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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of Flow and Heat Transfer in the U.S. EPR Heavy Reflector

Takamuku, Kohei 31 January 2009 (has links)
The U.S. Evolutionary Power Reactor (EPR) is a new, large-scale pressurized water reactor made by AREVA NP Inc. Surrounding the core of this reactor is a steel wall structure sitting inside called the heavy reflector. The purpose of the heavy reflector is to reduce the neutron flux escaping the core and thus increase the efficiency of the reactor while reducing the damage to the structures surrounding the core as well. The heavy reflector is heated due to absorption of the gamma radiation, and this heat is removed by the water flowing through 832 cooling channels drilled through the heavy reflector. In this project, the temperature distribution in the heavy reflector was investigated to ascertain that the maximum temperature does not exceed the allowable temperature of 350 C, with the intent of modifying the flow distribution in the cooling channels to alleviate any hot spots. The analysis was conducted in two steps. First, the flow distribution in the cooling channels was calculated to test for any maldistribution. The temperature distribution in the heavy reflector was then calculated by simulating the conjugate heat transfer with this flow distribution as the coolant input. The turbulent nature of the flow through the cooling channels made the calculation of the flow distribution computationally expensive. In order to resolve this problem, a simplification method using the "equivalent flow resistance" was developed. The method was validated by conducting a few case studies. Using the simplified model, the flow distribution was calculated and was found to be fairly uniform. The conjugate heat transfer calculation was conducted. The same simplification method used in the flow distribution analysis could not be applied to this calculation; therefore, the computational cost of this model was reduced by lowering the grid density in the fluid region. The results showed that the maximum temperature in the heavy reflector is 347.7 C, which is below the maximum allowable temperature of 350 C. Additional studies were conducted to test the sensitivity of the maximum temperature with change in the flow distribution in the cooling channels. Through multiple calculations, the maximum temperature did not drop more than 3 C; therefore, it was concluded that the flow distribution in the cooling channels does not have significant effect on the maximum temperature in the heavy reflector. / Master of Science

High Resolution Measurements of the Mean Three-dimensional Flow Field in a Natural River

Petrie, John E. 12 June 2013 (has links)
The flow velocity in a river is three-dimensional (3D), turbulent, and varies in time and space. Capturing this variability in field measurements to support studies of river processes has proven particularly challenging. While originally developed to measure discharge, boat-mounted acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP) are increasingly used in field studies to quantify flow features including mean velocity, boundary shear stress, and sediment motion. Two survey procedures are typically employed with an ADCP. Moving-vessel (MV) measurements provide spatially-rich velocity data while temporally-rich data are obtained with fixed-vessel (FV) procedures. Given the relative ease of MV measurements, recent work has focused on developing MV procedures that produce comparable results to FV measurements. At the present, results of this work are inconclusive. Additionally, there is a lack of reported data and procedures for FV measurements. This work seeks to develop techniques to present 3D velocity data obtained in natural rivers in a unified framework. This framework is based on a stream-fitted coordinate system defined by the flow direction at a cross section and allows for 3D velocity to be decomposed into streamwise, spanwise, and vertical components. Procedures are developed to assure that the velocity profiles measured at fixed locations are (1) not negatively impacted by the inevitable motion of the ADCP, (2) statistically stationary, and (3) of sufficient record length to determine the mean velocity. The coordinate system allows time-averaged velocity from FV procedures to be compared with spatially-averaged velocity from MV vessels. Significant differences are found between the two survey procedures, particularly for secondary velocity components. Ultimately, integrating results of the two survey procedures leads to an improved representation of the mean flow field. The techniques are applied to data obtained on a study reach on the lower Roanoke River, located in eastern North Carolina. / Ph. D.

