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Dialektik, TRIZ und ProHEALThiel, Rainer 21 May 2021 (has links)
Die hier vorgelegte Publikation reproduziert KdT-Lehrmaterial als eine der Kern-Publikation zu ProHEAL.
TRIZ und ProHEAL werden beleuchtet, Vor- und Nachteile sowie Entwicklungen werden erforscht.
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Application of TRIZ to Develop an In-Service Diagnostic System for a Synchronous Belt Transmission for Automotive ApplicationJupp, M.L., Campean, Felician, Travcenko, J. January 2013 (has links)
Yes / Development of robust diagnostic solutions to monitor the health of systems and components to ensure through life cost effectiveness is often technically difficult, requiring an effective integration of design development with research and innovation. This paper presents a structured application of TRIZ and USIT (Unitied Structured Inventive Thinking) to generate concept solutions fur an in-service diagnostic system for a synchronous belt drive system for an automotive application. The systematic exploration through TRIZ and USIT methods has led to the development of six concept solution ideas directed at the functional requirement to determine the state or condition of the belt. The paper demonstrates that the combined deployment of TRIZ and USIT frameworks is a valuable approach addressing difficult design problems. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
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The combination of the disciplines of Techmining and semantic TRIZ for better and faster analyzing technology evolutionVicente Gomila, José Miguel 08 September 2018 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / The purpose of the present thesis is to explore and to demonstrate how the combination of two methodological approaches, text mining plus the systemic vision of TRIZ empowered by semantics, can bring a larger and more comprehensive analysis of the evolution of a technology. Both approaches had been not combined before the first of the four papers constituents of the present thesis based in a compendium of publications. However, this combination applied to the evolution of technologies is increasingly being published in the scientific literature. Such combination shows a second benefit in the form of an improvement in accessing and connecting knowledge from disparate scientific literatures in a systematic manner.
The common element in all these papers is the use of the technology mining approach, 'techmining', the application of text mining techniques based on technology management knowledge, combined with the use of semantic TRIZ, the advantage of syntactic applied to the systemic vision of TRIZ.
These papers show that a better analysis of evolving technologies, e.g. by profiling technologies from a systemic point of view or, a better access to knowledge, e.g. by semantically connecting concepts with meaning, can be achieved. The research on applying the combination of these approaches to scientific and technological information analysis explores the advantages and new possibilities for technology trends assessment as well as the semantic connection of concepts which represents a change in the way information research can be done. The different applications of the aforementioned combination are explored by means of the here presented articles. The structure followed in this research is the collection of three papers published in international academic journals indexed in the most prestigious databases and one chapter in a proceedings book of an international congress. The attached articles show the research undertaken to demonstrate the aforementioned benefits of the proposed combination.
Despite it can be found many methods and approaches about the assessment of the evolution of technologies, distributed across the literature, there is still a need to better understand which technologies may emerge, which may evolve faster and at what pace can they reach the market. The combination of the techmining approach and the semantic TRIZ approaches allows understanding the trends enriched with a systemic vision of the links, functions, and influences of constituent and enabling elements of a technology. Such systemic link of elements with its components and ecosystem also allows for a multi-dimensional view of a technology and further reduces the uncertainty to preview the progress of a technology.
