metálicos tratados por feixe laser / Applied biomechanics to evaluate the properties of laser beam treated orthopedic implantsPIERETTI, EURICO F. 09 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Pedro Silva Filho (pfsilva@ipen.br) on 2017-10-09T19:31:24Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-09T19:31:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / A marcação por feixe laser em superfícies é utilizada para assegurar a identificação e a rastreabilidade em biomateriais. A texturização via feixe laser confere maior aderência às superfícies dos dispositivos médicos implantáveis. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento da superfície do aço inoxidável austenítico ABNT NBR ISO 5832-1 submetido à marcação e texturização com feixe laser de fibra óptica, alterando-se a frequência dos pulsos; frente ao seu comportamento biomecânico, por meio de: ensaios de resistência à tração, fadiga e desgaste; verificar a susceptibilidade à corrosão localizada, por ensaios eletroquímicos em solução que simula os fluidos corpóreos; e caracterizar a sua microestrutura. Os tratamentos alteraram a rugosidade e a dureza dos biomateriais em função do aumento da frequência dos pulsos. A microestrutura e composição química das superfícies sofreram mudanças que afetaram diretamente a camada passiva dos aços inoxidáveis. Este efeito foi comprovado com o uso de SVET, XPS e caracterização de propriedades eletrônicas do filme passivo. Os dois tipos de tratamentos implicaram em aumento de susceptibilidade magnética das superfícies. Os parâmetros utilizados para as marcações e texturizações não causaram diminuição na viabilidade celular, de modo que não apresentou citotoxicidade mesmo após incubação prolongada. Este biomaterial mostrou-se adequado perante os ensaios biomecânicos, uma vez que os tratamentos a laser, nas condições utilizadas, não induziram a formação de tensões superficiais de magnitude capaz de levar à fratura por fadiga, indicando vida em fadiga infinita; tampouco se pôde relacionar a região de fratura por tração com as marcações a laser. O volume de desgaste diminuiu em função do aumento da dureza produzido pela elevação da frequência do pulso nas texturizações. O caráter visual das marcações e texturizações por feixe laser foi assegurado após a maioria dos ensaios realizados. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Development Of Cast Magnesium Alloys With Improved StrengthShrikant, Joshi Sameehan 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Aim of the present work was to explore the possibility of improving strength of cast Mg by alloying additions, viz., Si and Zn+Al. All the alloys were produced by squeeze casting technique using squeeze pressure of 12MPa and their microstructure, tensile and corrosion properties were studied.
Mg-Si system was chosen because the intermetallic compound Mg2Si possesses many desirable properties, such as, low density, high hardness, high melting point. Hence, there is scope for improving the strength of Mg by dispersion of primary Mg2Si particles. Addition of Si to Mg resulted in the formation of �-Mg, particles of primary Mg2Si and eutectic as microstructural constituents. The morphology of primary Mg2Si changed from polyhedral shaped particles to dendrites as Si content was increased from 3.57 to 5.5 wt%. Volume fraction of primary Mg2Si increased with increase in Si content. Particle size of primary Mg2Si also increased with increase in silicon content but at the same time it was found to be dependent on melt temperature, i.e., a lower particle size was obtained at higher melt temperatures. Addition of Al and Sr was made to Mg-2Si alloy in order to further increase the strength by solid solution strengthening and refinement/modification of primary Mg2Si particles/eutectic. Addition of 1.2 wt% Al to Mg-2Si alloy resulted in irregular type of morphology of Mg2Si particles and increased particle size. Addition of 0.2 wt% SrtoMg-2Si-1.2Al alloy resulted in slight refinement of primary Mg2Si particles and modification of eutectic. Addition of 0.4 wt% Sr resulted in both refinement and restoration of morphology of Mg2Si particles from irregular to polyhedral shape. This was accompanied by destruction of eutectic, and rods containing Mg, Si, Al and Sr were observed.
