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GMO-lagstiftningen i Sverige och EU : Frihandelns regler vs. miljö- och hälsoskyddJönsson, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna rapport har varit att beskriva och undersöka GMO-lagstiftningen i EU och Sverige och hur denna påverkas av gällande frihandelsavtal samt kan komma att påverkas av frihandelsavtalet TTIP, mellan EU och USA. Frågan är huruvida det föreligger en risk att TTIP-avtalet, om det träder i kraft, kan leda till att mer GMO-produkter hamnar på EU:s marknad samt att den strikta lagstiftning som råder påverkas. Den rättsdogmatiska metoden har använts och material har därmed införskaffats från källor såsom doktrin, förarbeten och lagtexter. I de fall där dessa källor inte räckt till, har information hämtats från relevanta myndigheters hemsidor och nyhetsuppdateringar. Trots att EU framhållit att avtalet inte kommer att påverka EU:s syn på hälso- och miljöskyddsfrågor så råder ännu en skepticism bland konsumenter, jordbrukare och miljöorganisationer. Dessa pekar på att det ännu råder stora oklarheter kring avtalets utformning och att det kan finnas en dold agenda. Den nya politiska uppkomna situationen, med Donald Trump som USA:s nye president kan även komma att påverka utgången av TTIP. Kanske blir det inte något avtal alls alternativt att avtalet kommer modifieras om ordentligt.
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Neuaufteilung der Welt? : zum transatlantischen Freihandelsabkommen TTIPScholz, Helmut January 2014 (has links)
Derzeit wird unser Planet von einem Netz neuer bilateraler Handelsverträge umspannt. Treibende Kräfte sind die alten Wirtschaftsmächte EU und USA. Aber auch neue Akteure in der Weltwirtschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts wie China oder Indien sind dabei. Solche Abkommen üben hohen Druck auf konkurrierende Ökonomien in den jeweiligen Regionen aus. So verschafften die Abkommen EU-Korea und Korea-USA den südkoreanischen Elektronik- und Automobilherstellern einen so großen Kostenvorteil, dass die japanische Regierung an den Verhandlungstisch mit der EU (bilateral) und mit den USA (plurilateral im Pazifikabkommen TPP) gezwungen wurde.
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Pravomoc Evropské unie regulovat GMO / Competence of the European Union to Regulate GMOsVyletová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to legal regulation of genetically modified food and feed in the European Union. It tries to answer the question: whether and how to regulate use of GMO and the future of the regulation. Considerations are supplemented by European jurisprudence. The work also provides dispute between the European Union and the World Trade Organization concerning the adjustment of the use of genetically modified organisms. Based on available information, thesis leads to inviolable of the protection of the European consumers after the effectiveness of the Transatlantic trade and investment partnership between the European Union and the United States.
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EU, USA och expropriation - ett oklart läge! / EU, USA and expropriation - an unclear situation.Bröddén, Erik January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Návrh Evropské komise ve věci reformy mechanismu řešení investičních sporů: komparativní analýza / European Commission's Reform Proposal Concerning The Investment Dispute Settlement Mechanism: Comparative AnalysisMunzar, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
European Commission's Reform Proposal Concerning The Investment Dispute Settlement Mechanism: Comparative Analysis In November 2015, during negotiations with the USA about the investment chapter of TTIP, the European Commission presented US delegates with a text which significantly differs from the traditional model of ISDS. Commission's reform proposal is a reaction to the current criticism directed towards the legitimacy of investment arbitration and to the demands for its thorough reform or even removal from the TTIP draft text. The Commission introduced the proposal after the public consultation opened in connection with the criticism of ISDS attracted significant public interest. This thesis aims to analyze the Commission's proposal and determine whether the Commission has introduced a sound proposal which would be capable of replacing the traditional concept of ISDS. The thesis further examines whether there are smaller or larger differences between the Commission's proposal and traditional ISDS and whether the Commission could have taken a different approach to some issues. After the first chapter dedicated to the criticism of investment arbitration and the results of the public consultation, the thesis analyses the Commission's proposal. Most attention is given to its procedural aspects,...