Índice geométrico na determinação da perda de carga localizada em conexão de emissores sobre tubos de polietileno de pequenos diâmetros / Geometrical Index in the determination of head losses located in connection of emitters on polyethylene pipes of small diameters

Cardoso, Gabriel Greco de Guimarães 01 August 2007 (has links)
O procedimento de dimensionamento de uma linha lateral de microirrigação necessita avaliar com precisão as perdas de carga distribuídas na tubulação e as perdas de carga localizadas nas inserções dos emissores com os tubos. Estas perdas localizadas podem ser significativas quando comparadas com as perdas de carga totais, devido ao grande número de emissores instalados ao longo da linha lateral. Este trabalho reporta os resultados de um experimento sobre perda de carga distribuída, fator de atrito e perda de carga localizada em conexões de emissores &#34;on-line&#34; em tubos de polietileno de pequeno diâmetro. Foram utilizados cinco tubos com diâmetros internos de 10,0 mm, 13,0 mm, 16,3 mm, 17,4 mm e 19,7 mm. O experimento foi conduzido para números de Reynolds no intervalo de 5000 a 68000, obtidos pela variação da vazão nos tubos, a uma temperatura média da água de 20 &#177; 2 &#176;C. Os resultados foram analisados e concluiu-se que o fator de atrito f da equação de Darcy-Weisbach pode ser estimado com c = 0,300 e m = 0,25. A equação de Blasius com c = 0,316 e m = 0,25 mostrou-se conservadora na estimativa do fator de atrito, porém esse fato não constitui limitação para sua utilização em projetos de microirrigação. As análises mostraram que as duas equações proporcionam estimativas de f com pequeno desvio médio (5,1%). Para um dado conjunto tubo-conexão o coeficiente de carga cinética (KL) foi praticamente independente do número de Reynolds, para R>20000, sugerindo que cada conjunto tubo-conexão pode ser caracterizado por um valor médio de KL. Para desenvolver um procedimento de estimativa de KL, a geometria da conexão entre o emissor e o tubo foi caracterizada por um índice de obstrução IO, que depende da razão (r) entre a área da seção transversal do tubo, onde o conector está localizado, e a área da seção transversal do tubo fora do conector. Uma função potência foi ajustada aos pares experimentais (IO, KL). A seleção do modelo é consistente com o fenômeno físico uma vez que KL = 0 para r = 1 (nenhuma obstrução dentro do tubo). Para 5000<R68000 a relação foi KL = 1,23 (IO)0,51 com R2 = 0,9556 e erro padrão do ajuste igual a 0,04245. As diferenças entre os valores de KL estimados e observados são normalmente distribuídas. / Microirrigation lateral design procedure needs to accuratel evaluation of both the pipe head losses and the local losses that are due to the protrusion of emitter barbs into the flow. These local losses, in fact (in relation to the high number of emitters located along the line) can become significant compared to the overall energy loss. On this paper, the results of an experimental study on the pipe head losses, friction factor and head local losses for small-diameters polyethylene pipes are reported. The experiment was carried out using a range of Reynolds number between 5000 to 68000, obtained by varying discharge at 20 &#177; 2 &#176;C water temperature, with a internal diameter pipes of 10,0 mm, 13,0 mm, 16,3 mm, 17,4 mm and 19,7 mm. According to the results analysis and experimental conditions the friction factor (f) of the Darcy-Weisbach equation can be estimated with c = 0,300 and m = 0,25. The Blasius equation (c = 0,316 and m = 0,25) gives a conservative estimative of f, although this fact is non restrictive for microirrigationsystem design. The analysis shows that both the Blasius and the adjusted equation parameters allow accurate friction factor estimate, characterized by low mean error (5,1%). For a given pipeconnection system, the fraction KL of kinetic head was practically independent of the Reynolds number, for R>20000, which suggested that each system can be characterized by the mean value of KL. To derive an estimating procedure of KL, the geometry of the connection between the emitter and the pipe was characterized by the obstruction index IO, which is dependent on the ratio (r) between the pipe cross-section area corresponding to the section in which the emitter is located, and the pipe cross-section area. A power relationship was then fitted to the experimental IO, KL data pairs. The selection form of thr relationship is consistent with the physical phenomenon since it estimates KL = 0 for r = 1 (no obstruction into the pipe). For 5000<R<68000 the relationship was KL = 1,23 (IO)0,51 with R2 = 0,9556 and standard fit error equal to 0,04245. The differences between KL observed values and the calculated ones are normally distributed.

