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Toll-like receptor 2 and 4 mediated effects on human platelet function / Toll-like-Rezeptor 2- und 4-vermittelte Effekte auf die Funktion humaner ThrombozytenNiklaus, Marius Rainer January 2025 (has links) (PDF)
In addition to their specific role in haemostasis and thrombus formation, platelets are also involved in immune response mechanisms. Toll like receptors (TLRs) represent a component of this innate defense system, and as so-called pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), are jointly responsible for the recognition of pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPs).
This work examines the functional mechanisms associated with TLR2 and TLR4 and their interplay in anucleated platelets. The elucidation of these mechanisms contributes to a better understanding of TLR-mediated physiology and pathophysiology, possibly relevant for transfusion reactions or infectious diseases.
Initially, it was demonstrated that the method of platelet preparation, either as platelet rich plasma (PRP) or as washed platelets (WP), has a significant influence on TLR mediated effects.
Aggregation was only observed in washed platelets (WP) stimulated with the Toll like receptor (TLR) 2 agonist Pam3CSK4 and the TLR4 agonist lipopolysaccharide (LPS from E. coli) at a concentration of 15 µg/ml. LPS alone resulted in stable aggregation when combined with a low thrombin dose of 0.025 U/ml.
The release of physiologically relevant chemokines was observed at a concentration of 15 µg/ml for Pam3CSK4 and LPS. Induced concentrations were found to be higher with the TLR2 agonist and to increase over time. Significantly higher concentrations were achieved with classical platelet activators in potent concentrations, 10 µM TRAP-6 (thrombin receptor activating peptide 6) and 0.5 U/ml thrombin, indicating submaximal effects of TLR stimulation on secretion.
Western blot analysis was employed to analyse the involved signalling pathways. The results confirmed that TLR2 induced effects have a higher potential than TLR4 induced effects with respect to proteins of the classical activating pathways. No significant differences were observed for inhibitory signalling pathways after stimulation of the two receptors. Moreover, the NFκB signalling pathway, which is crucial in nucleated cells, was examined with an opposing outcome. LPS-mediated stimulation resulted in a decrease in Akt/PKB phosphorylation, which was accompanied by a reduction in protein kinase 2A (PP2A) phosphorylation.
These findings were further validated by adhesion studies using immunofluorescence under static conditions. Given that PP2A is known to be associated with cytoskeletal rearrangements and platelet spreading, it was demonstrated that a larger surface area was covered by adherent platelets upon stimulation with LPS compared to Pam3CSK4.
In conclusion, this work can be summarized by the fact that the choice of platelet preparation method has a decisive influence on the results to be obtained. This can explain discrepant results in previous studies. The plasma components present in PRP can exert an inhibitory effect at the level of Toll like receptors (TLRs) or contribute to the neutralization of chemokines. This release, which can be modulated by plasma, is of particular relevance for transfusion medicine with regard to platelet storage environments.
Moreover, despite their initial similarity, the stimulation of TLR2 and TLR4 lead to different effector mechanisms in platelets. The stimulation of TLR2 via Pam3CSK4 is associated with classical platelet activation and aggregation compared to stimulation of TLR4 via LPS. However, the latter exerts specific influence on platelet signalling via Akt/PKB and PP2A. / Thrombozyten übernehmen neben ihrer besonderen Bedeutung für die Hämostase und für die Thrombusbildung auch Mechanismen der Immunantwort. Toll like Rezeptoren (TLRs) gehören zu diesem angeborenen Abwehrsystem und sind als sogenannte Mustererkennungsrezeptoren (engl.: Pattern Recognition Receptors, PRRs) für die Erkennung von Pathogen assoziierten molekularen Mustern (engl.: Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns, PAMPs) und Schaden assoziierte molekulare Muster (engl.: Damage Associated Molecular Patterns, DAMPs) mitverantwortlich.
Die funktionellen Mechanismen die mit TLR2 und TLR4 verbunden sind, sowie deren Zusammenspiel in kernlosen Thrombozyten sind Gegenstand dieser Arbeit. Die Aufklärung dieser Mechanismen trägt zu einem besseren Verständnis der TLR vermittelten Transfusionsreaktionen bei.
