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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Field Methods, Sampling Strategies, Historical Documents, and Data Redundancy: A Study of Historic Tenant Farmsteads in Leflore County, Mississippi

Zoino, Jayson Jon 08 December 2017 (has links)
Historic tenant farmsteads are often thought to be redundant archaeological resources because of their limited temporal range and function which acts to limit the diversity of their archaeological assemblages. However, work has not been done that confirms this equivalence, and archaeologists often write off tenant farmsteads as being too modern or too disturbed to warrant investigation. This is a problematic approach as tenant farmsteads are quickly eroding from the American landscape and a representative sample of sites need to be investigated and preserved before they’re gone. This thesis tests different sampling strategies and field methods that may allow for the efficient investigation of tenant farmsteads without jeopardizing historical knowledge. The results show that the sites studied in this thesis are in fact redundant and a number of different methods can be used to investigate them in a much more efficient manner.

Is it appropriate to int roduce free subleasing in Bostadsrättslagen? / Skulle det vara läm pligt att i bostadsrättslagen införa bestämmelser som möjliggör friandrahandsupplåtelse?

Larsson, Andrea, Uggla, Uggla January 2019 (has links)
Today, Sweden suffers from a shortage of housing in many of the country's growth areas, a shortage of housing that hardens the country's growth and the creation of new jobs. Svenskt Näringsliv believes that several measures are needed to solve the shortcoming. (Svenskt Näringsliv 2019) The structures in housing policy therefore need to be reviewed and a longterm solution is a must. In the short term, however, there is a possible saving in the country's tenant-owned apartments that, with more generous rules on subleasing, could provide a necessary supplement to temporary housing where needed. According to the current provisions of Bostadsrättslagen, a tenant-owner may sublease his apartment if the board of the tenant owners’ co-operative agrees to this. In cases where consent is not required, the tenant-owner has the opportunity to turn to Hyresnämnden, which will test the interests of the two parties against each other in order to decide the issue. Thus, it can be stated that it is not up to the tenant-owner himself to decide whether he can sublease his apartment. The revisions that have been made since Bostadsrättslagen was issued have been to the benefit of the tenant-owner. Despite this there are today various restrictions that prevents the tenant-owner from freely subleasing his apartment. The purpose of this essay has therefore been to clarify the reasoning behind the provisions of the regulations, test its relevance based on the current situation and finally to analyse whether it is appropriate to introduce free provisions on subleasing, for independent use, to the advantage of the tenant-owner. In order to investigate this, an overall literature study was first conducted to map the extent of the issue in sources of law. Subsequently, an in-depth analysis of the sources of law, considered relevant regarded to the purpose of the thesis, was performed. The sources of law that were processed in this essay were laws, proposition of laws and government reports. Consequently, case law and parliament reports has not been addressed in this paper. Lastly, the question was answered with anchoring in the in-depth literature analysis. The conclusion is that it is appropriate to introduce free subleasing in Bostadsrättslagen if the benefits of this provision outweigh the scope of the work that a revision of the law could entail. / Sverige lider idag av en brist på bostäder i många av landets tillväxtorter, en bostadsbrist som slår hårt mot landets tillväxt och skapandet av nya jobb. Svenskt näringsliv menar på att flera åtgärder behövs för att lösa bristen. (Svenskt Näringsliv 2019) Strukturerna i bostadspolitiken behöver därmed ses över och en långsiktig lösning är ett måste. På kort sikt finns dock ett tänkbart sparkapital i landets bostadsrätter som, vid generösare regler om andrahandsupplåtelse för självständigt brukande, hade kunnat tillföra ett nödvändigt tillskott på tillfälliga bostäder där det behövs. Enligt dagens bestämmelser i bostadsrättslagen får en bostadsrättshavare upplåta sin lägenhet i andrahand om bostadsrättsföreningens styrelse samtycker till detta. I de fall samtycke ej erhålls har bostadsrättshavaren möjlighet att vända sig till hyresnämnden, vilken prövar de två parternas intressen mot varandra för att avgöra frågan. Således kan det konstateras att det inte är upp till bostadsrättshavaren själv att avgöra om denne kan hyra ut sin lägenhet. De revideringar som genomförts sedan bostadsrättslagen infördes har varit till fördel för bostadsrättshavaren, trots detta har denne idag således diverse inskränkningar som hindrar denne från att fritt upplåta sin lägenhet i andra hand. Denna uppsats syfte har därför varit att klarlägga resonemanget bakom bestämmelsernas utformning, pröva dess relevans utifrån dagens rådande situation och slutligen analysera om det är lämpligt att i bostadsrättslagen införa bestämmelser som möjliggör fri andrahandsupplåtelse. För att utreda detta genomfördes först en övergripande litteraturstudie för att kartlägga frågans utbredning i juridiska rättskällor. Därefter utfördes en djupgående analys av de rättskällor som ansågs relevanta med hänsyn till uppsatsens syfte. De rättskällor som behandlades var lagar, propositioner och statliga betänkanden inom området. Rättspraxis och riksdagsbetänkanden har följaktligen inte berörts i denna uppsats. Slutligen besvarades frågeställningen med förankring i den djupgående litteraturanalysen. Slutsatsen i denna uppsats är att det är lämpligt att i bostadsrättslagen införa bestämmelser som möjliggör fri andrahandsupplåtelse om fördelarna denna bestämmelse medför väger tyngre än omfattningen av det arbete en revidering av lagen skulle kunna innebära.