Processo de obstrução causado por partículas de argila em suspensão / Clogging processes caused by suspended clay particles

Oliveira, Fabrício Correia de 14 June 2017 (has links)
No labirinto dos gotejadores ocorrem diferentes interações entre as partículas de argila e as características do escoamento, sendo que essas interações interferem no potencial de obstrução dos mesmos. Considerando que os principais fatores que interferem no processo de obstrução causado por partículas de argila estão relacionados à natureza das argilas, ao regime de escoamento, à força iônica e ao pH da solução, e à concentração de partículas em suspensão. Esta pesquisa apresentou como objetivo identificar como esses fatores podem influenciar o desempenho dos gotejadores. Além disso, visando a caracterização do processo de obstrução causado por partículas desta natureza, buscou-se: relacionar o potencial de agregação das partículas com o desempenho dos gotejadores; e, analisar o comportamento da deposição de partículas no interior dos labirintos dos gotejadores. Para isso, além da realização dos ensaios em bancada utilizando diferentes dispersões de argila, foram realizadas análises sobre o potencial de agregação das partículas, e, utilizando um dispositivo milifluidico, foi realizada uma análise de deposição de partículas. Durante a pesquisa foram utilizados dois tipos de argilas, caulinita e montmorilonita. A força iônica da solução e a natureza dos materiais de argila apresentaram efeito sobre o desempenho dos gotejadores, enquanto que a caulinita em solução salina de sódio proporcionou incremento máximo de vazão de 5%, a montmorilonita causou redução máxima de vazão de 15%. No geral, as partículas de argila começaram a causar redução de vazão significativas com concentrações iguais ou superiores a 1000 mg L-1. Observou-se que as partículas de argila estão sujeitas ao fenômeno de autolimpeza que ocorre no interior dos labirintos após o acionamento do sistema. Não foi possível encontrar uma relação entre o potencial de agregação das partículas de argila e o desempenho dos gotejadores. Possivelmente, o índice de agregação utilizado pela teoria DLVO clássica não seja o mais adequado para obter esta relação. Em relação a deposição de partículas, as regiões que apresentaram maiores deposições de partículas coincidem com aquelas que apresentam menores valores de intensidade de turbulência e energia cinética turbulenta. A deposição de partícula ocorre principalmente nas regiões de vórtices e estagnação, localizadas nos dois primeiros defletores dos labirintos. Não foi observado acúmulo de partículas na região do fluxo principal. Por isso, sugere-se que partículas de argila, como agente isolado de obstrução, não apresentam potencial para causar obstrução completa dos gotejadores. / In the drippers labyrinth different interactions occur between the clay particles and the flow characteristics, and these interactions interfere in the clogging potential of the particles. Considering the main factors that affect the process of clogging caused by clay particles are related to the type of the clays, the flow regime, the ionic strength and pH of the solution, and the concentration of suspended particles. This research aims to identify how these factors can influence the performance of drippers. In addition, aiming to characterize the clogging process caused by particles of clay, it was sought to relate the potential of particles aggregation with the performance of drippers; and, to analyze the behavior of particles deposition inside the labyrinths of drippers. For this, in addition to performing bench tests using different clay dispersions, analyzes were carried out on the particle aggregation potential, and a particle deposition analysis was performed using a microfluidic device. During the research two types of clays were used, kaolinite and montmorillonite. The ionic strength of the solution and the type of the clay materials had an effect on the drippers performance. Whereas the kaolinite in sodium saline provided a maximum flow rate increase of 5%, the montmorillonite caused a maximum flow rate reduction of 15%. In general, clay particles began to cause significant flow rate reduction with concentrations equal to or greater than 1000 mg L-1. It was observed that clay particles are subject to the phenomenon of self-cleaning which occurs inside the labyrinths after turn on the system. It was not possible to find a relation between the potential of clay particles aggregation and the drippers performance. Possibly, the aggregation index used by the classical DLVO theory is not the most adequate to obtain this relation. In relation to the particles deposition, the regions of greatest deposition coincide with those that present lower values of turbulence intensity and turbulent kinetic energy. Particles deposition occurs mainly in the vortex and stagnation regions, located in the first two baffles of the labyrinths. In addition, no particle accumulation occurs in the main stream region, it suggested that clay particles, as an isolated clogging agent, do not have the potential to cause total clogging of drippers.