The addition of 1.33 wt%Si to Mg resulted in improvement in 0.2%PS by about 80 MPa,UTS by about 40MPa and these values did not change much till the addition of 3.57 wt% Si. A drop in the strength values was observed at Si content of 5.5 wt%,where transition in morphology of primary Mg2Si occurred from polyhedral to dendrite. Addition of Si resulted in reduction in % elongation by about 2%. The addition of Al and Sr did not change the tensile properties of binary Mg-2Si alloy much. It was concluded that the volume fraction and size of primary Mg2Siparticles obtained with Si addition up to 3.57 wt% did not contribute much to strength and the strengthening mainly came from the eutectic present in the matrix. As Si content was increased to 5.5 wt% in order to increase the volume fraction of primary Mg2Si particles, the morphology of Mg2Si changed to dendritic type resulting in reduction in strength. Thus, the maximum increase in strength is achieved at near eutectic composition,i.e.,intheMg-1.33Sialloy,andfurtherincreaseinstrengthdoesnotseem to be feasible with this alloy system. The ductility of all the Mg-Si based alloys was also low, i.e, 0.5% elongation to fracture or less. Regarding the corrosion behaviour, the addition of Si to Mg deteriorated the corrosion resistance and the addition of Al and Sr further worsened it.
Since further improvement in tensile properties did not seem feasible with Mg-Si alloy system, the focus was shifted to Mg-Zn-Al alloy system. There is scope for improvement in strength in Mg-Zn-Al alloy system by solid solution strengthening, grain refinement and precipitation hardening. It was observed that the addition of Zn and Al resulted in microstructure containing α-Mg grains and secondary phase at the grain boundary. XRD analysis showed the secondary phase to be Al5Mg11Zn4 but EDS analysis did not match with this composition. Therefore, the nature of this phase remains uncertain. Addition of 6 wt% Zn and 1 wt% Al resulted in improvement in strength as well as ductility: 0.2%PS improved by about 70 MPa, UTS by about 100 MPa and % elongation by about 7%. Addition of small amounts of Caresultedinrefinementofmicrostructurecausingimprovementinstrengthwithout much decrease in % elongation. Increase in Al content from 1 to 4 wt% resulted in increase in 0.2%PS but UTS slightly decreased, as % elongation reduced. Alloys subjected to T6 heat treatment showed improvement in strength but slight reduction in % elongation. ZA64 alloy in T6 condition gave 130 MPa 0.2%PS, 225 MPa UTS and 4.9% elongation, which are much higher tensile properties as compared Mg-Si alloys. All the three mechanisms mentioned above contribute to the strengthening. There is scope for further improvement in strength by employing a more suitable heat treatment. Regarding corrosion behaviour, addition of 6 wt% Zn and 1 wt% of Al to Mg did not deteriorate its corrosion resistance much. Addition of small amounts of Ca was found to be beneficial for corrosion resistance, whereas an increase in Al content lowered the corrosion resistance. Heat treatment also reduced the corrosion resistance.
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Evolution of Microstructure and Texture during Severe Plastic Deformation of a Magnesium-Cerium AlloySabat, Rama Krushna January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Magnesium alloys have poor formability at room temperature, due to a limited number of slip systems owing to the hexagonal closed packed structure of magnesium. One possibility to increase the formability of magnesium alloys is to refine the grain size. A fine grain magnesium alloy shows high strength and high ductility at room temperature, hence an improved formability. In addition to grain refinement, the formability of Mg alloys can be improved by controlling crystallographic texture. Severe plastic deformation (SPD) processes namely, equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) and multi-axial forging (MAF) have led to improvement in room temperature mechanical property of magnesium alloys. Further, it has been reported that by adding rare earth elements, room temperature ductility is enhanced to nearly 30%. The increase in property is attributed to crystallographic texture. Many rare earth elements have been added to magnesium alloys and new alloy systems have been developed. Amongst these elements, Ce addition has been shown to enhance the tensile ductility in rolled sheets at room temperature by causing homogeneous deformation. It has been observed that processing of rare-earth containing alloys below 300°C is difficult. Processing at higher temperatures leads to grain growth which ultimately leads to low strength at room temperature. The present thesis is an attempt to combine the effect SPD and rare earth addition, and to examine the overall effect on microstructure and texture, hence on room temperature mechanical properties. In this thesis, Mg-0.2%Ce alloy has been studied with regard to the two SPD processes, namely, ECAP and MAF. The thesis has been divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 is dedicated to introduction and literature review pertaining to different severe plastic deformation processes as applied to different Mg alloys. Chapter 2 includes the details of experimental techniques and characterization procedures, which are commonly employed for the entire work.