The papers presented in this dissertation are based on the combination of the TRIZ methodology, the techmining approach and the semantic TRIZ approach, applied to different technologies in different domains, to proof the advantages and implications of the combination. The articles try the different interactions of the combined approaches, applied to the assessment of different technologies, such as lithium batteries for the electric car, a medical case linked to a disease known as Meniére's Disease, the prognosis of prostate cancer, and the usage of probiotics as substitutes of antibiotics in the animal health. The wide range of technologies was selected to show the clear benefits of either combining the two approaches or applying predominantly one of them in the case of the Meniére's disease article. That difference in the nature of technologies also helped to better understand the systemic point of view of the technology, exploring new applications based on the general system theory from Bertalanffy as well as other related approaches about technologies. / El propósito de la presente tesis es la exploración y la demostración de la combinación de dos enfoques metodológicos, la minería de textos y la visión sistémica de TRIZ reforzada con la semántica, pueden aportar un mayor y mas exhaustivo análisis de la evolución de una tecnología. Ambos enfoques no habían sido combinados antes del primero de los cuatro artículos que representan esta tesis por compendio de publicaciones, aunque dicha combinación ha sido crecientemente publicada en la literatura científica, para multiples propósitos desde entonces. Un segundo aporte proporcionado por esta combinación es la mejora de la capacidad de acceso al conocimiento y cómo ello supone un avance para el descubrimiento a través de literaturas no relacionadas "disparate literature discovery" de una forma metódica y científica.
El elemento común en los artículos aquí presentados es el aprovechamiento de techmining, esto es, la minería de textos con base en la gestión tecnológica, por ejemplo mediante el perfilado de tecnologías, junto al enfoque de la metodología TRIZ potenciada por el análisis sintáctico y semántico, esto es, mediante la conexión semántica de conceptos, para un análisis más completo de la evolución tecnológica, proporcionando al mismo tiempo un acceso más racional al conocimiento.
La investigación sobre la aplicación de la citada combinación al análisis de información científica y tecnológica explora las ventajas y nuevas posibilidades en la evaluación del avance de la tecnología, así como la conexión semántica de conceptos que representa nuevas posibilidades en la forma en que la investigación textual puede hacerse. La estructura de la investigación aquí presentada se muestra a través de los artículos publicados en revistas internacionales de alto impacto y el capítulo de los 'proceedings' de un congreso internacional. Dichos artículos muestran la investigación llevada a cabo para demostrar los beneficios mencionados de la combinación propuesta.
A pesar de la gran actividad de investigación y de la existencia de varios enfoques para la prospectiva y la previsión tecnológica presentes en la literatura científica, existe aún la necesidad de entender qué tecnologías pueden emerger, pueden evolucionar más rápido y a qué velocidad pueden llegar al mercado. La combinación de los enfoques de minería tecnológica o techmining y TRIZ semántico permite entender las tendencias de una tecnología dada, enriquecida con una visión de su sistémica, y teniendo en cuenta las conexiones de sus elementos y las influencias de sus elementos constituyentes. Tal conexión entre los components y su entorno permite una vision multidimensional de la tecnología reduciendo más aún la incertidumbre en la previsión de la evolución de una tecnología.
Los artículos presentados en esta tesis son aplicaciones y exploraciones de la combinación de mencionada, a diferentes tecnologías de diversos ámbitos muy dispares entre sí, con el fin de demostrar sus ventajas e implicaciones. Los artículos tratan las diferentes interacciones entre ambos enfoques de trabajo, aplicados a tecnologías como baterías de litio para los vehículos eléctricos, un caso médico ligado a una dolencia como el síndrome de Méniere, a la prognosis del cáncer de próstata y al uso de probióticos en la alimentación animal como sustitución de los antibióticos.
Este amplio rango de tecnologías han sido seleccionados para mostrar las ventajas, de forma más objetiva, de la combinación de ambos enfoques o con predominancia de alguno en particular, como es el caso del artículo explorando el síndrome de Méniere. Estas exploraciones permiten también entender mejor el punto de vista sistémico de una tecnología, descubriendo nuevas aplicaciones basadas en la teoría general de sistemas de Bertalanffy así como en otros enfoques relacionados. / El propòsit de la present tesi és l'exploració i la demostració de la combinació de dos enfocaments metodològics, la minería de textes i la visió sistémica de TRIZ, reforçada amb la sintáctica i la semántica, mostrant que poden oferir un abast més gran i més holístic en l'enteniment de l'evolució d'una tecnología. Tots dos enfocaments no habían estat combinats abans del primer article dels quatre que composen aquesta tesi, però creixentment combinat dins la literatura científica per a múltiples propostes des de la primera publicació. Una segona aportació proporcionada per aquesta combinació és la millora de la capacitat d'accés al coneixement, i de com això suposa un avanç en l'àrea de recerca a traves de literatures no relacionades "disparate literature discovery" d'una forma metòdica i científica.
