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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da tectônica de colocação de diques cretácicos na região de São Sebastião, SP / Tectonic emplacement of cretaceous dykes at São Sebastião, SP

Leonardo Corrêa Gomes 29 February 2012 (has links)
O trabalho foi desenvolvido no litoral norte do estado de São Paulo, onde ocorrem boas exposições de rochas intrusivas da porção meridional do Enxame de Diques da Serra do Mar, de idade eocretácica. O objetivo principal da dissertação é caracterizar os regimes tectônicos associados à colocação e à deformação de diques máficos na área de São Sebastião (SP) e sua distribuição espacial, a partir de interpretações de imagens de sensores remotos, análise de dados estruturais de campo e descrição petrográfica das rochas ígneas. A área apresenta grande complexidade no tocante ao magmatismo, uma vez que ocorrem diques de diabásios toleítico e alcalino, lamprófiro e rochas alcalinas félsicas como fonolitos, traquitos e sienitos, estes sob a forma diques, sills e plugs. Os diabásios toleíticos tem idades em torno 134 Ma, correlatas com o início do rifteamento sul-atlântico, enquanto que as rochas alcalinas datam de 86 Ma e estão relacionadas com um magmatismo intraplaca posterior. Os lineamentos estruturais orientam-se majoritariamente na direção ENE-WSW, paralela às foliações metamórficas e zonas de cisalhamento observadas no campo e descritas na literatura, referentes ao Domínio Costeiro da Faixa Ribeira. Os diques se orientam na direção NE-SW, com azimute semelhante porém ângulos de mergulho discordantes da foliação em grande parte da área, onde as foliações são de baixo ângulo. Um segundo conjunto de lineamentos orientado NW-SE ocorre como um importante conjunto de fraturas que cortam tanto as rochas do embasamento proterozóico quanto as rochas alcalinas neocretácicas. Diques com esta orientação são escassos. Um terceiro conjunto NNE-SSW ocorre na porção oeste da área, associado à presença de diques de diabásio que por vezes mostram indicadores de movimentação sinistral. A análise cinemática dos diques mostra um predomínio de distensão pura durante sua colocação, com um tensor de compressão mínima de orientação NW-SE, ortogonal ao principal trend dos diques. Componentes direcionais, por vezes ambíguas, são comumente observadas, com um discreto predomínio de componente sinistral. O mesmo padrão cinemático é observado para os diques toleíticos e para os alcalinos, sugerindo que o campo de tensões local pouco variou durante o Cretáceo. Embora o embasamento não tenha sido diretamente reativado durante a colocação dos diques, sua anisotropia pode ter controlado de certa forma a orientação do campo de tensões local durante o Cretáceo. Os mapas geofísicos da bacia de Santos existentes na literatura sugerem certo paralelismo entre as estruturas observadas na área de estudo e aquelas interpretadas na bacia. As estruturas NNE-SSW são paralelas ao trend das sub-bacias e ao gráben de Merluza, enquanto que as estruturas NW-SE são paralelas a zonas de transferência descritas na literatura. / The study was developed at the northern coast of São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil, where there are good exposures of intrusive rocks of the southern portion of the Early Cretaceous Serra do Mar Dyke Swarm. The main purpose is to define the tectonic regimes related to the emplacement and deformation of mafic dykes in the area of São Sebastião (SP) and their spatial and relative temporal distribution, based on interpretations of remote sensing images, field analysis of structural data, and petrographic description of igneous rocks. The area is quite complex in terms of Cretaceous magmatim, since there are dolerite dykes (tholeiitic and alkaline), lamprophyric dykes and felsic alkaline rocks (mainly phonolites, trachytes and syenites) which occur as dykes, sills and plugs. The tholeiitic dolerites yield ages around 134 Ma, related to the early South Atlantic rifting, while the alkaline rocks are dated as 86 Ma and are related to a subsequent intraplate magmatism. The structural lineaments are oriented mostly ENE-WSW, parallel to the metamorphic foliation and shear zones observed in the field and described in the literature, as part of the Costeiro Complex of the Ribeira Belt. The dykes are oriented NE-SW, with similar azimuth but different dip angles compared to the foliations, which are gently dipping in many areas. A second set of lineaments oriented NW-SE occurs as a major set of brittle fractures which cut both the Proterozoic rocks and the Late Cretaceous alkaline rocks. Dykes with this orientation are scarce. A third set oriented NNE-SSW occurs in the western area associated with some dolerite dykes which sometimes show evidence of sinistral component during emplacement. The kinematic analysis of the dykes shows a predominance of pure extension during emplacement, with an extension direction oriented NW-SE, orthogonal to the main dyke trend. Directional components, sometimes ambiguous, are commonly observed, with a slight predominance of sinistral components. The same kinematic pattern is observed for both tholeiitic and alkaline dykes, so that the local stress field orientation remained unaltered during the Cretaceous. Although the basement has not been directly reactivated during dyke emplacement, their anisotropies can account for some control on the orientation of the local stress field during the Cretaceous. The available geophysical maps of the Santos Basin suggest certain parallelism among the structures observed in the study area and those interpreted in the basin. The NNE-SSW trending structures are parallel to the trend of sub-basins and to the Merluza graben, while the NW-SE structures are parallel to transfer zones described in the literature.