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O impacto da parceria transatlântica de comércio e investimento (TTIP) nas macrorregiões brasileiras / The impact of transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP) on brazilian macro-regionsSilva, Mygre Lopes da 05 February 2016 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul / The intensification of commercial relations between the United States and the European Union started in the 1990s, in the post-Cold War period. In this context, discussions emerged regarding a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). After the weakening of both economies, given by China's economic rise and the Subprime crisis, their relations were narrowed with the objective to form a free trade area. Thus, the aim of this study is to assess the impact of the creation of a free trade area between the United States and the European Union (EU), the TTIP, in the Brazilian economy, more specifically in the five Brazilian macro-regions. To accomplish this, the General Equilibrium model (GTAPinGAMS) was used, from the database of the General Equilibrium Analysis Project of the Brazilian Economy (PAEG). In this sense, two scenarios were estimated, being the first with the elimination of import tariffs between the EU and US, and the second with the full liberalization of trade. In the first scenario, the economic impacts in the Brazilian regions were mostly negative, affecting mainly the sectors of clothing, footwear and the textile industry. In the second scenario, the Brazilian agricultural producer and exporter sector were positively influenced. However, the clothing, footwear and the manufactured sector suffered the major efficiency losses. / A intensificação das relações entre Estados Unidos e União Europeia ocorreu a partir da década de 1990, no período pós Guerra Fria. A partir desse contexto, deram-se as discussões a respeito da Parceria Transatlântica de Comércio e Investimento (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) (TTIP). Após o enfraquecimento de ambas as economias, por meio da ascensão econômica chinesa e da crise do Subprime, suas relações estreitaram-se, buscando, então, a formação de uma área de livre comércio. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é verificar o impacto da criação de uma área de livre comércio entre Estados Unidos (EUA) e União Europeia (UE), TTIP, na economia brasileira, mais especificamente nas cinco macrorregiões. Para tal, utilizou-se o Modelo de Equilíbrio Geral (GTAPinGAMS), a partir da base de dados do Projeto de Análise de Equilíbrio Geral da Economia Brasileira (PAEG). Nesse sentido, estimaram-se dois cenários, o primeiro com a eliminação das tarifas de importação entre UE e EUA, e o segundo com a liberalização total de comércio. No primeiro cenário, os impactos econômicos nas regiões brasileiras foram, na sua maioria, negativos, prejudicando principalmente os setores de vestuário, calçados e indústria têxtil. No segundo cenário, o setor agrícola brasileiro, produtor e exportador, é positivamente influenciado. Contudo, o setor de vestuário e calçados e manufaturados foi o que obteve maiores perdas de eficiência.
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The Europeanisation of public spheres and the value-based politicisation of TTIP in Spain, France and the UK: From Permissive Consensus to Empowering DissensusOleart, Alvaro 30 April 2019 (has links) (PDF)
The negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) triggered an unprecedented level of protests in the European Union (EU) in several member states. However, it was unclear whether the contestation of TTIP led to the Europeanisation of the national public spheres (Risse, 2010), given the general national fragmentation of the political debate in Europe (Koopmans and Statham, 2010a). This thesis analyses the debate and politicisation of TTIP in the Spanish, French and British media, and aims to answer two research questions. First, how and to what extent were national media discourses about TTIP Europeanised? Second, how does this type of Europeanisation of public spheres contribute to the democratic legitimacy of the EU? In order to answer the two research questions, an interdisciplinary theoretical framework has been put forward. Departing from the literature on the European public sphere (Koopmans & Erbe, 2004; Fossum & Schlesinger, 2007; Eriksen, 2005; Trenz, 2009) and the importance of analysing the Europeanisation of public spheres at the national level (Risse, 2010), the thesis argues that the literature often overlooks the role of conflict in the understanding of the public sphere. The gap in the literature has been addressed through a hybrid conceptualisation of the public sphere, combining a typically Habermasian deliberative approach with Chantal Mouffe’s ‘agonistics’. Empirically, the thesis undertakes a framing analysis of two different data sets through both qualitative and quantitative methods. The first data set is composed of press releases of a diverse group of EU-level political actors, in order to see what is the preferred framing of TTIP by different actors. The second is composed of the written articles dedicated to the TTIP negotiations in nine national news outlets (three from each selected country) in France, Spain and the UK, from the public announcement of the negotiations (February 2013) until the negotiations were officially frozen (November 2016). The actors’ discourse has been developed as a frame-mapping exercise undertaken inductively, identifying how different actors made sense of TTIP and put forward a number of competing frames. The findings of the empirical analysis of actors’ press releases indicate the attempt to strategically politicise or depoliticise the discussions around the TTIP negotiations, framed through different values by the different actors. These