L'element comú en els articles presentats en aquesta tesi és l'aprofitament de la mineria de textos amb base en la gestió tecnològica, 'techmining', per exemple mitjançant el perfilat de tecnologies, al costat de l'enfocament de la metodologia TRIZ potenciada per l'anàlisi sintàctica i semàntica, mitjançant la conexión semántica de conceptes, per assolir un anàlisi més complet de l'evolució tecnològica, així com per a garantir un accés més racional al coneixement.
La investigació de l'aplicació de la combinació dels dos enfocaments a l'anàlisi d'informació científica i tecnològica realizat, exploren els avantatges i noves possibilitats en l'avaluació de l'avanç de tecnologies, així com la conexión de conceptes uqe representa noves possibilitats en la forma en què la investigació textual pot fer-se. L'estructura de la investigació ací presentada es mostra a través dels articles publicats i el capítol dels 'proceedings' d'un congrés internacional. Aquests articles mostren la investigació duta a terme per demostrar els beneficis esmentats.
Tot i la gran activitat de recerca i enfocaments per a la prospectiva i la previsió tecnològica existents a la literatura científica, existeix encara la necessitat d'entendre quines tecnologies poden emergir, poden evolucionar més ràpid i a quina velocitat poden arribar al mercat. La combinació dels enfocaments de mineria tecnològica o 'techmining' i TRIZ semàntic permet entendre les tendències d'una tecnologia donada, amb una visió del seu sistema, les connexions dels seus elements i les influències dels elements constituents.
Els articles presentats en aquesta tesi són aplicacions i exploracions de la combinació de la metodologia TRIZ, la seva potenciació mitjançant la semàntica i el techmining a diferents tecnologies de diversos àmbits, alguns molt dispars entre si, per tal de demostrar les seves avantatges i implicacions. Els articles tracten les diferents interaccions entre els dos enfocaments de treball, aplicats a tecnologies com bateries de liti per als vehicles elèctrics, un cas mèdic lligat a una malaltia com la síndrome de Ménière, a la prognosi del càncer de pròstata i en alimentació, a l'ús de probiòtics en l'alimentació animal com a substitució dels antibiòtics.
Aquest ampli rang de tecnologies han estat seleccionats per mostrar els avantatges de forma més objectiva, de la combinació de tots dos enfocaments o amb predominança d'algun en particular, com és el cas de l'article explorant la síndrome de Ménière. Aquestes exploracions permeten també entendre millor el punt de vista sistèmic d'una tecnologia, descobrint noves aplicacions amb base en la teoria general de sistemes de Bertalanffy així com altres treballs relacionats. / Vicente Gomila, JM. (2017). The combination of the disciplines of Techmining and semantic TRIZ for better and faster analyzing technology evolution [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/89088 / Compendio Read more
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以TRIZ探討企業轉型過程之策略研究 —以T個案公司為例 / A Study of TRIZ approach to business transformation strategies:A case study of T company周妤航 Unknown Date (has links)
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Contribution à une meilleure maîtrise des processus créatifs en co-conception : cas de l'ameublement en architecture d'intérieur / Contribution to a better control of creative contextual in terms of co-design : case of furniture in interior architectureAhmad, Wassem 08 November 2012 (has links)
Deux cents personnes participantes, issues de secteurs variés, ont composé trois champs d'expérimentations différent(e)s, afin de tester l'hypothèse de l'application des méthodes d'ingénierie dans le domaine de la conception du meuble, ainsi que dans celui de l'architecture d'intérieur. Nous avons obtenu un résultat concluant par rapport à l'analyse de la problématique, à l'utilisation de la méthode TRIZ dans le domaine de l'architecture d'intérieur, et à l'étude de la conception d'un meuble. Les étudiants sont parvenus à concevoir un espace complet doté de meubles spécifiques. La qualité des artefacts (58 artefacts), estimée par plusieurs experts, induit que la transformation des méthodes de la créativité dans le domaine de conception du meuble est une hypothèse envisageable. La dimension culturelle du projet, liée à l'application de ces méthodes en partenariat avec des étudiants étrangers de plusieurs universités du design de l'espace, est un argument décisif pour le soutien des méthodes de créativité en tant que source pédagogique et professionnelle du premier ordre / Two hundred participants from different sectors have made three different experiments (s) to test the hypothesis of applying the