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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Why Physicians Do Or Do not Use Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems: Applying the Technology Acceptance Model

Sachidanandam, Sivanarulselvan 27 June 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Optimizing Digital Transformation : Strategies for Private Banking in the Age of Technology

Jämterud, Rasmus, Widell, Henrik January 2024 (has links)
This thesis delves into the digital transformation of private banking, emphasizing the challenge of balancing technology with the personalized service that high-net-worth clients expect. Employing frameworks like Relationship Marketing, the Technology Acceptance Model, and Customer Experience Management, it examines the integration and impact of digital tools on client relationships and operational efficiency in private banking. The research, informed by interviews with industry professionals, explores the adoption of digital practices, highlighting a trend towards operational efficiency yet revealing a gap in achieving the depth of personalization characteristic of private banking. The study concludes by exploring the future of digitalization in the sector, suggesting a strategic approach where technological advancements complement the foundational elements of private banking. This balanced integration is vital for maintaining the essence of bespoke advice and trust that defines the client-advisor bond in an increasingly digital financial landscape. / Denna avhandling fördjupar sig i den digitala omvandlingen av private banking-sektorn, med betoning på utmaningen att balansera teknik med den personliga service som kunder med hög nettoförmögenhet förväntar sig. Genom att använda ramverk som Relationsmarknadsföring, teknikacceptansmodellen och kundupplevelsehantering, undersöks integrationen och effekten av digitala verktyg på kundrelationer och operationell effektivitet inom private banking. Forskningen, som är baserad på intervjuer med anställda inom private banking, undersöker införandet av digitala processer och belyser en trend mot operationell effektivitet, men visar även en brist på att uppnå den djupgående personalisering som är karaktäristisk inom private banking. Studien avslutas med att analysera framtiden för digitalisering inom sektorn, och föreslår en strategisk metod där tekniska framsteg kompletterar de grundläggande elementen i private banking-verksamhet. Denna balanserade integration är avgörande för att bevara essensen av skräddarsydd rådgivning och förtroende som definierar bandet mellan klient och rådgivare i ett alltmer digitalt landskap.

El uso de la gamificación en la enseñanza del emprendimiento: actitud e intención de uso por parte del profesorado universitario