Bostadsrättsföreningen som hyresvärd / Tenant-owner Association as the Landlord

Nätt, Alfons, Lilja, Niklas January 2024 (has links)
Att ombilda en hyresrätt till en bostadsrätt har sedan 1980-talet varit en politisk diskussion. Efter lagen om rätt till fastighetsförvärv för ombildning vann laga kraft gjordes det möjligt att förvärvet av fastigheten kunde ske på de boendes initiativ. Som konsekvens av detta och även framtida lagändringar har ombildningstakten, under perioder, varit hög.  Denna uppsats har som syfte att undersöka vilka problem som förekommer i ombildade bostadsrättsföreningar med kvarvarande hyresgäster, samt vilka orsakerna är till problemen. Dessutom kommer det att diskuteras åtgärder för de problem som föreligger. För att identifiera problemen och för att försöka hitta lösningar har intervjuer genomförts med bostadsrättsföreningar som har kvarvarande hyresgäster, samt sakkunniga inom området. Det har även genomförts en litteraturstudie, där juridisk litteratur, författningar, propositioner och statens offentliga utredningar har varit grundläggande och har kompletterats med annan juridisk litteratur.  Via intervjuerna och litteraturstudien har det identifierats flera problem som kan uppstå i detta hyresförhållande. Trots att problemen inte uteslutande förekommer i bostadsrättsföreningar finns en ökad tendens till att de uppstår. Dessa problem berör huvudsakligen lägenhetens skick, hyran och hyresförhandling samt hot om uppsägning. Problematiken blir huvudsakligen praktisk snarare än juridisk då lagstiftningen ser likadan ut för detta hyresförhållande som om det hade varit en “vanlig hyresvärd”. Brist på ekonomi och kunskap hos bostadsrättsföreningarna är den största orsaken till dessa problem. Det skiljer sig mellan de olika bostadsrättsföreningarna i form av deras kompetens och ekonomi, således blir problematiken olika föreningarna emellan och även hur de kan hantera det. / Converting a rental apartment into a tenant-owned housing unit has been a political discussion since the 1980s. After the law on the right to acquire property for conversion came into force, it became possible for the acquisition of the property to occur at the initiative of the tenants. As a consequence of this and subsequent legal changes, the rate of conversions has been high during certain periods. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether and what problems occur in converted tenant-owned associations with remaining tenants and the causes of these problems. Furthermore, it will discuss potential solutions. To identify the problems and attempt to find potential solutions, we conducted interview studies with tenant-owned associations that have remaining tenants as well as experts in the field. A literature study was also conducted, where legal litterature such as statutes, bills, and government inquiries formed the basis and were supplemented with other legal literature. Through the interviews and the literature study, several problems that can arise in this rental relationship have been identified. Although the problems do not exclusively occur in housing cooperatives, there is a tendency for them to arise more frequently. These problems mainly concern the condition of the apartment, the rent and rent negotiations, and the threat of eviction. The issues become mainly practical rather than legal, as the legislation is the same for this rental relationship as if it were a "regular” landlord. Financial problems and lack of knowledge within the tenant-owner associations are the main causes for these problems. It varies between different housing cooperatives in terms of their competence and financial situation, hence the problems differ among them and also how they can manage them.

