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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using language learning strategies to develop ab-initio PGCE students' skills in primary modern languages

Moya, Mario Raul Angel January 2014 (has links)
The announcements concerning the introduction of modern languages in Key Stage Two in England (https://www.education.gov.uk/schools/teachingandlearning/ curriculum/national curriculum2014, [accessed 8 March 2013]), although not a new initiative, have renewed the need to train generalist primary teachers in teaching modern languages. Following an initial announcement of the introduction of the English Baccalaureate, the poor outcomes achieved by England in the European languages survey (COE, 2012) and the news that modern languages would be part of the primary curriculum (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-18531751 [accessed 21 June 2012]) contributed to refreshing the agenda of languages in the country and the role of early second language learning appears to be slowly resurrecting. In order to provide trainee teachers with the skills necessary for teaching young learners modern languages, this study focuses on increasing subject knowledge and pedagogical competence in a short time by developing trainees’ reflective practice, broadly following the tradition of strategy-based instruction (Macaro, 2001; Cohen, 2007; Oxford, 2011), but within a social constructivist understanding of learning using collaboration. The research, which follows a mixed method case study approach, proposes and trials a teaching approach that incorporates language learning strategies in a collaborative manner. The design of a revised strategy-based approach has a three-fold purpose: (i) to enable primary trainee teachers to develop the linguistic skills necessary to teach another language through the use of the linguistic knowledge they already possess in their own mother tongue (Saville-Troike, 2012); (ii) to use self-regulation to build confidence and competence in the target language; and (iii) to enable trainees and pupils to develop their language learning autonomy. Results indicate that, within the case studies reported here, such an approach seemed to be an effective way of learning and teaching another language simultaneously for adults, as it provided ab-initio language learners with a basis for the development of linguistic skills thus increasing their capacity for languages. Whilst there is no claim to generalisation here, the studies indicate that using language learning strategies may create and sustain interest and engagement in the subject—a condition that has been identified as critical to the success of any teaching approach. Whilst the results were positive in terms of developing acceptable levels of linguistic competence in adult learners over a short time, the use of a strategy-based method with children did not prove satisfactory, perhaps because of the high metacognitive demands placed on them when they had not yet developed high level abstract thinking, particularly the amount of prior knowledge needed and the language required to verbalise complex cognitive processes.


Mapes, Kathleen Barclay. January 1985 (has links)
No description available.

The Effect of Professional Development Training for Secondary Mathematics Teachers Concerning Nontraditional Employment Roles for Females

Delp, Don J. 08 1900 (has links)
This quasi-experimental study, utilizing quantitative and qualitative descriptive methods, examined the sex-egalitarian attitudes of secondary mathematics teachers from the Ft. Worth Independent School District. A video tape, Women in the Workplace, was used as a training intervention to test the effectiveness of professional development training in altering the mathematics teachers' sex-egalitarian attitudes towards female employment. Information on the video presented seven jobs that provide opportunities for female students in the science, engineering, and technology fields that are considered nontraditional jobs for females. Subjects completed 19 Employment Role domain questions on the King and King (1993) Sex-Role Egalitarianism Scale. A one-way ANOVA was applied to the data to test for a significant difference in the means of the control group, who did not see the video, and the experimental group that viewed the video. Findings concluded that there was no significant difference in the sex equalitarian mean scores of the control group and the experimental group. The research indicated that it takes an intensive and prolonged training period to produce a significant change in people's attitudes. This study supports the research on length of training needed to change sex egalitarian attitudes of classroom teachers. There were data collected on four demographic areas that included gender, age, ethnicity, and years of teaching experience. A two-way ANOVA was applied to four demographic variables to test for interaction and main effect. A significant difference was found between the sex-egalitarian attitudes of male and female mathematics teachers' responses. There were no significant differences found in the sex egalitarian attitudes of secondary mathematics teachers when categorized by levels of age, ethnicity, and years of teaching experience. The information in this study should interest and benefit teachers, parents, students, administrators, and industry leaders.

