Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fallow."" "subject:"mallow.""
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Avaliação do desempenho ambiental de biodiesel produzido a partir de gordura animal segundo diferentes abordagens para situaçõees de multifuncionalidade. / Assessment of the environmental performance of biodiesel produced from tallow considering different approaches for multifunctionality situations.Alex Rodrigues Nogueira 20 December 2017 (has links)
O Brasil é um país que se destaca pela pujança da pecuária e como importante ator no mercado de biodiesel. Entretanto, há uma carência de estudos que investiguem o desempenho ambiental do biodiesel produzido a partir de gordura animal segundo uma lógica sistêmica. Trata-se de um tema controverso em função do tratamento dado à gordura pois, embora haja demanda e mercado bem estabelecido, há casos em que esta substância é tratada como um rejeito da produção de carne, desconsiderando-se os impactos ambientais pregressos. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a criticidade de diferentes abordagens para as situações de multifuncionalidade da cadeia de produção do biodiesel obtido de gordura animal. Para tanto, fez-se uso da técnica de Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida de produtos segundo o enfoque atribucional com escopo do \"berço-ao-portão\" para se determinar o desempenho do biodiesel produzido nas regiões Sul, Centro-Oeste e Sudeste, e disponibilizado (tanto puro quanto na forma das misturas B15 e B8) para a região metropolitana de São Paulo entre os anos de 2013 e 2015. As situações de multifuncionalidade foram analisadas a partir da aplicação de critérios físicos (proporção mássica e conteúdo energético), de critérios econômicos e do Método Surplus, além da expansão das fronteiras do sistema e substituição de cargas ambientais evitadas. Os resultados foram expressos em termos das categorias de impacto de Mudanças Climáticas, Acidificação terrestre, Eutrofização aquática, Formação fotoquímica de oxidantes, Demanda de Energia Primária. Adicionalmente, foram feitas considerações a respeito do indicador de Energy Return On Investment (EROI) e do balanço de emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Os resultados indicaram que a alocação das cargas ambientais do processo de refino de petróleo - para a produção do diesel fóssil usado em atividades de transporte - mostrou-se irrelevante no contexto do presente estudo. No que diz respeito ao processo de transesterificação, os efeitos das abordagens para as situações de multifuncionalidade foram pouco influentes sobre os resultados. Isto porque a magnitude do impacto da atividade pecuária foi tamanha que a amplitude dos resultados variou cerca de 817 vezes (no caso da categoria de Mudanças Climáticas) ou até 1084 vezes (para a Demanda de Energia Primária). / Brazil is a country that stands out for the internal importance of cattle farming and as an important player in the biodiesel market. However, there is a lack of studies focusing the investigation of the environmental performance of biodiesel produced from animal tallow according to a systemic scope. This is a controversial issue, due to the treatment given to tallow as, although there is consistent market demand, there are cases in which this substance is treated as a waste from meat production activities. In this context, this study was conducted aiming the evaluation of the criticality of different approaches to multifunctional situations of the biodiesel production chain from animal tallow. In order to do so, attributional Life Cycle Assessment technique was used according to a \"cradle-to-gate\" scope in order to determine the environmental performance of biodiesel produced in the South, Midwest and Southeast regions, and commercialized (either purely or in the form of B15 and B8 mixtures) at São Paulo metropolitan region between 2013 and 2015. Multifunctionality situations were analyzed based on the application of physical criteria (mass ratio and energy content), economic criteria and the Surplus Method, as well as based on system boundaries expansion and the substitution of avoided environmental burdens. The results were expressed in terms of the following impact categories: Climate Change, Terrestrial Acidification, Aquatic Eutrophication, Photochemical Oxidants Formation, and Primary Energy Demand. In addition, considerations were made regarding the Energy Return On Investment (EROI) indicator and the greenhouse gases emission balance. The results indicated that the allocation of environmental burdens at petroleum refining process - for the production of fossil diesel used in transport activities - proved to be irrelevant in the context of the present study. Regarding the transesterification process, the effects of the approaches for multifunctionality situations were not very influential on the results. This is because the magnitude of the impact of cattle raising activity was such that the results varied by about 817 times (in the case of the Climate Change impact category) or up to 1084 times (considering the Primary Energy Demand).
