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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Laminar heat transfer to Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids in tubes. Temperature and velocity profiles were determined experimentally for heating and cooling of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in tubes and the results compared with theoretical predictions incorporating a temperature-dependent viscosity.

Pavlovska-Popovska, Frederika January 1975 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with a theoretical and experimental study of the hydrodynamics and heat transfer characteristics of viscous fluids flowing in tubes under laminar conditions. Particular attention has been given to the effects of the rheological properties and their variation with temperature. A review of problems of this type showed that in spite of the many potential applications of the results in a wide range of industries the subject had not been well developed and further work is justified in order to fill some of the gaps in our knowledge. The early part of the thesis considers the justification of the work in this way and sets down the scope and objectives. A computer progracune was then developed to allow the governing equations of the problem to be solved numerically to give the velocity and temperature profiles and pressure drop for both heating and cooling conditions. The results were also presented in the form of Nusselt numbers as a function of the Graetz numberp since this form is useful for engineering design purposes. The validity of the predictions were then checked by a programme of experimental work. Temperature and velocity profiles have been measured in order to provide a more severe test of the theory than could be imposed by the measurement of overall heat transfer rates. A combined thermocouple probe/Pitot tube was developed to allow simultaneous measurements of velocity and temperature to be made. A Newtonian oil and two non-Newtonian Carbopol solutions were studied. This is the first time that velocity and temperature profiles have been measured for non-Newtonian fluids in this type of situation. The results of the work heve shown that (a) the velocity and temperature profiles and pressure drops are greatly affected by the temperature dependence of the rheological properties and since real viscous fluids are normally very temperature-sensitive it is important that this effect is properly taken into account. (b) the engineering design correlations commonly used for the prediction of heat transfer coefficients can be seriously in error, especially for cooling conditions and when non-Nevitonian fluids are being considered. (c) a mathematical model can be developed which accurately describes all the phenomena and gives predictions which are very close to those observed experimentally. An important objective was to develop more accurate engineering design correlations for non-isothermal pressure drop and heat transfer rates. / University of Bradford

Teplotní profily a fluktuace teploty v turbulentní Rayleighově-Bénardově konvekci / Temperature profiles and temperature fluctuations in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection

Drahotský, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
Tato práce popisuje výzkum zaměřený na studium vertikálních teplotních profilů a fluktuací v turbulentní Rayleighově-Bénardově konvekci. Experiment byl proveden v "Barrel of Ilmenau" obsahující válcovou experimentální celu s průměrem 7,15 m a výškou 4,7 m ("the aspect ratio" = 1,5) naplněnou suchým vzduchem. Teplotní profily a fluktuace byly studovány podél vertikální osy cely mezi horní a spodní deskou spodní deskou v rozmezí Rayleighova čísla (Ra) 1E11 4E12. Teplotní profily byly změřeny novou metodou využívající systém s optickým vláknem Luna ODiSI-B, který byl pořízen týmem z Ilmenau. Systém umožňuje měřit teplotní profil ve všech bodech podél celého vlákna současně s prostorovým rozlišením 5 mm.