L'interaction en ligne comme soutien à la pratique réflexive des enseignants-stagiaires

Collin, Simon 10 1900 (has links)
Parce qu’elle est intimement liée à l’action professionnelle (Schön, 1983), la pratique réflexive est souvent associée aux stages d’enseignement qui ponctuent la formation initiale des maîtres. Parmi les dispositifs de soutien à la pratique réflexive en stage d’enseignement, l’interaction en ligne semble particulièrement pertinente dans la mesure où : (1) elle permet de répondre à la dispersion géographique des enseignants-stagiaires (Karsenti, Lepage et Gervais, 2002) ; (2) elle couvre un potentiel sociocognitif (Depover, Karsenti et Komis, 2007) susceptible d’être mis au profit du développement de la pratique réflexive. Pourtant le rapport entre l’interaction en ligne et la pratique réflexive, bien qu’il semble positivement perçu lorsqu’il est évoqué (Barnett, 2002 ; Zhao et Rop, 2001), reste toutefois peu abordé dans la littérature scientifique et peu problématisé au niveau théorique. Or ce rapport pose question dans la mesure où la pratique réflexive réfère à un processus intra-personnel alors que l’interaction en ligne est inter-personnelle par définition. Ce paradoxe apparent est à l’origine de la présente recherche, dont l’objectif général consiste à mieux comprendre le rapport entre la pratique réflexive et l’interaction en ligne en stage d’enseignement. En vue de répondre à cet objectif, nous présentons le cadre conceptuel de la pratique réflexive interactionnelle, lequel a été élaboré par un arrimage de la théorique de la médiation sémiotique (Vygotsky, 1962) à la pratique réflexive (Schön, 1983). La méthodologie mixte à dominante qualitative pour laquelle nous avons opté a inclus la participation de trois groupes d’enseignants-stagiaires de quatrième année en enseignement secondaire (N=34) et leurs superviseurs respectifs (N=3). Puisqu’il s’agit d’une thèse par articles, les résultats obtenus auprès des trois groupes d’enseignants-stagiaires sont présentés dans trois articles distincts. Le premier d’entre eux s’attache à examiner comment la pratique réflexive se construit dans l’interaction en ligne des enseignants-stagiaires. Les résultats empiriques auxquels il donne lieu indiquent que deux types d’interaction (interaction inter-personnelle et interaction intra-personnelle) semblent intervenir conjointement dans le processus réflexif des enseignants-stagiaires. Dès lors, nous sommes amené à proposer une bonification du cadre conceptuel de la pratique réflexive interactionnelle en passant d’un mouvement circulaire du processus réflexif à un mouvement binaire. Ayant ainsi précisé le processus réflexif propre à la pratique réflexive interactionnelle, l’article 2 vise à établir les limites de cette dernière et à en déduire les conditions d’efficacité, dans la perspective de son opérationnalisation en contexte de stage d’enseignement. Quatre types de limites sont identifiés (limites académiques, sociales, développementales et interactionnelles). Ils donnent lieu à certaines conditions d’efficacité, ce qui permet de compléter le cadre conceptuel de la pratique réflexive interactionnelle par des considérations liées à son opérationnalisation en stage d’enseignement. Enfin, l’article 3 a pour but de déterminer le rôle de l’interaction en ligne pour la pratique réflexive des enseignants-stagiaires. Il s’agit donc de « confronter » l’interaction en ligne à d’autres soutiens à la pratique réflexive des enseignants-stagiaires, en vue de déterminer sa place. Il en ressort que l’interaction en ligne semble jouer un rôle secondaire mais néanmoins positif, tant pour la pratique réflexive des enseignants-stagiaires que pour d’autres dimensions du stage d’enseignement tels que la dimension sociale ou la dimension psychologique et émotionnelle. Finalement, des recommandations à l’intention du milieu de formation et des pistes de recherches futures sont offertes en conclusion. / Since it is tightly linked to professional action (Schön, 1983), reflective practice is commonly associated with teaching internships that generally punctuate initial teacher training programs in North America. Among the devices supporting reflective practice during teaching internships, online interactions seem particularly relevant since: (1) they help overcome the geographic scattering of student teachers (Karsenti, Lepage and Gervais, 2002); (2) they have a sociocognitive potential (Depover, Karsenti and Komis, 2007), likely to contribute to reflective practice development. However, the relationship between online interaction and reflective practice, even though it looks positive when mentioned, remains hardly addressed in the scientific literature and little problematized at the theoretical level. Yet, this relationship raises questions since reflective practice refers to an intrapersonal process whereas online interaction is, by definition, interpersonal. This apparent paradox instigated this research. The general objective is to better understand the relationship between reflective practice and online interactions during teaching internships of student teachers. To achieve this objective, we present the conceptual framework of interactional reflective practice developed through the association of semiotic mediation (Vygotsky, 1962) with reflective practice (Schön, 1983). The mixed-methodology that we have chosen, though qualitatively prevalent, included the participation of three student teachers groups in the forth year of secondary teaching (N=34) and their academic, university supervisors. We decided that the results obtained from the three student teachers groups ought to be presented in three separate research articles (chapters 6, 7 and 8). The first one aims at examining how reflective practice is built through student teachers’ online interaction. The empirical results indicate that two types of interactions (interpersonal interaction and intrapersonal interaction) seem to intervene jointly in student teachers’ reflective process. Consequently, we improved the conceptual framework of interactional reflective practice by moving from a circular movement of the reflective process to a more binary-like movement. After having refined the conceptual framework of interactional reflective practice in the article 1, the second article aims at establishing its limits and success factors. In doing so, we aimed at informing its implementation in teaching internships. Four types of limits were identified (academic, social, developmental and interactional limits). They lead to four success factors, which leads us up to complete the conceptual framework of interactional reflective practice. Finally, the third article aims at determining the role of online interaction for student teachers’ reflective practice. In other words, this meant “confronting” online interaction with other devices supporting student teachers’ reflective practice in order to better understand its role. It appears that online interactions seem to have a secondary but nevertheless positive role for student teachers’ reflective practice but also for other aspects of teaching practicum, such as social, psychological and emotional aspects. We finish by suggesting some recommendations aimed at initial teacher training stakeholders, as well as future research perspectives.