Seguí Mas, Diana María 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] A las universidades actuales no se les demanda solamente que actúen como centros de enseñanza e investigación, sino que contribuyan al desarrollo económico y social de los territorios en los que están implantadas. Una de las maneras en las que las universidades pueden contribuir a este desarrollo es mediante la transferencia de conocimiento de investigación aplicada que contribuya a la generación de riqueza y puestos de trabajo. Otra es incrementar la empleabilidad de sus egresados facilitando su incorporación al sistema productivo. En este sentido, la universidad puede jugar un papel relevante facilitando una formación que potencie y desarrolle el sentido de la iniciativa y el emprendimiento de sus estudiantes, considerado una de las habilidades fundamentales demandadas en el siglo XXI. Asimismo, la formación en el espíritu emprendedor de los estudiantes pasa por el uso de metodologías docentes que sean innovadoras y motivadoras y, por lo tanto, capaces de hacer frente a los retos a los que se enfrenta la educación superior actual. En este sentido, en los últimos años, se ha señalado la capacidad de la gamificación como herramienta de instrucción altamente motivadora y eficaz. Los estudios actuales señalan asimismo las posibilidades del uso de la gamificación para desarrollar la competencia emprendedora entre los estudiantes universitarios. No obstante, el profesorado es un elemento clave en la implantación de las metodologías y aproximaciones pedagógicas empleadas en el aula. Por este motivo, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es analizar las actitudes e intención de uso de la gamificación, por parte del profesorado universitario, como metodología docente dirigida a desarrollar la competencia emprendedora de los estudiantes universitarios. Con este objetivo se plantea un diseño exploratorio de corte cuantitativo orientado a conocer la actitud e intención de uso del profesorado universitario hacia la gamificación como metodología docente con la que desarrollar la competencia emprendedora de los estudiantes universitarios. Para alcanzar este objetivo se desarrolla, y valida, un modelo predictivo que incluye tanto variables personales (edad, género,) como moduladoras (clima laboral) explicativas de la actitud e intención de uso del profesorado universitario. Los resultados sugieren que la actitud frente al uso resulta explicada fundamentalmente por la utilidad percibida, y en menor medida por el clima laboral, la edad y el género. Por otro lado, la intención de uso se explica básicamente por la utilidad percibida y la edad, y en menor grado por la actitud, el clima laboral y el género. / [CA] En els últims anys, a les universitats no se'ls demanda únicament que actuen com a centres d'ensenyament i investigació, sinó que contribuïsquen al desenvolupament econòmic i social dels territoris en els quals estan implantades. Una de les maneres en les quals les universitats poden contribuir a aquest desenvolupament és mitjançant la transferència de coneixement d'investigació aplicada, que contribuïsca a la generació de riquesa i llocs de treball. Una altra és incrementar l'ocupabilitat dels seus egressats, facilitant la seua incorporació al sistema productiu. En aquest sentit, la universitat pot jugar un paper rellevant facilitant una formació que potencie i desenvolupe el sentit de la iniciativa i l'emprenedoria dels seus estudiants, considerat una de les habilitats fonamentals demandades en el segle XXI. Així mateix, la formació en l'esperit emprenedor dels estudiants passa per l'ús de metodologies docents que siguen innovadores i motivadores i, per tant, capaces de fer front als reptes als quals s'enfronta l'educació superior actual. En aquest sentit, en els últims anys, s'ha assenyalat la capacitat de la gamificació com a eina d'instrucció altament motivadora i eficaç. Els estudis actuals assenyalen així mateix les possibilitats de l'ús de la gamificació per a desenvolupar la competència emprenedora entre els estudiants universitaris. No obstant això, el professorat és un element clau en la implantació de les metodologies i aproximacions pedagògiques emprades a l'aula. Per aquest motiu, l'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és analitzar les actituds i intenció d'ús de la gamificació, per part del professorat universitari, com a metodologia docent dirigida a desenvolupar la competència emprenedora dels estudiants universitaris. Amb aquest objectiu es planteja un disseny exploratori de tall quantitatiu orientat a conéixer l'actitud i intenció d'ús del professorat universitari cap a la ludificació com a metodologia docent amb la qual desenvolupar la competència emprenedora dels estudiants universitaris. Amb aquest objectiu es desenvolupa, i valguda, un model predictiu que inclou tant variables personals (edat, gènere,) com a moduladores (clima laboral) explicatives de l'actitud i intenció d'ús del professorat universitari. Els resultats suggereixen que l'actitud enfront de l'ús resulta explicada fonamentalment per la utilitat percebuda, i en menor mesura pel clima laboral, l'edat i el gènere. D'altra banda, la intenció d'ús s'explica bàsicament per la utilitat percebuda i l'edat, i en menor grau per l'actitud, el clima laboral i el gènere. / [EN] In recent years, universities are not only required to perform as teaching and research centers, but also to be part of the economic and social development of the territories in which they are located. To do so, universities can contribute in many ways, like transfering applied research knowledge that helps in the generation of wealth and jobs or by increasing the employability of their graduates by facilitating their incorporation into the productive system. In this sense, the university as an institution can play a relevant role by providing training that enhances and develops the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship of its students, considered one of the fundamental skills demanded in the 21st century. Likewise, training students in entrepreneurship requires the use of teaching methodologies that are both innovative and motivating and, therefore, capable of meeting the challenges faced by today's higher education. In this sense, in recent years, the capacity of gamification as a highly motivating and effective instructional tool has been pointed out. Current studies also focus on the possibilities of using gamification to develop entrepreneurial competence among university students. Taking this into account and considering that teachers are still a key element in the implementation of the methodologies and pedagogical approaches used in the classroom, the main objective of this thesis is to analyze the attitudes and intention to use gamification, by university teachers, as a teaching methodology aimed at developing the entrepreneurial competence of university students. With this objective, an exploratory design of quantitative cut is proposed, oriented to know the attitude and intention of use of university professors towards gamification as a teaching methodology, to develop the entrepreneurial competence of university students. Having this objective in mind, a predictive model is developed -and validated- that includes both personal variables (age, gender) and modulating variables (work environment) that explain the attitude and intention of university professors towards the use of gamification as a teaching methodology to develop the entrepreneurial competence of university students. The results suggest that attitude towards the use of gamification is explained mainly by perceived usefulness, and to a lesser extent by work environment, age and gender. On the other hand, intention to use is basically explained by perceived usefulness and age, and to a lesser extent by attitude, work environment and gender. / Seguí Mas, DM. (2021). El uso de la gamificación en la enseñanza del emprendimiento: actitud e intención de uso por parte del profesorado universitario [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172236