Hållbara studentbostäder : Självförvaltning av studentbostäder / Sustainability in student homes : Tentant participation in student housing

Gundstedt, Emma, Karlsson, Kristina January 2014 (has links)
Sammanfattning Denna uppsats undersöker möjligheten till självförvaltning i studentbostäder. Med rådande studentbostadsbrist i baktankarna är syftet med arbetet att bidra till en ökad produktion av studentbostäder i Sverige, med målet är att klarlägga studenters inställning till självförvaltning. Detta ska besvaras med hjälp av frågeställningarna som följer:   Vad innebär självförvaltning? I vilken utsträckning kan en student hjälpa till med förvaltningen av bostadshuset? Hur stort är intresset för självförvaltning bland studenterna? Uppsatsen grundar sig på en litteraturstudie om självförvaltning, intervjuer med fastighetsförvaltare och slutligen en enkätstudie, som ska klarlägga studenters inställning till självförvaltning. Uppsatsen är en fördjupning av vad självförvaltning innebär. Begreppet är svårtolkat, men kan förklaras som ett underhållsarbete inom den egna fastigheten som utförs av de boende till en reducerad hyra. Detta är dock endast möjligt vid ett ömsesidigt samarbete där hyresvärden frivilligt överlåter underhållsansvaret till hyresgästerna, som i sin tur är villiga att åta sig ansvaret. Utöver de psykologiska aspekter som finns kan även lagar försvåra utveckling och expansion av självförvaltningsprojekt. Under intervjuer med fastighetsförvaltare presenterades förslag på underhållsarbeten som studenter skulle kunna överta, med resultatet att en övervägande del av uppgifterna kunde överlåtas om alla förvaltares svar sammanställdes. Vidare gjordes en enkätundersökning som representerar 232 tillfrågade personer och utgörs av lika delar studenter vid högskola och universitet som gymnasister. En uppdelning mellan kön, hemmiljö och boende gjordes för att se om några skillnader förelåg mellan urvalsgrupperna. Förvaltare har en delvis negativ inställning till idén om självförvaltning, eftersom de har ett lägre förtroende för hur ansvarstagande studenterna är. Enligt enkätresultatet har gymnasister en bättre inställning till självförvaltning än studenterna. Det som är genomgående är att gymnasister generellt har ett större intresse för samtliga frågeställningar i enkäten och det som avviker mest är deras förhållning till ansvar och inflytande, som sågs som dubbelt så viktigt hos gymnasisterna än hos studenterna. Vår rekommendation är att utföra en testomgång med enbart deltagare som börjar högskola eller universitet direkt efter gymnasiet, eftersom det är vår tro att de inte ännu är påverkade av rådande bostadsmarknad och har ett större intresse för självförvaltning än studenterna. / Abstract This paper investigates the possibility of tenant governance in student housing. With the shortage of student homes in mind, the purpose of this work is to contribute to an increased production of student homes in Sweden, with the aim to clarify students' attitudes towards tenant governance. This should be answered through the questions that follow:   1. What is the intent of tenant governance? 2. To what extent can a student help with the maintenance of the residential building? 3. How great is the interest in tenant governance among students? This paper is based on a literature study on the subject of tenant governance, interviews with property managers and a questionnaire study, to clarify students' attitudes towards tenant governance. The paper further investigates what tenant governance means and it is clarified that the concept is somewhat unclear but may be explained as maintenance work within the residential building that is carried out by the tenants, whom in return get their rent reduced. The concept of tenant governance depends on mutual cooperation between the landlord and the tenants. For tenant governance to work properly a landlord, who is willing to devolve his or hers responsibilities regarding the maintenance work to the tenants, is needed along with having tenants that are willing to assume that responsibility. In addition to the psychological aspects are laws that may hamper the development and expansion of tenant governance projects. In interviews suggested maintenance work, which could be performed by the students, was presented to property managers of student homes. The outcome was positive as the results show that the property managers could devolve all of the suggested work to the students, if compiled together.  Furthermore, a survey representing 232 people surveyed, consisting of equal parts of university students and high school students was carried out. A break down by gender, upbringing and type of living was made to see if any differences exist between the sample groups. The interviews showed that the property managers have a partly negative attitude towards the idea of tenant governance in student housing as their confidence in students' sense of responsibility is limited. According to the survey results, high school students tend to have a more positive attitude towards tenant governance than the university students. In general the high school students seem to have a greater interest in the questions asked. The most important difference between the sample groups was the fact that high school students tended to see influence and responsibility twice as important as the university students. Our proposal is to implement a test round with tenant governance in student housing. Moreover we suggest having only students who begin university directly after high school, as it is our belief that they are less influenced by today's housing market and have a greater interest in tenant governance than the university students.

