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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Daňová soustava v období první československé republiky / Tax system in the Interwar Czechoslovakia

Lang, Miloš January 2009 (has links)
There is the explenation of tax system in Czechoslovakia during 20's and 30's in 20th century. This study is focused on transformation and consolidation of tax law which are connected with Czechoslovak's establishemenent. There is the characteristics of each point of tax structure, codification and specific problems. The second part of study answers on the question: "Why so huge reform of direct taxes was done in the late of 20's? What was the reason and consequence?" There is some information about Karel Engliš -- Minister of Finance. The analytic part of this study includes national budget, revenues and statistics about tax burden and taxation. The aim of this study is comparision of tax structure before and after the tax reform in 1927. There was made some international statistics, too.

Aktuální diskuse o reformách zdanění příjmů / Current discussion about personal and corporate tax reform

Horáková, Markéta January 2009 (has links)
This work analyse the current discussions and theoretical approaches to personal and corporate taxation (not only in OECD countries). After the introduction, which is focused on theory of income taxation, follows chapters, that analyze the attitudes and issues of personal and corporate taxation. This two main chapters contain synthetic parts, whose outputs are the emerging trends in the future. The emphasis was put on OECD outcomes and recommendations.

Komparace daňových reforem ve vybraných státech OECD / Comparison of tax reforms in selected OECD countries

Hovorka, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the comparison of tax reform in four selected OECD countries. For the purposes of this study were chosen following countries: Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America. The aim is to make mutual comparison of tax reforms. In all these countries, especially in the last ten years many changes and each country is dealt with differently. While the Czech Republic and Slovakia seek to adapt to EU legislation, tax system and then fairer taxation, in Germany, the main objective was to reduce the tax cost of labor and in the USA modernization, simplification and computerization of taxation. The first part of this thesis explains the tax reform and its historical development up to the present economic crisis. The second part describes the tax systems and reforms in each country. In the last chapter there is a mutual comparison of these reforms from different perspectives and at the end are a few suggestions for future reforms.

La fiscalité directe au Liban : Histoire et processus d'une modernisation / The direct taxation in Lebanon : History and Modernization process

Al Arja, Rabih 05 September 2011 (has links)
Plusieurs cultures se sont mêlées à la conception du système fiscal actuel au Liban. Ce système cédulaire, inchangeable depuis les années cinquante, se caractérise par la prédominance des impôts indirects reflétant une difficulté à atteindre l’assiette des impôts directs.C’est dans cette perspective qu’une révision intégrale du système fiscal Libanais s’avère cruciale. Cette révision doit tenir en compte les spécificités de l’économie libanaise basée sur les secteurs du tourisme et des finances et caractérisée par un secret bancaire très développé, des finances publiques rongées par le poids de la dette publique et du déficit budgétaire, et de la situation géopolitique du Liban, situé dans une région objet de conflits permanents.Dans ce cadre, plusieurs réformes ont déjà été mises en place; l’introduction de la TVA en 2002 constituait la réforme majeure des impôts indirects, la création de la DASS, de la DGE du côté des impôts directs.Toutefois la réforme en cours traite l’unification des impôts cédulaires en un impôt global; cela peut établir une meilleure justice entre les contribuables et engendrer une augmentation des recettes fiscales. Le secret bancaire constitue un important défi à ce type d’imposition. A noter que l’abolition du secret bancaire n’est pas envisageable actuellement considérant son rôle majeur dans l’attraction des capitaux étrangers. Pour cela, la nouvelle loi doit essayer de trouver des solutions pour parvenir à la bonne application de l’imposition globale. A ce niveau, les expériences égyptienne (contrôle fiscal des revenus des capitaux mobiliers, des activités commerciales et industrielles et des professions libérales) et tunisienne (l’application des « acomptes provisionnelles » et de « la retenue à la source ») peuvent constituer des sources d’inspiration. / Many cultures contributed to draw the current Lebanese tax system. This system, where taxes differ according to the source of income, haven’t been reformed since the fifties. The predominance of indirect taxation is the main characteristic reflecting the disability to reach the tax base within the direct taxation.Under this perspective, a full revision of the taxation system seems to be crucial. This revision should take into consideration the specificity of the Lebanese economy based on tourism and financial sectors and where banking secrecy is very developed, the public finance gnaw at by the public debt burden and the budget deficit, and the geopolitical situation where Lebanon is located in the heart of a conflict region.Many reforms had been already undertaken; the VAT implementation in 2002 is the main indirect tax reform; the introduction of DASS and DGE are the reform undertaken on the direct taxes side.Moreover, the current reform aim to unify the different income tax under one global tax; this can lead to a better justice among taxpayers and therefore to an increase in tax revenues.The banking secrecy is an important challenge to this taxation. In fact, due to its major role attracting the foreign capitals, the abolition of this system is not currently considered. For this reason, the new law should figure out the appropriate conducts for a better application of the global tax.At this level, the Egyptian and the Tunisian experiences could be sources of inspiration. The first one regarding the tax audit on the revenues from movable capitals, commercial and industrial activities and the liberal professions. The second one related to the application of the “forecasted installments” and the “stopping at source”.