Comprehensive Evaluation of VA-Developed PTSD Apps: A Systematic Review, MARS Scale Assessment, and User Review Analysis through Thematic and Path Analysis

Esener, Yeter Yildiz 07 1900 (has links)
Mobile technology is increasingly leveraged for mental health interventions, with users expressing overall satisfaction and finding the apps helpful and user-friendly. While the apps offer diverse features for symptom management, self-help, and treatment support, evidence regarding their effectiveness remains limited, suggesting a need for further research. Usability, engagement, and tailoring to user preferences emerge as critical factors, emphasizing the importance of customization for different populations. This research presented a systematic literature review aimed at evaluating studies specifically focusing on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) apps, with a subsequent quality assessment using the MARS scale. Additionally, the research involves an in-depth analysis of user reviews for these PTSD apps through thematic, and path analysis. The technology acceptance model (TAM) model serves as the framework for path analysis, and the performance of VADER, Flair, and TextBlob is evaluated. Sentiment analysis is then employed to explore relationships among TAM model factors and additional factors derived from the systematic literature review and thematic analysis. In conclusion, this dissertation contributes to the understanding of PTSD apps, their usability, and their potential for mental health support. It underscores the need for further research, customization, and ongoing collaboration to optimize the effectiveness of these applications in managing PTSD symptoms and supporting individuals in their mental health journey.

Digital payments adoption research: A review of factors influencing consumer’s attitude, intention and usage

Patil, P.P, Rana, Nripendra P., Dwivedi, Y.K. 25 September 2020 (has links)
Yes / Digital payment methods (DPMs) are evolving fast but they are yet to be widely adopted particularly in the developing countries. An initial review of literature suggests that several studies have already been conducted on this topic for understanding antecedents of digital payments adoption. However, only a few studies have examined this emerging topic in the context of developing countries. The aim of this submission is to identify antecedents of consumer adoption and usage of digital payments methods. The results of this literature analysis suggest that constructs related to technology acceptance model (TAM) and unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) along with trust and risk are the most frequently examined constructs for determining consumer’s behavioural intention to use and usage of DPMs. The findings from this work can help researchers selecting factors for inclusion in the future empirical works on this topic.

Jordanian Citizen-Centric Cloud Services Acceptance Model in an e-Government Context: Security Antecedents for Using Cloud Services