Competencies and In-Service Training of Functional Literacy Teachers in Northeastern Thailand

Pensri Saeteo 12 1900 (has links)
This study was designed to determine (a) the most important knowledge and skills for functional literacy teachers; (b) the most important competencies to be covered in in-service training; (c) whether there were any differences between the perceptions of functional literacy teachers, supervisors, and administrators in terms of needed competencies or areas of training; and (d) whether there were any differences in the perceptions of teachers, supervisors and administrators regarding the need for competencies and for training of functional literacy teachers based upon these variables: age, years of experience in formal and nonformal education, and training in the functional literacy program. It was found that teachers, supervisors, and administrators agreed that most competencies listed in the instrument were important. No significant difference was found in their perceptions of the importance of the competencies. A significant difference was found in the perceptions of the needs for training among these three groups.

The Impact of Expanding Technical Knowledge on the Beginning Industrial Arts Teacher

McCulley, Charles R. 08 1900 (has links)
This study measures technical preparation and job demands among North Texas State University industrial arts graduates teaching in high schools. In addition to data from professional literature and the NTSU Bulletin, questionnaire mailings reveal that most graduates consider themselves qualified although recommending more semester hours of industrial arts for certification. They also affirm the practical value to the teacher of experience in industry. The study recommends narrowing the number of areas in industrial arts preparation and providing a more specialized teacher-training program with greater uniformity of semester hours.