methods of engineering to the field of furniture design, as well as the interior design. We obtained a conclusive result from the analysis of the problem, by using the TRIZ in the field of interior design, and by studying the design of furniture. Students are able to design a complete space with specific furniture. The Quality of artifacts (58 artifacts) which are estimated by several experts have induced that the transformation of methods of creativity in the field of furniture's design is a possible hypothesis. The cultural dimension of the project, related to the application of these methods in cooperation with foreign students from several universities of space design, is a compelling argument for supporting creativity's methods as an educational and professional source of the first order Read more
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Méthode de formulation et de résolution de problèmes d’écoconception inventive : application au génie des procédés / A method for the formulation and solution of eco-innovation design problems : the application to process engineeringBarragan Ferrer, Jesús Manuel 15 July 2013 (has links)
Actuellement, l’industrie chimique est confrontée au défi de la production durable qui exige une évolution depuis la réduction de polluants pour les procédés existants vers une écologie industrielle qui permet l’équilibre entre le développement économique, sociale et environnemental. Ajouté aux exigences actuelles pesant sur la conception des procédés, la prise en compte des contraintes environnementales dès la phase amont du processus de conception. Cette exigence clé couplée aux enjeux actuels pour la conception préliminaire ont conduit à des changements par rapport à la conception classique des procédés, il y a un accent accru sur la recherche d’innovation et d’écoinnovation pour développer des nouveaux concepts, de nouvelles technologies et de nouveaux procédés. La question centrale sur la façon d’améliorer la créativité dans la phase de conception préliminaire nécessite des recherches plus poussées sur les méthodologies d’aide à la génération de solutions innovante et éco-innovante. Ainsi, dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons développé une méthodologie pour la formulation et la résolution de problèmes d’éco-innovation basée sur une approche à base de conflits. Ce cadre permet de traiter les exigences multi-objectifs et la nature combinatoire complexe de la phase de recherche de concepts de solutions. La méthodologie développée reflète la nature des problèmes à traiter avec de nombreuses contradictions (conflits) à résoudre simultanément. Dans ce contexte, les méthodes actuelles atteignent rapidement leurs limites car elles ne résolvent qu’un seul conflit à la fois. Or il devient très difficile (voire impossible) de faire émerger une contradiction unique des situations problématiques complexes telles que nous en rencontrons en génie des procédés. La méthodologie proposée pour traiter la problématique de multi-contradictions pour l’écoconception se divise en deux étapes principales. D’un part, une première cadre d’analyse pour la formulation des contradictions en s’appuyant sur une version adaptée d’OTSM-TRIZ. Il permet la représentation graphique d’un problème et intégré une méthode pour limiter la situation aux contradictions principales. D’un autre part, la résolution des contradictions principales se décompose en deux sous étapes. Dans un premier temps, la résolution individuelle de chaque contradiction au travers d’un outil alliant la simplicité conceptuelle des contradictions de TRIZ et les solutions concrètes que proposent les effets et phénomènes de la physique, chimie, biologie. Dans un deuxième temps, nous proposons un processus d’agrégation des solutions afin d’obtenir une solution finale plus intégrée. Un cas d’étude sur la réduction des polluants en sortie d’étape de gazéification de la biomasse est présenté afin d’illustrée l’approche. / In recent years, the chemical industry is facing the challenge of sustainable production in order to create a balance between the economic, social and environmental development. This shift requires an evolution from the reduction of pollutants for existing processes to industrial ecology. In the design process, this shift demands that the current requirements and the environmental constraints should be taken into account in the early stages. At these stages, however, there is an increased emphasis on innovation and eco-innovation to develop new concepts, new technologies and new processes, thereby limiting the problem-solving ability of the traditional design methodologies. Hence, there is a great necessity for new methodologies