Hur skulle ett offentligt bostadsrättsregister påverka Kronofogdemyndighetens arbete?

Bolldén, Max, Mannberg, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
Införandet av ett offentligt bostadsrättsregister har diskuterats under en längre tidoch den pågående offentliga utredningen aktualiserar frågan ytterligare, inte minstur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv. Ett offentligt bostadsrättsregister har potentialen attunderlätta arbetet för olika myndigheter som till exempel Kronofogdemyndighetensamtidigt som det förenklar finansiella nyttjandet av bostadsrätten. Det offentligabostadsrättsregistret kan användas som bevis för ägande av en bostadsrätt vidpantsättningen av en bostadsrättslägenhet. Idag finns information om befintligapanträtter samt övrig bostadsrättsinformation inom bostadsrättsföreningarna ochinte i ett offentligt register. Den ibland bristfälliga hanteringen inombostadsrättsföreningarna har resulterat i rättsliga tvister, lägre kreditvärden och ettmer komplicerat samspel mellan inblandade parter vid pantsättning av enbostadsrätt. Denna studie syftar till att i detta sammanhang specifikt studera hurinförandet av ett offentligt bostadsrättsregister skulle kunna effektivisera ochunderlätta Kronofogdemyndighetens arbete.För att försöka besvara studiens frågeställningar har metoden utgjorts av enlitteraturstudie samt intervjuer med representanter från relevanta aktörer. I tidigareexamensarbeten har frågan undersökts från ett generellt perspektiv. / The creation of a tenant-owners register has been discussed for a long time and theongoing public inquiry raises the issue further, not least from a legal securityperspective. A public tenant-ownership register has the potential to facilitate thework of various authorities, such as the Swedish Enforcement Authority, while atthe same time simplifying the financial use of the tenant-ownership. The publictenant-owner register can be used as proof of ownership when mortgaging a tenantownership. Today, there is information about existing mortgages as well as othertenant-owner information within the tenant-owner associations and not in a publicregister. The sometimes inadequate handling within the tenant-owner associationshas resulted in legal disputes, lower credit values and a more complicatedinteraction between the parties involved in mortgaging a tenant-ownership. Thisstudy aims to in this context specifically study how the introduction of a publictenant-owner register could streamline and facilitate the Swedish EnforcementAuthority’s work.To try to answer the study's questions, the method consisted of a literature studyand interviews with representatives from relevant actors. In previous degreeprojects, the issue has been examined from a general perspective.