Estiramento ou fluxo turbilhonar e baixa tensão de cisalhamento influem diferentemente no remodelamento aórtico em ratos / Stretch or turbulent flow and low wall shear stress differentially affect aorta remodeling in rats.

Prado, Cibele Maria 29 September 2006 (has links)
O presente estudo foi realizado para investigar a relação entre forças hemodinâmicas locais e remodelamento intimal e medial nos segmentos pré-estenose e pós-estenose da parede da aorta abdominal de ratos submetidos à estenose acentuada. Foram utilizados ratos Wistar machos divididos em dois grupos: sham-operado, grupo controle em que a aorta foi apenas manipulada, e grupo estenosado, animais submetidos à cirurgia de estenose da aorta abdominal. As aortas demonstraram duas respostas remodeladoras distintas e diferentes ao estímulo hemodinâmico induzido pela coarctação infra-diafragmática. A primeira é o remodelamento no segmento pré-estenótico hipertensivo com tensão circunferencial da parede aumentada associada com estresse tensional normal, fluxo laminar e tensão de cisalhamento normal. As células endoteliais eram heterogêneas, aumentadas em tamanho e alongadas em direção ao fluxo. Além disso, observou-se conspícuas placas neointimais difusamente distribuídas e espessamento medial. Nossos achados sugerem que a tensão circunferencial da parede aumentada devido a hipertensão tem papel fundamental no remodelamento desse segmento através de efeitos biomecânicos sobre o estresse oxidativo e expressão aumentada de TGF-?. A segunda é o remodelamento no segmento pós-estenótico normotenso com fluxo turbilhonar e baixa tensão de cisalhamento na parede associados a tensão circunferencial da parede e estresse tensional normais. As células endoteliais apresentavam-se semelhantes aos controles, exceto por alterações fenotípicas focais associadas à presença de conspícuas placas neointimais focalmente distribuídas, similares mas muito maiores que as encontradas no segmento pré-estenose. Mais estudos são necessários para se determinar como as forças mecânicas do fluxo turbilhonar e da baixa tensão de cisalhamento na parede são detectadas e traduzidas em sinais bioquímicos para as células e convertidas em alterações fenotípicas patofisiologicamente relevantes. / The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the relationship between local hemodynamic forces and intimal and medial remodeling in the proximal and distal segments of the arterial walls of rats in relation to severe stenosis of the aorta. Male Wistar young rats were divided randomly into: operated group, animals submitted to surgical abdominal aorta stenosis, and sham-operated group, a control group of animals submitted to sham operation to simulate abdominal aorta stenosis. Constricted aortas showed two distinct adaptive remodeling responses to hemodynamic stimuli induced by coarctation. The first is remodeling in the hypertensive prestenotic segment with increased circumferential wall tension associated with normal tensile stress, laminar flow/normal wall shear stress. The remodeling in this segment is characterized by enlarged heterogeneous endothelial cells, elongated in the direction of the blood flow, diffusely distributed neointimal plaques, appearing as discrete bulging toward the vascular lumen, and medial thickening. Our findings suggest that increased circumferential wall tension due to hypertension play a pivotal role in the remodeling of the prestenotic segment through biomechanical effects on oxidative stress and increased TGF-? expression. The second is remodeling in the normotensive poststenotic segment with turbulent flow/low wall shear stress and normal circumferential wall tension and tensile stress. The remodeling in this segment is characterized by groups of endothelial cells with phenotypic alterations and focally distributed neointimal plaques, similar but many of them larger than those found in the prestenotic segments. Further studies are needed to determine how the mechanical forces of turbulent flow/low shear stress are detected and transduced into biochemical signaling by the cells of the artery walls and then converted into pathophysiologic relevant phenotypic changes.