frames have been situated in categories, depending on whether they depoliticise TTIP, they challenge it in an agonistic or antagonistic way, or they focus on the negotiations as a process. The framing analysis of the media content on TTIP in the Spanish, French and British public spheres has revealed two separate chronological periods in the TTIP debate based on the presence of frames, measured through a framing ratio. The first period represents the traditional ‘permissive consensus’, while the second illustrates the agonistic politicisation of TTIP. Each national public sphere developed its own dynamics, which shows the importance that the national context has when discussing TTIP and Europe (Diez Medrano, 2003). However, while the Spanish, French and British public spheres have slightly different chronologies in their transitions from the first to the second period, there is a transnational coherence in terms of the frames of reference across the three countries. The findings of the media content analysis, particularly during the second period of the TTIP debate in the three countries, support the argument that there has been a Europeanisation of national public spheres that has happened in combination with a value-based and agonistic (Mouffe, 2013) politicisation. Rather than opposing the EU as a polity, the agonistic politicisation that has taken place in the case of TTIP has legitimised the EU by opening a space for the contestation of the negotiations, while accepting the EU as a political arena. The thesis argues that this agonistic Europeanisation of the national public spheres can lead towards an ‘empowering dissensus’ for European integration. The combination of agonistic politicisation and Europeanisation of public spheres is a process that matches ‘policy with politics’ at the EU level and normalises the EU as a polity by channeling conflict as politics in the Union rather than politics of the Union. / Doctorat en Information et communication / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Study of Impacts on Waste Activity in the Bioreactor and on Water Quality in the River and Ocean Environment with Effluents Discharges from Tainan Technology Industrial ParkYang, Cheng-Chen 26 July 2002 (has links)
This study aimed to investigate the activity change of the sludge in a bioreactor after the addition of industrial wastewater and the influence on water quality of nearby waterway after the entrance of the treated effluent. Furthermore, with respect to the industrial effluent¡¦s direct discharge to the near sea, the investigation of water quality was also undertaken to set up the database of water quality for the related receiving waters and further to provide information useful for the future monitoring and assessing the possible water pollution caused by the Tainan Technology Industrial Park (TTIP). At this present study, the TTIP, which was not at the stage of formal operation, was selected as the research object to investigate the possible adverse effects of the effluent from Hi-tech industries on the environment. In the first part of this study, several techniques for sludge diagnosis were used to evaluate the activity of sludge in various types of wastewaters in order to choose appropriate biological indices to represent the performance of a bioreactor. The results showed that dissolved oxygen was proportional to DHA concentration and number of bacteria. In addition, that both suspended solids (SS) and volatile suspended solids (VSS) had poor correlation with dissolved oxygen led to their failure to be the biological indices. In the second part of this study, the influence on the water quality after the treated wastewater discharged into the nearby receiving waters was investigated. The results of field investigation showed that the effluent did not cause significant negative effects on the receiving waters but positive effects instead due to its lowering the concentrations of water pollutants. Summarily, the effluent emitted from the TTIP had no significant impact on the nearby receiving waters by now. However, in the future, when most of the factories in the park begin to produce products, further studies are required to make sure whether the effluent will cause adverse impact on the nearby water environments.
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Transatlantická dohoda o obchodu a investicích (TTIP) - proces vyjednávání a schvalování v EU / The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) - The process of negotiation and approval in the EUNOVÁKOVÁ, Petra January 2016 (has links)
Master´s thesis describes types of the international contracts of EU and its process of negotiation and approval in the EU and in The Czech republic. As an example was chosen The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
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The Impact of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership on the US and EU economies / Dopady Transatlantického obchodního a investiční partnerství na Evropu a Spojené státy americkéHoffmann, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on the Transtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and its possible impact on the EU and the US. The aim is to examine the economic and geopolitical implications that could come out of this deal. Closer look on this issue should bring a complex overview on the most discussed trade agreement in international relationship in the 21st century. Comparative approach will be used for detail analysis. Thesis deals with the comparison with current state of bilateral trade between EU and US. In more details TTIP negotiations are being described in this thesis as well its basic concept, advantages and disadvantages for both parties and impacts on Europe and US markets.
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