Neogene tectonic and exhumation of the Andes Centrales, Southern Peru / Neotectonique, Tectonique Néogène et Exhumation à travers les Andes Centrales, Sud du Pérou

Benavente Escobar, Carlos Lenin 13 March 2017 (has links)
L’histoire et les mécanismes de soulèvement des Andes centrales ont fait l'objet de débats animés depuis les années 1970. Notre étude se concentre sur l’analyse de la déformation Cénozoïque et de l'exhumation des Andes Centrales dans la région du Sud Pérou : à Cuzco, et dans la région de Nazca entre les cordillères Occidentale et Côtière. En effet, plusieurs auteurs soulignent le rôle du raccourcissement tectonique dans l'épaississement de la croûte, dans l’avant-arc Chilien ou à l’Est dans la région Subandine. Dans les modèles de déformation tectonique active issus du GPS, aucun raccourcissement ni transpression n’est pris en compte sur la bordure Occidentale des Andes au Cénozoïque ou dans les modèles de déformation crustale issus du GPS. La nouvelle cartographie des systèmes de failles actives dans la région sud du Pérou donnent un aperçu de la déformation active à l’échelle crustale pour la marge Pacifique des Andes Centrales. La géomorphologie et les paysages de l'avant-arc andin ont classiquement été présentés comme fossiles depuis le Miocène, sans évidence de structures actives accommodant la déformation cénozoïque. Cependant, les surfaces géomorphologiques bien préservées développées dans l'avant-arc du sud du Pérou fournissent d'excellents marqueurs et des évidences de déformation très nettes depuis le Cénozoïque jusqu’au Quaternaire récent. Ces marqueurs montrent tous un soulèvement des Andes le long de la marge ouest depuis les derniers Millions d’années. Bien que l’initiation et l’évolution de l'exhumation et du soulèvement cénozoïque aient été étudié dans les canyons de Colca et de Cotahuasi, il demeure peu contraint dans le segment nord de l'avant – arc, i.e., dans la région de Nazca. Dans cette étude, nous avons choisi d’apporter de nouvelles données (U-Th)/He et traces de fission sur apatite (AHe) et (AFT) respectivement dans cette région. L’échantillonnage a porté sur la Cordillère Occidentale entre Cañete et Nazca le long de deux nouvelles coupes transversales à la topographie. Le profil Age/Distance à la côte indique une mise en place de relief dans la région Andine au début du Miocène et une évolution découplée des deux systèmes de cordillères Cotière et Occidentale en terme d’exhumation dans le temps. A l’échelle Quaternaire, nous avons cartographié les failles actives pour déterminer leur géométrie, cinématique et les âges maximaux de l’activation de ces failles. Ceci afin de discuter du rôle de cette activité tectonique, précédemment supposée Miocène, dans le soulèvement et l’exhumation de l’avant-arc Andin. Nous avons utilisé la production et l’accumulation du 10Be cosmogénique dans les roches pour déterminer les âges d'exposition d’un escarpement tectonique marquant les derniers épisodes co-sismiques de la faille de Purgatorio. Nos nouveaux résultats, contrastent avec des conclusions précédentes qui concluaient à de l’extension et des vitesses lentes le long de l’avant arc Andin (<0.1mm/an). Les âges très récents indiquent une morphologie « historique » (free face) et deux tremblements de terre Mw6-7 sur ce système de failles transpressives qui se connectent au système principal d’Incapuquio. Les données suggèrent non seulement une déformation active significative de l’avant-arc, mais soulignent aussi l’existence d’un aléa sismique qui n’est toujours pas pris en compte pour les failles crustales dans les Andes. Tandis que l’hypothèse acceptée est que la déformation active est localisée dans le bassin d’avant pays subandin, ou à l’est de la cordillère orientale, nos données suggèrent qu’une partie de la déformation active se localise aussi sur la marge Occidentale ainsi que le long de la faille d'Incapuquio. De plus, les failles observées en néotectonique accommoderaient le partitionnement de la déformation le long de la subduction oblique et ceci n’a jamais été discuté précédemment. Ce mouvement, rigide, en bloc serait du à la présence du craton accrété sur le flanc Ouest et à sa rigidité. / ABSTRACTTiming and mechanisms of uplift in the Central Andes have been a matter of debate since at least the 1970’s. Our study focuses on Cenozoic deformation and exhumation of the Central Andean forearc in Peru, in Cuzco region, and between the Western Cordillera and the Coastal Cordillera in Nazca region. Our new mapping of active faults provides new insights into the Cenozoic to present-day crustal deformation of the Central Andean Western margin. Until now, apart from some local studies, the geomorphology of the Andean forearc has classically been presented as a remnant Miocene landscape with no significant active structures accommodating the Cenozoic deformation. Thanks to new high-resolution optical imagery, the well-preserved geomorphic surfaces developed within the forearc of southern Peru provide excellent regional markers to map patterns of deformation. Pertaining to the Cenozoic history, while the timing of uplift-related exhumation and Cenozoic exhumation has been studied in Colca and Cotahuasi canyons, it remain poorly constrained in the northern segment of the Central Andean forearc. I report new apatite (U–Th)/He (AHe) and fission track (AFT) ages from the western Cordillera between Cañete and Nazca along two new cross sections. The ages in Nazca region reflect relatively recent (since ~10Ma) relief creation along the western margin of the Altiplano, similar to what is described south in Colca region.The Quaternary tectonic history is revealed by the newly mapped fault segments affecting the Miocene deposits within forearc. Through field and remote mapping, I determined fault geometries and maximum ages for the activity of the faults systems based on stratigraphic relationships in order to assess the role of this tectonic activity in the Western Cordillera uplift and exhumation.To understand the Holocene tectonic history, we use in situ produced 10Be to determine the exposure ages of the free face and tectonic scarp of the Purgatorio Fault in order to map the temporal evolution of its seismotectonic activity. Our new results display evidence of transpression and the formation of meter-high coseismic scarps as well as very recent exposure ages indicating a youthful fault morphology and Mw6-7 earthquakes occurring along the Purgatorio fault segments. These new data are in contrast with some previous conclusions for this region which suggest extension and/or slow rates of deformation for this region and time period. Further, these new data not only suggest significant active deformation within the forearc, but also highlight a potential seismic hazard for the region that not take into account crustal forearc faults.While the general assumption is that active deformation is localized in the Subandean fold and thrust belt, or east of the Western Cordillera in the Altiplano, our data support a model where active deformation is occurring in the western margin as well, along the Incapuquio Fault and other neotectonic faults that accommodates the partitioning of the subduction oblique convergence.These crustal active faults and more precisely the “not migrating to the trench” Incapuquio fault zone reveal the rigid motion of the forearc. Our new model is nevertheless compatible with the recently published GPS data that measure a southeastward movement at 4–5 mm/yr relative to a stable South America reference frame. This rigid motion is in part due to the presence of the rigid Greenvillian accreted craton, that behave as a sliver, and rather tilt than deform through time.