in order to develop innovative and eco-innovative solutions. Consequently, in this research, we developed a methodology for the formulation and solution of ecoinnovation problems based on a conflict approach. This framework can handle multi-objective requirements with the combinatorial complexity of the search phase of solution concepts. Thus, the methodology considers the problem of solving many contradictions (conflicts) simultaneously. In this context, current approaches quickly reach their limits because they solve one conflict at a time or it is very difficult to define only one contradiction in complex problems, such as those in process engineering. The proposed methodology for treating the problem of multi-contradictions for eco-design is divided into two main steps. On one hand, an analytical framework for the formulation of contradictions based on an adapted version of OTSM-TRIZ, which provides a graphical representation of a problem and integrated method to reduce the problem situation to the main contradictions. On the other hand, the resolution of contradictions which is itself divided into two sub-steps. At first, the resolution of each individual contradiction through a tool that combines conceptual simplicity of TRIZ contradictions and the practical solutions using the physics, chemical and biological effects and phenomena. In a second step, we propose an aggregation process solution to obtain a more integrated final solution. A case study about the reduction of pollutants at output stage gasification of biomass is presented to illustrate this approach. Read more
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Modelo de suporte ao projeto criativo em arquitetura: uma aplicação da triz - teoria da solução inventiva de problemas. / Supportive model for the creative design in architecture: an application of TRIZ - theory of inventive problem solving.Kiatake, Marly 02 July 2004 (has links)
A mudança nas relações funcionais entre os agentes da indústria da construção civil, a velocidade dos avanços tecnológicos e a intensa competitividade entre os escritórios de arquitetura evidenciam uma necessidade crescente de organização do processo de projeto, cujo aprimoramento pode ser alcançado através do uso de metodologias sistemáticas. Entretanto, a ininteligibilidade e a falta de domínio do processo criativo do arquiteto resultam, muitas vezes, em sistemas metodológicos ineficazes, devido à deficiência de ferramentas que suportem a criatividade do projetista, na fase de concepção das idéias. A Teoria da Solução Inventiva de Problemas (TRIZ) é uma metodologia que direciona o processo criativo, através da proposição de Princípios Inventivos (PIs) e identificação de padrões na evolução dos sistemas. Conceituando a contradição como um elemento chave para a criação, é baseada em pesquisas de patentes mundiais de vários campos do conhecimento. Estudos preliminares, identificando diversos princípios da TRIZ em soluções arquitetônicas existentes, incentivaram-nos à exploração da metodologia na área da arquitetura, objetivo deste trabalho. Na tentativa de uma primeira validação do modelo, realizou-se um estudo de caso no Conjunto Residencial da USP (CRUSP), no qual a teoria foi utilizada para solucionar o problema de adequação da acessibilidade dos edifícios às pessoas portadoras de deficiência física. O estudo de caso demonstrou que a TRIZ é uma alternativa metodológica para a fase inicial do processo de projeto arquitetônico, à medida em que possui ferramentas para sistematizar o conhecimento do problema, delimitar o espaço de busca por soluções e sinalizar as idéias potencialmente relevantes. / The modification in the functional relationships among the project players of the building construction industry, the speed of technological advances and the strong competitiveness among the architectural offices are indications of a growing need for organization of the design process, whose improvement has been achieved through systematic methodologies. However, the unintelligibility and lack of management of the architect's creative process result, a lot of times, in ineffective methodological systems, caused by a deficiency of tools that support the designer's creativity in the phase of conceptual design. The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) is a methodology that improves the creative process through the propositions of Inventive Principles (IPs) and identification of some patterns in the evolution of the systems. The theory considers the contradiction as the key element for innovation and it is based on researches about worldwide patents of several fields of knowledge. Preliminary studies identified several TRIZ Principles in existent architectural solutions and motivated us to the exploration of the methodology in this field, which was the goal of this work. In the attempt of a first validation of the model, a case study was accomplished in the Residential Building of Universidade de São Paulo (CRUSP), using TRIZ to solve the problem of adaptation of the buildings for accessibility by disabled people. The case study demonstrated that TRIZ is a methodological alternative for the early phases of architectural design process, because it includes tools to systematize the problem knowledge, to delimit the search space for solutions and to signal the ideas potentially relevant. Read more