Comparison of Winter Temperature Profiles in Asphalt and Concrete Pavements

Dye, Jeremy Brooks 12 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Because winter maintenance is so costly, Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) personnel asked researchers at Brigham Young University to determine whether asphalt or concrete pavements require more winter maintenance. Differing thermal properties suggest that, for the same environmental conditions, asphalt and concrete pavements will have different temperature profiles. Climatological data from 22 environmental sensor stations (ESSs) near asphalt roads and nine ESSs near concrete roads were used to 1) determine which pavement type has higher surface temperatures in winter and 2) compare the subsurface temperatures under asphalt and concrete pavements to determine the pavement type below which more freeze-thaw cycles of the underlying soil occur. Twelve continuous months of climatological data, primarily from the 2009 calendar year, were acquired from the road weather information system operated by UDOT, and erroneous data were removed from the data set. To predict pavement surface temperature, a multiple linear regression was performed with input parameters of pavement type, time period, and air temperature. Similarly, a multiple linear regression was performed to predict the number of subsurface freeze-thaw cycles, based on month, latitude, elevation, and pavement type. A finite-difference model was created to model surface temperatures of asphalt and concrete pavements based on air temperature and incoming radiation. The statistical analysis predicting pavement surface temperatures showed that, for near-freezing conditions, asphalt is better in the afternoon, and concrete is better for other times of the day, but that neither pavement type is better, on average. Asphalt and concrete are equally likely to collect snow or ice on their surfaces, and both pavements are expected to require equal amounts of winter maintenance, on average. Finite-difference analysis results confirmed that, for times of low incident radiation (night), concrete reaches higher temperatures than asphalt, and for times of high incident radiation (day), asphalt reaches higher temperatures than concrete. The regression equation predicting the number of subsurface freeze-thaw cycles provided estimates that did not correlate well with measured values. Consequently, an entirely different analysis must be conducted with different input variables. Data that were not available for this research but are likely necessary in estimating the number of freeze-thaw cycles under the pavement include pavement layer thicknesses, layer types, and layer moisture contents.

Heat Flow in the Southern Margin of Salar de Atacama: Deep Groundwater Temperature Distributions and the Implications for Subsurface Flow and Land Surface Energy Budgets

Thomas, Graham 14 November 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Salar de Atacama (SdA) located in Northern Chile is home to one of the planet’s largest salar systems and lithium resources. Managing groundwater resources in salars is not obvious due to the lack of scientific understanding on the connectivity between the freshwater and brine systems. Using heat as a tracer in SdA provides a cost-effective method to further investigate groundwater flow in salars. This study employs 372 temperature-depth profiles from 90 boreholes between 2013-18 to understand the distinct thermal zones and flow between them in SdA. Three thermal zones exist within the southern margin of SdA’s thermal regime, at higher elevations alluvial fans containing freshwater have a temperature range between 23-28 °C. Down-gradient 2.5 km into the salar transition zone, characterized by freshwater lagoons and newly formed carbonates, the temperature range decreases to 12-17 °C. The transition zone, adjacent to the mature halite crust which hosts a lithium bearing brine and ranges in temperature from 18-22 °C. A 2D numerical groundwater and heat flow model was created to test three hydrologic scenarios to determine how the currently observed thermal regime exists and what the role of groundwater flow is between the different thermal zones. Results demonstrate that a focused flow concept matches current thermal observations with warm inflowing water discharging into the transition zone, cooling due to evaporation, reinfiltrating and preferentially flowing near the surface and discharging again at lagoons near the halite nucleus. Initial focused flow models had the halite nucleus and transition zone hydraulically connected, but results displayed advective flow between the two zones and the halite nucleus carried too much heat from current observations. Indicating the halite nucleus and transition zone has minimal connection, otherwise advective flow would result in thermal equilibrium and a lack of distinct zones as observed. Proper interpretation of temperature-depth profiles along with 2D models place critical constraints on the connectivity between the brine and freshwater systems, providing insight into salar surface energy budgets and a more comprehensive understanding of groundwater flow in the southern margin of SdA. This work gives a new perspective on the groundwater system in SdA while also contributing a novel case study to using heat as a tracer in salar systems.