Distribution Tables and Federal Tax Policy: A Scoring Index as a Method for Evaluation

Fichtner, Jason J. 18 November 2005 (has links)
Distribution tables have become ubiquitous to the tax policy debates surrounding major legislative initiatives to change tax law at the federal level. The fairness of any proposed change to federal tax policy has become one of the most highlighted components of tax policy discussions. The presentation of tax data within distribution tables can hide or omit important information that is required in order to effectively evaluate the merits of any tax legislation. Many producers of distribution tables show only the information necessary to present their policy preferences in the best possible light. The different economic assumptions and presentations of data used by the various groups that release distribution tables have the inherent consequence of providing the public with numerous tables that are often used as political ammunition to influence and shape debate. The purpose of this research is to contribute to the tax policy research literature by exploring the limitations and biases inherent in specific designs of tax distribution tables and in specific methodological approaches to tax distribution analysis. This is done by means of a systematic examination of how different designs and methodologies provide an incomplete picture of a proposed change to federal tax policy. By comparing distribution tables as used by different groups to provide alternative perspectives of various tax proposals, the research shows how the use of tax distribution tables often provides misleading results about the impact of proposed tax legislation in order to influence and shape the issues surrounding a proposed change to federal tax policy. A method for evaluating tax distribution tables is proposed which highlights the deficiencies of design and methodology which characterize the present use of tax distribution tables. An index of questions is provided as part of this research project to serve as a new tool of policy analysis, an index termed the "Tax Distribution Table Scoring Index" (TDTSI). The TDTSI will assist in balancing the different perspectives presented via tax distribution tables by identifying the biases and limitations associated with different methodologies and presentations of data. / Ph. D.

Alternative Social Security Taxing Schemes: an Analysis of Vertical and Horizontal Equity in the Federal Tax System

Ricketts, Robert C. (Robert Carlton) 12 1900 (has links)
The objectives of this study were twofold. One objective was to analyze the effects of growth in the social security tax, when combined with recent changes in U.S. income tax law, on the distribution of the combined income and social security tax burden during the 1980s. The second objective was to estimate the effects of certain proposals for social security tax reform upon that distribution. The above analyses were performed using simulation techniques applied to the 1984 IRS Individual Tax Model File. The data from this file were used to estimate the income and social security tax liabilities for sample taxpayers under tax law in effect in 1980, 1984 and 1988 and under fourteen proposals for social security reform (under 1988 law). The results indicated that the income tax distribution was almost 25 percent more progressive under 1988 tax law than under 1980 tax law. In contrast, the combined distribution of income and social security taxes was almost 25 percent less progressive under 1988 income and social security tax law relative to 1980. Two types of social security tax reform were analyzed. One type consisted of reforms to the basic social security tax structure, such as removal of the earnings ceiling, provision of exemptions and replacement of the current single tax rate with a two-tiered graduated rate structure. The second type of reform consisted of proposals to expand the theoretical tax base subject to the social security levy. The results suggested that these reforms could generate substantial increases in progressivity in the combined tax distribution. In general, it would appear that changes in the social security tax structure could generate greater improvements in progressivity than expansion of the theoretical tax base, although the greatest improvement was associated with a combination of these two reforms. With regard to horizontal equity, expansion of the theoretical tax base generated the most improvement.