Selecting Technical Competencies for Beginning Industrial Arts Woodworking Teachers in a Competency-Based eacher Education Program

Hay, William C. 12 1900 (has links)
The problem was to identify the technical competencies necessary for beginning industrial arts woodworking teachers in Texas public secondary schools. Twenty-seven clusters of competencies were listed on a questionnaire sent to ninety-one supervisors of industrial arts in eighty-six Texas school districts requesting that these supervisors evaluate each cluster as "Essential," "Desirable," or "Unnecessary." Sixty-six questionnaires were returned (72.53 percent). A weighted rating scale was used to determine an overall evaluation for each cluster, with the result that twenty-five of the clusters were judged to be "Essential" and the two remaining clusters were judged to be "Desirable." It was concluded that the clusters judged to be "Essential" should be part of the required curriculum and that more training in tool maintenance be given.

The Preparation and Work of High School Teachers in Collin County

Alexander, Mabel Parker 08 1900 (has links)
"The aim of this study is to examine some of the factors and conditions underlying the preparation and work of the high school teachers in Collin County for the year 1936-1937 only. In finding and tabulating the existing factors and conditions, it is hoped that this will be of help in making improvements in the present schedule for the training of high school teachers."--leaf 2

La performance d'une politique publique déclinée au niveau d'un territoire académique : l’institut universitaire de formation des maitres de l’académie de Montpellier et son évaluation (1991-2005) / The achievement of a public policy developed at the level of an academic territory : the university teacher-training faculty (IUFM) of Montpelier and its evaluation (1991-2005)

Stoecklin, Pierre 06 November 2012 (has links)
Cette étude qui a trouvé appui sur les sciences de l’éducation s’est attachée à mesurer les résultats de la politique publique de formation des maîtres déclinée au niveau d’un établissement, implanté dans l’Académie de Montpellier, sur une période de quinze ans, en conjoignant des méthodes d’évaluation selon quatre axes. - L’axe d’observation de l’action publique a recensé les éléments constitutifs de la politique nationale, suivi la construction de la politique de formation, évalué sa pertinence par rapport à son objectif initial, apprécié les résistances. - L’axe d’observation du pilotage de l’établissement a traité de la capacité de la direction à animer la communauté universitaire autour de ce projet en intégrant la complexité du fonctionnement de l’IUFM. Les relations internes au sein de la communauté universitaire et celles avec les partenaires ont fait l’objet d’une attention soutenue. - L’axe d’observation consacré aux usagers a privilégié l’analyse des flux entrants (attractivité des formations, admission des étudiants) et des flux sortants (résultats aux concours). - L’axe d’observation de la formation a permis de vérifier la qualité de la formation organisée par l’établissement, évaluée par rapport à plusieurs référentiels. S’y est ajouté le recueil de l’opinion des fonctionnaires stagiaires sur la construction de leurs compétences. Enfin, l’hypothèse selon laquelle il n’y pas eu d’évaluation globale, locale et «scientifique» conduisant à la décision d’intégrer l’IUFM dans une université a été vérifiée. / This study based on the sciences of education attempts to measure the results of the public policy of the training of teachers carried out in a higher education institution established in the Academy of Montpellier over a period of fifteen years, by combining assessment methods along four axes. - The observation axis of public action lists the constituent elements of the national policy, it follows the building up of the training policy, it assesses its suitability in comparison to the initial target, it rates resistance. - The observation axis of the operational management of this institution deals with the capacity of the management to liven up the university community around this project by integrating the complex functioning of the UFM. The internal relationships within the university community and those with partners have been the object of a steady attention- The observation axis dedicated to the users gives priority to inflows analysis (attractiveness of the trainings, the admission of students) and the outflows (the results in.the competitive exams). - The observation axis of the training has permitted to check the quality of the training organized by the institution assessed in comparison to several reference frames. The collection of the opinion of the state-employed trainees on the construction of their skills has been added. Finally, the hypothesis according to which there has been no global, local nor “scientific” evaluation leading to the decision to integrate the IUFM into a university has been confirmed.