Hydrological modelling of a catchment supported by the discharge of treated wastewater - A comparison of two model concepts

Rudnick, Sebastian 26 October 2018 (has links)
Die Untersuchung von Klimaszenarien ergab, dass die Grundwasserneubildung in Nordostdeutschland abnehmen könnte. Um Süßgewässer zu erhalten müssen neue Strategien entwickelt werden. Im Gebiet des Lietzengrabens wird Klarwasser eingeleitet, um Feuchtgebiete und Seen zu erhalten. Diese Strategie wurde durch eine Szenarioanalyse erarbeitet, die sich auf das hydrologische iterative Modell ArcEGMO-ASM stützte. In dieser Arbeit wurde das voll integrierte Modell HydroGeoSphere genutzt, um den Fluss von Wasser an der Oberfläche und im Untergrund zu simulieren. Basierend auf dieser Simulation wurden Fließpfade und Aufenthaltszeiten abgeschätzt. Die Ergebnisse beider Modelle wurden analysiert und verglichen. Mit beiden Modellen war es möglich, die Abfluss- und Grundwasserdynamiken im Einzugsgebiet zu reproduzieren. Bei der Anwendung von HydroGeoSphere fehlten Möglichkeiten zur Berücksichtigung von z.B. Schneefall und Wehren, welche in ArcEGMO-ASM vorhanden sind. Die Kalibrierung des Modells lieferte Parameterwerte, die eine Reproduktion der Dynamiken erlaubten. Allerdings könnte HydroGeoSphere nur eingeschränkt nutzbar sein, da die Werte teils unrealistisch waren. HydroGeoSphere ermöglichte aber die Abschätzung von unterirdischen Fließpfaden und Aufenthaltszeiten. Weiter wurde der Austritt von Grundwasser in einen Bachabschnitt durch Messungen bestimmt und mit Simulationsergebnissen verglichen. Keines der Modelle war geeignet, die räumlichen Muster auf dieser Skala zu reproduzieren. Die simulierten Exfiltrationsraten wichen von den beobachteten ab. Der Vergleich von ArcEGMO-ASM und HydroGeoSphere zeigte die Vorteile und Grenzen der Modelle auf. Der Einsatz von HydroGeoSphere bei Untersuchungen von Bewirtschaftungsstrategien macht sich noch nicht bezahlt, vergleicht man den Aufwand mit den Vorteilen. Da HydroGeoSphere weiterentwickelt wird und die Rechenkapazitäten zunehmen, könnte das Modell in der nahen Zukunft in der Praxis nutzbar sein. / Analysis of climatic scenarios for North-East Germany showed that groundwater recharge could decline. In order to sustain freshwaters, new strategies must be developed. At the Lietzengraben catchment treated wastewater is discharged to sustain wetlands and lakes in the catchment. This management strategy was developed previously by scenario analysis, performed by the hydrological iterative model ArcEGMO-ASM. In this work, the fully integrated model HydroGeoSphere was used to simulate the surface and subsurface water flow in the catchment. Based on the simulation results, flow paths and residence times were estimated. The results of the simulations by both models were investigated and compared. It was possible to reproduce the catchment dynamics regarding discharge and groundwater heads reasonably well with both models. The application of HydroGeoSphere was limited due to the inability of the model to represent features like snowfall and weirs, which are represented in ArcEGMO-ASM. The calibrated parameter values enabled the model to reproduce the catchment dynamics reasonably well. HydroGeoSphere may be limited in its use since the obtained values are partially unrealistic. HydroGeoSphere allowed the approximation of subsurface flow paths and residence times. The exfiltration of groundwater to a stream reach was estimated by measurements and compared to simulation results. Both models were not able to reproduce the spatial patterns on a sub-reach scale and the calculated exfiltration rates did not match the observed rates. The comparison of ArcEGMO-ASM and HydroGeoSphere showed the advantages and limitations of both models. Comparing the overall additional effort to the benefits, however, the application of HydroGeoSphere to investigations regarding management strategies or scenario analyses may not pay off. Since HydroGeoSphere is under steady development and computational resources improve, the use of HydroGeoSphere may be applicable in the near future.

