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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study Management Operation And Environment Of Taiwanese Opera In Kaohsiung

Chen, Yu-shin 29 June 2006 (has links)
The Taiwanese opera is the most representative opera in Taiwan. It was the main policy for the development of Kaohsiung in the period of governance by Japan. The city developed quickly and citizens needed more entertainments so that the local theaters increased vigorously. The Taiwanese opera developed from the outdoor to the indoor platform and absorbed the elements and structure from classical dramas to present the complete operation and performance. It adapted itself to every period of development. This research surveyed the operational situation of the Taiwanese opera in Kaohsiung by fieldwork and discussed the ecology and management This study is as following: Firstly, it finds out the process of development from the history of the Taiwanese opera. Secondly, it discusses the ecology of theaters from the variations in amount and time. Thirdly, it bases on the theories of modern management to analyze the patterns of management in Kaohsiung recently. Furthermore, it focuses on the case to discuss from the organization, human resource, marketing. The conclusion discover that the diversity of the outdoor platform result in the theaters of outdoor platform to suffer from difficulties. Also, the localization effect the cultural policy and the cultural shows become the new opportunity. The Taiwanese opera keep the operational pattern of simple structure to face the change of audiences. The manager is playing three roles: Leader, Liaison and Resource Allocator with higher gracious and lower regulation to reduce the mobile members. The salary of actors comes from the original and reward from audiences. It depends on the technology, jobs and the time of performance. The strategies of marketing build the well relationship without difference. The researcher provides three suggestions: (¤@) to set and manage the policy (¤G) to promote the well inviting show (¤T) to change the conception from government, private organization and theaters improving the environment to enrich the development forever.

大橋頭「復興社」研究 / 北縣三重市後竹圍街42號

高振宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本文透過田野與文獻資料來建構內台歌仔戲班台北大橋頭「復興社」的劇團史,對其股東、組織經營、重要演員及演出活動等做一深度的記錄,並由此基礎資料出發,進一步對整個內台歌仔戲的情況進行較深入的說明與討論。 論文共分五章,各章重點如下:第一章「緒論」:文中先回顧相關文獻,檢討若干前人研究中存在的盲點,接著具體說明論文的研究方法,由於本文缺少具體的文本,必須透過許多田野訪談才能完成,因此研究方法可分為兩個層次,其一為進行訪談時所採用的田野調查與口述歷史兩種方法,其次則是如何將這些田野資料脈絡化,透過怎樣的架構與書寫策略讓它能形成一個具體的論文,最後則對研究對象與研究範圍做一說明。第二章「『復興社』的歷史、組織與經營」:第一節除了簡要說明「復興社」的歷史,還檢討前人研究資料上的一些問題,重新爬梳了內台歌仔戲班的消長情形,當作歷史背景的交代,而「復興社」的股東是當時台北地區赫赫有名的大流氓,又同時為歌仔戲子弟,在此筆者做了一些資料性的記錄;第二節則介紹劇團的組織、演員招募、訓練以及經營管理,說明當時的社會環境與劇團經營間的問題。第三章「『復興社』的舞台人員」則是詳細的介紹內台歌仔戲舞台人員的職司、各角色的分配情形,以及記錄「復興社」的重要演員。第四章「『復興社』的演出活動」:本章就著商業邏輯與觀眾趣味兩條主線來理解整個演出活動的宣傳手法、演出內容以及演出形態的轉變,希望能藉此對內台歌仔戲的面貌有更深的理解。第五章「結論」總結本文的研究成果,筆者將「復興社」視為一種具代表性的內台歌仔戲劇團類型,討論其在整個歌仔戲發展史上的意義;最後則列舉四個可延伸的研究課題,其中以六、七○年代大稻埕、大橋頭一帶的戲劇活動最值得重視。 整體來說,本篇論文是放置在一個歌仔戲研究的脈絡裡進行論述,就不採用一般通史性的書寫方式,因此許多與論題無關的資料便略過不談,如許多歌仔戲著作都會提到《臺灣民報》反對歌仔戲演出的報導,或是「臺灣民眾黨」將「反對演歌仔戲」列為黨綱等等。且由於許多前輩學者已有相當不錯的研究成果,許多重要問題都已清楚做出解釋,文中就多簡要提點而少繁文引述,花較多的筆墨來討論一些不同前人研究的問題,透過「同中見異」的方式來逼顯一些未被思考到的面向,希望能立基在舊有的基礎之上做出一些新的思考。此外,由於研究對象的資料性質是輻射性的外散,還可以延伸出許許多多的小論題,儘管筆者盡可能將相關聯的資料聚攏討論,但還是有許多無法兜攏但頗值得一談的題目,就只能安置在注釋中,譬如某些研究盲點的檢討、研究資料的辨證、具有開發性的論題等等。所以整個論文在書寫上與一般學術論文略有差異,有些篇章正文與注釋幾乎佔了相同的份量,也因此筆者自認論文的「注釋部分」不只是說明出處而已,還有不少可觀之處,亦與正文具有同等的價值,讀者閱讀之後當會有更清楚的理解。限於學力、時間有限,僅能交出如此的成績,其中仍有不少闕漏與謬誤之處,還望方家不吝指正。 / This thesis built the club history of Taiwanese Opera(歌仔戲) club named "Fu-Xin Ser"(復興社) in Taipei's Da-Qiau-Tou(大橋頭) via my field works and documents. First, I introduce the shareowners, club organization, main performers and presentation history. Second, I discussd the Indoor Commercial Taiwanese Opera(內台歌仔戲) based on these basic data . The thesis divided into five chapters: Chapter 1, I reviewd papers and introduce the research methods which was mainly deep interview. Chapter 2, I discussed the history, organization and management of Fu-Xin Ser. Capter 3, I introduced the duty, role distribution, and record the main performers. Chpter 4, I dicussed the performance propaganda gimmicks, performance contents, and the transformation of performance by the way of commercial logics and audience's taste, Chapter 5, I saw Fu-Xin Ser as a typical case of indoor commercial Taiwanese Opera, then I discussed the role it played during the development of the history of Taiwanese Opera. Totally speaking, this thesis was discussd located in the Taiwanese Opera research context, because of the lack of related documents, the background description take up the main capacity of the thesis. But I also look after the sides of research, expecting to give rise to related research.