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Dietas para frangos de corte contendo diferentes fontes lipídicas suplementadas ou não com lisofosfolipídios e ácidos orgânicos / Diets for broiler chickens containing different lipid sources supplemented with or without lysophospholipids and organic acidsGustavo do Valle Polycarpo 27 March 2015 (has links)
Os óleos e as gorduras, assim denominados em função de sua origem, são ingredientes internacionalmente indispensáveis na formulação de rações para que haja sucesso na produção de frangos de corte. Os lipídios advindos da dieta são grandes fornecedores de energia e de ácidos graxos essenciais ao metabolismo. O aproveitamento nutricional depende da digestibilidade, que, por sua vez, é influenciada pela composição química das moléculas lipídicas. Características ligadas ao comprimento da cadeia carbônica, presença ou não de duplas ligações, configuração das ligações (cis ou trans), presença de ácidos graxos na forma de triglicerídio ou livre e posição do ácido graxo na molécula de glicerol são fatores que alteram não só a digestibilidade dos lipídios, mas também de compostos lipossolúveis. No entanto, em ensaios biológicos é preciso abordar uma ótica multifacetada, considerando, dentro dos limites técnicos da experimentação animal, as diversas interações que se apresentam. Os fatores fisiológicos da ave, principalmente aqueles ligados à digestão, são de extrema importância na condução de estudos de nutrição. Existe uma infinidade de interações físico-químicas durante o processo digestivo, no qual a microbiota intestinal exerce importantes funções. A modulação dos microrganismos presentes no trato gastrintestinal do frango tem influência direta e indireta no aproveitamento da dieta, com mérito em destaque dobrado, especialmente diante dos desafios enfrentados após a União Europeia vetar o uso de antibióticos em rações para animais. Ao longo dos anos, foram realizadas pesquisas que demonstraram o efeito negativo da proliferação indesejada de microrganismos sobre a digestão dos lipídios, afetando principalmente fontes lipídicas com grandes quantidades de ácidos graxos saturados, que são mais susceptíveis às condições inadequadas da digestão. Esse efeito ocorre pela ação da coliltaurina hidrolase bacteriana, que causa desconjugação dos sais biliares endógenos das aves, prejudicando a emulsificação dos lipídios e a consequente formação de micelas. Portanto, este trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar dietas contendo óleo de soja ou sebo bovino suplementadas com lisofosfolipídios e ácidos orgânicos, explorando as possíveis interações e benefícios que podem haver na associação desses dois aditivos / Oils and fats, so named because of their origin, are internationally indispensable ingredients in feed formulation for success in broilers production. The lipids coming from the diet are major suppliers of energy and essential fatty acids for metabolism. The nutrient utilization is dependent on digestibility, which, in turn, is influenced by the chemical composition of the lipid molecules. Characteristics related to the length of the carbon chain, presence or not of double bonds, links configuration (cis or trans), presence of fatty acids in the form of triglycerides or free fatty acids and the position of fatty acids in the glycerol molecule are factors that alter not only the digestibility of lipids, but also fat-soluble compounds. However, in biological assays, a multifaceted vision approach is required, considering, within the technical limits of animal experimentation, the various existing interactions. The physiological factors of the bird, especially those related to digestion, are extremely important in the conduction of nutrition studies. There is an infinity of physical and chemical interactions during the digestive process, in which the intestinal microbiota plays important roles. Modulation of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract of the chicken has direct and indirect influence on the diet utilization, with merit in featured folded, especially considering the challenges faced after the European Union prohibit the use of antibiotics in animal feeds. Over the years, researches have shown the negative effect of undesired proliferation of microorganisms on the lipid digestion, mainly affecting lipid sources with large amounts of saturated fatty acids, which are more susceptible to poor digestion conditions. Such effect occurs by the bacterial cholyltaurine hydrolase activity, causing deconjugation of endogenous bile salts of birds, damaging the emulsification of lipids and the consequent micelles formation. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate diets containing soybean oil or beef tallow supplemented with lysophospholipids and organic acids, exploring the possible interactions and benefits that can occur in the combination of these two additives
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Resource utilization: Preparation and Application of a sulfited Fat-liquor based on Waste beef tallow from TanneryRu-Hui, Luo, Wei-Xiao, Wu, De-Yan, Cehn, Jian-Xun, Luo 26 June 2019 (has links)
Leather industry is one of many traditional, characteristic and ascendant industries. During the development of Leather industry, the problem of a certain the waste of resources and environmental pollution has been yielded. The waste tallow is one of the problems should be solved quickly. Based on the problem of the waste of resources and environmental pollution form the waste tallow during the leather
industry, act waste beef tallow from tannery as raw material, detection of its physical and chemical properties, de-colorization, deodorization, amidation, esterification and sulfitation were done successively.