Licenciatura EAD em Ciências e Biodiversidade Vegetal: bases de conhecimento docente, crenças de formadores, percepções e produções de estudantes / Distance Courses for initial training of Science teachers and Plant Biodiversity: knowledge bases, beliefs of teacher-trainers, perceptions and productions of students

Barbosa, Pércia Paiva 10 April 2019 (has links)
A Botânica é uma das áreas da Biologia e das Ciências e tem reconhecida importância no ensino, especialmente quando se pensa no Brasil, a nação com a maior diversidade de plantas do planeta. Porém, o país vive um cenário de urgências ambientais, que exigem medidas socioeducativas visando o desenvolvimento de atitudes e valores dos cidadãos que garantam maior respeito ao ambiente. Consequentemente, é possível depreender a relevância do tema Biodiversidade Vegetal na Educação, propiciando que os indivíduos adquiram conhecimentos que os tornem aptos a adotar comportamentos relacionados à conservação das espécies. Apesar desse contexto, o Ensino de Botânica tem enfrentado diferentes desafios. Dentre as possibilidades para minimizar tais dificuldades, a adequada formação docente tem sido apontada como uma das alternativas capazes de aprimorar a abordagem da temática. Pesquisas enfocando as Bases de Conhecimento (entendidas segundo os trabalhos de Shulman e colaboradores) podem ajudar nesse sentido, uma vez que reconhecem a existência de conhecimentos específicos da profissão docente e a necessidade de desenvovê-los adequadamente. Neste cenário, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo geral ampliar a compreensão sobre a formação de professores de Ciências, especialmente relacionada a um tema botânico (Biodiversidade Vegetal). Tendo em vista a crescente oferta de cursos à distância, julgamos pertinente abordá-los neste estudo. Diante disso, investigamos os conhecimentos base trabalhados em dois cursos de formação de professores de Ciências em EAD (Educação a Distância), oferecidos por universidades públicas do Estado de São Paulo. Como primeiro objetivo específico, buscamos identificar as bases de conhecimento abordadas nesses cursos de forma geral, e também empregando atenção especial nas disciplinas relacionadas à Botânica e também naquelas relacionadas à integração das tecnologias no ensino. Atividades presentes no Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA) foram utilizadas como dados de análise. Percebemos que ambos os cursos enfatizaram o desenvolvimento do Conhecimento de Conteúdo dos licenciandos, o que não consideramos um aspecto negativo. Entretanto, tendo em vista a importância dos diferentes conhecimentos base para o desenvolvimento docente (como o Conhecimento Pedagógico do Conteúdo, PCK; e o Conhecimento Tecnológico Pedagógico do Conteúdo, TPACK), em especial em Botânica e Biodiversidade Vegetal, acreditamos que uma abordagem mais equilibrada e integrada de tais conhecimentos em ambos os cursos investigados poderia promover uma formação mais adequada para o tema pesquisado. Como segundo objetivo específico, buscamos identificar as crenças das professoras-formadoras que elaboraram as aulas sobre Botânica/Biodiversidade Vegetal nos cursos investigados. Nosso intuito foi o de compreender as crenças destas sobre a formação de professores para essas temáticas em cursos à distância. Realizamos a análise das atividades presentes no AVA dos cursos (em especial as video aulas) e entrevistas. Identificamos que as aulas das formadoras foram coerentes com suas crenças sobre o processo de ensino-aprendizagem do tema investigado. Mais focada nos apectos conceituais, no caso das autoras envolvidas no Curso 1, e enfatizando o desenvolvimento do PCK, no caso da autora envolvida no Curso 2. Além disso, percebemos que o perfil das autoras, assim como a experiência acadêmica destas foram importantes para aquilo que consideraram necessário na formação de professores de Ciências à distância para os temas botânicos. Identificamos, ainda, algumas dificuldades e inquietações das formadoras com a modalidade EAD. O terceiro objetivo específico foi o de evidenciar as percepções dos licenciandos sobre o desenvolvimento de seus conhecimentos base ao longo de sua formação nos cursos, especialmente aqueles relacionados à Botânica e à Biodiversidade Vegetal. Elaboramos e aplicamos para cerca de 170 licenciandos um questionário com perguntas fechadas. Identificamos que a maioria dos estudantes tinham boas avaliações sobre o desenvolvimento de seus conhecimentos a partir dos respectivos cursos. Tal resultado não