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Vývoj efektivních sazeb daní z práce v ČR / Development of effective tax rates on labour in the Czech RepublicPšurná, Pavla January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the effective taxation on labour in the Czech republic and compares these trends with the countries of the European Union on the basis of statistical data to Eurostat and the OECD. An effective tax rate is an indicator that measures actual tax burden on taxpayers. In the contrast with nominal rate, this indicator can take into account aspects of the tax system that affect the final tax. First, I deal closely with the indicators used to measure the tax distortion on labour. Emphasis is placed on the implicit tax rate created by Eurostat and which enables the comparison of the tax burden in the CR with the other member states of the Union. The next section gives an overview of the income tax reforms that took place in the CR since 1993. It follows the part of the analysis which compares the implicit tax rates on labour between EU member states. The last chapter describes the tax wedge which complements the analysis of implicit tax rates. I also investigate the impact of labour costs on the tax burden on taxpayers in the EU countries. The aim of this work is to analyze the development of effective tax rates on the labour in the Czech Republic from 1993 to present and identify causes of changes in comparison with EU countries.
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Ekologické daně v zemích OECD / Environmental taxes in OECD countriesFranková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The object of the diploma thesis is to analyse the environmental taxation in the OECD countries, to inform the readers about the development of environmental taxes and current trends in tax revenues from environmental taxes. The thesis is also focused on the structure of revenues from environmental taxes, the significant part is created by energy taxes, especially by taxes on motor fuels. Attention is also paid to taxation of carbon dioxide, according to the OECD the carbon taxes are one of the effective tools to reduce CO2 emissions, which is important to achieve the targets set under the Kyoto Protocol. The explicit carbon taxes are applied in the 12 tax systems of 12 OECD member countries and in the Canadian province of British Columbia. An increase of the countries applying carbon taxes since 2010 demonstrates the increased demand for this tool in recent years. The object of the last part of the thesis is to analyse whether declining tax burden on labour while increasing tax burden on energy is put into practice.
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Efektivní sazby daní u podniků v ČR a v Německu / Effective tax rate of corporations in Czech Republic and GermanyKopecká, Magda January 2014 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I deal with an effective tax rate on corporate income. The effective tax rate is an indicator that measures real tax burden, which is due to tax legislation different from tax burden corresponding with statutory tax rate. The aim of my thesis is to analyze the effective tax rate of corporations in Czech Republic and Germany in years 2005 and 2013. In first and second chapter I deal with tax systems in both countries. Following chapter is dedicated to determination methods of effective tax rates. In forth chapter are, based on data from Amadeus database, calculated the effective tax rates of corporations in Czech Republic and Germany. In fifth chapter I focus on causes of differences between effective and statutory tax rate and with reference to the lax I analyze the difference between effective tax rates in years 2005 and 2013.
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Právo stavby a věcná břemena - účetní, daňový a právní pohled / Superficies, easements – accounting, tax and legal perspectiveŠimůnek, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with legal, accounting and tax consequences of superficies and easements under the legal system of the Czech Republic. Description of the legal context both subjected institutes is focused on domestic evolution process, as well as historical excursion into the jurisdiction of other states and registration in the Land Registry. Further there is an analysis of superficies and easements reporting approaches of Czech accounting legislation and international accounting standards IAS/ IFRS. This section focuses mainly on the reporting of the superficies in the balance sheet of accounting entity according to the Czech accounting law with regard to the change between 2014 and 2015 and IAS/IFRS standards. Tax chapter deals with income tax, value added tax, transfer tax imposed on both institutes in the Czech tax law, including tax burden on inheritance and donation.
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Efektivní sazby daní korporací v zemích EU / Effective corporate tax rates in the EUJosková, Renata January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with effective rates of corporate income taxes in EU in 2011. The aim is comparison of effective rates of corporate income taxes in different sectors of particular states - EU members, measured by real effective tax rate. Another aim is comparison real effective rate od EU corporations with implicite corporate tax rates and uncover, whether the level of real effective tax rate and implicite tax rate depends on GDP in % EU-28, inflation, size of the company, research and development costs, or depreciation of machinery and buildings. Differences in real effective tax rate do exist not only in between EU members, but also in different sectors. Values of implicite tax rate in different countries differ in 2011. Analysis results show, that the only mutual factor, which influences value of real effective tax and implicite tax rates is size of the company. When talking about implicite tax rate, dependence on other factors is not approved. Moreover, real effective corporate tax rate is influenced by GDP in % EU-28, as well as research and development costs. Inflation rate and depreciation time of machinery and buildings are factors, that show no connection between both surveyed taxes. Increase relation betwee real and implicite corporate taxes rate is proved.