Alkhwaldi, Abeer F.A.H. January 2019 (has links)
Cloud computing (CC) has become a strategic trend for online government services around the world, and Jordan is no exception. However, the acceptance and use of this novel technology face a number of barriers and challenges, including technological, human-aspects, social, and financial issues which need to be considered carefully by governments contemplating the implementation of cloud-based services. Drawing on the literature review on the acceptance and use of cloud-based e government services, it is evident that there is still a lack of explanatory power due to the following reasons: 1) focusing on the adoption and implementation of cloud-based e-government systems from the supply-side perspective, and therefore there are no enough studies on the integration between the supply-side and the demand-side as a single phenomenon. 2) while most of the e-government literature discussed the acceptance and adoption of traditional e-government services, there has been relatively little research on the distinguishing characteristics of cloud technology (e.g. security and trust). In addition, although Jordan made significant efforts in implementing cloud-based e-government systems since 2014, Jordan still has an unsatisfied rank with respect to the E-Government Development Index (EGDI) and E Participation Index (EPI). Many researchers state that security is one of the main determinates to the successful implementation of e-government services, without investigating this issue in depth. This thesis aims to bridge these gaps in an empirical manner through introducing a comprehensive investigation to provide a thorough understanding of cloud services adoption stemming from multiple perspectives, using an amended theoretical model based on the second version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2). To achieve this research aim, a mixed-methods approach for data collection was used. The first stage employed an online questionnaire (220 valid responses and 27 questions) to identify that some e-government challenges still affect the acceptance of cloud-based public services (e.g. lack of awareness and security). Also, to determine some of the security concerns relevant to the research context. In the second stage, a grounded theory approach (18 semi-structured interviews and five questions as an interview guide) was adopted to explore factors affecting users’ (i.e. citizens’) perceptions regarding the security of cloud-based e-government services. The results show five factors influencing perceived security: intangible and tangible characteristics (ITCS), information security awareness (ISA), interface design quality (IDQ), law and regulations, and security culture (SC). The third stage applied an online questionnaire to validate the proposed theoretical framework which integrated the findings of the second stage with the UTAUT2 constructs, trust and perceived security. In this stage, the theoretical model was evaluated through an online survey (57 Likert five-point scale questions), and a total of 669 validated responses were analysed with the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique using Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) version 25.0. The results indicated that performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), social influence (SI), facilitating conditions (FC) and trust (ToEG) of e-government were found to significantly and positively influence the individuals’ behavioural intention to use cloud-based e-government services. Moreover, perceived security (PS) significantly influenced trust (ToEG) of e-government. In addition, intangible and tangible characteristics (ITCS), information security awareness (ISA), interface design quality (IDQ), law and regulations, and security culture (SC) had a positive effect on the perceived security of cloud-based public services. The outcome of this research presents a theoretical framework for studying the acceptance of cloud services in the Jordanian public sector. Additionally, eighteen action guidelines corresponding to the eleven factors of this study have been suggested and five of which have been already implemented or are planned to be implemented by the Jordanian government. The results of this study will provide empirical findings for the e-government professionals around the world, especially in developing countries with a similar context to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, facing similar obstacles for the acceptance and adoption of cloud-based e-government services, and aspiring to enhance such services in their countries. The practical implications, implementation guidelines, theoretical contributions, and limitations of this work are discussed in the context of providing key directions for future research. / Mutah University in Jordan

The application of usability principles to create web-based applications that achieve increased system usage

Bezuidenhout, Stephanie January 2011 (has links)
<p>This research work investigates and reports on the contribution of usability and perceptual frameworks towards understanding and ultimately increasing usage of a sales website and a corporate marketing website for a major insurance company in South Africa. It investigates whether the application of usability principles to the sales web positively influences the usage of the sales web system as a tool by intermediaries, and in so doing help the organisation recoup their investment and lower operational costs. This financial services (traditionally insurance) company, like many organisations, is in the process of migrating key operational systems onto web platforms to take advantage of benefits such as the ubiquity of web access and services orientated architecture among others. The research reviewed key frameworks in the area of technology acceptance or usage namely  Nielsen‟s usability attributes (Nielsen, 2003)  The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), (Davis, 1989)&nbsp /  The Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbein &amp / Ajzen, 1975)  The Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1985) / and derived a theoretical summative model (the Conceptual Research Model) that combined both usability and perceptual dimensions. The applicability of this summative model was empirically tested using quantitative data relating to system&nbsp / usage and user perception. Empirical evidence was gathered to prove and refine the Conceptual Research Model (CRM), and the data substantiated the inclusion of the constructs in the CRM, as well as the efficacy of the model in a financial services organisation. Through testing of the CRM, this research has also confirmed which specific attributes of usability can be focussed on to bring about positive change in users‟ usage behaviour and adoption of a website or web application.</p>