Chapter 3 addresses the effect of ECAP on the evolution of texture and microstructure in Mg-0.2%Ce alloy. ECAP has been carried out on two different initial microstructure and texture in the starting condition, namely forged and extruded. ECAP has been successfully carried out for the forged billets at 250°C while cracks get developed in the extruded billet when ECAP was done at 250°C. The difference in the deformation behaviour of the two alloys has been explained on the basis of the crystallographic texture of the initial materials. The microstructure of the ECAP materials indicates the occurrence of recrystallization. The recrystallization mechanism is identified as “continuous dynamic recovery and recrystallization” (CDRR) and is characterized by a rotation of the deformed grains by ~30⁰ along c-axis. The yield strengths and ductility of the two ECAP materials have been found quite close. However, there is a difference in the yield strength as well as ductility values when the materials were tested under compression. The extruded billet has the tension compression asymmetry ~1.7 while the forged material has the asymmetry as ~2.2. After ECAP, the yield asymmetry reduces to ~1 for initially extruded billet, while for the initially forged billet the yield asymmetry value reduces to ~1.9.
In chapter 4, the evolution of microstructure and texture was examined using another severe plastic deformation technique, namely multi axial forging (MAF). In this process, the material was plastically deformed by plane strain compression subsequently along all three axes. In this case also two different initial microstructures and texture were studied, namely the material in as cast condition and the extruded material. The choice of initial materials in this case was done in order to examine the effect of different initial grain size in addition to different textures. By this method, the alloy Mg-0.2%Ce could be deformed without fracture at a minimum temperature of 350⁰C leading to fine grain size (~3.5 µm) and a weak texture. Grain
refinement was more in the initial cast billets compared to the initial extruded billet after processing. The mechanism of grain refinement has been identified as twin assisted dynamic recrystallization (TDRX) and CDRR type. The mechanical properties under tension as well as under compression were also evaluated in the present case. The initially extruded billet has shown low tension compression asymmetry (~1.2) than cast billet (~1.9), after MAF. Chapter 5 addresses the exclusive effect of texture on room temperature tensile properties of the alloy. Different textures were the outcomes of ECAP and MAF processes. In this case, in order to obtain an exact role of texture, a third of deformation mode, rolling, was also introduced. All the processed materials were annealed to obtain similar grain size but different texture. A similar strength and ductility for ECAP and MAF, where the textures were qualitatively very different, was attributed to the fact that texture of both the ECAP and MAF processed materials, was away from the ideal end orientation for tensile tests. In chapter 7, the final outcomes of the thesis have been summarized and scope for the future work has been presented.