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Налоговая нагрузка как детерминанта финансовой устойчивости предприятия : магистерская диссертация / Tax burden as a determinant of financial stability of an organizationГудкова, А. Н., Gudkova, A. N. January 2020 (has links)
The issues of ensuring financial stability under the influence of various factors are relevant at the present stage. In the field of taxation, the financial stability of the organization is influenced by such a tax policy tool as the tax burden. The aim of the master's thesis is to study the effect of the tax burden on the financial stability of an industrial organization. The paper considers theoretical and applied aspects of the analysis of financial stability, tax burden, as well as issues of their relationship. The sources of information used educational and research literature, official statistics and financial statements of organizations. The master's thesis developed a methodological approach to assessing the impact of the tax burden on the financial stability of an organization, which is based on a phased calculation of the integrated indicator of financial stability, the tax burden indicator and their comparison on the basis of a comprehensive correlation and regression analysis, which allows one to obtain more reasonable estimates of financial stability and its changes under the influence of the tax policy of the state. / Вопросы обеспечения финансовой устойчивости под влияниями различных факторов являются актуальными на современном этапе. В области налогообложения на финансовую устойчивость предприятия оказывает влияние такой инструмент налоговой политики, как налоговая нагрузка. Целью магистерской диссертации является исследование влияния налоговой нагрузки на финансовую устойчивость промышленного предприятия. В работе рассматриваются теоретические и прикладные аспекты анализа финансовой устойчивости, налоговой нагрузки, а также и вопросы их взаимосвязи. В качестве источников информации использовались учебно-методическая и научно-исследовательская литература, официальные статистические данные и данные финансовой отчетности предприятий. В магистерской диссертации разработан методический подход к оценке влияния налоговой нагрузки на финансовую устойчивость предприятия, в основе которого положен поэтапный расчет интегрального показателя финансовой устойчивости, показателя налоговой нагрузки и их сопоставление на основе комплексного корреляционно-регрессионного анализа, который позволяет получить более обоснованные оценки финансовой устойчивости и ее изменения под влиянием налоговой политики государства.
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臺灣吸菸家庭之稅捐負擔與其家庭特徵之研究林煥德 Unknown Date (has links)
由此結果可看出我國香菸稅累退程度並未減輕,低所得家庭反而較高所得家庭負擔為重,此外菸草消費支出較高的家庭由於平均教育程度較低,普遍缺乏吸菸會造成健康危害的風險認知,因此衛生醫療主管當局應加強菸害防制教育以利提升國民健康。 / This study observes the regressivity changes of cigarette taxation in Taiwan for long run and the features of smoking families in Taiwan to offer the government and relevant organization a reference in making taxation and tobacco hazards prevention policies.
This study uses “Report on the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure in Taiwan Area of Republic of China” from 1979 to 2007, “Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Statistical Yearbook” and other scholars’ contribution to measure the regressivity of cigarette taxation. The results shows the regressivity of cigarette taxation in Taiwan is more and more severe from 1979 to 2007, and the smoking families which have higher tobacco expenditure shows the features of lower average age, lower education level, and lower percentage of female household head.
This study concludes that the regressivity of cigarette taxation is more amd more severe, so the tax burden of lower income families is much serious than higher income families, and because of lower education level, the families with higher tobacco expenditure are popularly lack of risk perception which smoking hazards health. Therefore health and medical executive should reinforce tobacco prevention education to promote national health.
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Ekonomická globalizace a daňové systémy / Economic Globalization and Tax SystemsToman, Václav January 2014 (has links)
iv Abstract In this thesis on the effect of globalization on corporate income tax policies, we try to provide evidence that given the globalization-induced increased tax competition, countries are forced to lower their level of corporate income tax burden down to unsustainable levels or that they at least converge in their policies and levels of tax burden in order to attract international corporations through transparency. We find that no evidence to support such hypotheses is present in the OECD panel data of the last four decades with descriptive analysis, the general method of moments and the fixed effects estimation and we even find local evidence of an increase in the corporate income tax burden. Moreover, the OECD countries do not exhibit stronger convergence in their corporate income tax policies. Apart from the analysis of the general development of the corporate income tax burden, we find evidence that the level of tax burden is affected by the ratio of exports in the economy and correlated with the government indebtedness, outward FDI and the occurrence of the recent financial crisis. JEL Classification F23, F62, H25, H71, H87 Keywords globalization, corporate income tax, tax burden, tax competition, economic policy Author's e-mail vaclav.toman@gmail.com Supervisor's e-mail schneider@fsv.cuni.cz
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Daň z příjmu ze závislé činnosti: Reálný dopad legislativních změn - případová studie / Taxation of income from employment: Real Impact of Legislative Changes - case studyMarková, Diana January 2014 (has links)
This paper discusses the development of income tax of employees. The aim of this work is to model the real impact of legislative changes in the Czech Republic on the actual tax burden of employees with different incomes and propose optimal solution of tax calculation. The modelling is based on data containing gross salary, applicable tax allowances and tax reliefs for each employee of concrete production company in 2012. For the other years, the data are modelled from the given set using inflation. For comparison of the actual tax burden I use the effective tax rate, implicit tax rate and net implicit tax rate. The results of the calculations show that the tax deductions and the minimum and maximum base for social and health security contributions have the biggest effect on the tax rate. In the absence of tax deductions, the real tax burden for most employees according to the effective tax rate would have been almost constant over time. In fact, in terms of the effective tax rate the tax burden has declined slightly thanks to an increase in tax deductions. The results also show that the biggest differences in tax burden among employees are due to the (non) application of tax deductions.