The application of usability principles to create web-based applications that achieve increased system usage

Bezuidenhout, Stephanie January 2011 (has links)
<p>This research work investigates and reports on the contribution of usability and perceptual frameworks towards understanding and ultimately increasing usage of a sales website and a corporate marketing website for a major insurance company in South Africa. It investigates whether the application of usability principles to the sales web positively influences the usage of the sales web system as a tool by intermediaries, and in so doing help the organisation recoup their investment and lower operational costs. This financial services (traditionally insurance) company, like many organisations, is in the process of migrating key operational systems onto web platforms to take advantage of benefits such as the ubiquity of web access and services orientated architecture among others. The research reviewed key frameworks in the area of technology acceptance or usage namely  Nielsen‟s usability attributes (Nielsen, 2003)  The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), (Davis, 1989)&nbsp /  The Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbein &amp / Ajzen, 1975)  The Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1985) / and derived a theoretical summative model (the Conceptual Research Model) that combined both usability and perceptual dimensions. The applicability of this summative model was empirically tested using quantitative data relating to system&nbsp / usage and user perception. Empirical evidence was gathered to prove and refine the Conceptual Research Model (CRM), and the data substantiated the inclusion of the constructs in the CRM, as well as the efficacy of the model in a financial services organisation. Through testing of the CRM, this research has also confirmed which specific attributes of usability can be focussed on to bring about positive change in users‟ usage behaviour and adoption of a website or web application.</p>

Fatores que influenciam a aceita??o de pr?ticas avan?adas de gest?o de seguran?a da informa??o: um estudo com gestores p?blicos estaduais no Brasil

Nobre, Anna Cl?udia dos Santos 04 September 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:53:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnnaCSN.pdf: 3032779 bytes, checksum: c9b62b38c5e42ff883e6b2946ccff0e1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-09-04 / This study examines the factors that influence public managers in the adoption of advanced practices related to Information Security Management. This research used, as the basis of assertions, Security Standard ISO 27001:2005 and theoretical model based on TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) from Venkatesh and Davis (2000). The method adopted was field research of national scope with participation of eighty public administrators from states of Brazil, all of them managers and planners of state governments. The approach was quantitative and research methods were descriptive statistics, factor analysis and multiple linear regression for data analysis. The survey results showed correlation between the constructs of the TAM model (ease of use, perceptions of value, attitude and intention to use) and agreement with the assertions made in accordance with ISO 27001, showing that these factors influence the managers in adoption of such practices. On the other independent variables of the model (organizational profile, demographic profile and managers behavior) no significant correlation was identified with the assertions of the same standard, witch means the need for expansion researches using such constructs. It is hoped that this study may contribute positively to the progress on discussions about Information Security Management, Adoption of Safety Standards and Technology Acceptance Model / Este estudo analisa os fatores que influenciam os gestores p?blicos na ado??o de pr?ticas van?adas de Gest?o de Seguran?a da Informa??o. A pesquisa utilizou como base assertivas a Norma de Seguran?a ISO 27001:2005 e modelo te?rico baseado no TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) descrito em Venkatesh e Davis (2000). O m?todo adotado foi a esquisa de campo de alcance nacional que contou com a participa??o de oitenta gestores p?blicos dos Estados do Brasil, sendo todos coordenadores na ?rea de gest?o e planejamento dos governos estaduais. A abordagem da pesquisa foi quantitativa e foram utilizados m?todos de estat?stica descritiva, an?lise fatorial e regress?o linear m?ltipla para an?lise dos dados. Os resultados da pesquisa apresentaram correla??o entre os construtos do modelo TAM (facilidade na utiliza??o, percep??o sobre a utilidade, atitude e inten??o de utiliza??o) e a concord?ncia com as assertivas elaboradas de acordo com a norma ISO 27001, demonstrando que estes fatores influenciam os gestores na ado??o de tais pr?ticas. J? as outras vari?veis independentes do modelo (perfil organizacional, perfil demogr?fico e comportamental dos gestores) n?o tiveram correla??o significante com as assertivas da referida norma, demonstrando necessidade de amplia??o de pesquisas com utiliza??o de tais construtos. Espera-se que este estudo possa contribuir de forma positiva ao avan?o nas discuss?es sobre o tema Gest?o de Seguran?a da Informa??o e Ado??o de Normas de Seguran?a, bem como, Modelos de Aceita??o de Tecnologia