Long-term activity of shear zones in the Dom Feliciano Belt and associated terranes (South America)

Hueck, Mathias 23 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Moletrack scarps to mountains: Quaternary tectonics of the central Alaska Range / Quaternary tectonics of the central Alaska Range

Bemis, Sean Patrick, 1979- 03 1900 (has links)
xvi, 121 p. : ill. (some col.), maps (some col.) Also includes two large-scale maps in two separate pdf files. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / Deformation across plate boundaries often occurs over broad zones with relative motions between plates typically accommodated by faults of different styles acting together in a complex system. Collision of the Yakutat microplate within the Alaskan portion of the Pacific-North America plate boundary drives deformation over 600 km away where the Denali fault divides predominantly rigid crustal block motions of southern Alaska from distributed deformation in central Alaska. Quaternary geologic mapping along the Nenana River valley and the Japan Hills of the northern foothills of the Alaska Range defines zones of Quaternary thrust faulting recorded in the progressive deformation of Pleistocene fluvial terraces. I use topographic profiles of these terraces and paleoseismic trenching of fault scarps to characterize the Quaternary activity and constrain the subsurface geometry of these faults. Radiocarbon and cosmogenic exposure dating methods provide age control on the stratigraphy in the trenches and landforms offset by these faults. These observations define a 1-1.5 mm/yr slip rate for the Gold King fault which changes laterally from a north-vergent thrust into a north and south vergent thrust wedge that uplifts the Japan Hills. Along the Nenana River valley, the progressive deformation of Pleistocene surfaces defines a north-vergent critically-tapered thrust wedge. The geometry of progressive uplift and folding requires a near planar, south-dipping basal thrust fault with two major north-dipping backthrusts. All three faults were active simultaneously on a scale of 10 4 yrs with slip rates of 0.25-1 mm/yr, until the late Pleistocene when we infer the retreat of glacial ice from the main axis of the Alaska Range caused a change in thrust wedge dynamics. I use the orientation of Quaternary deformation north of the Denali fault to show that strain is highly partitioned and establish geologic constraints on the regional horizontal stress orientation. North of the Denali fault, fault-normal principal shortening accommodates 3-5 mm/yr of strain transfer across the Denali fault system. Two appendices contain additional results of paleoseismic trenching and neotectonic investigations across 4 active faults near the Nenana River. This dissertation includes previously unpublished co-authored material. / Committee in charge: Ray Weldon, Chairperson, Geological Sciences; Joshua Roering, Member, Geological Sciences; David Schmidt, Member, Geological Sciences; Douglas Kennett, Outside Member, Anthropology