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A tributação no setor sucroenergético do estado de São Paulo / Taxation in the sugar and ethanol sector of the state of Sao PauloRegazzini, Leonardo Coviello 26 January 2011 (has links)
Historicamente importante para a economia brasileira, a cana-de-açúcar tem adquirido importância crescente desde o início dos anos 2000, resultante do crescimento da demanda mundial por combustíveis renováveis, como o álcool (que no Brasil é produzido a partir da canade- açúcar). Paralelamente verifica-se uma escalada da carga tributária brasileira durante os últimos 30 anos, com destaque nos anos após 1990. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar qualitativamente e quantitativamente os tributos incidentes sobre os principais bens finais do setor sucroenergético brasileiro, quais sejam açúcar e álcool. Para tanto, divide-se em duas partes. Primeiramente levanta as características desejáveis a um sistema tributário, e avalia a presença destas características nos tributos incidentes sobre o setor sucroenergético. Posteriormente, estima a partir da metodologia de recolhimento da cada tributo a carga tributária potencial incidente sobre o álcool hidratado carburante e sobre o açúcar cristal empacotado para varejo em todos os elos de suas cadeias no estado de São Paulo nos anos de 2000 e 2008. Os resultados apontam para uma carga tributária potencial de 23,04% do preço final do álcool hidratado e de 27,39% do preço final do açúcar cristal em 2008. Com o objetivo de mensurar a importância da isenção de alguns tributos às vendas externas, esta dissertação estima as diferenças em termos de carga tributária potencial entre o álcool exportado e aquele vendido ao mercado doméstico. O mesmo é feito para o açúcar. A diferença da carga tributária incidente sobre o álcool exportado pela usina e aquele vendido ao mercado doméstico é estimada em 15,65 pp. Para o açúcar essa diferença é de 21,25 pp. Por último, com o objetivo de verificar a evolução da carga tributária incidente sobre o setor, esta dissertação estima a carga tributária incidente sobre o setor no ano 2000, que foi de 40,08% para o álcool hidratado e de 25,91% para o açúcar. Observa-se um aumento da carga incidente sobre o açúcar e redução da carga incidente sobre o álcool. / Historically important for the Brazilian economy, the sugar cane has acquired increasing importance since the early 2000s, resulting of growth of world demand for renewable fuels. Simultaneously one can observe an escalation of the Brazilian tax burden over the past 30 years, especially since 1990s. This dissertation aims to analyze qualitatively and quantitatively the major taxes on final goods of Brazilian sugar-ethanol industry, namely sugar and ethanol. For this purpose, its divided into two parts. The first one lists the desirable characteristics of a perfect tax system, and evaluates the presence of these characteristics in the taxes levied on the sugar-ethanol sector. Subsequently, estimates - based on the methodology of payment of each tax - the potential tax burden levied on hydrated ethanol and crystal sugar in all links of their chains in the state of Sao Paulo for the years 2000 and 2008. The results point to a potential tax burden of 23.04% of the final price of hydrated ethanol and 27.39% of the final price of crystal sugar. With the aim of measuring the importance of the exemption of some taxes on foreign sales, this thesis estimates the difference in potential tax burden between ethanol exported and sold to the domestic market. The same is done for sugar. The difference of the tax burden on ethanol exported by the plant and ethanol sold to the domestic market is estimated at 15.65 pp. For sugar this difference is 21.25 pp. Finally, to verify the evolution of the tax burden on the industry, this paper estimates the tax burden on the sector in 2000, what were 40.08% for ethanol and 25.91% for sugar. There is an increasing burden on the sugar and reduce the burden on alcohol.
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