Caracterização do escoamento sobre vertedouros em degraus via CFD / The stepped spillways flow characterization using a CFD tools

Arantes, Eudes José 20 April 2007 (has links)
Estudos do escoamento em vertedouros em degraus foram realizados experimentalmente por diversos autores, mas a utilização de ferramentas de computação numérica para a simulação destes casos ainda é muito escassa. Neste trabalho realizou-se um estudo da simulação numérica do escoamento sobre vertedores em degraus, utilizando-se um programa de fluidodinâmica computacional (CFD). As configurações geométricas e hidráulicas de alguns autores da literatura foram reproduzidas através das simulações em CFD. Com as simulações testaram-se as equações propostas experimentalmente ou compararam-se diretamente os resultados experimentais com os numéricos. As características dos escoamentos nos vertedouros em degraus que foram analisadas e comparadas são as seguintes: perda ou dissipação de energia, distribuição da velocidade, distribuição da concentração de ar, perfis de pressão do degrau, um estudo da resistência de atrito e um estudo da cavitação. Foram obtidas boas comparações entre os resultados experimentais e numéricos, desta forma, todas estas análises serviram, tanto para validar a utilização das ferramentas de fluidodinâmica computacional, como para caracterizar os escoamentos para uma possível proposta de melhora no desempenho desta estrutura hidráulica. Conhecendo-se o problema da cavitação, buscou-se uma solução para minimizar a ocorrência deste fenômeno no escoamento em vertedouro em degraus. Assim, foi realizado um estudo do escoamento em um aerador de fundo. Neste estudo do aerador de fundo foram caracterizados numericamente os perfis de concentração de ar, os perfis de pressão sob o salto do aerador, os perfis de velocidade e ainda foi realizado um estudo da vazão de ar que alimenta a aeração sob o jato do aerador. Após este estudo do aerador de fundo, uma nova de configuração geométrica foi proposta para o vertedouro em degrau, com a construção de um aerador de fundo no início do escoamento de forma a minimizar o risco de cavitação ou ainda aumentar as vazões máximas de serviço. / Several experimental studies about stepped spillways flow were carried out by several authors, no ever the use of numeric computation tools is still very scarce. This work study numeric simulation in stepped spillways flow was carried out using a computation fluid dynamic (CFD) software. Several hydraulics conditions from the literature were reproduced through simulations by CFD tools. Those simulation results were compared with experimental results. The characteristics of the flow in stepped spillways were analyzed and compared focusing the following aspects: energy dissipation, velocity distribution, air concentration distribution, pressure profiles in the steps, friction resistance and cavitation. The numerical simulation results had a good approximation to the experimental results. All these analyses could be used to validate the use of the computational fluid dynamic tools, to characterize the flow for a possible improvement proposal of this hydraulic structure. The cavitation problem is the great challenge in thigh velocity flows. One solution to reduce the cavitation in the stepped spillways is the construction of a bottom aerator. A numerical study of a bottom aerator was carried out, focusing out of air concentrations, pressures under jet and velocity profiles. It was studied the discharge of air under the jet. As final result, this work proposes a new geometric configuration for stepped spillways with a bottom aerator. This bottom aerator was suggested to be set in the beginning of the spillway chute in order to reduce cavitation risk or to increase the maximum discharge in spillway.

Estiramento ou fluxo turbilhonar e baixa tensão de cisalhamento influem diferentemente no remodelamento aórtico em ratos / Stretch or turbulent flow and low wall shear stress differentially affect aorta remodeling in rats.