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Modelo de suporte ao projeto criativo em arquitetura: uma aplicação da triz - teoria da solução inventiva de problemas. / Supportive model for the creative design in architecture: an application of TRIZ - theory of inventive problem solving.Marly Kiatake 02 July 2004 (has links)
A mudança nas relações funcionais entre os agentes da indústria da construção civil, a velocidade dos avanços tecnológicos e a intensa competitividade entre os escritórios de arquitetura evidenciam uma necessidade crescente de organização do processo de projeto, cujo aprimoramento pode ser alcançado através do uso de metodologias sistemáticas. Entretanto, a ininteligibilidade e a falta de domínio do processo criativo do arquiteto resultam, muitas vezes, em sistemas metodológicos ineficazes, devido à deficiência de ferramentas que suportem a criatividade do projetista, na fase de concepção das idéias. A Teoria da Solução Inventiva de Problemas (TRIZ) é uma metodologia que direciona o processo criativo, através da proposição de Princípios Inventivos (PIs) e identificação de padrões na evolução dos sistemas. Conceituando a contradição como um elemento chave para a criação, é baseada em pesquisas de patentes mundiais de vários campos do conhecimento. Estudos preliminares, identificando diversos princípios da TRIZ em soluções arquitetônicas existentes, incentivaram-nos à exploração da metodologia na área da arquitetura, objetivo deste trabalho. Na tentativa de uma primeira validação do modelo, realizou-se um estudo de caso no Conjunto Residencial da USP (CRUSP), no qual a teoria foi utilizada para solucionar o problema de adequação da acessibilidade dos edifícios às pessoas portadoras de deficiência física. O estudo de caso demonstrou que a TRIZ é uma alternativa metodológica para a fase inicial do processo de projeto arquitetônico, à medida em que possui ferramentas para sistematizar o conhecimento do problema, delimitar o espaço de busca por soluções e sinalizar as idéias potencialmente relevantes. / The modification in the functional relationships among the project players of the building construction industry, the speed of technological advances and the strong competitiveness among the architectural offices are indications of a growing need for organization of the design process, whose improvement has been achieved through systematic methodologies. However, the unintelligibility and lack of management of the architect's creative process result, a lot of times, in ineffective methodological systems, caused by a deficiency of tools that support the designer's creativity in the phase of conceptual design. The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) is a methodology that improves the creative process through the propositions of Inventive Principles (IPs) and identification of some patterns in the evolution of the systems. The theory considers the contradiction as the key element for innovation and it is based on researches about worldwide patents of several fields of knowledge. Preliminary studies identified several TRIZ Principles in existent architectural solutions and motivated us to the exploration of the methodology in this field, which was the goal of this work. In the attempt of a first validation of the model, a case study was accomplished in the Residential Building of Universidade de São Paulo (CRUSP), using TRIZ to solve the problem of adaptation of the buildings for accessibility by disabled people. The case study demonstrated that TRIZ is a methodological alternative for the early phases of architectural design process, because it includes tools to systematize the problem knowledge, to delimit the search space for solutions and to signal the ideas potentially relevant. Read more