Avaliação da composição modal dinâmica do interior geostrófico dos oceanos / Evaluation of the modal composition of the ocean\'s geostrophic interior

Laurindo, Lucas Cardoso 01 April 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho avalia a importância relativa dosmodos dinâmicos na composição da estrutura vertical do fluxo geostrófico e de suas anomalias em relação à média, com o objetivo de fornecer uma descrição das formas de estratificação predominantes na coluna de água e de identificar prováveis regiões de ocorrência de ondas de Rossby planetárias (OR) dos diversos modos dinâmicos. Raios de deformação internos são estimados para avaliar a possibilidade de interações não-lineares entre OR e as alterações da estratificação local forçadas por sua própria passagem. A análise proposta baseia-se em dados de densidade estimados a partir de perfis verticais de salinidade climatológicos aliados a perfis sintéticos de temperatura. Estes últimos são extrapolados verticalmente a partir de dados orbitais da temperatura da superfície do mar (TSM) e da anomalia da altura da superfície livre (h), segundo um método de reconstrução estatística desenvolvido para este estudo. O primeiro modo baroclínico é dominante tanto no fluxo total quanto em suas anomalias, respondendo em média por 30% da estrutura vertical de velocidade, sendo que este valor descresce aproximadamente por uma razão de três em modos superiores. O segundo modo é significativo ou mesmo dominante em algumas regiões, particularmente em latitudes próximas ao equador. O terceiro é evidente em algumas áreas localizadas, mas não assume papéis importantes em escala de bacia. O modo 0 responde por frações de 6 a 9%, mas é provável que estes resultados sejam subestimados pela metodologia aplicada. Anomalias verticais relacionadas ao primeiro modo coincidem com regiões onde OR longas do primeiro modo tem maior expressão, enquanto o segundo modo parece ser um marcador de OR curtas e ondas de instabilidade tropical. Fenômenos transientes associados ao terceiro modo são observados em áreas restritas dos três oceanos. A magnitude das variações dos raios internos em resposta à fenômenos transientes em algumas regiões implicam em variações significativas na velocidade de fase teórica de OR longas lineares, um indício de que efeitos não-lineares podem ser importantes. Por fim, amplificações da importância do modo barotrópico sobre feições topográficas significativas sugere a existência de mecanismos de transferência de energia entre modos dinâmicos induzidas pela interação com a batimetria. / This study evaluates the relative importance of the dynamical modes in the composition of the geostrophic flow and of its anomalies from the long-term average, respectively seeking to determine the dominant vertical stratification structures of the water column and to identify regions where planetary Rossby waves (RW) of different dynamical modes may most likely occur. The baroclinic Rossby radii of deformation are estimated to evaluate the possibility of nonlinear interactions between RWand changes of the local stratification forced by the wave\'s passing. This analysis is based on density data estimated from climatological salinity profiles and synthetic temperature profiles. The latter are vertically extrapolated for sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface height anomaly (h) satellite data, using a statistical reconstruction method developed in this study. The first baroclinic mode dominates both the total geostrophic flow and its anomalies, accounting for 30% of the velocity\'s vertical structure on average, where this value decreases approximately by a factor of 3 in subsequent baroclinic orders. The second mode is significant or even dominant in some areas, particularly near the equator. The third mode is evident in some localized regions, but can be ignored at basin-scales. The barotropic mode accounts for 6 to 9% fractions on average, however these values are probably underestimated by the used methods. Vertical anomalies related to the first baroclinic mode coincide with regions where long RWs answers for a significant fraction of local variance, while the second mode highlights zones where short RWs and tropical instability waves are reported. Transient phenomena related with the third mode are observed in comparatively small areas on all three oceans. The magnitude of the baroclinic radii\'s variations in response of the transient variability results in significant changes of the theorethical phase speed for long linear RWs, an evidence that nonlinear effects may be important. Lastly, the greater significance of the barotropic mode over proeminent bottom features suggests the existence of energy transfer mechanisms between dynamical modes triggered by the interaction with the bathymetry.

