Spelling suggestions: "subject:"emporary housing"" "subject:"atemporary housing""
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<p>Post-disaster temporary housing has been a significant
challenge for the emergency management group and industries for many years. According
to reports by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), housing in
states and territories is ranked as the second to last proficient in 32 core
capabilities for preparedness.The number of temporary housing required in a
geographic area is influenced by a variety of factors, including social issues,
financial concerns, labor workforce availability, and climate conditions. Acknowledging
and creating a balance between these interconnected needs is considered as one
of the main challenges that need to be addressed. Post-disaster temporary
housing is a multi-objective process, thus reaching the optimized model relies
on how different elements and objectives interact, sometimes even conflicting,
with each other. This makes decision making in post-disaster construction more
restricted and challenging, which has caused ineffective management in post-disaster
housing reconstruction.</p>
<p>Few researches have studied the use of Artificial
Intelligence modeling to reduce the time and cost of post-disaster sheltering.
However, there is a lack of research and knowledge gap regarding the selection
and the magnitude of effect of different factors of the most optimized type of Temporary
Housing Units (THU) in a post-disaster event.</p>
The proposed framework
in this research uses supervised machine learing to maximize certain design
aspects of and minimize some of the difficulties to better support creating
temporary houses in post-disaster situations. The outcome in this study is the
classification type of the THU, more particularly, classifying THUs based on
whether they are built on-site or off-site. In order
to collect primary data for creating the model and evaluating the magnitude of
effect for each factor in the process, a set of surveys were distributed
between the key players and policymakers who play a role in providing temporary
housing to people affected by natural disasters in the United States. The
outcome of this framework benefits from tacit knowledge of the experts in the
field to show the challenges and issues in the subject. The result of this
study is a data-based multi-objective decision-making tool for selecting the
THU type. Using this tool, policymakers who are in charge of selecting and
allocating post-disaster accommodations can select the THU type most responsive
to the local needs and characteristics of the affected people in each natural
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Guild's Lake Courts : an impermanent housing projectMarch, Tanya Lyn 01 January 2010 (has links)
Guild's Lake Courts was built as temporary worker housing for the steel and shipyard industries during World War II. The massive housing development in Northwest Portland consisted of 2,432 units of housing, five community buildings, five childcare centers, a grade school and a fire station. Guild's Lake Courts was the eighth largest housing project built at that time in the United States. The peak population in January 1945 was approximately 10,000 individuals. Archival research, face-to-face oral histories, and resident reunions were used to explore the social, architectural and political history of Guild's Lake Courts. The lens for understanding how the community operated is dominantly for the social history that of a childhood homefront experience. Four wartime themes emerged in this study: 1) that Portland's focus on prejudice dimmed during the war years, 2) that the community was a confluence of humanity, 3) that the design of the site and the housing was shaped by a convergence of New Deal innovations in design construction technologies and electrification and 4) that there was a willingness to sacrifice creature comforts during the war years. Guild's Lake Courts as a residential community under went three rapid evolutions prior to its demolition in 1951, a wartime housing operation 1942-1945, affordable housing 1945-1948, and a haven for Vanport Refugees June 1948-1950. Guild's Lake Courts history has been overlooked but it offers insights into the possible fate of the residents of Vanport City had the community not been flooded in 1948. The story of Guild's Lake Courts is a counterpoint story to Vanport City the largest of the three defense housing projects in Oregon that admitted African-Americans during the war years.