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Optimisation des performances d’innovation : Une approche combinant inventivité technique et recherche du succès commercial. / Innovation performance optimization : an approach combining technical inventiveness and research of market success.Trela, Marc 22 July 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse en convention CIFRE entre le LCPI et la société ELM Leblanc (filiale du groupe Bosch en France) s'intitule : « Optimisation des performances d'innovation : Une approche combinant inventivité technique et recherche du succès commercial ».Le travail de recherche effectué porte, d'une part, sur l'analyse des composantes de l'innovation et plus précisément sur l'évaluation de la capacité d'innovation d'une entreprise et, d'autre part, sur la recherche de méthodologies susceptibles de développer cette capacité.Deux pistes, identifiées comme complémentaires, sont retenues et leur impact escompté sur la capacité d'innovation est modélisé dans le cadre d'hypothèses. Il s'agit de la TRIZ et de la Stratégie Océan Bleu. Leur potentiel est ensuite éprouvé dans le cadre d'expérimentations en milieu industriel : la création d'une gamme d'appareil de chauffage hybrides de nouvelle génération. / This industrial PhD Thesis realized in common with LCPI and ELM Leblanc (Bosch group) is entitled: "Optimization of innovation performances: An approach combining technical creativity and research of commercial success".The research work focuses, on the one hand, on the analysis of the characteristics of innovation and more precisely on the assessment of company innovation capacity and, on the other hand, on the inventory of methodolgies which are likely to develop this capacity.Two solutions, identified as complementary, are identified and their assumed impact on innovation capacity is described in the framework of hypothesis. These solutions are TRIZ and Blue Ocean Strategy. Their potential is then tested within experiments in an industrial case: the development of a new generation of hybrid heating appliances. Read more
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Processus et méthodes pour la résolution de problèmes interdisciplinaires et pour l'intégration de technologies dans des Domaines fortement Basés sur la Connaissance / Processes and Methods for Interdisciplinary Problem Solving and Technology Integration in Knowledge-intensive DomainsSchofer, Malte 10 April 2015 (has links)
Les principaux enjeux technico-scientifiques du 21ème siècle sont caractérisés par une interdisciplinarité et une convergence des technologies de plus en plus importantes. L'évolution des produits et services basés sur la bio- et la nanotechnologie sont parmi les exemples les plus connus. Il manque cependant des processus et des méthodes permettant d'organiser et de structurer la résolution de problème dans des environnements interdisciplinaires – ce terme faisant ici référence à la collaboration entre ingénieurs et chercheurs scientifiques.Ainsi, la question de recherche de ce travail de doctorat est la suivante :Comment soutenir et faciliter la résolution créative de problème interdisciplinaire et l'intégration des technologies dans des domaines basés sur la connaissance ?Pour répondre à cette question, trois hypothèses ont été formulées :La première hypothèse suggère que la composition d'un groupe en terme de disciplines (groupe multi- ou monodisciplinaire) a un impact sur le processus de résolution de problème en groupe ainsi que sur les résultats de ce processus.La deuxième hypothèse suggère un impact du support méthodologique sur le processus de résolution de problème en groupe ainsi que sur les résultats de ce processus.La troisième hypothèse suggère quant à elle que les concepts et notions clés des méthodes analytiques comme TRIZ et USIT peuvent être utilisés dans un processus d'intégration de technologie et peuvent soutenir ce processus.Les deux premières hypothèses ont été testées et validées par une expérimentation dans laquelle des groupes mono- et multidisciplinaires devaient générer des solutions pour un problème complexe en utilisant des méthodes intuitives ou analytiques. Alors que la composition de groupe impacte principalement les aspects quantitatifs et qualitatifs des solutions proposées, le support méthodologique influence quant à lui le processus de résolution de problème ainsi que les aspects qualitatifs des solutions. Plus important, l'impact des méthodes semble être dépendant de la composition des groupes.Pour tester la troisième hypothèse, les résultats de la première expérimentation ont été utilisés pour générer un modèle permettant de structurer la recherche et l'intégration d'une ou plusieurs technologies dans le cadre du développement de nouveaux produits. Ce modèle, qui intègre des méthodes et outils provenant de différentes méthodologies, a été testé par des ingénieurs lors d'une étude de cas industrielle dans