Zu Beginn konnte gezeigt werden, dass bereits die Präparationsmethode der Thrombozyten, entweder als thrombozytenreiches Plasma (engl.: platelet rich plasma, PRP) oder als gewaschene Thrombozyten (engl.: washed platelets, WP) einen großen Einfluss auf TLR vermittelte Effekte besitzt.
Die mittels Lichttransmissionsmethode gemessene Aggregation konnte mit dem TLR2 Agonisten Pam3CSK4 und dem TLR4 Agnositen LPS (von E. coli) bei 15 µg/ml nur in WP ausgelöst werden, nicht jedoch in PRP. LPS führte lediglich zu einer stabilen Aggregation, wenn es in Kombination mit einer niedrigen Thrombin-Dosis von 0,025 U/ml appliziert wurde.
Die Freisetzung von physiologisch relevanten Chemokinen war mit 15 µg/ml Pam3CS4 und LPS möglich. Hier waren beim TLR2 Agonisten die induzierten Konzentrationen höher als beim TLR4 Agonisten und nahmen im zeitlichen Verlauf zu. Deutlich höhere Konzentrationen konnten mit klassischen Thrombozytenaktivatoren in potenten Konzentrationen, 10 µM TRAP 6 (Thrombin-Rezeptor aktivierendes Peptid 6) und 0,5 U/ml Thrombin, erreicht werden, was auf submaximale Effekte der TLR Stimulierung auf die Sekretion hindeutet.
Zur Analyse der involvierten Signalwege wurden Western-Blot-Analysen durchgeführt. Diese bestätigten, dass TLR2 induzierte Effekte ein höheres Potential haben als TLR4 induzierte in Bezug auf Proteine der klassisch aktivierenden Signalwege. Hinsichtlich der inhibierenden Signalwege konnte nach der Stimulation beider Rezeptoren kein signifikanter Unterschied entdeckt werden. Des Weiteren wurde der, in zellkernhaltigen Zellen wichtige, NFκB Signalweg mit einem gegenläufigen Ergebnis untersucht. Die LPS vermittelte Stimulation führte zu einer Abnahme der Akt/PKB Phosphorylierung und damit zusammenhängend zu einer verminderten Phosphorylierung der Proteinkinase 2A (PP2A).
Diese Ergebnisse konnten durch Adhäsionsstudien mittels Immunfluoreszenz unter statischen Bedingungen bestätigt werden. Da PP2A bekanntermaßen mit der Umstrukturierung des Zytoskeletts und der Ausbreitung von Thrombozyten (Spreading) in Verbindung gebracht wird, konnte gezeigt werden, dass bei Stimulation mit LPS im Vergleich zu Pam3CSK4 eine größere Oberfläche von anhaftenden Thrombozyten bedeckt wurde.
Abschließend lässt sich diese Arbeit damit zusammenfassen, dass die Wahl der Thrombozyten Aufbereitungsmethode einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die zu gewinnenden Ergebnisse nimmt. Diese Erkenntnis kann die diskrepanten Ergebnisse früherer Studien erklären. Die in PRP enthaltene Plasmabestandteile können eine hemmende Wirkung auf TLR Ebene bewirken oder zur Neutralisation von Chemokinen beitragen. Diese durch Plasma modulierbare Freisetzung besitzt im Hinblick auf Lagerungsmilieus von Thrombozyten eine besondere Relevanz für die Transfusionsmedizin.
Darüber hinaus zeigte sich, dass die Stimulation von TLR2 und TLR4, trotz ihrer anfänglichen Ähnlichkeit, sich von ihrer zellulären Wirkung voneinander unterscheiden. Die Stimulation von TLR2 durch Pam3CSK4 ist, im Gegensatz zur Stimulation von TLR4 durch LPS, mit einer klassischen Thrombozytenaktivierung und aggregation vereinbar. Letzteres übt jedoch einen spezifischen Einfluss auf die Signalwege über Akt/PKB und PP2A aus.