Results suggested that the acid value and the saponification value of the waste beef tallow is 45mgKOH/g, 207mgKOH/g respectively. When 6% activated clay was used after 10% hydrogen peroxide, it has the best effect in decolorization and deodorization. When catalyzed by 1% sodium formate, n(ethanolamine):n (waste beef tallow)is 4:1,the reaction temperature was 130~140oC and time was 2hrs, the acid value and hydroxyl value of the treated beef tallow is 15~30mgKOH/g, about 280mgKOH/g respectively. When the optimum dosage of sodium sulfite is 20%, the fatliquor obtained light yellow and good stability. The sheepskin garment leather fatliquored by this fatliquor is very soft.
Modification of a sulfited fatliquor based on waste beef tallow.
Application of this sulfited fatliquor.
Other methods of modification of waste beef tallow.
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Minimizing off-target herbicide movement using novel application technologyQuick, Hayden B 10 December 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Drift is a point of contention with pesticide applications, causing the need to research application methods that provide consistent efficacy while minimizing off-target movement. Experiments were conducted to evaluate eight undiluted herbicides on invasive woody plants, Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera) and Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana), when applied individual plant treatment (IPT) via hack-and-squirt. Applications of undiluted aminocyclopyrachlor or imazapyr at 1 ml per 7.6 cm of tree diameter at breast height (DBH) made in the spring provided superior control over other herbicides or application timings. CamelBak® hydration reservoirs were evaluated for storage durability with eight undiluted herbicides. A third study was conducted to assess droplet size and distribution of Roadside Inc.’s new sprayer head for driftable fines. All nozzles were evaluated in a wind tunnel and produced droplet sizes above the benchmark for driftable fines (≤150 μm). The spray head also distributed droplets effectively from 2-30 feet from spray origin.
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Determining the pollination mechanism of a problematic invasive species in the Gulf South: Triadica sebiferaClark, Jennifer Wester 13 May 2016 (has links)
Understanding the ecology of invasive species is vital to curb the homogenizing of ecosystems, yet the pollination mechanisms of the Chinese tallow tree (Triadica sebifera) in its introduced habitat remain ambiguous. This study examines self-pollination, wind pollination, and flower-visiting insects of tallow in a bottomland hardwood forest and Longleaf pine savannah in the U.S. Gulf South. These data suggest that self-pollination and airborne pollination are possible, but likely rare occurrences, although the possibility of apoxisis was not investigated. Seed production in exclusion experiments was significantly less than in open-pollinated flowers, and wind dispersal of tallow pollen dropped to essentially zero 8 meters from the source. Results show that tallow is primarily bee pollinated, with external pollen loads of Apis, Melissodes, and halictids visiting at similar rates, and Xylocopa species visiting less frequently. The researchers believe that to date, this is the first study of the pollination mechanisms of T. sebifera in its introduced range and recommend further study to understand the ecology of this destructive invasive species.