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Temporära bostäder i den socialt hållbara staden / Temporary housing in the socially sustainable cityBorg, Gustaf, Kennerstedt, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
Majoriteten av världens befolkning bor i städer, och ännu fler kommer bo där i framtiden. Denna urbanisering ställer stora krav på stadsutvecklingen, samtidigt som vår tids utmaning handlar om att ställa om vårt samhälle till att bli mer hållbart. Det finns många idéer om hur stadsplaneringen ska skötas. En metod är att använda temporära bostäder, något som har gjorts vid Frihamnen i Göteborg. Detta ställer då frågan om liknande projekt är tillämpningsbara på större skala, samtidigt som det inte får hamna i konflikt med strävan efter hållbarhet? Socialt hållbar stadsutveckling och social hållbarhet går hand i hand. Det ena skapar plattformar för det andra. Termerna har breda definitioner inom litteraturen, dock framhålls ofta viktiga aspekter som social interaktion, delaktighet, variation, och samverkan för att skapa social hållbarhet. Temporära installationer har blivit ett alltmer vanligare och uppskattat fenomen inom stadsplanering eftersom man inte binder upp sig i långsiktiga lösningar, och framtagandet av sådana platser kan ske i samråd med invånarna. Rapporten är delvis gjord på en fallstudie av Frihamnen, där de temporära bostäderna har en central del i planeringsprocessen. Frihamnen har planer på att inrätta andra temporära områden som exempelvis Jubileumsparken intill. Många av dimensionerna av social hållbarhet kommer att behöva identifieras i efterhand, men det går att dra paralleller redan innan mellan projektet och social hållbarhet. Exempel på dessa är delaktighet och variation av funktioner. Temporära bostäder påverkar social hållbarhet i sig inte särskilt mycket mer än vad permanenta byggnader kan göra. Däremot bör de utgöra en del av ett temporärt område för att gynna en blandning av funktioner och verksamheter, och kan på så sätt vara en del av social hållbarstadsplanering. Ämnesområdet kring temporära bostäder i förhållande till social hållbarhet och planering är dock relativt outforskat, vilket gör att det är svårt att ställa generella slutsatser. / The majority of the world’s population live in the cities, and even more will live there in the future. This urbanization puts great demands on urban development, at the same time as our times great challenge will be to make our society sustainable. There are many ideas of how the urban development should be done. One method is to use temporary housing, something which has been done at Frihamnen in Gothenburg. This raises the question if similar projects are applicable on a bigger scale, whilst still not conflicting with our pursuit for sustainability? Social sustainable urban development and social sustainability walks hand in hand. One creates platforms for the other. The terms have broad definitions within the literature, although important aspects that often is highlighted consists of social interaction, participation, variation and collaboration to create social sustainability. Temporary installments have become a more frequent used and appreciated phenomenon within urban development since one does not commit to long term solutions, and the process of building such places may be in collaboration with the citizens. The thesis is done partly on a case-study of Frihamnen, where temporary housing has a central place in the planning process. Frihamnen has other plans to build other temporary installments in the nearby area, such as Jubileumsparken. Many of the dimensions of social sustainability will need to be identified after the project, but it is possible to draw parallels already between the project and social sustainability. Examples of such is participation and a variation of functions. Temporary housing does not affect social sustainability much more than permanent buildings would do. However, they should be a part of an area that consists of temporary installments, and can in that way be a part of social sustainable urban development. The topic about temporary housing within social sustainability and planning is relative unexplored, which means that it is hard to make general conclusions.
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Residencia Universitaria en Los Olivos / ShapeStudent housing in Los OlivosDominguez Aliaga, Emili del Pilar 31 March 2021 (has links)
El siguiente trabajo de investigación parte como respuesta a la falta de residencias universitarias en Lima, ciudad más importante del país, que a pesar de la gran oferta de estudiantes universitarios que se ha venido dando durante los últimos años, solo cuenta con una residencia universitaria propiamente dicha. Según cifras, del total de becas que se otorga todos los años en el Programa Nacional de Becas (PRONABEC), el 85% lo obtienen estudiantes del interior del país, que en su gran mayoría vienen a la capital a estudiar en universidades tanto públicas como privadas. Ante esta situación, los estudiantes optan por el alquiler de casas que no cuentan con espacios comunes donde puedan desarrollarse académica y socialmente. Es por ello que se plantea una residencia destinada exclusivamente para alumnos universitarios que se encuentran estudiando en alguna institución cercana. Por otro lado, el proyecto al estar ubicado estratégicamente en el distrito de Los Olivos, donde existen varios polos educativos y oportunidades de negocio, estará compuesto por tres tipologías: residencia, oficinas coworking y comercio local, ya que no solo se busca resolver el tema de estadía, sino que ayude a que los jóvenes tengan un mejor desarrollo profesional durante y después de su etapa universitaria, que tengan mayor conexión