Tenant participation in public housing management: the change from Estate Management Advisory Committee toOwners Corporation

張雪兒, Cheung, Suet-yee, Vivian. January 2001 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Housing Management / Master / Master of Housing Management

Farming Someone Else's Land: Farm Tenancy in the Texas Brazos River Valley, 1850-1880

Harper, Cecil 12 1900 (has links)
This dissertation develops and utilizes a methodology for combining data drawn from the manuscript census returns and the county tax rolls to study landless farmers during the period from 1850 until 1880 in three Texas Brazos River Valley counties: Fort Bend, Milam, and Palo Pinto. It focuses in particular on those landless farmers who appear to have had no option other than tenant farming. It concludes that there were such landless farmers throughout the period, although they were a relatively insignificant factor in the agricultural economy before the Civil War. During the Antebellum decade, poor tenant farmers were a higher proportion of the population on the frontier than in the interior, but throughout the period, they were found in higher numbers in the central portion of the river valley. White tenants generally avoided the coastal plantation areas, although by 1880, that pattern seemed to be changing. Emancipation had tremendous impact on both black and white landless farmers. Although both groups were now theoretically competing for the same resource, productive crop land, their reactions during the first fifteen years were so different that it suggests two systems of tenant farming divided by caste. As population expansion put increasing pressure on the land, the two systems began to merge on terms resembling those under which black tenants had always labored.

The use of housing receiverships as a tool for neighborhood revitalization

Colón, Melvyn January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (M.C.P.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 1982. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCH / Bibliography: leaves 119-120. / by Melvyn Colón. / M.C.P.

Substandard Rental Housing in the Promise Zone of a Mid-Sized U.S. City

Metzger, Ruth Elizabeth 01 January 2018 (has links)
A persistent gap exists between established federal, state, and local standards for housing habitability and the condition of rental housing. The condition persists despite local code enforcement mechanisms, leaving significant potential to improve housing. Such housing can have adverse impacts on people's physical and mental health, economic stability, education, crime, community development, and municipal budgets. The purpose of this case study was to identify factors that create and perpetuate the problem, make it difficult to resolve, and to identify policy actions with the potential to help mitigate it. Rational choice theory and public choice theory formed the framework to analyze motivations and behaviors of policy makers, policy enforcers, policy influencers, and renters who are affected by policy. Data were collected through 23 semi-structured interviews with city officials, property owners, local housing advocates, low-income renters, investigative reporters, and legal aid attorneys. Interview data were open coded and subjected to a thematic analysis. Themes emerging from the study include lack of accountability for owners and renters, barriers to adequate local code enforcement, financial and investment practices that place properties into the hands of owners who fail to maintain them, historical influences related to construction practices and changing ownership patterns, broader costs to families and the community, and external influences related to economic and demographic trends. The positive social change implications stemming from this study include recommendations for policy makers to address factors that create and perpetuate this type of housing, strengthen code enforcement, and ensure habitable housing for all citizens regardless of their income.

The Kikinaw housing project, Winnipeg Manitoba: green low-income housing, tenant-centred management, and resident well-being

Roder, Jessica 21 January 2008 (has links)
An individual’s housing situation can have a significant impact on their well-being and overall health. Low-income individuals and those on social assistance often have little choice in housing. Increased housing satisfaction can have an immediate impact on quality of life and can also have influence in the longer-term. This case study examines the satisfaction and well-being of tenants in a Winnipeg, Manitoba low-income housing project. The buildings that are part of the Kikinaw Housing Project were renovated using green building strategies, a tenant-centred management model is being implemented, and there are several social supports available exclusively to tenants. Interviews and focus groups were conducted with tenants, support staff and management. The practicum concludes that tenants are more satisfied with their living conditions at Kikinaw compared to their previous residence. Residents generally feel better about their health, have more social ties, and take pride in their homes. This improvement in tenant’s lives in turn strengthens the community. The practicum concludes with eight recommendations for housing providers, policy makers, and government bodies. These are divided into three categories: delivery of services, funding provisions and policy, and green and community enhancements. Recommendations include: i) more tenant involvement, ii) improving people’s ability to deal with stress, iii) flexible funding and support, iv) consistent funding and cooperation, v) enhancing social interaction and community, vi) green housing for all incomes levels, vii) resident education about the project, viii) healthy housing policy and healthy public policy. / February 2008

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