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Estudo comparativo da combustão de sebo bovino e diesel em fornalha calorimétrica flamotubular / Study of heat transfer in the flame tube furnace using beef tallowCárdenas, Osiris 25 April 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a queima do sebo bovino por meio de uma fornalha calorimétrica flamotubular instrumentada que opera à pressão atmosférica. Como parte do trabalho experimental, foram analisadas as curvas de rendimento térmico da queima do combustível, sebo bovino, e verificou-se seu comportamento quanto à transferência de calor e emissão de gases. Experimentalmente, a fornalha calorimétrica foi remodelada e adaptada para operar com sebo bovino, incorporando-se a esta um elemento de aquecimento prévio, trata-se de um queimador desenvolvido no NETeF possuindo um sistema de alimentação com aquecimento para o combustível, já que o sebo se encontra no estado sólido a temperatura ambiente. O queimador utilizado no experimento foi do tipo misto. Os resultados das medições do poder calorífico do sebo bovino mostraram-se altos: 39.985,5 kJ/kg (dados obtidos no laboratório do NETeF), fazendo com que o sebo se torne uma fonte menos poluente. / In this study, we evaluated the burning of tallow by a calorimetric flamotubular instrumented furnace which operates at atmospheric pressure. As part of the experimental work, the curves of thermal efficiency of fuel combustion (beef tallow) were analyzed, and it was possible to set their composition toward the transfer of heat and gas emissions. Experimentally, the calorimetric furnace was remodeled and adapted to operate with beef tallow by incorporating an element of this preheating, it is a burner developed in NETeF and it has a system to supply heating for fuel, as the tallow is solid at room temperature. The burner used in the experiment was of mixed type. The results of measurements of the calorific value of beef tallow were shown to be high: 39985.5 kJ/kg (data obtained in the laboratory of NETeF), causing the fat to become a viable source.
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Determinação simultânea de glicerol livre e total, mono-, di-, triglicerideos em biodisel etílico de girassol, mamona e da mistura de sebo e soja empregando GC- FID / Simultaneous determination of free and total glycerol, mono-, di- and triglycerides in ethylic biodiesel of sunflower, castor oil and tallow/soybean mixture using GC-FIDDias, Adriana Neves January 2010 (has links)
Dissertação(mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Programa de Pós Graduação em Química Tecnológica e Ambiental, Escola de Química e Alimentos, 2010. / Submitted by Cristiane Silva (cristiane_gomides@hotmail.com) on 2013-03-26T16:43:15Z
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Previous issue date: 2010 / O biodiesel produzido para ser comercializado no Brasil deve estar de acordo aos padrões de qualidade estabelecidos pela resolução de 4 de fevereiro de 2010 da Agência Nacional do
Petróleo, Gás Natural e do Biocombustível (ANP, 04/2010). Neste trabalho, foi estudada a aplicação dos métodos ASTM D 6584 e EN 14105 para o biodiesel de mamona e biodiesel
oriundo de rota etílica. Ambos os métodos empregam GC (Cromatografia Gasosa, do inglês
Gas Chromatography) com FID (Detecção por Ionização em Chama, do inglês Flame Ionization Detection) e reação de sililação com N-metil N(trimetilsilil)trifluoracetamida (MSTFA). Os compostos foram identificados para quantificação pelos tempos de retenção, para os diglicerídeos e triglicerídeos foram utilizadas bandas de tempo de retenção. Os parâmetros de validação considerados foram: curva analítica, linearidade, sensibilidade, robustez, precisão e exatidão. Os métodos ASTM D 6584 e EN 14105 apresentaram sensibilidade semelhante para todos os compostos. Foram escolhidas as condições cromatográficas estabelecidas pelo método ASTM D 6584 por ser mais rápido que o EN14105 e ter sensibilidade semelhante. O método apresentou boa linearidade com todas as curvas analíticas com r maiores que 0,999. A reação de sililação com MSTFA foi otimizada para o biodiesel etílico de mamona em virtude da sua composição química. Um volume de 500 μL de MSTFA foi escolhido para realização dos ensaios de exatidão e precisão. Os valores de exatidão ficaram entre 67 e 145,9% com valores de precisão menores que 11%. Foi avaliada a ocorrência de efeito matriz para biodiesel etílico de mamona, sendo que esse efeito foi considerado baixo para glicerol, monooleína e dioleína e médio para trioleína. Mesmo havendo efeito de matriz o preparo das curvas analíticas em solvente conforme sugerido pelos métodos de referência foi mantido. O método foi robusto frente às variações da composição química da matriz. Na aplicação do método, esse se mostrou adequado para amostras de biodiesel etílico de mamona, de girassol e da mistura de sebo e soja. / The biodiesel produced to be marketed in Brazil should be according to the quality standards established by the Resolution of February 4, 2010 of the Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e do Biocombustível (ANP, 04/2010). In this work, the application of the methods ASTM D 6584 e EN 14105 for castor oil biodiesel and biodiesel from ethylic routes was studied. Both the methods use Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detection and silylation reaction with N-Methyl N-(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (MSTFA). The compounds were identified
by the retention times, and for di- and triglycerides were used bands of retention time. The validation parameters were: analytical curve, linearity, sensibility, robustness, precision and accuracy. The methods ASTM D 6584 e EN 14105 showed similar sensitivity for all the compounds. The chromatographic conditions established by the method ASTM D 6584 were chosen because it is faster than the method EN14105. The method presented good linearity with r greater than 0,999 for all analytical curves. The silylation reaction was optimized for the ethylic castor biodiesel because of its different chemical composition. A volume of 500 μL of MSTFA was chosen for the realization of the precision and accuracy assays. The accuracy values were between 67.0 and 145.9% with precision values lower than 11%. The matrix effect occurrence for ethylic castor oil biodiesel was evaluated. The effect was considered low for glycerol, mono- and diolein and it was considered media for triolein. But, the analytical curves were prepared in solvent even though the matrix effect. The method was robust regarding variations of the matrix chemical composition. In the application of the method, this proved to be suitable to the samplesof ethylic biodiesel of castor oil, sunflower and tallow/soybean mixture.