Effect of the Flat Tax Reform on Labour Supply Elasticity at the Intensive and Extensive Margins: Evidence from the Czech Republic / Effect of the Flat Tax Reform on Labour Supply Elasticity at the Intensive and Extensive Margins: Evidence from the Czech Republic

Tomo, Ján January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the estimation of labour supply responses to the personal income tax reform in the Czech Republic adopted in 2008 by applying quasi experimental design known as "difference-in-differences". By exploiting the different change in the effective tax rates for various population subgroups as a natural experiment and using microdata from European Labour Force Sur- vey we constructed the treatment and control groups according to the highest attained level of education serving as a proxy for an income range that assigns an individual to the particular tax bracket before and after policy change. Analysing one-person households we found significant negative effect on the labour force participation and significant positive effect on the hours work of the treated by comparing these outcomes for the treatment and control groups in the baseline and follow up periods before and after the reform. JEL Classification C21, D04, H24, H31, I38, J22 Keywords tax reform, labour supply, natural experiment, difference-in-differences Author's e-mail janxtomo@gmail.com Supervisor's e-mail gebicka@fsv.cuni.cz

Estrutura das receitas e despesas da União: do fim dos \"Anos Dourados\" ao início do \"Milagre Econômico\", 1960-1968 / Structure of revenues and expenditures of federal government: from the end of the \"Golden Years\" to the beginning of the \"Economic Miracle\", 1960-1968

Santos, Andre Luiz Passos 14 March 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa a composição e as variações das receitas e despesas da União no período da crise dos anos 1960 (1960-1968), utilizando como fonte primária os Balanços Gerais da União, publicados pelo Ministério da Fazenda. O objetivo principal é compreender a transformação ocorrida nas contas fiscais do país a partir do golpe civil-militar de 1964. Os governos Jânio Quadros e João Goulart tentaram aumentar a arrecadação de tributos, a fim de satisfazer as necessidades de caixa do Estado e prover os investimentos necessários para a industrialização, mas esbarraram no intenso conflito distributivo que marcou a época e não conseguiram aprovar no Congresso Nacional a reforma tributária que pretendiam. O regime militar, sufocadas as resistências dos trabalhadores, teve liberdade para implementar uma ampla reforma fiscal, dotando o Estado de recursos para ampliar a intervenção estatal no domínio econômico e reduzir os crônicos déficits públicos, que ajudaram a provocar a alta de preços nos anos anteriores. A análise dos dados dos Balanços Gerais da União mostra que a reforma tributária concentrou a arrecadação fiscal nas mãos do governo federal, em detrimento de estados e municípios, e aumentou a regressividade da carga de impostos. O crescimento da receita possibilitou aumentar os investimentos, os gastos de custeio e os gastos sociais. Porém, o acréscimo dos gastos sociais foi apropriado por grupos privilegiados, por meio de aumentos na aposentadoria de servidores públicos e do crescimento das verbas para a educação de nível superior. É possível que a política fiscal do regime militar tenha tido impacto significativo nas condições que permitiram a eclosão do milagre econômico de 1968-1973, e provavelmente contribuiu decisivamente para o agravamento da desigualdade social no Brasil. / This thesis analyses the composition and changes in revenues and expenses of Brazils federal government during the crisis of the 1960s (1960-1968), using as a primary source the Balanços Gerais da União, published by the Ministry of Finance. The main objective of the thesis is to understand the transformation that occurred in the fiscal accounts after the civil-military coup of 1964. Jânio Quadros and João Goulart administrations attempted to increase the collection of taxes in order to keep the high economic and industrial growth rates, but faced intense distributive conflict and disputes. The military regime destroyed the militant trade unions, managed to make a wide tax reform, providing the state funds to expand its intervention in the economy and reduce the public deficit that helped to fuel high inflation at the time. From a detailed analysis of the federal accounts, we conclude that tax reform implemented in 1964-1966 concentrated the revenues in the federal government at the expense of states and municipalities, and increased the social unfairness of the tax burden. Revenue growth enabled increased investment, spending and funding social expenditures. However, the expansion in social expenditures was appropriated by privileged groups, through higher current spending, generous retirement pensions of civil and military servants and more funding for higher education. We suggest that fiscal policy of the military regime had a significant impact on the conditions that allowed the outbreak of the economic miracle of 1968-1973, and probably to the worsening social inequality in Brazil.