con su entorno directo y su comunidad, creando patios abiertos acompañados con áreas verdes de esparcimiento donde puedan intercambiar diferentes costumbres que cada uno tiene del lugar donde nacieron, logrando una interculturalidad entre los usuarios. / The research work below begins in response to the lack of student housing in Lima, the most important city in the country, which despite the great offer of university students that has been given in recent years, only has one university residence proper. According to statistics, of the total scholarships awarded every year in the National Scholarship Program (PRONABEC), 85% are obtained by students from country, who mostly come to the capital to study at both, public or private universities. Faced with this situation, students choose to rent houses that do not have common spaces where they can develop academically and socially. That is why a residence is proposed exclusively for young university students who are studying at a nearby institution. On the other hand, the project being strategically located in the district of Los Olivos, where there are several educational areas and business opportunities, because of that the project consists in three typologies: residence, coworking offices and local commerce, because not only do you seek to resolve the issue of stay, it also helps to young people have better professional development during and after their university stage , that have greater connection with their direct environment and their community, creating open plazas with green areas of recreation where they can exchange different customs that each has of the place where they were born, achieving an interculturality among users. / Tesis
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Welcome home, please leave soon : Exploring temporary housing in the city of Stockholm.Langefors, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Temporary building permits for housing purposes has recently received attention thanks to an addition to the Planning and Building Act (9 chap. 33a§). This addition should make it easier to receive temporary building permits for housing, even if the need is not deemed to be temporary. This is done with the hope that temporary housing can help reducing the housing shortage in Sweden. However, there are a number of challenges to be aware of when developing temporary housing, as housing should be adequate, affordable, and socially sustainable. This study explores the usage of temporary building permits for housing in Stockholm. The situation was explored through archive search that resulted in descriptive statistics, and an exploration of five cases. These cases were evaluated based on social sustainability factors that could be related to the built environment and the development process. The time frames of the cases were put in relation to how the notion of temporary is used within the post-disaster context and in temporary urbanism. That resulted in a framework for categorizing interventions in the built environment based on their time frames, which can be useful for exploring the temporal aspects of the built environment and how the notion of temporary can be understood. This study shows that temporary housing in Stockholm is mostly targeted at specific groups in society, and that it is developed with an adequate standard, but the possible effect that the temporary aspect could have on the residents is not problematized and the small number of projects means that it will not contribute to reducing the housing shortage in Stockholm. The conclusion of this study is that temporary housing can be socially sustainable (when only considering physical factors), but it does not contribute to an increase in social sustainability on a larger societal scale. / Tidsbegränsade bygglov för bostäder har fått uppmärksamhet de senaste åren på grund av ett tillägg till Plan- och bygglagen (9 kap. 33a§). Målet med detta tillägg är att det ska bli enklare att få tidsbegränsat bygglov för bostäder, även om behovet av bostäderna bedöms vara längre än tiden för bygglovet. Förhoppningen är att dessa temporära bostäder ska bidra till att minska bostadsbristen i Sverige. Det är dock viktigt att vara uppmärksam på att det finns utmaningar som behöver beaktas i projekt för temporära bostäder, då de bör vara lämpliga bostäder, tillgängliga till ett överkomligt pris, och socialt hållbara. I denna studie utforskas användningen av tidsbegränsade bygglov för bostäder i Stockholm. Situationen undersöktes med hjälp av arkivsökningar som resulterade i beskrivande statistik, samt en studie av fem fall där tidsbegränsade bygglov använts för bostäder. Dessa utvärderades utifrån ett antal faktorer för social hållbarhet som kan relateras till den byggda miljön och processer som rör denna. Tidsramarna för fallen sattes i relation till hur begreppet temporärt används inom postdisaster forskning och temporär urbanism för att undersöka temporala aspekter av den byggda miljön, samt hur begreppet temporär kan förstås och definieras. Detta resulterade i ett ramverk för att kategorisera händelser i den byggda miljön baserat på dess tidsramar. Resultatet av studien visar att temporära bostäder i Stockholm utvecklas med en adekvat standard, men de effekter som den temporära aspekten skulle kunna ha på de boende problematiseras inte i debatten. Temporära bostäder riktas oftast till specifika grupper i samhället och det utvecklas såpass få temporära bostäder att de inte kan sägas bidra till att minska bostadsbristen i Stockholm. Sammanfattningsvis så kan temporära bostäder vara socialt hållbara (om hänsyn bara tas till fysiska faktorer), men det bidrar inte till en socialt hållbar utveckling.
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