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Sporothrix brasiliensis: aspectos imunológicos e virulência / Sporothrix brasiliensis: immunological aspects and virulence.Rossato, Luana 08 December 2017 (has links)
A esporotricose caracteriza-se como uma micose subcutânea causada por fungos dimórficos do gênero Sporothrix, capazes de acometer o homem e uma grande variedade de animais, dentre eles os felinos. A princípio, Sporothrix schenckii era a única espécie conhecida como responsável pela esporotricose. Após estudos genotípicos e fenotípicos de isolados ambientais, clínicos humanos e animais, verificou-se alta variabilidade entre os isolados e estabeleceu-se a existência de um Complexo Sporothrix. Dentro deste, a maior causadora de surtos epidêmicos, justificada por uma maior virulência e capacidade de evasão da resposta imune, é a espécie Sporothrix brasiliensis. Nesse sentido, dada a ausência de estudos direcionados a está espécie, objetivou-se avaliar a importância de receptores Toll like-2 (TLR-2) e Toll like-4 (TLR-4) na infecção por S. brasiliensis. Além disso, utilizando técnicas de proteômica, procurou-se elucidar proteínas diferencialmente expressas em S. brasiliensis quando comparado à espécie S. schenckii. Para avaliação da resposta imune utilizaram-se modelos in vitro e in vivo de infecção, e para a investigação das proteínas diferencialmente expressas, utilizou-se a técnica de proteômica Bottom-up. A investigação da resposta imune in vitro mostrou a dependência dos receptores TLR-2 e TLR-4 no desencadeamento da resposta imune. Os ensaios in vivo mostraram a importância desses receptores no controle da infecção e dependência dos mesmos na produção de citocinas, principalmente nos primeiros 14 dias de infecção. Na ausência do receptor TLR-2, houve a polarização de resposta Th17 na tentativa de controle da infecção. Quando avaliadas as diferenças entre as espécies S. brasiliensis e S. schenckii, em termos de proteínas expressas, verificou-se que S. brasiliensis expressa diferencialmente 60 proteínas. Dentre essas, 9 são relatadas na literatura, como importantes na virulência e escape imunológico dos principais fungos de importância médica. Os resultados encontrados no presente trabalho permitem concluir que reconhecimento de S. brasiliensis é dependente dos receptores TLR-2 e TLR-4. Estudos que investiguem a utilização de outras vias de sinalização como mecanismos compensatórios, bem como, o sinergismo desses receptores no contexto da infecção por S. brasiliensis são fundamentais na compreensão da fisiopatologia dessa doença. No que tange a caracterização proteica, estudos com mutantes para cada uma das proteínas descritas nesse trabalho devem ser avaliados. / Sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous mycosis caused by dimorphic fungi of the genus Sporothrix that affects humans and animals, predominantelly felines. Inicially, Sporothrix schenckii was the only specie associated to sporotrichosis. However, after genotypic and phenotypic studies of human and animal clinical isolates, a high variability among the isolates was found and was concluded the existence of a complex: the Sporothrix Complex. Inside the Sporothrix complex, the major cause of epidemic outbreaks, justified by a greater virulence and ability to evade the immune system, is Sporothrix brasiliensis. Concerning this, the absence of studies directed to this specific specie, the aim was to evaluate the importance of Toll like receptor-2 (TLR-2) and Toll like receptor-4 (TLR-4) during S. brasiliensis infection. In addition, was look using proteomics techniques, the proteins differentially expressed in S. brasiliensis when compared to S. schenckii. To evaluate the immune response, in vitro and in vivo tecniques were used, and for the investigation of differentially expressed proteins, the Bottom-up proteomics technique was used. The investigation of the in vitro immune response showed the dependence of TLR-2 and TLR-4 receptors on phagocytosis and the production of inflammatory mediators, such as cytokines and NO. In vivo assays showed the importance of these receptors to control the infection and their dependence on cytokine production during the first 14 days of infection. In the absence of the TLR-2 receptor, the Th17 response was polarized in an attempt to control the infection. Evaluating the differences between S. brasiliensis and S. schenckii, in terms of expressed proteins, it was verified that S. brasiliensis differentially expressed 60 proteins. Among these, 9 are reported in the literature, as important in the virulence and immune evasion among the most important medical fungi. The results found in the present study allow to conclude that S. brasiliensis recognition is dependent on TLR-2 and TLR-4 receptors. Studies investigating the use of other signaling pathways as compensatory mechanisms, as well as the synergism of these receptors in the context of S. brasiliensis infection, are fundamental to understand the pathophysiology of this disease. Regarding the protein characterization, studies with mutants for each of the proteins described in this work should be evaluated.