Cibele Maria Prado 29 September 2006 (has links)
O presente estudo foi realizado para investigar a relação entre forças hemodinâmicas locais e remodelamento intimal e medial nos segmentos pré-estenose e pós-estenose da parede da aorta abdominal de ratos submetidos à estenose acentuada. Foram utilizados ratos Wistar machos divididos em dois grupos: sham-operado, grupo controle em que a aorta foi apenas manipulada, e grupo estenosado, animais submetidos à cirurgia de estenose da aorta abdominal. As aortas demonstraram duas respostas remodeladoras distintas e diferentes ao estímulo hemodinâmico induzido pela coarctação infra-diafragmática. A primeira é o remodelamento no segmento pré-estenótico hipertensivo com tensão circunferencial da parede aumentada associada com estresse tensional normal, fluxo laminar e tensão de cisalhamento normal. As células endoteliais eram heterogêneas, aumentadas em tamanho e alongadas em direção ao fluxo. Além disso, observou-se conspícuas placas neointimais difusamente distribuídas e espessamento medial. Nossos achados sugerem que a tensão circunferencial da parede aumentada devido a hipertensão tem papel fundamental no remodelamento desse segmento através de efeitos biomecânicos sobre o estresse oxidativo e expressão aumentada de TGF-?. A segunda é o remodelamento no segmento pós-estenótico normotenso com fluxo turbilhonar e baixa tensão de cisalhamento na parede associados a tensão circunferencial da parede e estresse tensional normais. As células endoteliais apresentavam-se semelhantes aos controles, exceto por alterações fenotípicas focais associadas à presença de conspícuas placas neointimais focalmente distribuídas, similares mas muito maiores que as encontradas no segmento pré-estenose. Mais estudos são necessários para se determinar como as forças mecânicas do fluxo turbilhonar e da baixa tensão de cisalhamento na parede são detectadas e traduzidas em sinais bioquímicos para as células e convertidas em alterações fenotípicas patofisiologicamente relevantes. / The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the relationship between local hemodynamic forces and intimal and medial remodeling in the proximal and distal segments of the arterial walls of rats in relation to severe stenosis of the aorta. Male Wistar young rats were divided randomly into: operated group, animals submitted to surgical abdominal aorta stenosis, and sham-operated group, a control group of animals submitted to sham operation to simulate abdominal aorta stenosis. Constricted aortas showed two distinct adaptive remodeling responses to hemodynamic stimuli induced by coarctation. The first is remodeling in the hypertensive prestenotic segment with increased circumferential wall tension associated with normal tensile stress, laminar flow/normal wall shear stress. The remodeling in this segment is characterized by enlarged heterogeneous endothelial cells, elongated in the direction of the blood flow, diffusely distributed neointimal plaques, appearing as discrete bulging toward the vascular lumen, and medial thickening. Our findings suggest that increased circumferential wall tension due to hypertension play a pivotal role in the remodeling of the prestenotic segment through biomechanical effects on oxidative stress and increased TGF-? expression. The second is remodeling in the normotensive poststenotic segment with turbulent flow/low wall shear stress and normal circumferential wall tension and tensile stress. The remodeling in this segment is characterized by groups of endothelial cells with phenotypic alterations and focally distributed neointimal plaques, similar but many of them larger than those found in the prestenotic segments. Further studies are needed to determine how the mechanical forces of turbulent flow/low shear stress are detected and transduced into biochemical signaling by the cells of the artery walls and then converted into pathophysiologic relevant phenotypic changes.

Étude paramétrique des échanges convectifs turbulents dans les configurations d’intérêt pratique / Parametric study of turbulent convective flows in configurations of practical interest