Land of the Free, Home of the (Un)Regulated: A Look at Market-Building and Liberalization in the EU and the US

Hoffmann, Leif, 1975- 09 1900 (has links)
xv, 372 p. / In my dissertation I argue that because the European Union and the United States of America have been largely treated as unique or at least special cases, both the literature on American-state building and that on European market integration have missed how close comparison alters both our descriptive views and social-scientific explanations of the shape of each polity. In particular, scholars have not sufficiently recognized that the European Union has gone further than the United States in many elements of the creation of a centralized, liberalized single market, nor have they produced explanations that account well for this development. This study challenges the dominant assumption that the United States is generally more hierarchical and centralized than the European Union and more of a single free market in the sense of fewer allowable trade barriers. By analyzing the rules of market integration in services (over 70% of GDP), public procurement (15 - 20% GDP) and the regulated goods markets (goods like elevators with their own regulatory regimes), I demonstrate that in all these major cases the European Union has adopted rules that open exchange to competition more than the United States. While the actual integration of flows on the ground is still generally less across European states than American ones, the political rules are more - and more liberally - integrated in Europe. I offer an institutional and ideational argument to explain these differences, with two main parts. First, there is no American parallel to the institution of the European Commission, which is mandated to continually push liberalization forward. My research shows that Commission leadership has been critical to each of the examined cases. Second, broader norms of legitimate governance favor centralized authority - including liberalizing central authority - more in the European Union than in the United States. Despite all the criticism we hear of the European Union, the basic notion of federal governance of market integration is far more strongly accepted across Europe at both elite and mass levels than in the United States. As interview evidence in this study displays, many Americans consistently object to any role for the federal government. / Committee in charge: Dr. Craig Parsons, Chairperson; Dr. Gerald Berk, Member; Dr. Lars Skålnes, Member; Dr. Alexander B. Murphy, Outside Member

Correlação cronoestratigráfica do Cinturão Triássico preservado no Gráben Arroio Moirão (RS

Borsa, Guilherme Nunes de Oliveira January 2017 (has links)
A influência da tectônica do supercontinente Gondwana é registrada no Gráben Arroio Moirão (RS), um relicto sedimentar associado ao Triássico da seção contínua da Bacia do Paraná, preservado sobre o Escudo Sul-Riograndense. Entretanto, o gráben dista 150 km da seção contínua e não apresenta nenhuma correlação estratigráfica clara. Baseado em novos dados sedimentológicos, paleontológicos e em abordagem de estratigrafia de sequências nova, se propõe um arcabouço estratigráfico para o Gráben Arroio Moirão e a sua correlação com a seção contínua da Bacia do Paraná. O gráben é composto pelo empilhamento de sequências de alta frequência, com granodecrescência ascendente, definido como flood units em um modelo de leques terminais. O conteúdo fossilífero corresponde à Sequência Candelária de idade Carniana, e estratigraficamente corresponde aos depósitos proximais da bacia triássica relacionados ao Escudo. As unidades do gráben estão em contato direto com o embasamento e está superfície representa um pulso de soerguimento, que erodiu as sequências anteriores, seguido por um rebaixamento que registrou a Sequência Candelária. A reativação das estruturas herdadas do embasamento é relacionada à orogenia triássica na margem sudoeste do Gondwana e responsável pelo controle deposicional dentro do Gráben Arroio Moirão. / The influence of Gondwana tectonics in the Triassic is registered in the Arroio Moirão Graben, a relict sedimentary unit associated with the Triassic section of Paraná Basin, preserved over the Sul-Riograndense Shield. However, this graben is 150 km far from the Paraná Basin and has no clear stratigraphic correlation with the main Triassic outcropping area. Based on new sedimentological, paleontological and sequence stratigraphy analysis, we propose a sequence stratigraphy framework for the graben units and correlation with the Triassic section of Paraná Basin. The graben has a stacking of high-frequency sequences with fining upward trend, defined as flood units in a Terminal Splay model. The fossil content corresponds to the Hyperodapedon assemblage zone with Carnian age. These sequences are correlated with Candelária Sequence from Paraná Basin and represent a more proximal facies-association related with a source-area from the shield. The graben units are directly overlying the basement units and this surface registers an uplift that eroded the previous sedimentary record of Paraná basin followed by a Middle Triassic basin wide subsidence. The reactivation of inherited structures from the basement was related to the southern Gondwana orogeny in Middle to Late Triassic that controlled the deposition in the Arroio Moirão Graben.