está sintonizado com a investigação que realizamos como primeiro objetivo específico, na qual verificamos que alguns conhecimentos base foram abordados de forma mais superficial. Buscamos identificar, como quarto objetivo específico, as bases de conhecimento mobilizadas por três licenciandos dos Cursos 1 e 2 ao planejarem sequências didáticas para o ensino da temática \"Biodiversidade Vegetal\" no Ensino Fundamental II. Por meio de diferentes instrumentos de coleta de dados (planos de aulas, questionários e entrevistas), identificamos que tais estudantes apresentaram bom desenvolvimento de alguns de seus conhecimentos base. Entretanto, também apresentaram lacunas nestes. Em nossa visão, essas últimas dificultaram a produção das sequências. Estas, por sua vez, apresentaram-se focadas em conteúdos mais conceituais e, muitas vezes, na transmissão de informações, sendo frequentes as aulas expositivas e o uso do livro didático como principal recurso didático. Assim, distanciaram-se em diversos aspectos dos indicadores esperados para sequências capazes de promover uma real mitigação da cegueira e analfabetismo botânicos. No entanto, ressaltamos que foram elaboradas por licenciandos, que ainda terão um longo percurso de aprimoramento de suas bases de conhecimento. Diante do que foi exposto, reforçamos a necessidade dos cursos de formação de professores de Ciências e, em especial, das disciplinas responsáveis pelos temas botânicos e pela integração das tecnologias no ensino, se atentarem para o desenvolvimento dos conhecimentos base de forma integrada e equilibrada, visando auxiliar os futuros educadores no aprimoramento de seus PCK e TPACK. Acreditamos que este foco pode permitir que tais licenciandos sejam capazes de ministrar os conteúdos da Botânica, em especial, Biodiversidade Vegetal, de forma mais próxima àquilo que se espera do processo de ensino-aprendizagem adequado dessa temática na Educação Básica, possivelmente, contribuindo para a mitigação dos desafios dessa área. Além disso, julgamos importante que os programas de formação docente na modalidade à distância se atentem para as especificidades desta, visando garantir uma formação mais próxima e adequada para o perfil do público participante. Incentivamos que os encontros presenciais aconteçam, garantindo que aulas práticas presenciais façam parte da formação do educador de Ciências. Por fim, e sem esgotarmos as possibilidades, por se tratarem de cursos à distância, é importante que tais programas de formação aproveitem as potencialidades dessa modalidade, principalmente daquelas, referentes ao desenvolvimento dos conhecimentos tecnológicos dos futuros professores, assim como invistam na formação dos próprios formadores de professores / Botany is one of the areas of Biology and Science, being important on education, especially in Brazil, which has the greatest variety of plants on the world. However, this country has a worrying scenario related to environmental urgencies, which require socioeducational measures aimed at developing citizens\' attitudes and values to promote better environmental respect. Consequently, the theme Plant Biodiversity is important because it could allow individuals to develop knowledge that enables them to adopt behaviors related to plants conservation. Despite this context, the Teaching of Botany has faced different challenges. Among the possibilities to minimize such difficulties, to improve teacher training has been considerate as one of the good alternatives. Research focusing on knowledge bases (according to Shulman and colleagues) may help to improve teacher training because the authors recognize the existence of specific knowledge on teaching profession, that teachers need to develop properly. This research aims to increase the understanding of Science teacher training, especially related to Botany and Plant Biodiversity. Due to the growing number of Distance Education (DE) courses, we decidet to investigate them in this study. Therefore, we investigate the knowledge bases that were developed in two DE courses for initial training of science teachers, offered by public universities in the State of São Paulo. The first specific aim was identifying the knowledge bases that were present in these courses in general, and also with special attention in disciplines related to Botany and to integration of technologies in education. Activities in the Online Learning Environments were used as analysis data. We verified that both courses emphasized the development of Content Knowledge of the