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Sporothrix brasiliensis: aspectos imunológicos e virulência / Sporothrix brasiliensis: immunological aspects and virulence.Luana Rossato 08 December 2017 (has links)
A esporotricose caracteriza-se como uma micose subcutânea causada por fungos dimórficos do gênero Sporothrix, capazes de acometer o homem e uma grande variedade de animais, dentre eles os felinos. A princípio, Sporothrix schenckii era a única espécie conhecida como responsável pela esporotricose. Após estudos genotípicos e fenotípicos de isolados ambientais, clínicos humanos e animais, verificou-se alta variabilidade entre os isolados e estabeleceu-se a existência de um Complexo Sporothrix. Dentro deste, a maior causadora de surtos epidêmicos, justificada por uma maior virulência e capacidade de evasão da resposta imune, é a espécie Sporothrix brasiliensis. Nesse sentido, dada a ausência de estudos direcionados a está espécie, objetivou-se avaliar a importância de receptores Toll like-2 (TLR-2) e Toll like-4 (TLR-4) na infecção por S. brasiliensis. Além disso, utilizando técnicas de proteômica, procurou-se elucidar proteínas diferencialmente expressas em S. brasiliensis quando comparado à espécie S. schenckii. Para avaliação da resposta imune utilizaram-se modelos in vitro e in vivo de infecção, e para a investigação das proteínas diferencialmente expressas, utilizou-se a técnica de proteômica Bottom-up. A investigação da resposta imune in vitro mostrou a dependência dos receptores TLR-2 e TLR-4 no desencadeamento da resposta imune. Os ensaios in vivo mostraram a importância desses receptores no controle da infecção e dependência dos mesmos na produção de citocinas, principalmente nos primeiros 14 dias de infecção. Na ausência do receptor TLR-2, houve a polarização de resposta Th17 na tentativa de controle da infecção. Quando avaliadas as diferenças entre as espécies S. brasiliensis e S. schenckii, em termos de proteínas expressas, verificou-se que S. brasiliensis expressa diferencialmente 60 proteínas. Dentre essas, 9 são relatadas na literatura, como importantes na virulência e escape imunológico dos principais fungos de importância médica. Os resultados encontrados no presente trabalho permitem concluir que reconhecimento de S. brasiliensis é dependente dos receptores TLR-2 e TLR-4. Estudos que investiguem a utilização de outras vias de sinalização como mecanismos compensatórios, bem como, o sinergismo desses receptores no contexto da infecção por S. brasiliensis são fundamentais na compreensão da fisiopatologia dessa doença. No que tange a caracterização proteica, estudos com mutantes para cada uma das proteínas descritas nesse trabalho devem ser avaliados. / Sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous mycosis caused by dimorphic fungi of the genus Sporothrix that affects humans and animals, predominantelly felines. Inicially, Sporothrix schenckii was the only specie associated to sporotrichosis. However, after genotypic and phenotypic studies of human and animal clinical isolates, a high variability among the isolates was found and was concluded the existence of a complex: the Sporothrix Complex. Inside the Sporothrix complex, the major cause of epidemic outbreaks, justified by a greater virulence and ability to evade the immune system, is Sporothrix brasiliensis. Concerning this, the absence of studies directed to this specific specie, the aim was to evaluate the importance of Toll like receptor-2 (TLR-2) and Toll like receptor-4 (TLR-4) during S. brasiliensis infection. In addition, was look using proteomics techniques, the proteins differentially expressed in S. brasiliensis when compared to S. schenckii. To evaluate the immune response, in vitro and in vivo tecniques were used, and for the investigation of differentially expressed proteins, the Bottom-up proteomics technique was used. The investigation of the in vitro immune response showed the dependence of TLR-2 and TLR-4 receptors on phagocytosis and the production of inflammatory mediators, such as cytokines and NO. In vivo assays showed the importance of these receptors to control the infection and their dependence on cytokine production during the first 14 days of infection. In the absence of the TLR-2 receptor, the Th17 response was polarized in an attempt to control the infection. Evaluating the differences between S. brasiliensis and S. schenckii, in terms of expressed proteins, it was verified that S. brasiliensis differentially expressed 60 proteins. Among these, 9 are reported in the literature, as important in the virulence and immune evasion among the most important medical fungi. The results found in the present study allow to conclude that S. brasiliensis recognition is dependent on TLR-2 and TLR-4 receptors. Studies investigating the use of other signaling pathways as compensatory mechanisms, as well as the synergism of these receptors in the context of S. brasiliensis infection, are fundamental to understand the pathophysiology of this disease. Regarding the protein characterization, studies with mutants for each of the proteins described in this work should be evaluated.