Mebrouk, Ridha 30 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse présente les résultats de deux études : la première concerne la convection naturelle turbulente dans une cavité rectangulaire chauffée uniformément par le bas et remplie d’un nanofluide et la seconde concerne l’investigation du transfert de chaleur conjugué dans un échangeur de chaleur à tubes ailetés.L’enceinte de la première étude a un faible rapport d’aspect. Ses parois gauche, droite et supérieure sont maintenues à une température relativement basse. Le fluide de travail est un nanofluide constitué d’eau et de nanoparticules, soient d’alumine (Al2O3), ou de cuivre (Cu) ou d’oxyde de cuivre (CuO). L’influence des paramètres tels que le nombre de Rayleigh (basé sur la hauteur H de la cavité et la densité de flux de chaleur), le type de nanofluide et la fraction volumique des nanoparticules sur la performance de refroidissement est présentée. Les équations de Navier-Stokes et les équations de conservation de la masse et de l'énergie sont résolues pour une géométrie bidimensionnelle par la méthode numérique des volumes finis. L'algorithme SIMPLE est utilisé pour le couplage pression-vitesse. La discrétisation des termes convectifs est faite avec le schéma QUICK. Le modèle de turbulence k-epsilon standard est utilisé. Le maillage du domaine simulé est généré par le code Gambit. Les résultats montrent que pour toutes les valeurs de Ra, le nombre de Nusselt moyen augmente d’une façon linéaire et monotone avec l’augmentation de la concentration des nanoparticules dans le fluide de base. Le flux de chaleur moyen prend des valeurs qui diminuent en fonction de l’ordre suivant : Cu, CuO et Al2O3.La deuxième étude est une investigation numérique des caractéristiques dynamique et thermique d'un échangeur de chaleur. Les calculs supposent un transfert de chaleur et un écoulement en régime permanent. Le nombre de Nusselt et le coefficient de frottement qui caractérisent l'échangeur de chaleur sont déterminés pour différentes valeurs du nombre de Reynolds. L’équation de conservation de l'énergie dans le fluide et l’équation de conduction de la chaleur dans le solide en trois dimensions ont été résolues avec les équations de la conservation de la masse et de la quantité de mouvement afin de déterminer ces caractéristiques. Les deux régimes d'écoulement laminaire et turbulent sont considérés. L'effet de la modélisation de la turbulence a été étudié en utilisant trois modèles différents (Spalart-Allmaras modèle de turbulence à une équation, le modèle k-epsilon ; standard et le modèle RSM). La validation du modèle a été effectuée en comparant les facteurs de frottement, f, et le facteur, j, de Colburn avec les données expérimentales trouvées dans la littérature. Les résultats tracés ont montré un bon accord qualitatif entre les résultats numériques et les données expérimentales. Les résultats montrent également que le plus simple des trois modèles de turbulence testés (à savoir. Spalart-Allmaras) donne les valeurs les plus proches des données expérimentales. / This thesis presents the results of two studies: the first concerns natural turbulent convection in a rectangular cavity heated from the bottom wall and filled with a nanofluid and the second relates to the investigation of conjugate heat transfer in a fin-and-tube heat exchanger.The cavity of the first study is tall and has a heat source embedded on its bottom wall, while its left, right and top walls are maintained at a relatively low temperature. The working fluid is a water based nanofluid having three nanoparticle types: alumina, copper and copper oxide. The influence of pertinent parameters such as the Rayleigh number, the type of nanofluid and solid volume fraction of nanoparticles on the cooling performance is studied. Steady forms of twodimensional Reynolds-Averaged-Navier-Stokes equations and conservation equations of mass and energy, coupled with the Boussinesq approximation, are solved by the volume control based on the discretisation method employing the SIMPLE algorithm for pressure-velocity coupling. Turbulence is modeled by using the standard k-epsilon model. The Rayleigh number, Ra, is varied from 2.49xE09 to 2.49xE11. The volume fractions of nanoparticles where varied too. Stream lines, isotherms, velocity profiles and temperature profiles are presented for various combinations of Ra, the type of nanofluid and solid volume fraction of nanoparticles. The results are reported in the form of average Nusselt number on the heated wall. It is shown that for all values of Ra, the average heat transfer rate from the heat source increases almost linearly and monotonically as the solid volume fraction increases. Finally the average heat transfer rate takes on values that decrease according to the ordering Cu, CuO and Al2O3.In the second study We determined the heat transfer and friction characteristics of a realistic fin-and-tube heat exchanger. The computations assume steady-state heat transfer and fluid flow. Nusselt number and friction factor characteristics of the heat exchanger are presented for various values of Reynolds numbers. The energy conservation and the heat conduction equations in 3 dimensions have been solved in the fluid and the solid respectivelyalong with the mass and momentum conservation equations in order to determine these characteristics. Both laminar and turbulent flow regimes are considered. The effect of turbulence modeling was investigated using three different models (the one equation Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model, the standard k-epsilon; model and the RSM model). The computations allowed the determination of the dynamic and thermal fields. Model validation was carried out by comparing the calculated friction factor f and Colburn j-factor to experimental results found in the literature. The plotted results showed a qualitatively good agreement between numerical results and experimental data. The results obtained also showed that the simplest of the three turbulence models tested(i.e. Spalart-Allmaras) gives the closest values to the experimental data.