Avaliação da composição modal dinâmica do interior geostrófico dos oceanos / Evaluation of the modal composition of the ocean\'s geostrophic interior

Lucas Cardoso Laurindo 01 April 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho avalia a importância relativa dosmodos dinâmicos na composição da estrutura vertical do fluxo geostrófico e de suas anomalias em relação à média, com o objetivo de fornecer uma descrição das formas de estratificação predominantes na coluna de água e de identificar prováveis regiões de ocorrência de ondas de Rossby planetárias (OR) dos diversos modos dinâmicos. Raios de deformação internos são estimados para avaliar a possibilidade de interações não-lineares entre OR e as alterações da estratificação local forçadas por sua própria passagem. A análise proposta baseia-se em dados de densidade estimados a partir de perfis verticais de salinidade climatológicos aliados a perfis sintéticos de temperatura. Estes últimos são extrapolados verticalmente a partir de dados orbitais da temperatura da superfície do mar (TSM) e da anomalia da altura da superfície livre (h), segundo um método de reconstrução estatística desenvolvido para este estudo. O primeiro modo baroclínico é dominante tanto no fluxo total quanto em suas anomalias, respondendo em média por 30% da estrutura vertical de velocidade, sendo que este valor descresce aproximadamente por uma razão de três em modos superiores. O segundo modo é significativo ou mesmo dominante em algumas regiões, particularmente em latitudes próximas ao equador. O terceiro é evidente em algumas áreas localizadas, mas não assume papéis importantes em escala de bacia. O modo 0 responde por frações de 6 a 9%, mas é provável que estes resultados sejam subestimados pela metodologia aplicada. Anomalias verticais relacionadas ao primeiro modo coincidem com regiões onde OR longas do primeiro modo tem maior expressão, enquanto o segundo modo parece ser um marcador de OR curtas e ondas de instabilidade tropical. Fenômenos transientes associados ao terceiro modo são observados em áreas restritas dos três oceanos. A magnitude das variações dos raios internos em resposta à fenômenos transientes em algumas regiões implicam em variações significativas na velocidade de fase teórica de OR longas lineares, um indício de que efeitos não-lineares podem ser importantes. Por fim, amplificações da importância do modo barotrópico sobre feições topográficas significativas sugere a existência de mecanismos de transferência de energia entre modos dinâmicos induzidas pela interação com a batimetria. / This study evaluates the relative importance of the dynamical modes in the composition of the geostrophic flow and of its anomalies from the long-term average, respectively seeking to determine the dominant vertical stratification structures of the water column and to identify regions where planetary Rossby waves (RW) of different dynamical modes may most likely occur. The baroclinic Rossby radii of deformation are estimated to evaluate the possibility of nonlinear interactions between RWand changes of the local stratification forced by the wave\'s passing. This analysis is based on density data estimated from climatological salinity profiles and synthetic temperature profiles. The latter are vertically extrapolated for sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface height anomaly (h) satellite data, using a statistical reconstruction method developed in this study. The first baroclinic mode dominates both the total geostrophic flow and its anomalies, accounting for 30% of the velocity\'s vertical structure on average, where this value decreases approximately by a factor of 3 in subsequent baroclinic orders. The second mode is significant or even dominant in some areas, particularly near the equator. The third mode is evident in some localized regions, but can be ignored at basin-scales. The barotropic mode accounts for 6 to 9% fractions on average, however these values are probably underestimated by the used methods. Vertical anomalies related to the first baroclinic mode coincide with regions where long RWs answers for a significant fraction of local variance, while the second mode highlights zones where short RWs and tropical instability waves are reported. Transient phenomena related with the third mode are observed in comparatively small areas on all three oceans. The magnitude of the baroclinic radii\'s variations in response of the transient variability results in significant changes of the theorethical phase speed for long linear RWs, an evidence that nonlinear effects may be important. Lastly, the greater significance of the barotropic mode over proeminent bottom features suggests the existence of energy transfer mechanisms between dynamical modes triggered by the interaction with the bathymetry.