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Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the frequency of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in various pattern recognition receptor (PRR) genes, including Toll like receptors (TLR) -2, -4, -9, and CD14 in chronic (CP), localized (LAP) and generalized aggressive (GAP) periodontitis and periodontally healthy (NP) patients in an African American population. Methods: A total of 205 subjects were involved in the study. The LAP group consists of 25 subjects, the GAP group 50 subjects, the CP group 73 subjects and the NP group 57subjects. Genotyping was performed in TLR2 (G2408A), TLR4 (A896G),TLR9 (T1486C) and CD14 (C260T) genes by TaqMan® allelic discrimination using Assay-by-DesignSM SNP Genotyping Assays (Applied Biosystems). Accuracy of genotyping was confirmed by known DNA samples of each genotype and by Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analyses on selected samples. Fisher’s exact test and chi-square analyses were performed to compare genotype and allele frequencies. Within disease groups, we investigated whether SNPs were related to disease severity by step-wise logistic regression adjusted for age, gender, and smoking status. Results: There was a significant difference in the distribution of specific TLR9 (T1486C) genotypes between diseased-groups versus reference group. Expression of TT genotype was more prevelant in periodontally-diseased individuals compared to periodontally-healthy subjects (p<0.0001) whereas individuals expressing C allele of the TLR9 SNP (CC&CT) were more frequently found in healthy group after adjusting for age, gender, and smoking status (p<0.0001) There was no statistically significant difference in the distribution of genotypes between groups for any other TLRs or CD 14 polymorphism. Conclusion: Based on findings of this study, homozygocity for the T allele of TLR 9 polymorphism was related to the periodontal disease susceptibility in African Americans. Additionally, presence of C allele at TLR-9 appeared to confer resistance to periodontal destruction. Our results showed that specific SNPs in TLR-2, -4 and CD 14 genes are not related to periodontitis in African Americans. However, low copy number of certain alleles warrants further investigations with increased sample size to explore the role of SNPs in periodontal disease. This study was supported by the Alexander Fellowship.