Etude numérique de la convection forcée turbulente dans un dissipateur thermique composé de plusieurs rangées d'ailettes de différentes formes / Numerical study of turbulent forced convection in a heat sink composed of several rows of fins of different shapes

Bouchenafa, Rachid 05 November 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on présente une étude numérique de la convection forcée turbulente dans un dissipateur thermique muni d'une chicane transversale dans le by-pass. Le premier modèle est composé d’ailettes planes et le second consiste à ajouter des ailettes broches entre les ailettes planes. Les équations gouvernantes basées sur le modèle de turbulences k- SSt sont discrétisées et résolues par la méthode des volumes finis et l'algorithme SIMPLE. Les résultats dynamiques sont présentés en en termes de champs de vitesse, des profils de vitesse axiales dans des sections choisies ainsi que la perte de charge. L'étude thermique est présentée en terme de champs de température et de distribution du nombre de Nusselt. Un rapport entre les performances thermique et dynamique est présenté pour évaluer les différents dissipateurs thermiques. / In this thesis, we present an numerical study of turbulent forced convection in a heat sink provided with a transverse baffle in the bypass. The first model is composed of plates fins and the second consists of adding pin fins between the plates fins. The governing equations, based on the k- SSt turbulence model, are disscredized and solved by the finite volume method and the SIMPLE algorithm. Dynamic results are presented in terms of velocity fields, profiles of the axial velocities in selected sections and pressure drop. The thermal study is presented in terms of temperature fields and the distribution of Nusselt number. A ratio between the thermal and dynamic performances is presented to evaluate the different heat sinks.

Etude numérique du comportement thermique d’un séchoir solaire utilisant un lit thermique pour le stockage d’énergie / Numerical study of the thermal behavior of a solar dryer using a packed bed for energy storage

Khaldi, Souheyla 23 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une étude numérique d’un séchoir solaire indirect à convection naturelle destiné à sécher les produits agricoles (les figues). La première partie analyse un séchoir solaire contenant une chambre de séchage couplée à un absorbeur inversé et une cheminée solaire. Les simulations ont été faites afin de déterminer les champs dynamique et thermique sous l’influence de la variation de la configuration de la cheminée solaire et la taille de l’ouverture d’admission. Les équations de conservations basées sur le modèle de turbulence k-ε standard sont résolues par la méthode des volumes finis à l’aide du code commercial ANSYS-Fluent. La deuxième partie analyse l’effet d’ajouter un stockage thermique sous forme d’un lit en gravier dans la chambre de séchage. Le lit est modélisé comme un milieu poreux. En plus, cette étude propose l’utilisation d’une deuxième entrée d'air dans la chambre de séchage afin d’assurer une distribution thermique plus homogène au niveau des claies et de garantir un séchage plus uniforme. / This thesis presents a numerical study of an indirect natural convection solar dryer for drying agricultural products (Figs). The first part analyzes a solar dryer containing a drying chamber coupled to a reversed absorber and a solar chimney. Simulations were made to determine the dynamic and thermal fields under the influence of the variation of the solar chimney configuration and the size of the inlet opening. The governing equations based on the standard k-ε turbulence model are solved by the finite volume method using the ANSYS-Fluent commercial code. The second part analyzes the effect of adding a thermal storage in the form of a gravel bed in the drying chamber. The bed is modeled as a porous medium. Furthermore, this study proposes the use of a second air inlet in the drying chamber in order to ensure a more homogeneous thermal distribution at the level of the racks and to guarantee a more uniform drying.

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