Study of environmental and energy performance of vegetative roofs and assessment of their impacts in terms of rainwater management / Étude des performances environnementales et énergétiques des toitures végétalisées et évaluation de leur impact en termes de gestion de l'eau de pluie

El Bachawati, Makram 11 July 2016 (has links)
Les toitures végétalisées (TTV) existent en deux types : extensive (EGR) et intensive (IGR). Ils diffèrent principalement par le type de végétation et la profondeur du substrat. Ces travaux de recherche visent à atteindre les objectifs suivants : 1. Déterminer et comparer les impacts environnementaux d’un toit de gravier ballasté traditionnel (TGBR), d’une toiture réfléchissante (WRR), EGR, et IGR ; 2. Quantifier la performance énergétique d’un TGBR et d’une EGR ; 3. Évaluer le potentiel de gestion d’eau et la dynamique de ruissellement d’un TGBR et d’une EGR. Le 1er objectif a été atteint suite à une Analyse comparative de Cycle de Vie (ACV) d’une EGR réelle de 834 m2 et de trois toits fictifs : TGBR, WRR, et IGR. Les résultats indiquent qu’une EGR présente les impacts environnementaux les plus bas pour les 15 catégories d'impacts considérées. Les aspects thermiques et hydriques des TTV ont été testés suite à l’installation d'une maquette TGBR et de deux maquettes EGR sur le toit du département de génie chimique à l'Université de Balamand, Liban. EGR8 et EGR16 sont des maquettes EGR qui diffèrent par la pente ainsi que la profondeur et la composition du substrat. Les profils de température indiquent la réduction des fluctuations de température, l'effet de stockage de chaleur, et l'effet de refroidissement passif. L'étude économique montre que EGR pourrait économiser jusqu'à 45USD/200m2/mois par rapport à TGBR. D’autre part, les profils de la teneur en eau ont démontré que la composition du sol d’EGR8 est plus efficace que celle d’EGR16. En revanche, EGR agit comme un système filtrant surtout pour le cadmium, le fer, le calcium et l'ammonium. / Vegetative roofs (VRs) can be classified into two types : Extensive (EGR) and Intensive (IGR). The main differences between the two are the type of vegetation, the depth of the substrate. This research aims to achieve the following objectives : 1. Determine and compare the potential environmental impacts of traditional gravel ballasted roofs (TGBRs), white reflective roofs (WRRs), EGRs, and IGRs ; 2. Evaluate and compare the energy performance and the heating/cooling demand of TGBRs and EGRs ; 3. Determine and compare the water management potential and the runoff dynamics of TGBRs and EGRs. The first objective was covered by performing a comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) on a real EGR of 834m2 and on three fictitious roofs of the sane area : of TGBRs, WRRs, and IGRs. Results indicated that the EGR had the least potential environmental impacts for the 15 impact categories considered. The second and third objectives were achieved by first installing one TGBR mockup and two EGR mockups on the rooftop of the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Balamand, Lebanon. EGR8 and EGR16 are EGR mockups differed in the roof slope, the depth and the composition of their substrate. Temperature profiles at different substrate depths clearly indicated the reduction of the temperature fluctuations under the substrate layer, the heat storage effect, and the passive cooling effect. The economic study showed that EGR could save up to 45USD/200m2/month compared to TGBR. The water management performance of EGRs illustrated that the soil composition of EGR8 was more efficient than that of EGR16. In contrast, EGR acted as a sink especially for cadmium, iron, calcium, and ammonium.