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Microstructure and mechanical properties of low-temperature hot isostatic pressed Ti-6Al-4V manufactured by electron beam meltingThalavai Pandian, Karthikeyan January 2022 (has links)
Ti-6Al-4V manufactured by electron beam melting Keywords: Additive manufacturing, high-temperature tensile properties, low cycle fatigue, neutron diffraction, fatigue crack growth ISBN: 978-91-89325-27-2 (Printed) 978-91-89325-26-5 (Electronic) Ti-6Al-4V is the most widely used α+β titanium alloy in aerospace engine applications due to its high specific strength. Typically, the alloy is manufactured as castings or forgings and then machined to final geometry. These conventional manufacturing processes do however generate a lot of waste material, whereas additive manufacturing (AM) can potentially produce a near-net-shape geometry directly from the feedstock. In the past decade, electron beam melting (EBM), one of the powder bed fusion techniques, has been widely researched to build Ti[1]6Al-4V components. Still, the as-built material can contain defects such as gas pores that require post-processing, such as hot isostatic pressing (HIP) to produce nearly fully dense components. HIP treatment of conventionally cast Ti-6Al-4V is normally performed at 920 ˚C, 100 MPa for 2 hours. This same HIP treatment has then been adapted also for EBM-manufactured Ti-6Al-4V, which however results in coarsening of α laths and reduction of yield strength. Therefore, finding a more appropriate HIP treatment for this new type of Ti-6Al-4V material, i.e. EBM manufactured, would be of great benefit for the industry. Lowering the HIP treatment temperature to 800 ˚C and increasing the pressure to 200 MPa has recently been proven to close the porosity to a high degree while sustaining the high yield strength. In this thesis, the high-temperature tensile properties of EBM-manufactured Ti[1]6Al-4V subjected to a low-temperature (800 ˚C) HIP treatment were evaluated and compared with standard HIP-treated (920 ˚C) materials. Metallurgical characterization of the as-built, HIP-treated materials have been carried out to understand the effect of temperature on the microstructures. The standard HIP[1]treated material measured about 1.4x - 1.7x wider α laths than those in the low[1]temperature HIP treated and as-built samples, respectively. The standard HIP[1]treated material showed about 10 - 14% lower yield strength than other HIP treated materials. At 350 ˚C the yield strength decreases to about 65% compared to the room temperature strength for all tested materials. An increase in ductility vi programvaran NASGRO där livsförutsägelserna visade god överensstämmelse med experimentella livscykler i de flesta fall. vii Abstract Title: Microstructure and mechanical properties of low-temperature hot isostatic pressed Ti-6Al-4V manufactured by electron beam melting Keywords: Additive manufacturing, high-temperature tensile properties, low cycle fatigue, neutron diffraction, fatigue crack growth ISBN: 978-91-89325-27-2 (Printed) 978-91-89325-26-5 (Electronic) Ti-6Al-4V is the most widely used α+β titanium alloy in aerospace engine applications due to its high specific strength. Typically, the alloy is manufactured as castings or forgings and then machined to final geometry. These conventional manufacturing processes do however generate a lot of waste material, whereas additive manufacturing (AM) can potentially produce a near-net-shape geometry directly from the feedstock. In the past decade, electron beam melting (EBM), one of the powder bed fusion techniques, has been widely researched to build Ti[1]6Al-4V components. Still, the as-built material can contain defects such as gas pores that require post-processing, such as hot isostatic pressing (HIP) to produce nearly fully dense components. HIP treatment of conventionally cast Ti-6Al-4V is normally performed at 920 ˚C, 100 MPa for 2 hours. This same HIP treatment has then been adapted also for EBM-manufactured Ti-6Al-4V, which however results in coarsening of α laths and reduction of yield strength. Therefore, finding a more appropriate HIP treatment for this new type of Ti-6Al-4V material, i.e. EBM manufactured, would be of great benefit for the industry. Lowering the HIP treatment temperature to 800 ˚C and increasing the pressure to 200 MPa has recently been proven to close the porosity to a high degree while sustaining the high yield strength. In this thesis, the