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Estudo comparativo da combustão de sebo bovino e diesel em fornalha calorimétrica flamotubular / Study of heat transfer in the flame tube furnace using beef tallowOsiris Cárdenas 25 April 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a queima do sebo bovino por meio de uma fornalha calorimétrica flamotubular instrumentada que opera à pressão atmosférica. Como parte do trabalho experimental, foram analisadas as curvas de rendimento térmico da queima do combustível, sebo bovino, e verificou-se seu comportamento quanto à transferência de calor e emissão de gases. Experimentalmente, a fornalha calorimétrica foi remodelada e adaptada para operar com sebo bovino, incorporando-se a esta um elemento de aquecimento prévio, trata-se de um queimador desenvolvido no NETeF possuindo um sistema de alimentação com aquecimento para o combustível, já que o sebo se encontra no estado sólido a temperatura ambiente. O queimador utilizado no experimento foi do tipo misto. Os resultados das medições do poder calorífico do sebo bovino mostraram-se altos: 39.985,5 kJ/kg (dados obtidos no laboratório do NETeF), fazendo com que o sebo se torne uma fonte menos poluente. / In this study, we evaluated the burning of tallow by a calorimetric flamotubular instrumented furnace which operates at atmospheric pressure. As part of the experimental work, the curves of thermal efficiency of fuel combustion (beef tallow) were analyzed, and it was possible to set their composition toward the transfer of heat and gas emissions. Experimentally, the calorimetric furnace was remodeled and adapted to operate with beef tallow by incorporating an element of this preheating, it is a burner developed in NETeF and it has a system to supply heating for fuel, as the tallow is solid at room temperature. The burner used in the experiment was of mixed type. The results of measurements of the calorific value of beef tallow were shown to be high: 39985.5 kJ/kg (data obtained in the laboratory of NETeF), causing the fat to become a viable source.
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Biodiesel Properties and Characterization of Particulate Matter Emissions from TARTA Buses Fueled by B20 BiodieselKuppili, Sudheer Kumar January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Size-dependent patterns of reproductive investment in the North American invasive plant species Triadica sebifera (L.) Small (Euphorbiaceae)Babin, Courtney H 19 May 2017 (has links)
Knowledge of sex allocation trade-offs with tree growth in insect-pollinated woody plants is limited, particularly in invasive plants. This study examined patterns of growth and reproductive investment in a North American invasive plant species, Triadica sebifera, I hypothesized that the energy limitations of smaller trees may result in the production of more male reproductive structures that are energetically less costly. Diameter at breast height was a significant predictor of seed and catkin mass and regression can describe these relationships across sites. Seed and catkin mass were positively correlated across sites. The relationship between the seed mass:catkin mass ratio and DBH was not significant, nor was seed mass:catkin mass and total investment. Results showed a significant positive relationship between total reproductive investment and tree size across sites. Seed mass:catkin mass ratio and reproduction investment showed substantial variation among individual trees of similar size within sites.
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