Fatores cr?ticos de sucesso como antecedentes da aceita??o de um sistema de informa??o em uma universidade federal

Yoshino, Cristina Kazumi Nakata 03 September 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:53:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CristinaKNY_DISSERT.pdf: 2647899 bytes, checksum: 38fec83f99c6340d8c2475bec099d1b8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-09-03 / In recent decades the public sector comes under pressure in order to improve its performance. The use of Information Technology (IT) has been a tool increasingly used in reaching that goal. Thus, it has become an important issue in public organizations, particularly in institutions of higher education, determine which factors influence the acceptance and use of technology, impacting on the success of its implementation and the desired organizational results. The Technology Acceptance Model - TAM was used as the basis for this study and is based on the constructs perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. However, when it comes to integrated management systems due to the complexity of its implementation,organizational factors were added to thus seek further explanation of the acceptance of such systems. Thus, added to the model five TAM constructs related to critical success factors in implementing ERP systems, they are: support of top management, communication, training, cooperation, and technological complexity (BUENO and SALMERON, 2008). Based on the foregoing, launches the following research problem: What factors influence the acceptance and use of SIE / module academic at the Federal University of Para, from the users' perception of teachers and technicians? The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of organizational factors, and behavioral antecedents of behavioral intention to use the SIE / module academic UFPA in the perspective of teachers and technical users. This is applied research, exploratory and descriptive, quantitative with the implementation of a survey, and data collection occurred through a structured questionnaire applied to a sample of 229 teachers and 30 technical and administrative staff. Data analysis was carried out through descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling with the technique of partial least squares (PLS). Effected primarily to assess the measurement model, which were verified reliability, convergent and discriminant validity for all indicators and constructs. Then the structural model was analyzed using the bootstrap resampling technique like. In assessing statistical significance, all hypotheses were supported. The coefficient of determination (R ?) was high or average in five of the six endogenous variables, so the model explains 47.3% of the variation in behavioral intention. It is noteworthy that among the antecedents of behavioral intention (BI) analyzed in this study, perceived usefulness is the variable that has a greater effect on behavioral intention, followed by ease of use (PEU) and attitude (AT). Among the organizational aspects (critical success factors) studied technological complexity (TC) and training (ERT) were those with greatest effect on behavioral intention to use, although these effects were lower than those produced by behavioral factors (originating from TAM). It is pointed out further that the support of senior management (TMS) showed, among all variables, the least effect on the intention to use (BI) and was followed by communications (COM) and cooperation (CO), which exert a low effect on behavioral intention (BI). Therefore, as other studies on the TAM constructs were adequate for the present research. Thus, the study contributed towards proving evidence that the Technology Acceptance Model can be applied to predict the acceptance of integrated management systems, even in