pre-service teachers. We did not consider this result as a negative aspect. However, due the importance of the development of different knowledge bases in teacher training courses (such as the Pedagogical Content Knowledge, PCK; and the Technological Pedagogical Knowledge of Content, TPACK), especially in Botany and Plant Biodiversity, we believe that a more balanced and integrated approach of these knowledge in both investigated courses could promote a more appropriate teacher training about Vegetal Biodiversity. The second specific aim was identifying the beliefs of the teacher-trainers\' that elaborated Botany/Plant Biodiversity classes of the investigated courses. Our intention was to understand their beliefs about teacher training for these subjects in DE courses. We analyzed the activities present in the Online Learning Environments of the courses (particularly the video lessons) and interviews. We identified that lessons of these trainers were coherent with their beliefs about the teaching-learning process of the investigated subject. The Course 1 trainers focused on the conceptual aspects and Curse 2 trainer emphasized the development of the PCK. In addition, we detected that the profile of the authors, as well as their academic experience, were important factors that influenced what they considered necessary to teacher training about Botany in DE courses. We also identified some difficulties and concerns of these trainers about the DE modality. The third specific aim was recognizing the perceptions of the pre-service teachers about the development of their knowledge bases throughout their training in their courses, especially, the knowledge bases related to Botany and to Plant Biodiversity. We prepared and applied a questionnaire with closed questions to around 170 pre-service teachers. We identified that most of these students had good evaluations about the development of their knowledge bases from the respective courses. This result is not similar with the ones that we obtained to the first specific aim of the present research, in which we verified that some knowledge bases was approached superficially. The fourth specific aim was detecting the knowledge bases mobilized by three pre-service teachers, of Courses 1 and 2, when they elaborated a didactic sequence about Plant Biodiversity to Elementary School. Different data collection instruments (lesson plans, questionnaires and interviews) were used and we identified that these pre-service teachers presented some positive aspects about the development of their knowledge bases. However, they also presented gaps on them. In our view, theses gaps had difficulted the elaboration of the sequences. These sequences have been very focused on more conceptual contents and, often, in the transmission of information. Exposure lessons were also frequent for two pre-service teachers. Thus, these sequences were distanced in some ways from the expected indicator for sequences capable of promoting a real mitigation of botanical blindness and illiteracy. However, we highlight that they were elaborated by pre-service teachers, who will still have a long way to improve their knowledge bases. Based on our results, we emphasize that DE courses for initial training of Science teachers (and specially in the subjects about Botany and Integration of technologies in education) need to promote the development of knowledge bases in integrated and balanced ways, in order to help future educators in the development of their PCK and TPACK. We believe that this focus may allow pre-service teachers to be able to teach contents of Botany, especially Plant Biodiversity, approaching the appropriate teaching-learning process of this subject in Basic Education. It can, possibly, contribute to the mitigation of the challenges in this area. In addition, we believe that it is important that DE teacher training programs consider their specifics, aiming to certifying a closer and adequate training for the profile of their public. We encourage that face-to-face meetings, ensuring that the practical classes are part of the training of the Science educator, including about botanical subjects. Finally, and without exhausting the possibilities, we highlight that DE courses of teacher training programs need to use the potential resources this modality, especially those related to the development of the technological knowledge of future teacher, as well as investing in the training of teachers\' trainers

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