紀錄片:《我希望-員山戲夢少年》 / A documentary: “I Have A Dream”& Director’s perspectives on the documentary

李建成, Lee,Chine-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本片紀錄一位在青年歌仔戲演員-陳囿任(CHEN YU-JEN)對表演藝術的熱愛與堅持。陳囿任出生於台灣歌仔戲起源地-宜蘭縣員山鄉,並就讀於台灣唯一以正規教育培養歌仔戲人才之科系-國立台灣戲曲專科學校歌仔戲科(現國立台灣戲曲學院),目前為該學院歌仔戲學系一年級學生。 全片呈現陳囿任夢想成為全方位表演者的故事,並記錄其訓練的艱辛過程。同時,本片介紹其成長之家庭環境、學校生活,並兼及其生活與歌仔戲劇外的藝術演出。全片共長六十分鐘,以DVCAM規格拍攝完成。 本片隨附之創作報告解釋本片之創作背景、過程與心得;依照「創作」、「製作」、「映演」三個面向,詳細記錄本片創作之緣起、攝製過程,參酌之相關理論、導演省思、以及試演之意見與回應等。 / This documentary and director’s report present the enthusiasm on performing arts of a young actor, Chen Yu-Jen. Chen was born in Yuan Shan Village, Yi Lan County – the origin of Taiwanese opera, and who has been studying Taiwanese Opera in a traditional opera school for ten years. This documentary shows the dream of Chen to become a performer with omnibearing development, and the tough process of his training. It also tells the story of his family, school life and his performance activities other than the Taiwanese opera. The documentary is 60 minutes in length, and is recorded in DVCAM format. The director’s report demonstrates the production background of the documentary, records the details and process of the production and screening, and reveals the director’s interpretation and self-examination to the film.

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