Análise da tectônica de colocação de diques cretácicos na região de São Sebastião, SP / Tectonic emplacement of cretaceous dykes at São Sebastião, SP

Leonardo Corrêa Gomes 29 February 2012 (has links)
O trabalho foi desenvolvido no litoral norte do estado de São Paulo, onde ocorrem boas exposições de rochas intrusivas da porção meridional do Enxame de Diques da Serra do Mar, de idade eocretácica. O objetivo principal da dissertação é caracterizar os regimes tectônicos associados à colocação e à deformação de diques máficos na área de São Sebastião (SP) e sua distribuição espacial, a partir de interpretações de imagens de sensores remotos, análise de dados estruturais de campo e descrição petrográfica das rochas ígneas. A área apresenta grande complexidade no tocante ao magmatismo, uma vez que ocorrem diques de diabásios toleítico e alcalino, lamprófiro e rochas alcalinas félsicas como fonolitos, traquitos e sienitos, estes sob a forma diques, sills e plugs. Os diabásios toleíticos tem idades em torno 134 Ma, correlatas com o início do rifteamento sul-atlântico, enquanto que as rochas alcalinas datam de 86 Ma e estão relacionadas com um magmatismo intraplaca posterior. Os lineamentos estruturais orientam-se majoritariamente na direção ENE-WSW, paralela às foliações metamórficas e zonas de cisalhamento observadas no campo e descritas na literatura, referentes ao Domínio Costeiro da Faixa Ribeira. Os diques se orientam na direção NE-SW, com azimute semelhante porém ângulos de mergulho discordantes da foliação em grande parte da área, onde as foliações são de baixo ângulo. Um segundo conjunto de lineamentos orientado NW-SE ocorre como um importante conjunto de fraturas que cortam tanto as rochas do embasamento proterozóico quanto as rochas alcalinas neocretácicas. Diques com esta orientação são escassos. Um terceiro conjunto NNE-SSW ocorre na porção oeste da área, associado à presença de diques de diabásio que por vezes mostram indicadores de movimentação sinistral. A análise cinemática dos diques mostra um predomínio de distensão pura durante sua colocação, com um tensor de compressão mínima de orientação NW-SE, ortogonal ao principal trend dos diques. Componentes direcionais, por vezes ambíguas, são comumente observadas, com um discreto predomínio de componente sinistral. O mesmo padrão cinemático é observado para os diques toleíticos e para os alcalinos, sugerindo que o campo de tensões local pouco variou durante o Cretáceo. Embora o embasamento não tenha sido diretamente reativado durante a colocação dos diques, sua anisotropia pode ter controlado de certa forma a orientação do campo de tensões local durante o Cretáceo. Os mapas geofísicos da bacia de Santos existentes na literatura sugerem certo paralelismo entre as estruturas observadas na área de estudo e aquelas interpretadas na bacia. As estruturas NNE-SSW são paralelas ao trend das sub-bacias e ao gráben de Merluza, enquanto que as estruturas NW-SE são paralelas a zonas de transferência descritas na literatura. / The study was developed at the northern coast of São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil, where there are good exposures of intrusive rocks of the southern portion of the Early Cretaceous Serra do Mar Dyke Swarm. The main purpose is to define the tectonic regimes related to the emplacement and deformation of mafic dykes in the area of São Sebastião (SP) and their spatial and relative temporal distribution, based on interpretations of remote sensing images, field analysis of structural data, and petrographic description of igneous rocks. The area is quite complex in terms of Cretaceous magmatim, since there are dolerite dykes (tholeiitic and alkaline), lamprophyric dykes and felsic alkaline rocks (mainly phonolites, trachytes and syenites) which occur as dykes, sills and plugs. The tholeiitic dolerites yield ages around 134 Ma, related to the early South Atlantic rifting, while the alkaline rocks are dated as 86 Ma and are related to a subsequent intraplate magmatism. The structural lineaments are oriented mostly ENE-WSW, parallel to the metamorphic foliation and shear zones observed in the field and described in the literature, as part of the Costeiro Complex of the Ribeira Belt. The dykes are oriented NE-SW, with similar azimuth but different dip angles compared to the foliations, which are gently dipping in many areas. A second set of lineaments oriented NW-SE occurs as a major set of brittle fractures which cut both the Proterozoic rocks and the Late Cretaceous alkaline rocks. Dykes with this orientation are scarce. A third set oriented NNE-SSW occurs in the western area associated with some dolerite dykes which sometimes show evidence of sinistral component during emplacement. The kinematic analysis of the dykes shows a predominance of pure extension during emplacement, with an extension direction oriented NW-SE, orthogonal to the main dyke trend. Directional components, sometimes ambiguous, are commonly observed, with a slight predominance of sinistral components. The same kinematic pattern is observed for both tholeiitic and alkaline dykes, so that the local stress field orientation remained unaltered during the Cretaceous. Although the basement has not been directly reactivated during dyke emplacement, their anisotropies can account for some control on the orientation of the local stress field during the Cretaceous. The available geophysical maps of the Santos Basin suggest certain parallelism among the structures observed in the study area and those interpreted in the basin. The NNE-SSW trending structures are parallel to the trend of sub-basins and to the Merluza graben, while the NW-SE structures are parallel to transfer zones described in the literature.