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Expressão de genes da resposta imune em bovinos infestados com carrapatos (Boophilus microplus)Belo, Vanessa de Almeida 15 February 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-10-14T12:30:34Z
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Previous issue date: 2008-02-15 / Nos países tropicais, as perdas causadas pela infestação de carrapatos em bovinos acarretam um grande impacto no sistema de produção animal. Recentes estudos têm mostrado a importância de fatores genéticos ligados a resistência a carrapato em Bos taurus indicus e Bos taurus taurus e que as citocinas têm um papel crítico na prevenção ou progressão de doenças. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar os níveis de expressão dos genes IL-10 e IL-4 relacionados ao perfil imunológico Th2 associado à susceptibilidade ao carrapato e os genes IL-2 e IFN- relacionados ao perfil imunológico Th1 associado à resistência ao parasito. Além destes genes, analisou-se o perfil de expressão do gene TLR-2, importante no processo de reconhecimento de patógenos e os genes IL-8 e TNF-α importantes no processo inflamatório inicial. Seis animais mais resistentes e seis animais mais susceptíveis de uma população F2 de 332 animais, originária do cruzamento de animais F1(½ Holandês: ½ Gir), foram selecionados baseado na contagem de carrapatos e valor genético. Amostras de tecido foram coletadas de pele no 5° e 12° dias após a infestação para extração de RNA total. As PCRs em tempo real foram realizadas usando o gene GAPDH como controle endógeno. Os animais resistentes e susceptíveis apresentaram aumento de expressão do gene IL-10 no 5° (p<0,01) e 12 ° dias após a infestação (p<0,05). O gene IL-2, nos animais resistentes e susceptíveis, no 5° dia após a infestação não apresentou alteração da expressão sendo que 12° dia, em ambos os grupos de animais, este gene passou a ser mais expresso em relação ao animal controle sugerindo um perfil de resposta imunológica do tipo de Th2 nos animais resistentes e susceptíveis nos primeiros dias após a infestação. O gene IL-4 apresentou uma tendência ao aumento de expressão nos animais resistentes e susceptíveis em relação ao controle, sendo o perfil Th2 sugerido atribuído a IL-10 produzida por linfócitos T regulatórios (p>0,05). O gene TNF- apresentou aumento de expressão nos animais susceptíveis no 5° dia após a infestação com posterior diminuição no 12° dia após a infestação (p<0,05). Nos animais resistentes não foi observada alteração da expressão deste gene, isto sugere que ele possa estar mais atuante no início do processo inflamatório, logo após a fixação do carrapato. A mesma observação estende-se para o gene IL-8, em que não foi verificada alteração de expressão nos animais resistentes, embora nos animais susceptíveis este gene apresentou diminuição da expressão no 12° dia após a infestação (p<0,05). Quanto ao gene IFN-, não houve diferença de expressão entre os animais resistentes e susceptíveis, sendo que este gene parece não estar relacionado ao mecanismo de resistência. O gene TLR-2 apresentou diminuição da expressão em ambos os grupos de animais. Estes resultados sugerem que a resposta imune adquirida avaliada neste trabalho não apresenta papel preponderante no mecanismo de resistência e que resposta imune inata poderia está envolvida no mecanismo de resistência ao carrapato. Portanto, avaliação da resposta imunológica horas após a fixação do carrapato poderia nos fornecer resultados mais conclusivos. / In tropical countries losses caused by tick infestation in cattle lead to a major impact on animal production systems. Recent studies have shown the importance of genetic factors linked to tick resistance in Bos indicus and Bos taurus as well as the critical role in the prevention or progression of diseases mediated by cytokines. The aim of this work was to evaluate gene expression of IL-10 and IL-4 in relation to tick susceptibility associated with the Th2 profile and gene expression of IL-2 and IFN- in relation to tick resistance associated with the Th1 profile. In addition, the expression of TLR-2, important in the process the recognition of pathogens, and TNF-α and IL-8 genes, important in the initial inflammatory process, were evaluated. Six tick-resistant and six tick-susceptible animals from a F2 population of 332 animals, originated from the cross of F1 animals (½ Holstein: ½ Gir), were selected based on tick count and breeding value for tick resistance. Skin biopsies were collected in the 5th and 12th days after tick infestation. The GAPDH was used as endogenous control to normalize the amount of starting cDNA target in the real-time PCR assay. Both resistant and susceptible animals showed increased gene expression of IL-10 in the 5th and 12th days after infestation in relation to control animal (p<0.05). The IL-2 gene showed no change of expression in the 5th day after infestation for the resistant and susceptible animals. In the 12th post infestation, both resistant and susceptible animals showed increased gene expression in relation to control animal. These results suggest an enhancement of Th2 profile through the increase of IL-10 mRNA levels and a possible inhibition of the Th1 pattern in both groups (resistant and susceptible) starting 5 days after infestation and return to normal by day 12. Despite our results suggest the occurrence of the Th2 profile, the susceptible and resistant animals did not show variation on gene expression for IL-4 in relation to control animal. The susceptible animals showed increased expression of TNF-α in the 5th day after infestation. However, in the 12th day post infestation it was noted a decrease in the gene expression level. The resistant animals showed no change in the expression of this gene in relation to control animals suggesting that TNF-α could be more actively expressed in the early steps of the inflammatory process. Similarly, the resistant animals showed no variation in the expression of IL-8 while the susceptible animals showed increased expression in the 12th day post infestation. There were no differences of expression between resistant and susceptible animals in relation to IFN-γ what suggests that this gene might not be involved in the resistance mechanism. The TLR-2 gene showed decreased expression in both resistant and susceptible animals (p<0.05). Finally, there was no difference in expression between susceptible and resistant animals in relation to all selected genes in the 5th and 12th days after infestation. These results suggest that the acquired immunity evaluated in this work might not have preponderant role in the resistance mechanism. The innate immunity might be playing a major role in the bovine tick resistance/susceptibility mechanism in early hours after infestation.