high-temperature tensile properties of EBM-manufactured Ti[1]6Al-4V subjected to a low-temperature (800 ˚C) HIP treatment were evaluated and compared with standard HIP-treated (920 ˚C) materials. Metallurgical characterization of the as-built, HIP-treated materials have been carried out to understand the effect of temperature on the microstructures. The standard HIP[1]treated material measured about 1.4x - 1.7x wider α laths than those in the low[1]temperature HIP treated and as-built samples, respectively. The standard HIP[1]treated material showed about 10 - 14% lower yield strength than other HIP treated materials. At 350 ˚C the yield strength decreases to about 65% compared to the room temperature strength for all tested materials. An increase in ductility viii was observed at 150 ˚C compared to that at room temperature, but the ductility decreased between 150 - 350 ˚C because of activation of different slip systems. The low cycle fatigue (LCF) behavior of such a modified HIP (low-temperature HIP) material is assessed at two different strain levels and compared with the corresponding LCF properties for the standard HIP material. Even though the modified HIP material had lowest minimum life cycles to failure, the overall fatigue performance is comparable with that of the standard HIP material. Also, fatigue life predictions were made from the measured defect size at the crack initiation site using NASGRO. The calculated life predictions showed good agreement with the experimental values in most cases. In-situ neutron diffraction measurements on tensile test specimens were conducted, at both room temperature and at 350˚ C, for the standard and modified HIP-treated materials. The objective was to gain essential insights on how the crystal lattice strains relate to the macroscopic strengths in these specific microstructures. This investigation helped to understand the load partitioning between different slip planes and constituent phases in the microstructure at different temperatures. / Ti-6Al-4V är den mest använda α+β titanlegeringen i flygmotortillämpningar på grund av sin höga specifika hållfasthet. Vanligtvis tillverkas legeringen som gjutgods eller smide och bearbetas sedan till slutlig geometri. Dessa konventionella tillverkningsprocesser genererar dock en hel del avfallsmaterial, medan additiv tillverkning (AM) potentiellt kan producera en nästan slutgiltlig geometri direkt från råvaran. Under det senaste decenniet har elektronstrålesmältning (EBM), en av pulverbäddsfusionsteknikerna, undersökts mycket för att bygga Ti-6Al-4V-komponenter. Ändå kan det byggda materialet innehålla defekter såsom gasporer som kräver efterbearbetning, såsom varm isostatisk pressning (HIP) för att producera nästan helt täta komponenter. HIP[1]behandling av konventionellt gjutet Ti-6Al-4V utförs normalt vid 920 ˚C, 100 MPa under 2 timmar. Samma HIP-behandling har sedan anpassats även för EBM[1]tillverkat Ti-6Al-4V, vilket dock resulterar i förgrovning av α-lameller och minskning av sträckgränsen. Att hitta en mer lämplig HIP-behandling för denna nya typ av Ti-6Al-4V-material, dvs EBM-tillverkat, skulle därför vara till stor fördel för industrin. Att sänka HIP-behandlingstemperaturen till 800 ˚C och öka trycket till 200 MPa har nyligen visat sig stänga porositeten i hög grad samtidigt som den höga sträckgränsen bibehålls. Ti-6Al-4V används huvudsakligen i applikationer för flygmotorer upp till en maximal driftstemperatur på 300 ˚C. Därför studerades högtemperaturdragegenskaperna hos de olika HIP-behandlade EBM[1]byggmaterialen i detta forskningsarbete. Denna studie visade att duktiliteten påverkas av aktiveringen av olika glidsystem baserat på temperatur. Ytterligare neutrondiffraktionsexperiment utfördes tillsammans med in-situ dragprovning för att bestämma det aktiva glidsystemet vid en specifik temperatur. Utmattningsbeteendet hos det lågtemperaturbehandlade HIP-materialet utvärderas också genom lågcykelutmattningstestning och utmattningsspricktillväxttest. Utmattningsprestandan för det modifierade HIP[1]materialet utvärderades mot standard HIP- material och visade sig ha jämförbara utmattningsegenskaper. Förutsägelser om utmattningsliv utfördes med hjälp av vi programvaran NASGRO där livsförutsägelserna visade god överensstämmelse med experimentella livscykler i de flesta fall. / <p>Submitted papers or manuscripts have been excluded from the fulltext file.</p>
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