Política tributária, nível de atividade econômica e bem-estar: lições de um modelo de equilíbrio geral inter-regional / Tax policy, economical activity level and welfare: lessons of a interregional general equilibrium model

Santos, Cárliton Vieira dos 07 March 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa os impactos sobre a economia brasileira, em nível nacional e regional, de três diferentes políticas no campo da tributação indireta: a redução dos tributos indiretos sobre os principais produtos alimentícios consumidos pelas famílias, a redução dos tributos indiretos sobre os principais insumos empregados na atividade agropecuária e a redução de tributos indiretos sobre todos os bens e serviços no Estado de São Paulo. A análise foi realizada por meio de exercícios de simulação com o uso de um modelo aplicado de equilíbrio geral inter-regional estático, do tipo bottom-up, que foi denominado TERM-BR (The Enourmous Regional model for Brazilian Economy). Ele especifica 42 setores produtivos e 27 regiões (os 26 estados e o Distrito Federal) e foi calibrado para o ano de 2001. As simulações de redução dos tributos indiretos sobre alimentos (Experimento 1) e de redução dos tributos indiretos sobre insumos agropecuários (Experimento 2) tiveram pouco impacto para o Brasil como um todo. Em termos regionais, seus resultados sinalizaram aumento no nível de atividade econômica, no emprego, no salário real, no consumo das famílias e no investimento nas regiões mais pobres do País: Norte e Nordeste. Ambas as simulações revelaram ainda que políticas como estas têm o potencial de melhorar o bem-estar dos grupos de rendas mais baixas, especialmente nas regiões mais pobres. O impacto negativo sobre a arrecadação dos governos revela-se como a principal restrição à implementação dessas políticas. A simulação da redução dos tributos indiretos sobre todos os bens e serviços no Estado de São Paulo (Experimento 3) mostra que este estado seria amplamente beneficiado com esta medida, em detrimento do restante do País. Esta política tributária local-específica, além de comprometer a unidade federativa, dá sinais de regressividade nos seus efeitos sobre a renda, isto é, parece onerar mais as classes de rendas mais baixas, especialmente quando localizadas nas regiões mais pobres do País; enquanto beneficia mais os grupos de rendas mais altas no Estado de São Paulo. A grande perda de receita com tributos indiretos para o estado que implementa uma política desta natureza se mostra como o principal elemento que inibe seu uso indiscriminado. A principal contribuição deste trabalho reside na importância dos seus resultados para a compreensão dos potenciais efeitos regionais das políticas tributárias no Brasil, raramente retratados de maneira formal nos estudos empíricos sobre o tema no País. Os resultados das simulações deixam claro que os impactos das políticas tributárias diferem regionalmente, muitas vezes de maneira substancial, portanto, não devem ser negligenciados. Eles também reforçam a utilidade dos modelos aplicados de equilíbrio geral inter-regional para análise dos impactos de políticas tributárias no Brasil. / This study analyzes the impacts on the Brazilian economy, in national and regional level, of three different indirect tax policies: the reduction of the indirect taxes on the main foods used by the households, the reduction of the indirect taxes on the main inputs used in the agricultural activity and the reduction of indirect taxes on all the goods and services in São Paulo State. The analysis was accomplished through simulation exercises using a static interregional applied general equilibrium model, of the type bottom-up, that was called TERMBR (The Enourmous Regional Model for Brazilian Economy). It specifies 42 sectors and 27 regions (26 states and Federal District). The benchmark year is 2001. The simulations of the indirect taxes reduction on foods (Experiment 1) and agricultural inputs (Experiment 2) had small impact on Brazil as a whole. In regional level, its results show increase in the economical activity level, employment, real wage, households and investment demands in the poorest regions of Brazil: North and Northeast. Both simulations demonstrate that these policies have the potential of improving the welfare in favor of the groups of lower income, especially in the poorest regions. The negative impact on the governments' revenue is the main restriction to the implementation of these policies. The simulation of the indirect taxes reduction on all of the goods and services in the São Paulo State (Experiment 3) shows this state would be benefited widely with this policy in detriment of the other regions of Brazil. This local specific tax policy, besides compromising the federal unit, seems to be regressive in its effects on the income. That is, the lowest income classes apparently are more burdened, especially when located in the poorest regions of the country. On the order hand, this policy benefits more the groups of higher incomes in São Paulo State. The state that implements this policy has a great income loss being this the main reason that inhibits its indiscriminate use. The main contribution of this study is the relevance of their results to the understanding of the potential regional effects of the tax policies in Brazil, rarely approached in the Brazilian empiric studies. The results of the simulations show that the impacts of these policies are different in regional level, many times in a substantial way, therefore, they should not be negleted. They also strengthen the usefulness the of interregional applied general equilibrium models for tax impacts analysis policies in Brazil.