Groundwater-stream water interactions: point and distributed measurements and innovative upscaling technologies

Gaona Garcia, Jaime 27 June 2019 (has links)
The need to consider groundwater and surface water as a single resource has fostered the interest of the scientific community on the interactions between surface water and groundwater. The region below and alongside rivers where surface hydrology and subsurface hydrology concur is the hyporheic zone. This is the region where water exchange determines many biogeochemical and ecological processes of great impact on the functioning of rivers. However, the complex processes taking place in the hyporheic zone require a multidisciplinary approach. The combination of innovative point and distributed techniques originally developed in separated disciplines is of great advantage for the indirect identification of water exchange in the hyporheic zone. Distributed techniques using temperature as a tracer such as fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing can identify the different components of groundwater-surface water interactions based on their spatial and temporal thermal patterns at the sediment-water interface. In particular, groundwater, interflow discharge and local hyporheic exchange flows can be differentiated based on the distinct size, duration and sign of the temperature anomalies. The scale range and resolution of fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing are well complemented by geophysics providing subsurface structures with a similar resolution and scale. Thus, the use of fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing to trace flux patterns supported by the exploration of subsurface structures with geophysics enables spatial and temporal investigation of groundwater-surface water interactions with an unprecedented level of accuracy and resolution. In contrast to the aforementioned methods that can be used for pattern identification at the interface, other methods such as point techniques are required to quantify hyporheic exchange fluxes. In the present PhD thesis, point methods based on hydraulic gradients and thermal profiles are used to quantify hyporheic exchange flows. However, both methods are one-dimensional methods and assume that only vertical flow occurs while the reality is much more complex. The study evaluates the accuracy of the available methods and the factors that impact their reliability. The applied methods allow not only to quantify hyporheic exchange flows but they are also the basis for an interpretation of the sediment layering in the hyporheic zone. For upscaling of the previous results three-dimensional modelling of flow and heat transport in the hyporheic zone combines pattern identification and quantification of fluxes into a single framework. Modelling can evaluate the influence of factors governing groundwater-surface water interactions as well as assess the impact of multiple aspects of model design and calibration of high impact on the reliability of the simulations. But more importantly, this modelling approach enables accurate estimation of water exchange at any location of the domain with unparalleled resolution. Despite the challenges in 3D modelling of the hyporheic zone and in the integration of point and distributed data in models, the benefits should encourage the hyporheic community to adopt an integrative approach comprising from the measurement to the upscaling of hyporheic processes.

Correction and Optimization of 4D aircraft trajectories by sharing wind and temperature information / Correction et Optimisation de trajectoires d'avions 4D par partage des informations de vent et de température

Legrand, Karim 28 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans l'amélioration de la gestion du trafic aérien. Le vent et la température sont deux paramètres omniprésents, subis, et à l'origine de nombreux biais de prédiction qui altèrent le suivi des trajectoires. Nous proposons une méthode pour limiter ces biais. Le concept "Wind and Température Networking" améliore la prédiction de trajectoire en utilisant le vent et la température mesurés par les avions voisins. Nous détaillons les effets de la température sur l'avion, permettant sa prise en compte. L'évaluation du concept est faite sur 8000 vols. Nous traitons du calcul de trajectoires optimales en présence de vent prédit, pour remplacer les actuelles routes de l'Atlantique Nord, et aboutir à des groupes de trajectoires optimisées et robustes. Dans la conclusion, nous présentons d'autres champs d'applications du partage de vents, et abordons les besoins en nouvelles infrastructures et protocoles de communication, nécessaires à la prise en compte de ce nouveau concept. / This thesis is related to air traffic management systems current changes. On the ground and in flight, trajectory calculation methods and available data differ. Wind and temperature are two ubiquitous parameters that are subject to and cause prediction bias. We propose a concept to limit this bias. Our "Wind and Temperature Networking" concept improves trajectory prediction, using wind and temperature information from neighboring aircraft. We detail the effects of temperature on the aircraft performances, allowing for temperature to be taken into account. The concept evaluation is done on 8000 flights. We discuss the calculation of optimal trajectories in the presence of predicted winds, to replace the current North Atlantic Tracks, and to provide optimized and robust groups of trajectories. The conclusion of this thesis presents other fields of wind sharing applications, and addresses the need for new telecommunications infrastructures and protocols.

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