Déformation Holocène de l’Himalaya du Bhoutan : apport de la géomorphologie et de la paléosismologie / Holocene deformation in the Bhutan Himalaya from geomorphic and paleoseismologic study

Le Roux-Mallouf, Romain 10 November 2016 (has links)
La chaîne Himalayenne est l'un des exemples les plus spectaculaires de déformation active à la surface de notre planète. Au cours des derniers siècles, de nombreux séismes majeurs (Mw > 7.5) ont affecté cette zone et le lourd bilan humain du séisme de Gorkha en 2015 a une nouvelle fois rappelé l’importance de parvenir à mieux estimer l’aléa sismique de cette région. Bien que les structures lithologiques et tectoniques semblent montrer au premier ordre une cylindricité le long des 2500 km de l'arc Himalayen, de nombreuses études, menées principalement au Népal, ont permis de mettre en évidence des variations latérales structurales, thermochronologiques, morphologiques, gravimétriques, sismologiques ou géodésiques. Le rôle de ces variations latérales sur la segmentation sismique reste cependant mal contraint. La taille maximale et la probabilité d’occurrence de ces méga-séismes sont donc toujours matière à débat.Ainsi, le comportement sismique de l’Himalaya du Bhoutan reste énigmatique. Pour certains les faibles taux de sismicité observés actuellement font de ce royaume une zone asismique de 350 km de long. Pour d’autres, à l’instar de l’Himalaya du Népal, la faible sismicité observée est associé à une forte accumulation de contrainte susceptible de générer des séismes majeurs. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’améliorer notre connaissance de cette région en quantifiant la déformation à différentes échelles spatiales et temporelles via des études morphotectoniques et paléosismologiques.La première partie de cette thèse vise à quantifier les mouvements verticaux à l’ouest Bhutan et le long du Main Frontal Thrust, structure la plus frontale située au sud Bhoutan. Trois campagnes de terrain ont été réalisées permettant l'échantillonnage (1) de terrasses alluviales le long du front afin de quantifier et d'étudier les variations du soulèvement Holocène, (2) de bassins versants pour l'étude de la dénudation court-terme (< 20 ka) dérivée des cosmonucléides ($^{10}$Be) et (3) de terrasses alluviales dans le Moyen-Pays pour quantifier l’incision Holocène. Les vitesses verticales obtenues au front sont comparables à celle proposées le long du reste de l’arc himalayen, suggérant une cinématique relativement simple. Par contre, nos résultats indiquent une variation de la géométrie du chevauchement himalayen (Main Himalayan Thrust) entre l’est Népal et l’ouest Bhoutan.La seconde partie porte sur plusieurs études paléosismologiques le long du front ouest et centre Bhoutanais. Six sites différents ont été étudiés au cours de trois campagnes de terrain. La datation et la modélisation de charbons détritiques a permis de mettre en évidence l'occurrence d’au moins cinq séismes majeurs durant les derniers 2700 ans, faisant du Bhoutan une zone sismiquement aussi active que le Népal. A une échelle régionale, cette étude apporte donc de nouvelles contraintes et contribue au débat sur la possibilité d’occurrence d'un séisme de magnitude 9 le long de l'arc Himalayen. / The Himalayan arc is one of the most active intra-continental mountain belts in the world. Over the last centuries, several major earthquakes (Mw > 7.5) have struck this arc. The dramatic effects of the Gorkha earthquake sequence in 2015 pointed once again the crucial need to improve seismic hazard assessment of this area.Geological explorations of the Himalayas since the late 19th century have emphasized a 2500-km-long roughly cylindrical structure, with striking continuity of main units and thrust faults. However recent geophysical and geological investigations have revealed lateral variations. The relationship between these variations and earthquakes segmentation along the arc remains poorly constraint. The maximum size and the occurrence probability of such earthquakes are still a matter of debate.For instance, the seismic behavior of Bhutan remains enigmatic. The present-day low seismicity rate observed in this area can reflect two opposite fault behaviors: an aseismic creeping zone or a zone of stress accumulation for future great earthquakes as the others parts of Himalayas. The main objective of this thesis is to bring new constraints on the deformation of the Bhutan Himalayas, at different space- and time-scales, through morphotectonic and paleoseismological approaches.The first part of this thesis focuses on the vertical deformation assessment along a N-S transect in western Bhutan and along the Main Frontal Thrust, which is the southern-most thrust in southern Bhutan. In the past three years, we have carried out three fieldwork campaigns to sample (1) frontal terraces to assess Holocene uplift rates, (2) watershed basins to quantify short term denudation rates (< 20 ky) derived from cosmonuclides $^{10}$Be and (3) hinterland alluvial terraces to quantify the Holocene incision rate. Frontal Holocene uplift rates obtained in Bhutan are consistent with those obtained in the others parts of Himalayas. Furthermore, our results reveal a variation in the geometry of the Main Himalayan Thrust between eastern Nepal and western Bhutan.The second part focuses on several paleoseismic studies along the west and central bhutanese Himalayan front. Different sites were investigated during three fieldwork campaigns. Detritic charcoals sampling and modeling suggest the occurrence of at least five surface-rupturing earthquakes during the last ~2700 years. These results demonstrate that the present-day low seismicity rate observed in Bhutan is not representative of the seismic activity at longer time scale. At regional scale, they also take part of a broader discussion on the probability of occurrence of a magnitude 9 earthquake along the Himalayan arc.