le secteur des roulements à bille. L'évaluation du modèle montre qu'il semble faciliter le transfert de connaissance et améliorer la créativité des concepts développés comparé aux approches déjà existantes. En ce qui concerne l'effort nécessaire pour l'apprentissage et la mise en œuvre du modèle développé, les performances sont comparables à celles obtenues avec les méthodes préexistantes.Les résultats de ce travail sont particulièrement intéressants pour les équipes de la R et D et leur management dans les secteurs de la haute technologie ainsi que dans des domaines à l'interface entre l'ingénierie et les sciences naturelles. Le modèle développé est actuellement appliqué dans une démarche d'open innovation dans le secteur de la pharmacologie. / Most of the major technological challenges of the 21st century like e.g., reduction of greenhouse gas emission and sustainable energy supply, but also the bio- and nano-technological revolutions require intensified collaboration between different disciplines of engineering design as well as of natural science.The present Ph.D. research tries to provide some insight into the questions of• How to provide methodological support for creative problem solving in interdisciplinary groups composed of engineers and natural scientists?• How to support the process of the integration of a technology originating from a knowledge-intensive domain in order to solve a given design problem?The literature analyzed relevant aspects on several systemic levels (global, institutional, team-, individual and problem- perspective).The review allowed highlighting problems related to both, the activity as such as well as to the methods which seem a priori appropriate to support it. In this regard, incoherent interpretive schemes and majority influence are examples for the former and performance drawbacks as well as learning difficulties associated to hierarchical methodologies are instances of the latter.Based on the results of the literature review, two experiments were conducted.The first experiment inquired into the impact of disciplinary group composition (H1) as well as of the applied methodology (H2) on the creative group problem solving process and its outcomes.In a laboratory experiment 60 participants, 45 with a life science background and 15 with a mechanical engineering background were trained either in instances of intuitive approaches (Brainstorming, Mind Mapping) or in analytical, hierarchical methodology (TRIZ/USIT). Then, they had to solve an ill-defined medical problem in either mono- or multidisciplinary teams. The creative process as well as the output was documented using questionnaires and documentation sheets. Further the output was evaluated quantitatively by two domain experts before it was categorized qualitatively.Statistical analyses (ANOVA, Correlation parameters and Attraction rates), to a certain extent, support H1 and H2. More importantly however, the experiment shows differences related to method performance in general and as a function of disciplinary group composition in particular.The second experiment investigated whether concepts of TRIZ and its derivatives ((A/U)SIT) are appropriate to provide support for the process of technology integration before the background of an industrial NCD/NPPD process (H3).In order to test this hypothesis a model was developed which allows the identification and resolution of problems which typically appear during the integration of a specific technology into a given application. The model incorporates two of the most important concepts of TRIZ, and is sought to facilitate creative problem solving attempts in both, mono- and multidisciplinary teams.The said model was tested during an industrial NCD study in the roller bearing industry. After the case study, the participating engineers were asked to compare the applied model and the associated technology integration process with existing approaches used in the company.The results of the experiment point to superior performance of the presented model in terms of knowledge transfer-related and idea quality-related criteria. However, required resources for process conduction and necessary effort for the learning of the approach were considered comparable to existing approaches.The present Ph.D. work contributes to the understanding of creative problem solving in interdisciplinary groups in general and related to technology integration in particular. Especially the comparison of more pragmatic intuitive methods with more hierarchical analytical approaches depending on disciplinary group composition provided relevant insight for R&D processes. Read more
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