A extrafiscalidade ambiental como meio de efetivação do desenvolvimento sustentável

Santiago, Vanessa Aparecida Costa 23 May 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2015-05-20T17:12:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Vanessa Aparecida Costa Santiago.pdf: 375469 bytes, checksum: 36f94aa4d1fbcc9887b16f078cce39a3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-20T17:12:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vanessa Aparecida Costa Santiago.pdf: 375469 bytes, checksum: 36f94aa4d1fbcc9887b16f078cce39a3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The Federal Constitution, in its article 170, provides that the Economic Order is founded on free enterprise and human labor valuation, in order to ensure a dignified existence. The dignified existence is linked to quality life, on the other hand, it¿s intrinsically related to the way the company absorbs and transforms its resources, ie, combine balance in the distribution of income and living healthier, which in turn comes against the scarcity of natural resources and compromising the environment, sustainable development. The sustainability appears in this regard as the source of equilibrium, exploitation of natural resources going to happen so that resources are maintained, without disregarding the social satisfaction generated by the activity economic, which is guaranteed by article 225 of the Federal Constitution. The preservation of ecologically balanced environment as a duty of State, resulting in its Duty/Power of developing public policies aimed at environmental balance within a sustainable development perspective. Sustainable development seeks precisely harmonize the imbalance between economic development and environment preservation, but this requires that the environment externalities are internalized, the ideal is to get a market price that incorporates each fraction of resource used, following the Principle of Polluter Payer. However, it is known that the tax policy is an effective instrument of public management in the induction of behavioral socioeconomic status. Regarding to the environment, the possibility of using the tax as an instrument of its protection is directly related to the application of extra tax technique that may be applied in all kinds of taxes. Brazil already applies to extra tax technique in several taxes. In Comparative Law it was found that the European Union and North America uses much more of extra tax technique on their function and adopts the so-called Green Tax Reform to improve the instrument. Even comparing to the Mercosur countries, Brazil has highlighted the applicability of the Environmental extra tax technique. Presented on the work of the new paths extra tax technique in Brazil using the PEC 353/2009 as a source of this note, and was presented some suggestions for each tributary species and the end addressed practice of tax incentives as effective as the extra tax instrument of environmental protection. / O artigo 170 da Constituição Federal traz que a Ordem Econômica tem por fundamento a livre iniciativa e a valorização do trabalho humano, com intuito de garantir existência digna. A existência digna está ligada à qualidade de vida; por outro lado, está intrinsecamente relacionada ao modo com que a sociedade absorve e transforma os seus recursos; ou seja, combinar o equilíbrio na distribuição de renda e condições de vida mais saudáveis, que por sua vez vem de encontro à escassez dos recursos naturais e comprometimento do meio ambiente, no desenvolvimento sustentável. A sustentabilidade aparece, nesse sentido, como a fonte de equilíbrio, a exploração dos recursos naturais passa a acontecer de forma que os recursos sejam mantidos, sem desconsiderar a satisfação social gerada pela atividade econômica, que é assegurada pelo artigo 225 da Constituição Federal. A preservação do meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado como dever do Estado, resulta no poder-dever de desenvolver políticas públicas voltadas ao equilíbrio ambiental dentro de uma perspectiva de sustentabilidade do desenvolvimento. O desenvolvimento sustentável busca exatamente harmonizar o desequilíbrio entre desenvolvimento econômico e a preservação do meio ambiente, mas para isso é necessário que as externalidades ambientais sejam internalizadas. O ideal é obter um preço de mercado que incorpore cada fração de recurso utilizado, obedecendo ao Princípio do Poluidor Pagador. Entretanto, sabe-se que a política tributária é um instrumento eficaz de gestão pública na indução de comportamento socioeconômico. No que diz respeito ao meio ambiente, a possibilidade de se utilizar o tributo como instrumento de sua proteção está diretamente relacionada à aplicação da técnica da extrafiscalidade tributária, que poderá ser aplicada em todas as espécies de tributos. O Brasil já aplica a extrafiscalidade ambiental em diversos tributos. No Direito Comparado verifica-se que a União Europeia e América do Norte utilizam-se muito mais dos tributos na sua função extrafiscal e adota a chamada Reforma Fiscal Verde para aperfeiçoar o instrumento. Já em comparação aos países do Mercosul, o Brasil tem destaque na aplicabilidade da Extrafiscalidade Ambiental. Apresenta-se no trabalho os novos caminhos da Extrafiscalidade no Brasil, utilizando-se da PEC nº. 353/2009 como fonte deste apontamento, bem como se apresenta algumas sugestões para cada espécie tributaria e ao final a pesquisa trata dos Incentivos Fiscais como prática efetiva da extrafiscalidade e instrumento de proteção ambiental.

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