public. Keywords: Technology / Nas ?ltimas d?cadas o setor p?blico vem sofrendo press?es com vistas a melhorar seu desempenho. A utiliza??o da Tecnologia da Informa??o (TI) tem sido uma ferramenta cada vez mais empregada na tentativa de alcan?ar esse objetivo. Dessa forma, passou a ser uma importante quest?o nas organiza??es p?blicas, e em particular nas institui??es de ensino superior, verificar quais fatores influenciam a aceita??o e o uso da tecnologia, impactando no sucesso de sua implementa??o e nos resultados organizacionais almejados. O Modelo de Aceita??o da Tecnologia TAM foi utilizado como base para o presente estudo e fundamenta-se nos construtos utilidade percebida e facilidade de uso percebida. No entanto, quando se trata de sistemas integrados de gest?o, devido ? complexidade de sua implanta??o, acrescentaram-se fatores organizacionais para assim buscar maior explica??o da aceita??o desses sistemas. Assim, acrescentaram-se ao modelo TAM cinco construtos relacionados aos fatores cr?ticos de sucesso na implementa??o de sistemas ERP, s?o eles: apoio da alta administra??o, comunica??o, treinamento, coopera??o, e complexidade tecnol?gica (BUENO e SALMERON, 2008). Com base no exposto, lan?a-se o seguinte problema de pesquisa: quais fatores influenciam a aceita??o e uso do SIE/m?dulo acad?mico na Universidade Federal do Par?, a partir da percep??o dos usu?rios t?cnicos e docentes? O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi identificar a influ?ncia de fatores organizacionais e comportamentais como antecedentes da inten??o comportamental de uso do SIE/m?dulo acad?mico na UFPA sob a perspectiva dos usu?rios docentes e t?cnicos. A presente pesquisa ? aplicada, explorat?ria e descritiva, de natureza quantitativa com a aplica??o de um survey, e a coleta de dados se deu por meio de question?rio estruturado aplicado a uma amostra composta por 229 docentes e 30 t?cnico-administrativos. A an?lise de dados se deu atrav?s de estat?sticas descritivas e modelagem de equa??o estrutural com a t?cnica de m?nimos quadros parciais (Partial Least Square-PLS). Primeiramente efetuou-se a avalia??o do modelo de mensura??o, no qual foram verificadas a confiabilidade, validade convergente e discriminante para todos os indicadores e construtos. Em seguida, o modelo estrutural foi analisado, com a utiliza??o de bootstrap como t?cnica de reamostragem. Na avalia??o das signific?ncias estat?sticas, todas as hip?teses formuladas foram suportadas. O coeficiente de determina??o (R?) foi considerado alto ou m?dio em 5 das 6 vari?veis end?genas, assim o modelo consegue explicar 47,3% da varia??o da inten??o comportamental. Ressalta-se que, dentre os antecedentes da inten??o comportamental (BI) analisados no presente estudo, utilidade percebida ? a vari?vel que possui maior efeito sobre a inten??o comportamental, seguida pela facilidade de uso (PEU) e a atitude (AT). Dentre os aspectos organizacionais (fatores cr?ticos de sucesso) estudados, complexidade tecnol?gica (TC) e treinamento (TRE) foram aqueles com maior efeito sobre a inten??o comportamental de usar, apesar desses efeitos serem inferiores aos produzidos pelos fatores comportamentais (origin?rios do TAM). Destaca-se, ainda, que o apoio da alta administra??o (TMS) apresentou, entre todas as vari?veis, o menor efeito sobre a inten??o de usar (BI) e foi seguida pela comunica??o (COM) e coopera??o (CO), as quais exercem um baixo efeito sobre a inten??o comportamental (BI). Portanto, conforme outros estudos, os construtos relativos ao TAM mostraram-se adequados para a presente pesquisa. Dessa maneira, o estudo contribuiu no sentido de demonstrar ind?cios de que o Modelo de Aceita??o da Tecnologia pode ser aplicado ? predi??o da aceita??o de sistemas integrados de gest?o, mesmo em organiza??es p?blicas.

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