Application de géodésie satellitaire GNSS à haute résolution à la déformation de la marge Sud-Caraïbe. Implication pour l'aléa sismique dans l'Ouest et le Nord-Est du Venezuela / High resolution geodetic GNSS surveys of the present day deformation along the South-Caribbean margin. Implications for earthquake hazard assessment in western and north-eastern Venezuela

Reinoza Gomez, Carlos Eduardo 15 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse présente des observations GNSS dans l'Ouest et le Nord-Est Vénézuélien, et Trinidad utilisées pour contraindre la géodynamique de la zone d'étude et la cinématique des principales failles dans cette frontière des plaques. Je présente un travail intégral de conception, installations d'un réseau géodésique dans l'ouest du Venezuela et deux campagnes d'acquisition des données GNSS. Dans le Nord-Est Vénézuélien, une campagne d'acquisition des données a été réalisée avec la réoccupation des repères installés et mesurés depuis 2003. Lors du traitement des données, j'ai inclus l'ensemble des campagnes antérieures disponibles et les données des stations GNSS permanentes de la région. Les vitesses observées dans l'Ouest Vénézuélien correspondent bien avec le mouvement des plaques Caraïbes et Sud Amérique. Cependant, le lent taux de déplacement des failles principales et le court intervalle de temps entre les observations n'a pas permis d'obtenir un champ des vitesses avec suffisamment de précision. Au contraire, les observations épisodiques réalisées sur dix ans dans le Nord-Est du Venezuela ont permis contraindre la cinématique de la faille d'El Pilar (EPF). Dans cette région, nous avons étudié les effets de la variation des propriétés élastiques sur la faille et de part et d'autre de celle-ci. Le champ de vitesses asymétrique obtenu sur les deux côtés de la faille a été simulé avec cinq approches. Un premier modèle simple dans un demi-espace homogène montre une profondeur de blocage de 1,8 km. À l'aide d'un modèle hétérogène en considérant des contrastes entre les propriétés du matériel de part et d'autre de l'EPF, nous avons montré une profondeur de blocage de 3 km et un coefficient de rigidité de 0,37. Cette dernière valeur indique que le côté nord à l'EPF composé de roches ignées et métamorphiques présente une rigidité ~1,7 fois supérieure au côté sud composé de formations sédimentaires. À partir d'un modèle tridimensionnel élastostatique, la présence d'une zone de compliance a été suggérée. Cette zone proche de la faille caractérisée par une faible rigidité serait présente de la surface à 3 km de profondeur et présenterait une largeur de 1 à 5 km et une réduction de rigidité de 30%. La simulation des vélocités avec un modèle de distribution du glissement le long du plan de faille montre la présence de glissements asismiques dans toute la partie supérieure du segment Ouest tandis que la partie supérieure du segment Est se montre partialement bloquée, ce secteur partiellement bloqué correspondrait à la rupture en surface des séismes de 1797 et 1929. En se basant sur la combinaison des vélocités obtenues par comparaison GPS/GPS et triangulation/GPS nous avons étudié la cinématique des failles principales de Trinidad. Le champ de vitesses de part et d'autre de la faille de la cordillère centrale de Trinidad (CRF) indique une asymétrie du gradient de vitesse de part et d'autre de la faille. Le modèle simple de déformation interseismique montre une profondeur de blocage de 10 km et le modèle hétérogène asymétrique suggère une profondeur de blocage de 2,5 km avec un coefficient de rigidité de 0,20 %, qui suggère une rigidité trois fois supérieure du côté nord par rapport au côté sud. La simulation du glissement le long des failles de Trinidad montre un glissement asismique atteignant 12 mm/an le long de la partie supérieure de la CRF et de sa prolongation en mer la Warm Spring Fault. Ce comportement change vers le nord-est avec une diminution importante du creep le long de la partie supérieure de la faille. La prolongation de l'EPF se montre inactive à Trinidad. L'existence d'un creep important le long des failles d'El Pilar et de la faille de la cordillère centrale de Trinidad pourrait expliquer le bas niveau de sismicité instrumentale, historique et préhistorique de ces accidents qui localisent pourtant un coulissement de 20mm/an. L'existence de ce creep induirait une réduction de l'aléa sismique de moitié. / The Caribbean-South American plate boundary is described as a wide active transpresional zone. This dissertation presents GNSS observations in Western and Northeastern Venezuela, and Trinidad used to constrain the geodynamic of the region and the kinematic of the principal faults along this plate boundary. Here, a whole work of conception, installation of network and measurements with two campaigns of GNSS observations in Western Venezuela is presented. In the case of Northeastern Venezuela, a GNSS data acquisition campaign was carried out measuring pre-existing sites installed and occupied since 2003 by FUNVISIS and University of Savoie team. The data processing for these sites includes data from previous acquisition campaigns and permanent GNSS stations. In Western Venezuela, observed velocities correspond roughly with the motion of Caribbean and South American plates. Nonetheless, the slow rate of fault-slip of main faults and the short span between the data acquisition campaigns in Western Venezuela do not allow assess the velocity field with sufficient accuracy. In northeastern Venezuela, I focused on the effects of variable elastic properties of the El Pilar Fault (EPF) and surrounding medium on inferred slip rates and locking depths. The asymmetric velocity field on both sides of EPF have been evaluated with five approaches. In a first step, a simple elastic half-space model was applied showing a 1.8 km locking depth. Next, a model considering contrast of material properties across the EPF depicts out 3 km locking depth and a 0.37 asymmetric coefficient indicating that the igneous-metamorphic northern side has a rigidity ~1.7 times higher than the sedimentary southern side. From a three-dimensional elastostatic model, the presence of a near-fault low-rigidity compliant zone has been evaluated suggesting a zone in the upper 3 km in depth and going from 1 to 5 km width with a 30 per cent of rigidity reduction. The creep associated to the shallow locking depth was clearly shown with the slip distribution model and the displacement simulation method. The results show a widespread partially-creep pattern in the eastern upper segment, while the upper western segment exhibits a partially locked area which coincides with the rupture surface of 1797 and 1929 earthquakes. From the compilation of GNSS observations and triangulation-to-GPS comparison of previous studies, the kinematic of main faults in Trinidad has been studied. The velocity field across the Central Range Fault (CRF) points out an asymmetry of velocity gradient on both sides. The heterogeneous asymmetric model point out a 2.5 km locking depth with a 0.20 asymmetric coefficient indicating that the northern side has a rigidity ~3.3 times higher to the southern side. Similar approaches have been applied to the EPF extension in Trinidad. The creep in the upper part of CRF as response to the shallow locking depth was quantified using a slip distribution model. A creep of 12 mm/yr was calculated in the southwestern onshore portion of the CRF and the Warm Springs Fault, nevertheless, this behavior changes northeastward where the CRF show a significant decrease of slip in the upper part. The slip along the EPF prolongation appears locked along its upper and lower part in the onshore portion demonstrating that this segment section is not needed to simulate observed velocities and is inactive. Furthermore, the Los Bajos Fault is shown with a slip of 7 mm/yr in the segment upon which the EPF in Venezuela transfers its slip eastward and that act as a synthetic Riedel shears. The localized aseismic displacement pattern associated with creeping or partially creeping fault segments could explain the low level of historical seismicity in the Northeastern Venezuela and Trinidad. The EPF in Venezuela and the CRF accommodate between 50-60% of the plate boundary zone motion that point out a reduction of the seismic hazard almost by half