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The Effect of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in Toll-Like Receptors -2, -4, -9, and CD14 Genes in an African-American Population with Chronic PeriodontitisMaughan, Willard 03 June 2009 (has links)
AIM: to determine if a relationship exists between TLR-2, TLR-4, TLR-9, or CD14 polymorphisms and risk for developing chronic periodontal disease in an African-American population. This is the first study conducted to determine role of SNPs in TLR genes and CD14 gene in a periodontally-diseased African-American population. Additionally, this is the first study to assess the role of TLR-9 polymorphism in periodontitis patients. METHODS: A total of 130 subjects were involved in the study. The chronic periodontitis (CP) group contained 73 subjects, and the healthy control (NP) group 57subjects. Genotyping was performed in TLR2 (G2408A), TLR4 (A896G),TLR9 (T1486C) and CD14 (C260T) genes by TaqMan® allelic discrimination using Assay-by-DesignSM SNP Genotyping Assays (Applied Biosystems). Accuracy of genotyping was confirmed by known DNA samples of each genotype and by Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analyses on selected samples. Fisher’s exact test and chi-square analyses were performed to compare genotype and allele frequencies. Within disease groups, we investigated whether SNPs were related to disease severity by step-wise logistic regression adjusted for age, gender, and smoking status. RESULTS: There was a significant difference in the distribution of specific TLR9 (T1486C) genotypes between the periodontally diseased group versus the control group. Expression of TT genotype was more prevelant in periodontally-diseased individuals compared to periodontally-healthy subjects (p<0.0001) whereas individuals expressing C allele of the TLR9 SNP (CC&CT) were more frequently found in the control group after adjusting for age, gender, and smoking status (p<0.0001) There was no statistically significant difference in the distribution of genotypes between groups for any other TLRs or CD14 polymorphism. CONCLUSION: Based on findings of this study, homozygocity for the T allele of TLR 9 polymorphism was related to chronic periodontal disease susceptibility in African Americans. Additionally, presence of the C allele at TLR-9 appeared to confer resistance to periodontal destruction. Our results showed that specific SNPs in TLR-2, -4 and CD14 genes are not related to periodontitis in African Americans.
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Lokale Stimulation des pulmonalen Immunsystems mit dem TLR2/6-Agonisten MALP-2 und deren Auswirkung auf pulmonale Melanommetastasierung im Maus-Modell / Local stimulation of the pulmonary immune system by the TLR 2/6 agonist MALP-2 and impact on pulmonary melanoma metastasis in the mouse modelSchill, Tillmann Oldwig 08 July 2014 (has links)
Eine Melanomerkrankung im metastasierten Stadium ist heute noch eine nicht heilbare und in den meisten Fällen tödlich verlaufende Erkrankung. Über 50% der Patienten mit metastasierendem malignen Melanom entwickeln Lungenmetastasen. Nach dem Auftreten von Lungenmetastasen beträgt die durchschnittliche Überlebenszeit noch 7,3 Monate. Demnach ist die Entwicklung von Therapiestrategien notwendig, um das Fortschreiten von Tumormetastasen oder sogar deren Entstehung zu verhindern. Die lokale Stimulation der angeborenen Immunabwehr durch Behandlung mit Toll-like-Rezeptor-Agonisten käme hierfür in Frage. Inhalative Behandlungen mit Immunmodulatoren, wie sie für IL-2 beschrieben wurden, könnten insbesondere für die Behandlung pulmonaler Metastasen genutzt werden.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde das pulmonale angeborene Immunsystem im Mausmodell durch den TLR2/6-Agonisten MALP-2 stimuliert und die Auswirkung dieser Immunstimulation auf experimentell induzierte pulmonale Melanommetastasen untersucht.