O Car?ter Tect?nico do Moderno Brasileiro: Bernardes e Campello na Para?ba (1970-1980)

Rocha, Germana Costa 27 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:56:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GermanaCR_TESE_inicio_cap2.pdf: 3821533 bytes, checksum: 35a1d16c09d63c5dcccbde65a3010a51 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-27 / This study aims to analyze the tectonic character of the works of Sergio Bernardes and Glauco Campello architects, built in Paraiba, between the turn of the decade in 1970 and early 1980 in order to bring reflections about the poetics of construction s importance in the formal structure of the architecture, contributing to the debate about the specificitiesand peculiarities of modern architecture produced in Brazil. The research, using the strategies of the case study, startsfromthe review on the use of "tectonic" by Kenneth Frampton and other scholars of the term, to base the concept and set the analytical parameters of the tectonics. Then it proceeds to the insertion of buildings in the cultural and socio-political Brazilian s context in the periodproposed forstudy, in sequence, analyzesthe works of each architect. The study confirms that the expressive power of Brazilian heroic modern architecture, emphasizing the poetics of construction, sediments a tectonic culture that resonates in the following generations / Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o car?ter tect?nico dasobras de Sergio Bernardes e Glauco Campello, constru?das na Para?ba,entre a virada para d?cada 1970 e in?cio dos anos 1980, a fim de trazer reflex?es sobre a import?ncia da po?tica construtiva na estrutura formal da arquitetura, contribuindo para o debate sobre as especificidades e singularidades da arquitetura moderna produzida no Brasil. A pesquisa, utilizando as estrat?gias do estudo de caso, parte da revis?o sobre o uso da tect?nica por Kenneth Framptone demais estudiosos do termo, para fundamentar o conceito de tect?nica adotado e definir seus par?metros anal?ticos. Em seguida, parte-se para a inser??odasobras no ambiente cultural e s?cio-pol?tico brasileiro, no marco temporal proposto, para, na seq?encia, analisar as obras de cada arquiteto.O estudo confirma que a for?a expressiva da arquitetura moderna heroicabrasileira,ao enfatizar a po?tica construtiva, sedimenta uma cultura tect?nica que repercute nas gera??es seguintes

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