Intratracheale Instillationen von 0,5 µg MALP-2 führten zu starker Einwanderung neutrophiler Granulozyten (6-fach) und Makrophagen (3,4-fach) in die Lunge von C57/BL6-Mäusen. Innerhalb von 24 h war das Maximum der Immunzelleinwanderung erreicht. Der Leukozyteneinstrom fiel dann innerhalb von 72 h wieder auf das Ursprungsniveau zurück.
Weitere Untersuchungen konnten zeigen, dass MALP-2 auch zu einer deutlichen Steigerung der Expression von VCAM-1 in pulmonalen Blutgefäßen führt. In vitro Experimente zeigten, dass dieses Adhäsionsmolekül die Bindung von B16-F10-Melanomzellen vermitteln kann.
Außerdem führte die MALP-2-Behandlung weder in vitro noch in vivo zu einer signifikanten Steigerung der Fähigkeit von Immunzellen, B16-F10-Melanomzellen zu lysieren.
So konnte, im Gegensatz zu Rückschlüssen aus früheren Publikationen, trotz der ausgeprägten Stimulation des pulmonalen Immunsystems und unabhängig vom Applikationsregime durch MALP-2 vor oder nach Tumorinokulation im Mausmodell keine signifikante Änderung der pulmonalen Metastasen erreicht werden.
Durch Markierung von Melanomzellen, die stabil mit Green fluorescent Protein transfiziert waren, war es möglich, Melanomzellen kurz nach Tumorzellaussaat zu untersuchen. Eine lokale TLR2/6-Aktivierung durch MALP-2-Instillation 24 h vor Tumorinokulation führte aber in vivo zu keiner Beeinflussung des pulmonalen Melanomzellarrests im Mausmodell. Außerdem konnte gezeigt werden, dass auch das „Boostern“ des Immunsystems durch wiederholte intratracheale MALP-2-Applikation an bereits etablierten pulmonalen Metastasen zu keiner Änderung des klinischen Gesamtresultates führt.
Zusammenfassend kann festgestellt werden, dass diese teilweise unerwarteten Ergebnisse deutlich machen, dass klinische Vorhersagen bezüglich immunmodulierender Therapien mit Vorsicht zu stellen sind, insbesondere, da multiple, sich wechselseitig beeinflussende Effekte durch die Immunstimulantien selbst das Gesamtergebnis einer Tumortherapie beeinflussen können.
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Epigenetic Alterations of Toll-Like Receptors by TET2 in Spontaneous Preterm LaborChumble, Anuja 01 January 2014 (has links)
Increasing evidence implicates the presence of bacteria in intrauterine tissues as an important risk factor for spontaneous preterm labor. Epigenetic alterations of innate immunity genes may increase the mother’s sensitivity to subclinical levels of bacteria. This study examined the presence of TET2, TLR-2, and TLR-9 in intrauterine tissue, and evaluated whether epigenetic alterations of these genes, as well as IL-8, changed their expression in human decidual tissue and a macrophage cell culture. Immunohistochemicalstaining was used to detect the presence of these proteins in intrauterine tissue. Gene expression changes were evaluated in stimulated monocytes and macrophages. Fluorescence immunohistochemistry was used to track translocation of TET2 in stimulated monocytes and macrophages. Secreted IL-8 concentration was detected with ELISA. Decidual expression of TET2, TLR-2, and TLR-9 increased in the order TNL < TL < sPTL < iPTL. This study found that TET2, TLR-2, TLR-9, and IL-8 are regulated by epigenetic mechanisms. This study was the first to report activation of TET2 involves its translocation from the cytosol to the nucleus in macrophages.
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